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    Dragonfly Empowerment LightWorker Series

    Channelled & written by Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon Special Edition layout by Jens Seborg

  • Dragonfly Empowerment (LightWorker Series) Let me present Rev. Brenda "Silverwolf" Hanlon, who was born in London, but now lives in a small semi rural town on the outskirts of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. She has 4 children and 7 grandchildren so she has been around for some time. Brenda has many interests but her principle one is in Spirituality which began around 1978-79... after her career days, as a Building Society manager, were numbered.

    After a confusing meditation class, where she did not understood much, Brenda started to read every book on spirituality she could get her hands on. Many times she didn't understand the concept at all, neither did she experience clairvoyance or sudden flashes of intuition... However as the years rolled by she began to understand more and more and felt guided to investigate "healing" of some kind.

    1991 she attended a free Reiki demonstration. Brenda wasn't convinced, but her husband persuaded her to go along..."just to have a look". The very next weekend she went to a 2 day workshop and earned her level 1 Reiki certificate. Sometime later she did level 2 and the Teacher attunements.

    1997 her husband was diagnosed with cancer. Brenda and 2 friends gave him Reiki healing 3-4 days a week and he went into remission. They thought they had beaten the cancer and stopped the Reiki Healing. Six months later it came back with a vengeance. The doctors gave him 2 months to live and were amazed when he lived for another 2 years... thanks to Reiki. They lost the battle in August 2000 but Brenda picked up the pieces and started to live again - learning many other healing techniques.

    2002 she became the first Australian to be attuned as a Prismology of Light Teacher. She has been ordained as a Reverend in the Universal Life Church and is also a Priestess in the Order of Melchizedek. She has studied and been attuned to many other healing and energy systems and have masters certificates and lineages in all of them which she teach to others via the internet as distance attunements see her webpage: www.guidenseek.com

    Brenda is "clairsentient" which means she feel things, and she also has the the gift of automatic writing. Brenda has power, or totem animals who appear to her at various times... they are Wolf... hence the name, Leopard, Orca and Spider. She adores all living creatures and as an animal empath she can feel what they feel... a lot of the time this is a very sad experience... there are so many animals who suffer because of outright cruelty or plain ignorance. Being in so close contact with the animals, she has made many empowerments, which we present among the

    LightWorker Animal Empowerments (all originals) Albatross Empowerment (Carol Ann Tessier) (LightWorker Series) Bat Empowerment (Elizabeth Hibel) (LightWorker Series) - 20 $ Bear Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Buffalo Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Butterfly Empowerment (Nan Fahey) (LightWorker Series) Chameleon Empowerment (Nicole Lanning) (LightWorker Series) - 10 $ Cheetah Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Cicada Empowerment (Nicole Lanning) (LightWorker Series) - 10 $ Crow Empowerment (Andrea Aridanne Fetsko) (LightWorker Series) Dolphin Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Dog Empowerment (Nicole Lanning) (LightWorker Series) - 10 $ Domestic Cat Empowerment (Lisa Center & Andrea Fetsko) (LightWorker Series) Dove Empowerment (Nicole Lanning) (LightWorker Series) - 10 $ Dragonfly Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Eagle Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $

  • Falcon Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Friends of Sea Empowerment (Carol Ann Tessier) (LightWorker Series) Frog Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Giraffe Empowerment (Nicole Lanning) (LightWorker Series) - 10 $ Goat Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Hawk Empowerment (Lisa Ladywolf Center) (LightWorker Series) Horse Empowerment (Nicole Lanning) (LightWorker Series) - 10 $ Leopard Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Llama Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Magpie Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Moose Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Orca Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Otter Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Owl Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Panda Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Panther Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Peacock Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Penguin Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Praying Mantis Empowerment (Nicole Lanning) (LightWorker Series) - 10 $ Raven Empowerment (Jens Seborg) (LightWorker Series) Red Winged Blackbird Empowerment (Nicole Lanning) (LightWorker Series) - 10 $ Shark Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Sheep Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Snake Empowerment (Nicole Lanning) (LightWorker Series) - 10 $ Snow Leopard Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Squirrel Empowerment (Nicole Lanning) (LightWorker Series) - 10 $ Swan Empowerment (Nan Fahey) (LightWorker Series) Tiger Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Whale Empowerment (Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon) (LightWorker Series) - 15 $ Wolf Empowerment (Lisa Center & Jens Seborg) (LightWorker Series) Zebra Empowerment (Jens Seborg) (LightWorker Series)

