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Page 1: Mahim Waves - rotarymahim.org · Rtn. Sandhya Celebrates her Birthday The characteristics of December born people are that they are Loyal and Generous, Love to socialize, Fun to be

Rotary Club of Mumbai, Mahim District 3140

We meet every Saturday at 9.00 a.m. at Phadke Hall, Dadar Bhagini Samaj, Hindu Colony, Dadar, Mumbai 400 014 6th Issue Year 2012-13 1

For Private Circulation Only

R. I. President - Sakuji Tanaka District Governor – Dr. Balkrishna Inamdar President – Uma Sahasrabudhe Secretary – S Venkateswaran Bulletin Chairperson - Shobha Karnik

From The Secretary’s desk---

In life sometimes we have to face certain moments when ‘shining stars’ become our ‘guiding

lights’. Yes – I am referring to the unfortunate demise of our two precious jewels – our Past

President Rtn Vinayak Sahasrabudhe and Rtn Suresh Pimpalkhare – in January 2013. While

Rtn Suresh left membership of RCMM few years back due to ill-health but participated in key

events of our Club, Rtn Vinayak was truly the ‘backbone’ of RCMM. In respecting their oft-

repeated sentence – ‘The show must go on’ – we at RCMM unanimously resolved to put in

even greater efforts to execute all planned projects with utmost precision and perfection as

a tribute to our two departed leaders. Only Time will heal the wound of this great loss

caused to RCMM. Our heartfelt tributes to them are captured at the end of this bulletin.

This issue of our Bulletin covers events and activities carried out during Dec 2012 and Jan

2013 since we could not release our bulletin in January due to circumstances beyond our

control. During these two months we carried out variety of activities touching the soul of

poor, needy and underprivileged which brought immense solace and happiness to all of us at

RCMM. Please Read on..

MMaahhiimm WWaavveess

Page 2: Mahim Waves - rotarymahim.org · Rtn. Sandhya Celebrates her Birthday The characteristics of December born people are that they are Loyal and Generous, Love to socialize, Fun to be

Rotary Club of Mumbai, Mahim District 3140

We meet every Saturday at 9.00 a.m. at Phadke Hall, Dadar Bhagini Samaj, Hindu Colony, Dadar, Mumbai 400 014 6th Issue Year 2012-13 2

For Private Circulation Only

Club Programs and Activities for December & January

Dial Santa Claus………

December comes and children start dreaming about what Santa will bring for them. Students

at Pragati Kendra, wait for Santa to come from Rotary Club of Mumbai, Mahim. It has

become a tradition at RCMM to celebrate Christmas at Prgati Kendra and be a Santa Claus.

This year Abhishek Shah (Rotractor) was Santa Claus and students were excited to receive

School Bags. Santa extended his generosity to students of Shirodkar High School also.

President Uma, Secretary Venkateswaran, Rtns. Vinayak, Pradeep, Seema, Varsha, Aparna,

Chandrika, Smita and Uma V witnessed the joy of students.

Santa Claus is Ready to meet Students at

Pragati Kendra

Page 3: Mahim Waves - rotarymahim.org · Rtn. Sandhya Celebrates her Birthday The characteristics of December born people are that they are Loyal and Generous, Love to socialize, Fun to be

Rotary Club of Mumbai, Mahim District 3140

We meet every Saturday at 9.00 a.m. at Phadke Hall, Dadar Bhagini Samaj, Hindu Colony, Dadar, Mumbai 400 014 6th Issue Year 2012-13 3

For Private Circulation Only

Santa and RCMM Members – Gift Distribution at Pragati Kendra

Happy Students with Rotarians Shaking Hans with Santa

Welcome to RCMM Members Students excited with the gifts


Page 4: Mahim Waves - rotarymahim.org · Rtn. Sandhya Celebrates her Birthday The characteristics of December born people are that they are Loyal and Generous, Love to socialize, Fun to be

Rotary Club of Mumbai, Mahim District 3140

We meet every Saturday at 9.00 a.m. at Phadke Hall, Dadar Bhagini Samaj, Hindu Colony, Dadar, Mumbai 400 014 6th Issue Year 2012-13 4

For Private Circulation Only

Lectures of the month………………. Talks on BhagawadGeeta by Chinmaya Misson Rtn. Sanjay Phadke, President of Rotary Club of BKC along with Ms.BharatiPai of

Chinmaya Mission gave a brief presentation on the activities of the Mission and its

similarity to the activities of Rotary. A program has been organized by them from 17th

Dec. to 21st Dec (7 PM to 8.30 PM) at Yogi Sabhagruha Auditorium, Behind Swami

Narayan Temple Complex, Opp. Dadar Station, Dadar East. The theme of the talk is

“Hum Mein Hai Roshni” (Talks in Hindi on BhagawadGeeta Chapter 12 Bhakti Yoga (The

Path of Devotion).


