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Thesis by

Saurindranath Majumdar

En Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of

Aeronautical .Engineer

California Institute of Technology

Pasadena, California


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The author wishes to ex pre ss his s ince re appreciation to

(1) Dr, Ern est E. Sech ler , who suggested the experiments , for his

help and encouragement , (2) Dr. C. D. Babcock fo r his advice and

comments , (3) M. Je ss ey , C, Hemphil l and R. Luntz for thei r help

in set t ing up the e xper iments , (4) Mrs. Betty wood fo r h e r excel lent

drawings and Mrs. El izabeth Fox fo r bearing with my handwrit ing

and typing the manuscript so skilZfullyo

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Buckling of c ir cu la r annular plates with the outer edge

clamped and the inne r edge f r e e loaded with a uniform ra di al corn-

pre ssi ve forc e applied a t the outside edge has been studied both

theoretically and experimentally. A differential equation of equi-

libriu m of the buckled plate ha s been developed fo r any gen era l

deflection pa tte rn and solutions corre sponding to the buckled fo rm

w ( r )Cos


have been sought. The differential equation hasn

been solve d exactly for n = 0 and n = 1 and approximately fo r

hig he r va lue s of n a s well a s for n = 0 and 1. The solutions in-

dicate that , fo r sm al l ra t ios of inner to outer radius , the pla tes

buckle into a radia l ly symmetr ic buckling mode, but for the ra t io

of inn er to outer radiu s exceeding a ce rt ai n minimum value the

minim um buckling load corr es po nd s to buckling modes with

waves along the circum feren ce, the number of which depends

on the part icular rat io of the inner and outer radii . Tes t s we re

ca r r i ed out using th in a luminium pla tes and the re su l ts agreed

reasonably well with the theoret ica l predic t ions,

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Der ivat ion of Cove rning Equations

Approximate Solution


Tes t Se r i e s A

Tes t Se r i e s B




VII APPENDIX ADerivatio n of buckling te m pe ra tu re

Effect of el as ti ci ty of ring on prebucklingsere s s distr ibution

The eff ect of the twisting of the s te e l rin gon the buckling load of the plate


Imperfe ct plate

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a = Outer radius

b = Inner radius

h = Thickness of plate

N = Radia l com press ive force at the outer edge0

No= Cri t ica l rad ia l compress ive force a t the outer edge


E = Modulus of e la st ic it y of aluminium

E = Modulus of ela st ic it y of s te elS 2

= Stif fne ss of plate =Eh"


v = Poisson ' s ra t io , a ssumed equal to 1 3

Nr= Ra d ia l s t r e s s r e su l t a n t

Ne= Circumferent ia l s t ress resu l tan t

Nre= Shear s t r e s s re su ltant


In-plane radia l and c i rcumferen t ia l s t ra in pr io r tobuckling

e ' e ' = In-plane st ra in during bucklingr ' B

U = Stra in energy

V = Potential energy

U s V = In-plane radial and circu mfer ential displacementperturbations

w = Tr ans ver se d isp lacement per turbat ion

T = Tempera ture r i se above ambient

e c= Theo retical buckling tem per atu re

Tc= Experimentally observed buckling tem per atu re

(Is' a~

= Coefficients sf th er m al expansion of ste el and aluminium

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It i s well known ( l ) * hat (assuming a radially symmetric buck-

ling mo de) the rad ial buckling load No of a ci rc ul ar plate with a holec r

a t the center can be expressed a s

where k is a nu me ric al fa ct or , the magnitude of which depends on the

b/a ratio, The value of k for vari ou s b/a ra tio s for a clamped outside

edge and fre e inner edge i s shown in f igure 1 . It is seen that k

r eaches a minimum f or b/a = 0.2 and fo r ra t ios la rg er than 0.2, k

in cr ea se s rapidl y without bound, Th is m ay be explained by noting

that fo r b/a approaching unity, the com pre sse d ring with the ou ter

boundary clamp ed behaves Pike a long co m pr es se d rec tan gu lar plate

clamped along a long side and fr e e along the other. Such a plate will

buckle into ma ny waves. Thus i t could reasona bly be expected that

in the cas e of a narr ow ring , sev era l waves will be form ed along the

circu mfe renc e and the values of k obtained by assumi ng a symmet r i c

buckling mode will have high er value s .The stabi lity of a thin annular plate under uniform c om pre ssi ve

