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Enclosure to Item No. 4.14- )::l-

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Revised Syllabus for the1\1--.4.* (Part I



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& II)



Degree Course



in English

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PoEt" .., Oy",-~O- "-) c,,,Came to Simpson's The i\lan That Corruptcd Hadleyburg Bar

4) Tennessee Williams: A Srn:elcar Sallied Desire 5) Langston Hughes : I Too Sing America Mother to Son Negro Speak:; of Rivers Wearv Blues Let America be America Dream Variations As I Grcw Older Dream DeterredJ

6) Waliace


Sunday Morning The \lan \\ith the Blue Guitar


The Snow Man Thirteen Wr.ys of Looking at a Black Bird Anecdote of the Jar The Man whose Pharynx was Bad The Comedian as the Letter C

William Falllkn~r -v 8) Bernard Malamud ~/ 9) Alice Walker


The Sound and the Fw}" The AssiSlant The Temple ojJrv Familiar


Reading: Selj:relianceTYalden

Ralph Waldo Emerson Henry David Thoreau Nathaniel Ha\vthorne Herman Melville Ernest Hemingway Eugene O' Neill Arthur Miller J. D. Salinger Tony l\'lorrison Alice Walker Arthur i'vlilkr Recommended Boyars. ! 97,L Chase.1957.

The Scarlet Leller Jfobv Dick The Old Man and the Sea Emperor .Jones.,II! J~\'Som C. '(ilcher in thl! Rl'e

The Song a/Sololllo/1 Possl!ssing the Secret 0(.10.1' ../11.\I~' SonsReading: (Ed.) C;!illt'iIlpOran' foe/n'"[h" .-imaiC(/;1

Robert. Richard.

ill America. :-\ew Yelrk: Sch;J.:kcn. /i-wiilion. Nt:\\ ')"ork' i)"ut"k Day,

.\O\'el anelils

Cohn. Ruby. SelF Americull Dramatists Dcmna. Alan. Fiji) Y.::,ar, of.li!leric({n1951.

/%O-/9SU. London: :vlac\'l!!ian. !982. DralllU!900-!~150. Chicagc lLgnery.

Gaustad. E.S. flit' Grc(Ii .l\mkening in A"ell' England. New '{ark: Harper. 1957. Ford. Boris. (Ed.) The Sell Pelican Guide ro Engiish Ii:t:ralure .. -\merican Literature. Vol 9. Hassan. Ihaal). COn!l!lI!pm'w:\' .-1l11l!riconLiterotllre. /i)-!5-19~2:.-111 illlrut/lfUioll. New York. Frederick L ng::r Publ ish ing Company.i 979. Hassan. lhab. Rac/iea/lniloccnce: Swelie.lil! thc COi1i:!lIljJorary Alilcrico!/ "(}\cl. Prinston: Prinsun L'ni\ersi[~ Press. 1961. Hoffman. Daniel. Hurnlra Guide fe) CUnlel!ipOran' .illicrican Writing. Cambridge, \ilass. Harvard University Press. 1979. Kiernan. Robert. AllieticUi! Wril iJig ,)"incl! /9-15: .--1 Cril ieal SIll..-e)'. :\e\\ \{ ork: Frederick Ungar Publishing C)mpany. 1982. \la55.: Harvard l!niva:)ity Prt:ss. Rosenblatt. Roger. B!uck Ficfioll. Cambridge. 197-1. Tytell. John. Naked Angel,: York: \1cCra\\-Hill. 1976TZu: LiFes Lind Liferalurt!

cf [he Beat Gellc'l"utioll. Ne\1

Walker, Marshall. The Literature of the United States of America. London: Macmillan, 1983. Weiland, D. S. R (Ed).The United States: A Companion to American Studies. London: Methuen, 1974. Young, Philip. Three Bags Full: Essays in American Fiction. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 1972. Examination Pattern : Theory Paper of 100 Marks Q.l on the Background Themes and Issues with three internal options. Answers to be given with reference to appropriate texts, other than those prescribed. Q.2: 3 &4 on the Prescribed Texts with three i~ternal options each and combinati0:: of texts.

M. A. (Revised)

Paper V - LITERARY THEORY AND CRITICISMPrescribed Te.xts Criticism

A) Classical and Romantic Aristotle - Poetics

William Wordsworth - Preface to The Lyrical Ballads Matthew Arnold Function a/Criticism Kev COllce{JfSin Classical Criticism. I. Concepts of order and discipline. 2. The importance of 'decorum". 3. View of Reality Kev COl1c:!ptsin Romantic Criticism. I. Thc,,:mphasis on Imagination 2. 3. Experimentation Viewof reality with new forms and themes

B) Formalism

and Marxism

Victor Shklovsky AI'; as Technique Terry Eagl'eton ,Harxism and Litermy Criticism Louis Althu~serTIn?



