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Main task: Students to produce the front page, contents page and double

page spread of a new music magazine.(Photoshop will be used for image

manipulation and InDesign will be used for page layout and design features on

contents page and article)

My Mood Board

My Mood Board

I like the look of these front covers

as they are possible ideas for my magazine. The Vibe front covers, I like because they

are aimed at a younger audience

and towards people who may be interested in

rap or R&B and a young style of


I like the house styles of the vibe magazines and chose these magazines as an initial idea about the genre I would want to do in my music magazine, also they are aimed

towards a younger audience, similar to the billboard magazine.

I like the layout of the magazines on this page

with the mixture of close up and mid shots for the main images, I

also like that the target audience for the

magazines on this slide is also a younger

audience. Which I can relate too.

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