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Page 1: Mainstreaming Gender into Extractive Industries Projects

Extractive Industries and Development Series #9August 2009

Mainstreaming Gender intoExtractive Industries Projects

Guidance Note

for Task Team


Adriana EftimieKatherine HellerJohn Strongman

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World Bank Group's Oil, Gas, and Mining Policy DivisionOil, Gas, Mining, and Chemicals DepartmentA joint service of the World Bank and the

International Finance Corporation

The Oil, Gas, and Mining Policy Division series publishes reviews and analysesof sector experience from around the world as well as new findings fromanalytical work. It places particular emphasis on how the experience andknowledge gained relates to developing country policy makers, communitiesaffected by extractive industries, extractive industry enterprises, and civil societyorganizations. We hope to see this series inform a wide range of interested partieson the opportunities as well as the risks presented by the sector.

The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirelythose of the authors and should not be attributed in any manner to the WorldBank or its affiliated organizations, or to members of its Board of ExecutiveDirectors or the countries they represent. The World Bank does not guaranteethe accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts noresponsibility whatsoever for any consequence of their use.

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Extractive Industries and Development Series #9August 2009

Mainstreaming Gender intoExtractive Industries Projects

Guidance Note

for Task Team


Adriana EftimieKatherine HellerJohn Strongman

Page 4: Mainstreaming Gender into Extractive Industries Projects

COPYRIGHT © 2009http://www.worldbank.org/ogmc (OR /oil OR /gas OR /mining)http://www.ifc.org/ogmc (OR /oil OR /gas OR /mining)Cover Photos: Oil rig, hematite-banded ironstone, LNG tankerwww.worldbank.org/eigender

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Table of Contents

vi Acronyms

1 Introduction

2 Why Consider Gender and the ExtractiveIndustries?

4 How to Integrate Gender into World BankGroup EI Projects

8 Specific Tools for Considering GenderTopics

12 Actions to Mitigate Potential NegativeGender Impacts of EI

18 Annex A: Gendered Impacts andDevelopment Impacts of EI Operations

21 Annex B: Additional Resources for Gender-Mainstreaming in EI Projects

List of TablesTable 1: Incorporating Gender Issues into Project Planning and Implementation ............. 5

Table 2a: Checklist for Gender-sensitizing Project Design and Preparation ....................... 9

Table 2b: Gender-Related Question for Project Implementation and Supervision ........... 11

Table 3: Summary List of Potential Actions and Indicators to Improve the Health,Education, Employment, and Economic and Social Empowerment ofWomen in EI Communities............................................................................... 13

Table 4: Gender Implications and Development Impacts of the Extractive Industries ..... 18


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G u i d a n c e N o t e f o r T a s k T e a m L e a d e r s


This guidance note is a product of the World Bank’s Oil, Gas, and Mining PolicyDivision (COCPO), with funding and support from the World Bank GenderAction Plan Energy, and Energy Sector Management Assistance Program(ESMAP).

The task team included Adriana Eftimie (Task Team Leader) and consultantsKatherine Heller and John Strongman, all of COCPO. The report has benefitedfrom the guidance of a number of World Bank colleagues and external reviewers,whose assistance is gratefully acknowledged. The following reviewers inparticular have provided insightful comments and guidance in finalizing thisguidance notes: Gillian Brown, consultant; Gary McMahon, COCPO; and GisaRoesen, BGR (Geological Survey of Germany).

Special thanks to Esther Petrilli-Massey, COCPO, for coordinating theproduction and dissemination process.

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E x t r a c t i v e I n d u s t r i e s f o r D e v e l o p m e n t S e r i e s


AASSMM Artisanal and Small-scale Mining

BBGGRR Geological Survey of Germany

CCOOCCPPOO World Bank Oil, Gas, and Mining Policy Division

EESSMMAAPP Energy Sector Management Assistance Program

EESSWW Economic and Sector Work

EEII Extractive Industries

IIFFCC International Finance Corporation

NNGGOO Non-governmental Organization

PPAADD Project Appraisal Document

PPCCNN Project Concept Note

PPIIPP Project Implementation Plan

PPIIUU Project Implementation Unit

SSTTDD Sexually Transmitted Disease

TTooRR Terms of Reference

TTTTLL Task Team Leader


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Extractive industries (EI) can bring many positive development impacts to thecommunities involved, but also have the potential to create or exacerbatevulnerabilities within these communities. Benefits and risks are often evaluated andmeasured at the community level, with little examination of the different impactson men and women. In fact, evidence suggests that a gender bias exists in thedistribution of risks and benefits in EI projects: benefits accrue to men in the formof employment and compensation, while the costs, such as family and socialdisruption, and environmental degradation, fall most heavily on women.1

But it has become recognized in recent years that the effectiveness and sustainabilityof EI operations are dependent not only on the commercial viability of thecompany, but also on a social license to operate and a positive relationship amonggovernment, EI operators, and the community.2 Women have a key role in creatingthis social license and in facilitating the social and economic development of theircommunities. Thus, understanding and consideration of how women and men areuniquely impacted by EI – on the part of EI companies, governments, and donors– can increase the effectiveness and sustainability of EI operations.

Despite the ample evidence of gender bias3 – and its implications – in EI, there issignificant scope for increasing the gender focus of most EI projects in the WorldBank. Analyzing and adapting projects to local gender issues can help to mitigatethe risks created by EI, and amplify the potential benefits to both men and women,leading to increased profitability and more sustainable development impacts.Furthermore, understanding and adapting projects to improve gender sensitivity isessential to realizing the Bank’s stated commitment to both mainstreaming genderand to the third Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of gender equality andempowerment of women.

