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  • 8/13/2019 Manitoba PNP


  • 8/13/2019 Manitoba PNP


    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 1

    Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program for Skilled WorkersApplication Guide and Forms


    Program Guidelines Page

    Introduction 2

    Am I eligible? 3

    Self Assessment 6 Employer Direct stream 6

    International Student stream 8

    Family Support stream 9

    General stream 11

    How to submit your application 16

    What happens next? 17

    Immigration Representatives 20


    Government of Manitoba Forms

    Document Checklist - Employer Direct (MDOC EMPLOYER) Document Checklist - International Students (MDOC STUDENT) Document Checklist - Family Support (MDOC FAMILY) Document Checklist - Strategic Initiatives (MDOC STRATEGIC) Document Checklist - General (MDOC GENERAL) Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Application (MAPP) Authority to Disclose Personal Information (MAPP SCHEDULE 1) Code of Conduct (MAPP SCHEDULE 2) Information Release and Applicant Declaration (MAPP SCHEDULE 3) Manitoba Affidavit of Support (MAS)

    Government of Canada Forms

    Application for Permanent Residence in Canada (IMM 0008 GENERIC) Background/Declaration (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1) Additional Family Information (IMM 5406)

    Economic Classes - Provincial Nominees (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 4) Other federal immigration-related forms such as study and work permit applications

    are available at the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website, www.cic.gc.ca.

  • 8/13/2019 Manitoba PNP


    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 2


    How to immigrate to Manitoba, Canada

    Thank you for choosing Manitoba. These guidelines explain how to apply to the Manitoba ProvincialNominee Program for Skilled Workers (MPNP) to be nominated for permanent resident status inCanada. The MPNP is an economic program that selects skilled workers who have the potential tomake a positive contribution to the provincial economy.

    Applications to the MPNP are assessed under different assessment streams according to the typeand strength of connection applicants have to the province of Manitoba. MPNP eligibility criteria aredescribed in the section Am I Eligible? as well as in a section for each assessment stream. Pleaseread all the application guidelines carefully before you apply.

    All the forms you need to apply to the MPNP are included in this application kit. If application criteria

    and/or forms have been updated since the publication of this booklet you will find the most currentinformation on our website atimmigratemanitoba.com.

    There is no fee required to apply to the MPNP. Manitoba has the sole authority to nominate applicantsfor permanent resident status in Canada based on our assessment of your potential for success inManitoba as an independent skilled worker.

    If you are nominated by the Manitoba you must then apply for Canadian permanent resident status.The MPNP will provide you with instructions explaining how to apply. You must pay the requiredGovernment of Canada immigration fees and meet statutory requirements for medical and criminaladmissibility. The Government of Canada has the final authority to issue a permanent resident visa.

    Thank you for your interest in Manitoba as your immigration destination in Canada.

    Am I eligible?Answer the questions below to find out if you are eligible to apply to the Manitoba Provincial NomineeProgram for Skilled Workers (MPNP).

    1. Do I have legal status in my country o f residence?

    Do you have proof that you have legal status in the country where you are now living? You are not

    eligible to apply if you are now a refugee claimant or a refused refugee claimant living in Canada. Youmay apply from outside of Canada if you have proof of legal status in your country of residence.

    2. Am I a ski lled worker who is employable in Manitoba?

    You need proof of training (including any required license or certification), work experience and languageability to find employment in your assessed occupation in Manitoba soon after you arrive. (Assessedoccupation is the occupation under which an MPNP program officer assesses your application based onyour training and main work experience). The MPNP accepts applications in any occupation whereindividuals satisfactorily demonstrate theiremployability in their assessed occupation in Manitoba.The MPNP will assess your employability in your assessed occupation based on:

  • 8/13/2019 Manitoba PNP


    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 3

    your documented education, training and work experience the current demand and potential for long-term employment in your assessed occupation in

    Manitoba current description of duties, skills, talents and work settings in the Canadian economy,

    described in the National Occupational Classification(NOC) your transferable skills to other related occupations with equal/similar skill levels

    The MPNP reserves the right to assess the employability of any applicant in their assessed occupationon a case-by-case basis.

    NOTE: Receiving approval under the MPNP does not mean that you can immediately start working in yourassessed occupation once you arrive in Manitoba. You may need to have your qualifications, educationand experience assessed when you arrive in the province. For more information on regulated occupationsand qualifications recognition in Manitoba visit the Work sectionof immigratemanitoba.com.

    3. Do I meet the eligibi lity criteria for one of the MPNP assessment streams?

    MPNP applicants must demonstrate a genuine intention and ability to settle successfully in theprovince of Manitoba. The MPNP has priority assessment streams and a general stream based on thetype of connection applicants have to Manitoba. Priority assessment streams are designed forapplicants who can demonstrate the strongest potential to settle successfully and permanently inManitoba. Applications accepted under a priority assessment stream will be assessed beforeapplications accepted under the General stream. To find out if you are eligible to apply under one ofthe assessment streams refer to the tables in the following pages.

    There is no deadline for applying to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. However, programcriteria may change without notice and your application will be assessed according to the criteria inplace at the time we receive your complete application.



    an offer of a long-term, full-time job in Manitoba pre-approved by the MPNP Employer Direct stream

    If the job offer has not been pre-approved by the MPNP I must have:

    an offer of a long-term, full-time job in Manitoba

    AND a work permit issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada

    AND I must be currently working for the same employer for at least six months.

    Employer Direct stream

    a post-graduate open work permit issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canadaafter I completed a post-secondary educational program in Manitoba

    AND I must be currently working on a full-time basis for the Manitoba employer thathas offered the job, and been working there for at least six months.

    International Student stre

    a close relative in Manitoba who has signed a Manitoba Affidavit of Support (MAS)

    AND I meet the minimum criteria for the Family Support stream.Family Support stream

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    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 4


    If your application is not eligible for consideration under a priority st ream you may be eligible to applyunder the General streamif you have one or more of the following:

    a close relative in Manitoba

    completed education in Manitoba

    two distant relatives or friends in Manitobawho have each signed a Manitoba Affidavit ofSupport (MAS)

    previous work experience in Manitoba(at least six months)

    Please review the specific criteria for each of these factors in the section Self Assessment General stre


    4. Do I have suffic ient settlement supports?

    Strategic Initiatives are undertaken at the d iscretion o f the MPNP in accordance with program needs andavailable resources. You are eligible to apply to the MPNP through a Strategic Initiative if you:

    participated in an exploratory visit to Manitoba, confirmed by the MPNP, had an interview with a MPNP officer, received an invitation to apply, OR

    were interviewed by a MPNP officer and received a letter of invitation to apply as part of an MPNP targetedoverseas promotional initiative

    To find out about current strategic initiatives please visit our website at immigratemanitoba.com.

