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Page 1: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15

Male / Female

Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:1)

Name Male Female

Sex Male Female

Date of Birth 06-05-1986 (Tuesday) 15-06-1989 (Thursday)

Time of Birth (Standard) 10:30:00 (Ishta-Kala 12:16:16 Ghatis) 01:30:00 (Ishta-Kala 50:27:07 Ghatis)

Time Zone/Country India India

Birth Place Chamba (Himachal Pradesh) Simla (H. P.)

Latitude 032:56 North 031:06 North

Longitude 076:13 East 077:13 East

Standard Longitude 082:30 East 082:30 East

Local Time Correction -00:25:08 -00:21:08

War/Summer Time Corr. +00:00:00 +00:00:00

Local Birth Time 10:04:52 01:08:52

Siderial Time 00:59:54 18:41:12

Sun Rise (Local) 05:10:22 04:58:01

Sun Set (Local) 18:38:41 18:58:33

Sun Rise (Standard) 05:35:30 05:19:09

Sun Set (Standard) 19:03:49 19:19:41

Tithi Trayodashi Ekadashi

Paksh Krishna Shukla

Shalivan Shak Samvat 1907-1908 1910-1911

Vikram Samvat 2042-2043 2045-2046

Yog Preeti Parigha

Ayanamsa (N.C.Lahiri) 23:39:57 23:42:33

Sun Sign (Sayan) Taurus Gemini

Lagna-Lagna Lord Cancer-Moon Pisces-Jupiter

Rashi-Rashi Lord Pisces-Jupiter Libra-Venus

Nakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1

NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu

Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra

Rashi Pisces Libra

Month Phalgun Magh

Tithi 5 10 15 4 9 14

Day Friday Thursday

Nakshatra Ashlesha Shaat

Yog Vaag Shukla

Karan Chatushpad Taitil

Prahar 4 4

Moon 12 3

Stri-Chandra 12 6

Varna Brahmin Shudra

Hansak Vaari Vaayu

Vashya Jalchar Maanav

Nakshatra Revati Swati

Charan 2 1

Varg Sarp Mrig

Akshar Do Roo

Yoni Gaj Mahi

Gana Dev Dev

Yunja Purva Madhya

Nadi Antya Antya

Ayan Uttar Uttar

Gool Uttar Uttar

Ritu Grishm Grishm

Page 2: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15

Male / Female

Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:2)

Nirayana Planetary Longitudes

Planet Rashi-Lord Degrees Nakshatra-Pad Rashi-Lord Degrees Nakshatra-Pad

Asc Canc-Mon 03:27:10 Pushya-1 Pisc-Jup 21:23:25 Revati-2

Sun Arie-Mar 21:43:43 Bharni-3 Gemi-Mer 00:01:12 Mrig-3

Mon Pisc-Jup 21:42:54 Revati-2 Libr-Ven 08:41:13 Swati-1

Mar Sagi-Jup 23:16:39Dir. P. Ashadha-3 Canc-Mon 05:12:19Dir. Pushya-1

Mer Arie-Mar 03:59:16Dir. Ashvini-2 Taur-Ven 07:47:41Dir. Kritika-4

Jup Aqua-Sat 22:39:33Dir. Purva Bhadrapad-1 Taur-Ven 26:03:27Dir. Mrig-1

Ven Taur-Ven 17:47:41Dir. Rohini-3 Gemi-Mer 18:39:55Dir. Ardra-4

Sat Scor-Mar 14:18:57Ret. Anuradha-4 Sagi-Jup 18:10:39Ret. P. Ashadha-2

Rah Arie-Mar 06:16:07Ret. Ashvini-2 Aqua-Sat 04:03:05Ret. Dhanishtha-4

Ket Libr-Ven 06:16:07Ret. Chitra-4 Leo-Sun 04:03:05Ret. Magh-2Positions of Rahu and Ketu are True.

Lagna Chart




67 Ket8


9 Mar


11 Jup



1 Sun Mer





Lagna Chart





Mer Jup

3 Sun Ven4


5 Ket


7 Mon

89 Sat


11 Rah

Nirayana Bhaav Chalit



67 Ket8


9 Mar


11 Jup



1 Sun Mer





Nirayana Bhaav Chalit


1 Mer


Sun Jup

3 Ven Mar4






89 Sat




Page 3: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15

Male / Female

Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:3)




67 Ket8

9 Sat






1 Mer Mon




3 Ven





Sun Mer Jup

3 Ven4


5 Ket


7 Mon

89 Sat


11 Rah

Moon Rasi Chart



1 Sun Mer







7 Ket



9 Mar10

11 Jup

Moon Rasi Chart










2 Mer Jup


Sun Ven

4 Mar5








Sun Mar

8 Sat Ket9

10 Mon





2 Mer Rah3








Mer Ven





5 Mar Jup



7 Sun8


9 Mon

Page 4: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15

Male / Female

Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:4)

Match Consideration

Varna Varna indicates ego development between the partners.

1 points in the compatibility chart of the boy and the girl indicate excellent adjustment. The wife

will treat the husband with respect and the husband will treat the wife with affection.

Vashya Vashya indicates the intensity of mutual attraction and affection between the


1 points in the compatibility chart of the boy and the girl indicate very normal results. Nothing


Tara/Din Tara/Din indicates the health and well-being of the couple.

1.5 points in the compatibility chart of the boy and the girl indicate health of the partner may

cause concern from time-to-time.

Yoni Yoni indicates biological compatibility and satisfaction.

3 points in the compatibility chart of the boy and the girl indicate comparatively good

compatibility and satisfaction.

Graha Maitri Graha Maitri indicates outlook, objective, intellectual level and spiritual plane of


.5 points in the compatibility chart of the boy and the girl indicate major differences in objective

and outlook. The partners will live in different intellectual and spiritual levels, and will less

likely be sensitive to the other partner's feelings.

Gana Gana indicates the temperamental characteristics.

6 points in the compatibility chart of the boy and the girl indicate excellent temperamental


Bhakut Bhakut indicates growth of the family, family-welfare, etc.

0 points in the compatibility chart of the boy and the girl indicate growth of family might be

hindered or delayed which may be mutually-consented or resulting from circumstantial


Nadi Nadi signifies the health(outward physique) and constitution(internal metabolism).

0 points in the compatibility chart of the boy and the girl indicate the lack of agreement of this

Koota is viewed with reservation, the couple's lives could be effected by health problems. Some

astrologers consider this dosha as cause of the early death of the partner while others reject

this theory at all.

Page 5: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15

Male / Female

Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:5)

Astrological compatibility consideration is not only a mere ancestoralpractice but is a way to get the knowledge regarding the nature, features,love and the social communication features of the people. Unless and untila compatiblity is found between the two persons they can't hold a life-longrelationship happily. Since it is a very difficult task to get the accurateknowledge of the person's nature etc. before a marriage (or a long-termrelationship), the proven since of Astrology can definitely help the twolives a great deal.

Match Chart

Group Boy Girl Obtained Max.Points

Varna Brahmin Shudra 1 1

Vashya Jalchar Maanav 1 2

Tara/Din Vipat Maitra 1.5 3

Yoni Gaj Mahi 3 4

Graha Maitri Jupiter Venus 0.5 5

Gana Dev Dev 6 6

Bhakut Pisces Libra 0 7

Nadi Antya Antya 0 8

Total Points 13 36

Match Chart Consideration

The score of the compatibility test is below average. Normally a match with

minimum 18 points is recommended.

Nadi and Bhakut is considered as an essential criteria for a good match. Since

there is Nadi and bhakut dosha present in this particular compatiblity chart it is

considered that the couple may have problems regarding ego, happiness as well

as family matters. Thus this match is not recommended.

Manglik Consideration

The boy and the girl are not Manglik, hence there's no problem in match from the

point of view of Manglik Dosha.

Page 6: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:1)

Name Male

Sex Male

Date of Birth 06-05-1986 (Tuesday)

Time of Birth (Standard) 10:30:00 (Ishta-Kala 12:16:16 Ghatis)

Time Zone/Country India

Birth Place Chamba (Himachal Pradesh)

Latitude 032:56 North

Longitude 076:13 East

Standard Longitude 082:30 East

Local Time Correction -00:25:08

War/Summer Time Corr. +00:00:00

Local Birth Time 10:04:52

Siderial Time 00:59:54

Sun Rise (Local) 05:10:22

Sun Set (Local) 18:38:41

Sun Rise (Standard) 05:35:30

Sun Set (Standard) 19:03:49

Tithi Trayodashi

Paksh Krishna

Shalivan Shak Samvat 1907-1908

Vikram Samvat 2042-2043

Yog Preeti

Ayanamsa (N.C.Lahiri) 23:39:57

Sun Sign (Sayan) Taurus

Lagna-Lagna Lord Cancer-Moon

Rashi-Rashi Lord Pisces-Jupiter

Nakshatra-Charan Revati-2

NakshatraLord Mercury

Balance of Dasa (Vimsottari (Mahadasha))Mer 10 Yrs. 6 Month 23 Days

Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra

Rashi Pisces

Month Phalgun

Tithi 5 10 15

Day Friday

Nakshatra Ashlesha

Yog Vaag

Karan Chatushpad

Prahar 4

Moon 12

Stri-Chandra 12

Varna Brahmin

Hansak Vaari

Vashya Jalchar

Nakshatra Revati

Charan 2

Varg Sarp

Akshar Do

Yoni Gaj

Gana Dev

Yunja Purva

Nadi Antya

Ayan Uttar

Gool Uttar

Ritu Grishm

Page 7: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:2)

Nirayana Planetary Longitudes

Planet Rashi Degrees Dir. Nakshatra Pad Rashi Lord Nak. Lord

Asc. Cancer 03:27:10 08 Pushya 1 Moon Saturn

Sun Aries 21:43:43 02 Bharni 3 Mars Venus

Moon Pisces 21:42:54 27 Revati 2 Jupiter Mercury

Mars Sagittarius 23:16:39 Dir. 20 P. Ashadha 3 Jupiter Venus

Mercury Aries 03:59:16 Dir. 01 Ashvini 2 Mars Ketu

Jupiter Aquarius 22:39:33 Dir. 25 Purva Bhadrapad 1 Saturn Jupiter

Venus Taurus 17:47:41 Dir. 04 Rohini 3 Venus Moon

Saturn Scorpio 14:18:57 Ret. 17 Anuradha 4 Mars Saturn

Rahu Aries 06:16:07 Ret. 01 Ashvini 2 Mars Ketu

Ketu Libra 06:16:07 Ret. 14 Chitra 4 Venus Mars

Uranus Scorpio 28:06:35 Ret. 18 Jyeshtha 4 Mars Mercury

Neptune Sagittarius 11:52:25 Ret. 19 Moola 4 Jupiter Ketu

Pluto Libra 12:00:06 Ret. 15 Swati 2 Venus RahuPositions of Rahu and Ketu are True.

Lagna Chart




67 Ket8


9 Mar


11 Jup



1 Sun Mer










Sun Mar

8 Sat Ket9

10 Mon





2 Mer Rah3



Moon Rasi Chart



1 Sun Mer







7 Ket



9 Mar10

11 Jup

Nirayana Bhaav Chalit



67 Ket8


9 Mar


11 Jup



1 Sun Mer





Page 8: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:3)

Sayan Planetary Longitudes

Planet Rashi Degrees Dir. Nakshatra Pad Rashi Lord Nak. Lord

Asc. Cancer 27:07:07 09 Ashlesha 4 Moon Mercury

Sun Taurus 15:23:40 04 Rohini 2 Venus Moon

Moon Aries 15:22:51 02 Bharni 1 Mars Venus

Mars Capricorn 16:56:35 Dir. 22 Shravan 3 Saturn Moon

Mercury Aries 27:39:13 Dir. 03 Kritika 1 Mars Sun

Jupiter Pisces 16:19:30 Dir. 26 Uttara Bhadrapad 4 Jupiter Saturn

Venus Gemini 11:27:38 Dir. 06 Ardra 2 Mercury Rahu

Saturn Sagittarius 07:58:54 Ret. 19 Moola 3 Jupiter Ketu

Rahu Aries 29:56:04 Ret. 03 Kritika 1 Mars Sun

Ketu Libra 29:56:04 Ret. 16 Vishakha 3 Venus Jupiter

Uranus Sagittarius 21:46:31 Ret. 20 P. Ashadha 3 Jupiter Venus

Neptune Capricorn 05:32:22 Ret. 21 Uttara Ashadha 3 Saturn Sun

Pluto Scorpio 05:40:03 Ret. 17 Anuradha 1 Mars SaturnPositions of Rahu and Ketu are True.