for ces applied at both edges was tre ate d by BPsson (4) and Schubert (5)

fo r several, boundary conditions, but in the se investiga tions, the de-

f lec t ion surface was assumed to be radia l ly symm etr ic , Yamaki (2)

took into account the pos sibili ty of w aves in the c i rcumferen t ia l d i rec -

tion of the buckled plate, but hi s calculations showed that for the ca se

* Numbers in parentheses indicate referen ce n umbers a t the end.

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- 2 -with the out er edge clamped and the inner edge fre e, the minimum

buckling load s ti l l correspon ded to a radially sy mm etr ic buckling


The purpose of thi s re p or t was to study the buckling m o d e of

a ci rc ul ar iso tropic plate with a concentric hole loaded radially a t

the outer edge which was clam ped and having the edge of the hole free .

The effe ct of the b/a ra tio on the buckling load was sought and the

possibility of ant isymmetr ic modes of buckling was investigated. A

shor t series of sim ple te st s were carried out to check the validity of

the theory.

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(i) The usual Kirchhoff' s hypothesis rega rdin g the varia tion

of displacement and s tr e s se s through the thickness of the plate a r e made.

(ii) The displacement perturbations a r e assum ed to be s ma ll

so that the in-plane Lam4 st re ss es p rio r to buckling do not undergo

any appreciable amount of change during buckling.

(iii) The system i s assum ed to be perfect .

Derivation of Governing Equation

The in- lane equation of equilibrium is

The Lam6 solution for the plane s tr es s case is

The s t ra ins p r io r to buckling a r e

Pe r = E(Nr-vNe) (4a)

Pe g =- No-vNr)

h E(4b

The st ra in ene rgy due to contractio n of the midplane before buckling

is given by

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During buckling, the in-plane s tr e ss e s do fur th er work and the in -

plane st ra in s after bending may be written a s

Assuming that the forc es Nr, Ne rem ain con stant during bending, the

s tr a in energ y due to additional contraction of the middle plane i s

The st ra in energy due to bending is -2B a w- - - - -

P Brae 2 aerdedr

Th eref ore , the total stra in energy of the plate is

The fi r s t integra l of eq. (7) can be writt en with the help of eq. (2) a s

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aNeSince = 0, by using the boundary conditions, the above becomes

which i s equal to the work done by the ex ter nal force . Thus

where W = work done by ex ter nal fo rc e

U' = work produced by the in-plane $t re ss es due to bending.. . Total potential ene rgy of the s ys te m , V, is given by

The d iffe ren tial equation of equilibrium ma y be obtained fro m eq. (9)

by making the potential energ y of the sy ste m have a stationa ry value

The variatio n of the f i r s t two t e r m s g ive

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The variation of the rest s f the term gives

Adding all the variations, we get the Euler equation as

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and the boundary conditions

Since in the presen t c as e the outer edge is clamped and the inn er edge

f r e e


We a ls o have

fi= a t r = aa r


w = O a t r = a (15)

Substituting fo r Nr nd N8 rom eq. (3) into eq. (1 1) and defining

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we get

T ry w = A Cos n8 as a solution.n

Substituting this into (1 7 ) and cancell ing Cos nB we get

Making a substitution of z =6 ivesb

Eq. (19 ) together with the boundary conditions (1 2)- (1 5) properly

transformed poses an eigenvalue problem. When n = 0, the result

i s radially sy mmetric buckling and eq. (19) reduces to


where $ =-z

A solution of eq. (20) satisfying boundary condition (13) i s

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The im posi tion of boundary conditions (12) and (141, properly trans -

for me d, yield the following equation

A plot of the res ult obtained i s given in Timoshenko 's "Theor y of

Ela stic Stability" and i s reproduced he re on fig. 2.

