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Page 1: Magazine recreation evaluation

Magazine Recreation Evaluation

Page 2: Magazine recreation evaluation


This is the original image of the magazine.

This is my recreation of the magazine.

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The program that I used to recreate my magazine is adobe illustrator

The first thing I did was try and create my title,

I had to make the titles by drawing every single line I then tried to find the font that is used

around the magazines, I eventually found a similar one. I also had to translate some of the text


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I added in a radius background that looks similar to the original

Once I finished that, I went to find a model that had similarities, once I had found them I took the picture

After I had my picture, I edited it a bit on Photoshop

I used a variety of tools such as the dodge tool, the burn tool and the quick selection tool

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I then uploaded the photo onto the magazine cover and put it in place, and I came up with my recreation.

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If I were to do it again, I would probably choose I different model, I would also spend more time on it and do it more carefully. I would probably choose a different magazine because that one was really difficult to recreate

What would I change?

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Overall I am not proud of my magazine recreation, I think I could of done it a lot better. I ran out of time because I spent too long on one thing so the other things were rushed.

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