Aspects and Conjunction

Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

Sun 031 119


017 060


026 158 015 164 144 130 170

Mon 088


013 029 057




015 165 113


099 159

Mar 101 059


145 038 103 077 025 011 071


Mer 042




140 002










Jup 086













Ven 176






170 156 144

Sat 142 038 013 027 032

Rah 179


129 115




Ket 051 065




Ura 013 046


Nep 059


Page 9: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:4)

Nirayana Bhav Longitudes

Bhav Begin Bhav Middle

01 Gemini 16:38:31 Ardra Rahu Cancer 03:27:10 Pushya Saturn

02 Cancer 16:38:31 Pushya Saturn Cancer 29:49:52 Ashlesha Mercury

03 Leo 13:01:12 Magh Ketu Leo 26:12:33 Purva Phalguni Venus

04 Virgo 09:23:54 Uttara Phalguni Sun Virgo 22:35:14 Hast Moon

05 Libra 09:23:54 Swati Rahu Libra 26:12:33 Vishakha Jupiter

06 Scorpio 13:01:12 Anuradha Saturn Scorpio 29:49:52 Jyeshtha Mercury

07 Sagittarius 16:38:31 P. Ashadha Venus Capricorn 03:27:10 Uttara Ashadha Sun

08 Capricorn 16:38:31 Shravan Moon Capricorn 29:49:52 Dhanishtha Mars

09 Aquarius 13:01:12 Satabhisaj Rahu Aquarius 26:12:33 Purva Bhadrapad Jupiter

10 Pisces 09:23:54 Uttara Bhadrapad Saturn Pisces 22:35:14 Revati Mercury

11 Aries 09:23:54 Ashvini Ketu Aries 26:12:33 Bharni Venus

12 Taurus 13:01:12 Rohini Moon Taurus 29:49:52 Mrig Mars

Nirayana Bhav Chalit



67 Ket8


9 Mar


11 Jup



1 Sun Mer








67 Ket8

9 Sat






1 Mer Mon




3 Ven

Page 10: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:5)







10 11Jup


Sun Mer1





Sun Mer1





5 67Ket





Sun Mer1












Page 11: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:6)

Naisargik Maitri

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Sun Mitra Mitra Sam Mitra Shatru Shatru Shatru Shatru

Moon Mitra Sam Mitra Sam Sam Sam Shatru Shatru

Mars Mitra Mitra Shatru Mitra Sam Sam Shatru Mitra

Mercury Mitra Shatru Sam Sam Mitra Sam Sam Sam

Jupiter Mitra Mitra Mitra Shatru Shatru Sam Sam Sam

Venus Shatru Shatru Sam Mitra Sam Mitra Mitra Mitra

Saturn Shatru Shatru Shatru Mitra Sam Mitra Mitra Shatru

Rahu Shatru Shatru Shatru Sam Sam Mitra Mitra Shatru

Ketu Shatru Shatru Mitra Sam Sam Mitra Shatru Shatru

Tatkalik Maitri

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Sun Mitra Shatru Shatru Mitra Mitra Shatru Shatru Shatru

Moon Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra Shatru Mitra Shatru

Mars Shatru Mitra Shatru Mitra Shatru Mitra Shatru Mitra

Mercury Shatru Mitra Shatru Mitra Mitra Shatru Shatru Shatru

Jupiter Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra Shatru

Venus Mitra Mitra Shatru Mitra Mitra Shatru Mitra Shatru

Saturn Shatru Shatru Mitra Shatru Mitra Shatru Shatru Mitra

Rahu Shatru Mitra Shatru Shatru Mitra Mitra Shatru Shatru

Ketu Shatru Shatru Mitra Shatru Shatru Shatru Mitra Shatru

Panchadha Maitri

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Sun Ati-Mitra Sam Shatru Ati-Mitra Sam Ati-Shatru Ati-Shatru Ati-Shatru

Moon Ati-Mitra Mitra Ati-Mitra Mitra Mitra Shatru Sam Ati-Shatru

Mars Sam Ati-Mitra Ati-Shatru Ati-Mitra Shatru Mitra Ati-Shatru Ati-Mitra

Mercury Sam Sam Shatru Mitra Ati-Mitra Shatru Shatru Shatru

Jupiter Ati-Mitra Ati-Mitra Ati-Mitra Sam Sam Mitra Mitra Shatru

Venus Sam Sam Shatru Ati-Mitra Mitra Sam Ati-Mitra Sam

Saturn Ati-Shatru Ati-Shatru Sam Sam Mitra Sam Sam Sam

Rahu Ati-Shatru Sam Ati-Shatru Shatru Mitra Ati-Mitra Sam Ati-Shatru

Ketu Ati-Shatru Ati-Shatru Ati-Mitra Shatru Shatru Sam Sam Ati-Shatru

Page 12: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:7)





67 Ket8


9 Mar


11 Jup



1 Sun Mer







Asc Sun Mar Jup


5 Mer Ven Mon Rah













5 Mar



7 Jup Ket8


9 Sun





1 Mer Rah2







Mar Mon

7 Sun Ket8

Ven Jup



11 Sat

121 Mer Rah



Page 13: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:8)




11 Mon



1 Mer2

Mar Rah




5 Sat











Sun Mar

8 Sat Ket9

10 Mon





2 Mer Rah3






2 Mer


Ven Mon Rah

4 Mar5

6 Jup


8 Sun Sat








6 Mar

78 Jup Mon9

Sun Ven Ket






2 Mer3



Page 14: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:9)



Asc Ven

3 Mer


Rah Ket

5 Jup6




9 Mar



Sun Sat




Asc Sun Mer



Rah Ket

6 Sat7


8 Ven Mar



1112 Jup





Asc Ven




9 Mon10

Sun Rah Ket

11 Mar Jup



23 Sat









4 Mer5


6 Rah


8 Sun Ven



10 Sat11

12 Ket

Page 15: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:10)




3 Sun Mar









11 Rah Ket12

Ven Sat

1 Mer



Asc Mon


12 Sat3




6 Mer Ven



8 Mar9

Rah Ket




Asc Mer

7 Ven Mar

89 Sun10

Rah Ket





Jup Sat


5 Mon







1 Ven Rah2





Mar Mon Ket


Sun Mer Jup


Page 16: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:11)

Shodashvarga Table

Asc. Sun Moon Mars Merc Jupi Venu Satu Rahu Ketu

Rashi Canc Arie Pisc Sagi Arie Aqua Taur Scor Arie Libr

Hora Canc Canc Leo Canc Leo Canc Leo Canc Leo Leo

Drekkana Canc Sagi Scor Leo Arie Libr Virg Pisc Arie Libr

Chaturthamsa Canc Libr Virg Virg Arie Scor Scor Aqua Arie Libr

Saptamsa Capr Virg Aqua Taur Arie Canc Pisc Leo Taur Scor

Navamsa Leo Libr Capr Libr Taur Arie Gemi Scor Taur Scor

Dasamsa Arie Scor Gemi Canc Taur Virg Gemi Scor Gemi Sagi

Dwadasamsa Leo Sagi Scor Virg Taur Scor Sagi Arie Gemi Sagi

Shodasamsa Taur Pisc Scor Sagi Gemi Leo Taur Pisc Canc Canc

Vimsamsa Gemi Gemi Libr Scor Gemi Pisc Scor Virg Leo Leo

Chaturvimsamsa Virg Capr Sagi Aqua Scor Aqua Virg Gemi Capr Capr

Saptavisamsa Arie Scor Leo Sagi Canc Gemi Scor Capr Virg Pisc

Trisamsa Taur Gemi Capr Gemi Arie Gemi Pisc Pisc Aqua Aqua

Khavedamsa Aqua Leo Aqua Scor Virg Libr Virg Taur Sagi Sagi

Akshavedamsa Virg Sagi Leo Libr Virg Taur Libr Taur Capr Capr

Shatyamsa Capr Scor Libr Libr Scor Scor Arie Pisc Arie Libr

Tara ChakraJanma Sampat Vipat Kshema Pratyari Sadhaka Vadha Mitra Ati-Mitra

Revati Ashvini Bharni Kritika Rohini Mrig Ardra Punarvasu Pushya

Ashlesha Magh Purva Phal Uttara Pha Hast Chitra Swati Vishakha Anuradha

Jyeshtha Moola P. Ashadha Uttara Ash Shravan Dhanishtha Satabhisaj Purva Bhad Uttara Bha

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Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:12)

Sarvashtakvarg Table

Arie Taur Gemi Canc Leo Virg Libr Scor Sagi Capr Aqua Pisc Total

Sun 3 4 5 4 4 4 5 3 7 4 3 2 48

Mon 4 4 2 2 5 7 3 4 3 7 5 3 49

Mar 2 3 4 4 4 5 2 2 4 4 3 2 39

Mer 3 3 5 5 7 6 3 1 8 5 4 4 54

Jup 6 4 3 5 3 5 5 4 5 7 4 5 56

Ven 2 4 5 4 5 5 4 5 3 3 7 5 52

Sat 5 4 1 3 1 4 4 3 3 5 3 3 39

Total 25 26 25 27 29 36 26 22 33 35 29 24 337

Ashtakvarg Table (After Trikon Reduction)

Arie Taur Gemi Canc Leo Virg Libr Scor Sagi Capr Aqua Pisc Total

Sun 0 0 2 2 1 0 2 1 4 0 0 0 12

Mon 1 0 0 0 2 3 1 2 0 3 3 1 16

Mar 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 12

Mer 0 0 2 4 4 3 0 0 5 2 1 3 24

Jup 3 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 3 1 1 14

Ven 0 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 1 0 3 1 13

Sat 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 1 2 0 12

Total 8 1 7 9 12 11 8 4 16 10 11 6 103

Ashtakvarga Table (After Ekadhipatya Reductions)

Arie Taur Gemi Canc Leo Virg Libr Scor Sagi Capr Aqua Pisc Total

Sun 0 0 2 2 1 0 2 1 4 0 0 0 12

Mon 1 0 0 0 2 3 1 2 0 0 3 1 13

Mar 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 7

Mer 0 0 2 4 4 2 0 0 5 1 1 3 22

Jup 3 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 1 1 12

Ven 0 1 1 0 3 1 0 1 1 0 3 1 12

Sat 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 11

Total 8 1 5 9 12 7 8 4 16 2 11 6 89

Shodhya Pinda

Rashi PindaPlanet PindaShodhya Pinda

Sun 92 37129

Moon110 55165

Mars 57 26 83

Mercury179 65244

Jupiter 90 61151

Venus115 55170

Saturn 89 76165

Page 18: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:13)

Vimsottari (Mahadasha)

Balance of Dasa : Mer 10 Yrs. 6 Month 23 DaysMer (17 Yrs.)

From 06-05-1986

To 29-11-1996Mer -

Ket -Ven -Sun 29-12-86Mon 29-05-88Mar 26-05-89Rah 14-12-91Jup 20-03-94Sat 29-11-96

Ket (7 Yrs.)


29-11-2003Ket 26-04-97

Ven 26-06-98Sun 02-11-98Mon 02-06-99Mar 29-10-99Rah 17-11-00Jup 23-10-01Sat 02-12-02Mer 29-11-03

Ven (20 Yrs.)


29-11-2023Ven 29-03-07

Sun 29-03-08Mon 29-11-09Mar 29-01-11Rah 29-01-14Jup 29-09-16Sat 29-11-19Mer 29-09-22Ket 29-11-23

Sun (6 Yrs.)

From 29-11-2023

To 29-11-2029

Sun 17-03-24

Mon 17-09-24Mar 23-01-25Rah 17-12-25Jup 05-10-26Sat 17-09-27Mer 23-07-28Ket 29-11-28Ven 29-11-29

Mon (10 Yrs.)



Mon 29-09-30

Mar 29-04-31Rah 29-10-32Jup 01-03-34Sat 29-09-35Mer 01-03-37Ket 29-09-37Ven 29-05-39Sun 29-11-39

Mar (7 Yrs.)



Mar 26-04-40

Rah 14-05-41Jup 20-04-42Sat 29-05-43Mer 26-05-44Ket 23-10-44Ven 23-12-45Sun 29-04-46Mon 29-11-46

Rah (18 Yrs.)

From 29-11-2046

To 29-11-2064

Rah 11-08-49

Jup 05-01-52Sat 11-11-54Mer 29-05-57Ket 17-06-58Ven 17-06-61Sun 11-05-62Mon 11-11-63Mar 29-11-64

Jup (16 Yrs.)



Jup 17-01-67

Sat 29-07-69Mer 05-11-71Ket 11-10-72Ven 11-06-75Sun 29-03-76Mon 29-07-77Mar 05-07-78Rah 29-11-80

Sat (19 Yrs.)



