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Page 1: Magazine analysis

Buzz word- used the word ‘exclusive’ to attract the reader into the magazine feeling more involved and interested in what it has to offer. Temps the reader more to open the magazine or purchase it. Suits the genre of people that are interested in Nirvana’s style of music.

Masthead- shown in a harsh bold font, using capital letters which jumps out more to the reader and communicates across that this is the name of the magazine. Using the colour red also stands out from the black and white background tying in with the colour scheme also.

The main feature of the magazine cover is communicated through the name ‘Jake Bugg’ written in capital letters in a similar style to the masthead, this could indicate that he is just as important as the magazine itself and the main feature in this edition.

Date and price- the date of the magazine issue and price is displayed in a small font, this could indicate that the publisher doesn’t want the price to be the first thing that you see as an audience as it is more on the expensive side at £2.50. The fact that everything other than the price stands out in the cover would be the publisher wanting to make the reader feel that it is worth the price. This also indicates that the magazine is of a higher value and quality.

Barcode- indicates the magazine is made to be bought by its audience.

Sub image- images showing what is featured inside the magazine, acts as a sneak preview of what you could see if you purchased it. Relates to the buzz word and adds to the attraction that it gives to buying the issue.

Main image- the fact that he is holding a none alcoholic drink in the cover of a magazine known for sex, alcohol and drugs indicates that he goes against the stereotypical rock star. It also appeals to the audience as they would want to learn more about why he has chosen to do this so publically and controversially. The main image also is shown to be in black and white which shows him to almost fade into the background compared to the text that is bright and actually over his body only emphasising his facial expression and the drink he is holding. Representing that he is quite mysterious and the fact that he is new to the music world also supports this idea what we would want to learn more about him as an audience.

Layout- the placing of the text over the main image introduces us right to the artist as his name is shown in capitals and bright colours. It is quite different to the placement of text in most magazines as we would expect the headings to be around the main image than over it. This is connotative of that he goes against the norms and isn't all about the attention.

The placement of the text also could be to the magazines benefit due to the fact that he isn't well known so before the audience dismisses who he is they are drawn in by the large text and mysterious nature of the cover.

Plug- using this to stand out from the rest of the cover to draw attention to it straight away, also being at the top above the masthead makes this the first thing that you see on the cover so the audience is automatically pulled in by seeing a well known groups name first.

Buzz word- using a second buzz word ‘win’ on the cover attracts the audience more to the issue. Using a bold background with yellow text to highlight a well known band also gives an attraction towards whatever contest that the audience could get involved in. Using a direct reference to what page the contest would be found on gives the reader instant access to being within a chance of winning.

Sub heading- using a quote from inside the magazine as a heading on the cover gives the audience an indication of the many things that they can see inside the issue. Highlighting this how it would appear in the article gives the reader a trust that there will be more information inside. The text below being in different colours to stand out with well known names boosts the eye catching nature.

Page 2: Magazine analysis

Plug- made to stand out from the rest of the magazine with a harsh background colour to catch the audiences attention towards this part of the cover. The use of a popular band that is well known to the specific audience of the issue makes the plug more noticeable to the rest of the stories on the cover.

Kicker- the range of well known artists listed at the bottom of the cover boosts the audiences interest into the magazine and acts as a last minute persuading device to make them buy the issue if everything else on the cover has not yet already done so.

Sub image- images shown on the right hand side of the magazine act as a sneak peak of what you can find as an audience inside the issue. These images act as a boost to give the audience more of an attraction communicating the sort of things they can find inside the magazine. They would mostly be of smaller size so that the audience would want to have a closer look.

Masthead- the name of the magazine is shown in a bold font as always in every issue. The colour of the masthead is different as it blends into the background compared to the main feature of the magazine that stands out from the rest of the text. The way that it is overlapped by a sub heading pulls away from the masthead and focus’ on what it holds inside.

Buzz word- the word ‘free’ attracts the audiences attention to buy the issue due to it feeling more of a special issue compared to others they may have seen of the same genre. It persuades the audience to purchase this magazine and stands out from the rest of the magazine due to it being bold and noticeable.

Date issued and price- the date is shown in a smaller font due to it not being major information compared to the rest of the cover. This cover doesn’t show the price next to the date as it normally would be placed. This could indicate that the issue may be more expensive than other magazines or they wanted to hide the price so that the audience would not be put off by this straight away without having time to see other aspects of the magazine.

Buzz word- the word ‘plus’ is used as a pull to the audience to see that there’s even more than what the cover shows, well known artists being shown below the ‘plus’ attracts the audience to read more into the magazine as not much is given away by the buzz word in this sense.

