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Page 1: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1450 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation F irst impressions may be fleeting, but the initial feelings of comfort

specializing in a Luxury lifestyle

1450 GLENWOOD DRIVEMineola West – Mississauga

Page 2: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1450 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation F irst impressions may be fleeting, but the initial feelings of comfort

An Elegant Presentation

FF i r s t imp r e s s i on s may b e f l e e t i ng , b u t t h e i n i t i a lf e e l i ngs o f comfo r t and f ami l i a r i t y t ha t you a r e bound t of ee l w i th t h i s 4+1 bed room, 3 -ba th room expans ive bunga loware su r e t o l a s t ! Tucked away i n t he de s i r ab l e Mineo l a Wes tne ighbo rhood , o f f e r i ng a l a rge Muskoka - l i ke ya rd s i t ua t edon a 119 .9 x 195 .6 deep l o t w i th ma tu r e t r e e s . I t i s c l o se t osome o f Mi s s i s s auga ’s e l i t e s choo l s , l oca l r e s t au r an t s , s t ep sto Po r t C red i t Go S t a t i on and t he exc i t i ng Po r t C red i tCommun i ty. Th i s home i s we l l ma in t a ined w i th a move - incond i t i on , wh ich you may r enova t e t o mee t you r f ami ly ’sneeds o r t o bu i l d you r d r eam home!

The sunken foye r i s a we l coming nook w i th po t l i gh t s , s l a t et i l i ng , and a doub l e -doo r c l o se t . When you wa lk up s l i gh t l yyou w i l l be l ed i n to t he k i t chen wh ich o ff e r s a s i z eab l ed i n i n g a r e a a n d a d e l i g h t f u l p a s t i c h e o f p a t t e r n s a n dcus tomized accen t s . The go rgeous wa t e r co lo r na tu r a l qua r t zcoun t e r t op and pa r t i a l backsp l a sh a r e t he pe r f ec t pa r a l l e l t ot h e b u i l t - i n P e r o l a b amboo c a b i n e t r y, wh i c h h o u s e s ac u s t om b u i l t - i n h i d d e n M i e l e r e f r i g e r a t o r , M i e l ed i shwashe r, and a Wol f ga s s t ove top w i th e l e c t r i c oven . Theopen concep t d in ing room f ea tu r e s oak ha rdwood f l oo r ing ,f l o o r - t o - c e i l i n g w i n dows , p o t l i g h t s a n d a n a r t i s a n a lchande l i e r. Lead ing i n to t he l i v ing room i s a s t one su r roundgas f i r ep l ace and a wa lkou t t o t he expans ive deck . The fu l l yf enced backya rd w i l l g ive you a t r ue t a s t e o f t he g r ea tou tdoo r s and p l en ty o f p r i vacy w i th ma tu r e t r e e s and a woodshed .

A t t he end o f a co r r i do r i s t he ma in - f l oo r ba th room, wh ichboas t s a cu s tomized cu rved van i t y and a g l a s s - enc lo seds h owe r w i t h a t t r a c t i v e mo s a i c t i l i n g . T h r e e s i z e a b l ebed rooms each f ea tu r e a l a rge w indow and oak ha rdwoodf loo r ing , and t he mas t e r su i t e ha s a doub l e -doo r c l o se t andan ensu i t e w i th a g l a s s enc lo sed shower.

The l ower l eve l h igh l i gh t s a r e c r ea t i on room wi th cus tomex te r i o r and i n t e r i o r t i l i ng f l oo r s , above g r ade w indows ,po t l i gh t s , and a s t one su r round ga s Va lo r f i r ep l ace . Spec i a lbu i l t - i n she lv ing w i th unde rmoun t l i gh t i ng w i l l a l l ow eventhe mos t ded i ca t ed hobby i s t o r a rden t bookworm to d i sp l aythe i r p r i de and j oy. An i n t ima t e den o ff s e t s t he r e c r ea t i onroom and boas t s t he s ame cus tom f l oo r ing , a wa lkou t t obackya rd , a s t one su r round ga s Lennox f i r ep l ace , and acce s sto s t o r age space . Off e r i ng t he 5 th bed room wi th an aboveg rade w indow, a powde r r oom, po t en t i a l workshop o r o f f i c espace , a l aund ry room wi th a Whi r l poo l washe r, Samsungd rye r, and bu i l t - i n she lv ing , t h i s i s t he home you have beenlong ing fo r !

A privileged lifestyle awaits

Time l e s s | Brigh t | Expan s iv e

Page 3: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1450 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation F irst impressions may be fleeting, but the initial feelings of comfort

TT he b r igh t en t ryway wi th i t ’s un iquefront door with t ransom and l i tes , double doorcloset , and s la te f loor leads you in to thespacious open concept l iving room. Featur ingfloor- to-cei l ing windows, a gas f i replace withstone surround & RH Peterson RealFyre gaslogs, walk-out to the deck, pot l ights , and oakhardwood f looring.