Sat 02-12-83

Mer 11-08-86Ket 20-09-87Ven 20-11-90Sun 02-11-91Mon 02-06-93Mar 11-07-94Rah 17-05-97Jup 29-11-99

Page 19: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:14)

Vimsottari Dasa (Pratyantar)

Ket - Jup


To 23-10-2001

Jup 02-01-01

Sat 25-02-01Mer 13-04-01Ket 02-05-01Ven 28-06-01Sun 15-07-01Mon 13-08-01Mar 03-09-01Rah 23-10-01

Ket - Sat



Sat 26-12-01

Mer 23-02-02Ket 16-03-02Ven 23-05-02Sun 13-06-02Mon 16-07-02Mar 09-08-02Rah 09-10-02Jup 02-12-02

Ket - Mer



Mer 23-01-03

Ket 14-02-03Ven 13-04-03Sun 01-05-03Mon 01-06-03Mar 22-06-03Rah 15-08-03Jup 03-10-03Sat 29-11-03

Ven - Ven



Ven 19-06-04

Sun 19-08-04Mon 29-11-04Mar 09-02-05Rah 09-08-05Jup 19-01-06Sat 29-07-06Mer 19-01-07Ket 29-03-07

Ven - Sun



Sun 17-04-07

Mon 17-05-07Mar 08-06-07Rah 02-08-07Jup 20-09-07Sat 17-11-07Mer 08-01-08Ket 29-01-08Ven 29-03-08

Ven - Mon

From 29-03-2008

To 29-11-2009

Mon 19-05-08

Mar 24-06-08Rah 24-09-08Jup 14-12-08Sat 19-03-09Mer 14-06-09Ket 19-07-09Ven 29-10-09Sun 29-11-09

Ven - Mar



Mar 24-12-09

Rah 27-02-10Jup 23-04-10Sat 29-06-10Mer 29-08-10Ket 23-09-10Ven 03-12-10Sun 24-12-10Mon 29-01-11

Ven - Rah



Rah 11-07-11

Jup 05-12-11Sat 26-05-12Mer 29-10-12Ket 02-01-13Ven 02-07-13Sun 26-08-13Mon 26-11-13Mar 29-01-14

Ven - Jup



Jup 07-06-14

Sat 09-11-14Mer 25-03-15Ket 21-05-15Ven 01-11-15Sun 19-12-15Mon 09-03-16Mar 05-05-16Rah 29-09-16

Ven - Sat



Sat 30-03-17

Mer 11-09-17Ket 18-11-17Ven 28-05-18Sun 25-07-18Mon 30-10-18Mar 06-01-19Rah 27-06-19Jup 29-11-19

Ven - Mer

From 29-11-2019

To 29-09-2022

Mer 24-04-20Ket 23-06-20Ven 13-12-20Sun 04-02-21Mon 29-04-21Mar 29-06-21Rah 02-12-21Jup 18-04-22Sat 29-09-22

Ven - Ket



Ket 24-10-22Ven 04-01-23Sun 25-01-23Mon 02-03-23Mar 24-03-23Rah 27-05-23Jup 23-07-23Sat 30-09-23Mer 29-11-23

Sun - Sun



Sun 05-12-23Mon 14-12-23Mar 20-12-23Rah 06-01-24Jup 21-01-24Sat 08-02-24Mer 23-02-24Ket 01-03-24Ven 17-03-24

Sun - Mon



Mon 02-04-24Mar 13-04-24Rah 10-05-24Jup 04-06-24Sat 02-07-24Mer 28-07-24Ket 08-08-24Ven 08-09-24Sun 17-09-24

Sun - Mar



Mar 25-09-24Rah 14-10-24Jup 30-10-24Sat 20-11-24Mer 08-12-24Ket 15-12-24Ven 06-01-25Sun 13-01-25Mon 23-01-25

Page 20: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:15)

Yogini Dasha

Ulka 6Yrs.





Sank 29-07-87

Mang 29-09-87

Ping 29-01-88

Dhan 29-07-88

Bhra 29-03-89

Bhad 29-01-90

Sidhdha 7Yrs.



Sidh 09-06-91

Sank 29-12-92

Mang 09-03-93

Ping 29-07-93

Dhan 01-03-94

Bhra 09-12-94

Bhad 29-11-95

Ulka 29-01-97

Sankata 8Yrs.



Sank 09-11-98

Mang 29-01-99

Ping 09-07-99

Dhan 09-03-00

Bhra 29-01-01

Bhad 09-03-02

Ulka 09-07-03

Sidh 29-01-05

Mangla 1Yrs.



Mang 09-02-05

Ping 01-03-05

Dhan 29-03-05

Bhra 09-05-05

Bhad 29-06-05

Ulka 29-08-05

Sidh 09-11-05

Sank 29-01-06

Pingla 2Yrs.



Ping 09-03-06

Dhan 09-05-06

Bhra 29-07-06

Bhad 09-11-06

Ulka 09-03-07

Sidh 29-07-07

Sank 09-01-08

Mang 29-01-08

Dhanya 3Yrs.



Dhan 29-04-08

Bhra 29-08-08

Bhad 29-01-09

Ulka 29-07-09

Sidh 01-03-10

Sank 29-10-10

Mang 29-11-10

Ping 29-01-11

Bhramari 4Yrs.



Bhra 09-07-11

Bhad 29-01-12

Ulka 29-09-12

Sidh 09-07-13

Sank 29-05-14

Mang 09-07-14

Ping 29-09-14

Dhan 29-01-15

Bhadrika 5Yrs.



Bhad 09-10-15

Ulka 09-08-16

Sidh 29-07-17

Sank 09-09-18

Mang 29-10-18

Ping 09-02-19

Dhan 09-07-19

Bhra 29-01-20

Ulka 6Yrs.



Ulka 29-01-21

Sidh 29-03-22

Sank 29-07-23

Mang 29-09-23

Ping 29-01-24

Dhan 29-07-24

Bhra 29-03-25

Bhad 29-01-26

Sidhdha 7Yrs.



Sidh 09-06-27

Sank 29-12-28

Mang 09-03-29

Ping 29-07-29

Dhan 01-03-30

Bhra 09-12-30

Bhad 29-11-31

Ulka 29-01-33

Sankata 8Yrs.



Sank 09-11-34

Mang 29-01-35

Ping 09-07-35

Dhan 09-03-36

Bhra 29-01-37

Bhad 09-03-38

Ulka 09-07-39

Sidh 29-01-41

Mangla 1Yrs.



Mang 09-02-41

Ping 01-03-41

Dhan 29-03-41

Bhra 09-05-41

Bhad 29-06-41

Ulka 29-08-41

Sidh 09-11-41

Sank 29-01-42

Pingla 2Yrs.



Ping 09-03-42

Dhan 09-05-42

Bhra 29-07-42

Bhad 09-11-42

Ulka 09-03-43

Sidh 29-07-43

Sank 09-01-44

Mang 29-01-44

Dhanya 3Yrs.



Dhan 29-04-44

Bhra 29-08-44

Bhad 29-01-45

Ulka 29-07-45

Sidh 01-03-46

Sank 29-10-46

Mang 29-11-46

Ping 29-01-47

Bhramari 4Yrs.



Bhra 09-07-47

Bhad 29-01-48

Ulka 29-09-48

Sidh 09-07-49

Sank 29-05-50

Mang 09-07-50

Ping 29-09-50

Dhan 29-01-51

Page 21: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:16)

Yogini Dasha

Bhadrika 5Yrs.



Bhad 09-10-51

Ulka 09-08-52

Sidh 29-07-53

Sank 09-09-54

Mang 29-10-54

Ping 09-02-55

Dhan 09-07-55

Bhra 29-01-56

Ulka 6Yrs.



Ulka 29-01-57

Sidh 29-03-58

Sank 29-07-59

Mang 29-09-59

Ping 29-01-60

Dhan 29-07-60

Bhra 29-03-61

Bhad 29-01-62

Sidhdha 7Yrs.



Sidh 09-06-63

Sank 29-12-64

Mang 09-03-65

Ping 29-07-65

Dhan 01-03-66

Bhra 09-12-66

Bhad 29-11-67

Ulka 29-01-69

Sankata 8Yrs.



Sank 09-11-70

Mang 29-01-71

Ping 09-07-71

Dhan 09-03-72

Bhra 29-01-73

Bhad 09-03-74

Ulka 09-07-75

Sidh 29-01-77

Mangla 1Yrs.



Mang 09-02-77

Ping 01-03-77

Dhan 29-03-77

Bhra 09-05-77

Bhad 29-06-77

Ulka 29-08-77

Sidh 09-11-77

Sank 29-01-78

Pingla 2Yrs.



Ping 09-03-78

Dhan 09-05-78

Bhra 29-07-78

Bhad 09-11-78

Ulka 09-03-79

Sidh 29-07-79

Sank 09-01-80

Mang 29-01-80

Dhanya 3Yrs.



Dhan 29-04-80

Bhra 29-08-80

Bhad 29-01-81

Ulka 29-07-81

Sidh 01-03-82

Sank 29-10-82

Mang 29-11-82

Ping 29-01-83

Bhramari 4Yrs.



Bhra 09-07-83

Bhad 29-01-84

Ulka 29-09-84

Sidh 09-07-85

Sank 29-05-86

Mang 09-07-86

Ping 29-09-86

Dhan 29-01-87

Bhadrika 5Yrs.



Bhad 09-10-87

Ulka 09-08-88

Sidh 29-07-89

Sank 09-09-90

Mang 29-10-90

Ping 09-02-91

Dhan 09-07-91

Bhra 29-01-92

Ulka 6Yrs.



Ulka 29-01-93

Sidh 29-03-94

Sank 29-07-95

Mang 29-09-95

Ping 29-01-96

Dhan 29-07-96

Bhra 29-03-97

Bhad 29-01-98

Sidhdha 7Yrs.



Sidh 09-06-99

Sank 29-12-00

Mang 09-03-01

Ping 29-07-01

Dhan 01-03-02

Bhra 09-12-02

Bhad 29-11-03

Ulka 29-01-05

Sankata 8Yrs.



Sank 09-11-06

Mang 29-01-07

Ping 09-07-07

Dhan 09-03-08

Bhra 29-01-09

Bhad 09-03-10

Ulka 09-07-11

Sidh 29-01-13

Mangla 1Yrs.



Mang 09-02-13

Ping 01-03-13

Dhan 29-03-13

Bhra 09-05-13

Bhad 29-06-13

Ulka 29-08-13

Sidh 09-11-13

Sank 29-01-14

Pingla 2Yrs.



Ping 09-03-14

Dhan 09-05-14

Bhra 29-07-14

Bhad 09-11-14

Ulka 09-03-15

Sidh 29-07-15

Sank 09-01-16

Mang 29-01-16

Dhanya 3Yrs.



Dhan 29-04-16

Bhra 29-08-16

Bhad 29-01-17

Ulka 29-07-17

Sidh 01-03-18

Sank 29-10-18

Mang 29-11-18

Ping 29-01-19

Page 22: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:17)

Yogini Dasha

Dha Pin29-11-201029-01-2011Pin 02-12Dha 07-12Bhr 14-12Bha 22-12Ulk 02-01Sid 14-01San 27-01Man 29-01

Bhr Bhr29-01-201109-07-2011Bhr 16-02Bha 09-03Ulk 05-04Sid 06-05San 12-06Man 16-06Pin 25-06Dha 09-07

Bhr Bha09-07-201129-01-2012Bha 06-08Ulk 10-09Sid 19-10San 03-12Man 09-12Pin 20-12Dha 06-01Bhr 29-01

Bhr Ulk29-01-201229-09-2012Ulk 09-03Sid 25-04San 19-06Man 25-06Pin 09-07Dha 29-07Bhr 25-08Bha 29-09

Bhr Sid29-09-201209-07-2013Sid 23-11San 25-01Man 03-02Pin 19-02Dha 12-03Bhr 13-04Bha 22-05Ulk 09-07

Bhr San09-07-201329-05-2014San 20-09Man 29-09Pin 16-10Dha 13-11Bhr 19-12Bha 03-02Ulk 26-03Sid 29-05

Bhr Man29-05-201409-07-2014Man 30-05Pin 02-06Dha 05-06Bhr 10-06Bha 15-06Ulk 22-06Sid 30-06San 09-07

Bhr Pin09-07-201429-09-2014Pin 13-07Dha 20-07Bhr 29-07Bha 10-08Ulk 23-08Sid 09-09San 26-09Man 29-09

Bhr Dha29-09-201429-01-2015Dha 09-10Bhr 22-10Bha 09-11Ulk 29-11Sid 22-12San 19-01Man 22-01Pin 29-01

Bha Bha29-01-201509-10-2015Bha 03-03Ulk 15-04Sid 04-06San 29-07Man 06-08Pin 20-08Dha 11-09Bhr 09-10

Bha Ulk09-10-201509-08-2016Ulk 29-11Sid 27-01San 04-04Man 12-04Pin 29-04Dha 24-05Bhr 27-06Bha 09-08

Bha Sid09-08-201629-07-2017Sid 17-10San 04-01Man 14-01Pin 04-02Dha 03-03Bhr 12-04Bha 30-05Ulk 29-07

Bha San29-07-201709-09-2018San 28-10Man 09-11Pin 01-12Dha 04-01Bhr 19-02Bha 14-04Ulk 21-06Sid 09-09

Bha Man09-09-201829-10-2018Man 10-09Pin 13-09Dha 17-09Bhr 23-09Bha 29-09Ulk 08-10Sid 18-10San 29-10

Bha Pin29-10-201809-02-2019Pin 04-11Dha 13-11Bhr 24-11Bha 08-12Ulk 24-12Sid 14-01San 06-02Man 09-02

Bha Dha09-02-201909-07-2019Dha 21-02Bhr 08-03Bha 29-03Ulk 24-04Sid 23-05San 26-06Man 30-06Pin 09-07

Bha Bhr09-07-201929-01-2020Bhr 01-08Bha 29-08Ulk 02-10Sid 11-11San 25-12Man 01-01Pin 12-01Dha 29-01

Ulk Ulk29-01-202029-01-2021Ulk 29-03Sid 09-06San 29-08Man 09-09Pin 29-09Dha 29-10Bhr 09-12Bha 29-01

Ulk Sid29-01-202129-03-2022Sid 20-04San 24-07Man 05-08Pin 29-08Dha 04-10Bhr 20-11Bha 19-01Ulk 29-03

Ulk San29-03-202229-07-2023San 15-07Man 29-07Pin 25-08Dha 05-10Bhr 29-11Bha 05-02Ulk 25-04Sid 29-07

Ulk Man29-07-202329-09-2023Man 30-07Pin 04-08Dha 09-08Bhr 15-08Bha 24-08Ulk 04-09Sid 15-09San 29-09

Ulk Pin29-09-202329-01-2024Pin 05-10Dha 15-10Bhr 29-10Bha 15-11Ulk 05-12Sid 29-12San 25-01Man 29-01

