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Magazine Profile

Age: 12+ as the type of picture and the layout of the magazine as it will have younger models, also if I done younger they wouldn’t understand and will not bother them, and as older they wont be interested in young people and gossip in the magazine, for example: celebrity gossip.

Gender: Female, since it will have very feminine colours and female models that will be more related to there hobbies, and a lot of females buy fashion magazines as there is mostly fill with gossip which women enjoy reading.

Fashion, since I like the choice and that is one of my hobbies, plus a high variety of women including myself enjoy reading fashion than sports as women like to know the latest trend. The type of fashion magazine will be the latest trend and gossip so the target audience knows the seasonal clothing of trend as most women read my magazine are into the latest trend and have to be in with it, plus gossip as everyone wants to know what is going on with celebrity life.

Cost will be £3.99 as it would produce more profit and abit cheaper than competitors so more customers will buy mine, also it would be good for the money as it has the best quality information.

Publishing: it will be released every month or season to get the newest trends every month and it will be getting customers more interested in the magazine to get the gossip you want and leading them to buy it as they be waiting for ages for the newest information.

The size will be 20 pages as I don’t want to bore the audience, and that would be enough pages to supply with information

Colour palette: the colours I am using for my magazine will be seasonal based colours, blue and white as I'm doing a winter based magazine and the colours match the weather and season.

Content: the features ill include is interviews and fashion reviews to attract my customers, as my magazine will include exclusive interviews and fashion everyone could wear.

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Magazine Styling Makeup: I will use a variety of expensive makeup and quite cheap makeup, as it is a fashion magazine. It will include: everyday makeup such as, lipstick, mascara, and eyeliner etc., My model will have a quite a lot of makeup as she needs to look pretty and contrast her face with the colours, so ill be using dark colours such as dark lipstick to make her lips and eyes stand out and compact of the eyes to show an focus of the magazine.

Hair: The hair I have chosen is curly, as it will make her feel more pretty and blend well with the makeup, as it be very festive and you want to look good for the festive season making people want to have the ‘curly’ look, also it will make her facial expression stand out as it will not be in her face.

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