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  • Masthead:The Masthead for the In Press Magazine is simple, but professional. The use of the title In Press is almost like a pun, suggesting the word Impress which gives a positive message about the academy. The logo is in a white, bold and simplistic font which makes it seem clear and pure.

    Image:This image takes up the middle third of the front cover and seems to be the focus of the magazine cover. We know that this image is important because it takes up a lot of space on the front cover. The background has been stylised to make the photo more appealing and fitting for a front cover.

    Cover line:The cover line for this magazine is in a simplistic, white font that matches the colour scheme of the logo. It has been stylised with part of the C being cut off by a green line. This is followed by a range of smaller text, in the same font, below outlining what the magazine is going to be talking about.

    Colour Scheme:The colour scheme for this magazine cover is consistent, it relies mainly on white and different shades of green. There is also some black towards the bottom of the cover as well. Fonts: The fonts on this magazine front cover are all simple and easy to read. Theyre all of a similar style in order to keep a uniform look across the whole of the front page. Layout:The layout of this magazine ensures that the logo and the coverline are on the left third. Theres an image that takes up most of the middle third and the date and issue number are in the right hand third as well as the academy logo.

    Language:This magazine cover uses formal English and is easy to understand.

    Slogan:The slogan for this magazine is short and easy to remember, it links with the theme of being Impressive as suggested by the name In Press title of the magazine.

    Date/Issue No.:The date and issue number is present on this magazine cover.

  • Masthead:The masthead for this magazine is simple, clean and pure. Theres emphasis put on the News part of the masthead, this conveys clearly what this magazine is focusing on. Image:The image is the central visual interest on this magazine cover. Its the main focus that many readers will look at before anything else. The shot taken is an interesting one with students being active and enjoying sporting activities.

    Coverlines:The cover line for this magazine uses a simple, and easy to read, font on a grey background. The coverline is simplistic in what it says but conveys the message of what the magazine is about.

    Date/Issue No.:The date and issue number is present on this magazine cover. Colour Scheme:This magazine cover follows a simple orange and white colour scheme. It also incorporates a grey cover line into the colour scheme as well.Fonts:The magazine cover uses simplistic fonts, that are easy for anyone picking up the magazine to read.Layout:The layout of this magazine cover ensures that the central visual image of the magazine is the image of the students playing sports. Above this is the Masthead and the date and issue number. Below the image is the academy logo and Coverlines.

    Language:The language used on this magazine cover is formal and easy for the reader to understand.

    Content:The content of this magazine cover emphasis is put on the new school building, celebrating a New Era for the school.

  • Masthead:The Masthead for this magazine is simple, its plain orange text in a very simplistic font. This adds to the minimalist approach to the front cover of this magazine. Also included in the masthead is the schools logo which is on the right hand side.

    Image:The central visual interest of this magazine is the image. It takes up the whole of the front cover of the magazine and focuses on the sporting activities that take place within the school. The reader is really supposed to be drawn in by this image. The image clearly focuses on the subjects in it and the camera has been focused on them, leaving the background blurred out.

    Coverline/Date:The coverline and date have been incorporated together on this magazine cover. The date isnt specific, but rather focuses on an academic year as a whole. This works as a coverline as well because we now know what the focus of the magazine is going to be on.

  • Colour Scheme:The Colour Scheme for this contents page

    consists of blacks, whites and greens, the academy colours.

    Images:The Contents page consists of 2 images, one of the prinicipal with 4 other students and one

    of the library staff with some students.

    Layout:The contents page is spread into 3 separate

    sections consisting of a letter, an article on the Library and a cover line at the top.

    Coverlines:The cover line for this contents page is at the

    top where it says Letter from the Principal, behind the cover line is an image to make it more

    visually appealing.

    Language: The Language used in this article is formal

    english keeping it professional.

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