n = 1

Eq. (19) reduces to


A = @z andn

%'= +dz

this reduces to

This could fu rth er be reduced to

where c i s a n a rb i t ra ry constant and .b p Z - 4

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-1 0-

The general solution of eq. (25) i s

9 = 1. [A J ( z ) + B J (z) CSz P -P - 1 , P (26


and i s called the Lornmel function, With the help of eq. (23 ), eq. (26)

can be written as

The boundary conditions (12)-(E5) reduce to

Satisfying these boundary conditions leads to the following equations

For a nontrivial solution of A and E3, we must have

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A plot of the result is given on fig , 2 .

Approximate Solution (Energy Method)

As s u m e a deflection pattern

w = An(r) Cos n 9

Putting this expression in eq, ( 9 ) and integrating over 8 , we get

for n;F 0


for n = 0

where ( )' denotes differentiation with respect to r .

For the purpose of calculation the function An was chosen to be

1t sat isfie d a ll the displacement boundary conditions. From f ig , 2

it is seen that the difference between the exact and the approximate

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solutions for n = 0 and n = 1 is not too large, especially for large b/a

ratio. Hence, in carrying out the approximate solutions fog n greater

than 1, the same form f o r An was chosen.

Putting this value of An in eqs. (30) nd (31) nd substituting

for Nr and No rom eq. (3) nd minimising V with respect to wo, we

for n # 0


From eq. (16)

awhere k = A (7 - 1)


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The value of k a s a function of b/a h as been plotted fo r n = 0,

1 , 2 , 3 , 4, 5, 6 a n d l o o n f i g . 3 , The e xa ct so lu t i o n s f o rn = Oan d

n = 1 a r e plotted with the approxim ate ones in fig. 2 and it i s seen

that they ag re e reasonably well fo r high b/a ratio. It is evident fr om

fig. 3 that the tr aje cto ry of the minimum buckling load i ncr eas es

with b/a ra ti o without bound. Th is could be explained by the follow-

ing analogy. It is known that a long rectangular plate with one of its

long edges fixed and the o the r fr ee has a buckling load given by

where d is the width of the plate and k' i s a constant.

In the case of a circular plate when b/a approaches unity,

the compressed ring behaves like a plate, as descri bed above.

Therefore , if we redefine a constant kt such that

k'DNe (a) =-r (a-b)'

then k' should appro ach a finite limit a s b/a a ppr oac hes unity.

A plot of k' against b/a shown in fig. 4 indicates that the kt o r r e s -

ponding to minimum buckling load remains finite as b/a approaches

unity. The value of k' for an infinitely long rectangular plate is

shown in f ig , 4.

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To check the validity of the theo ry, some simple te s ts were

carr ie d out using 0.041" thick aluminium plate s clamped between

two 0 . 5 " thick steel r ings by means of 12- 1/2"$ high tensile stee l

bolts as shown in fig. 5. The inner dia me ter of the st ee l ring s was

8'' and the outer diameter 10". The following siz ed holes were used

in the plates:

b- b/a0' 0

0.5! ' 0,125

2 ! ' 0 . 5

2.5 I s 0.625

The loading was accom plished by heating the whole a sse mb ly , so

that due to different coefficients of expansions, the steel rings put

a uniformly distributed radial comp ressive load on the plate. The

effect of the elasticity of the rings on the s tr e s s distribution in the

pla tes and on the assumption of clamped edge condition is dis-

cussed in Appendix A, The tes ts were done in two parts .