    LightWorker Animal Medicine Empowerments (all originals)

    Armadillo Medicine Empowerment (Lisa Ladywolf Center) (LightWorker Series) Bear Medicine Empowerment (Lisa Ladywolf Center) (LightWorker Series) Cougar Medicine Empowerment (Lisa Ladywolf Center) (LightWorker Series) Coyote Medicine Empowerment (Lisa Ladywolf Center) (LightWorker Series) Deer Medicine Empowerment (Lisa Ladywolf Center) (LightWorker Series) Elephant Medicine Empowerment (Nicole Lanning) (LightWorker Series) - 10 $ Fox Medicine Empowerment (Lisa Ladywolf Center) (LightWorker Series) Great Blue Heron Medicine Empowerment (Lisa Ladywolf Center) (LightWorker Series) Koi Medicine Empowerment (Nicole Lanning) (LightWorker Series) - 10 $ Racoon Medicine Empowerment (Lisa Ladywolf Center) (LightWorker Series) Spirit of the Spider Medicine (Nicole Lanning) (LightWorker Series) - 10 $ Turkey Medicine Empowerment (Lisa Ladywolf Center) (LightWorker Series) Turtle Medicine Empowerment (Lisa Ladywolf Center) (LightWorker Series) Vulture Medicine Empowerment (Lisa Ladywolf Center) (LightWorker Series)

    Copyright notice: This manual may be shared with your students but may not be altered or added to in any way without the permission of the founder and owner Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon.

  • Introduction More and more of us are awakening to the idea that our bodies, minds, and spirits are one; this is a principal theme of alternative and vibra-tional healing. In the same sense the physical world merges with a world of spirit, one whose powers and gifts are available to us once we open ourselves to it. One way to make the world of spirit part of our normal reality is to create and deepen our connection to the animals. Many cultures believe that animals can bring us messages from the spiritual plane and can guide us during our explorations in that dimension, and simply to open ourselves to the energies of a different kind of being expands the dimensions of consciousness. As we open ourselves to a deepened awareness of animals we become more able to appreciate how the physical and spiritual worlds are one. I, like the animals, am a spiritual being in a physical body. We all have power animals - spirit animals - that are connected to us as protectors. Many power animals are our spirit guardians that exist in other realms. Some animals were with us from past lives but may have been another physical form. Example: We might have had a wolf or other wild animal as a friend or protector. In this timeline the animal incarnates as a dog.

    Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon August 2007

  • Dragonfly Empowerment Dragonfly embodies a stripping away of all the beliefs that say we can not do this or that, or achieve a dream or goal, it is to remind us that anything is possible when we really get the understanding that we are part of spirit and as such we have the power to manifest anything that we desire. The dragonfly is the keeper of dreams, the knower within that sees all of our true potential and ability. The dragonfly strips away the illusions that say to us we cannot achieve our dreams and goals that we are not worthy or capable when in fact it is our birth right and our true power to create anything we choose! Dragonfly also connects us with the power of colour and the ability to work with many different colours to achieve anything we want to experience in life. We can begin to see how the colours we wear via our clothing, the colours that we fill our homes with, even the colour of the car we drive is impacting us for better or worse. Continually wearing dull drab colours while asking for more adventures or excitement in life sends the message that we do not really want what we are asking for.

    The colour we surround ourselves with does set up vibra-tions that attract circumstances and energies that reflect back to us what messages we are sending forth. If we want change we need to affirm that we are ready and willing for the changes to occur through the use of colour vibrations that match the energy we are seeking to experience. If one wants to become better recognized for the work one loves doing then wearing shades of red or violet will help one achieve that.

    For new beginnings try wearing shades of green. To feel more empowered try wearing shades of yellow. To feel more deeply connected with the Universe and to develop greater intuitive ability, all shades of blues and indigo are excellent! Colour is a very valuable tool in expressing who we are, who we desire to be and what we desire to experience in our lives. Look at the world around you: All of nature sets forth its intent and requests through the use of a vast range of colour. A flower will attract a pollinator through its colour. A Tree Frog may warn predators that it is not good to eat through the colour displays on its body. A Lion can attract a mate through the colour of his mane.