Rotary Ke Rang, Shayari Ke Sang by Rtn Gopal Mandhania Can you imagine understanding Rotary through Shayari? Rtn. Gopal Mandhania

explained it so simply through Shjayari that every one enjoyed thoroughly.

With the help of Shayari, he explained the following nuances of Rotary.

i) Rotary is about fellowship, service and personality improvement

ii) 5 avenues of service in Rotary

iii) Rotary gives you a platform to know yourselves from within

iv) Those who use head and heart are ‘artistes’; those using head and hand are

‘technician’; those using hand and heart are ‘philanthropists’; and those using

head, heart and hand are ‘Rotarians’.

PP Vidya Introducing the Speaker Rtn Gopal Mandhania – on ‘Rotary ke rang, Shayari ke sang’



Page 5: Mahim Waves - rotarymahim.org · Rtn. Sandhya Celebrates her Birthday The characteristics of December born people are that they are Loyal and Generous, Love to socialize, Fun to be

Rotary Club of Mumbai, Mahim District 3140

We meet every Saturday at 9.00 a.m. at Phadke Hall, Dadar Bhagini Samaj, Hindu Colony, Dadar, Mumbai 400 014 6th Issue Year 2012-13 5

For Private Circulation Only

Power of Prayer by Pramod Sisodia Rtn. Pramod Sisodia is also a member of Connect Ticket Forum. Connect-Ticket (CT) is a

forum that unites thousands of noble souls across the world who believe in the power

of collective prayer. These ordinary citizens of the world get in touch on-line and pray

for random strangers for their healing and well-being. They belong to all faiths and are

from different countries, and believe in what is called as ‘non-religious prayer’ – which

lays importance on the intention to pray and not on the technique of praying.

Rtn. Pramod shared his experiences and

stressed on the Power of Prayer. He

narrated what wonders can happen with

group prayers.


Prostate check-up camp with Dhanvantari Bladder, prostate, and related nearby organs are something one probably don't give much thought to - until something goes wrong. For older men, this usually means an enlarged or irritated prostate, but not always. It is very important as age advances; one should go through the checks to keep out of urology problems. Every year Dhanvantari Hospital along with RCMM organizes Prostate Camp for senior citizens. This year camp was organized on 6th January. Rtns. Suryakumar, S Vekateswaran and Chandrashekhar participated in the camp. Overall it was good response. Senior citizens around Dadar area took the opportunity of getting the check up done and getting appropriate guidance in case of problem.


Page 6: Mahim Waves - rotarymahim.org · Rtn. Sandhya Celebrates her Birthday The characteristics of December born people are that they are Loyal and Generous, Love to socialize, Fun to be

Rotary Club of Mumbai, Mahim District 3140

We meet every Saturday at 9.00 a.m. at Phadke Hall, Dadar Bhagini Samaj, Hindu Colony, Dadar, Mumbai 400 014 6th Issue Year 2012-13 6

For Private Circulation Only

Fellowship ............ Rtn. Sandhya Celebrates her Birthday The characteristics of December born people are that they are Loyal and Generous, Love

to socialize, Fun to be with, Not pretending and Rtn. Sandya is no exception. She

organized a party to celebrate her birthday at ‘Only Paratha’. It was on the same day as

Dist.3140 Carnival of Differently Able. Most of the RCMM members participated in the

event and in the evening marched to ‘Only Paratha’. Rtn. Prakash, her husband bought a

very beautiful and delicious cake which every one enjoyed.


Shukriya Party by PP Suryakumar…….. PP Suryakumar had organized the Shukriya Party on 22nd December, Gujarath Club at Matunga. Vanaja had taken lot of pains to come up with interesting games which were enjoyed by everyone. PP Suryakumar thanked each one of RCMM members for their help and support during his tenure. Below pictures speak the mood of enjoyment and happiness. The food served was also very tasty and delicious.