Tes t Ser ies A

The assembly was placed inside a Missimers environment

chamber in which the temperature could be held at any value for any

length of time. Str ain gauges we re attached to t h e two fa ces of the

plate and a pair of opposing gauges R 1 and R were connected to two2

legs of a Wheatstone bridge a s shown in fig. 7. The reading of the

voltmeter, amplified by a factor of 10 , w as directly proportional to

the difference between the strains experienced by R 1 nd R Z and

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gave a m e a su re of the bending of the plate a s shown in Appendix B,

St ra in gauges were connected both in the circ um fere ntia l and

in the rad ial direct ion for the plates with b = 0" , 0.5 and 2' I, and

only in the circum ferentia l directio n fo r the plate with b = 2.5". SR4

Baldwin gauges we r e us ed fo r the plat es w ith b = 0" and b = 0.5" and

tem pera tu re compensated microm easurement fo il gauges w ere used

fo r the plates with lar ge r holes. Copper -Constantine thermocouples

wer e so ldered onto a bra ss washer and seve ra l of these br as s wa shers

we re at tached to the plate a s well a s to the s tee l r ings. After each

inc rem ent of te m pe ra tu re, the ass em bly was allowed to soak heat

fo r about 45 minutes to one hou r, o r until the tem per atu re indicated

by the different thermocouples w er e the sam e. This tempera ture

was checked with the reading of a ther m om et er placed inside the

chamber , The maximum er ro r in measur ing the tempera ture was

+ OF. Derivation of the cri tic al tem per atu re Bc a t which buckling-

occurs is given in Appendix A.

Tes ts w ere car r ie d out to meas ure the d i f ference in the co-

-6efficients aE expansion of aluminium and ste el. A value of 6.6 x 10

p e r OF was used for (aA-%) f o r the purpo se of ca lculation s.

Due to the presen ce of initial imperfectio ns the plat es s ta rt ed

to bend fro m the beginning of loading an d a Southwell type plot was

used to determine the buckling tem per atu re Tc f the perfect plates.

The reli abil ity of th e Southwell plot h as been proven fo r a solid

plate in Appendix B. In plotting the Southwell plot, points ne ar the

or ig in have been ignored s ince for sma l l T the percentage e r r o r in

measur ing T is larg e; als o points corresponding to tem per atu res that

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a r e comparable with Bc have been ignored, since the Southwell plot

does not hold for such large values of T. See Figs . 8-15 inc.

T e s t S e r i e s B

An attem pt was made to m ea su re the nu mber of waves along

the c irc um fer en ce of the plate s during buckling by mea ns of a n in-

ductance pickup. The plate clamped by the rin gs was placed on a

tu rn table; the pickup was attached by mea ns of an a r m to a g radu ated

optical bench and could be ra is ed o r lowe red by mea ns of a turning

knob a s shown in fig. 16. The asse mb ly was heat ed by me ans of a

PO00 watt quar tz iodine photographic lam p. The ge neral tes t setup

i s shown in fig. 17. The la mp was connected in se ri es with a rheostat

so that the cu rre nt through it could be controlled. The pickup was

fixed a t a given height fro m the plate and the c ur re nt through the lam p

was increas ed in steps. At ev ery ste p, sufficient t ime was allowed

to let the assem bly r eac h an equilibrium state and then the plate was

rot ate d by turning the tu rn table a nd the output of the pickup was

plotted di rec tly on a n X -Y plotter . Fig , 18 gives the calibration

curve for the pickup and the effect of tem per atu re on i t . I t i s se en

that the effect of tem pera ture on the calibration curve i s sm all and

for the purpose of mea surin g the number of waves around the ci r -

cumferenc e i t was adequate. It was ass um ed that , though the tem pe r-

atu re distr ibution in the plate was n onuniform, i t would only defo rm

the shap es of the waves around the c irc um fer enc e and would not

change the number, The tes t res ult s from the different sized plates

a r e g iven on f igures 19 to 23. A thermocouple attached to the plate

gave a n ave rag e value of the te m pe ra tu re of the plate.