The following guidelines briefly outline some of the ways that EI can impact menand women differently and the associated development implications, and providestep by step suggestions for how to understand and integrate gender issues intoWorld Bank Group EI project design

1E x t r a c t i v e I n d u s t r i e s f o r D e v e l o p m e n t S e r i e s

1Evidence includes a series of conferences and workshops with women stakeholders in EI communities in the Philippines, Peru, Indonesia, Papua NewGuinea, Ghana, Tanzania, India, and Poland. Also see: Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt and Martha Macintyre, eds. “Women Miners in Developing Countries,” (England: Ashgate Publishing Co., 2006;Oxfam.)“Tunnel Vision: Women, Mining and Communities” (Melbourne:Oxfam, 2002)2The World Bank. “Striking a Better Balance: Extractive Industry Review Report.” (Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2004.)3The World Bank. “Gender Dimensions of the Extractive Industries.” (Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2009).

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2 G u i d a n c e N o t e f o r T a s k T e a m L e a d e r s

Why Consider Genderand the ExtractiveIndustries?

The extractive industries (EI) can have broad and deep impacts on the economic,social, and environmental situations of the communities involved. Based on men’sand women’s roles and relationships in their families and in their communities,these changes can have very different effects on men and on women. Impacts onmen and women may be direct – changes resulting directly from the mines – orindirect – changes that are the knock-on effects of EI.

These impacts can be felt across numerous sectors. For instance, in terms ofincome and employment, EI can create a host of new jobs, often at the expenseof traditional jobs (as in cases where agricultural land is converted for EI). Butthese jobs often go primarily to men. While women may get jobs in spin-offindustries, among men, increased income from EI does not always translate intoincreased money to the home and family. Men – especially where unaccustomedto cash income – often spend on alcohol and gambling, while women are morelikely to spend on education, health, and nutrition for their families, so decreasedjob opportunities and/or access to resources for women can negatively impact thewhole family. EI also often leads to inflation, so even while formal employmentrates may increase, women are often forced into a position of reduced resourcesand higher expenses. Women are frequently responsible for both selling andbuying goods in the market - improved access to markets using EI-constructedroads and improved selling opportunities may be a benefit to women withproducts to sell, but equally women constitute the majority of the mostvulnerable in the community who are least able to afford increased prices or tonegotiate with EI companies as to where roads should be constructed.

EI can also significantly impact the natural environment, with different impactsfor men and women. Where women are responsible for gathering food, water, andfirewood, decreased availability of these resources due to environmental changesassociated with EI can mean tasks take much longer and can inhibit women andgirls’ abilities to go to school or do other tasks. Where women work in agriculture,collect water, or do laundry in rivers, pollution can jeopardize their health.

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3E x t r a c t i v e I n d u s t r i e s f o r D e v e l o p m e n t S e r i e s

Indirectly, changes in land use can decrease subsistence agriculture, whichdiminishes food supply and food security, which diminishes women’s economicempowerment and ability to provide for families, but lead to changes in diet andpossible increased dependence on processed foods, with related healthconsequences. EI is also associated with other health risks, with strong genderdimensions, in both large- and small-scale mining. In artisanal and small-scalemining (ASM), for example, the health implications for women can often besevere, particularly where women are involved in mineral processing within thehome. EI is also often associated with increased prostitution and, as a result, risingrates of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Not only arewomen at particular risk in these scenarios, they are also typically responsible forthe greatest burden of care when a family member becomes sick.

In addition to these above-mentioned sectoral implications, EI can change thegender dynamics of a community – where men have increasing access to formalemployment and decision-making spheres, women in some instances becomemarginalized, with little say of how EI resources should be used. Women tend toadvocate for more sustainable investments, while men often focus more oninfrastructure investments, which may prove less effective to achievingdevelopment outcomes. Thus, marginalization of women from the decision-making process can be detrimental to the community at large.

These issues present a snapshot of the complex inter-relationship between genderand EI. For a more comprehensive examination, Annex A explores the genderdimensions and related development impacts of EI in greater depth. But EIprojects that overlook these differences and fail to understand how men andwomen differently experience EI, can undermine commitments by EI companies,donors, government, and civil society to ensure that EI projects realize thedevelopment potential of the communities involved. In contrast, a well-managedand forward-looking extractive industry that understands men’s and women’sdifferent experiences, and seeks to decrease risks and share benefits, can contributesignificantly to the sustainable development of impacted communities, whileimproving the reputation and growing the bottom line of oil, gas, and miningcompanies. Improving gains from EI for female stakeholders will not onlyleverage their potential for increasing growth, reducing poverty, and fosteringpositive conditions for sustainable development, but also improve thedevelopment effectiveness of oil, gas, and mining operations for communities andcountries as a whole.

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4 G u i d a n c e N o t e f o r T a s k T e a m L e a d e r s

How to IntegrateGender into World BankGroup ExtractiveIndustries Projects

Gender issues can be included in all stages of project development, for all types ofprojects.

Gender should be an important element of any upstream macro-social analysis, asEconomic and Sector Work (ESW). Such analysis can focus on women as aparticular sub-group of relevance, assessing the likelihood that the project willsustainably enhance equitable opportunities for men and women, contribute to thecountry's development objectives in terms of gender equity and MDG 3, andadvance the Bank's core mission of poverty reduction for men and women. Duringproject preparation, gender should be included in any social impact analysis thatfocuses on opportunities and constraints, outcomes, impacts, and risks associatedwith a particular project, with the goal of understanding whether the benefits of aproject outweigh the risks for both men and women. Social appraisal should includeproject options and alternatives for enhancing gender equity. And throughoutproject implementation, social assessments with gender focus may be conducted asa means of evaluating the social benefits and costs of proposed projects. This mayinvolve identifying stakeholders, and may function as a means for enablingstakeholder participation.