Page 7: Mahim Waves - rotarymahim.org · Rtn. Sandhya Celebrates her Birthday The characteristics of December born people are that they are Loyal and Generous, Love to socialize, Fun to be

Rotary Club of Mumbai, Mahim District 3140

We meet every Saturday at 9.00 a.m. at Phadke Hall, Dadar Bhagini Samaj, Hindu Colony, Dadar, Mumbai 400 014 6th Issue Year 2012-13 7

For Private Circulation Only


Republic Day Celebration at Bal Vikas Sangh, Chembur Bal Vikas Sangh, Chembur runs a Primary School from KG to Class IV for children who

came from a really economically disadvantaged section of our society that is from the

nearby slum areas surrounding Chembur. It also caters to a few physically challenged

children. The school is doing yeomen service to Society by providing basic education to

these children and also imparting to them to the extent possible, modern educational

training like use of computers, nurturing the artistic talents in children, etc. After the

4th Std., the children are automatically absorbed in the nearby Municipal School, so that

they can seamlessly continue their further education up to 10th Std.

Rotary Club of Mumbai Mahim came in touch with this institution and decided that this

year, we will celebrate Republic Day at this school and also made a contribution of

Page 8: Mahim Waves - rotarymahim.org · Rtn. Sandhya Celebrates her Birthday The characteristics of December born people are that they are Loyal and Generous, Love to socialize, Fun to be

Rotary Club of Mumbai, Mahim District 3140

We meet every Saturday at 9.00 a.m. at Phadke Hall, Dadar Bhagini Samaj, Hindu Colony, Dadar, Mumbai 400 014 6th Issue Year 2012-13 8

For Private Circulation Only

Rs.5,000/- towards providing snacks, tea to the children during the function (normally

we do this at Pragati Kendra, Matunga).

The Chief Guest for the function was our President, Rtn. Uma Sahasrabudhe and Guest

of Honour was Rtn. K Suryakumar. Rtn. Promod Sisodia, Rtn. Chandrika Solanki, Rtn.

Sunil Sharma, younger daughter of Rtn. Uma and a potential new member. Rtn. Ms.

Tendulkar attended the function. We witnessed a rare spectacle of these children

performing various physical exercises including Lezim in a very coordinated and

professional matter. The school really appreciated our gesture and looks forward to

enhance the engagement with us. We can explore the possibility of conducting at this

school our Annual Drawing competition, Distribution of Notebooks and similar programs

which we do for other schools to further the cause of education to the needy members

of our society. Young children who are the future pillars of our country need an

opportunity to develop their mental, physical and creative talents and our club got an

opportunity to participate in our own humble way towards this cause. Our President

Uma gave a very inspiring speech which touched the hearts of the children, teachers

and Trustees.


Page 9: Mahim Waves - rotarymahim.org · Rtn. Sandhya Celebrates her Birthday The characteristics of December born people are that they are Loyal and Generous, Love to socialize, Fun to be

Rotary Club of Mumbai, Mahim District 3140

We meet every Saturday at 9.00 a.m. at Phadke Hall, Dadar Bhagini Samaj, Hindu Colony, Dadar, Mumbai 400 014 6th Issue Year 2012-13 9

For Private Circulation Only

District / Inter Club Programs Carnival for the Differently Able December 3, 2012 was the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and ‘Rotary

District 3140’ under Service 12 project has arranged Mega Project to include differently

able into main stream of Society under the leadership of District Governor Dr. Bal


27 schools under the purview of Social Welfare Department of Government of

Maharashtra participated in the Carnival. More than 1000 students from schools for

disabled and NGO’s like NAB, National Society for Equal Opportunities for the

Handicapped (NASEOH), Helen Keller Institute For Deaf And Deaf Blind, Ahwan Palak

Sangh, Dadar, ADAPT - Able, Disable All People Together - Formerly The Spastics Society

of India joined the Mega Event.

Disable Schools children along with staff, teachers, Govt. Officials, NGO’s, Mumbai

Rotarians with their family and friends, Rotractors, other college students and well

wishers joined the Rally from Five Gardens to Carnival Venue at 3.30pm. More than

1500 participants joined rally in keeping with this year’s theme ‘Removing barriers to

create an inclusive and accessible society for all.’