Page 4: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1450 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation F irst impressions may be fleeting, but the initial feelings of comfort

CulinaryCulinaryKitchen With Windows Overlooking Front Yard | Watercolour Natural Quartz Countertops & Partial Backsplash | Custom Perola Bamboo Cabinetry | High-End Stainless Steel Appliances | LargeBlanco Double Sink | Porcelain Tile Floor | Breakfast Area Combined With Kitchen | Walk-Out To Front Yard | Open Concept Dining Room | Floor-To-Ceiling Windows | Oak Hardwood Floor

D e l i g h t s

Page 5: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1450 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation F irst impressions may be fleeting, but the initial feelings of comfort

TThe peaceful master bedroom features alarge window over looking the backyard, adouble door c loset , and hardwood f looring.The 3 -p iece mas te r ensu i t e f ea tu res a g l a s sed - in shower, To to to i l e t , po t l i gh t s ,grani te counter tops , and porcela in shower,wal l and f loor t i les .


Page 6: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1450 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation F irst impressions may be fleeting, but the initial feelings of comfort

SereneSereneRelaxing Bedrooms | Large Windows | Single Door Closets | Hardwood Floor | 3-Piece Bathroom | Glassed-In Shower | Curved Vanity | Toto Toilet | Porcelain Shower Tiles | Ceramic Floor

S p a c e s

Page 7: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1450 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation F irst impressions may be fleeting, but the initial feelings of comfort

TThe lower level offers a recreat ion roomwith above grade windows, a ValorH4 ser ies gasf i replace with s tone surround, bui l t - in shelvingwi th unde rmoun t l i gh t ing , po t l i gh t s ,i ndoor /ou tdoor t i l e f l oo r. The in t ima te denfeatures an above grade window, Lennox gasf i replace with s la te t i le surround, a large walk- instorage room, and a walk-out to the yard.


Page 8: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1450 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation F irst impressions may be fleeting, but the initial feelings of comfort

EndlessEndless Bedroom With Above Grade Window | Closet | Ceramic Ti le Floor | 2-Piece Powder Room | Pedestal Sink | Laundry Room | Built-In Cabinetry | Folding Space | Above Grade Window

P o s s i b i l i t i e s

Page 9: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1450 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation F irst impressions may be fleeting, but the initial feelings of comfort

TThe expansive, pr ivate backyard with i t ’smature t rees and gorgeous perennial gardens,large deck made of high-end, ul t ra-durable IPEhardwood, s tone pat io with a luxuriant hot tub,this is the perfect place for enter ta ining!


Page 10: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1450 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation F irst impressions may be fleeting, but the initial feelings of comfort

A W o n d e r f u l P l a c e T o L i v e !

LocalityLocalityMM ississauga is a newer, vibrant community, formed in 1974 and recognized asCanada’s 6th largest and fastest growing major City having a population of 707,000 with14,000 new residents per year. Home to 53,000 businesses, great schools and a completerange of family activities. Recognized as one of the safest Cities in Canada for 7 years ina row, debt free with over $800 million in reserves. Diversity and innate beauty makesMississauga a preferred destination.

GGet outside and explore Mississauga’s quaint historic Villages and more than 481parks and woodlands with serene, tranquil settings, constantly changing with the seasons,or watch the salmon migration on Credit River. Catch a glimpse of wildlife while strollingalong 280 miles of waterfront trails stretching across the shores of Lake Ontario fromEtobicoke Creek to the Oakville border.

IInspire yourself with Mississauga’s world class art and theatre at the Living ArtsCentre, rich with arts, culture and heritage. Or visit bustling Credit Village & LakefrontMarinas. Both first rate facilities becoming a boaters haven. Mississauga has somethingto offer everyone. If shopping is your desire, Square One is one of Ontario’s largestshopping malls. Or shop at one of the wide selection of unique Boutiques, for thosesavvy Mississauga residents.

Page 11: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1450 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation F irst impressions may be fleeting, but the initial feelings of comfort

www.ThePapousekTeam.com www.ThePapousekTeam.com ll [email protected]@ThePapousekTeam.com

Not intended to solicit other REALTORS® active listings or buyers under contract.

Peter PapousekPeter Papousek & Kathryn Stewart& Kathryn StewartSales Representative Sales Representative

April PapousekApril PapousekSales Representative

125 Lakeshore Road EastMississauga, ON L5G 1E3Office 905-278-3500

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