  • Working with Dragonfly can also teach us how to use colour to attract that which we desire or at least, to understand what messages we ourselves are pulling forth through the colours we wear! Dragonfly also teaches us how to combine emotion with rational thought. Dragon flies in the early stages are known as Nymphs and spend most of their lives in the water. They are voracious predators which indicate that Dragonfly can also help one to eat away at anything in our lives that is out of control. They are especially helpful for addictions of all sorts including the more "well known" addictions such as overeating, drinking to excess or drug addictions. Yet procrastination, over-spending or maxing credit cards to the limit, day dreaming, over work and so forth can all be addictions that rob one of the ability to create a balanced, fulfilling life. Most if not all addictions are due to suppressed emotional energies and traumas that are being compensated for through addiction. Overeating for example can be a "medicine" for feeling unloved and Alcoholism "medicine" for depression. When Dragonfly appears it may indicate that there are addictions or other problems/pests that are "out of control "in your life that need to be examined and resolved. Often the main issue will not always be what it appears to be on the surface, it is important to peer beneath the emotional waters so to speak in order to understand what is really happening!

    Once the Dragonfly has emerged as a winged adult, it conquers the air through its swift flight. This indicates that working with Dragonfly energy may also help you come to some swift conclusions or new insights that help propel you into new ways of being and doing.

    Certainly it is a most important time for seeing through illusions and really hearing the messages that the Universe is sending you at this time. Beliefs that centre on powerlessness, limitation or fear are likely to be up for review and release. You always have the power to choose what you are going to believe in and focus on.

    You always have the power to take action of some sort that will help change your current circumstances for the better.

  • People who carry dragonfly medicine are often quite talented in the use of colour for healing. They may see or sense the colours that an individual carries in their aura and can learn how to help the person adjust the colour rays so that one become more a part of their own healing process rather than relying on someone else to do the healing for them (which never works anyway!). Working with Dragonfly medicine shows that you are ready to step beyond the mass thought of blaming "something out there "for your problems and instead are now getting down to the business of accepting responsibility for what happens in your life by making the appropriate changes as you feel guided. Example, if someone carries a heavy, murky colour of red in their aura which may lead to power struggles, constant irritations from others or things always going wrong, the Dragonfly person can help that person bring in the clear reds that are more empowering in terms of living with confidence but without the chip on the shoulder that begs for some-one to come along and knock it off! Or if someone has an aura that appears to be depleted of vital energy and colour, the Dragonfly person can help this person learn to work with drawing in all the colours of the Universe, both seen and unseen, to repair and invigorate the aura.

    A simple way of doing this is to start by focusing on all the colours of the rainbow and to visualize them entering into the aura via the Universal flow. This can be expanded by asking that all colours including those our human eyes are not yet able to perceive also flow into the aura. This can take as little as 1minute up to 20 or more to accomplish, normally though when one has attracted enough of this energy there is a sense of completion or "inner click" and the person just feels done with the process. This can be done as often as some one feels the need and is especially helpful during times of great stressor trauma.

    Colour is part of the "food" that the aura needs to remain strong and healthy so doing this several times a week or each day can be very uplifting and strengthening! Dragonfly people are also very talented at helping others navigate their own emotional waters. How often have you heard someone say they "felt Blue" or "tickled Pink"? Our emotions have colours just the same as our world is filled with colour. By noting what colours one is attracted to over a cycle of time, one also can hone in more closely on what emotions are really running the life.

  • Because we become so acclimated to feeling a certain way, we may not even realize that we are depressed, feeling a low level anger or hostility, or are in grief still over an event that occurred many years ago. Or we may project those emotions onto others and wonder why we are constantly attracting people that are depressed or hostile! Dragonfly energy and people can help us get more in touch with our felt but ignored emotions, our ways of feeling that have become so well known to us that we dont even realize these emotions are there! Our emotions also impact the colours that our auras are displaying and having a dragonfly person take a good close look at these colours can really help one release any energy that is not to their benefit while learning how to incorporate more of the colours that will be of better service. Once we are able to put a name to something, then we can begin the process of researching the tools that will help us to heal and move on from it. In our culture emotions are not nice and people are not encouraged to feel the wide range of emotions we have been blessed with and so often the energy gets trapped or stuffed down, especially in the lower chakras. Working with dragonfly energy and calling it into the lower chakras (where much of it gets trapped and then manifests in the body as dis-ease) can help stir up this energy and get it moving again.