    4. Do I have suffic ient settlement supports?

    The MPNP is not a sponsorship program. You must be able to demonstrate your ability tosuccessfully settle in Manitoba as a skilled worker in order to be nominated.

    You are eligible to apply to the MPNP only if you can provide evidence of financial resources in yourown namedemonstrating that you are able to:

    pay your Government of Canada immigration fees and travel expenses to Manitoba support yourself while you are looking for employment ensure your successful settlement in Manitoba

    As a general requirement, applicants should have at least C$10,000, plus C$2,000 for eachaccompanying dependant.

    You can demonstrate that you have sufficient settlement funds in your name by including the followingdocuments with your application:

    original bank statement(s) and certificate(s) of deposit(s) demonstrating a clear financial historyof sufficient and transferable settlement funds in your name and/or the name of yourspouse/common-law partner, if applicable

    In addition, you may also provide

    notarized copy of securities and other short-term investments

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    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 5

    certificate of title of real estate properties or other assets (not including personal items such asjewelry, furniture or vehicles) owned by applicant or spouse/common-law partner with objectivevaluation of fair market value

    If there are currency controls in your country of residence the MPNP may require proof oftransferability of settlement funds. In all cases, you must provide evidence of some settlement funds inyour name. Additional information about settlement funds requirements can be found under each

    stream in the Self Assessment section.

    5. Do I have a complete application with all required forms and documents?

    If you meet all eligibility criteria you must provide all required forms and documents described in one ofour Document Checklists (MDOC) for the principal applicant and all accompanying dependants. TheMPNP will not accept incomplete applications.

    6. Who can be included in my application?

    Manitoba values the contribution that family units can make to the economic development of ourprovince and encourages the inclusion of eligible family members in your application to the MPNP.

    Eligible family members included in your application are called accompanying dependants.

    Eligible accompanying dependants include:

    your spouse (legal marriage or common-law partnership of at least one year*) children under age 18 of whom you have legal custody and who are either biological or

    adopted children of the principal applicant, spouse or common-law partner adult children who are:

    - under age 22 and not married or in a common-law relationship- over age 22 and not financially independent due to a physical or mental condition- over age 22 and pursuing full-time academic, professional or vocational training

    * A fianc(e) is not a dependant for purposes of immigration. If your fianc(e) intends to accompany you toManitoba and you are not getting married before you apply to the MPNP, he/she will need to fill out his/her ownapplication and qualify as a principal applicant.

    Please note that you must be able to show enough settlement funds for all family members that youinclude in your MPNP application.

    If your children do not meet the above criteria but want to come to Manitoba with you they can stillapply to the MPNP program. They must submit a separate application at the same time as you andindicate they are connected to your application.

    Please note the following:

    All existing dependants must be declared to the MPNP before you are nominated.

    New dependants, after you have been nominated (such as a newborn), must be declared tothe MPNP and the Government of Canada visa office before you and your dependants areissued permanent resident visas, whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not. If youdo not declare new dependants and they do not undergo medical examinations, you may notbe able to sponsor them in the future.

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    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 6

    If your dependants are not accompanying you to Canada at this time, you will need to applyseparately to sponsor them through a Government of Canada sponsorship program after yousettle in Manitoba. (NOTE: The MPNP cannot assist you with a sponsorship application.)

    Children that meet the criteria for adult dependant at the time you receive nomination from theprovince and later change their status (got married, stopped/completed their universityeducation, had children, etc.) cannot be included in your application for permanent resident

    status at a visa office and will likely be withdrawn from your MPNP application. Please note thatthe MPNP will notissue certificates for those individuals after you received nomination, unlessthe meet criteria of any of the MPNP streams.

    Self Assessment This section provides detailed information about each MPNP assessment stream. Both you and yourspouse or common-law partner, if applicable, should review the information individually. This will helpyou to assess your potential for a successful application to the MPNP. The person who meets theeligibility criteria for a specific stream and is the most qualified should be the principal applicant. The

    other spouse can be included as an accompanying dependant.


    Manitoba recognizes that employers play an essential role in helping newcomers settle successfully inManitoba and that immigrants can provide a valuable source of skilled workers to our labour force. Alloccupations are eligible under the Employer Direct Stream.

    The MPNP Employer Direct stream is a priority assessment stream that helps employers recruit and/orretain a foreign worker with the required skills for a position they may have been unable to fill with aCanadian citizen or permanent resident.

    You are eligible to apply to the MPNP under the Employer Direct stream if you:

    are employed full-time in Manitoba with a temporary work permit, have been working for thatsame employer for at least six months, and have received an offer of long-term, full-timeemployment from that employer, OR

    have a valid pre-approved job offer and have all qualifications required for the position,including training (including any licence or certification required in Manitoba), work experienceand language ability (Pre-approval means that the employers job offer had been approved bythe MPNP beforeyou apply for nomination).

    Manitoba employers please note: If you are a Manitoba employer interested in recruiting foreign

    workers please visit our website at www.immigratemanitoba.comfor information about applying forpre-approval of positions for skilled workers (MEA) and for Employer Direct stream applications.

    Employer Direct application process

    1. Foreign worker obtains a job offer from a Manitoba employer.

    Most job offers from Canadian employers require a positive Labour Market Opinion from ServiceCanada. For more information about this requirement, please visit the Citizenship and ImmigrationCanada website at www.cic.gc.ca. Job offers that have been pre-approved by the MPNP do not

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    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 7

    require a positive Labour Market Opinion. If you have a pre-approved job offer, you can directly applyto the MPNP under the Employer Direct Stream.

    2. Foreign worker applies for temporary work permit.

    Foreign workers can apply for a temporary work permit to work in Canada at the Canadian embassy,high commission or consulate in their country of residence. For additional information about

    processing requirements, times and fees please visit the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website.

    3. Foreign worker applies to MPNP for Canadian permanent resident vi sa.

    Foreign workers who have worked in Manitoba for at least six months can apply to the MPNP for anomination to obtain a Canadian permanent resident visa provided they have:

    a valid temporary work permit issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada current employment in Manitoba a long-term, full-time position in Manitoba from that same employer

    Settlement funds under the Employer Direct stream

    If you have an offer of a long-term, full-time job that has been pre-approved by the MPNP or you arecurrently employed in Manitoba it may not be necessary for you to have at least C$10,000 in your name,as explained in the section Am I Eligible? The MPNP will take into consideration your current or potentialincome in Manitoba. But in all cases you must provide evidence of some settlement funds in your name.

