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Page 1: Main achievements of PAEPARD

Main achievements of PAEPARD


Jonas Mugabe, Remi Kahane & Vesta Nunoo

Brussels, 26th November 2018

Page 2: Main achievements of PAEPARD

Where do PAEPARD I & PAEPARD II come from?

Research-research collaboration, no other stakeholders involved

Projects concentrated in a few African countries

Problems identified under PAEPARD I

Declining European-African ARD collaboration

Driven by research interest of European partners with African research stakeholders (=supply approach)

Dominated by European research organisations

Solutions sought that PAEPARD II will bring

Inclusive partnerships with non-research stakeholders (FOs, private sector, NGOs) leading those partnerships

Projects spread over more African countries

Increased number of European-African ARD partnerships

Driven by demands of end users

Balanced partnerships, led by African non-research stakeholders

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Specific ObjectiveEnhanced, more equitable, more demand-driven; and mutually beneficial collaboration of Africa and Europe on ARD with the aim of attaining the MDGs (SDGs)


Funding (EUROS):

PAEPARD I (2007-08)- 339,202.50

PAEPARD II (2010-18)- 11,832,562

CRF-IF (2014-18) - 2,222,257.16

Total= 14,394,021.66

Equitable partnerships African - European Research-Research-

users Public - Private

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19 consortia in 17 African countries

+5 ULPs

Demand-led research (needs of users)One example : the issue of aflatoxin

in the groundnut value chain

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Users’ Led Process

Incentive Fund

CompetitiveResearch Fund

Communication & Capacity


The Main Achievements of PAEPARD

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Users-Led Process : Concept and regional pilots

EAFF: Extensive livestock

PROPAC: Urban Horticulture

ROPPA: Rice value chains

FANRPAN/NASFAM: Aflatoxin in

Groundnut value chain

COLEACP: Adding value to mango


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Some MSP facilitated by PAEPARD secured funds through CRF-IF, capacity building & communication

1. Burkina Faso - Trichoderma biofertilizers

2. Benin - Soybean afitin and milk

3. Uganda - African indigenous vegetables >

4. Malawi/Zambia – Aflatoxin in groundnuts

5. Malawi - Enhanced aquaculture

6. Togo - Pepper improved varieties

7. Nigeria - Poultry feed with cassava

8. Burundi - Potato seed system

9. Kenya - Aflatoxin control in food & feed

10. Benin - Pineapple supply chains

11. Ghana - Citrus Angular Leaf Spot control >

12. Uganda - Rice/Green gram smallholders

13. Mali - cowpea value chain

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Women Processors and researchers have co-created technology that prolongs the shelf life of soybean milk

Soybean-milk in Benin



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Compost enriched with Trichodermain Burkina Faso

• 30% increase of tomato, onion and Irish potato yields

• 25% increase of farmer’s incomes

• Becoming a business in rural communities empowering women


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Resource mobilization of external funds through CRF_IF

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• 19 projects, involving

• 40 African universities

• In more than 20 African countries, and

• 8 European universities and research institutes, including

• RUFORUM and Agrinatura , value of

• Over € 37 M raised from a diversity of donors

Support to the strengthening capacity of African universities to develop proposals

(RUFORUM network)

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Costs, rates of return on investments and lessons

The Input Costs (over 5 years)

• €2.2. Competitive Research Fund & Incentive Fund

• € 480k of the capacity strengthening (Inception

workshops, write-shops)

• Every €1 CRF-IF invested in PAEPARD Consortia to respond to calls leveraged €2.0 for the Consortia

• A total amount of > €40 million if we consider funds mobilized by stakeholders non-members of PAEPARD consortia

Lesson & Observation

1. Building partnerships is a long-term engagement. Results are not immediate, but when they start they are long-lasting

2. PAEPARD Consortia are now equipped to respond to calls, but they require maintenance support to sustain quality responses to calls and scale up.

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PAEPARD has used Dgroups, blogposts, OSIRIS and social media to make effective the communication and reach out up to 10,000 members

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Lessons learnt & challenges from the MSPs (1/2)

1. African-European partnerships needs time to build trust; and time for cultural integration (Africa and Europe; institutional practice differences, etc.).

2. Inadequate funding opportunities for agricultural research and innovation (AU Research Grants Call)

3. Small funding (ARF, CRF) but flexible (IF) can trigger innovation as well as big one; what is important is the momentum

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Lessons learnt & Challenges from the Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (2/2)

4. Capacity to reflect and learn together is crucial in MSPs. It creates a shared vision among partners and allows to re-thing the strategy.

5. Communication (internal and external) is a catalytic element for MSP to keep the motivation in the consortium. PAEPARD has used the Dgroup, blogposts, OSIRIS to make effective the communication and reach out to more 10,000 members.

6. A coordination anchored within apex bodies (FARA & AGRINATURA) made the action easy to reach members in different sub-regions of Africa

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