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1.1 Introduction:

Education is a continuous process. It may be formal informal or non-formal.

In formal education teacher has a very important place in improvement of

education. Teacher’s role in society, I general and in educaiton has been changing

with time but the imporance of this position is same. The teacher is the pre-

requisite of the success of educational programmes. The main quality of teacher is

the creative towards education. He/she must have the ability to get satisfied from

their respective jobs. So, educational programme should inculcate the qualities in

teacher, so that he/she may be in his best position to impart educaion to students.

God to the only creator. Human being cannot create anything new. Creativity as we

use the them means seeing or expressing new relationship amont things or ideas.

Every child is creative to some extent in this sense of the term. The amount of

creativity and its dimensions vary from individual to individual creative children

are assets to the society. School should aim at the development of creativity in

shcool children to prepare leaders in different walks of national life.

Thinking to also influenced by the mode of reasoning one adopts. Illogical

reasoning often leads to incorrect thinking logic is the science of correct reasoning 1

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which helps to think correctly. Therefore, we should cultivate the habit of

reasoning among our children.

Creative thinking means that the predictions and/ or inferenes for the

individual are new. Original, unusual. The creative thinker is one who explores

new areas and makes new ovservations, new predictions new inferences. A

creative action is novel, exploratory and venturesome spirit on the part of the

individual. Uncreative thought to rigid, stereotyped and mechanically operated.

According to guilford, creative thought means divergent thinking and uncreative

thought convergent thinking. Convergent thinking to measured by means of

intelligence test which include items like remembering recognition and

manipulation of some concrete material. These traditional tests do not measure the

creativity or emergence of originals in children. Psychologists in Recent yers, have

recognised the limitations of traditional tests of intellegence to measure the

creative ability of children.

Toirrence, who has attempted to identify creativity in children, has done a

lot of practical work on creativity. He has difined creativity “as a process of

becoming sensitive to problems, deficencies, gaps of knowledge, missing elements

disharmonies and so on identifying the difficulties, sarching for solutions, making

guesses or formulating hypotheses about the deficiences, testing and possibly

modifying and retesting them.


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The term’ creativity’ cannot be used synonymously with giftedness.

Therefore, we should not make a mistake of considering every gifted child as a

creative child. Creativity in its all shapes and forms is the hightest expression of

giftedness that may not be found in a perticular gifted child. The problem then lies

in the identification of the creative children. Creativeity, as a natural endowment,

needs simulation and nourishment. Most of creative talent, if not given proper

training, education and opportunities for crative experession, results in wastage.

The term’Creativity’ cannot be used synonymously with giftedness.

Therefore, we should not make a mistake of considering every gifted child as a

creative child. Crativtiy in its all shapes and forms is the highest expression of

giftedness that may or may not be found in a particular gifted child. The problem

then lies in the identification of the creative children.

Creative behaviour and expressions, like other behaviour patterns, possesses

its basic components in the form of cognitive, conative and affective behaviour.

Consequently, we can label a child creative to the extent to which he able to

demonstrate creative aspect in his thinking, feeling and doing behaviour. For such

labeling, we may employ two different approaches.


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1. Making use of tests of crativity and

2. Making use of non-testing devices abservation, interview, rating scale,

personality inventory, check-list etc.

School can play on important role in developing and fostering the creativity

among children. In the school environment may be created which is conducive the

kind of behaviour which creativty requires. School environment which may

provide ample opportunity for freedom of though and other creative activities may

be a great factor. The teacher in the class and outside the class may encourage the

spirit of scientific enquiry in students. Tearcher can help to kindle the spark of

creativity among children; as one of the major responsibility of education is the

promation of creativity among students.

Full freedom should be provided to student to experiement with new idea.

The teacher should not emphasize the confirmatory behaviour but new ideas, novel

plans and approach of tackling problems should be encouraged and fostered.

Teacher should encourage student confidence and respect for their own ideas. He

should reward their creative thinking showing respect for imaginative ideas and

encouraging the value of self-initiated learning. The tearchers should help the

children in becoming more sensitive to the environmental stimuli so that they can

think of new creative ideas and encourage manipulation of objects and ideas. The

knowledge of scientific method should be imparted to the students to test each idea


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systematically which come in mind of the student. The teacher should avoid

complelled method for solution to any problem. The students should be given time

to think about the solution of problem themselves.

Identification of creativity of students become much more impartant in our

developing country like India where there to critical demand for inventative

scientists, enginears, technicians, understanding of students but it would provide

adequate basis for accurately forcasting and developing talent about his future

career. It is a challenging job for teacher to know how to do tings which require to

cultivate these creative processes. The teaching strategies and devices are to be

designed which are effective in developing and expressing creativitiy or talents.

These should be variety of teaching devices so that learning staution may be

generalized for differet creative students.

Reasoning ability is releated concepts psychology and education. Thinking to

defined as an implict problem solving behaviour. Reasoming is also an implict act

and involves problem solving behaviour. Therefor it becomes difficult to make

clear-cut distinction between these processes. However reasoning is regarded as

the highest form of thinking. It is a complex mental process that needs a well

organised brain. It operates on realizing the highest cognitive objectives of

teaching and learnig. Thurston has extracted reasoning as one of the primarily

mental ability. Reasoning plays a significant role in one’s adjustment to one’s


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environment and problem solving. In controls not only one’s environment. It

controls not only one’s cognitive activities but may also influnce the total

behaviour of an individual.

Reasoning involves a difinite purpose or goal. We resort to reasoning when the

initinal attempts of solving a problem by habitual behaviour fails. One makes use

of one’s previous knowledge and experiences in reasoning. All our past

experiences or the knowledge of the rules, principles and techniques are closely

analyzed. We try to see relationship among them and judge their utility in the

present context. In reasoning we try to explore mentally the reason or cause of an

event or happening. The atempt to fin the solution of the question like “Why is it

so?” “How does is happen?” is nothing but applicaiton of our reasoning ability to

find the cause and effect relationship. Like thinking reasoning is highly synbolic

function. The ability to interpret various symbols, development of concepts and

linguistic ability help much in reasoning.

Reasoning has always been central to western philosophy. Early psychological

speculations about the nature reasoning grew out of these traditions especially from

the work of philosophers. Normative standards for good reasoning are fundamental

to philosophy.


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Reasoning is closely allied with other domains of inquiry in pshychology.

Reasoning, problem solving and decision-making represent different but over-

lapping aspects of human intelligence. Reasoning refers to the process of drawing

conclusions or inferences form information. Reasoning always requires giong

beyond the information. In logic, an inference is called deductive if the truth of the

initial information guarantees the truth of the conclusion. The inference is called

inductive if the truth of the premiser makes the conlusion probable but not certain.

Reasoning abilities are not static.They are developed throught experience and

rendered easier to perform through exercise. Recall that individual differences in

reasoning are substaintially eorrelatated with the amount of information individuals

can hold in working memory while performing some transformation on it the

premises makes the conclusion probable but not certain.

Reasoning abilities are not static. They are developed through experience and

renderd through exercise. Recall that individual differences in reasoning are

substaintially eorrelated with the amount of information individuals can hold in

workingmemory while performing some transformation on it.

Two theories have dominated psychological theorizing about reasoning -: mental

rules and mental models. Both theories were first applied to the study of deductive

reasoning tasks such as syllogisms and then later applied to a broader range of


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reasoning tasks. The mental models theory of deductive reasoning posits that the

individual first tranforms the permises of an argument into another representation

that is consistent with the premises, importantaly, multiple mental models that are

consistent with the premises must often be constructed and then compared in order

to reach a valid conclusion.