Ulk Dha29-01-202429-07-2024Dha 14-02Bhr 04-03Bha 29-03Ulk 29-04Sid 04-06San 14-07Man 19-07Pin 29-07

Ulk Bhr29-07-202429-03-2025Bhr 25-08Bha 29-09Ulk 09-11Sid 25-12San 19-02Man 25-02Pin 09-03Dha 29-03

Ulk Bha29-03-202529-01-2026Bha 10-05Ulk 30-06Sid 29-08San 05-11Man 14-11Pin 30-11Dha 25-12Bhr 29-01

Sid Sid29-01-202609-06-2027Sid 04-05San 23-08Man 06-09Pin 04-10Dha 14-11Bhr 09-01Bha 17-03Ulk 09-06

Sid San09-06-202729-12-2028San 13-10Man 29-10Pin 30-11Dha 16-01Bhr 19-03Bha 06-06Ulk 10-09Sid 29-12

Sid Man29-12-202809-03-2029Man 01-01Pin 04-01Dha 10-01Bhr 18-01Bha 28-01Ulk 09-02Sid 23-02San 09-03

Sid Pin09-03-202929-07-2029Pin 16-03Dha 28-03Bhr 14-04Bha 03-05Ulk 26-05Sid 24-06San 25-07Man 29-07

Sid Dha29-07-202901-03-2030Dha 16-08Bhr 09-09Bha 09-10Ulk 14-11Sid 24-12San 11-02Man 17-02Pin 01-03

Sid Bhr01-03-203009-12-2030Bhr 30-03Bha 09-05Ulk 25-06Sid 20-08San 22-10Man 30-10Pin 15-11Dha 09-12

Sid Bha09-12-203029-11-2031Bha 27-01Ulk 26-03Sid 04-06San 21-08Man 01-09Pin 21-09Dha 20-10Bhr 29-11

Page 23: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:18)


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:18)

Chara Dasha

Cancer 4 Yrs.07-05-1986

To 07-05-1990Gem 06-09-86Tau 06-01-87Ari 06-05-87Pis 06-09-87Aqu 06-01-88Cap 06-05-88Sag 06-09-88Sco 06-01-89Lib 06-05-89Vir 06-09-89Leo 06-01-90Can 06-05-90

Gemini 10 Yrs.06-05-1990

To 06-05-2000Tau 06-03-91Ari 06-01-92Pis 06-11-92Aqu 06-09-93Cap 06-07-94Sag 06-05-95Sco 06-03-96Lib 06-01-97Vir 06-11-97Leo 06-09-98Can 06-07-99Gem 06-05-00

Taurus 12 Yrs.06-05-2000

To 06-05-2012Ari 06-05-01Pis 06-05-02Aqu 06-05-03Cap 06-05-04Sag 06-05-05Sco 06-05-06Lib 06-05-07Vir 06-05-08Leo 06-05-09Can 06-05-10Gem 06-05-11Tau 06-05-12

Aries 8 Yrs.06-05-2012

To 06-05-2020Tau 06-01-13Gem 06-09-13Can 06-05-14Leo 06-01-15Vir 06-09-15Lib 06-05-16Sco 06-01-17Sag 06-09-17Cap 06-05-18Aqu 06-01-19Pis 06-09-19Ari 06-05-20

Pisces 1 Yrs.06-05-2020

To 06-05-2021Ari 06-06-20Tau 06-07-20Gem 06-08-20Can 06-09-20Leo 06-10-20Vir 06-11-20Lib 06-12-20Sco 06-01-21Sag 06-02-21Cap 06-03-21Aqu 06-04-21Pis 06-05-21

Aquarius 10 Yrs.06-05-2021

To 06-05-2031Pis 06-03-22Ari 06-01-23Tau 06-11-23Gem 06-09-24Can 06-07-25Leo 06-05-26Vir 06-03-27Lib 06-01-28Sco 06-11-28Sag 06-09-29Cap 06-07-30Aqu 06-05-31

Capricorn 2 Yrs.06-05-2031

To 06-05-2033Aqu 06-07-31Pis 06-09-31Ari 06-11-31Tau 06-01-32Gem 06-03-32Can 06-05-32Leo 06-07-32Vir 06-09-32Lib 06-11-32Sco 06-01-33Sag 06-03-33Cap 06-05-33

Sagittarius 2 Yrs.06-05-2033

To 06-05-2035Cap 06-07-33Aqu 06-09-33Pis 06-11-33Ari 06-01-34Tau 06-03-34Gem 06-05-34Can 06-07-34Leo 06-09-34Vir 06-11-34Lib 06-01-35Sco 06-03-35Sag 06-05-35

Scorpio 1 Yrs.06-05-2035

To 06-05-2036Sag 06-06-35Cap 06-07-35Aqu 06-08-35Pis 06-09-35Ari 06-10-35Tau 06-11-35Gem 06-12-35Can 06-01-36Leo 06-02-36Vir 06-03-36Lib 06-04-36Sco 06-05-36

Libra 7 Yrs.06-05-2036

To 06-05-2043Sco 06-12-36Sag 06-07-37Cap 06-02-38Aqu 06-09-38Pis 06-04-39Ari 06-11-39Tau 06-06-40Gem 06-01-41Can 06-08-41Leo 06-03-42Vir 06-10-42Lib 06-05-43

Virgo 5 Yrs.06-05-2043

To 06-05-2048Lib 06-10-43Sco 06-03-44Sag 06-08-44Cap 06-01-45Aqu 06-06-45Pis 06-11-45Ari 06-04-46Tau 06-09-46Gem 06-02-47Can 06-07-47Leo 06-12-47Vir 06-05-48

Leo 4 Yrs.06-05-2048

To 06-05-2052Vir 06-09-48Lib 06-01-49Sco 06-05-49Sag 06-09-49Cap 06-01-50Aqu 06-05-50Pis 06-09-50Ari 06-01-51Tau 06-05-51Gem 06-09-51Can 06-01-52Leo 06-05-52


Atmakaraka Mars

Amatyakaraka Jupiter

Bhratrikarka Sun

Matrikaraka Moon

Putrakaraka Venus

Gnatikaraka Saturn

Darakaraka Mercury

Karakamsha :Libra

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Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:19)


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:19)

Chara Dasha

Cancer 4 Yrs.07-05-2052

To 07-05-2056Gem 07-09-52Tau 07-01-53Ari 07-05-53Pis 07-09-53Aqu 07-01-54Cap 07-05-54Sag 07-09-54Sco 07-01-55Lib 07-05-55Vir 07-09-55Leo 07-01-56Can 07-05-56

Gemini 10 Yrs.07-05-2056

To 07-05-2066Tau 07-03-57Ari 07-01-58Pis 07-11-58Aqu 07-09-59Cap 07-07-60Sag 07-05-61Sco 07-03-62Lib 07-01-63Vir 07-11-63Leo 07-09-64Can 07-07-65Gem 07-05-66

Taurus 12 Yrs.07-05-2066

To 07-05-2078Ari 07-05-67Pis 07-05-68Aqu 07-05-69Cap 07-05-70Sag 07-05-71Sco 07-05-72Lib 07-05-73Vir 07-05-74Leo 07-05-75Can 07-05-76Gem 07-05-77Tau 07-05-78

Aries 8 Yrs.07-05-2078

To 07-05-2086Tau 07-01-79Gem 07-09-79Can 07-05-80Leo 07-01-81Vir 07-09-81Lib 07-05-82Sco 07-01-83Sag 07-09-83Cap 07-05-84Aqu 07-01-85Pis 07-09-85Ari 07-05-86

Pisces 1 Yrs.07-05-2086

To 07-05-2087Ari 07-06-86Tau 07-07-86Gem 07-08-86Can 07-09-86Leo 07-10-86Vir 07-11-86Lib 07-12-86Sco 07-01-87Sag 07-02-87Cap 07-03-87Aqu 07-04-87Pis 07-05-87

Aquarius 10 Yrs.07-05-2087

To 07-05-2097Pis 07-03-88Ari 07-01-89Tau 07-11-89Gem 07-09-90Can 07-07-91Leo 07-05-92Vir 07-03-93Lib 07-01-94Sco 07-11-94Sag 07-09-95Cap 07-07-96Aqu 07-05-97

Capricorn 2 Yrs.07-05-2097

To 07-05-2099Aqu 07-07-97Pis 07-09-97Ari 07-11-97Tau 07-01-98Gem 07-03-98Can 07-05-98Leo 07-07-98Vir 07-09-98Lib 07-11-98Sco 07-01-99Sag 07-03-99Cap 07-05-99

Sagittarius 2 Yrs.07-05-2099

To 07-05-2101Cap 07-07-99Aqu 07-09-99Pis 07-11-99Ari 07-01-00Tau 07-03-00Gem 07-05-00Can 07-07-00Leo 07-09-00Vir 07-11-00Lib 07-01-01Sco 07-03-01Sag 07-05-01

Scorpio 1 Yrs.07-05-2101

To 07-05-2102Sag 07-06-01Cap 07-07-01Aqu 07-08-01Pis 07-09-01Ari 07-10-01Tau 07-11-01Gem 07-12-01Can 07-01-02Leo 07-02-02Vir 07-03-02Lib 07-04-02Sco 07-05-02

Libra 7 Yrs.07-05-2102

To 07-05-2109Sco 07-12-02Sag 07-07-03Cap 07-02-04Aqu 07-09-04Pis 07-04-05Ari 07-11-05Tau 07-06-06Gem 07-01-07Can 07-08-07Leo 07-03-08Vir 07-10-08Lib 07-05-09

Virgo 5 Yrs.07-05-2109

To 07-05-2114Lib 07-10-09Sco 07-03-10Sag 07-08-10Cap 07-01-11Aqu 07-06-11Pis 07-11-11Ari 07-04-12Tau 07-09-12Gem 07-02-13Can 07-07-13Leo 07-12-13Vir 07-05-14

Leo 4 Yrs.07-05-2114

To 07-05-2118Vir 07-09-14Lib 07-01-15Sco 07-05-15Sag 07-09-15Cap 07-01-16Aqu 07-05-16Pis 07-09-16Ari 07-01-17Tau 07-05-17Gem 07-09-17Can 07-01-18Leo 07-05-18


Atmakaraka Mars

Amatyakaraka Jupiter

Bhratrikarka Sun

Matrikaraka Moon

Putrakaraka Venus

Gnatikaraka Saturn

Darakaraka Mercury

Karakamsha :Libra

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Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:20)

General Predictions

General CharacteristicsDue to lordship of moon, the natives are remarkable for a changeful life.

They have fertile imagination, delighting in strange scenes and adventures.

They are somewhat sentimental and talkative. They are very hard-working.

They have artistic ability. They are very fond of home family and it's

comforts. They may miss good opportunities because they ponder over the

situation for a long time. They have a deep feeling of loyalty and

responsibility. Their anger is shortlived and they hold no anger towards

others. Being a watery sign the native can be easily influenced & adjust to

circumstances. They realise the fullest significance of money and they are a

litle too personal.

Specific CharacteristicsYou will be very self confident and have practical abilities. You are also very

tenacious and very persistent. You will be very quick to learn from failures

and disappointments.

Physical CharactersticsThe native will be short to middle stature. They have a clumsy body,

slender limbs and powerful claws. They have a large upper body, wide face,

large mouth with nice teeth of chalky colour. The hair may be brownish and

the complexion pale.

Wealth CharactersticsGeneral indications for wealth are good. You will be able to make money

through your own efforts. The chance of your getting wealth through any

inheritance are only fair. But not very bright. You will be very responsible in

handling your finances.

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Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:21)

General Predictions

InheritanceThe planetary positions are excellently situated for legacies or gain through

partner. You are very good at handling other peoples money.

EducationThe planetary positions are excellently situated for legacies or gain through

partner. You are very good at handling other peoples money.

Carrier OppurtunitiesScientific Carriers:Limited


Arts, Social Work, Home Sciences etc.:Excellent

Business OppurtunitiesYou have the ability and the desire to rise to the top through your own

efforts. You will occupy a position of great responsibility.

MarriageIndications are that marriage could be delayed due to the negative effect of

saturn. You will be very loyal to your partner but, at the same time, very


You will have children with artistic or musical ability.

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Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:22)

General Predictions

HealthYour health may also be affected because of mental anxieties. You should

give service of some kind to others to avoid self-destructive tendencies.

SocialYou will get associated with many organisations and have good social

contacts. You will have many and varied friends, but may lose some of

them because of impulsive and rash behavior at times.

LuckyLucky day : Tuesday.

Saturday : Avoid as disharmony will be the result.

Lucky colour : White, cream, red & yellow. Avoid blue & green.

Lucky number : 2, 7 & 9 are fortunate. 1,3,4 & 6 are good. 5,8 Are to be


Lucky stones : Diamond, pearls & ruby.

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Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:23)

Aspects Considerations

Sun Trine MarsThis combination of sun and mars idicates that you have tact and very good leadership

capacities. You have abundant energy and are likely to be very active.

Sun Sextile JupiterThis combination of sun and jupiter makes you life-loving and socially very popular. You have

good executive abilities and are very positive in your outlook.

Moon Square MarsThe moon and mars in this combination make you temperamental, very moody and irritable.

You may have financial difficulties. You are likely to be very rash and argumentative at times.

Moon Sextile VenusYou are affectionate and self expressive in a refined way . You will enjoy domestic happiness

and have love for music and the arts. Because of your nature you are likely to be very


Moon Trine SaturnYou are capable of handling very responsible positions. You are very practical and trustworthy.