    Provincial nominee awaiting permanent resident visa may apply for a work permit.

    If you have been nominated by the MPNP you may be eligible to apply for a temporary work permit ifyou wish to begin working in Manitoba or extend your work permit while your application for apermanent resident visa is being processed. You will need:

    an offer of a long-term, full-time job in Manitoba related to your intended occupation a supporting letter from MPNP (How you can get one is explained later.)


    The MPNP International Student stream is a priority assessment stream for international students whograduated from a Manitoba post-secondary institution who have established strong ties to Manitobaand intend to live, work and establish their careers in this province.

    You are eligible to apply to the MPNP under the International Student stream if you have:

    graduated from a post-secondary, educational program of at least eight months in Manitoba obtained a post-graduation open work permit from Citizenship and Immigration Canada

    received an offer of a long-term, full-time job in Manitoba, are currently working for that sameemployer on a full-time basis and have been doing so for at least six months

    International Student stream application process

    1. Individual applies for a student permit.

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    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 8

    Individuals interested in studying in Manitoba can apply for a student permit at a Canadian Embassy orConsulate in their country of residence.For additional information about process, requirements, timesand fees, please visit the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website.

    2. International student graduate applies for a post -graduation open work permit.

    You are eligible to apply for a post-graduation open work permit if: You have completed a program of at least eight months from an eligible post-secondary

    institution in Canada and you received notification that you are eligible to obtain a degree,diploma or certificate.

    You have a valid study permit when you apply for the open work permit. You submit a complete work permit application, including all required fees and supporting

    documents, to the Case Processing Centre in Vegreville, Alberta T9C 1W1 within 90 days ofreceiving written confirmation from the institution that you have met the requirements of theacademic program.

    The CIC booklet Applying for a Work Permit Student Guide (IMM 5580) as well as application formsand information about process, times and fees are available on the CIC website.

    If you need more information about applying for a work permit please speak to the internationalstudent advisor at your post-secondary institution.

    3. International student graduate works in Manitoba for six months.

    After completing a post-secondary program in Manitoba and obtaining a post-graduate open workpermit, you must obtain a job offer and work full-time with the same employer in Manitoba for at leastsix months before being eligible to apply to the MPNP under the international student stream.

    4. International student graduate submits complete application to the MPNP.

    If you meet all the criteria described in the section Am I Eligible? you may submit a complete applicationpackage to the MPNP according to the Document Checklist (MDOC-International Student) including acopy of a full-time, long-term job offer and a valid post-graduation open work permit.

    Settlement funds under the International Student stream

    As you are currently employed in Manitoba it may not be necessary for you to have at least C$10,000 inyour name as explained in the Am I Eligible? section. The MPNP consider your current or potentialincome in Manitoba. But in all cases you must provide evidence of some settlement funds in your name.

    The MPNP regularly holds information sessions for international students at our office in Winnipeg,Manitoba. Attend if you are having difficulty finding post-graduate employment or simply want more

    information about the MPNP. For details visit immigratemanitoba.com or phone us at 204-945-2806.


    The MPNP Family Support stream is a priority assessment stream for skilled workers who candemonstrate they have the strong support of a close relative who is successfully established in Manitoba.

    You are eligible to apply to the MPNP under the Family Support stream if you:

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    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 9

    provide proof of a close relative in Manitoba defined as a mother/father, son/daughter, sister/brother,aunt/uncle, niece/nephew, grandparent or first cousin (your aunt/uncles son/daughter)

    provide a Manitoba Affidavit of Support (MAS) completed and signed by a close relative inManitoba, indicating his/her intention and ability to support your successful settlement in Manitoba

    give the authority to disclose information to the Manitoba close relative who is expected to beclosely involved with the application process

    are able to meet minimum age, education, work experience, employability and language abilityrequirements for the Family Support stream described in the following table. (If there is adifference between how you assess yourself under the minimum criteria and a MPNP programofficers assessment, the program officers assessment will be used.)


    Factor Criteria Yes

    1 Age You are between the ages of 21 and 49.

    2 Education/


    You have completed a minimum of a one-year, post-secondary educational or

    training program and received a diploma, certificate or degree.3 Work

    experienceYou have a minimum of two years of full-time work experience within the past fiveyears.

    4 Languageability

    You have job-ready language proficiency based on supporting education,employment documents and English test results (minimum score of five (5) pointsin IELTS general test International English Language Testing System). SeeDocument Checklist (MDOC-Family Support) for details.

    5 Adaptabi li ty A. You can satisfactorily demonstrate intention and ability to establish successfullyin Manitoba, based on your connection to the province, including settlementsupports from family in Manitoba

    B. You are employable in Manitoba, based on your training and work experience

    related to your assessed occupation. All occupations are eligible under the MPNPbut the program officer will determine your employability potential in yourassessed occupation, based on your past education, training, experience andregulatory requirements in Manitoba.

    Family Support st ream application process

    1. Close relative in Manitoba completes Manitoba Affidavit of Support (MAS).

    In your MPNP application you must include a completed Manitoba Affidavit of Support (MAS) form,which your close relative in Manitoba must fill in, sign and have witnessed by a Manitobacommissioner for oaths or notary public, together with evidence that this person is a Canadiancitizenship or permanent resident and has lived in Manitoba for at least one year. (A permanentresident is a person who is legally in Canada as an immigrant but who is not yet a Canadian citizen.)

    It is illegal in Manitoba for a commissioner for oaths to charge any fee to witness a document. Anotary public may charge a fee.

    If your close relative in Manitoba has supported the applications of other applicants for immigration toCanada, she/he must give this information to the MPNP in the MAS form, and must include currentaddress and employment status of the previously supported or sponsored person(s).

  • 8/13/2019 Manitoba PNP


    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 10

    The MPNP reserves the right to determine that a Manitoba Affidavit of Support is invalid if a programofficer is not satisfied that:

    your close relative has demonstrated sufficiently strong ties to you or to the Manitoba your close relative is able to support you, based on the number of applications previously

    supported by the same individual any previous applicants to the MPNP supported by your close relative have established

    themselves successfully in Manitoba

    2. Appl icant submits a complete application to the MPNP.

    If you meet all the criteria described in the section Am I Eligible? you may submit a completeapplication package to the MPNP according to the Document Checklist (MDOC-Family Support),including the original Manitoba Affidavit of Support (MAS), the Declaration of Financial Support, ifapplicable, and signed release designating your relative as your Manitoba representative.