Human reasoning occures at different levels of awareness. Most cognitive scientist

distinguish between tacit and intentional reasoning processes. Tacit processes that

faciliate reasoning occur without concious intervention and outside awareness.

Tacit processes are particularly important in focusing attention and in building an

intial mental model of a problem. Reasoning well in domains of nontrivial

complexity depends importantly on knowledge. Expertise is rooted in knowledge

and experts reason differently about problem.

1.2 Importance of the study:

Early childhood is a crucial stage of life in terms of a child’s physical,

intellectual,emotional and social development. Growth of mental and physical

abilities of children progress at an astounding rate and a very high propotion of

learning take place from birth to age six. It is a time when children particularly

need high quality personal care and learning experiences. Education begins from

the moment the child is brought home from the hospital and continues on when the


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child starts to attend playgroups and kindergartens. The learning capabilities of

humans continue for the rest of their lives but not at the intensity that is

demonstrated in the preschool years.

Creativity is the capacity to create, to produce new things. It is the capacity of the

human brain to reach new conclusions and ideas and to solve problems in an

original fashions. It can manifest in artistic, literary, scientific forms and it can also

unfold in the area of daily life improving its quality. The latter aspect will probably

not leave its mark on the history of humanity but it is basically what makes life

worth living.

Creativity is a key process for personal development and social progress. And it is

therefore included in positive psychology. Creativity is a cognitive style. It frames

how children approach learing and how they interpret and process information.

The ability to think critically and use numerical resoning skills has become much

more important in the work force in recent years. Resoning ability is one of the

most basic skill areas, one that exists in small children well before they are taught

mathematics in school. Reasoning ability it a higher order thinking skill and an

important factor in assessing work performance. Reasoning well in domains of

nontrival complexing depends importanty on knowledge expertise is rooted in

knowledge and experts reason differety about problems than do novice. Because of


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this, some have erroneassly assumed that good reasoining is nothing more than

good knowledge. Reasoning is recognized as the core element of human nature,

whether it is in the teaching of socrates, confucious or Buddism. A goal of

education is to prepare citizens with reasoning skills and to create society that is

more rational or culture. Reasoning skills are recognized as the key abilities for

human being to create, learn and exploit knowledge. These skills are also an

important factor in the process of human civilization. Therefore the importance of

reasoning ability has been of great concern in educational settings.

1.3 Significance of the Study:

The idea behin this study is to evaluate the creativity and reasoning ability of upper

primary school students and find out the effect of creativity and reasoning ability

on upper primary school students. This study wll examine as to how creativity and

reasoning ability is rclated to the students. Maintenance of mental health, the

progress of a country depends on the maximum exploitation of its hman resources.

The sound mental health is one of the first requisite condition of development.

Teachers and parents must know about the change proper individual educational

and vocaional guidance can be provided to them. It is during this period that

proper habit of responsibilition is evaluated. It should be remembered that piaget

among his different period of congitive growth has given primary importance to


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concrete operation and them to fomal operation concreate operational period to the

time for the child to gain experience. The experience gained at this period helps

abstract thinking at a later stage. So the students should abstract thinking at a later

sttage. So the students should be directed to acquire complete knowledge abouta

particular problem and to think about it like, several psychological traits such as

intelligence, adjustment, self, conficence, aggession tec. Creativity and Reasoning

ability is also differently distributed among children of different ages. It was a

common abservation that the institutional evironments of our centres of learning

leave much to be desired as for as the development of pupil potentialities is

concerned . According to the report of Indian Education Commission, “Even the

talent that enters Schools and Succeeds in climbing the educaional adder does not

flower fully because it is not discovered suffiently early and is often studying in

the poor school.”

Obviously the schools are ‘poor’ or ‘rich’ with respect to the environments they

provide for their children. Among the various factors which contribute towards

building what may be termed as ‘environment’ of an institution, mention can be

made of class room communication pattern’s, teaching strategies and motivation,

incentives, blame and rewards, spirit of competion, climate tec. These variables are

also important form the point of view of developing pupils potentialities of which

creativity and reasoning ability are important.


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Reasoning plays a significant role in one’s adjustment to one’s environment

and problem solving. It controls not only one’s environment and problem solving.

It controls not only and cognitive activity but many also influence the total

behaviour of individual. Reasoning abilities are not static. They are developed

through experience and rendered easier to perform through exercise. Recall that

individual differences in reasoning are substaintially errelated with the amount of

information individual can hold in working memory while performing some

transformation on it.

Many scholars investigate many variable and field but no on scholar glam to there

variables creativity and reasoning ability of students. This is a huge concept of

today and many problems are faced by students. So the reasearcher decided to

investigate in this field and entitled the problem, “ Creativity and reasoning ability

of upper primary school students.

1.4 Statement of the Problem:



1.5 Clarification of Term Used:

Like several psychological traits such as adjustment, self confidence, aggression,

submission etc. Creativity and reasoning ability are differently distributed among


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child of different ages. Till now no educational provisions were made for creative

children in India. It has also been observed the academic environment of different

nature puts different impact on the shaping of creative abilities and reasoning

abilities of the children.

Many scholars investigate many variable and field but no one scholar glam to these

variables creativity and reasoning ability. This is a huge concept of today and

many problems are faced by students. So, the researcher decided to investigate in

the problem. “Creativity and reasoning ability of upper primary students.


According to Simpson: “Creative ability is the initiation that one manifests by his

power to break away the usual sequence of thought.”1

According to Calvin W. Taylor: “Creativity can underline progress in any field

of activitiy.”2

Accoridng to George K.Binnet: “ Creativity is multiphasic and it has not same

meaning for all.”3


1. Sharma B.N. Educational Psychology, (2006) pp. 312. Sharma B.N. Educational Psychology, (2006) pp. 323. Sharma B.N. Educational Psychology, (2006) pp. 33


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According to Stein: “A process is creative when it results in a novel owrk that is

accepted as tenable of useful or satisfying by a group at same point in time.”4

According to MC Kinnon: “It is a process extended in time and characterzed by

originality adaptiveness and realization.”5

According to Mednick: “Creative thinking consists of framing new combinations

of associative elements which either meet specified requirement or in same way

useful. The more matually remote the elements of the new combination the more

creative is the process or solution.”6

According to Thurstone: “An act is creativity if the thinder reaches the solution

in sudden closure which necessarily implies some novelty to him.”7

Accordiong to Taylor: “A process is creativewhen it results in a novel work that

is accepted as tenable, useful or satisfying by a group at a point in time.”8

5. Dr. Kulshreshta, S.P. Educational Psychology, pp. 2956. Dr. Kulshreshta, S.P. Educational Psychology, pp. 2957. Dr. Kulshreshta, S.P. Educational Psychology, pp. 2958. Dr. Kulshreshta, S.P. Educational Psychology, pp. 295


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Accoriding to Gilford:

1. Ability to go beyond the immediate solution.

2. Ability to redefine the problem or some part of it.

3. Ability to cops with ideas that are unusual.

4. Ability to change or having new approach to the problem9.

According to Torrance: “I have chosen to define creative thinking as the process

of sensing gaps or disturbing missing elements, forming ideas or hypothesis and

communication of the results, possibly modifying and rte-testing the hypotheses.”10