KeF COlleeNS ili Formalism.


Varieties of Formal ism Cultural background of American Formalism Cultural background of Russian Formalism Kel' COllCt!utsill J/arxiSIll.


I. The concepts of culture. language. literature and ideology 2. Cultural Theor: 3. Literary Theory

C) Modernism

and Postmodcrnism

Ortega )'e Gasset The Death oj't/If! .vowl Ihab Hassan The Postlllodern Turn: Ess(~vs in Postmodern Ess(~rs mid Cullure Frederic Jameson PostlllodernislIl (/nd Consumer Society

Kev Concepts in Alodernism The modernist concept of the relationship between the self and society. 2. Experimentation in forms and themes - its pervasiveness in the other art forms. harmony and radiance"

3. The value of"wholeness,

Kev Concepts in Postmodernism I. Incredulity towards all metanarratives

2. Revisioning the concepts of representation. sulziectivity and olli.:ial histories 3.. Text as a "tissue of quotations from various sites of culture"

D) Feminism.


and Reader R~ponse

Toril rvloi Sexual/Textual Franz hnon

Politics: Feminist Literary Theory

Pitfalls of National Consciousness

Stanley Fish Is There a Text in This Class? Kev Concepts in Feminism I. Femininity as a linguistic 'construct' 2. Central theory or playful pluralism. teminist critique and g~n('.:riticislll 3. Queer theory - problematising "compulsory hela\)SCXllillil~ ..


Concepts in Postcalania/ism5:. :;1CI11 ,)

Strategies used in postcolonial discourse to subvert the va lue coloniser which was paraded as universal.

r 1 he

Narrating nations (H. Bhabh~) and reacting to 'hiSiOrical catakp5: .. (A.NleIII 111


3. \'loving li'olll a re-active to a pro-active position.KeF

('(ll/ccms in Reader Response

I. Concepts of horizon of expectation. interpretative eO!l1lllunities ') The' pe r!'()J"lllaee . of the reader in the construction of the mean ing 0 f the ntext.

3. i\'1Ltltiplicityof meanings due to life-to-text interactions. Recommended Reading: :>[ato. Republic. Books 1/ & .Y Alexander Pope. Essay on Criticism S. T. Coleridge. Biographia Literaria - Chapter XIII on Fancy and InuginatiC'!1 Walter Pater. "An Essay on Style" in Appreciations. A. C. Bradley. Poeu)' for Poetry's Sake. Cleanth Brooks, "The Language of Paradox" (from The rVell-Wro/lghr ['1"11. London: Dennis Dobson. 1960)


T. S. Eliot. Tradition and the Individual Talent. R. Jakobson, "Linguistics and Poetics" "The Metaphoric and Metonymic Poles" (both in Lodge, 1988) J. Culler, Structuralist Poetic. (Chap.!) London: Routledges & Kegan Paul, 1975. S. Freud, "Creative Writing and Day-dreaming" (in Lodge, 1972) G. Lukacs, "The Ideology of Modernism" (in Lodge. 1972) Gerard Genette. Structuralism and Literary Criticism. Roland Barthes. The Death of the Authvr. Jacques Derrida. Structure, Sign and Play i/1the Discourse of Human Sciences. Aijaz Ahmed. Orientalisl11 Revisited. M. Bakhtin. "From the Prehistory of NOllelistic DisCOlm;e" (in L0dge.1988) J. Kristeva. "The Ethics of Linguistics" (in Lodge. 1988) M. Foucault, "rVhat is an AuthorT' (in Lodge. 1988) Paul de Man. "The Resistance to Theory'" (in Lodge. 1988) J. Mitchell. "Femininity. Narrative and Psychoana(ysis" (in Lodge, 1988) C. MacCabe, "Language. Linguistics and the Study of Literature" (in Lodge. 1988) F. Jameson. "The Politics of Theory Ideological Positions in the Postmodernism Debate"(in Lodge. 1988) T. Eagleton. "Capitalism. Modernism (lnd Postmodernis111" (in Lodge. 1988) R.C. Holub. Reception nleory': A Critical/11Iroduction. London: Methun. 1984. Stephen Greenblatt. Learning to Curse.' Essays in Early i\Iodern Culture. New York: Routledge. 1990. H. Aran Veeser (ed.). The Nell" HislOricism. :\ew York: Routledge. 1989. John Brannigan. New Historicism and Cultural .\fateria!ism. New York: St. \Iortin's Press. 1998. R. i iolub. "Henneneutics" and "Ph~nomenoiogy" (both in The Cambrid,vc Ifistorv of Literary Criticism. Vol. ed. R.Se!den. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1995) . \-1. Heidegger. Poc!rJ. Longz!ag('. T"iumgiJr. (trans. A. Hofstadter), New York: Harper & Ro\\'. 1971. De\-id Lodge. Modem Criticism and Theory. Pearson Longman. 2nd End .. 2007. Examination Pattern: Theory paper of 190 marks. Questions 1. 2. 3. and 4 will be of 25 marks each with three internal options. Combination of texts is possible.


