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Making a Model Cell

Homework Deadline Friday 14th November


Your Task• You have been asked by the Science Museum in

London to make a model cell for a new display.• You need to make a model of a SPECIALISED

plant or animal cell.• You need to explain the job of the different parts

of the cell• You also need to include an information card,

perhaps using a key, to describe the role of the cell and the adaptations the cell has to carry out its role in the animal or plant in which it is found.

Types of Cell

• You could pick from the following types of cell or research your own specialised cell type to make a model of:– Red Blood Cell– White Blood Cell– Nerve Cell– Sperm Cell– Egg Cell– Ciliated Cell– Root Hair Cell– Palisade Cell– Guard Cells

Marking CriteriaMarking Point 0 1 2 3 4 5

You have made a model of a plant or animal cell and have labelled all parts correctly.

You have described, in detail, the job of each part of the cell correctly

You have explained the job of your cell in the plant or animal correctly

You have explained the adaptations the cell has to carry out its role in the plant or animal

You have used scientific detail to explain how the cell’s shape and adaptations help it to do its job

Total /25

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