    Settlement funds under the Family Support stream

    If you cannot demonstrate sufficient settlement funds in your name and you are applying under theFamily Support stream, the MPNP may accept a Declaration of Financial Support (MAS page 3)provided that it is from a close relative in Manitoba and that the relative has the ability to assist youfinancially.In any case, you still need to provide evidence of some liquid funds in your name. Please refer to thesection Am I Eligible? for more information regarding settlement funds.

    GENERAL stream

    The MPNP General streamis for skilled workers who can be assessed enough points in eachassessment factor and who can demonstrate their intention and ability to establish successfully and

    permanently in Manitoba. To be eligible to apply to the MPNP under the General stream you mustprovide one of the following:

    proof of a close relative in Manitoba, OR

    two affidavits of support (MAS), each completed by a close friend or distant relative inManitoba, OR

    evidence that you have six months of full-time work experience in Manitoba, OR proof that you completed an educational program in Manitoba (excluding language programs)

    Applicants with close relatives in Manitoba should only apply to the General stream if they do notmeet the eligibility criteria for the Family Support priority assessment stream.

    Assessment in the General streamis partly based on a points system. Your application will beassessed points according to several factors including age, education, work experience, languageability and adaptability.

    Skilled workers who apply under the General stream will be considered for nomination if they cansatisfy the MPNP that they:

    can be assessed sufficient points for consideration have the training, work experience and language ability necessary for long-term employment in Manitoba have demonstrated a clear ability and intention to establish permanently and successfully in Manitoba

  • 8/13/2019 Manitoba PNP


    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 11

    To be considered you must score at least 55 points as assessed by a MPNP program officer accordingto the criteria in the following table. If theres a difference between the points you give yourself and thepoints the program officer awards you the officer's assessment will be the one that is used.


    Factor 1: Age

    The principal applicant's age points are calculated according to the date his/her application reaches the MPNP.

    Years Points

    17 2

    18 4

    19 620 8

    21 49 10

    50 8

    51 6

    52 4

    53 2

    54 or older 0

    Maximum points = 10Your Total

    Factor 2: Education/Training

    The principal applicants education points are based on the documented proof of completed education andtraining programs. Refer to the Document Checklist (MDOC) for information regarding required documents.

    Years Points

    10 (completed secondary school) 10

    12 (completed secondary school) 12

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    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 12

    11 - 13 (completed one year post-secondary program) 14

    14 - 16 (completed one post-secondary program of two years or more) 16

    17 - 18 (completed two post-secondary programs of at least one year each) 18

    Masters degree or doctorate 20

    Maximum points = 20

    Your Total

    Factor 3: Work experience

    The principal applicant's work experience points are based on documented proof of work experience in the past10 years. Refer to the Document Checklist (MDOC-General) for information regarding required documents.

    Years Points

    Six months (uninterrupted full-time employment) 2

    Four points for each year of full-time employment to a maximum of four years (or 16 points) 4 per year

    Maximum points = 16Your Total

  • 8/13/2019 Manitoba PNP


    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 13

    Factor 4: Language ability

    The principal applicant's language ability points are calculated according to documented proof of training and ability in bothEnglish and French. Refer to the Document Checklist (MDOC-General) for information regarding required documents.

    Proficiency in English and/or French will assist you in finding employment in Manitoba. If you have proficiency in both languagechoose the one you are more comfortable using; this will be considered your first official language.

    Applicants under the General stream who claim English proficiency mustinclude IELTS results (International English Testing

    System) unless this table indicates otherwise. There is no minimum score required to apply.You may also be able to demonstrate your language ability if you were interviewed in person by a MPNP program officer, duyour exploratory visit or meeting overseas.

    First official language Points

    Applicant is from an English/French speaking country (Fluent) no test required.- Or, IELTS score of 8 to 10


    Applicant is currently immersed, working or studying in English or French environment and hasbeen so for at least the past two years no test required.- Or, IELTS score of 7


    Applicant has completed one or two-year, post-secondary educational program delivered inEnglish/French in an English or French-speaking country within the past two years no testrequired.


    Applicant has competent proficiency based on IELTS score of 6. 8

    English or French is the common second language used in secondary and post-secondary schoolsystem in your country of residence and applicant has sufficient language ability to be employable inintended occupation based on education documents OR overall IELTS score of 5.5.


    Applicant has received some instruction and/or has to be employable in Manitoba based onIELTS score of 5


    Applicant has received some language instruction and has sufficient ability to begin working inEnglish or French but still finds it difficult and will need language classes based on IELTS score of4.


    Applicant has limited language ability but can use first language (mother tongue) in a givenworkplace in Manitoba.- Or, IELTS score of 3


    Applicant has very limited ability based on IELTS score of 2 to 3. 2 or 3

    Applicant has no ability, requires language instruction prior to effective employment search.- Or, has not submitted satisfactory documentation to demonstrate language ability 0

    Total points in first official language

    Second official language(No test required)


    Applicant is from an English/French speaking country (Fluent). 6

    Applicant is currently immersed, working or studying in English or French environment and hasbeen so for at least the past two years.


    Applicant has completed a one or two-year, post-secondary educational program in an English orFrench-speaking country within the past two years


    Applicant has received at least two years of post-secondary education or has at least two years

    work experience within the past five years in English or French. 3

    English or French is the common second language used in the primary and secondary schoolsystem in your country of residence.


    Applicant has been interviewed by Manitoba employer and language ability is considered sufficient. 1

    Maximum points = 6

    Total point s in second official language

    Maximum points = 18

    Your Total

  • 8/13/2019 Manitoba PNP


    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 14

    Factor 5: Adaptability

    The principal applicant's adaptability points are calculated according to documented proof of a strong connection tothe Province of Manitoba and employability potential in their assessed occupation,demonstrating the applicant hasthe potential to settle successful and permanently in this province. Refer to the Document Checklist (MDOC-Generafor information regarding required documents.

    All occupations are eligible under the MPNP but the program officer will determine your employability potential in yo

    assessed occupation, based on your past education, training, experience and regulatory requirements in Manitoba.Criteria Points

    Social supports in Manitoba

    NOTE: You cannot be assessed points for both the close relative and the family-like support criteria.

    Support of close relative in Manitoba

    You must provide proof of relationship to a close relative in Manitoba, who may include:

    son/daughter, mother/father, sister/brother, grandmother/grandfatheruncle/aunt (mothers or fathers brother or sister)first cousin (uncles or aunts son or daughter)

    If your relative has lived in Manitoba for less than one year, provide proof that he/she is well-established in Manitoba (proof of employment, proof of residence, Revenue Canada Notice of

    Assessment, etc.) The MPNP reserves the right not to consider support from any close relatives whocannot satisfy a program officer that they have established strong ties to Manitoba.