    It need not be as painful as one might fear and it is always less painful than having that energy constantly attracting more of the same to you through its vibration. To work with this, if you dont know a dragonfly person to help you through the process, simply call in the energy of dragonfly through your mind. Just thinking about it is enough and it will work.

    Next, visualize the dragonfly moving through your lower chakras, infusing them with clear, vibrant colours, the loveliest you can imagine. If you start to feel emotional, stick with the

    process! Usually it does not take so long for this energy to clear and you need to be feeling these emotions. Cry, yell, stamp your feet, do whatever it takes to get that energy up and out and bear in mind that you have a power, fully working within you and for you that is helping support you during this process. If however you really do feel afraid or are concerned you might lose it, do consult with an alternative healer or other therapist before engaging in any sort of healing work. Its a great sign of true strength and power to know we all need help from time to time.

  • Dragonfly people often benefit from working with crystals that have rainbows within them or stones that are brightly coloured, especially if the colours are clear and bright. Accents of colour throughout ones home can really lift the spirits of a Dragonfly person, especially if they have been doing a lot of healing work on themselves and others. When Dragonfly appears, be ready for transformation. This is a long cycle that can take up to 2 years and more and yet the work and effort are well worth it in the end.

    At times you may feel like you are fire walking your way through life (dragonflies are really mini dragons after all) and yet what is emerging from within you is a sense of your own inner power and faith in a higher power that no-one can ever take from you. You are in the process of coming to know and understand who you truly are, of connecting with the vast source of power and energy that was given to you by spirit at the time your soul came into being. This power has grown within you as you have journeyed through space and time. Now is the time for it to be claimed as your own so you may step forth renewed as the powerful soul that you came to this earth walk to express.

  • Empowerment Journeying with a power animal creates a resonance between the consciousness of the totem and our human consciousness. This inner resonance allows us to bring into the work the intelligence, qualities, aspects, and worldview of the totem. Often there is a subconscious link between you and your power animal that expresses itself in your love for its species, even though you are not always aware of its influence in your life. When you develop a conscious relationship with a totem, it becomes your ally. Totems are powerful messengers, healers, and protectors, and they bring great benefit to those who build and maintain such relationship. Totemic initiations are powerful interactions that install the energetic configuration of the totem into your own energetic system at a deeper level.

    Animal Totem Journey Smudge and create a comfortable space. Close your eyes, ground and center, using the breath to fill your belly on the inhale, and exhale downward through your tailbone to connect yourself with the earth. Devote attention to your heart flame, directing love to make it grow and spread its radiance throughout your being, filling you with warmth and light. Imagine a golden cauldron in your abdomen, and stir the waters there. Notice as the waters rise to meet the flame in your heart, and experience the conversion as the water meets the fire and turns to steam. The steam rises, opening the shamanic passageway at your throat to fill your head. Place your entire attention within the steam. As it gathers in your head, it will lift your consciousness up through your crown and into your light body. It is dark. The first sense that awakens is smell. Then you notice the temperature. You are starting to get an idea of where on the planet you are. There are sounds. The senses you have awakened intensify. Tune in and concentrate on them. You realize your eyes have been closed. Open your inner eyes and look around. There is a sound; something is nearing. Listen. What is it?

  • It pauses. . . You are getting more and more information about your surroundings, even the time of the day or night. . . There is that sound again. Your totem animal approaches you. When you turn your head toward it, you will find yourself looking directly into the eyes of your totem. This power animal is here to help you, to show you something about your life. . . Open your heart in greeting as your request an experience. . . Follow your totem. Watch. . . Listen. . . Feel to the fullest. . . Learn from what is offered. . . It is time to return. . . Take a moment to consider what you can give back to this totem, and be sure to offer your gratitude for the experience and the lessons learned. . . Return into your physical body. Ground and center.

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