Main image- the main image of this cover is mainly of the name of the band in big letters to stand out from the rest of the surroundings, the band members are placed around their name which could indicate that the band is quite equal as no member stands out from the rest or is in front of another, they are all in quite not serious positions around the font which could show that they are not very serious and quite individual.

Barcode- indicates that the magazine is made to be purchased by the audience.

Anchorage- this sub heading is used as a last minute pull for the audience to purchase the issue. The bold large font could be used to make the heading more eye catching and therefore have more of a chance of the reader noticing this when they first look but not really paying attention to its meaning until the rest of the cover is acknowledged.

Page 3: Magazine analysis

Masthead- traditional NME colour and font shown by harsh colours that stand out from a white background and also match the colour scheme of the cover. The white background in this issue makes the masthead the first thing that you see within the cover.

Sub heading- this sub heading could also be used as an anchorage to the issue. It is shown as a quote so could be used to pull the reader in as it is advertising what could be found inside this issue with a clear theme of Crystal Castles. This area of the cover is crucial to dragging the readers attention to inside the piece. Without a quote or a subheading of what to expect they will most likely not read into more of the issue and just dismiss it, The size of the font makes it more noticeable as it’s a bigger size compared to any other parts of the cover apart from the masthead so communicates that it is an important part of the feature.

Buzz word- the word ‘free’ would automatically grab the readers attention within the cover as it has a value to the audience that they are getting free merchandise or a gift a long with the magazine. It also is used to make the audience feel special and that they are valued to the magazine by getting more for their money.

Date and price- the price of the issue along with the date are quite small on this cover. This could insinuate that the price could be quite high compared to other magazines so instead of revealing the price of £2.40 straight away to the audience they are distracting them with all this bold and colourful text more noticeable than the price to make them feel that it is worth the money for what the issue contains.

Sub heading- this second subheading acts as a kicker to the cover of the issue. Using a very well known artist in this genre of music such as The Rolling Stones and pairing it with an exclusive story such as Glastonbury attracts the audience as they would want to know the latest information that is clearly inside. The white background makes this information stand out more.

Buzz word- using the word exclusive within the top of the cover as is shown gives the readers the benefit of seeing this information one of the first glances at the cover. The word exclusive also brings a feeling of value to the customers that would be purchasing the magazine and that they are important to the publishers that they would deserve this information that nobody yet has.

Sub image- the way that the buzz word is accompanied with a sub image gives the readers all the more reason to purchase the issue. With the plug over is of ‘big interview inside’ indicates to the audience that in order to learn more about this exclusive information they will have no other option but to buy the issue. The way that the font is different for ‘inside’ gives an urgency to the audience that they need this news now.

Kicker- using the plus sign in this part of the cover gives the indication that along with all these other parts of the issue there is also more that you can get, the kicker using summarising words to boost the audience into purchasing the piece.

Barcode- a legal convention in order for the audience to purchase the magazine issue. This is commonly found on all magazines of this kind.

Main image- the way that the text is around each of the artists indicates that they have confidence and that they are the centre of the issue for the magazine. The pose that the woman is doing is not serious and not trying to go with the male gaze of other magazines featuring women on the cover. This relates to her genre of music being individual and knowing that her audience of music will know that this is her personality already. It looks as though she is quite vampire like and deadly as she is wiping her mouth as if she has just taken a bite out of something. The male in the cover is behind her not making eye contact with the camera which could indicate that he is not the main artist in the band and not really interested in being focused on in this cover.

Page 4: Magazine analysis

The main image within this contents page is of The Courteeners, this could communicate that they are the main feature of this issue and are the priority and best story to look at within the magazine. The way that they stand out from the rest of the pages makes the audience more drawn to them as an interest rather then the plain text down the left.

The page shows to have a clear heading to it to communicate to the audience of the issue that this is where they can get information about what to find inside the issue from what they have seen on the cover. This gives an organisation to the magazine and a clear structure for the audience to gain easier access.

The font colour being different in this area of the contents page gives the impression that it is exclusive. Including the word special in the sub heading makes the audience more drawn towards this part of the magazine and pay more attention to it due to having a different font and colour compared to the normal Q Magazine style and colour code. The fact that it is a well known band that it is featured on gives the reader more of an interest compared to if it was an unknown band new to the magazine.

Using the sub heading here ‘every month’ with such a bold and eye catching background tells the audience that every month they will receive this information below and gives them something to come back to the magazine for. This guarantees the magazine a return of regular customers as they are already putting aspects of their next issues into the current magazine being read.

Using the heading ‘cash for questions’ on the contents page attracts the reader as it involves money, they would assume that this involves the audience of the magazine so would take an instant interest in this. If the customer was just looking at the magazine before buying they would see this and be more attracted to purchase the issue due to the financial benefit that it is proposing.

