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Page 1: Magazine contents pages analysis

This is the contents page of a well known music magazine called Q. This contents page uses well structured composition and a clear headline “CONTENTS” and issue date.

Image- there is only one image one this page. It has been took as a close up shot which allows the audience to see any facial expressions or characteristics that the artist has. With there only being one image it focuses all the readers attention on him and his story. The image also takes up most of the contents page and it is also of a quite famous musician called James Blunt who will be familiar to most readers.

All the features that are going to be within this issue of the magazine are listed here.

There isn’t much use of colour on this contents page as the background is plain white and the writing is black which gives the whole page an overall dated and sophisticated look. There is some use of red which highlights certain information for example “Q” in the masthead automatically catches the readers attention.

This contents page is quite useful to the readers as it is clear and easy to read because everything that is going to be in this issue of the magazine is listed briefly with a page number and a bold coverline.

Page 2: Magazine contents pages analysis

This is the contents page of a well know music magazine called Kerrang! It uses well structured composition and a clear headline of “Contents”. This is quite a well balanced page as of the layout of the image and text.

The contents page doesn’t seem to have much use of colour as the background is white and the text is in black which gives it quite a plain look. However the use of the yellow and the black together for the headline and for the coverlines too catches the readers eye as the two colours together are bold and stand out from everything else.

There are many images on this contents page and they all seem to portray rock music to the audience mainly because of the shot types and what the people in the images are wearing. The larger image on the left hand side catches the readers attention more than the other ones which could suggest that he is the main story in this issue of the magazine.

All the features that are going to be within this issue of the magazine are listed here.

This contents page is quite useful to the readers as the composition of it makes it clear to read and easy to understand and follow. The bold page numbers and coverlines also help with this too.

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