    Family-like suppor t from d istant relatives or friends in Manitoba*

    You must provide complete Manitoba Affidavit of Support (MAS) forms from at least two people knownto you and who live in the area to which you are destined in the province.

    The MPNP reserves the right not to consider Manitoba Affidavits of Support from friends or distantrelatives who cannot satisfy a program officer that they:

    have demonstrated strong ties to Manitoba and/or the applicant, ORare able to support the applicant, based on the number and outcome of applications under anyCanadian immigration program the individual has previously supported


    Previous education or work experience in Manitoba

    Work experience in ManitobaYou must provide letters of reference from Manitoba employer(s) and work permit(s) demonstratingthat you have completed at least six months of continuous, full-time employment in Manitoba withinthe past 10 years.


    Completed post -secondary education/training in Manitoba of two years or moreYou must provide certificates, transcripts and study permit(s).


    Completed post -secondary education/training in Manitoba of eight to 18 monthsYou must provide educational certificates, transcripts and study permit(s).


    Completed high school in ManitobaYou must provide certificates, transcripts, and study permit(s) demonstrating at least two years of



    Destination in Manitoba

    Regional immigrationApplicants destination is outside of Winnipeg, based on employment, education or family supportdocuments demonstrating potential to settle successfully and permanently in a Manitoba regionoutside of the city of Winnipeg.

    Maximum points = 42


    Your Total

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    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 15


    Enter the total points from the previous five sections on the worksheet below.




    POINTSAge 10

    Education 20

    Work experience 16

    Language 18

    Adaptabi li ty

    close relative in Manitoba, OR 12

    family-like support of distant relative or friend in Manitoba 5

    full-time work experience in Manitoba of six months or more 10

    completed post-secondary education in Manitoba of two years or more, OR 10

    completed post-secondary education in Manitoba, eight to 18 months, OR 5completed high school in Manitoba 5

    regional immigration

    Adaptabi li ty Total




    ASSESSMENT RECOMMENDATION Approval requires YES for all factor

    You have sufficient points for consideration: 55 points or more. YES NO

    You have sufficient settlement funds and/or settlement supports in Manitoba. YES NO

    You have satisfactorily demonstrated both the ability and intention toestablish successfully in Manitoba based on your connection and

    employability potential in Manitoba.YES NO


    NOTE: MPNP program officers have the discretion to apply a personal suitability consideration on a cacase basis, no matter how many points you have been assessed, based on your demonstrated ability toestablish successfully in Manitoba

    How to submit your application1. Complete the forms included in this Appli cation Kit.

    This kit contains all required forms. The forms are also available on our website and are free. You mustuse the forms provided by MPNP. They can be originals, printouts from the website or photocopies.Computer-generated forms from non-official software or other mechanically produced forms will not beaccepted. Refer to the applicable Document Checklist (MDOC)to find out which forms you (and others,such as dependants, your relative or friends) must fill. The forms that are required depend on the streamunder which you are applying.

  • 8/13/2019 Manitoba PNP


    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 16

    2. Gather your supporting documents.

    Collect documents to demonstrate that you meet MPNP eligibility criteria and to confirm your identity,family status, education, work experience, language skills and finances. The Document Checklist (MDOexplains what supporting documents you must submit. It is your responsibility to submit all supportingdocuments. If documents are missing, are not translated*, are not readable or understandable, yourapplication may not be accepted.

    * The MPNP will only accept translations prepared by certified translators or professionally done translationsnotarized by a notary public or commissioner for oaths or equivalent official in your country of residence.

    3. Organize your application package.

    Review and organize your completed forms and supporting documents according to the information onone of the Document Checklists (MDOC). Incomplete applications will not be accepted for assessment.

    Please collate your pages and secure them with one paper clip. Applications submitted in the followingformats will not be accepted.

    Do not bind your application or put the pages in a ring binder. Do not enclose individual pages in plastic, envelopes or folders. Do not tie, sew, bolt or glue the pages together. Do not use multiple staples or paper clips. Do not send multiple copies of identical documents.

    4. Make photocopies of your application package.

    Photocopy all your completed forms and supporting documents so that you have:a) MPNP application package to send to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee ProgramThis package should include the originalManitoba Provincial Nominee Application form (MAPP),original MAS, if applicable, photocopiedgovernment of Canada forms and copies of supportingdocuments according to the instructions on the Document Checklist (MDOC). Ensure that translationsand copies of your education, employment and financial documents have been notarized.

    b) Government of Canada application package to send to the Canadian visa office at a later time, ifyou are nominated by the MPNP. This package should include originalgovernment of Canada formsand copies of supporting documents. The MPNP will give you a government of Canada checklist andinstructions for applying to the visa office if and when your provincial nominee application is approved.If you submit original documents in your application, they will not be returned to you, unless the MPNPrequests such documents during the assessment of your application, in which case you will be advised provide a self-addressed pre-paid envelope for the documents to be returned to you.

    5. Send us your MPNP application.

    Mail your complete application including all forms and documents specified in one of the DocumentsChecklists (MDOC) to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program office in Winnipeg, Manitoba, or delivein person yourself or the person you designated as your representative.

    Manitoba Labour and ImmigrationImmigration Promotion and Recruitment Branch7th Floor - 213 Notre Dame AvenueWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3B 1N3

  • 8/13/2019 Manitoba PNP


    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 17

    We recommend that applicants provide a mailing address in Manitoba in their Manitoba ProvincialNominee Program Application (MAPP page 1) to ensure that correspondence from us reaches you in asecure and timely manner. (For example, use the address of your relative or friend who lives in Manitob

    We remind you to complete the Authority to Disclose Personal Information form (MAPP - SCHEDULE 1indicating a designated representative (relative, friend, or paid immigration representative) who can obtainformation on your behalf. If this form is not filled and signed by the principal applicant the MPNP will n

    communicate with anyone but the applicant.

    What happens next?The following explains the standard procedure that happens for a successful applicant. Other possibleoutcomes and events in the application process are explained afterward.

    1. Manitoba Provinc ial Nominee Program receives your application.

    The MPNP will e-mail a First Contact Letter informing you that we have received your application. Ifyou have not provided an e-mail address the letter will be sent to the postal mailing address youprovided on your MAPP form. Incomplete or ineligible applications will not be accepted. In such casesyour application will be returned to your mailing address.

    2. MPNP assesses your application.

    Complete, eligible applications are given a file number and assigned to the appropriate stream. AMPNP program officer assesses your application based on how your information matches the eligibilitycriteria. A second officer reviews the assessment. Once a decision has been finalized you will becontacted in writing. This decision will not be given over the telephone or by e-mail.