According to CV Good: “The factor of creativity are tentatively described as

associate the ideational, fluency originality adaptive and spontaneous flexiblity that

make logical evaluation.”11

According to Medniks: “Creative thinking consists of forming new combination

of associative elements.”12

According to Simpson: “Creative thinking involves new forms of thinking away

from traditional forms.”13

9. Sharma Yogendra, The Text Book of Educational Psychology, Kanishka Publisher (2003) pp. 35610. Sharma Yogendra, The Text Book of Educational Psychology, Kanishka Publisher (2003) pp. 35611. Sharma Yogendra, The Text Book of Educational Psychology, Kanishka Publisher (2003) pp. 35612. Sharma Yogendra, The Text Book of Educational Psychology, Kanishka Publisher (2003) pp. 356


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According to Thurstone: “An act is creativity if the thinker reaches the solution

in sudden closure which necessarily implies some novelty to him.”14

According to Gates: “Reasoning is the terms applied to highly purposefully,

controlled selective thinking.”15

According to George albee, “Reasoning is the capacity for consciously making

sense of things applying logic, establishing and varifiying facts, and changing or

justifying pratices, institutions and beliefs based on new or existing information.”16

According to john. R Anderson: “It is closely associated with such

characersitically human activities as philosophy, science, language, mathematics

and art and is normally considered to be a definitive characterizstize of hman


According to Amit Abraham: “The concept of reason is sometimes referrred to

as rationality and sometimes as discursive reason in intutive reason.”18

13. Dr. Suri, S.P. Dr. Sodhi, T.S., Prof. Dumral, B.D., Dr. Dumral, Prabjot, Phychological Foundation of Education Bawa Publications, (2005) pp. 62

14. Dr. Suri, S.P. Dr. Sodhi, T.S., Prof. Dumral, B.D., Dr. Dumral, Prabjot, Phychological Foundation of Education Bawa Publications, (2005) pp. 62

15. Dr. Suri, S.P. Dr. Sodhi, T.S., Prof. Dumral, B.D., Dr. Dumral, Prabjot, Phychological Foundation of Education Bawa Publications, (2005) pp. 62

16. Dr. Suri, S.P. Dr. Sodhi, T.S., Prof. Dumral, B.D., Dr. Dumral, Prabjot, Phychological Foundation of Education Bawa Publications, (2005) pp. 62

17. Dr. Suri, S.P. Dr. Sodhi, T.S., Prof. Dumral, B.D., Dr. Dumral, Prabjot, Phychological Foundation of Education Bawa Publications, (2005) pp. 62



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According to liarrett: “ Reasoning is stepwise thinking with a purpose or goal of


According to Narendra Nath Sen Gupta: “Reasoning is associated with thinking,

Cognition, and intellect. Reason like habit or intuition, is one of the ways by which

thinking comes form one idea to a related idea.”20

According to Sudhir Kakar: “The field of logic studied ways in which human

beings reason through argument.”21

According to Indra Sen: “ A reasoning is a consideration which explains or

justifies some event, phenomenon or behaviour.”22

According to Lauren Allor: “The process of forming conclusins, judgements or

inferences from facts or premises.23

19. Dr. Suri, S.P. Dr. Sodhi, T.S., Prof. Dumral, B.D., Dr. Dumral, Prabjot, Phychological Foundation of Education Bawa Publications, (2005) pp. 62

20. Dr. Suri, S.P. Dr. Sodhi, T.S., Prof. Dumral, B.D., Dr. Dumral, Prabjot, Phychological Foundation of Education Bawa Publications, (2005) pp. 62

21. Dr. Suri, S.P. Dr. Sodhi, T.S., Prof. Dumral, B.D., Dr. Dumral, Prabjot, Phychological Foundation of Education Bawa Publications, (2005) pp. 62

22. Dr. Suri, S.P. Dr. Sodhi, T.S., Prof. Dumral, B.D., Dr. Dumral, Prabjot, Phychological Foundation of Education Bawa Publications, (2005) pp. 62


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1.6 Objective of the Study:

1. To compare the crealivity of govt. and Non-Govt. uperprimary Schools boy


2. To compare the crealivity of Govt. & Non-Govt. uper primary schools Girl


3. To compare the reasoning ability of Govt. and Non-Govt uper primary

schools boy students.

4. To compare the reasoning ability of Govt. and Non-Govt. uper primary

schools Girls Students.

5. To compare the Crealivily of Urban & Rural uper primary schools boy


6. To Campas the crealitivity of Urban & Rural uper Primary Schools Girl


7. To compare the reasoning ability of Urban & Rural uper primary schools

Boy Students.

8. To compare the reasoning ability of urban & rural uper primary schools Girl



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1.7 Hypotheses of the study:

1. There is no significance difference between creativity of govt. school and

Non-Govt. uper primary Schools Boy students.

2. There is no significance difference betwen creativity of govt. school and

non-govt. uper primary school girl students.

3. There is no significance difference between reasoning ability of govt. school

and Non-Govt uper-primary schools boy students.

4. There is no significance difference between reasoning ability of uper –

primary schools Girl Students.

5. There is no significance difference between creativity of urban and rural

upper-primary schools boy students.

6. There is no significance difference between creativity of urban and rural

uper-primary schools girl students.

7. There is no significance difference between reasoning ability of urban & rual

uper-primary schools boy students.

8. There is no significance difference between reasoning ability of urban &

rural uper primary schools girl students.


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1.8 Delimitation of the study:

1. The study was conducted on students of Govt. School.

2. The study was conducted on students of Private School.

3. The study was conducted on students of Rural Areas.

4. The study was conducted on students of Urban Areas.

5. The study was delimited to Yamuna Nagar District only.


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2.1 Introduciton:

The study of related literature works as a guiding post not only in regard to

the question of work done in the field but also enables s to percive the gap and

lacuna in the concerned field of research.

Research can be conducted accurately only if the research knows what has

been done in that field by others a good research therefore, makes every effort to

dig far and near stages concerned and also the stages that need to be searched a

studey of related literature is of paramount importance because in the absence of

related literature the investigator is in wilderness as a slip without a compass in


“Review of Literature consists of two wards,

Review+literature = review of literature”

When the term review means to organize the knowledge specific area of

research to evolve an edifice of knowledge to show that his study would be an

addition to this field and the term literature is used with reference to the language.


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Review of the related literature acquaints the researcher with current

knowledge in the field or area in which he is going to conduct his research.

Research is like a flow of river, which is always in action. Best (1963) considered

the survey of related literature as an important pre-requisite to actual planing and

execution of any research project to support his view by putting forward the

statement. It benefits researcher in three ways.

i. To avoid duplicaiton of work.

ii. To explor e areas worth researchable.

iii. Directs Research.

Review of related implies locating, reading and evaluating report of research

as well as reports of casual observation and opinion that are related to individuals

planned research project. It gives a scholar a understanding of previous work that

has been done. It enables to know the means of getting to the frontier in the field of

one’s problems. These studies reveal as to how much work has alredy been done in

certain field, which methods have been used to collect and analyses data and what

have been their findings, suggested solutions and reommendations etc.