You are thrifty and do not believe in unnecessary expenditure.

Moon Trine UranusThis combination between moon and uranus makes you very imaginative and ambitious. You

are very romantic and will have a number of friends. You are very enthusiastic and full of


Mars Sextile JupiterThis aspect of mars with jupiter indicates that you enjoy financial protection. You are fun-loving

and enjoy pomp and pleasure. You are energetic and adventurous, you will always get help in

time of need.

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Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:24)

Aspects Considerations

Mercury Semisquare JupiterThis combination of mercury and jupiter accounts for your impatience and fuzzy thinking. At

times, you may have poor judgment and may be subject to fraud. You are not able to keep

secrets and tend to exaggerate a lot. You may even develop a vacillatory habit & may tend to

put off things.

Mercury Semisquare VenusThis combination of mercury and venus indicates that you sometimes shirk responsibility. You

also spend a lot on trivial items.

Mercury Trine UranusThis particular combination of mercury with uranus indicates that you have dramatic talents

with a keen sense of rhythm and timing. You may be excellent in debates. You also have a

scientific mind and very progressive attitudes.

Mercury Trine NeptuneThis combination of mercury and neptune makes you a visionary, very sympathetic and

compassionate. You are refined and may have artistic and poetic interests and abilities.

Mercury Opposite PlutoThis combination of mercury with pluto makes you cynical and you draw mental conclusions too

quickly. At times, you may be very irritable and sarcastic. You may develop a short temper and

may even get destructive and violent.

Jupiter Square SaturnThis aspect between jupiter and saturn indicates that you are materialistic, but will have to

work hard for everything. You are likely to mature early because of trials and tribulations in

your life.

Jupiter Square UranusThis aspect between jupiter and uranus in your birth chart indicates that at times you are

headstrong, rebellious and opinionated. You may exaggerate a lot and be tactless. You will

experience losses because of premature actions.

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Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:25)

Aspects Considerations

Venus Opposite SaturnThis aspect between venus and saturn indicates that you will experience emotional difficulties

and may have inhibitions and estrangements. The aspect also indicates that you may not marry


Venus Square JupiterThis aspect formed by venus and jupiter gives you self-conceit. You are intensely driven to seek

a partner and very demonstrative of your charms. You will tend to have self-indulgent habits.

Uranus Semisquare PlutoThe presence of this aspect subjects you to upsets, great changes, upheavals and violence, you

may even have fanatical and destructive tendencies.

Neptune Sextile PlutoThe presence of this aspect will arouse mystical and spiritual forces in you. You will have

intuitive knowledge of higher forces and depth perception. You will strive for inner knowledge.

You have the ability to orient yourself to the needs of others.

Venus Semisquare PlutoThis aspect between venus and pluto indicates that you may have difficulty with others,

especially in close relationships. At times, you may be crude, self serving and even unfaithful.

You will experience romantic upheavals.

Uranus Semisquare PlutoThe presence of this aspect subjects you to upsets, great changes, upheavals and violence, you

may even have fanatical and destructive tendencies.

Neptune Sextile PlutoThe presence of this aspect will arouse mystical and spiritual forces in you. You will have

intuitive knowledge of higher forces and depth perception. You will strive for inner knowledge.

You have the ability to orient yourself to the needs of others.

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Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:26)

Aspects Considerations

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Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:27)

Nirayana Planetary Longitudes

Planet Rashi Degrees Dir. Nakshatra Pad Rashi Lord Nak. Lord

Asc. Gemini 10:01:47 06 Ardra 2 Mercury Rahu

Sun Aries 22:41:51 02 Bharni 3 Mars Venus

Moon Pisces 19:48:03 27 Revati 1 Jupiter Mercury

Mars Aries 18:19:21 Dir. 02 Bharni 2 Mars Venus

Mercury Aries 17:06:46 Dir. 02 Bharni 2 Mars Venus

Jupiter Taurus 24:42:27 Dir. 05 Mrig 1 Venus Mars

Venus Taurus 02:53:57 Dir. 03 Kritika 2 Venus Sun

Saturn Libra 13:29:03 Ret. 15 Swati 3 Venus Rahu

Rahu Libra 22:43:30 Ret. 16 Vishakha 1 Venus Jupiter

Ketu Aries 22:43:30 Ret. 02 Bharni 3 Mars Venus

Uranus Pisces 16:39:07 Dir. 26 Uttara Bhadrapad 4 Jupiter Saturn

Neptune Aquarius 10:59:44 Dir. 24 Satabhisaj 2 Saturn Rahu

Pluto Sagittarius 17:15:13 Ret. 20 P. Ashadha 2 Jupiter VenusPositions of Rahu and Ketu are True.

All values on this page are related to the year:(2013 06-05-2013 32:37:22 Trayodashi)

Varsh Lagna Kundli






Sat Rah




1112 Mon


Sun Mer Mar Ket


Ven Jup

Muntha is in the Sign No.: 7

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Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:28)

You will be under the Influence of Planet Mercury From 06-05-2013 To 26-06-2013. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Mercury is in the house no. 11

A long distance travel is likely to take place. Friends and associates will help you. You will get lot of

opportunities to do better in your business/trade etc. Your ambitions and desires will also get fulfilled.

A happy news regarding your brother or a very close friend will also be there. The period is quite

encouraging as far as your love life is concerned. Over all prosperity is also indicated in this period.

Try to make the best of this time. You will establish friendly relationship with a lot of new persons.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Ketu From 27-06-2013 To 18-07-2013. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Ketu is in the house no. 11

All of a sudden, circumstances will start favouring you. A few business deals will give you much more

dividends. There will be a lot of support from friends and well wishers. Sensual pleasure of high

magnitude is also in store for you. A promotion could come in your way if employed. Long distance

travel is likely to take place during this period. Family life shall be quite satisfactory. In your social

circle you will command much respect and regard.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Venus From 19-07-2013 To 17-09-2013. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Venus is in the house no. 12

You will spend money on luxuries and comforts. Conjugal happiness of high order will be there. It

would be better to do all this with in limitations other wise instead of enjoying you may run into

trouble. A minor health ailment could disturb your peace of mind. Be slow in love affairs.Your

opponents and adversaries will try to do harm. You will tend to feel unconcerned but are advised to

do so.Financially this is not a bad period but expenses should be checked. Family members health

may cause some anxiety.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Sun From 18-09-2013 To 06-10-2013. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Sun is in the house no. 11

Your desires and ambitions will be fulfilled. You will receive great help from friends and relatives. This

is the time to enter into deals that will work out in your favour.You may get huge profits from your

contracts and agreements.For love and romance this is a favourable period. A marked increase in

your income is indicated. Long distance travels will be successful and fruitful.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Moon From 07-10-2013 To 06-11-2013. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Moon is in the house no. 10

You will be able to convert your ideas and plans into constructive form. Some solid results regarding

your business or job shall be there. Your success in all ventures is almost definately assured. You will

enjoy very good relations with seniors and supervisors. Make the best use of this time.

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Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:29)

You will be under the Influence of Planet Mars From 07-11-2013 To 28-11-2013. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Mars is in the house no. 11

You will be benefited from your friends and associates. Your long cherished hopes and wishes will

materialise long distance travel may be fruitful. A substantial increase in income is also assured. You

may spend on luxuries and other material items. Family atmosphere will be quite happy.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Rahu From 29-11-2013 To 22-01-2014. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Rahu is in the house no. 5

Your power of judgement and accuracy will be affected. You would like to create a world of illusion

around you. False hopes may shatter your real goals. Speculative tendencies should be totally curbed.

Family members ill health could be the cause of anxiety. Your relationship with friends may not be

cordial. Don't involve yourself in court cases. You had better not stand for anybody's surety. Take

care of your health and food poisoning could be the cause of stomach ailments.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Jupiter From 23-01-2014 To 12-03-2014. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Jupiter is in the house no. 12

You will be devoid of attachment and people will harbour enemity towards you. A sense of in

security will also prevail. You will waste your time and energy in useless pursuits. You might have to

work for others. Expenses willbe very high. Your opponents will create tension for you. As far as

possible travels should be avoided. Take care of your health as it is likely to create problems for you.

Family members attitude shall be quite different. It is better to develop resistance against the

awkward situations that you are likely to face.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Saturn From 13-03-2014 To 06-05-2014. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Saturn is in the house no. 5

Your creative faculties will be considerably eclipsed therefore you may not be able to distinguish and

discriminate properly. Extra care should be taken so that right decisions are taken. The health of your

spouse and children may create problems in this period. Your friends and associates will not keep

their promises. It is better not to depend on false hopes. Journies will not be fruitful. Financial

worries may disturb your peace of mind. Risk taking tendencies should be curbed totally.

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Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:30)

Nirayana Planetary Longitudes

Planet Rashi Degrees Dir. Nakshatra Pad Rashi Lord Nak. Lord

Asc. Leo 27:00:45 12 Uttara Phalguni 1 Sun Sun

Sun Aries 21:43:46 02 Bharni 3 Mars Venus

Moon Cancer 13:32:37 08 Pushya 4 Moon Saturn

Mars Virgo 16:15:07 Ret. 13 Hast 2 Mercury Moon

Mercury Taurus 03:29:15 Dir. 03 Kritika 3 Venus Sun

Jupiter Gemini 21:43:05 Dir. 07 Punarvasu 1 Mercury Jupiter

Venus Pisces 09:44:22 Dir. 26 Uttara Bhadrapad 2 Jupiter Saturn

Saturn Libra 26:17:20 Ret. 16 Vishakha 2 Venus Jupiter

Rahu Libra 04:24:20 Ret. 14 Chitra 4 Venus Mars

Ketu Aries 04:24:20 Ret. 01 Ashvini 2 Mars Ketu

Uranus Pisces 20:22:10 Dir. 27 Revati 2 Jupiter Mercury

Neptune Aquarius 13:09:04 Dir. 24 Satabhisaj 2 Saturn Rahu

Pluto Sagittarius 19:16:05 Ret. 20 P. Ashadha 2 Jupiter VenusPositions of Rahu and Ketu are True.

All values on this page are related to the year:(2014 06-05-2014 14:46:32 Saptami)

Varsh Lagna Kundli






Sat Rah







Sun Ket

2 Mer3




Muntha is in the Sign No.: 8

Page 36: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:31)

You will be under the Influence of Planet Ketu From 06-05-2014 To 27-05-2014. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Ketu is in the house no. 9

You will come into close contact with the head of some institution. You will develop philanthrofic

trend towardsothers. You might get some recognition of your inventive work. On the whole your

reputation and respect will definitely increase. You will be highly esteemed. Travel will be of great

significance. Your religious/spiritual inclination will be intense. Family life shall be full of pleasure.

Some auspicious ceremony may be celebrated in your family. Try to make the best use of this phase.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Venus From 28-05-2014 To 27-07-2014. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Venus is in the house no. 8

You might get involved in a scandal and your reputation may suffer damage. Health wise, this is not

a good period. There could be chances of getting money unexpectedly. But at the same time

expenses will be very high. The tendency of enjoying hidden/secret pleasures should be curbed as it

could lead you to a very embarrassing situation. However, family members support will be there but

at times difference of opinion will be quite obvious. As far as possible travels should be avoided.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Sun From 28-07-2014 To 15-08-2014. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Sun is in the house no. 9

During this period you will have mixed results. Long distance travels will not only be safe but fruitful.

You will meet men of status and position and gain their favour.Your parents may suffer from ill

health. You might visit places of religious importance. There will be an increase in the work load due

to rise in good will. It is a favourable period as far as money matters are concerned.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Moon From 16-08-2014 To 15-09-2014. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Moon is in the house no. 12

Do not over spend now. Try to curb your expenditure. Health wise this is not a good period.

Fruitless travels should be avoided. You will be inclined towards occult or para psychological

experiences. Don't use harsh speech otherwise you will be in a dilemma. Speculation should be


You will be under the Influence of Planet Mars From 16-09-2014 To 07-10-2014. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Mars is in the house no. 2

This is not a good period for financial gains. Family members will create tension. Dispute over small

issues is possible. Don't use harsh words or speech otherwise you will be in trouble. You may have

to depend on undesirable people.There is danger of loss of money either in business or due to theft.

Take care of your health.

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Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:32)

You will be under the Influence of Planet Rahu From 08-10-2014 To 01-12-2014. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Rahu is in the house no. 3

You will have tremendous power and energy to carry out what you want in a beautiful manner. Your

fixity of purpose will be appreciated. You will also have strong will power toact positively even in

adverse conditions. Your social circle will widen in this period there will be an enhancement of your

reputation. Frequent travel could be quite in evidence.Your relationship with your brothers and sisters

will be fine. You might get encouraging news through communication. Business/trade prospects will be

very good, a promotion should be anticipated if employed somewhere.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Jupiter From 02-12-2014 To 19-01-2015. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Jupiter is in the house no. 11

The position of Jupiter in this house will make this period lively. Subsequently this period will be

highly rewarding. You will develop harmonious relationship with persons from far off places or

foreigners. There will be chances of entering into new ventures. Your brothers and sisters will be

prosperous in this period. If you are appearing for a competitive examination, then your success is

assured. This period will cause you to meditate and inquire about the truth the reality of human

existence. Philosophical trend will be quite evident.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Saturn From 20-01-2015 To 18-03-2015. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Saturn is in the house no. 3

You will have a strong desire to do things in amethodical manner. Your confidence will be par

excellence.You will definitely get encouraging results as far as your job, business, career is concerned.