    To get your assessment decision faster:

    Complete all information and attach all documents required for the application as noted in theDocument Checklists (MDOC).

    Write or fax us immediately about any changes to the information you gave in your applicationsuch as mailing address, dependants, representative, education, employment or financial status.

    In order to reduce processing time the MPNP does not respond to inquiries about application status.

    3. MPNP sends you an approval letter.

    If your application to the MPNP is approved we will mail you a Letter of Approval. A formal Certificate ofNomination will be sent directly to the Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate in your country.

    NOTE:Before you quit your job or sell your possessions you must apply and receive a permanentresident visa from the Government of Canada for you and your accompanying dependants.

  • 8/13/2019 Manitoba PNP


    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 18

    4. You apply to Citizenship and Immigration Canada for a permanent resident visa.

    If you are nominated by the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program we will mail you a nominationpackage together with the Letter of Approval. The package includes instructions on how to apply foryour permanent resident visa at the Canadian embassy, high commission or consulatein your country.The Government of Canada will approve or refuse you for a permanent resident visa based onCanadas Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, and medical and criminal admissibility. Submit your

    visa application, processing fees and the original Letter of Approval before the expiry date that is notedon your Certificate of Nomination and Letter of Approval.

    The Government of Canada is responsible for ensuring that all applicants for permanent residentstatus meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and all medical, criminaland background checks. The Government of Canada has the final authority to approve or refuse theissuance of a permanent resident visa.

    Addi tional outcomes:The following events may happen to nominated applicants depending on thecircumstances.

    Nominated person may seek temporary work permit.

    If you have a pre-approved job offer, the MPNP may include a supporting letter for a work permitapplication and instructions with your nomination package. This will allow you to apply for a temporarywork permit at the Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate in your country of residence. Ifyou are currently employed in Manitoba on a temporary work permit you should contact the MPNP twomonths before the expiry date of that work permit. We will provide you with a supporting letter that willallow you to apply to CIC to have your work permit renewed.

    MPNP may withdraw your Certificate of Nomination.

    The MPNP has the right to withdraw a Certificate of Nomination if the applicant has provided false ormisleading information or no longer meets the criteria under which he or she was nominated.

    Applicants falsely declaring their intent to live and work in Manitoba or who provide false or misleadinginformation or documents in their applications may also be subject to enforcement action by theGovernment of Canada before and after a permanent resident visa is issued.

    If your application is not approved:The following events may happen in the case the MPNPdecides not to approve your application.

    MPNP decides not to nominate your application.

    Nomination under the MPNP is at the sole discretion of Manitoba. If the MPNP decides not tonominate your application you will receive a Result Letter by mail with reasons for the decision.

    Applications are not approved in situations including, but not limited to, the following:

    The applicant fails to demonstrate that he/she has sufficient work experience or training(including any licence or certification required to work in Manitoba) required to be able to findemployment in their assessed occupation in Manitoba

    The applicant has insufficient language ability for employability in Manitoba. Applicant fails to demonstrate his or her ability and intention to establish permanently in Manitoba. Applicant has not provided sufficiently detailed, credible documentation for full assessment.

  • 8/13/2019 Manitoba PNP


    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 19

    Applicant fails to demonstrate that he or she meets the eligibility criteria of the stream underwhich the application is being assessed.

    Applicant fails to demonstrate his or her employability in Manitoba in his/her assessed occupation. Applicant fails to demonstrate he or she has sufficient settlement supports from relatives or

    friends who are established residents of Manitoba and have strong ties to the applicant.

    MPNP may review its decision not to nominate.

    The MPNP may formally review a decision on an application if:

    a written request signed by the applicant is received within 60 days of the date on the ResultLetter, AND

    the request provides sufficient details to indicate that the program officer may have made anerror in the assessment of the application based on the reasons described in the Result Letterand the documents included in the application at the time of the assessment.

    The MPNP reserves the right to reject any request for a formal review that does not meet theconditions described above or that is based on:

    the submission of new documents, including an offer of employment employability strength of relationship to Manitoba supporters language ability, if you have not provided IELTS results retention (ability to remain in the province or in a job)

    In the event of a formal review we will mail the applicant a written notice of the result.

    Appl icants who received a dec is ion not to nominate their applicat ion may reapply.

    You may reapply to the MPNP after six months from the date on the Result Letter or after you haveaddressed the reasons why your application was not approved. When you reapply you must show thatyou have sufficient training, experience and/or a stronger connection to Manitoba to support a new


    For all applicants: If you want to w ithdraw your application to the MPNP

    To withdraw your application to the MPNP before a decision is made send a signed, written request bymail, email or fax. You may resubmit your application at any time. An immigration representative maywithdraw an application on your behalf by submitting a written request with your signature.

    To withdraw your application after receiving a letter of approval send a written, signed request to boththe MPNP and to the Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate to which the MPNP sent yourCertificate of Nomination. (Note: The Government of Canada does not refund visa-processing fees.)

    Immigration RepresentativesFor purposes of the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program, an immigration representative is someoneyou pay and authorize to represent, advise, consult or look into the status of your application. Arepresentative can be a lawyer or consultant you hire to prepare your MPNP application. The MPNPhas no official immigration representatives acting on its behalf and does not endorse or require theservices of an immigration representative or recruiter.

  • 8/13/2019 Manitoba PNP


    This application kit is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 20

    Any applicant or employer who uses the services of an immigration representative or recruiter does soat his or her own risk. Applicants are responsible to check that the representative they choose areethical and competent to work on their behalf and that he/she is authorized, according to theprovisions of the Code of Conduct (MAPP SCHEDULE 2).

    Anyone who uses the services of an immigration representative or recruiter in connection with anapplication to the MPNP must provide the MPNP with the complete name and contact information for

    the specific individual and/or company. Failure to give this information may result in the refusal of yourMPNP application. Manitoba will only recognize or release information to a paid immigrationrepresentative who:

    is a member in good standing of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC) or alaw society in Canada

    has signed the Code of Conduct for immigration representatives is named by the applicant and/or employer in a signed Authority to Disclose Personal

    Information form (MAPP SCHEDULE 1) the MPNP considers not to have engaged in activities contrary to the interests of MPNP

    program integrity as described by the Code of Conduct

    NOTE: All applicantsmust sign and return the Code of Conduct whether or not you have a paidimmigrationrepresentative. If you have a paid immigration representative, that person must also signthe Code of Conduct. The MPNP reserves the right not to accept an application if it determines that arepresentative or applicant has not complied with the terms specified in the Code of Conduct.