Rally - Removing barriers to create an inclusive and accessible society for all

Page 10: Mahim Waves - rotarymahim.org · Rtn. Sandhya Celebrates her Birthday The characteristics of December born people are that they are Loyal and Generous, Love to socialize, Fun to be

Rotary Club of Mumbai, Mahim District 3140

We meet every Saturday at 9.00 a.m. at Phadke Hall, Dadar Bhagini Samaj, Hindu Colony, Dadar, Mumbai 400 014 6th Issue Year 2012-13 10

For Private Circulation Only

The Carnival began at 4 pm with lighting up of lamp by DG Dr. Bal Inamdar, Director in-

charge Ms. Kalpana Munshi, Convenor Goutam Bhattachary and other dignitaries.

Thereafter stage was opened up for cultural programs of differently able children. Their

performances were heart throbbing. It was appreciated by all with non-stop round of

applause. The 'Jaladeepasana' by visually impaired was very thrilling and it was

awesome show. It was organized and trained by our member Rtn. Nisha Thakkar.

Entrance to Carnival Venue Welcome with Band

Children Enjoying the Event Rally reaching to Carnival Venue

The untiring efforts of AG Sanjay Shah and Rotarians of Lead Club RC Uptown and other

supporting clubs transformed the garden into the Carnival Venue. Welcome banners,

balloon decoration on the gate, green lawns, variety of plant in big earthen pots,

Coloured enclosures, Zilmil lighting on the trees, decorated pathways, Wooden and

decorated market kind of stalls, huge stage with attractive backdrop, various fun games,

Page 11: Mahim Waves - rotarymahim.org · Rtn. Sandhya Celebrates her Birthday The characteristics of December born people are that they are Loyal and Generous, Love to socialize, Fun to be

Rotary Club of Mumbai, Mahim District 3140

We meet every Saturday at 9.00 a.m. at Phadke Hall, Dadar Bhagini Samaj, Hindu Colony, Dadar, Mumbai 400 014 6th Issue Year 2012-13 11

For Private Circulation Only

stalls for tattoos, mehandi, Hair Bidding, big stalls alongside of garden walls to display

the activities and talents of participants was like any film set of Carnival. It was amazing.

Enthusiasm of disable children was beyond words. Participant’s colorful costume,

dazzling jewellery, attractive make-up and more over thrill on their faces was like true

celebration. Their confidence was unbeatable.

The Participant stalls were flooded with their creative products. There were very

attractive purses, handbags, artificial jewellery, Photo Frames, Beautiful Candles, table

mats, lamps, Toran for doors, embroidered bed spreads, handkerchief, dusters, pickles,

mukhawas, attractive stationery sets for executives, paintings etc. etc. The product

range was vast and selection was very difficult. People were tempted to buy the


They were given food packets of samosa and fruity on arrival, pop corn, candy floss and

tea in the evening and at 7.30 dinner packets. While going everybody got ice-cream cup.

Quality of food was the best which we could make out from the happy faces of all.

Achievement certificates for Academics & Curricular activities at school/state/national

levels were awarded to 25 participants. There was special felicitation of renowned

visually impaired playback singer and Software Engineer Krishnakant Mane, popularly

known as KK, who is a Software Engineer from IIT and role model for others.

Rotary Club of Bombay Uptown was the Lead Club of this Service 12 project and other

participating Clubs of Rotary District 3140 are Rotary Club of Bombay Mandvi, Bombay

Powai, Chembur (W), Chembur Mumbai, Chembur (N), Deonar, Mumbai Lakers,

Mumbai Mahim, Mumbai Shivaji Park & Mumbai Sion.

RCMM got chance to do its bit in service project 12 by designing backdrop banners,

hoarding, various banners for the walk, Banners for highlighting Rotary motives,

designing certificates for the achiever etc. The PR was given by approaching Jeeturaaj of

Radio Mirchi – who interviewed visually impaired students of Kamal Mehta School for

blind and 3 principals of other school for disable. He also interviewed RCMM president

Uma Sahasrabudhe, PP Vinayak Sahasrabudhe, and Rtn. Sunita Padwal. Radio Jockey

Jeeturaaj highlighted the event and gave due PR to Rotary Dist. 3140 and whole week

Page 12: Mahim Waves - rotarymahim.org · Rtn. Sandhya Celebrates her Birthday The characteristics of December born people are that they are Loyal and Generous, Love to socialize, Fun to be

Rotary Club of Mumbai, Mahim District 3140

We meet every Saturday at 9.00 a.m. at Phadke Hall, Dadar Bhagini Samaj, Hindu Colony, Dadar, Mumbai 400 014 6th Issue Year 2012-13 12

For Private Circulation Only

was celebrated as Disability Week on Radio Mirchi. Mumbai Doordarshan recorded live

event and bytes of DG Dr. Bal Inamdar, AG Mr. Sanjay Shah of RC Uptown and Rtn.

