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Page 1: Magazine evaluation


Page 2: Magazine evaluation


This is my left third and my masthead! I think the masthead works well as it’s a catchy masthead and is shortened to something people will remember.

These are my cover lines. I left my cover

lines simple because I want people to pick it

up from what they read and see on this front

cover. The price of this magazine is in red and

this font carries on throughout

the contents.

My barcode indicates that is a real magazine and people can

purchase it.

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On my contents page I decided to

use the same masthead as I wanted it to be frequent and

people to recognise my

magazine easily. Here are my lead lines, these are also quite

simple because of the audience its aimed at.

It works though because its simple,

readable and remember able.

I chose to use this because I wanted them to know that they are still reading the same magazine, with the picture of the same girl whom was on the front

cover. I also said ‘SUBSCRIBE HERE’ because I’ve given the people control

of the what they do next.

I made the last lead line a body copy which is the main text because it’s a college magazine and the whole point was to include college ‘STUFF’.

I chose these pictures because my magazine is a fashion/general college magazine and these girls have the latest fashion!

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Overall, I think my magazine and contents page is a good design, but things could have worked better and things need to improve for example –My front cover could have had more cover lines to entice the reader maybe. Also there should have been a banner that would of extended across the whole page that would of looked ok. But maybe this magazine doesn’t suit a banner. –My contents page could have had more lead lines although I think there is enough. Also maybe the white background could have been changed. But I wanted the red white and black to stay throughout the magazine as this was my main fonts and ideas. My magazine is a simple design and I think that college students will go for simple yet good. I also made sure that I included lead lines for both genders which is a good thing. If I got the chance to re-do it I maybe would of done it differently. I would of made the contents page a double page spread instead of just one single page spread, I would of changed many things, but for the moment as it is, I like the magazine and I’m proud of what the final result is.

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I found a lot of this difficult and frustrating because although I’ve used Photoshop before a couple of times for the cd’s and so on, I still found it difficult. I had help when I needed it thought which is a plus! The concepts of the magazine itself were hard to think of because I couldn’t decide what kind of magazine it should be, in the end I chose a fashion/general college magazine.

WHAT WAS EASY?I didn’t find this task easy but I found that it was challenging. Some of the easy things were like putting the pictures on rasterizing the layer and playing around with the effects until you find something you like. Also I found that choosing a certain font from dafont.com was quite easy. Overall, my opinion on this task was that it was not easy but not too difficult and the main thing is that im pleased with the end result

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WHAT HAVE I LEARNT? I have learnt a number of things from completing this task. Firstly, the fact that I’ve

never made a magazine before which was in itself a learning curve. The flat planning also helped me learn that if I didn’t plan then I wouldn’t know what to include on my magazine, as it was a one dimensional diagram of my ideal magazine used in a plan to show what will appear where on which page, so doing the flat plans were a good learning tool too. I have learnt headline or heading too which are words in larger or distinctive types which attract the reader to a story, I used these on my contents page for my lead lines.

I also learnt how to and where to use the font sans serif which is a typeface whose letters don’t have serifs. I know now where to use it and when to use it. I used spot colour a lot in my magazine which is a colour other than black which can be used throughout a publication or on individual pages, I used this a lot because I wanted the red, white and black to attract people’s attention, and if I carried on doing stories for the magazine I would of carried on with the spot colours.

Finally, I would like to add that I’ve learnt probably a lot more than I’ve mentioned because this whole task has been a learning curve for me. I will use what I’ve learnt for any future tasks I have to do.

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If I had all the money in the world I would make a magazine that is so amazing everyone would buy it and I would make lots of money. I would make my magazine full of competitions, famous people and it would be a similar style to OK! Magazine because that is a very popular magazine. It would be full of gossip because gossip is good for teenagers to read. I would also get famous people to advertise it whether it be on the TV, radio or internet because they would sell it easily.

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There are no magazines I can compare mine too because it was my idea and its originality. But maybe if I could compare it to anyone it would be vogue or something like that because they are fashion magazines and they have white backgrounds and bright colours which my magazine has.

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