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The theo ret ic al buckling te mp eratu re Bc f o r each cas e has

been indicated together with the expe rimentally obse rved buckling

tempera ture Tc in fig. 8 to fig. 15. The valwsof k computed from

the experim ental ly observed buckling tem pe rat ure have been plotted

in f ig. 3 . The difference between the th eore t ical and the experim en-

tal ly observed values of k a r e of the ord er of 1 0% . This discrepancy

is mainly due to the inaccuracy in me asuri ng the tem pera ture and

al so due to the s l ight tem pera ture variat ion in the plate and the steel

rings which could not be avoided, Another possible so urc e of e r r o r

lay in the fac t th at , though the voltage output fro m the st ra in gauges

was amplified 10 t ime s , its magnitude was ve ry sm all and thus

sma l l e r r o r in measur ing the vol tage resul ted in considerable re la -

t iv e e r r o r .A

dir ec t displacement me asure me nt of the plates under

loading would be mo r e d esi rab le, but setting up displace men t me as -uring devices inside the furnac e was inconvenient because of lac k of

space a s well as giving tempe rature problem s, By using two strain

gauges on the two fa ce s of the p late s a s two leg s of a Wheatstone

bridg e, the effect of temp era tur e on the voltage output was min im ise d

because both s t r a in gauges were heated to a lm ost the same tem pera -

tur e and any effect of tem pera ture on the re sis tan ce of the s tr ai n

gauges was balanced out.

In t e s t s e r i e s B, the cal ibrat ion curve for voltage vs . dis tance

va rie d s l ightly with tem pera ture and so the dis tance given on f igs . 19

to 23 a r e not ve ry accura te . But, since the purpose of the te st s was

to m ea su re the number of waves around the c ircum feren ce only, the

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effect of te m pe ra tu re on the calibr ation curve did not affect the

resul t s . The plots in figs. 19 and 20 fo r b/a = 0 and 0,125 show

the buckle pattern to be radially sym me tric , a s expected. In

fig , 21, f or the cas e of b/a = 0.5 the buckling mode i s se en to be

radial ly symmetr ic , i. e. , n = 0, According to the app roximate

an aly sis , whose resu lts a r e shown in fig. 3 , the buckling mode

should be n = 1 though the c urve corresponding to n = 0 l ie s closely

above it . In fig. 2 where the exact solutions a r e drawn, the cu rves

f o r n = 0 and n = 1 inters ect a t b/a = 0.5. The fac t that the ex pe r-

imental re su lt showed n = 0 could be explained by observin g tha t

the plate had more initial imperfection in the n = 0 mode than i n

the n = 1 mode, which ag re es with the physical intuition that im -

perfections with longer wavelengths a r e m or e probable than with

sho rte r wavelengths and that axisymrnetr ic imperfections a r e m ost

predominant. F o r the ca se with b/a = 8.625 (fig. 22) the plate

f i r s t s t a r t s to def lec t in the n = 0 mode, but with r is e of tem pe r-

atu re i t goes into the n = 2 mode. According to fig. 3 , the cur ves

fo r n = 2 and n = 3 a lmost in te rse c t a t b /a = .625. F o r t h e % c a se

with b/a=

0.75 (fig. 231, the plate fi r s t s ta rt s deflecting in the

axisy mm etric mode, but with r is e of tem pe rat ure goes into the

n = 5 mode, which ag re es with the theoretica l wave num ber given

in the figure. The se te st s concllusively prove tha t, fo r clamped/* '

outside edge and fr e e inne plate buckles with waves

ference for b/a exceeding a cer ta in minimum

value close to 0.5.

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(1 The energy method using just one t e r m gives a reasonable

approximation to the tr ue buckling load, parti cula rly for lar ge b/a

rat ios.

( 2 ) F o r sm all values of b/a rat io the radial ly sym me tric mode

gives the lowest buckling load. As b/a i s in cr ea se d, a n unsyrnmet-

r i c mode with waves i n the circum ferential direct ion gives a lower

buckling load than the sy m m et ri c mode and the number of waves

in cre ase s with an increasing b/a rat io.