    The MPNP is not responsible for the resolution of any disputes arising between applicants and theirimmigration representative. Applicants may remove a named representative from their application atany time by providing a request in writing to the MPNP signed bythe applicant. Applicants mustremove an existing representative before changing to a new representative.

    The MPNP will disclose information to only onedesignated representative for each application.Designated representatives must be named under the Authority to Disclose Personal Informationofthe Manitoba Provincial Nominee Application form (MAPP SCHEDULE 1). For purposes of assessingan application the MPNP will communicate directly with the applicant whenever necessary.

    NOTE:Under Manitoba legislation it is illegal for recruiters/immigration representatives to chargeforeign workers or future immigrants for a job offer in Manitoba. All recruitment costs must becovered by the Manitoba employer seeking foreign workers.

    More information: To find out more about immigration representatives visit these websites:

    Manitoba Provincial Nominee Programwww.immigratemanitoba.com

    Citizenship and Immigration Canadawww.cic.gc.ca

    Law Society of Manitobawww.lawsociety.mb.ca

    Canadian Society of Immigration Consultantswww.csic-scci.ca

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    Manitoba Provincial Nominee ProgramDocument Checklist (MDOC EMPLOYER)

    You must complete this document checklist and ensure that you submit a complete application package containing allrequired forms and supporting documents as indicated in this checklist. Forms and documents should be included in yourapplication in the order described on this checklist. Only complete applications will be accepted for assessment.

    A. Eligibility requirements

    1. EMPLOYER DIRECT st ream

    original letter signed by a Manitoba employer offering you a long-term, full-time job in Manitoba, AND

    copy of valid temporary work permit (If you are currently working in Manitoba you must have beenemployed here for at least six months before applying to the PNP under the Employer Directstream.), OR

    copy of Letter of Pre-approval issued by the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program

    B. Immigration forms

    You must complete and attach all of the following forms as described. Keep originals of all Government ofCanada forms to submit to the visa office if you are nominated by Manitoba.


    MAPP - Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Application Form one original form (eight pages) completed and signed by both the applicant and spouse (even ifnon-accompanying), including signatures to the Code of Conduct for Immigration Representatives,Information Release and Applicant Declaration.


    Appl ication for Permanent Residence in Canada Form (IMM 0008 GENERIC)copy of form completed by the principal applicantinclude a photocopied photo of the principal applicant and each accompanying family member

    Background Declaration Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1)copy of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependent overthe age of 18, whether they are accompanying you to Canada or notcopy of refusal letters from Citizenship and Immigration Canada and/or the MPNP

    Addi tional Family Information Form (IMM 5406)copy of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant overage 18 whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not

    Economic Classes - Provincial Nominees Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 4)copy of the form completed and signed by the principal applicant

    C. Supporting documents


    Identificationcopy of birth certificates showing names of both parents for principal applicant and spousecopy of National Identity Card for principal applicant and spouse, if applicable

    Marital statusInclude copy of applicable document(s):marriage certificatedocuments proving common-law relationship for at least one yeardivorce certificate or proof of separation for previous relationshipsdeath certificate

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    copy of birth certificates showing names of both parents for each dependent childcopy of adoption papers for any and each adopted childif parents are divorced or separated, copies of legal documents indicating custody agreements forchildren under age 18proof of continuous full-time studies for any accompanying dependant age 22 to 25

    Passport / travel documents

    copy of passports or travel documents (or proof of application for passports or travel documents)for principal applicant, spouse and dependent children including pages showing the passportnumber, date of issue and expiration, photo, name, date and place of birthcopy of visas and/or status document for country of residence if different than country of citizenshipcopy of entry visas, immigration stamps and temporary status permits for previous and currentvisits to Canada


    Education and trainingnotarizedcopy of educational/training degrees, diplomas, certificates and official transcriptsincluding name and location of institution for principal applicant and spouseAttach a certified translation into English or French to each document that is in another language.Include evidence of completion of education in Manitoba if you connection to the province is

    through past education in Manitoba.

    English and/or French language abilitycopy of educational, testing and/or employment documents demonstrating ability in either or bothofficial language(s) for both applicant and spouseCopies of non-Canadian documents must be notarized.

    Employmentnotarizedcopy of letters of reference from the principal applicants and spouses employers for thepast 10 years, which must:include specific start and end dates for the period of employmentdescribe the exact position, duties and responsibilities of the employeebe on official company letterhead and signed by an authorized representative of the company,including name and title of that representative and contact information

    If self-employed:notarized copy of business registration, business tax records for each year the business has beenin operation and work contracts, if applicable


    letters from financial institutions indicating balance and account history in applicants name for thelast three months

    bank account statements showing access to transferable liquid funds and assets in applicants name

    proof of ownership of real estate (land and buildings) and an objective price evaluation

    Mailing addressApplications to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program must be addressed to:

    Manitoba Labour and ImmigrationImmigration Promotion and Recruitment Branch7th Floor - 213 Notre Dame AvenueWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3B 1N3

  • 8/13/2019 Manitoba PNP


    Manitoba Provincial Nominee ProgramDocument Checklist (MDOC STUDENT)

    You must complete this document checklist and ensure that you submit a complete application package containing allrequired forms and supporting documents as indicated in this checklist. Forms and documents should be included in yourapplication in the order described on this checklist. Only complete applications will be accepted for assessment.

    A. Eligibi li ty requirements


    proof that you have completed an educational program of at least eight months from an eligible post-secondary institution in Manitoba, AND

    copy of your valid post-graduate open work permit. (You must work in Manitoba for at least sixmonths before applying to the MPNP under the International Student stream.), AND

    original job-offer letter from a Manitoba employer, indicating long-term, full-time position

    B. Immigration forms

    You must complete and attach all of the following forms as described. Keep original Government of Canada forms

    to submit to the visa office if you are nominated by Manitoba.