The main image of the magazine shows a band called the Courteeners. The way that the band are stood within the image shows that they have a main lead of the band which is the tallest one. The fact that they have placed him in the middle and he is wearing the most noticeable outfit draws the readers attention away from the other members of the band who are wearing more bland clothing which doesn’t stand out from the surroundings, he also has sun glasses on which is different from the other members. The way that they have their hands in their pockets or not visible gives a sense that they are quite casual and suits the way that they are stood. We do not assume that they are a heavy metal band and would be more on the indie side or compared to Oasis due to the style being quite similar from the first glance.

Using the sub heading to this part of the contents page as ‘the worlds biggest and best music guide’ makes the reader instantly trust the publishers opinion due to having the title of the best in the world allegedly. It is also shown by a different colour scheme to the rest of the page so would be attractive to the reader or customer due to it being different to the rest of the page that has the same background colour.

Page 5: Magazine analysis

This heading to the contents page is different in the way that it does not communicate straight away that this is a contents page but allows the readers to assume so. We automatically assume with the wording that this is the contents page due to the date issued and the bold wording being shown. The colour scheme of the front cover of the issue would normally be carried through to the contents page to make it more consistent to the reader in that they are comfortable with what they have purchased. Having the fonts and colour scheme similar to the cover is more attractive to the audience and makes it easier to identify the magazine that they would want to buy if its associated with certain colours and fonts.

Using Christmas gift ideas in the contents page using festive colours gives the audience a chance to receive a years worth of the magazine the following year stating a discount price. Guaranteeing customers for the next year for the magazine keeping the issues popular. The font is displayed in capitals so that the reader is most likely going to notice it within a few seconds of looking at the contents page even though it is not advertising what it inside the issue for the week.

Different to the contents page of the other magazine analysed, this one displays a variety of images relating to each part of the magazine. This is a good way of giving the reader more to look at on this page and giving a clear idea of what to find inside the magazine if they choose to have a quick look at the contents page before buying. It is also quite cramped in the layout not leaving any space which shows the audience that there is plenty to read and take in within the issue.

The way that each feature is supported by quotes from the article or the artists shown gives the idea that the magazine is speaking to you as an individual and giving the reader more of an exclusive feel to it compared to other magazines that may not do this. It makes the reader feel more valued as a customer.

Buzz word- using the word plus indicates to the reader that with all of these things that they are being shown within the contents page there are also extra things added to make this more attractive to the audience. Making them feel valued as a customer to the magazine.

The titles attracting the audience to each section of the magazine include slang that the magazine assumes the audience would be able to recognise associates with the genre of music that they listen to, using words such as ‘pussy’ is something that the publisher themselves would do to make the magazine less serious and more enjoyable to read for the buyers.

Page 6: Magazine analysis

The masthead of the page is clearly stated in bold font shown to be in capitals. The colour of the font stands out from the black theme of colouring for this page normally similar to what the cover of the issue used. The page feels official due to the date released and the issue number being displayed below the heading for this issue so communicates that the magazine can be trusted in this way.

Below the heading the publisher has shown the layout the magazine into different sections rather than just stating page numbers. This gives a more organised approach to the contents and gives the audience a clearer perspective of what they can find in the magazine and where.

A long with the image of slash the contents shows the actual pages that you will find inside the magazine. This shows a more accurate perception of what to find inside the magazine from a graphology point of view.

Using a well known guitarist like Slash as the main image for the contents page gives the audience something to recognise. He needs no description just an image because of how iconic he shows to be to the audience of this genre of magazine.

Showing a signature at the end of this paragraph by the deputy editor gives a sense of officiality to the edition of the magazine as he has given the readers a direct address which is not normally seen in this scale on a magazine only by local columnist's. Showing his title underneath his signature also gives a more formal element to this page and also lets the reader know that what they are reading are straight from the main people behind the magazines production.

Although In the main image he is shown quite dark in comparison to the rest of the page which shows yellow more than the more black space Slash has the opposite effect.

Page 7: Magazine analysis

The main heading contains a pun including the artists name. This stands out from your average article and accompanied with the images through the two pages the audience is drawn into reading more about the artist. The bold black font contrasts with its background highly and is complimented by the bright colours that the artist is shown wearing and the colour edited pictures.

The artist is shown to take up half of the double page spread with one image. The way that she is posed is quite elegant and the camera is straight on her but her face is facing upwards. This could indicate that she has power as we are looking up from under her jaw line, this could be connotative that she is a well known artist and respected within the music business. Also her brightly coloured hair indicates that she is quite eccentric and individual, doesn’t play by the rules and norms of society.

