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  • 8/17/2019 Mainageable Fsis Import


    FSIS Import Controls  ACE Portal Access

    Presented by:

    Robert Berczik

    USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service

    Office of International Affairs

  • 8/17/2019 Mainageable Fsis Import


    Entry into the United States

    Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

    FDA is responsible for seafood, fruits and vegetables,

    and denatured animal products not intended for

    human food.

    FDA regulates some processed products containing

    small amounts (less than 3 percent) of meat and

    poultry exempt from FSIS regulation.

  • 8/17/2019 Mainageable Fsis Import


    Entry into the United States

     Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

    Responsible for animal health

    Restricts certain products from entering the United

    States due to animal disease conditions in the

    country of origin.

    Contact APHIS Veterinary Services, National

    Center for Import and Export


  • 8/17/2019 Mainageable Fsis Import


    Entry Into the United States

    Importer of record files entry with U.S. Customs and

    Border Protection (CBP)

    CBP completes agriculture checks for restricted products

    (per APHIS requirements)

    Releases shipment to FSIS for reinspection (public

    health requirements)

  • 8/17/2019 Mainageable Fsis Import


    FSIS Control of Imported Product

    FSIS must take enforcement action when:

    Importers fail to present eligible meat, poultry, and eggproducts for inspection after their release by CBP

    When imported product shipments arrive at U.S. ports of

    entry from ineligible sources

    When imported product fails inspection and is refused


    When uninspected or ineligible imported product isdiscovered in domestic commerce

  • 8/17/2019 Mainageable Fsis Import


    FSIS Import Enforcement -



    FSIS’ 20 Import Surveillance Liaison Officers (ISLOs) arefocused on enforcement at port-of-entry

    ISLO’s coordinate cargo monitoring activities with CBP, APHIS, FDA, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service(USFWS), as well as with importers and brokers.

    The goal of import surveillance is to find, investigate, andcontrol noncompliant imported products moving indomestic commerce.

    FSIS maintains an Import Alert database to track themonitoring and control of noncompliant product.

  • 8/17/2019 Mainageable Fsis Import


    FSIS Import Initiatives

    International Trade Data System (ITDS)has provided portal access to ACE

    FSIS import personnel query ACE andtarget suspicious consignments to

    identify: Potential ineligible or smuggled shipments

    Shipments that fail to present for import reinspection

    prior to entering commerce

  • 8/17/2019 Mainageable Fsis Import


    FSIS Control of Imported ProductsThrough the ACE Portal, FSIS secured real-time access to shipment entry summarydata previously obtained from CBP only through printed reports received up to 45days after entries were filed:

    Customs Entry Number 

    Entry Line Entry Date

    Entry Type

    Entry Type Description

    Unit of Measure and Quantity

    Port-of-Entry code Port-of-Entry name

    Country of Origin

    HTS Code

    HTS Description

    Importer Name

    Importer of Record number 

    Filer Name

    Filer Code

    Consignee Name

  • 8/17/2019 Mainageable Fsis Import


    FSIS Control of Imported Products

    Using ACE entry summary data, FSIS can


    If shipments have entered from ineligible

    countries or establishments

    Ports-of-entry of noncompliant shipments Importer of Record and Consignee for

    noncompliant shipments

    Detention or redelivery actions taken by CBP

  • 8/17/2019 Mainageable Fsis Import


    FSIS Import Enforcement

     As a result ACE Portal access:

    Between FY 2005 and FY 2006, the amount of

    ineligible product detected, detained, and removedfrom commerce by FSIS increased almost 30 fold

    -- from 97,000 to 2.87 million pounds.

    During FY 2007, FSIS controlled 2.04 million

    pounds of ineligible product.

    FY 2008 year-to-date, FSIS controlled 3.68 millionpounds of ineligible product.

    Data source: FSIS Import Alert Tracking System (IATS)

  • 8/17/2019 Mainageable Fsis Import


    FSIS Control of Imported Product

    Primary Reasons for Import Alerts

    Failure to Present for FSIS Inspection

    Ineligible Product Shipments controlled by other agencies

    U.S. returned product

    Other Reasons Tracked in the IATS

    Smuggled Targeted (by ATS)

    Homeland Security

  • 8/17/2019 Mainageable Fsis Import


    Future Benefits

     ACE portal access is a bridge to a permanent

    electronic interface between CBP and FSIS.  ACE facilitates import commerce by reducing

    the paperwork burden associated with FSIS-

    regulated imported product. FSIS currently participating and developing

    food safety checklist with CBP auditors

  • 8/17/2019 Mainageable Fsis Import



    FSIS International Web Sitehttp://www.fsis.usda.gov

    Import Manual of Procedureshttp://www.fsis.usda.gov/OPPDE/op/IIM/TOCIIM.htm


  • 8/17/2019 Mainageable Fsis Import


    Contact Information

    FSIS Office of International AffairsImport Inspection Division

    (202) 720-9904

    [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

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