( 3 ) The theo retic al buckling load in cr ea se s beyond bound a s b/a

approaches unity, but i t mu st be r em em ber ed that as b/a approaches

unity, the thickness h beco me s of the sa m e o rd e r of magnitude a s

(a- b), and hence the theor y which is based on the assu mption that h

i s ve ry sm all compared to the other dimensions of the plate is no

longer valid.

(4 It would be interes ting to me as ur e the initial imp erfection

of the plate and do a Fou r ier analys is on it and experim entally

m e as u re how the coefficient of e ach component grow s with the load.

(5) Fo r lar ge b/a rat io s, the buckling cur ves for different n 's

a r e crowded together. Thus fo r any given b/a rat io in this ran ge,

the plate will probably s ta rt to buckle i n that mode in which the

maximum ini t ial imperfection i s present . To check whether the

plate bifurcates into another mode a t higher lo ad, a full nonlinear

analysis ha s to be c arr ied out.

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1, Timoshenko, S. Theory of Elastic Stability, McGraw Hill,

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2 . Yamaki, N. : "Buckling of a Thin Annular P la te Under Uniform

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Vol. 25, p. 267 (1958).

3. Timoshenko, S . : Strength of Mate rials, P a r t 11, D. Van Nostrand

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Mreisr ingplat tenl\ hgenieur-Archiv, Bd. $ (1937), S. 449.

5, Schubert , 8 . : "Die Beullast dUnner Kre isrin gpla tten, d i e am

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Zeitschrift fGr angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik,

Bd 25/27.

6. Dean, W , Pi.: "The Ela stic Stability of an Annular Pla te" ,

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, England, S e ri e s

A, Vol, PO6 (19241, p. 268.

7. Meissner , E, "her das knicken kreisringf%miger Scheiben" ,

Schew eizerche Bauzeitung, Bd. 101 (1 9331, s. 87.

8. Timoshenko, S. : n 'Theory s f Pla t es and Shel lss , McGraw-Hill

Book Company, hc. , New York and London, 1940.

9 . Luke, YeL. h t e g r a l s of B ess el Functions, McGraw Hill Book

Company, Hnc .10. Jahnke -Emde: Tab les of Fun ction s, Ver lag m d Druck von

B. C. Teubner in Leipzig and Berlin.

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FIG. 2

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* Experimentai Points


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FIG. 6

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Distance Between Pickup and Conducting Surface ( inches)


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Derivation of Buckling Temperature


Since displacements are radially sy-mmetric

e = -u

du and e = -dr ' 8 r

hE dhEand y =-etting P =- a -Vl - v

The in -plane equilibrium equation i s

Substituting for Nr and No n terms of u and T

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The solution i s

Case I. Plate without hole

and u at r = a i s aBTa, neglecting the elastic deformation of the rings.

*@ u = aBTr

Putting the value of u in equation (32)

From eq. (1)

Case 11. Plate with hole

Xn this case the boundary conditions are

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Solving for A and I3 and substituting for these in the solution for u

2 2asa (1 -v)+aAb ( l t v ) 2 2

u = T r - (1tv)a b T

2 (aA-a*);.

a2(1-v)+b2(l+v) a ( ~ - v ) t b l t v )

Substituting this value of u in eq. (32)

From eq. ( 1 )

Effect of elasticity s f ring on prebuckling stress distribution

In fig, 24, let p be the pressure on the plate applied by the

ring, Then the pres sure on the ring = f$

, Radial displacement of ring

h a2

= a T a + % =


hen the boundary condition (35a) should be replaced by

and the other equation is as before

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2 32 2

phb a ( l t v )a b (aA-ae) ( l tv )T

B = - 2 (37b)

b ' ~ ~ t ( a ' ( 1v)+bZ(l v ) } a (1 - v ) + b t ( l + v )

Using the condition that Nr = -ph at r = a

where A and B are given above.