Sunita Padwal, RCMM were recorded and telecasted on same day and re-telecasted


We were stuck on the word ‘Celebration’ of Disability. I realized that we who fail to

accept their disability. On the other hand they have accepted their disability and

constantly try to develop unlimited abilities. Hence Disability Day is celebration for them

like any other festival. We have to change our mindset. Our empathy will go long way to

break barriers!!

Happy and memorable ending of Carnival without even slightest scratch to anybody’s

mind and body gives us confidence to take this theme long way to remove all barriers to

include them into main stream of the society. We Rotarians are committed on this.


Lose yourself in the service in others, then you will find your sense of purpose. Human service is the highest form of self-interest for the person who serves. Consciously or unconsciously, everyone of us does render some service or another. If we cultivate the habit of doing this service deliberately, our desire for service will steadily grow stronger, and it will make not only for our own happiness, but that of the world at large.

Page 13: Mahim Waves - rotarymahim.org · Rtn. Sandhya Celebrates her Birthday The characteristics of December born people are that they are Loyal and Generous, Love to socialize, Fun to be

Rotary Club of Mumbai, Mahim District 3140

We meet every Saturday at 9.00 a.m. at Phadke Hall, Dadar Bhagini Samaj, Hindu Colony, Dadar, Mumbai 400 014 6th Issue Year 2012-13 13

For Private Circulation Only

ROTAL 2012

ROTAL is one event where all the members of Rotary Family look forward. This gives an

opportunity to everyone to exhibit their talents. At RCMM we have lot of budding

singers. Naturally all the members encouraged them to participate in ROTAL. Almost ten

members participated in ROTAL and rest of the members cheered them up by attending

the event on three Sundays consecutively. RCMM was recognized as a Club outside

Thane having maximum participation. Top it all Pradeep in the category of above fifty

years Hindi songs, Sunil in the category of thirty to fifty years Hindi songs and Pradeep

and Vidya for duet Hindi songs were declared as winner and Kishore bagged the first

runner up in the category of above fifty years Hindi songs. Heartiest Congratulations to

all the winners as well as all the participants. One must always remember it is not

important to win always but to have whole hearted participation.

Page 14: Mahim Waves - rotarymahim.org · Rtn. Sandhya Celebrates her Birthday The characteristics of December born people are that they are Loyal and Generous, Love to socialize, Fun to be

Rotary Club of Mumbai, Mahim District 3140

We meet every Saturday at 9.00 a.m. at Phadke Hall, Dadar Bhagini Samaj, Hindu Colony, Dadar, Mumbai 400 014 6th Issue Year 2012-13 14

For Private Circulation Only

Family Corner

Morning is not only Sun Rise….

But a beautiful miracle of Nature…..

That defeats Darkness… And spreads Light…….. And brings hope……..

Dr. Prasad Modak 4th January Mrs. Radhika Limaye wife of Anand Limaye 8th January Mr. Pramod Sisodia 15th January Ms. Aditi, daughter of Prakash Samudra 20th January Mr. Pradeep. Husband of Neelima Chavan 21st January Mrs. Vidula Kshirsagar 23rd January Mrs. Sunita Padwal 26th January Ms. Radha, daughter of Rashmi Patil 30th January Ms. Chaitra, daughter of Kishore Parulkekar 3rd February Mr. Chandrakant, husband of Chandrika Solanki 5th February Mrs. Pratibha Malvi 8th tFebruary Mr. Arun, son of Usha Seshan 14th February Mrs. Vanaja, wife of Suryakumar 18th February Ms. Preeti, daughter of Suryakumar 18th February Mrs. Rekha, wife of Pramod Sisodia 21st February

Mrs. & Mr. Solanki 20th January Mr. & Mrs. Nagrecha 2nd February Mr. & Mrs. Suryakumar 9th February Mr. & Mrs. Sisodia 18th February

Page 15: Mahim Waves - rotarymahim.org · Rtn. Sandhya Celebrates her Birthday The characteristics of December born people are that they are Loyal and Generous, Love to socialize, Fun to be