There are chances of venturing into new enterprises, profession etc. Inflow of income shall be quite

normal. Family atmosphere will be very good. Your social circle shall widen, short distance travels will

prove beneficial. You might also receive very good news through communication.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Mercury From 19-03-2015 To 06-05-2015. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Mercury is in the house no. 10

You will do extremely well in your business or profession. An expansion of business may also take

place. During this period you will remain action oriented. Your keen observation and your sense of

discrimination will make you learn more. Your relationship with superiors or authorities will definitely

improve. Family atmosphere will be quite satisfactory. You may also go in for a conveyance. A good

news from a far off place or places is also possible. An auspicious ceremony in the house may be


Page 38: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:33)

Nirayana Planetary Longitudes

Planet Rashi Degrees Dir. Nakshatra Pad Rashi Lord Nak. Lord

Asc. Scorpio 14:30:09 17 Anuradha 4 Mars Saturn

Sun Aries 21:43:46 02 Bharni 3 Mars Venus

Moon Scorpio 21:09:04 18 Jyeshtha 2 Mars Mercury

Mars Taurus 02:02:30 Dir. 03 Kritika 2 Venus Sun

Mercury Taurus 12:44:24 Dir. 04 Rohini 1 Venus Moon

Jupiter Cancer 19:41:06 Dir. 09 Ashlesha 1 Moon Mercury

Venus Gemini 04:29:10 Dir. 05 Mrig 4 Mercury Mars

Saturn Scorpio 08:45:19 Ret. 17 Anuradha 2 Mars Saturn

Rahu Virgo 15:39:04 Ret. 13 Hast 2 Mercury Moon

Ketu Pisces 15:39:04 Ret. 26 Uttara Bhadrapad 4 Jupiter Saturn

Uranus Pisces 24:08:17 Dir. 27 Revati 3 Jupiter Mercury

Neptune Aquarius 15:19:20 Dir. 24 Satabhisaj 3 Saturn Rahu

Pluto Sagittarius 21:14:25 Ret. 20 P. Ashadha 3 Jupiter VenusPositions of Rahu and Ketu are True.

All values on this page are related to the year:(2015 06-05-2015 20:55:42 Tritiya)

Varsh Lagna Kundli


Asc Sat Mon







Mer Mar








Muntha is in the Sign No.: 9

Page 39: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:34)

You will be under the Influence of Planet Venus From 06-05-2015 To 05-07-2015. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Venus is in the house no. 8

You might get involved in a scandal and your reputation may suffer damage. Health wise, this is not

a good period. There could be chances of getting money unexpectedly. But at the same time

expenses will be very high. The tendency of enjoying hidden/secret pleasures should be curbed as it

could lead you to a very embarrassing situation. However, family members support will be there but

at times difference of opinion will be quite obvious. As far as possible travels should be avoided.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Sun From 06-07-2015 To 24-07-2015. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Sun is in the house no. 6

Success will be yours in whatever you undertake during this period. All your feats and endeavours

will meet with success and you will be able to overcome your difficulties.You will defeat your enemies

and they will not be able to harm you. Your work will achieve success and service conditions will

improve. There may be a rise in status and position. Promotion and recognition will come your way.

You will gain respect and good will. On the whole this is a successful period.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Moon From 25-07-2015 To 24-08-2015. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Moon is in the house no. 1

You will get mixed results in this period. There would be a lot of oppurtunity coming your way but

you may not be able to utilise them. Health problem may also disturb you. Be careful while dealing

with friends, relatives or associates.Travel may be fruitless and therefore should be avoided. Ill health

of father or mother may also cause anxiety.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Mars From 25-08-2015 To 15-09-2015. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Mars is in the house no. 7

You might face difficulties in your day to day pursuits. Your enemies will try to tarnish your image.

Disputes with partners and associates is strongly indicated. Family life will not be happy. Take care of

your health. Travels may be disappointing. The health of your spouse may cause some concern.

During this period, your life will be full of troubles and turmoils.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Rahu From 16-09-2015 To 09-11-2015. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Rahu is in the house no. 11

You will come into contact with some influential people. Rise in income is clearly indicated. You might

also enter into new ventures. Your friends and associates will provide their best support. Long

distance travel is going tobe beneficial. Your contacts with foreigners will also increase. Family life will

be very happy. For love and romance this is going to be a boon. You will be heroic in strife and

overcome your enemies. Your health is generally good but disease of ear could be possible.

Page 40: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:35)

You will be under the Influence of Planet Jupiter From 10-11-2015 To 28-12-2015. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Jupiter is in the house no. 9

This is going to be the best period for you this year. A big amount of success and reputation will be

enjoyed by you. You can also utilise this period for concentration, meditation and yoga. There is a

likely hood of coming in contact with the head of some social or religious institutions. You will have

tremendous confidence to carry out pursuits. Family atmosphere will be very supporting. Along

distance travel will be rewarding. An increase of family member will be quite evident.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Saturn From 29-12-2015 To 24-02-2016. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Saturn is in the house no. 1

There would be delay and obstacles in general pursuits. At times, a sense of insecurity will be

predominant in you. You will have considerable work pressure and you will also be involved in

unrewarding jobs. Your health is likely to deteriorate, family life may not be pleasant and the health

of relations may cause some anxiety. You might face a set back due to your partners/associates

negligence. However the last phase of this period will give you some relief. It's always better to be

optimistic than to be pessimistic.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Mercury From 25-02-2016 To 16-04-2016. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Mercury is in the house no. 7

During this period your fame and respect will definitely increase. You will come across an opportunity

to be with learned people. Your profession/trade will flourish. Family life shall be full of comforts. You

will find that the opposite sex will help you in your sphere, a pleasanttrip is also possible. You might

enter into a profitable deal. Your associate or partners will provide their best support towards you.

Success in competetion is also assured.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Ketu From 17-04-2016 To 06-05-2016. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Ketu is in the house no. 5

You will be inclined to do so many things at the sametime and in this process you won't reach any

where. Rashness is definitely not going to help you in this period. Take care. A family member is

likely to suffer due to ill health. On the whole, family atmosphere will be tense. Risk taking

tendencies should be curbed totally your enemies will try to damage your reputation. Be cautious in

this regard. As far as possible travels should be avoided. You might suffer due to stomach ailments.

Page 41: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:36)

Nirayana Planetary Longitudes

Planet Rashi Degrees Dir. Nakshatra Pad Rashi Lord Nak. Lord

Asc. Aquarius 27:00:20 25 Purva Bhadrapad 3 Saturn Jupiter

Sun Aries 21:43:46 02 Bharni 3 Mars Venus

Moon Aries 08:42:07 01 Ashvini 3 Mars Ketu

Mars Scorpio 12:46:34 Ret. 17 Anuradha 3 Mars Saturn

Mercury Aries 27:29:12 Ret. 03 Kritika 1 Mars Sun

Jupiter Leo 19:11:08 Ret. 11 Purva Phalguni 2 Sun Venus

Venus Aries 13:09:49 Dir. 01 Ashvini 4 Mars Ketu

Saturn Scorpio 20:58:13 Ret. 18 Jyeshtha 2 Mars Mercury

Rahu Leo 26:13:15 Ret. 11 Purva Phalguni 4 Sun Venus

Ketu Aquarius 26:13:15 Ret. 25 Purva Bhadrapad 2 Saturn Jupiter

Uranus Pisces 27:54:43 Dir. 27 Revati 4 Jupiter Mercury

Neptune Aquarius 17:29:32 Dir. 24 Satabhisaj 4 Saturn Rahu

Pluto Sagittarius 23:10:56 Ret. 20 P. Ashadha 3 Jupiter VenusPositions of Rahu and Ketu are True.

All values on this page are related to the year:(2016 05-05-2016 27:04:51 Chaturdashi)

Varsh Lagna Kundli


Asc Ket



Sun Mer Ven Mon




Jup Rah


78 Mar Sat



Muntha is in the Sign No.: 10

Page 42: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:37)

You will be under the Influence of Planet Sun From 05-05-2016 To 23-05-2016. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Sun is in the house no. 3

This period will relieve you of your tensions and anxiety. On the domestic front you will be happy

and your long cherished desires will be fulfilled. You will travel a lot at this time.Short distance

travels will bring luck and will be fruitful and pleasant. You may receive good news about benefits or

monetary gains. You are likely to socialise with family friends and relatives. Good health is indicated

during this time.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Moon From 24-05-2016 To 23-06-2016. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Moon is in the house no. 3

Your confidence will be par excellence. Your brothers and sisters will also flourish. You might get

good news through communication. Sudden travel will also bring good luck. There are chances of

getting a promotion if employed.The change of place or profession is not ruled out.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Mars From 24-06-2016 To 15-07-2016. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Mars is in the house no. 10

You will gain through trade, profession, public or government work. You will cultivate friendship

among those in good position and achieve gains and honour through them. The expansion of

business is also likely. You will have tremendous confidence to handle any kind of adverse situation.

Your enemies will not be able to do any harm.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Rahu From 16-07-2016 To 08-09-2016. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Rahu is in the house no. 7

In this period however much you may try, you will not be able to maintain good relations with your

partners/associates etc. You might face obstacles in your day to day pursuits. Family members

attitude will not be cordial. There is a danger of getting involved in litigations or court cases. Don't

depend on false hopes as your friends will let you down at crucial occasions. Take care of your

health. There could be danger of food poisoning too. As far aspossible, travels should be avoided.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Jupiter From 09-09-2016 To 27-10-2016. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Jupiter is in the house no. 7

During this period you will have conjugal happiness. Business/job prospects will be very good. An

expected travel will take place. Family atmosphere shall remain quite pleasant. Your hopes and desires

will also materialise. You will be absolutely fearless and your enemies will not be able to face you.

You might develop a taste for philosophyor literature. Your contacts with learned people will also

increase. You will be highly respected and will become more famous.

Page 43: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:38)

You will be under the Influence of Planet Saturn From 28-10-2016 To 24-12-2016. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Saturn is in the house no. 10

You have to put tremendous labour to see things going the way you would like them to work load

may be tiring. By and large results won't be disappointing but the feeling of delays in activities could

be felt. At the same time, this period does not permit you to do things in a big way. An element of

patience will should be quite normal. The health of your spouse could create some mental anxiety for

you. Travelling regarding business/job will be satisfactory. Purchase of land should be postponed for

another better period.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Mercury From 25-12-2016 To 14-02-2017. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Mercury is in the house no. 3

Your hard work and labour will give dividends short distance travels will be fruitful. Good news from

abroad orfar off place is possible. Your brothers and sisters will also assist you.Your contact with new

people will also increase by the dint of good luck results will start coming your way. Meeting with old

friends is also indicated. If you are involved in publication or agency work, encouraging results will be

there. Your will also have the power of artistic expression and interpretation and you possess a

natural gift for emotional action.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Ketu From 15-02-2017 To 08-03-2017. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Ketu is in the house no. 1

Try to be practical in this period. As a matter off act you will be inclined towards unproductive

pursuits. Due to all this you will unnecessarily be a perturbed person.Over confidence can lead you

towards miseries. There is adanger of losing money. Be careful about your reputation during this

period also, do not count on family support to help you during these problem. Your friends and well

wishers shall not keep their promises. It is better to avoid travel as far as possible. Your opponents

will have an edge over you. Health may not be good and therefore you are advised to take good


You will be under the Influence of Planet Venus From 09-03-2017 To 05-05-2017. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Venus is in the house no. 3

During this period, you will be full of zeal and enthusiasm. Short distance travels shall be comfortable

as well as rewarding. Family happiness will be there and your brothers or sisters will be quite

comfortable. You will take decisions at the spur of the moment and they will turn outto be

appropriate. You are likely to acquire a conveyance in this period. Your contacts with people will

increase. Service conditions will also improve. By the grace of goodluck, things will start coming your


Page 44: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:39)

Nirayana Planetary Longitudes

Planet Rashi Degrees Dir. Nakshatra Pad Rashi Lord Nak. Lord

Asc. Gemini 17:14:42 06 Ardra 4 Mercury Rahu

Sun Aries 21:43:46 02 Bharni 3 Mars Venus

Moon Leo 28:16:59 12 Uttara Phalguni 1 Sun Sun

Mars Taurus 16:00:46 Dir. 04 Rohini 2 Venus Moon

Mercury Aries 00:25:02 Dir. 01 Ashvini 1 Mars Ketu

Jupiter Virgo 20:51:01 Ret. 13 Hast 4 Mercury Moon

Venus Pisces 09:58:20 Dir. 26 Uttara Bhadrapad 2 Jupiter Saturn

Saturn Sagittarius 02:58:00 Ret. 19 Moola 1 Jupiter Ketu

Rahu Leo 06:07:05 Ret. 10 Magh 2 Sun Ketu

Ketu Aquarius 06:07:05 Ret. 23 Dhanishtha 4 Saturn Mars

Uranus Aries 01:41:36 Dir. 01 Ashvini 1 Mars Ketu

Neptune Aquarius 19:39:41 Dir. 24 Satabhisaj 4 Saturn Rahu

Pluto Sagittarius 25:05:41 Ret. 20 P. Ashadha 4 Jupiter VenusPositions of Rahu and Ketu are True.