The way that she is dressed could reflect her personality in this image. Her dress is shown to be tight over her right breast being quite promiscuous towards the camera although her left side is completely covered by fabric in quite a futuristic style of clothing. This could show that although she may reveal herself to the camera she does like to cover up aspects of herself and leave some of it to the imagination of the audience. She draws attention to herself in this image but not so much that the audience wont notice the texts like on a cover. She is also covered up by an object that looks unrecognisable that covers up part of the tighter side of her outfit.

The double page shows to be divided into two equal parts, one half being for the text about the artist and the other dedicated to the article. This shows the importance of the artists that they take up two pages of the issue and that one page is taken up solely by a picture of them. The text shows a main heading, a sub heading and then an article that is in quite a large quantity.

Using the smaller sub images within the double page would attract the reader through the genre of magazine that they are reading. We would be expected as the reader to recognise these people and therefore connotative that they are associated with her as an artist and want to learn more. These sorts of images are used to drag the reader in if they are not already interested by the double page. The fact that they are the only things in colour apart from her also indicate that they play an important role in the article and the publisher wants the customer to pay attention to them.

Using the pun ‘ to infinity and B-Jork attracts the reader to the fact that this artist is back on the market after having success in the past. This also indicates through the words used that she is here to stay. This would excite the reader through it being exclusive information that you can learn more about through the article. Using a pun to attract the reader in the bold letters used would persuade readers and fans of the singer to read more into it.

Page 8: Magazine analysis

Main Image- the theme of black and white from the cover is kept which indicates that he has a retro and old style to him which could relate to his music style. He has a Beatles level to his look which could be also incorporated in his sound. He is looking down on his guitar which could indicate that he is passionate about it and holds control over his own music which he probably writes himself.

The heading uses a quote from Bob Dylan lyrics, this is relevant to the piece but also could suggest that he is compared to this artist in the way that he makes music and could set a trend with the retro throwback that he is creating for himself within the charts. The style of music that he produces has been compared to Bob Dylan and The Beatles because of how retro he is when he performs and produces photographs.

The main text is shown to not be the main feature of this double page as the main image and space around the masthead are the main point of the page to draw the reader into wanting to read into the main text. This could indicate that it only takes the masthead to make the audience of the magazine want to know more about the artist as he is new to this genre so has a sense of mystery around him.

Showing the small page number in the corner gives organisation to the magazine, this relates back to the contents page within the issue that will have given the audience information in order for them to find this main feature. It also doesn’t distract them away from the main feature of the page.

The blank space in the double page is not a normal thing to be found in this genre of magazine, it relates to the retro feel to the artist so the black and white theme is still apparent within the background of the text page and within the main image of the magazine. The page is quite simple apart from the red colouring shown in parts over the black and white colour scheme to make it more interesting for the reader. The colour scheme attracts the reader to the magazine due to the sharp bold colours being eye catching .

The colour scheme from the front cover is kept through this double page to keep a constant theme to the story. The audience may have forgotten about what was featured on the cover of the issue and be reminded of it here by showing the colour scheme again that once attracted them to buy the magazine.

Page 9: Magazine analysis

In the main image Katy Perry is quite provocatively shown which goes against how we normally see her inside other magazines aimed mostly at teenagers. This image relates to the stereotypes of women as she is shown to be inside a kitchen which is what men would see her as normally. This relates to the male gaze of the magazine issue with the way she is stood and what she is wearing. We would not normally see Katy Perry in this way so to see her away from the music and award shows. The angle of the camera being straight on to her eye line in this image makes it seem like she is looking the reader in the eye and communicating completely with the audience in this shot, the way her eyes are shown is quite seductive so could show the audience of the issue being older than her normal one.

The talk of drugs relates to the target audience of adults within this magazine. There wouldn’t be any young teenagers to be expected to read this article. She wouldn’t expect her younger audience of her music to read this article as she is quite open about her younger days and this could put some people off that aren't normal readers of the magazine. This stands out from the main text and gives the reader an insight to the singer that they did not know would exist. Gives more information than we would normally associate with her as an artist and a young woman.

The main heading ‘underneath her brassiness’ indicates that this article is going where no magazine has gone before and the audience would be more interested due to wanting to see a side of her that they never have seen, the provocative picture accompanied with this indicates that the article will be unique and reveal a lot about the singer and that she is not all what she seems.

There is no text over the main image of Katy Perry which gives no distraction to what she is wearing and where she is. Male audience members would normally skip a double page of Katy Perry due to her girliness normally but in this magazine it is the opposite. The Rolling Stone magazine is normally showing celebrities in quite a complimentary and sexual way even though its target audience wouldn’t be looking specifically for this.

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