Solving for p

This value of p substituted irm eq, ( 37 ) gives the value of A and B in

terms of T,

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2 2 3 2(aA-os)(a -b )( l t v) ha b T

2 2 Es 2 2-b )+bl tF{a (l-v)-i-b ( ~ - v ) + b~ t v ) }

The second ter m in the expression fo r A and I3 give the cor rec t ion

due to ela sti cit y of th e ring. The magnitude of the cor re cti on h as

been calculated using the following data

-6 0a s = 6 . 7 x 1 0 per F, ~ = 1 3 . 3 r l 0 - ~ ~ e r O ~

For a = 4 " , b = O W

% e r r o r in A fo r neglecting elas ticity of r ing

B = 0 fo r both cases.

-6A = 8 . 8 ~ 0 T t . 1 6 9 x l om6T

% e r r o r in A fo r neglecting ela sti cit y of rin g

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. O/ o er ror in B for neglecting elasticity of ring

The e r r o r s involved a r e seen to be small,

The effect of the twisting of the s teel ring on We buckling load of

the plate

Considering the ring acted on by the twisting moment Mt p e r

unit length as shown in fig. 25, i t can be shown (3) that the moment-

rotation cha racteristic is given by

Mt = L0

E bt3s

where L=-12a log (1 + t /a)

Consider a solid circu lar plate loaded radially and clamped by elastic

support with moment-rotation c ha rac ter isti c given by

Mt = Le

The equation of equilib rium i s

N0 2

Let = a and or = u, the above re duces to

The solution of this equation is

where @ =-w and S is the ~ o r n r n e lunction.du 1,1

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Since # i s f in ite a t u = 0, B1 = C1 0. The other boundary condition

i s

F o r the specimens used in the te st

( t )d r

The solution is

F o r a p erfectly clamped plate

dw= - L -r

r= a

Thus fo r the specimens used the assumption of per fectly clamped

r= a

edge condition is justified and can reas onab ly be extended to pla tes

with hole s ,

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The pair of radial strain gauges used in tes t s er i e s A measures

the difference in the radia l st ra in s and a pa ir of circu mfe renti al

s t ra in gauges measure r the difference in the cixcumfe ential s trains

between the top and the bottom sur fac es of the plate.

dLw. . e r (top) - E (bottom)= t-rIt dw

ee (top) - E @(bottom) - -dr

Thus the pair of radial st rai n gauges me asu re the rad ial curvature

of the plate and the p ai r of the circumfe rential gauges measure the

circumferential curvature of the plate,

Imperfec t plate

Consider a solid circu lar plate with radially sylnme tric initial

imperfection wQ(r). The equation of equilibrium is (for small w and w )0

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Since the deflections a re radial ly sym metric

1 d d l d No 1 d d(w+w*--d r [ r ~ f ~ Z i r % i } ]T T F ' d r )

Since there is no la te ra l load C = 0.1


Letting = @ and substituting hr = u, where a2 =

L e t J l ( o a ) = O h a v e r o o t s a l , aZ, .....dw


ana J (- U) =n l

- b J (a r )a n l n

n = l n = l

dwowhere #o =-rThe equation reduces to

with boundary conditions,+= 0 at u = 0 and @ = 0 a t u = aa.

The Green's function fo r this o perato r is

J, ( e ) ~ ,M )J l ( a ) fo r & ' ~ u 4 a a

J1(aa) IUsing the Green's function the solution of the above differential equa-

tion can be writ ten as

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For small load No, this can be written as

Taking only the first two terms of the series

- 3 . 8(using al -a 7.01

and a2 =-a

Coefficients of bl and b2 together with the first order correction are

tabulated on the following page for r = a/2.

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N Coefficient of bl Coefficient of bZ0-o 0th order Correction 0th order CorrectionCr


O <.C 1 . 0 , the relationhus for

is quite accurate,

Differentiating eq. (39) it can be shown that


dJ1b,r)where ~ i ( a ~ r )



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the above reduces to

and as before for small loading

N0and al so for- < 1 . 0


is quite accurate.

Thus from eqs, (38a) , (38b) , and (40) and (41 we conclude that a

Southwell type plot may be used with the test data to find the buck-

ling load,

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