All values on this page are related to the year:(2017 05-05-2017 33:14:01 Ekadashi)

Varsh Lagna Kundli





Mon Rah

6 Jup7







12 Ven1

Sun Mer



Muntha is in the Sign No.: 11

Page 45: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:40)

You will be under the Influence of Planet Moon From 05-05-2017 To 04-06-2017. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Moon is in the house no. 3

Your confidence will be par excellence. Your brothers and sisters will also flourish. You might get

good news through communication. Sudden travel will also bring good luck. There are chances of

getting a promotion if employed.The change of place or profession is not ruled out.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Mars From 05-06-2017 To 26-06-2017. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Mars is in the house no. 12

You are likely to face several awkward situations in this period and may suffer as a result of this

also you are not unlikely to bend and may continue to worsen your environment on account of your

arrogance. Your health might give some problems. The expenditure will go on increasing. The health

of your spouse will show signs of some improvement but it will take some time before he or shere

covers completely. Your peace of mind will remain disturbed.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Rahu From 27-06-2017 To 20-08-2017. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Rahu is in the house no. 3

You will have tremendous power and energy to carry out what you want in a beautiful manner. Your

fixity of purpose will be appreciated. You will also have strong will power toact positively even in

adverse conditions. Your social circle will widen in this period there will be an enhancement of your

reputation. Frequent travel could be quite in evidence.Your relationship with your brothers and sisters

will be fine. You might get encouraging news through communication. Business/trade prospects will be

very good, a promotion should be anticipated if employed somewhere.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Jupiter From 21-08-2017 To 08-10-2017. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Jupiter is in the house no. 4

You will be quite comfortable in this period. Family happiness will be there. Expenses will be incurred

on property. You will have to spend on house hold articles, movable or unmovable property. An

expansion of business/trade etc. is likely to take place. Sudden unexpected gains are also possible.

You will come into contact with higher officials and authorities. Your fame and reputation will be on

an increase. A change in business or promotion is likely to take place. You will be inclined towards

religion and might visit sacred places. A balanced state of mind is indicated and over all happiness

will be there.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Saturn From 09-10-2017 To 05-12-2017. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Saturn is in the house no. 7

This is not a good period as your partners/associates will let you down. You will be worried on

account of the failures or negligence of others. You might face difficulties in your daily routine work.

Baseless charges could be framed against you. Don't get involved in minor disputes or quarrels. Your

relationship with the opposite sex will not be cordial. As far as possible, unwanted travelsshould be

curtailed. Major business decisions or an expansion of trade should not be done without scrutinizing

each and every detail of the project.

Page 46: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:41)

You will be under the Influence of Planet Mercury From 06-12-2017 To 26-01-2018. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Mercury is in the house no. 11

A long distance travel is likely to take place. Friends and associates will help you. You will get lot of

opportunities to do better in your business/trade etc. Your ambitions and desires will also get fulfilled.

A happy news regarding your brother or a very close friend will also be there. The period is quite

encouraging as far as your love life is concerned. Over all prosperity is also indicated in this period.

Try to make the best of this time. You will establish friendly relationship with a lot of new persons.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Ketu From 27-01-2018 To 17-02-2018. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Ketu is in the house no. 9

You will come into close contact with the head of some institution. You will develop philanthrofic

trend towardsothers. You might get some recognition of your inventive work. On the whole your

reputation and respect will definitely increase. You will be highly esteemed. Travel will be of great

significance. Your religious/spiritual inclination will be intense. Family life shall be full of pleasure.

Some auspicious ceremony may be celebrated in your family. Try to make the best use of this phase.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Venus From 18-02-2018 To 19-04-2018. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Venus is in the house no. 10

You will make remarkable success in your field of activity. There will be considerable enhancement of

your respect and honour. This period should make you capable of handling any kind of adverse

situations. Due to your business, trade,job etc. Your relations with your clients associates and other

concerned persons will definitely improve as the period rolls on, you will become possessive and

would like to spend on luxurious items. Family members attitude will be very cordial towards you.

Business tripsare quite possible.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Sun From 20-04-2018 To 05-05-2018. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Sun is in the house no. 11

Your desires and ambitions will be fulfilled. You will receive great help from friends and relatives. This

is the time to enter into deals that will work out in your favour.You may get huge profits from your

contracts and agreements.For love and romance this is a favourable period. A marked increase in

your income is indicated. Long distance travels will be successful and fruitful.

Page 47: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:42)

Nirayana Planetary Longitudes

Planet Rashi Degrees Dir. Nakshatra Pad Rashi Lord Nak. Lord

Asc. Virgo 04:47:45 12 Uttara Phalguni 3 Mercury Sun

Sun Aries 21:43:46 02 Bharni 3 Mars Venus

Moon Capricorn 03:27:56 21 Uttara Ashadha 3 Saturn Sun

Mars Capricorn 01:49:23 Dir. 21 Uttara Ashadha 2 Saturn Sun

Mercury Pisces 25:54:15 Dir. 27 Revati 3 Jupiter Mercury

Jupiter Libra 24:36:18 Ret. 16 Vishakha 2 Venus Jupiter

Venus Taurus 20:06:31 Dir. 04 Rohini 4 Venus Moon

Saturn Sagittarius 14:45:20 Ret. 20 P. Ashadha 1 Jupiter Venus

Rahu Cancer 15:41:54 Ret. 08 Pushya 4 Moon Saturn

Ketu Capricorn 15:41:54 Ret. 22 Shravan 2 Saturn Moon

Uranus Aries 05:29:02 Dir. 01 Ashvini 2 Mars Ketu

Neptune Aquarius 21:49:47 Dir. 25 Purva Bhadrapad 1 Saturn Jupiter

Pluto Sagittarius 26:58:41 Ret. 21 Uttara Ashadha 1 Jupiter SunPositions of Rahu and Ketu are True.

All values on this page are related to the year:(2018 06-05-2018 15:23:11 Shashthi)

Varsh Lagna Kundli





89 Sat


Mar Mon Ket











Muntha is in the Sign No.: 12

Page 48: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:43)

You will be under the Influence of Planet Mars From 06-05-2018 To 27-05-2018. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Mars is in the house no. 5

Be careful as your power of judgement and discrimination may deteriorate. Health of family members

will create problems. Speculation should be avoided. Some expenditure is likely to be incurred on

affairs outside your control. Friends and associates may disappoint you. Journey will be tiring.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Rahu From 28-05-2018 To 21-07-2018. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Rahu is in the house no. 11

You will come into contact with some influential people. Rise in income is clearly indicated. You might

also enter into new ventures. Your friends and associates will provide their best support. Long

distance travel is going tobe beneficial. Your contacts with foreigners will also increase. Family life will

be very happy. For love and romance this is going to be a boon. You will be heroic in strife and

overcome your enemies. Your health is generally good but disease of ear could be possible.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Jupiter From 22-07-2018 To 08-09-2018. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Jupiter is in the house no. 2

During this period, a substantial gain in income will be quite evident. You are inclined to sacrifice

your money for the good of others and specially for family members. You will be popular with

everybody. An increase in family members is also possible. Your will be able to overcome your

enemies. A gift or inheritance may come your way. Your taste of fine arts, poetry and literature will

intensify. You will also do well in your field of interest. Over all happiness is assured.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Saturn From 09-09-2018 To 05-11-2018. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Saturn is in the house no. 4

You could be subjected to false charges, where your real involvement may be negligible. Family

happiness will also be missing. Failure in attempts might bring depression. Take care of your health.

If already suffering from chronic ailment than preventive measures should be taken. Your opponents

will try to tarnish your image, refrain from getting in to argumentative situations. This period is not

good as far as worldly comforts are concerned, still you can get some relief by involving yourself in

religious or spiritual deeds.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Mercury From 06-11-2018 To 27-12-2018. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Mercury is in the house no. 7

During this period your fame and respect will definitely increase. You will come across an opportunity

to be with learned people. Your profession/trade will flourish. Family life shall be full of comforts. You

will find that the opposite sex will help you in your sphere, a pleasanttrip is also possible. You might

enter into a profitable deal. Your associate or partners will provide their best support towards you.

Success in competetion is also assured.

Page 49: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:44)

You will be under the Influence of Planet Ketu From 28-12-2018 To 18-01-2019. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Ketu is in the house no. 5

You will be inclined to do so many things at the sametime and in this process you won't reach any

where. Rashness is definitely not going to help you in this period. Take care. A family member is

likely to suffer due to ill health. On the whole, family atmosphere will be tense. Risk taking

tendencies should be curbed totally your enemies will try to damage your reputation. Be cautious in

this regard. As far as possible travels should be avoided. You might suffer due to stomach ailments.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Venus From 19-01-2019 To 20-03-2019. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Venus is in the house no. 9

You will command respect and receive favours from higher ups. Your relationship with parents,

seniors will be harmonious. You may have to visit far off places in this period. Family life will remain

very much in your favour. Just by making little efforts your income will be on the increase. If you

are already at the threshold of promotion, it will come your way. Your mind will also bend towards

religious activity or higher philosophy of life. In general the period is very good.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Sun From 21-03-2019 To 08-04-2019. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Sun is in the house no. 8

There may be unexpected problems. Maintain cordial relations with relatives otherwise you may end

up quarreling with them. Keep a watch on your health. There is a possibility of prolonged illness. Do

not indulge in immoral deeds. Under hand dealings must be avoided. Go through important

documents in detail before putting your signature on them. Business matters must be dealt with after

ascertaining all the facts.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Moon From 09-04-2019 To 06-05-2019. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Moon is in the house no. 5

Now is the time when your plans will materialise. You will be successful due to your creative

intelligence. This is a favourable time for love and romance. Your friends will offer whatever

assistance you need. If you or your spouse is expecting then safe delivery is also indicated. Your

written work will be appreciated by others.

Page 50: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:45)

Nirayana Planetary Longitudes

Planet Rashi Degrees Dir. Nakshatra Pad Rashi Lord Nak. Lord

Asc. Scorpio 22:18:28 18 Jyeshtha 2 Mars Mercury

Sun Aries 21:43:46 02 Bharni 3 Mars Venus

Moon Taurus 12:44:01 04 Rohini 1 Venus Moon

Mars Taurus 29:44:34 Dir. 05 Mrig 2 Venus Mars

Mercury Aries 05:42:19 Dir. 01 Ashvini 2 Mars Ketu

Jupiter Scorpio 29:14:34 Ret. 18 Jyeshtha 4 Mars Mercury

Venus Pisces 25:16:33 Dir. 27 Revati 3 Jupiter Mercury

Saturn Sagittarius 26:20:33 Ret. 20 P. Ashadha 4 Jupiter Venus

Rahu Gemini 25:24:18 Ret. 07 Punarvasu 2 Mercury Jupiter

Ketu Sagittarius 25:24:18 Ret. 20 P. Ashadha 4 Jupiter Venus

Uranus Aries 09:17:09 Dir. 01 Ashvini 3 Mars Ketu

Neptune Aquarius 23:59:49 Dir. 25 Purva Bhadrapad 2 Saturn Jupiter

Pluto Sagittarius 28:50:00 Ret. 21 Uttara Ashadha 1 Jupiter SunPositions of Rahu and Ketu are True.

All values on this page are related to the year:(2019 06-05-2019 21:32:21 Dvitiya)

Varsh Lagna Kundli


Asc Jup


Sat Ket





Sun Mer2

Mar Mon






Muntha is in the Sign No.: 1

Page 51: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:46)

You will be under the Influence of Planet Rahu From 06-05-2019 To 29-06-2019. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Rahu is in the house no. 8

During this period, mishaps could be the cause of mental anxiety. Failure in attempts shall be quite

obvious.Your illusions may turn into phobia. Your spouse or sweet heart's behaviour could be

untolerable. Intrade/business etc. You may not be able to do anything good. Some botherations may

be around you all the time. Health problems may not permit you to keep your promises on the

positive side of this period. You may develop some taste for occult subjects and some psychic

experiences could be felt.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Jupiter From 30-06-2019 To 17-08-2019. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Jupiter is in the house no. 1

You are likely to be involved in noble deeds. During this period, you will be extremely happy and

some auspicious ceremony could also take place in your family. Your income will increase and your

contact with senior or government authorities will improve. By dint of your skill, you would be able to

handle even adverse situation. Family happiness is assured for you. You may be interested in

philosophy ormetaphysics. An absolutely perfect state of mind is also guaranteed in this period.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Saturn From 18-08-2019 To 14-10-2019. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Saturn is in the house no. 2

During this period you might face some financial problems. The in flow of money will not be normal.

Family members expectations shall remain unfulfilled. You may not be able to keep a perfect tuning

with your own people. You have to be cautious in your day to day pursuits. This is not a good

period to enter into new enterprises please don't sign any important document without going through

it. Risk taking tendencies should be curbed. The health of your parents is likely to suffer.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Mercury From 15-10-2019 To 05-12-2019. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Mercury is in the house no. 6

Your expenditure will increase beyond your control. Health problems could also be there. Your

opponents will try to damage your reputation. Any how, service conditions will be satisfactory but

work burden is clearly indicated. Besides this, you might have to be involved in a thankless job. Don't

use harsh speech and curb your tendency to criticise others. Family life will also create tension

foryou. As for as possible travel should be avoided.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Ketu From 06-12-2019 To 27-12-2019. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Ketu is in the house no. 2

There are chances of making enemity with your own people by using foul language. Therefore,

control your words to avoid misunderstandings between those close to you. Loss of money is

possible. It is better not to launch new ventures in this period. You may not be able to cope well

with your family members. There are chances of having diseases in this month. Lack of confidence

will be quitevisible in you. Journies shall be of no practical use. In general this period is not very

good as very close associates, friends and family members may appear distant.