Table 1 highlights how gender issues may be incorporated into all phases of projectplanning and implementation. These suggestions may not apply to all projects.World Bank task team leaders (TTLs) should select necessary steps in projectplanning and implementation based on the specific project context, selecting fromTables 1 and 2 as appropriate for a given project.

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5E x t r a c t i v e I n d u s t r i e s f o r D e v e l o p m e n t S e r i e s

Table 1: Incorporating Gender Issues into ProjectPlanning and Implementation4

Project Identification,Project ConceptDocuments

Project Preparationand Design

Project AppraisalDocuments

Opportunities for Integrating Gender AnalysisProject Stage

Gender concerns should be considered during projectidentification and presented in the Project Concept Note (PCN):• A gender specialist should be included in the task team, or beconsulted to raise questions about how a project mightbenefit women or put them at risk. This specialist mighthighlight similar or related projects that might be useful forproject design. • Ensure that gender analysis is included in the terms ofreference (ToRs) for any social assessments to be conducted.• Ensure that men and women are included in all stakeholderconsultations; conduct separate consultations with men andwomen if necessary.

Tools for gender assessment during project preparation anddesign can include focus groups, surveys, time-use studies,consultations, community and social mapping. These tools cancontribute to a social impact assessment of the proposed project. • Analyze data to demonstrate gender specific impacts andaspects of EI, including examination of linkages betweengender, health and sanitation, education, infrastructure,poverty.• Place gender impacts as a specific item to be discussed withthe Borrower and the implementing agency.• Identify gender issues that will be most crucial for thesustainability and effectiveness of the EI project.• Design a detailed strategy to ensure that these gender issuesare addressed in the project.

Include gender strategy in the Project Appraisal Document(PAD):• The PAD should present and summarize gender analysis interms of project objectives and benefits, winners and losers,and project alternatives, sustainability, and risks. • The institutional design presented in the PAD should reflectthe agreements reached with the Borrower on the project'sgender and social development outcomes and themechanisms and resources needed to achieve those outcomes.Ensure that there are resources provided for identified genderactivities.• The institutional design should also ensure that theimplementing agency has the capacity to implement,

4For reference, see: “Building Social Analysis into Project Design,” Washington, DC, The World Bank. Available online athttp://www.worldbank.org/socialanalysissourcebook/design2.htm.

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6 G u i d a n c e N o t e f o r T a s k T e a m L e a d e r s

Table 1: Incorporating Gender Issues into ProjectPlanning and Implementation cont.

Project OperationalManual

ProjectImplementation Plan

Project LegalDocuments(Loan/Credit andProject Agreements)

Supervision andMonitoring

Mid-Term Review

Opportunities for Integrating Gender AnalysisProject Stage

manage, and monitor the gender strategy.• Appropriate indicators and benchmarks should be identifiedto monitor progress and project implementation, andresources for monitoring should be adequately provided for asa condition of project appraisal. • The PAD Risk Matrix should spell out risks for women and arisk-management strategy; ensure that women’s risk fordisplacement is fully understood and that there are plans tocompensate women as well as men for any displacement orresettlement in line with the World Bank's ResettlementPolicy (World Bank Operational Policy Manual 4.12)..

Based on understanding of the gender dimensions of theimpacted community, and of the potential impacts of the project,the project operational manual should be formulated to ensurethat all operational procedures for the project are in accord withthe identified risks and benefits to women.

Although prepared by the Borrower, the project implementationplan (PIP) should clearly explain the gender strategy, and what itentails in terms of actions and monitoring and evaluation. Forexample, the Bank TTL can promote inclusion of steps in the PIPto promote women’s representation and participation in theproject.

Legal documents detail Borrower responsibilities with regards tosocial safeguards and social development objectives. Objectivesfor mitigating negative impacts and promoting positive benefitsfor women should be included here.

Gender issues should be integrated into monitoring andsupervision guidelines and reports. • Ensure that gender disaggregated data is collected, and that allgender-specific activities are closely monitored. This can helpnot only to monitor the impact of the project on gender, butalso to identify changes or adjustments required to ensure themaximum positive impact, and minimum negativerepercussions. • For sustainability, also ensure that gender-specific data isincorporated into all standard EI monitoring and evaluation.

Gender issues should be examined at the mid-term review, interms of impacts and outcomes. Changes to improve theseimpacts and outcomes can be suggested here.

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7E x t r a c t i v e I n d u s t r i e s f o r D e v e l o p m e n t S e r i e s

TTLs should ensure that at least one gender specialist is involved in project planningand preparation to help ensure that gender issues are considered at each projectphase.

Additionally, since the gender-dimensions of EI cross multiple sectors – such asgovernance, health, environment, and so on, these guidelines do not just apply toEI projects. Rather, TTLs of EI projects should use consultations and assessmentsto determine the various ways in which EI may impact gender, and integrate thesefindings and related actions into appropriate sectoral activities and projects. TTLsshould work closely with the wider country team, including TTLs of other projects,at each of the phases above, to determine how gender and EI issues might beinvolved and addressed.

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8 G u i d a n c e N o t e f o r T a s k T e a m L e a d e r s

Specific Tools forConsidering GenderTopics

While all projects should include gender analysis during project preparation andplanning to predict and adjust for ways in which projects will impact women andmen differently, there are several activities that can be incorporated or adjusted inEI project activities specifically to ensure that projects respond to the needs andperspectives of women. Not all activities apply to all projects, but this guide outlinestools and scenarios that may provide TTLs with a ‘checklist’ of some of the activitiesthat may be most useful.