Rotary Club of Mumbai, Mahim District 3140

We meet every Saturday at 9.00 a.m. at Phadke Hall, Dadar Bhagini Samaj, Hindu Colony, Dadar, Mumbai 400 014 6th Issue Year 2012-13 15

For Private Circulation Only

WWiitthh hheeaavvyy hheeaarrtt RRCCMMMM mmeemmbbeerrss ppaaiidd hhoommaaggee ttoo PPPP VViinnaayyaakk wwhhoo pprroocceeeeddeedd oonn hhiiss

hheeaavveennllyy aabbooaarrdd oonn 11sstt JJaannuuaarryy lleeaavviinngg bbeehhiinndd wwiiffee PPRR UUmmaa,, aanndd ttwwoo ddaauugghhtteerr wwiitthh tthheeiirr


LLaattee PPPP VViinnaayyaakk wwaass wweellll kknnoowwnn ffoorr hhiiss eexxppeerrttiissee iinn ccoouunnsseelliinngg

ssttuuddeennttss aanndd aarrddeenntt ssoocciiaall wwoorrkkeerr,, ttrruuee RRoottaarriiaann..

PPPP VViinnaayyaakk sseerrvveedd iinn IInnddiiaann AAiirr FFoorrccee aanndd hhaadd ffoouugghhtt ttwwoo bbaattttlleess ––

tthhee IInnddoo--PPaakkiissttaann WWaarr iinn 11996655 && 11997711.. RReevveerrttiinngg bbaacckk ttoo CCiivviill

SSeerrvviiccee,, RRttnn VViinnaayyaakk sseerrvveedd tthhee BBoommbbaayy PPoorrtt TTrruusstt iinn aa SSeenniioorr

MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ppoossiittiioonn iinn tthhee TTrraaffffiicc aanndd SSeeccuurriittyy DDeeppaarrttmmeennttss..

PPoosstt hhiiss rreettiirreemmeenntt ffrroomm hhiiss pprrooffeessssiioonnaall ccaarreeeerr,, PPPP VViinnaayyaakk’’ss

sseerrvviiccee ttoo hhuummaanniittyy wwaass eevveenn mmoorree eexxeemmppllaarryy.. HHee wwaass aa RRoottaarriiaann

iinn iittss ttrruuee ssppiirriitt.. HHee wwaass aann aaccttiivvee ssoocciiaall wwoorrkkeerr aaddddrreessssiinngg nneeeeddss

ooff ppoooorr,, nneeeeddyy aanndd sseenniioorr cciittiizzeennss

PPPP VViinnaayyaakk wwaass ccoonnffeerrrreedd hhoonnoorr aanndd aawwaarrdd ffrroomm mmaannyy iinnssttiittuuttiioonnss iinncclluuddiinngg MMaahhaarraasshhttrraa

TTiimmeess ffoorr hhiiss yyeeoommeenn sseerrvviiccee ttoo tthhee ssttuuddeennttss’’ ccoommmmuunniittyy.. NNootteewwoorrtthhyy wwaass hhiiss ccoonnttrriibbuuttiioonn

ttoo tthhee BBlliinndd ssttuuddeennttss aatt RRuuiiaa CCoolllleeggee.. HHee wwaass aallssoo aassssoocciiaatteedd && aaccttiivvee wwiitthh ffeeww ootthheerr ssoocciiaall

aassssoocciiaattiioonnss lliikkee PPaarreennttss hhaavviinngg NNRRII cchhiillddrreenn,, SSeenniioorr CCiittiizzeennss eettcc

PPPP VViinnaayyaakk wwaass iinnddeeeedd tthhee bbaacckkbboonnee ttoo RRCCMMMM.. EEvveerryy mmeemmbbeerr ffeelltt aatt eeaassee ttoo aapppprrooaacchh hhiimm

ffoorr gguuiiddaannccee aanndd ddiirreeccttiioonn ffoorr aannyy iissssuuee wwhhiicchh ttrroouubblleedd tthheemm.. HHee tthhrroouugghh hhiiss aaccttiioonnss ttrruullyy

eemmbbooddiieedd tthhee RRoottaarryy’’ss pprriinncciippaall mmoottttoo ooff ‘‘SSeerrvviiccee AAbboovvee SSeellff’’..