Revised M.A. Course Paper VI: Literature Background From The Romantic To The Victorian Age

~ Themes and Issues

A. The socio-ecol1ol1lic. political. historical and intellectual

background of/Ire Romantic Age The impact of thinkers like Burke and Rousseau (as against Locke ~l,_': Hobbes) on English Romantic writing (poetry. essay and :lovel). The gradual transition from Neo-classical literature to Rom~tic writing 35 seen in the works of the Augustan Nature poets like Goldsmith.. Gray. Laj~. Winchdsca and the Pre-Romantic poets.. Cowper. Collins.. Thomson. The in fluence of German Transcendentalism (Schelling,. Hegel. Kant) an':: . European Romanticism (Goethe) on the English Romantic writers.

B. Tire "'iocio-(,col1ol1lic. olitical, historical and intellectual p

!Jackground of the Victorian Age The Industrial Revolution and its impact on nineteenth literature. Utilitarianism and laissez-faire ideas. century life an.:

The scientific temper and its impact on the writers of the time. Th~ corresponding decline of faith and the growth of agnosticism. l'harlism and the Oxford Movement The Pn:-Raphaelite Movement and the growth of Aestheticism .

Your answer to the question nn the Background must reflect y,-,v iIi~lril: _ Illll on Iy with the writers whose works are prescribed I()(" ~tudy. but al~: t!JOSl'that katlln: in the Secondary Reading list..Yole 10 sl/{{II'/lls:1;\111

Prcscl"ihed Texts: 1. I~omantic Poetry \Villiam 8Iake "The Divine Image" "Piping Down the Valleys Wild" "The Chimney Sweeper" "A Poison Tree" William Wordsworth "She dwelt among the untrodden ways" "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey"' "The world is too much with us" Samuel Taylor Coleridge "The Rime Mthe Ancient Mariner" (Sections IV ar:c V) Percy B. Shelley "Ode to a Skylark" "Ode to the West Wind" "Mutability" John Keats "Ode on a Grecian Urn" "To Autumn" "Bright Star" Lord Byron ~'The Eve of Waterloo" "So we'll go no more a - roving"

2. Prose WorksCharlesr-.ly

Lamb Essays ofEliaRelations '1'\1,'0 Races of Men


A Bachelor's Complaint of the Behaviour (If Married People

Matthew Arnold C'u!tllre and Anorcl11'; Chapter I - Sweetness and I.igln Chapter 2 - Doing as one likes Thomas Carlyle "'Past and Present" Books I and II John Ruskin Sesame and Lilies. Lecture I - OfKing.s' Treasuries"

Alfred Tennyson L VI and

Victorian, Pre-Raphaelite PoetlY and Hopkins In Mel11oriul11 Sections I. IX, XIX, XXVII, XXXV,XCVI. "The Lotus-Eaters"

L, LV,

"Break, Break, Break" Robert Browning "My Last Duchess" "The Last Ride Together' Matthew Arnold "Dover Beach" "The Scholar Elizabeth Barrett Browning Qypsy" - ."oJ1I1r!lsfml11 the POrluxese

must love me let it be for nought.. ... "Beloved. thou has brought me many flo.vas .... ""\hen our two slh'ldd stand up erect and strong .... Thomas Hardy ",-\re you digging on my gr)'chein Modern and Postmodem 15. Geddes Gary: Twentieth Century Poetry and Poetics 16. Morgan Robert: Anthology o/Twentieth Century Ml!sic


) I)

17. Parrinder Patrick: Nation and Novel: The English Novelfrom its Origins to the Present Day, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006 18. Harper Margaret Mills: The Spiritual and Literary Collaborations of George alld W.B. Yeats, OxfOid University Press, Oxford, 2006 I 'J. Kendall: Modern English War Poel1y, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006 20. Potter Rachel: Modernism and Democracy, LiteI'm)' Culture 1900-1930, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006 21. Sheringham Michael: Evel)Jday L(fe, Theories and Practicesji-olll SurreJlism to the Present, Oxford Univer:;ity Press, Oxford, 2006 22. Toril Moi: Henrik Ibsen al1d the Birth of Model'11ism: Art. Theatre, Phi!osophy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006 23. Elic.~abethButler Cullingford: Ireland's Others: Ethnicity and Gender in Irish Uterature and Popular Culture. University of Notre Dame Press.2(JJ~:

24. t~elson O'Ceallaigh Ritschel: S)'Ilge and Irish Yationalism: The Pr.?cursor to Revolution, Greenwood Press, 2002 25, Diarmaid Ferriter: the Transformation aflrelal1d. Overlook Press. 2005 26. Stephen James Meredith Brown: Ireland in Fiction. A Guide 10 Irish Novels, Tales. Romunces and Folk Lore, Ayer Company Publishers.. 1985 Examination Pattern: 100 Marks Theory Paper Q. 1 on the Background The-mes and Issues with three internal options Answers to be given with reference 1() appropriate texts, other tha'n those prescribed. 'Q. 2, 3,4 on the Prescribed Texts with three internal options each 11nJ combination of texts.



Paper VIII:

a) In(lian Literature

In Tr~nslation

The objective of this paper is to offer an exhaustive study of Indian literatures in the various Indian languages through English translation. The paper will cover the history of Indian Literature from the medieval times down to our own. It will concentrate on major movements, trends and tendencies, besides the major authors and literary texts. Since the paper concentrates on Indian literature in translation. r.ot on the act of translation itself: the focus \vil! be on the literary movements, texts and authors. NewI1heless a brief acquaintance with prob!ems and issues involved in literary translation also forms a Paft of the paper.

I. The outline and short history of Indian literature

from twelfth century

to our times.

Various movements swept across the nation and their impact on Indian life and literature: a) The Bhakti movement: A reaction against the Brahminical social structure and the way of . lite. A resistance to the Sanskritised. Devotion to spirituality and eHarts to bring it down to the masses. A sense of social equalily and grievances against the caste-system. A cultural revolution. The medieval Indian Renaissance. b) The influence of Islamic culture on Indian life and literature: TIle Muslim invasions in the medieval period. Wars with the native r:tlers and their effects. Social customs like sati, purdah. etc. The Mughal period. Babumama. Akbar's initiatives towards communal harmony. Din-e-llahi Aina-e-Akhar. TIle Mughal architechrue. TIle emergence of Urdu as an Indian language and its literature c) The colonial impact on Indian literature: The Battle of Plassey in 1757. The introuduction of English in Indian education. Anglo-Indian literature. Nov 1 as a new literary genre. Romanti:::ism and Modernism and their impact on Indian writings. The colonial criti.:al notions. Formalism, Surrealism. the Freudian analysis of the human mind and personality. d) The recent trends in Indian writing: The Indian national freedom movenemtn. The spread of education among the masses. The spread of democratic values. Mass movements. mass literature. Literature of the rural life and of tribal experiences. The 'crisis' of language and the related issues. II: Issues and IH'oblems involved in translating literarv texts: a) transference of meaning from Source Language to Target Language i) decoding & encoding of meaning. ii) constraint between major and minor languages b) The concept of equivalence in translatior:, c) Loss of meaning in translation i) loss of culture-specific features ii) loss of genre-specific features d) Free and faithful translation i) faithfulness to the original text ii) liberties taken in the act of literary translation Texts

Poetry:I. Selections from Akka Mahadevi: from, A.K. Ramanujan's

Speaking ofShiva and from, The Golden Treasury: An Anthology of Urdu Poetry, Ajmed AIi (ed)

2. Kabir: Bijak of Kabir, translated by Linda Hess and Sukhdev Singh.


3. Selected Poems by the following Contemporary Indian Poets: a. Jibanananda Das ) ,b. B.S. Mardhekar ) The Depal1ment shall make the selected poems c. G.K. Adiga ) of these poets available in English transhtioll. d. Namdeo Dhasa! ) e. Daya Pawar ) f. Dalpat Chavan )

NO':~I:4. Munshi Premchand: Nirl1lala. Translated by Alok Rai. OUP. 1999 5. S.S. Pillai. Chct!l1ien 6. O. V. Vijayan. Tho! Lengend olKhasak

Drama:7. Girish KamaI'd: Nagmandala. OUP 8. Premanand Gajvee: Kinmnt. Seagul. 2005 9. Dhiruben Patel: Biwmi Bhomi. Trans. Kctan iVlehta Recommended Reading:

I. Bassncll. Susan. Trans/ation Stlldies. Routledge. 1991. 2. Sujit Mukhe~iec. Truns/ation as Discon'/T. Orient Longman. 1994. 3. C.D. Narsimh3iah (cd.).lndiun Literatw

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