In all phases, women should be included in project coordinating structures andrelevant meetings, and meetings should be planned such that they are equallyaccessible (in terms of time, location, opportunity cost) to both men and women.However, the presence of women on a committee does not necessarily fulfillobligations to gender sensitivity – women may not always actively participate, andmay be hesitant to contradict men, or to break with traditional gender roles forparticipation. Furthermore, women should not be marginalized to speak only onwomen’s issues. In all consultative or participatory aspects of the project, womenshould be actively incorporated, with separate meetings for women if womenhesitate to participate in mixed gender activities. In all project monitoring andevaluation, gender sensitive indicators should be used for all monitoring andevaluation, to determine the impacts of the project on men as well as women.

Tables 2a and 2b outline some of the gender-related questions to be addressed andtools that can be used in project design, preparation, implementation, andsupervision to ensure that the gender is appropriately integrated.

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Table 2a: Checklist for Gender-sensitizing Project Designand Preparation

1. Evaluate countrygender context,through povertyand social impactapproaches.

2. Identify keywomen stakeholdergroups in thecommunity.

3. Consult with keywomen stakeholdergroups todetermine keygender issues inthe sector in theproposed projectarea.


QQuueessttiioonnss ttoo bbee AAddddrreesssseedd::• What are the potential risks and benefits of the EI projecton men, women, and gender relations? • What are the legal, cultural, social, and economicconditions that might influence the impact of EI on men,women, and gender relations?

TToooollss::• Stocktaking of laws and regulations that might impactwomen and men differently.• Literature review, social assessment of cultural normsregarding women and gender; social assessment mightinclude interviews, focus groups, expert meetings. Reviewof other project documents.

QQuueessttiioonnss ttoo bbee AAddddrreesssseedd:: • How are women organized and represented vis-à-vis theproposed EI project, the government, and men in thecommunity? • Through what types of civil society, government, and EIcompany mechanisms are women represented?

TToooollss::• Community mapping, stakeholder analysis, focus groups,key informant interviews with women, local government,EI companies.

QQuueessttiioonnss ttoo bbee AAddddrreesssseedd::• How do ownership rights and access to land and otherproductive resources (credit, labor, financial services, andtechnology) vary by gender?• How do women voice opinions and priorities in decision-making in the family and the community?• How are women represented in decision-makingstructures, and what measures are in place to ensure thatthe women who are participating are representative ofwomen in the community?• To what degree do women have access to education andskills training?• To what degree do women have access to (i) project-related and (ii) sector-related information?• In what ways are women involved in community-supported project monitoring activities?

TToooollss:• Focus group discussions, key informant interviews, reviewof relevant processes and project documents.

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10 G u i d a n c e N o t e f o r T a s k T e a m L e a d e r s

Table 2a: Checklist for Gender-sensitizing Project Designand Preparation cont.

4. Based oninformationcollected,determine thelikely distributionof risks andbenefits of theproposed projectby gender by eachstage, i.e., how arebenefits and risksdistributedbetween men andwomen at theexploration,feasibility,construction,operational,closure, and post-closure stages.

5. Determineindicators formeasuring thedifferent impactsof EI on men andwomen, anddetermine ifbaseline data andanalysis is availableto identify keygender issues inthe community.


QQuueessttiioonnss ttoo bbee AAddddrreesssseedd::• What are the main benefits and risks of the EI project forthe local community and, if considered relevant from agender perspective, also at the regional and national levels? • Is there a gender bias in the distribution of risks andbenefits whereby men receive most of the benefits andwomen and families bear most of the risks in the proposedproject activities and in the legacy of any previous orongoing EI production?

TToooollss::• Key informant interviews, focus groups, householdsurveys.

QQuueessttiioonnss ttoo bbee AAddddrreesssseedd::• How can similar projects be used to determine indicators? • How can other data sources be used for gathering baselinedata? • How can other relevant gender projects, studies, or reportsat the community; regional or national levels input intothis process?

TToooollss::• Stocktaking of available data and data sources.

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11E x t r a c t i v e I n d u s t r i e s f o r D e v e l o p m e n t S e r i e s

Table 2b: Gender-Related Question for ProjectImplementation and Supervision

1. Implement theagreed measures toenhance the benefitsand mitigate therisks of the projecton women.

2. Implementmonitoringactivities.

3. Throughout theproject, assupervision andmonitoring data isreceived, makeappropriate changesand adjustments toensure programcontinues to begender sensitive andresponsive.

4. Identify lessonslearned.


QQuueessttiioonnss ttoo bbee AAddddrreesssseedd::• Women make up what percentage of the projectcoordination structures?• What barriers exist to implementation of the gender-sensitive measures?

TToooollss::• Information from Project Implementation Unit (PIU) andsite visits and interviews with women in communities.

QQuueessttiioonnss ttoo bbee AAddddrreesssseedd::• Have performance and outcome/output monitoringcriteria been designed/refined to include gender-relatedmeasures?• Does the PIU include women’s groups in the communitymonitoring of the project?• Doesthe PIU include gender-sensitive performanceindicators and sex-disaggregated data included in projectmonitoring and progress reports?• Are the timing, location, and organization of projectmeetings organized by the PIU or other parties adapted toaccommodate women’s needs and ensure theirparticipation?

TToooollss::• Information from PIU and site visits and interviews withwomen in communities.• Stocktaking of available data and data sources.

QQuueessttiioonnss ttoo bbee AAddddrreesssseedd::• Has progress been made on identified actions/impacts? • What are the gaps to be filled and priorities to be adjusted?• How effective are gender-sensitive measures in reducing therisks and enhancing the benefits of the project for women?

TToooollss::• Information from PIU and site visits and interviews withwomen in communities.• Stocktaking of available data and data sources.

QQuueessttiioonnss ttoo bbee AAddddrreesssseedd::• What were the main challenges in the design andimplementation of gender-sensitive activities?• How were legacy issues addressed?TToooollss::• Information from PIU and site visits and interviews withwomen in communities.• Stocktaking of available data and data sources.