Page 16: Mahim Waves - rotarymahim.org · Rtn. Sandhya Celebrates her Birthday The characteristics of December born people are that they are Loyal and Generous, Love to socialize, Fun to be

Rotary Club of Mumbai, Mahim District 3140

We meet every Saturday at 9.00 a.m. at Phadke Hall, Dadar Bhagini Samaj, Hindu Colony, Dadar, Mumbai 400 014 6th Issue Year 2012-13 16

For Private Circulation Only

WWiitthh hheeaavvyy hheeaarrtt RRCCMMMM mmeemmbbeerrss ppaaiidd hhoommaaggee ttoo PPPP SSuurreesshh PPiimmppaallkkhhaarree wwhhoo pprroocceeeeddeedd oonn

hhiiss hheeaavveennllyy aabbooaarrdd oonn 1122tthh JJaannuuaarryy lleeaavviinngg bbeehhiinndd wwiiffee aanndd ttwwoo ddaauugghhtteerr wwiitthh tthheeiirr ffaammiillyy..

RRttnn.. SSuurreesshh PPiimmppaallkkhhaarree wwaass tthhee PPrreessiiddeenntt ooff oouurr CClluubb iinn tthhee yyeeaarr 22000055--22000066 aanndd oonnee ooff tthhee

ppiioonneeeerriinngg mmeemmbbeerrss wwhhoo ccoonnttrriibbuutteedd aa ggrreeaatt ddeeaall ttoo tthhee ggrroowwtthh aanndd ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff oouurr

cclluubb,, eessppeecciiaallllyy dduurriinngg iittss iinnffaannccyy ddaayyss.. IItt wwaass dduurriinngg hhiiss tteennuurree aanndd uunnddeerr hhiiss aabbllee lleeaaddeerrsshhiipp

tthhaatt oouurr cclluubb ttooookk aa bboolldd lleeaapp ttoo oorrggaanniizzee aa mmeeggaa eevveenntt ffoorr ffeelliicciittaattiinngg wwoommeenn eennttrreepprreenneeuurrss..

TThhiiss eevveenntt wwaass iimmmmeennsseellyy ssuucccceessssffuull aanndd bbrroouugghhtt aa ggrreeaatt gglloorryy ttoo tthhee cclluubb iinncclluuddiinngg pprroovviiddiinngg

aa ddeecceenntt ccoorrppuuss ffoorr oouurr ffuuttuurree aaccttiivviittiieess. HHee ggrroooommeedd oouurr cclluubb lliikkee aann eexxtteennddeedd ffaammiillyy,, bbeeiinngg

sseennssiittiivvee aanndd ttoolleerraanntt ttoo aallll..

SSppeecciiaall mmeennttiioonn sshhoouulldd bbee mmaaddee ooff hhiiss yyeeoommeenn sseerrvviicceess ttoo ggiivvee oouurr cclluubb aa ppllaattffoorrmm ttoo aassssiisstt

PPrraaggaattii KKeennddrraa ((aann iinnssttiittuuttee ffoorr pphhyyssiiccaallllyy aanndd mmeennttaallllyy cchhaalllleennggeedd ppeeooppllee)).. IItt wwaass hhiiss

bbrraaiinncchhiilldd ttoo hheellpp ttwwoo iinnssttiittuuttiioonnss aatt tthhee ssaammee ttiimmee.. RRCCMMMM ppuurrcchhaasseedd ssoommee ooff tthhee ggooooddss

pprreeppaarreedd bbyy PPrraaggaattii KKeennddrraa aanndd ddoonnaatteedd tthheemm ttoo BBaall AAsshhaa ((aann iinnssttiittuuttiioonn ffoorr ddeessttiittuuttee

cchhiillddrreenn)).. TThhiiss pprraaccttiiccee ccoonnttiinnuueess ttiillll ddaattee.. SSoofftt ssppookkeenn aanndd eevveerr ssmmiilliinngg RRttnn.. SSuurreesshh

PPiimmppaallkkhhaarree wwiillll ffoorreevveerr lliivvee iinn tthhee hheeaarrttss aanndd mmiinnddss ooff RRCCMMMM aanndd hhiiss wwoorrkk wwiillll bbee aann

iinnssppiirraattiioonn ttoo aallll ooff uuss..

VViissiitt oouurr WWeebb SSiittee aatt hhttttpp::////wwwwww..rroottaarryymmaahhiimm..ccoomm//

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