Page 52: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:47)

You will be under the Influence of Planet Venus From 28-12-2019 To 26-02-2020. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Venus is in the house no. 5

During this period you will be attached and fascinated by the opposite sex. Unexpected favourable

events are likely to take place in this period. Besides you will enjoy good social esteem and

prosperity. Family life will be extremely happy. Your long cherished hope and desires will materialise.

There is every likelihood of your getting increative things if already involved in poetry, music literature

etc. , this period is going to be fabulous. Your social circle will be on the increase, and meetings

with old friends/associates is quite possible. You might receive a very good piece of news through


You will be under the Influence of Planet Sun From 27-02-2020 To 16-03-2020. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Sun is in the house no. 6

Success will be yours in whatever you undertake during this period. All your feats and endeavours

will meet with success and you will be able to overcome your difficulties.You will defeat your enemies

and they will not be able to harm you. Your work will achieve success and service conditions will

improve. There may be a rise in status and position. Promotion and recognition will come your way.

You will gain respect and good will. On the whole this is a successful period.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Moon From 17-03-2020 To 16-04-2020. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Moon is in the house no. 7

During this period, acquisition of wealth is indicated. Family life will be quite satisfactory. There are

chances of getting benefits from the associates/partners.You will be very busy in your day to day

pursuits. A goodnews from abroad or far off places is possible. Be careful of your health.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Mars From 17-04-2020 To 06-05-2020. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Mars is in the house no. 7

You might face difficulties in your day to day pursuits. Your enemies will try to tarnish your image.

Disputes with partners and associates is strongly indicated. Family life will not be happy. Take care of

your health. Travels may be disappointing. The health of your spouse may cause some concern.

During this period, your life will be full of troubles and turmoils.

Page 53: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:48)

Nirayana Planetary Longitudes

Planet Rashi Degrees Dir. Nakshatra Pad Rashi Lord Nak. Lord

Asc. Pisces 10:53:37 26 Uttara Bhadrapad 3 Jupiter Saturn

Sun Aries 21:43:46 02 Bharni 3 Mars Venus

Moon Libra 00:15:55 14 Chitra 3 Venus Mars

Mars Aquarius 00:54:32 Dir. 23 Dhanishtha 3 Saturn Mars

Mercury Aries 22:57:30 Dir. 02 Bharni 3 Mars Venus

Jupiter Capricorn 03:02:12 Dir. 21 Uttara Ashadha 2 Saturn Sun

Venus Taurus 26:41:24 Dir. 05 Mrig 2 Venus Mars

Saturn Capricorn 07:46:00 Dir. 21 Uttara Ashadha 4 Saturn Sun

Rahu Gemini 05:39:45 Ret. 05 Mrig 4 Mercury Mars

Ketu Sagittarius 05:39:45 Ret. 19 Moola 2 Jupiter Ketu

Uranus Aries 13:06:07 Dir. 01 Ashvini 4 Mars Ketu

Neptune Aquarius 26:09:48 Dir. 25 Purva Bhadrapad 2 Saturn Jupiter

Pluto Capricorn 00:39:40 Ret. 21 Uttara Ashadha 2 Saturn SunPositions of Rahu and Ketu are True.

All values on this page are related to the year:(2020 05-05-2020 27:41:30 Chaturdashi)

Varsh Lagna Kundli




Sun Mer



3 Rah4





89 Ket


Jup Sat



Muntha is in the Sign No.: 2

Page 54: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:49)

You will be under the Influence of Planet Jupiter From 05-05-2020 To 22-06-2020. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Jupiter is in the house no. 11

The position of Jupiter in this house will make this period lively. Subsequently this period will be

highly rewarding. You will develop harmonious relationship with persons from far off places or

foreigners. There will be chances of entering into new ventures. Your brothers and sisters will be

prosperous in this period. If you are appearing for a competitive examination, then your success is

assured. This period will cause you to meditate and inquire about the truth the reality of human

existence. Philosophical trend will be quite evident.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Saturn From 23-06-2020 To 19-08-2020. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Saturn is in the house no. 11

Your hopes and aspiration will be realised in this period. You can enter into new enterprises. There

will be lot of support from your friends and well wishers. This period should give you some

substantial gains in your business, trade etc. You might hear good news regarding your close

relatives. You will come into contact with people from far off places. Travelling will be very useful.

This period is also very good as far as love life is concerned. Behaviour of family members will be

very nice towards you.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Mercury From 20-08-2020 To 10-10-2020. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Mercury is in the house no. 2

Financially, this is going to be the best period. Youmay also get benefit from the profitable deals. You

will beable to convince others by your keen perception about situations and plans. You will be quite

famous in this period. Family members attitude will be very cordial towards you. Old dues/debt may

also be realised. Travels will bevery useful this period will also make you human philosophical and

profound. Your interest in occult sciences will increase and you may under go a para psychological


You will be under the Influence of Planet Ketu From 11-10-2020 To 01-11-2020. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Ketu is in the house no. 10

You will be over optimistic about the results. Still business prospects will be good. Your contact with

influential people will increase. Service conditions will improve. Frequent travel is quite possible. Your

mind will be full of innovative and creative thoughts, but don't try to apply them without realising the

pros and cons of the situations. However, your home front will demand more attention. Family

members ill health may cause some mental anxiety.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Venus From 02-11-2020 To 01-01-2021. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Venus is in the house no. 3

During this period, you will be full of zeal and enthusiasm. Short distance travels shall be comfortable

as well as rewarding. Family happiness will be there and your brothers or sisters will be quite

comfortable. You will take decisions at the spur of the moment and they will turn outto be

appropriate. You are likely to acquire a conveyance in this period. Your contacts with people will

increase. Service conditions will also improve. By the grace of goodluck, things will start coming your


Page 55: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:50)

You will be under the Influence of Planet Sun From 02-01-2021 To 20-01-2021. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Sun is in the house no. 2

Domestic life will not be smooth and will require more attention and care. Although you may be

capable of bearing much physical stress and strain, it will be difficult to cope with family matters.

There may be heavy financial losses and loss of property. Care should be taken in money matters.

You might suffer from diseases of the mouth and the eyes.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Moon From 21-01-2021 To 20-02-2021. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Moon is in the house no. 8

You might face failures in your attempts. Health problems will also be there. Do not involve yourself

in any big or new venture. This is not a good time to take risks.Family member's health will create

tension. Unfruitful journies should be avoided.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Mars From 21-02-2021 To 14-03-2021. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Mars is in the house no. 12

You are likely to face several awkward situations in this period and may suffer as a result of this

also you are not unlikely to bend and may continue to worsen your environment on account of your

arrogance. Your health might give some problems. The expenditure will go on increasing. The health

of your spouse will show signs of some improvement but it will take some time before he or shere

covers completely. Your peace of mind will remain disturbed.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Rahu From 15-03-2021 To 05-05-2021. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Rahu is in the house no. 4

Due to failure in attempts, mental anguish will aggravate. Displeasure of superiors/bosses will be quite

evident. Family atmosphere will also not be cordial. Travels could be troublesome. You may not be

able to cope well with your parents. Don't adopt undesirable means for quick monetary gains.

Working/service conditions shall not be satisfactory. Quarrel with friends or colleagues is possible

health hazards would be there. It is better to be method icalin your approach. There could be danger

of accident/mishap. Try to build up your confidence to cope with awkward situations which will come

in this period.

Page 56: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:51)

Nirayana Planetary Longitudes

Planet Rashi Degrees Dir. Nakshatra Pad Rashi Lord Nak. Lord

Asc. Gemini 25:06:05 07 Punarvasu 2 Mercury Jupiter

Sun Aries 21:43:46 02 Bharni 3 Mars Venus

Moon Aquarius 19:38:10 24 Satabhisaj 4 Saturn Rahu

Mars Gemini 13:33:43 Dir. 06 Ardra 3 Mercury Rahu

Mercury Taurus 09:28:15 Dir. 03 Kritika 4 Venus Sun

Jupiter Aquarius 04:57:41 Dir. 23 Dhanishtha 4 Saturn Mars

Venus Taurus 02:17:34 Dir. 03 Kritika 2 Venus Sun

Saturn Capricorn 19:05:32 Dir. 22 Shravan 3 Saturn Moon

Rahu Taurus 16:38:43 Ret. 04 Rohini 2 Venus Moon

Ketu Scorpio 16:38:43 Ret. 17 Anuradha 4 Mars Saturn

Uranus Aries 16:56:01 Dir. 02 Bharni 2 Mars Venus

Neptune Aquarius 28:19:44 Dir. 25 Purva Bhadrapad 3 Saturn Jupiter

Pluto Capricorn 02:27:42 Ret. 21 Uttara Ashadha 2 Saturn SunPositions of Rahu and Ketu are True.

All values on this page are related to the year:(2021 05-05-2021 33:50:40 Dashmi)

Varsh Lagna Kundli


Asc Mar









Jup Mon



2 Mer Ven


Muntha is in the Sign No.: 3

Page 57: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:52)

You will be under the Influence of Planet Saturn From 05-05-2021 To 01-07-2021. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Saturn is in the house no. 8

There will be a danger of loosing some thing very important.Your relationship with your

superiors/authorities may deteriorate. Loss in trade is also possible. Your friends/associates will not

keep their promises. Family members attitude will be quite different. A state of mental anguish will

reflect in your behaviour. However, this period can help you in occult/para psychological sphere. It

would be better to depend on your own calibre and skill. If aspiring for legacy or inheritance than it

might come your way as a surprise. Take care of your health. You may also receive bad news

regarding some one's demise.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Mercury From 02-07-2021 To 22-08-2021. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Mercury is in the house no. 12

This period will give you mental anxiety. Your opponents will try to damage your reputation.

Expenditure will go on increasing. Sudden losses are also possible. Health problems might disturb you.

You may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. Family atmosphere may not be harmonious. Your

mind will bend towards spiritualism. Try to develop resistance towards odds. A tendency of taking risk

should be curbed and all kinds of speculations must beavoided.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Ketu From 23-08-2021 To 13-09-2021. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Ketu is in the house no. 6

You will do extremely good in your business/trade etc. If employed then service conditions will

improve. Anexpansion of business is likely to take place. Your reputation will definitely be enhanced.

During this period you will get respect from all circles. Family members attitude will be cordial

towards you. You will come out with flying colours in competitions. Your opponents will have no

courage to face you. Unexpected travel will bring good luck.Your health will be good. This being a

good period make all attempts to gather all the luck coming your way.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Venus From 14-09-2021 To 13-11-2021. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Venus is in the house no. 12

You will spend money on luxuries and comforts. Conjugal happiness of high order will be there. It

would be better to do all this with in limitations other wise instead of enjoying you may run into

trouble. A minor health ailment could disturb your peace of mind. Be slow in love affairs.Your

opponents and adversaries will try to do harm. You will tend to feel unconcerned but are advised to

do so.Financially this is not a bad period but expenses should be checked. Family members health

may cause some anxiety.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Sun From 14-11-2021 To 02-12-2021. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Sun is in the house no. 11

Your desires and ambitions will be fulfilled. You will receive great help from friends and relatives. This

is the time to enter into deals that will work out in your favour.You may get huge profits from your

contracts and agreements.For love and romance this is a favourable period. A marked increase in

your income is indicated. Long distance travels will be successful and fruitful.

Page 58: Male / Female - myastrologysigns.com fileNakshatra-Charan Revati-2 Swati-1 NakshatraLord Mercury Rahu Ghat Chakra Avkahda Chakra Rashi Pisces Libra Month Phalgun Magh Tithi 5 10 15


Kalyan ProdhanN23, Paharpur Road Kolkata - 700 024, India.

Phone:+91-33-24693040, 09163697513 [email protected](Page:53)

You will be under the Influence of Planet Moon From 03-12-2021 To 02-01-2022. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Moon is in the house no. 9

You will enjoy respect and honour from learned people.Your fame will increase. Contacts with

foreigners will be fruitful. Long distance travel is also indicated. You will be inclined towards religious

deeds. You will also enjoy a good life. Your relationship with parents will be very good.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Mars From 03-01-2022 To 24-01-2022. In the

Varsh Lagna Kundli, Mars is in the house no. 1

During this period, you will have mixed results. Try to curb the tendency of being over enthusiastic

about the results because things may not turn out according to your wishes. Minor health ailment or

minor accident is indicated.This is not a favourable time for speculation or taking risks. Family

disputes may disturb your peace of mind.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Rahu From 25-01-2022 To 20-03-2022. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Rahu is in the house no. 12

Change of job or residence is indicated in this period. Heavy expenditure will make your frustrated.

Quarrles with your own people is possible. Travels may be tiring and unrewarding. Family members

attitude will be indifferent. Your enemies will try to harm you. The tendency of uncommendable act

in a secret manner should be totally crushed. Be careful of wicked friends as your reputation could

be made to suffer on their account. Family members illhealth may be another cause of anxiety. Do

not therefore plan a journey now.

You will be under the Influence of Planet Jupiter From 21-03-2022 To 05-05-2022. In

the Varsh Lagna Kundli, Jupiter is in the house no. 9

This is going to be the best period for you this year. A big amount of success and reputation will be

enjoyed by you. You can also utilise this period for concentration, meditation and yoga. There is a

likely hood of coming in contact with the head of some social or religious institutions. You will have

tremendous confidence to carry out pursuits. Family atmosphere will be very supporting. Along

distance travel will be rewarding. An increase of family member will be quite evident.

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