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12 G u i d a n c e N o t e f o r T a s k T e a m L e a d e r s

Actions to MitigatePotential NegativeGender Impacts of EI

Once gender has been systematically integrated into project design, there are a rangeof activities that can be undertaken and incorporated into the project to address men’sand women’s different experiences of EI – including job creation, health andeducation programs, community consultations, and participatory monitoring ofbudgets, investments, and environment. Table 3 provides a detailed list of many ofthese activities, as well as associated outcomes, outputs, and indicators for ensuring apositive impact of social programming and risk mitigation programs for men andwomen. The actions and indicators in the list are organized around five main themes:(i) Health and Education; (ii) Income and Employment for Commercial-scaleMining; (iii) Employment of Women in ASM; (iv) Women’s EconomicEmpowerment: and (v) Women’s Social Empowerment. The list includes actions tobe taken by one or more of the four main stakeholders, i.e., national government,local government, EI companies, and civil society, which includes communitiesthemselves and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

In considering the range of actions by different stakeholders, it is important torecognize that the starting point is that the role of government is to providecommunity services such as health and education, especially for the poorest and mostvulnerable, whereas the role of companies to provide employment in a safe andrespectful working environment with remuneration that matches job responsibilities.But, many EI operations take place in remote locations where government capacitiesare very low and budgets are very small. As a result, it is common practice to find EIcompanies providing health care and sometimes also education facilities for theiremployees and their families. In more recent times, many EI companies are alsotaking initiatives to share the benefits of their operations more widely by increasingspin-off businesses and local supplier linkages to increase local EI-relatedemployment, and by providing community support programs.

The size and scope of such community support programs varies widely according tothe size and location of the EI operations and the operating company. Many EIcompanies undertake such community programs because they see them as a means

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13E x t r a c t i v e I n d u s t r i e s f o r D e v e l o p m e n t S e r i e s

to strengthen their social license to operate, mitigate some of the negative impacts ofEI operations, and reduce the disparities between living conditions for their workersand for the rest of the community. Indeed, a business case can be made that apositive relationship with the local community contributes in the long run to higherefficiency and more productive use of management time, rather than situationswhere the community is at odds with the EI operation and management time isdiverted to address community opposition or, in the worst case, community proteststhat disrupt operations and cause lost production.

For those companies that have or are considering community programs, Table 3identifies a number of gender-related actions that companies may consider includingin their community programs. As an example, adult illiteracy is frequently asignificant but unaddressed characteristic of many remote communities. As part ofcommunity program, companies can hire teachers or fund NGO programs toprovide literacy training for community women – the costs would be very modestbut the good will generated and lifestyle improvements supported by literacy cangarner enormous good will in the community for the company.

The table below provides a summary list of some of the general risks and benefitsposed to women by EI and notes the specific priority sectors on which TTLs canfocus to ensure that gender issues are mainstreamed into EI and related sectors. Thetable also lists specific activities that can be encouraged for government, EIcompanies, and civil society, with performance indicators for measuring theimplementation of given actions, and impact indicators for exploring the effect ofthese actions.

Table 3: Summary List of Potential Actions and Indicators toImprove the Health, Education, Employment, and Economic andSocial Empowerment of Women in EI Communities

Economicempowerment ofwomen

Topic Potential Actions Performance Indicators

SSeeccttoorraall FFooccuuss::• EI, Economic Developmentand Capacity Building,Governance: include genderissues in all economicdevelopment and capacitybuilding projects, particularlyin EI-impacted areas.• Ensure that EI projectsuphold existing gender equitypolicies, in terms of equal pay,access to finance, and anti-

BBeenneeffiitt:: Economic empowerment of women can lead to improveddevelopment outcomes for women, as well as for families and communities.RRiisskk:: Economic empowerment of women may cause tension in the home andcommunity and can lead to violence against women.

PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee IInnddiiccaattoorrss• Pro-female banking and landownership regulations. • Consultation with women andwomen’s groups about landcompensation. • Gender sensitization activitiesregarding women’s right towork and control income.

SSeelleecctteedd IImmppaacctt IInnddiiccaattoorrss• Number of women with (a)bank accounts in their own

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Table 3: Summary List of Potential Actions and Indicators toImprove the Health, Education, Employment, and Economic andSocial Empowerment of Women in EI Communities (cont.)

Employment ofwomen in ASM

Topic Potential Actions Performance Indicators discrimination legislation, forinstance.• Ensure gender mainstreamingin good governance projects,particularly in EIcommunities.

PPootteennttiiaall SSttaakkeehhoollddeerr AAccttiioonnss• Improve women’s access tobanking services.• Promote micro-credit andgrants programs for femaleentrepreneurs.• Consult with women’s groupsand take their views intoaccount in designing andimplementing EI companycommunity programs• Improve women’sparticipation in communitydecision making.• Ensure that women land usersare properly compensated ifland is taken for miningactivities.• Provide publicly fundedchildcare to support womentaking employment.

SSeeccttoorraall FFooccuuss• EI, Economic and SocialDevelopment, CapacityBuilding: include genderissues in all ASM activities andregulation; promote genderequity in property ownership,business development capacitybuilding.

PPootteennttiiaall SSttaakkeehhoollddeerr AAccttiioonnss• Affirmative action andlegislative programs to enablewomen to be mine ownersand operators.• Capacity building programsfor women.

BBeenneeffiitt:: Potential for increased job opportunities for women;potential for increased financial control by women.RRiisskk:: Potential of unsafe, unprofitable work.

names; (b) land titles in theirown names; and (c) their ownsmall businesses.• Number of female-focusedgrant mechanisms and capacitybuilding programs for femaleentrepreneurs.• Percentage of EI companycommunity program spent onwomen’s projects.• Number of women who (i)attended and (ii) spoke at lastcommunity decision-makingmeeting.

PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee IInnddiiccaattoorrss• Legal ability of women to ownand operate mines.• Availability of capacity buildingprograms for women.

SSeelleecctteedd IImmppaacctt IInnddiiccaattoorrss• Percentage of ASM owners andoperators who are women.• Percentage of earnings thatfemale ASM miners receive.

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Table 3: Summary List of Potential Actions and Indicators toImprove the Health, Education, Employment, and Economic andSocial Empowerment of Women in EI Communities (cont.)

Income andemployment incommercial-scaleEI operations

Topic Potential Actions Performance Indicators • Child care programs forwomen.

SSeeccttoorraall FFooccuuss• EI, Economic Developmentand Capacity Building,Governance: Include genderissues in all economicdevelopment and capacitybuilding projects. • Ensure that EI projectsuphold existing gender equitypolicies, in terms of equal pay,access to finance, and anti-discrimination legislation, forinstance.

PPootteennttiiaall AAccttiioonn• Implement affirmative actionprograms and capacitybuilding programs for womento boost women’semployment.• Provide training andmentoring for women toobtain skilled, supervisory andmanagement positions.• Provide equal pay for equalwork and gender-sensitivecompensation and benefitspolicies.• Provide incentives/rewards toEI company suppliers andspin-off businesses to increaseemployment of women. • Improve working conditionsfor women and reduce.harassment in the workforce • EI companies set targets forfemale employees in all levelsof operations.

BBeenneeffiitt:: Potential for increased EI and other job opportunities forwomen; potential for increased financial control by women.RRiisskk:: Inequality in access to EI jobs leads to increased marginalization ofwomen and the most vulnerable members of the community.

PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee IInnddiiccaattoorrss• Legislation and regulationssupport women’s employmentand protect women fromharassment.• EI company employmenttargets for women workers,supervisors and managers• Standardized gender-sensitivecompensation and benefitspolicies.• Monitoring systems for femaleemployment by supplierindustries and spin-offbusinesses.• EI company communicationscampaign (targeting workforce)regarding value-added ofwomen in supervisory andmanagement positions. • EI company anti-harassmentpolicies.

SSeelleecctteedd IImmppaacctt IInnddiiccaattoorrss• Number of women employedby EI company. • Percentage of total jobs, skilledjobs, supervisory andmanagerial jobs held by womenin EI industry. • Number of women with jobs inEI supply companies and spin-off businesses.• Ratio of pay for women andmen for same job in EIcompanies.• Number of women who saythey have experiencedworkplace harassment.

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Table 3: Summary List of Potential Actions and Indicators toImprove the Health, Education, Employment, and Economic andSocial Empowerment of Women in EI Communities (cont.)

SocialEmpowerment ofWomen

Topic Potential Actions Performance Indicators • Appoint national and regionalgender coordinators to act as focalpoints for women’s employmentand women’s concerns.

CCrroossss--SSeeccttoorraall AAccttiivviittiieess• Increase gender focus ininfrastructure projects todecrease water, food, and fuelgathering time.• Incorporate gender intogovernance projects to ensurethat women are included in allenvironmental, public service,and budget monitoringactivities.

PPootteennttiiaall AAccttiioonnss• Take women’s groups viewsand concerns into account inlocal and regional developmentplanning and decision making • Include women/women’s grouprepresentatives in key EIforums and committees.• Provide counseling and shelterfor female victims of violenceand sexual crimes.• Train police force inresponding to domesticviolence.• Implement social programs forfemale headed households toprovide affordable housing andfood for the poorest and mostvulnerable in the community,where needed.• Provide small scaleinfrastructure to decrease timeof women and girls spentgathering water or fuel.

BBeenneeffiitt:: Increased ability of women to make better choices forthemselves, and their families.RRiisskkss:: Increased insecurity due to population influx, increased access tocash leading to increased theft, increased access to alcohol, gambling,which can lead to decreased resource availability in the home, increaseddomestic violence, prostitution, etc.

PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee IInnddiiccaattoorr• Consultation programs withwomen’s groups regarding localand regional development plans. • Police training programs, to dealwith domestic violence.• Corporate and legal programsto minimize genderdiscrimination in the workplace.• Existence of a detailed socialmap that highlights women’sability/barriers to participatingin consultations.

SSeelleecctteedd IImmppaacctt IInnddiiccaattoorrss• Number of women members oflocal and regional developmentcommittees.• Number of reported cases ofviolence against women (healthrecords).• Number of women leaving thecommunity involuntarily due toloss of dwellings or land orinability to afford food ortransport.• Number of women whoparticipated in last communityconsultation on EI.• Distance to nearest clean watersource.• Coverage of gender-relatedissues in company reportsprovided to Government.• Number of women involved inparticipatory monitoring.

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Table 3: Summary List of Potential Actions and Indicators toImprove the Health, Education, Employment, and Economic andSocial Empowerment of Women in EI Communities (cont.)

Health andeducation

Topic Potential Actions Performance Indicators• Provide participatorymonitoring with women’s andother groups of EIenvironmental and genderimpacts.

SSeeccttoorraall FFooccuuss• In health and sanitationprojects, ensure adequatesupport for health concerns ofwomen in EI-impacted areas.• Within education projects,ensure adequate focus onwomen and children in EI-impacted areas.

PPootteennttiiaall SSttaakkeehhoollddeerr AAccttiioonnss• Provide adequate funding ofhealth center staffing,medicines and supplies.• Implement HIV/AIDSprevention and treatmentprogram.• Improve sanitation facilitiesand connection to clean water. • Implement safety proceduresfor transport, handling,storage and use of hazardousmaterials in both commercialscale mining and ASM.• Adequate funding of teachersand school supplies.• Provide adult literacy trainingfor women.• Provide extension services toimprove ASM health andsafety practices and reduceASM child labor. • Provide health training forteachers in the community.