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23. Sharma A.K. (1988-92) fifth survey of Eudcational Research, Vol. II, NCERT, New Delhi, pp. 1649.24. Sharma A.K. (1988-92) fifth survey of Eudcational Research, Vol. II, NCERT, New Delhi, pp. 164925. Sharma A.K. (1988-92) fifth survey of Eudcational Research, Vol. II, NCERT, New Delhi, pp. 184226. Sharma A.K. (1988-92) fifth survey of Eudcational Research, Vol. II, NCERT, New Delhi, pp. 1842

2.2 Review of related variable studies in Indian Contaxt:

Shukha J.P. (1980) In his study “creativity throughcultures during the period of

formal operation” at ph.W. No. Significant difference among the students of

different of differet age group, idfferent grade and sex as regard to the various

dimensons of creativity.24

Sen Gupa (1981): “Intellective and non intellective factors assiciated with

engineeringcreativity.” To investigate systematically difference in mechanical

reasoning with pertained to mechanical and physical principles in familiar

situations between high and low creative groups to compare differences groups on

a measure of value orientation based on strangers theory of value.25

Mistra K.S. (1982): Investigated on “Effect of Children’s perception of Home and

School Environment on their creativity and found that girls excelle boys in overall

crativity and influnence flexibility and orginality.26

Saxena’s (1983): “A study of need achievement in relation to crativity, value level

of creativity, value, level of aspiration and anxiety.” Correlation between n-ach and

creativity was significant among the sub of high and low creativity levels.27


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27. Sen Gupta (1981) Recent Researches in education and psychology, Vol. 7 No. III-IV, (2003) pp. 10228. Sharma S.S. (1988) Recent Researches in education and psychology, Vol. 8 No. III-IV, (2004) pp. 10929. Suri I.S. (1989) fifth survey of Eudcational Research, Vol. II, NCERT, New Delhi, pp. 1842.30. Singh O.P. (1994) fifth survey of Eudcational Research, Vol. II, NCERT, New Delhi, pp. 1842.

Pande, G.C’s (1985): Factor analysis revealed that reasoning ability had a

significant loading on the mathematics factor and verbal comprehension on the

civics and history factor. 28

Singh, S.S. (1988): Investigation was on the relationship between achievement of

certain concepts in physical chemistry and certain selected intellectur abilities

exemplified in the SI model of guilfoid. He found a significant relationship

between achievement and reasoning ability. The achievement factor had high

loading of reasoning – ability variables.29

Suri, I.S. (1989) : Tested this assumption in a study of the reasoning ability of

rural and urban students. Factor analysis of data yielded cognition of semantic

classes, cognition of semantic relations and convergent production of semantic

implications as three major factors accounting for the reasoning ability of rural

children. For the urban group, on the other hand, convergent production of

semantic classes emerged as the only factor to account for students reasoning

ability. 30

Singh O.P. (1994) “A study of creative in high school studeness in relation to

intelligence and socio-economic status.” The mean creativity score of the urban

students was higher than that of students from rural areas. The mean creativity

score of science students was higher than that of arts students.31


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31. Indian Educational Review Vol. 49 No. II (2000) pp. 532. Indian Educational Review Vol. 46 No. I (2002) pp. 4433. M.B. Buch, III Survey of Research in Education (2001) NCERT pp. 416.

Parsad (2000) and Mohammad (2000): Conducted a study to find out the effect

of discovery method of teaching in creativity of students using Mehl’s test of

verbal creativity as the criterian measure it was discovered that discovery method

of teaching proved significantly effective in developing fluency, flexibility and

originality dimensions of creativity.32

Dharman Gardan (2001): Investigated creativity in relation to Sex, age and

locality with a reprenstative Indian sample which comprised of both boys and

students of the age group 12 ½ years to 15 ½ years were found that urban children

scored higher than the private children in verbal test of creativity.33

Mishra (2002): Conducted a sutdy on boys and girls. He found that there is

insignificant relationship between academic achievement and intelligence quotient

in the case of high and low creative boys and girls. He further found that

correlation between academic achievement i.e. that dependent variable and the

independent variable is insignificant among the high and low creative boys and



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34. M.B. Buch, III Survey of Research in Education (2001) NCERT pp. 423. 35. M.B. Buch, III Survey of Research in Education (2001) NCERT pp. 423. 36. M.B. Buch, III Survey of Research in Education (2001) NCERT pp. 416.

Sucheta Kumari (2003): A study to find out the instructional and musturig effect

of synetics model of teaching on creativity employing the baqer mehdi’s test

(1996) of general creativity and general creativity test by Sucheta. She found a

significiant effect of Synetics method of teaching on general as well as language


Reeta Sharma (2004): A Comparative study of intelligence, creativity and

educational achievement of Rural and Urban girls and boys (10-14 years) 36

Gupta Arun and Kaul Anil (2007): “Research studies on creativity in India since

1990. A trand analyxis.” Results from the present analysis indicate that there has

been a sharp slump in the researcher oncreativity both in terms of quality and

quantity in india expecially during last decade.37

Jaiswal Vijay & Kumar Manoj (2009): Had studied the impact of creativity

among senior secondary students. They found that emotional and its dimensions

have significant effect on creativity of students.38


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37. Tapan Kumar, Recent of Researcher in Education and psychology, Vol. 7 III-IV (2010) pp. 441. 38. M.B. Buch, III Survey of Research in Education (2001) NCERT pp. 423. 39. Verma B.P. and Sood Monika (2011) Indian Educational Abstract Vo. 43, No. 1 Jan 2011, pp 18.

Tapan Kumar Basantia and B.N. Panda (2010) : Conduct a study of

development of creative abilities among elementary schoold students through

Multi-Dimensional Activity – based Integrated Approach and find out that

different aspects of creative abilities of the learners can be developed through

using the different nurturing straticgies and creative inducement programmers.39

Saima Siddiqi (2011): Conduct a study of “A comparative study of creativity

among boys and girls of class VII and find out the boys do not diffe significantly in

all the variables of verbal crativity, except the measures of originality, form the

girls. The results of the present study are in agreement with the finding of Torrance

(1969), Torrance and Aloitti (1969), Richmond (1971), singh (1982) Tegano and

Moran (1989, Lau and Li (1996) who found the existence of significant sex

differences between boys and girls in the test scores of creative thinking ability on

which boys scored significantly higher scores than girls.40

Verma B.P. and Sood Monika (2011) “Creativity gender and thinkng styles” two

thinking styles viz. Legislative and liberal highly creative students were found to

be significantly more inclined than their counterparts low crative students. This

implies that some appropriate intervention programmes to use to develop these two

thinking styles among low creative students.41


Page 28: Madam English Goms;

42. Chassel (1916), Recent of Researcher in Education and psychology, Vol. I-II (2006) pp. 38. 43. Cline richards and needhand, III Survey of Research in Education (2001) NCERT pp. 42. 44. Welch (1976) Indian Educational Abstract Vo. 43, No. 1 Jan 2011, pp 40.

2.3 Review related variables in Abroad:

Chassel (1916): “Test for reasoning ability” adapted and devised 12 test. These

were bulding pitures, writing analogues, original analogues, chain puzzles, tringle

puzzle, pages ring, complection test, code test, economic propheciry invention for

sheet music and novel situation.42

Cline richards and needhand (1963): “Explored seven creativity measured such

as providing synonyms for a given word.” Specifying used of a comon within more

complex geometric forms and solving match sticks problem the subjects were 79

male and 40 female high school students.43

Welch (1976): “Prepared a four part times test.” It requires subjects to constuct

meaningful sentences from group of words. Construct letters from alphabets

according to certain criteria construct a short story from list of 20 words. Construct

of furniture from 10 wooden blocks total scrores and scores for each of the 4 part

were compared for 30 professional artist. 25 female and 48 unselected study.44


Page 29: Madam English Goms;

45. Annie K.J. (2007) Indian Educational Abstract Vo. 43, No. 1 Jan 2007, pp 45.

Annie K.J. (2007): “A study of creativity among over achievers and under

achievers students of IX standard in relation to certain psycholosical factor.” The

students of the standard poses vary in respect of their anxiety economic value and

social value, the boys and girls belonging to over achieving under achieved and

normal achieving group differ in their verbal creativity. 45


Page 30: Madam English Goms;



3.1 Introduction:

A well though plan of action in advance followed by systematic execution

brings out fruitful results. Any research activity to be carried out must be well

planned before hand any problem whether educational researcher or can be

resolved only on the basis of data because data is to figure a research design

regarding the problem concerned on the basis of data collection.

