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2. By Manas Kushwaha B. Tech [CS] 7th Sem. 3. Microsoft .NET OV E R V IEW 4. What is .NET? ASP.NET stands for Active Server Pages .NET.NET is a platform provided by Microsoft that provides a standardized set of services. Its just like Windows, except distributed over the Internet.It exports a common interface so that its programs can be run on any system that supports .NET.A specific software framework 5. .NET Framework Programming model for .NETIt is a platform for application developers.Provides a very good environment to develop networked applications and Web ServicesProvides programming API and unified language-independent development framework 6. The Core of .NET Framework: CLR & FCL Common Language Runtime Language integrationMultiple versioning supportGarbage collectionIntegrated securityFramework Class Library Provides the core functionality: ASP.NET, Web Services, ADO.NET, Windows Forms, IO, XML, etc. 7. Microsoft .NET (A R CH I TE CTURE) 8. .NET Framework Common Language Runtime CLR manages code execution at runtimeMemory management, thread management, etc.Common Language Runtime Operating System 9. .NET Framework Base Class Library Object-oriented collection of reusable typesCollections, I/O, Strings, .NET Framework (Base Class Library) Common Language Runtime Operating System 10. .NET Framework Data Access Layer Access relational databasesDisconnected data modelWork with XMLADO .NET and XML .NET Framework (Base Class Library) Common Language Runtime Operating System 11. .NET Framework ASP.NET & Windows Forms Create applications front-end Web-based user interface, Windows GUI, Web services, ASP .NET Web Forms Web Services Mobile Internet ToolkitWindows FormsADO .NET and XML .NET Framework (Base Class Library) Common Language Runtime Operating System 12. .NET Framework Programming Languages Use your favorite languageC++C#VB.NET PerlJ#ASP .NET Web Forms Web Services Mobile Internet ToolkitWindows FormsADO .NET and XML .NET Framework (Base Class Library) Common Language Runtime Operating System 13. .NET Framework Common Language SpecificationC++VB Common Language Specification C# Perl J#ASP .NET Web Forms Web Services Mobile Internet ToolkitWindows FormsADO .NET and XML .NET Framework (Base Class Library) Common Language Runtime Operating System 14. .NET Framework Visual Studio .NET C++C#VBPerlJ#Common Language Specification Web Forms Web Services Mobile Internet ToolkitWindows FormsADO .NET and XML .NET Framework (Base Class Library) Common Language Runtime Operating SystemVisual Studio .NETASP .NET 15. .NET Languages Languages provided by Microsoft Third-parties languages Perl, Python, Pascal, COBOL etcAdvanced multi-language features C++, C#, J#, VB.NET, JScriptCross-language inheritance and exceptions handlingObject system is built in, not bolted on No additional rules or API to learn 16. C# C# (pronounced "C sharp") is a simple, modern, object-oriented, and type-safe programming language. It will immediately be familiar to C and C++ programmers. C# combines the high productivity of Rapid Application Development (RAD) languages and the raw power of C++. Visual C# .NET is Microsoft's C# development tool. It includes an interactive development environment, visual designers for building Windows and Web applications, a compiler, and a debugger. Visual C# .NET is part of a suite of products, called Visual Studio .NET, that also includes Visual Basic .NET, Visual C++ .NET, and the JScript scripting language. All of these languages provide access to the Microsoft .NET Framework, which includes a common execution engine and a rich class library. 17. C# Language Mixture between C++, Java and DelphiComponent-oriented Attributes, XML documentationProperties, Methods, Events All in one place, no header files, IDL, etc.Everything really is an object Primitive types arent magicUnified type system == Deep simplicityImproved extensibility and reusability 18. Code Compilation and Execution CompilationSource CodeLanguage CompilerExecutionNative CodeJIT CompilerCode MSIL MetadataAlso called Assembly (.EXE or .DLL file)Before installation or the first time each method is called 19. VISUAL STUDIO 2012 20. Visual Studio .NET Development tool that contains a rich set of productivity and debugging features Supports managed and unmanaged applications Supports C#, C++, VB.NET, Many useful tools and wizards Windows Forms Designer ASP.NET Web Forms Designer Web Services support SQL Server integration with ADO.NET and XML 21. VS.NET Single Development Environment & Skill Set From Visual Studio.NET you can: Write code Design user interface Study documentation Debug Test Deploy Same tools for all languages Same tools for all platforms 22. Visual Studio .NET 23. ASP.NET Rich page architecture Web FormsRich set of ASP.NET server controls Data validationData bound gridsEvent-driven execution modelGreat Web-services supportEasy to deployHigh reliability and availabilityHigh performance and scalabilityScalable handling of state information 24. MyFacebook S OCI AL N E TWOR KING S I T E A S P .NET P R OJE CT 25. MyFacebook This website allows users to register, add other members as friends and create and join communities. It provides typical features like change profile, change password etc. Technologies and Products Used ASP.NET C# language Visual Studio.NET 2012 Microsoft Office Access 2007 ADO.NET Master pages and Themes 26. Modules Details The following are major activities in this application. Sign up Login Edit profile Change photo Search for Friends Add a user as friends Sending posts to other users timeline Liking and Commenting on posts 27. Login/Signup Page 28. Profile Page 29. Wallpost

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