BBeenneeffiitt:: Increased access to health centers (decreased distance, time to get to healthcenter), and improved health care available, including improved reproductive healthcare; potential for improved schooling, improved access to school for girls.RRiisskk:: Risk of negative health consequences of EI, particularly for women; increasedrisk of HIV/AIDS; potential for children to work in EI, particularly ASM, rather thango to school; health risks from ASM mining and mineral processing.

PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee IInnddiiccaattoorrss• Number of health providersfunded.• Number of differentmedications on the shelf.• Average distance to healthcenters.• Availability of confidentialHIV/AIDS testing. • Average distance to sanitationfacilities.• Average distance to clean watersupply.• Number of teachers funded.

SSeelleecctteedd IImmppaacctt IInnddiiccaattoorrss• Percentage of women who visittheir local health center forprimary care needs.• Infant and maternal mortalityrates. • Percentage of women infectedwith HIV/AIDS.• Percentage of women beingtreated for HIV/AIDS.• Percentage girls attending andcompleting primary andsecondary education classes.• Percentage of girls who work inASM who do not attendschool.• Percentage of adult women whoare literate.

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Annex A: GenderedImpacts andDevelopment Impacts ofEI Operations

The table below provides a list of some of the most common ways in which EI canimpact men and women differently, and identifies some of the development impactsof these differential gender impacts. For a more thorough discussion, see the WorldBank paper “Mining for Equity: Gender Dimensions of the Extractive Industries.”

Table 4: Gender Implications and Development Impacts of theExtractive Industries



Theme Gendered EI Impacts Development Impacts

• Men are more often hired forformal EI jobs. While women maybe hired for related work, womenare also particularly vulnerable tolosing jobs when EI begins, inagriculture for example. • While some women are hired indirect EI jobs, women more oftenhave increased access to relatedjobs, in spin-off industries likecatering, laundry, clerical support,and agricultural produce. • Women are also frequentlyheavily involved in ASM.

• New jobs in the EI sector meanmore money flowing into thelocal economy. • As most of the formal EI jobs go tomen, it is men who have the greatestsay on how the money is used.

• Where women are discriminatedagainst in hiring, this can increasewomen’s risks for poverty, and/ordependence on men, which canthreaten family well being. • Employment opportunities forwomen can significantly improvedevelopment outcomes forfamilies. Evidence has shown thatwhen women control a portion offamilial finances, developmentoutcomes for the whole familyoften improve.

• Where men earn the wages,women typically receive only asmall portion of it for familyneeds. This can lead to conflictand strife in the family on howthe man’s income should be spent,

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Table 4: Gender Implications and Development Impacts of theExtractive Industries cont.


Theme Gendered EI Impacts Development Impacts

• The increased cash flow canalso lead to inflation in localfood, transport, land andhousing prices.

• EI can change access to cleanwater, food, and firewood,which women and girls areoften primarily responsible forgathering, by making thesefurther away, or by pollutingresources.• Land may be converted for useby EI. • Oil, gas, and mining can alsolead to significant air, soil, andwater pollution, throughchemicals and dust.

how much should be kept byhim and how much should beused for food, health, andeducation, or be saved for futureuse. • Where men spend their incomeson gambling, prostitution,second wives or drugs, womenoften face a heavier burden toprovide for their families withfewer resources, often ininflationary climates.Communities suffer the effects ofincreased crime, alcoholism, anddrug use. • Rising food, transport, land, andhousing prices may be affordedby those with cash incomes, butfall very heavily upon the mostvulnerable who may be unable tofeed or house themselves andthus become even moremarginalized and vulnerable.

• Making water, food, andfirewood less accessible – eitherbecause access has been restrictedor because nearby sources havebecome polluted – can mean thatwomen and girls have to spendmore time collecting water, food,or firewood, or dealing withpollution-related illnesses. Thiscan limit women’s abilities to doother things, and can decreasegirls’ options for going to school.• Reduced subsistence agricultureleads to lower food supply andfood security for the community,which in turn results in morefood being imported into thecommunity – which the poorestmay not be able to afford.• EI companies and governmentcan also make water andelectrification more accessible, aswell as improving relatedinfrastructure, therefore,

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Table 4: Gender Implications and Development Impacts of theExtractive Industries (cont).



Theme Gendered EI Impacts Development Impacts

• Oil, gas, and mining can lead tohealth risks associated with air,soil and water pollution.• Working in EI can pose healthrisks, including exposure tochemically or physicallyhazardous work environment.• EI can also lead to the spread ofHIV/AIDS and other STDs(through the growth ofprostitution), increased traffic-related fatalities (due toincreased road traffic related toEI), decreased nutrition, andincreased incidence of lifestylediseases (due to decreased accessto traditional foods leading toreliance on processed foods andleading to obesity, etc.)• Improvements in infrastructurethrough EI can also improveaccess to health clinics andimprove sanitations and health-seeking behavior.

• Governments and EI companiesoften conduct communityconsultations to obtain sociallicense to operate and todetermine community prioritiesfor how to allocate EI royalties.Accidentally or by design,women are often excluded fromthese meetings, or cannot fullyparticipate.

decreasing time needed to accesswater and other resources, leavingmore time for school and otheractivities.

• Women working in agriculture,collecting water, doing laundry inrivers, and other tasks can beseverely impacted by air, soil, andwater pollution, including impactson their reproductive health.• Women are often responsible foraccessing health care for familymembers, so increased illness orinjury can represent a majorburden on women.• Changes in community diet maylead to negative health impactssuch as diabetes, hyper-tensionand high-blood pressure whichthe community is not familiarwith and may cause significanthealth impairment before they arediagnosed and properly treated.• Improved health seeking behaviorand improved health outcomescan decrease burdens on women,freeing up time for work outsideand inside the home,

• Failure to include women’sperspectives can undermine sociallicense, and mean that resourcesare not allocated according tocommunity priorities or needs,often reducing the effectiveness ofthese investments.