To carry out any type of research investigation, it is very important to be

well planned and systematic. In order to make a research investigation objective

and precise, scientific methods play a very important roele. The investigator needs

to use procedures that apply some rational logical order in establishing connections

between the various objects under observation.

An educational and scientific problem can be resolved only on the basis of

data, as it provides the basis for obtaining results. Many different methods and

procedures have been developed to add the acquisition of data. It is very crucial for

the researcher to develop a research design which includes the plan and procedures

to be used for conducting the study. It includes the process of collection of data,

the treatment of the data etc. 30

Page 31: Madam English Goms;

This section should outline the research plan. It should describe in detail, the

procedure used for the collection of data, the tools and the statistical techniques

used in analyzing and interpreting he raw data.

This is the most important step in the developing of any research plan. In

order to explain the procedure used for the study, the investigator has discribed the

procedure of collection of data from the selected sample, procedure used in

tabulating and organizing the data, the tools used and the statistical techniques used

to analyze the data.

This chapter helps to describes just what must be done how it was done,

what data was needed, what data gathering devices analysed and draw the


It includes discussion of following aspects.

1. Methodology Used.

2. Population and Sample.

3. Description of the Tool

4. Design of the Study

5. Procedure

6. Statistical Technique to be used for Data Analysis.


Page 32: Madam English Goms;

3.2 Research Method:

There are certain methods involved in modern researches. Every study is

distinguished on the basis of its different purposes and approaches. There are

different methods like historical, survey, experiment.

The present study is Creativity and Reasoning ability of students of Govt.

and Non Govt. Schools. The investigator used survey method.

3.3 Population:

A population is any group of individuals that have one or more

characteristics in common that are of interest to the researcher. It means all those

people or document etc. That are purposed to be covered unde the scheme of study.

On the basis of objectives of the study, the population of the present study was the

comparison between creativity and reasoning abiity of upper primary student of

Govt. And non govt. Schools of Haryana Distt. Yamuna Nagar.

3.4 Sample:

The primary purpose of research is to discover principles that have

universal application, but to study a whole population and to arrive at

generalization would be impractical, if possible if one studies the whole universe.

Fortunately, the process of sampling makes it possible to draw valid inferences or

generalizaion on the basis of careful observation of variables within a relatively


Page 33: Madam English Goms;

small proportion of the population. This representative proportion of the population

is called a ‘sample’. A sample is miniature picture of the entire group or aggregate

from which it has been taken and sampling is a process by which a relatively small

number of individuals is selected and analyzed in order to find out something about

entire population from which it has been selected.

The adequacy and representation of a sample depend upon the method used

in drawing the sample. The important methods include random samling,

systematic, stratified, cluster, multistage, purposive sampling etc.

The method of sampling in the present study is random samling. The control

in sampling is identical as representative are of Yamuna Nagar District and Upper

primar students.


Page 34: Madam English Goms;

3.5 Sampling: Flow Chart:

Total Samples

(150) students

Govt. School Students (75) Non – Govt.School Student (75)

Boys Girls Boys Girls

(40) (35) (40) (35)

Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban(20) (20) (17) (18) (20) (20) (17) (18)


Page 35: Madam English Goms;

3.6 Selected Sample Listed:



Name of school Students Boys Girls

1. Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Chamrori 25 13 12

2. Govt. High School, Bubka 20 10 10

3. Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Camp YNR 25 12 13

4. Govt. High School, Kajnu 15 10 5

5. I.P.S. School, Radaur 20 10 10

6. S.V.N.Sr. Sec. School, YNR 15 10 5

7. Doon Public School, Bubka 20 10 10

8. Sarswati Vidhya Mandir, Alahar 10 5 5

Total 150 80 70


Sr.No. Name of the tools Constructed by

1. verbal creativity test Dr.Baqer Mehdi

2. Reasoning Ability Dr. K.M. Sadhna Battnagar.


Page 36: Madam English Goms;

3.8 Description of Tools:

3.8.1 Verbal Creativity Test :


The verbal test which has been described in the present manual is part of the

total battery which consist of both verbal and non-verbal test. The verbel test of

creativity includes four sub-tests namely consequences test , similarity test and

product improvement test.

1. Consequence test - The consequence test consist of there hypothetical

situations [a] what would happed if man could fly like birds? [b] what would

happed if our schools had wheels?and (c) What would happed if man does

not have any need for food?

The subjact is required to think as many consequenes of these situations as he

can, and write them under each situation in the space provided.The situations

being hypothetical minimize the effect of experience and also provide the

subject with anunlimited opportunity and originality. An example is given

on the test booklet to acquaint the subject with the nature of the test. The

time allowed for there problem is 4 minute eash.

2. Unusual Used Test – This test present the subject with the name of three

common object –a piece of stone ,a wooden stick ,and water – and requires


Page 37: Madam English Goms;

him to write as many novel,interesting and unusual usesof these object as he

may think of. The example given on the test booklet properly acquaints the

subjects with the nature of task.this test measures the subject ability to

retrieve items of information from his personal information in storage.

Evidently, it measure also the subjects ability to shift frame of reference to

use the environment in an orignal manner. The time allowed for the there

tasks is 5 minutes eash.

3. New Relationships Test- this test presents the subject with three pairs of

words apparently diffrent-tree and house , chair and ladder, air and water

and requires him to think and write as many novel relatonships as possible

between the two objects of each pair in the space provided. The test provides

an opportiunity for the free play of imaginalion and originality. The time

allowed for each pair of words is 5 minutes.

4. Product Improvement Test- In this test, subject is asked to think of a

simple wooden toy of a house and suggest addition of new things to it to

make it more interesting for the children to play. The time allowed is 6


This total time required for administering the test is 48 minutes in addtion to the

necessary for giving instruction passing out test booklets to children and collection

them back


Page 38: Madam English Goms;


The test was administered to two samles- one urban and the other rural

consisting of 300 and 175 pupils respectively studying in classes VI and VIII. Each

item was scored for fuency, flexibility and originalitly. The raw scroes for each

item were converted into T score with a mean of 50 and SD 10 and were added up

to get the total score for each item. The item score were then correlated ,first ,with

the total activity scores, and then with the grand total i.e the total of all four

activities. The total actively scores were also correlated with the grand total.

Another method for studying the usefulness of the items in a givan activity was to

obtain separate scores for fluency, flexibility and originality for each set of items

under a given activity in order to see how the factor scores were correlated among

themselves and how they correlated the grand total


The test- retest reliabilities of the factor score and also the total score were

obtained on a small [N=31] As will be seen both the factor and the total creativity

score reliabilities are considerable high ranging from 896 to.959. These are highly

satisfactory. The reliability of the total creativitly score which came out to be. 959

is again quite high. Inter reliabilities for the scores in one study were found to

range form.653 to 981


Page 39: Madam English Goms;

The validity coefficients for factor scores and total creativity score are high

enough [sig. Beyond .10 level to place confidence in the use of the test . Higher

correlations with teacher ratings rating are usually not obtained due to the

unreliability of the ratings


The following points haven been mentioned in order to facilitate the

interpretation of scores by the test under.

1. The score on the test give information about those thinking abilities which

are not measured by intelligence test. These abilities have been found to be

related to creative thinking .

2. In the absence of norms for different groups, interpretation has to be based

on high and low score on the test .the group is sufficiently heterogneous it is

recommended that score which are 1 S.D .above the mean shuold be used to

mark out the ‘high’ creativity ‘group, and those which are 1 S.D. below the

mean should be used to desigand ‘low creativity ‘group .