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Annex B: AdditionalResources for Gender-Mainstreaming in EIProjects

Bureau for Gender Equality. “Girls in Mining: Research Findings from Ghana,Niger, Peru and the United Republic of Tanzania.” Geneva: ILO, 2007.

Hinton, Jennifer; Marcello Viego, and Christian Beinhoff. “Women and ArtisanalMining: Gender Roles and the Road Ahead” The Socio-Economic Impacts ofArtisanal and Small-Scale Mining in Developing Countries, Ed. G. Hilson.Netherlands: A.A. Balkema, Swets Publishers, 2003.

International Finance Corporation. “IFC SmartLessons: Integrating Women intoMining Operations: The Examples of Newmont Ghana and Lonmin SouthAfrica.” Washington, DC: IFC, 2008.

International Finance Corporation. “Integrating Women into Mining Operations.”Washington: The World Bank Group, 2007.

International Finance Corporation. “Promoting Gender Equality in the PrivateSector – Hiring Women in Mining Production Jobs.” Washington, DC: IFC,2006.

International Labor Organization. “Out of Sight: Girls in Mining.” 13 September,2007.<http://www.ilo.org/global/About_the_ILO/Media_and_public_information/Feature_stories/lang--en/WCMS_084034/index.htm#1>16 November 2008

Dutt, Kuntala Lahiri. “Mainstreaming gender in the mines: results from anIndonesia Colliery” Development in Practice, 16.2, 2006.

Strongman, John. “Sustainability Worldwide: The Gender Link and its Applicationin the World Mining Industry.” Washington, DC,: World Bank, 2006.

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The World Bank. “Building Social Analysis into Project Design.” (Washington,DC: The World Bank). Available online athttp://www.worldbank.org/socialanalysissourcebook/design2.htm.

The World Bank. “Extracted Experiences: Gender Dimensions of the ExtractiveIndustries.” Washington, DC: World Bank, 2009.

The World Bank. “Gender Action Plan: Gender Equality as Smart Economics.”Washington, DC: World Bank, 2007.

The World Bank. “Gender in Agriculture: A World Bank Learning Module.”Available online at http://go.worldbank.org/28URO8YRO0.

TheWorld Bank. “Gender Mainstreaming Strategy Paper.” Washington, DC: TheWorld Bank, 2001.

TheWorld Bank. “Gender Responsive Social Analysis: A Guidance Note.”Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2005.

TheWorld Bank. “Integrating Gender into Poverty Assessments: A Win-WinScenario.” Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2004.

The World Bank. “Striking a Better Balance: Extractive Industry Review Report.”Washington, DC: The World Bank.

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Other publications in the ExtractiveIndustries for Development Series are:

Vulnerability to Oil Price Increases: A Decomposition Analysis of161 Countries by Robert Bacon and Masami Kojima

Changes in End-User Petroleum Product Prices: A Comparison of48 Countries by Masami Kojima

Extractive Industries Value Chain: A Comprehensive IntegratedApproach to Developing Extractive Industries by Eleodoro MayorgaAlba

Mining Cadastres: Promoting Transparent Access to MineralResources by Enrique Ortega, Alexandra Pugachevsky, andGotthard Walser,

Emerging Players in Global Mining by Dr. David Humphreys

Changing Patterns of Household Expenditures on Energy: A CaseStudy of Indonesia and Pakistan by Robert Bacon, SomaBhattacharya, and Masami Kojima

Financial Surety: Guidance Notes for the Implementation ofFinancial Surety for Mine Closure by Meredith Sassoon








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The World Bank Group's role in the oil, gas, and mining sectors focuses on ensuringthat its current interventions facilitate the extractive industries' contribution topoverty alleviation and economic growth through the promotion of good governanceand sustainable development.

The Oil, Gas, and Mining Policy Division serves as the Bank's global sectormanagement unit on extractive industries and related issues for all the regions of theworld. It is part of the Oil, Gas, Mining, and Chemicals Department, a joint WorldBank/International Finance Corporation department.

Through loans, technical assistance, policy dialogue, and analytical work, theDivision leads a work program with multiple sector activities in more than 70countries, of which almost half are in Sub-Saharan Africa. More specifically, theDivision:

• Advises governments on legal, fiscal, and contractual issues and on institutionalarrangements as they relate to natural resources, as well as on good governancepractices

• Assists governments in setting up environmental and social safeguards in projectsin order to promote the sustainable development of extractive industries

• Helps governments formulate policies that promote private sector growth andforeign direct investments

• Advises governments on how to increase the access of the poor to cleancommercial energy and to assess options for protecting the poor from high fuelprices

The Oil, Gas, and Mining Policy Division serves as a global technical advisor thatsupports sustainable development by building capacity and providing extractiveindustry sector-related advisory services to resource-rich governments. The Divisionalso carries out an advocacy role through its man-agement of the following globalprograms:

• The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) multi-donor trust fund,which supports countries in implementing EITI programs

• The Global Gas Flaring Reduction (GGFR) Public-Private Partnership, whichbrings governments and oil companies together to reduce gas flaring

• The Communities and Small-scale Mining (CASM) Partnership, whichpromotes an integrated approach to addressing issues faced by artisanal andsmall-scale miners

• The Gender and Extractive Industries Program, which addresses gender issues inextractive industries

• The Petroleum Governance Initiative (PGI), which promotes good governance• The Extractive Industries Technical Advisory Facility (EI-TAF), which facilitates"rapid-response" advisory services on a demand-driven basis to build capacity forextractive industry resource policy frameworks and transactions.

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