3. The total raw fluency, flexibility and originally score should not be added up

to obtion a composite creativity score without converting them to standard

score instead of raw score. As has been pointed above, this is because of

differences in standard deviations of fluency, flexibility and orginality score.


Page 40: Madam English Goms;

4. In the absence of information about the use of separate factor score, it is

recommended that only the composite creatvity score should be used for

grading pupils on creativity .

5. Research workers who use the test on a specific sample should prepare their

own norms if necessary .

Distributioh of reasonin ability Index:

There are 35 statements which are related to inductive – deductive reasoning

ability. It is useful for the age group of 12-18. It can be practised on the upper age

group also. For the insepetion time limit to 45 minutes one stateemnt tabes one

minute from the begining of the test researcer declaired the instructtion so that

there will be no doubt in the testing hours. After the 35 minutes when time limit is

over. Researcher collected the question paper. Marks are given according to

answer key where all the question are in solved from. One makrk is given to one

right question.


Page 41: Madam English Goms;

Answer key



Ans. Item


Ans. Item


Ans. Item


Ans. Item



1 A 8 A 15 C 22 D 29 C

2 B 9 C 16 B 23 D 30 A

3 C 10 A 17 A 24 B 31 A

4 B 11 A 18 C 25 C 32 C

5 D 12 D 19 B 26 C 33 C

6 D 13 A 20 A 27 C 34 A

7 C 14 D 21 D 28 C 35 A

Standardisation of test

Reliability and validity

For the standardisation of the test sample of 800 students (10th, 12th) has been

choosen. There are boys and girls are in average numbers who are related to

different social and economic group. After the analysis found: reliability score


Validity score 0.83 (N=150 and 200) according to garg’s problem solving

eligibility test’s validity score is 0.89 wherever for testing the mental ability ocis

organised a self made observation and found the validity score 0.86 n=100 and



Page 42: Madam English Goms;

Management of Test

Management of the test is easy. Before the starting of the test researcher must have

the surity that the seating arrangement is in the comfortable situation. The total

time period for the test is 60 minutes.

Guidline for researcher:

We want to assess your mental abilities/evaluation through thos test you have 30

mineutes for thos test. So give the answers carefully and as earlier as possible.

Every question has one specific answer which is given on the question-paper. So

you have to choose the best option.

For the example:

Three chothes tables the two hours in draining. How much time will take the mine


(a) Two Hours (√) (b) Six Hours ( )

(c) four hours ( ) (d) Eight Hours ( )

The right answer for the question is two hours. As it has been indicated.

Usefulness of the test.


Page 43: Madam English Goms;

Problem Solving ability and numerical ability has a positive correlaltion. With the

help of this test we can evaulate weather the 13-18 age group students have the

problem solving ability or not. As earlier it had been indicated that this test has

been stardardised on the sample of 1800 students which have een taken from Aagra

Mathura, Aligarh. 14-18 age group students included boys and girls are included in

this test. Thge marks are classifed according to following table.

Classification of the reasoning ability of different level of :

Grade Classification Range of Scores

Age 13-14


Age 15-16 yrs Age 17-18


A Very high reasoning


30 and


32 and above 34 and above

B High reasoning ability 25-29 27-31 29-33

C Average reasoning ability 18-24 20-26 22-28

D Very high reasoning


12-17 15-19 18-21

E Very Low reasoning


11 and


14 and below 17 and below



Page 44: Madam English Goms;

46. Best, John W. And James V. Kahn (1998 Re-edition) “Research in Education” Allyn and Bacon Press, London, PP-343.

Investigator went to various schools on separate days and explained the

sigtnificance of the test to senior secondary school Students. Investigator gave the

opinion papers to the students and asked them to give their response freely to these

questions. There was no limit of time after the completion of ht etest; response

sheets was collected from the students.


i. Mean

ii. Standard Deviation

iii. C.R. value

1. Mean:

The mean is probably the most useful of all statisical measures, for, in

addition to the information that it provides, it is the base from which many

other important measures are computed.

“The mean of a distribution is commonly understood as the arithmetic

average. The term grade-point average, familiar to students, is a mean value.

It is computed by dividing the sum of all the scores by the number of



Page 45: Madam English Goms;

47. Best, John W. And James V. Kahn (1998 Re-edition) “Research in Education” Allyn and Bacon Press, London, PP-350.

“The mean is the sum of the separeate score or meansures divided by their



∑X= sum of scores

M = mean

N = Number of scores

2. Standard Deviation:

Standard Deviation: The square root of the squares of individual deviation

from the mean, in series.

James dreves 1968

Although the deviation approach (Just used in the previous calculation)

provides a clear exaqmple of the meaning of variance and standard

deviation, in actual practice the deviation method can be awkard to use in

computing the variances or standard eviations for a large number of scores.

A less complicated method, which results in the same answer, uses the raw

S~CIES instead of the deviation scores. The number values tend to be large,

but the use of a calculator facilitates the computation.


Page 46: Madam English Goms;

48. Best, John W. And James V. Kahn (1998 Re-edition) “Research in Education” Allyn and Bacon Press, London, PP-350.

In the case of standard deviation, the deviation from the mean are squared up

to eliminate the pluse and minus signs. The sum of squares of deviation is

then divided by the total number and the square root of the obtained values

is the standard deviation.

The standard deviation, the square root of the variance, is most frequently

used a a measure of spread or dispresion of scores in the distribution.48

The formula for standard deviation of a population is

D= deviation from mean

D2= sum of the squared deviations taken from mean

N= no. Of scores.

3. CR value:

CR value is a critical ratio in which a more exact estimate of the of ois used t

is a Cr but all CR’s are not ‘t’s. The sampling distribution of ‘t’ is not

normal when N is smaller than 30.


Page 47: Madam English Goms;

M1 = SE of the mea of the first sample.

M2 = SE of the mean of the second smaple

SD21= Square of SD of the first smaple.

SD22= Square of SD of the second sample.

N1 =Size of the first sample.

N2 = size of the second smaple.


Page 48: Madam English Goms;



4.1 Introduction:

According to Olier R.A.c., “When the data has been obtained it is necessary

to organize for interpretation and presentation. Qualitative data may have to be

summarized and quantitative data may have to be treated significance clear.”

The next step after collecting the data is of its analytsis because he data as

such has no meaning unless it is analyzed and interpreted by sophisticated

statistical techniques in order to arrive at certain reliable and valid conclusions.

However, valid reliable and adequate data may not be serve any worth while

purpose unless it is carefully edited, systematically classified and tabulated,

scientifically analyzed, intelligently, interpreted and rationally concluded. Analysis

of data means categorizing, ordering, manipulating ans summarizing of data to

obtain answer to the Research questions. It involves in breaking up the complex

factors into simple parts and putting them in new arrangement. Some statistics

techniques help a researcher in order to determine inherent factors or meaning

lying against collected data.

4.1 To compare the significant of mean differences of creativity between govt.

And non-Govt. Boys.48

Page 49: Madam English Goms;

Table no. 1

Schools Boys N Nean S.W. C.R.


Level of significance

Govt. School


40 31.10 5.85 0.05 0.01

Non Govt.

School boys

40 71.10 12.02 21.15 Significant






In above table no. 1 the mean and standard diviation values are given of creativity

of boys of Govt. And non-govt schools. The mean values of creativity of govt and

non-govt. Boys are 31.10, 71.10 and standard deviation are 5.58 and 12.02


The calculate C.R. value of creativity in both groups is 21.15. The table

value of C.R. value of C.R. value is at the level of significance 0.01 and 0.05 for

the degree of freedem 78 are 2.60 and 1.96 respectively, which is less than its

calculated value as both levels of significance (i..e. 0.01 & 0.05). this perusual that

the null hypothesis has been rejected and declared that three is significant

difference between creativity of govt. And non govt school boys, so it represents


Page 50: Madam English Goms;

difference between creativity of boys of govt and non govt. Schoools. Non govt.

Schools boys have more creative power than government schools boys.


Page 51: Madam English Goms;

Gaph No. Giv. 1




Govt. School Boys Non-Govt. School Boys














Series 1Series 2


31.10 5.85

71.10 12.02

Related bar diagram show mean & S.D. of Creativity of boys of government

non government school.


Page 52: Madam English Goms;

4.2 To compare the significant of mean differences of creativity between govt. And

non govt. Girls.

Table no. 2



N Nean S.W. C.R.


Level of significance


School Girls

35 31.10 5.85 0.05 0.01

Non Govt.

School Girls

35 71.10 12.02 21.15 Significant






In above table no. 2 the mean and standard deviation values are given of creativity

of girls of Govt. And non-Govt. Schools. The mean values of creativity of Govt.

And non non Govt. Girls are 31.10 , 71.10 and standard deviation are 5.58 and

12.02 respectively.

The calculate C.R. value of creativity in both groups is 21.15. The table value of

C.R. value is at the level of significance 0.01 & 0.05 for the degree of freedom 68

are 2.60 and 1.96 respectively , which is less than its calculated value as both

levels levels of significant (i.e. 0.01 – 0.05) this perusal that the null hypathesis has


Page 53: Madam English Goms;

been rejected and declared that there is significant difference between creativity of

govt. And non govt. School girls. So it represents difference between creativity of

girls of govt and non govt. Schools.

Non- govt. Schools girls have more creativity poer than goverment schools girls.

Graph No. 3



Govt. School Girls Non-Govt. School Girls














Series 1Series 2Column1


Page 54: Madam English Goms;

To compare the significant of mean differences of reasoning ability between govt.

And non govt. Boys .

Table no. 3



N Nean S.W. C.R.


Level of significance


School Boys

40 25.4 4.59 0.05 0.01

Non Govt.

School Boys

40 75.18 14.50 14.12 Significant






In above table no. 3 the mean and standard deviation values are given of reasoning

ability between govt. And non govt schools boys are 25.40, 75.18 and standard

deviation are 4.59 and 14.50 respectively.

The caleulated C.R. value of reasoning ability in both group is 14.12. the table

value of C.R. value is at the level of significances 0.01, 0.05 for the degree of

freedom 78 are 2.60 and 1.96 respectively, whichis less than its calculated value as

both levels of significance (i.e. 0.012 0.05). This perusal that the null hypothesis

has been rejected and declared that there is significant difference between


Page 55: Madam English Goms;

reasoning ability of govt and non govt. School boys. So it represenets differences

between reasoning ability of boys of govt and non-govt schools. Now govt. School

boys have more reasoning ability poer than government school boys.

Graph no. 3




Govt. Boys Non-Govt. Boys0













Mean S.D.

To compare the significant of mean differences of reasoning ability between govt.

And non govt. Girls .55

Page 56: Madam English Goms;

Table no. 4



N Nean S.W. C.R.


Level of significance


School Boys

35 28.3 5.93


0.05 0.01

Non Govt.

School Boys

35 87.18 18.50 Significant






In above table no. 3 the mean and standard deviation values are given of reasoning

ability between govt. And non govt schools Girls. The mean values of reasoning

ability of govt and non govt shcool girls are 28.30, 87.18 and standard deviation ar

5.93 and 18.50 respectively.

The caleulated C.R. value of reasoning ability in both group is 21.42. the table

value of C.R. value is at the level of significances 0.01, 0.05 for the degree of

freedom 68 are 2.60 and 2.60 and 1.96 respectively, whichis less than its

calculated value as both levels of significance (i.e. 0.01 & 0.05). This perusal that

the null hypothesis has been rejected and declared that there is significant


Page 57: Madam English Goms;

difference between reasoning ability of girls of govt and non govt. School. Non

govt school girls have more reasoning ability poer than government school girls.

Graph no. 4




Govt. Girls Non-Govt. Girls0















Mean S.D.

To compare the significant of mean differences of creativity between urban and

rural boys studens.


Page 58: Madam English Goms;

Table no. 5



N Nean S.W. C.R.


Level of significance


School Boys

20 45.46 8.86


0.05 0.01

Rural Govt.

School Boys

20 30.42 4.65 Significant






In above table no. 5 the mean and standard deviation values are given of Creativity

of boys of Urban schools and Rural schools. The mean values of creativity of

urban and rural boys are 45.46 and 30.42 and standard deviation are 8.86, 4.65


The caleulated C.R. value of reasoning ability in both group is 0.568. The table

value of C.R. value is at the level of significances 0.01, 0.05 for the degree of

freedom 38 are 2.60 and 2.60 and 1.96 respectively, which is less than its

calculated value as both levels of significance (i.e. 0.01 & 0.05). This perusal that

the null hypothesis has been rejected and declared that there is significant

difference between Creativity of urban and rural school boys. So it represents


Page 59: Madam English Goms;

difference between creativity of boys of urban and rural schools. Urban schools

boys have more creativity power than rural school boys.

Graph no. 4




Creativity of Boy of urban

Creativity of Boy of Rural















Mean S.D.


Page 60: Madam English Goms;

To compare the significant of mean difference of creating between urban & Rural

girls students.

Table No.5



N Mean Standard




Level of Signifance




18 45.46 8.86 0.568 0.05 0.01




17 30.42 4.65 Significant





In above table no- the mean and standard deviation values are given of creating of

girls of urban schools & rural .s.chools. The means values of creating of urban

andrural girls are. And g and standard devation are 8.86 ,4.65 respectively.

The caluculate or value of creating in both groups is 0.568. the table value of C.r

value is at the level of significant 0.01 ,0.05 for the degree of freedom 33 are 2.60

and 1.96 respectively which is less than its calculated value as both level of


Page 61: Madam English Goms;

significant (i.e 0.01 0.05) this personal that the null hypothesis has been resected

and declared that there is signifiacnat difference between creating of urban and

rural schools girls. Go it represent difference between creating of girls of urban and

rural schools. Urban schools Girls have more creating power than rural schools


Graph No-6

Creativity of Boy of urban

Creativity of Boy of Rural












18 17



Mean S.D.

Related Bar Digaram shows mean & S.W of creating of Girls of urban & rural



Page 62: Madam English Goms;

To compare the significant of mean difference of reasoning ability betwwn urban

and rural Schools Boys.

Schools Boys N Mean S.D C.R


Level of signifancet

Urban schools


20 40.45 7.42


0.05 0.01

Rural Schools


20 30.40 4.32 Signifanc







In above table no-7 the mean and standard deviation value are given of reading

ability of boys of urban and rural schools. The mean value of urban and rural

schools boys are 40.45 ,30.40 and standard deviation are 7.423 4.32 respectively.

The calculate C.r Value of Reasoning ability in both groups is 0.568 . the table

value of C.R Value is at the level of significant 0.01 & 0.05 for the degree of

freedom 38 are 2.60 and 1.96 respectively which is less than its calculated value as


Page 63: Madam English Goms;

both levels of signifacant9i.e 0.012 & 0.05) This perusal that the null hypothesis

has been rejected and declared that there is significant difference between

reasoning ability of urban & rural schools. Urban schools boys have more creating

power than rural schools boys.


Creativity of Boy of urban

Creativity of Boy of Rural















Mean S.D.

Related Bar Diagram Shows Mean & S.D of reasoning ability of Boys of urban

and rural schools.

To compare the significant of mean difference of reasoning ability between urban

& rural Girls.63

Page 64: Madam English Goms;

Table No-8

Schools Girls N Mean S.D C.R


Level of significant

Urbans Schools


18 45.46 8.86


0.05 0.01

Rural School


17 30.42 4.65 Significant





In above table no-8 the mean and standard deviation values are given

at reasoning abilitys of girls at urban & rural schools. The mean value of urban &

rurals schools girls are 45.46.,304 g and standard deviation are 8.86 , 4.65

respectively. The calculate C.R value at reasoning ability in boths groups is 0.568.

The table value of C.R value is at the value of siginafnace. 0.01 & 0.05 for the

degree of freedom 33 are 9.60 & 1.96 respectively which is less than its calculated

value & both value & signifance (i.e) 0012005) . This pursural that the null both

sis. Has been rejected and declared that there is signifanct different between

reasoning ability at urban & rural SCHOOLS girls. So it respected difference

between reasoning abilitys at girls of urban & rurals schools. Urbans Schools girls

have more creativity power than schools girls.

GraPh No-864

Page 65: Madam English Goms;

Related Bar Diagram Shows mean & S.D of reasoning Ability of girls of urban &

rural Schools.

Creativity of Boy of urban

Creativity of Boy of Rural















Mean S.D.


Page 66: Madam English Goms;



5.1 Finding :

Ho, there is no signifance difference between creativity of boys of Govt & Non

Govt Schools It is calucalated that the null . hipothesis has been rejected &

declared that there is signifanct digit between creative by of govt & non Govt

Schools . Boys on the basis of level of signifanct of ( I.E in 0.01 & 0.05)

So it resperented difference between creative Boys of govt & Non Govt Schools.

Ho2, There is no signifance difference between creative of girls of Govt & Non

Govt Schools . It is calculated that the null hypotheses has been rejected & declares

That there is signifance difference between creativity of govt & non govt Schools.

Girls on the basis of level of signifance(i.E 0.01,0.05) So it resperented difference

between creativy of girls of govt & non Govt Schools.

Ho3 , There is no signifance difference reasoning ability of boys of govt & Non

govt Schools, It is calculated that the null hypotheses has been rejected & declared

that there is signifanct between reaoning ability of Govt & Non Govt Schools

Boys On the basis of level of Signifance (I.e 0.01,0.05) So it resperented difference

between reasoning ability of boys of Govt & Non Govt Schools.


Page 67: Madam English Goms;

Ho4 There is no of signifance difference between reasoning ability of girls of govt

& non Govt Schools. It is calculated that the null hypothesis has been rejected &

declared that there is signifance difference between reasoning ability of govt & non

Govt schools. On the basis of level of signifance (I.e 0.01,0.05)

So it is resperented between reaoning ability of Girls of Govt & Non Govt Schools

HO5 There is no signifance difference between creativity of boys of urban & rural

Schools, It is calculated that the null hypothesis has been rejected & declared that

there is signifanct difference between creativity of urban & Rural of Boys on the

basis signifance (i.e 0.01,0.05) So it resperented difference between creativity of

boys of urban & Rural Schools.

HO6 There is no signifance difference between creativity of girls of urban & rural

Schools, It is calculated that the null hypothesis has been rejected & declared that

there is signifanct difference between creativity of urban & Rural of girls. on the

basis signifance (i.e 0.01,0.05) So it resperented difference between creativity of

girls of urban & Rural Schools.

HO7 There is no signifance difference between Reasoning of boys of urban & rural

Schools, It is calculated that the null hypothesis has been rejected & declared that

there is signifanct difference between reasoning of urban & Rural of Boys on the


Page 68: Madam English Goms;

basis signifance (i.e 0.01,0.05) So it resperented difference between reasoning

ability of boys of urban & Rural Schools.

HO8 There is no signifance difference between Reasoning of girls of urban &

rural Schools, It is calculated that the null hypothesis has been rejected & declared

that there is signifanct difference between reasoning of urban & Rural of girls on

the basis signifance (i.e 0.01,0.05) So it resperented difference between reasoning

ability of girls of urban & Rural Schools.


Objectives of reasarch work are pre palnned with the help of which investigator

complete their goal. It is very essential in research in research work that it is given

a final form by the help of fact on the basis result and by the calculation and

analysis final coculsions is derived . Conculsions is generalized so that common

persons can understand and reliability , validity increases . In research conculsions

are very important . This is an important part of research . The present study has

following conculsions.

1 There is significance difference between creativity of Govt & Non – Govt

Schools Boys Students . The mean Shows non-govt Schools boys Students

are more creative than govt Schools Boys.


Page 69: Madam English Goms;

2 The mean Shows that according to the levels of signifance (ie 0.012 & 0.05)

mean of non – Goverments girls are more than govt schools girls . Therefore

Govt Schools Girls have less than non-govt Schools girls.

3 The mean shows that according to the levels of signifance (ie 0.01 and 0.05)

mean of non –government boys are more than govt schools boys. Therefore

Govt schools boys have less reasoning ability than non –govt schools boys.

4 The mean shows that according to the levels of signifance (i.e 0.01 and 0.05)

mean of non –govt Schools girls are more than govt schools girls. Therefore

Non-govt Schools Girls have more reasoning ability than govt schools Girls

5 The mean shows that according to the levels signifance (i.e 0.01 and 0.05)

mean of urban schools boys are more than rural schools boys. Therefore

urban schools boys have more creativity than rural schools boys.

6 The mean shows that according to the level of signifance (i.E 0.01 and 0.05)

mean of urban schools girls are more than rural schools girls. Therefore

urban school girls have more creativity than rural school girls

7 The mean shows that according to the level of signifance (i.E 0.01 and 0.05)

mean of urban schools boys are more than rural schools boys. Therefore

urban school boys have more reasoning ability than rural school boys.


Page 70: Madam English Goms;

8 The mean shows that according to the level of signifance (i.E 0.01 and 0.05)

mean of urban schools boys are more than rural schools girls. Therefore

urban school girls have more reasoning ability than rural school girls.

5.3 Educational Implication

The Study of creativity and reasoning ability are essential for every students . The

educational problems affect a students achievement and also his behavior very

much. So these two should be removed by help of parents and teachers . The

schools should organize the activitives for festering creativity and reasoning ability

of the students . The schools should also make effort to improve the creativity and

reasoning ability problems of the students.

The teachers should makes a friendly environment in the class and try to improve

these skills of the students.

5.4 Suggestion:

5.4.1 Suggestion For teachers

1 The teachers should provided proper guidance service to the students

2 The teachers should develop religious and moral values to the students.

3 The teacher should develop positive attitude towards life .


Page 71: Madam English Goms;

4 The teachers should provide conductive environment for proper


5 The teacher should present an idea model thought his dealing.

6 The teacher should provide opportunities for the development of their

creative abilities.

7 The teacher should provide opportunities for the development of their

reasoning abilities.

5.4.2 Suggestion for students

1 The Students should consults the teacher.

2 They Should participate in Co-Curricular activities.

3 The students should do yoga exercise to improve their creativity and

reasoning ability.

5.4.3 Suggestion for Parents

1 The Parent Should encourage their children for creative thinking .

2 The parent should encourage their children for improve their reasoning



Page 72: Madam English Goms;

3 The Parent should provide environment for expression of children for their



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