    MAPP Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Application Form one original form (eight pages) completed and signed by both the applicant and spouse (even if notaccompanying), placed at the front of your application and including signatures to the Code of Conductfor Immigration Representatives, Information Release and Applicant Declaration


    Appl ication for Permanent Residence in Canada Form (IMM 0008 GENERIC)copy of form completed by the principal applicantinclude a photocopied photo of the principal applicant and each accompanying family member

    Background Declaration Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1)copy of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant over theage of 18 whether they are accompanying you to Canada or notcopy of refusal letters from Citizenship and Immigration Canada and/orthe MPNP

    Addi tional Family Information Form (IMM 5406)copy of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant over ageof 18 whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not

    Economic Classes- Provincial Nominees Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 4)copy of the form completed and signed by the principal applicant

    C. Supporting documents


    Identificationcopy of birth certificates showing names of both parents for principal applicant and spousecopy of National Identity Card for principal applicant and spouse, if applicable

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    Marital s tatusInclude copy of applicable document(s):marriage certificatedocuments proving common-law relationship for at least one yeardivorce certificate or proof of separation for previous relationshipsdeath certificate


    copy of birth certificates showing names of both parents for each dependent childcopy of adoption papers for any and each adopted childif parents are divorced or separated, copy of legal documents indicating custody agreements forchildren under the age 18proof of continuous full-time studies for any accompanying dependant between age 22 to 25

    Passport / travel documentscopy of passports or travel documents (or proof of application for passports or travel documents) forprincipal applicant, spouse and dependent children including pages showing the passport number, date ofissue and expiration, photo, name, date and place of birthcopy of visas and/or status document for country of residence if different than country of citizenshipcopy of entry visas, immigration stamps and temporary status permits for previous and current visits to Canada


    Education and trainingnotarized copy of educational/training degrees, diplomas, certificates and official transcripts includingname and location of institution for principal applicant and spouse, including education completed inCanada and overseascertified translation into English or French attached to each document that is in another language

    English and/or French language abilitycopy of educational, testing and/or employment documents demonstrating ability in either or bothofficial language(s) for principal applicant and spouseCopies of non-Canadian documents must be notarized.

    Employmentnotarized copy of letters of reference from the principal applicants and spouses employers for the past10 years, which must:

    include specific start and end dates for the period of employmentdescribe the exact position, duties and responsibilities of the employeebe on official company letterhead and signed by an authorized representative of the company,including name and title of that representative and contact information for the company

    If self-employed:notarized copy of business registration, business tax records for each year the business hasbeen in operation and work contracts, if applicable


    copy of financial documents and bank statements demonstrating access to transferable, liquid funds and assets

    proof of ownership of real properties (land and buildings) and an objective price evaluation for real properties

    Mailing addressApplications to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program must be addressed to:

    Manitoba Labour and ImmigrationImmigration Promotion and Recruitment Branch7th Floor - 213 Notre Dame AvenueWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3B 1N3

  • 8/13/2019 Manitoba PNP


    Manitoba Provincial Nominee ProgramDocument Checklist (MDOC FAMILY)

    You must complete this document checklist and ensure that you submit a complete application package containing allrequired forms and supporting documents as indicated in this checklist. Forms and documents should be included in yourapplication in the order described on this checklist. Only complete applications will be accepted for assessment.

    A. Eligibi li ty Requirements

    1. FAMILY SUPPORT stream

    proof that you have a close relative in Manitoba (See section B.), AND

    Original MAS (Manitoba Affidavit of Support) completed and signed by your close relative inManitoba (See section B.), AND

    Proof that you meet other minimum criteria of the Family Support stream as indicated on page 9 ofthe MPNP application kit.

    B. Immigration forms

    You must complete and attach all of the following forms as described. Keep original Government of Canada forms

    to submit to the visa office if you are nominated by Manitoba.


    MAPP Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Application Formone original form (eight pages) completed and signed by both the applicant and spouse (even ifnon-accompanying), placed at the front of your application forms and including signatures to theCode of Conduct for Immigration Representatives, Information Release and Applicant Declaration

    MAS Manitoba Affidavit of Support Formone original form completed and signed by a close relative in Manitoba (MAS Part 1)

    You must include documents showing your relationship, such as birth or marriage certificates.

    The signator must have been a resident of Manitoba for at least one year and must provide proofof same a copy of both sides of their Manitoba Health Card and copy of their Canadian passportor citizenship or permanent resident card.

    MAS forms must be witnessed by a Manitoba notary public or commissioner for oaths.

    The Declaration of Financial Support by Close Relative (MAS Part 2) must be completed only ifthe principal applicants finances do not meet MPNP requirements for settlement funds. (See Item 4under Am I eligible? in the application kit.)


    Appl ication for Permanent Residence in Canada Form (IMM 0008 GENERIC)copy of form completed by the principal applicantinclude a photocopied photo of the principal applicant and each accompanying family member

    Background Declaration Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1)copy of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant overage 18 whether they are accompanying you to Canada or notcopy of refusal letters from Citizenship and Immigration Canada and/orthe MPNP

    Addi tional Family Information Form (IMM 5406)copy of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant overthe age of 18 whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not

    Economic Classes - Provincial Nominees Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 4)copy of the form completed and signed by the principal applicant

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    C. Supporting Documents


    Identificationcopy of birth certificates showing names of both parents for principal applicant and spousecopy of National Identity Card for principal applicant and spouse, if applicable

    Marital status

    Include copy of applicable document(s):marriage certificatedocuments proving common-law relationship for at least one yeardivorce certificate or proof of separation for previous relationshipsdeath certificate

    Childrencopy of birth certificates showing names of both parents for each dependent childcopy of adoption papers for any and each adopted childif parents are divorced or separated, copies of legal documents indicating custody agreements forchildren under age 18proof of continuous full-time studies for any accompanying dependant age 22 to 25

    Passport / travel documentscopy of passports or travel documents (or proof of application for passports or travel documents)for principal applicant, spouse and dependent children including pages showing the passportnumber, date of issue and expiration, photo, name, date and place of birthcopy of visas and/or status document for country of residence if different than country of citizenshipcopy of entry visas, immigration stamps and temporary status permits for previous and currentvisits to Canada


    Education and trainingnotarized copy of educational/training degrees, diplomas, certificates and official transcriptsincluding name and location of institution for principal applicant and spouseAttach a certified translation into English or French to each document that is in another language.Include evidence of completion of education in Manitoba if you connection to the province isthrough past education in Manitoba.

    English and/or French language abilitycopies of educational, testing, and/or employment documents demonstrated ability in either or bothofficial language(s) for principal applicant and spouseall copies must be notarized for non-Canadian documents

    Employmentnotarized copy of letters of reference from the principal applicants and spouses employers for thepast 10 years, which must:include specific start and end dates for the period of employmentdescribe the exact position, duties and responsibilities of the employeebe on official company letterhead and signed by an authorized representative of the company,including name and title of that representative and contact informationInclude evidence of at least six months of work experience in Manitoba if your connection to the

    province is through past employment in Manitoba.If self-employed:notarized copy of business registration, business tax records for each year the business has been inoperation and work contracts, if applicable


    letters from financial institutions indicating balance and history of the account in applicants name forthe last three months

    bank account statements demonstrating access to transferable liquid funds and assets in applicants name

    proof of ownership of real estate (land and buildings) and an objective price evaluation

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    If the principal applicants finances do not meet MPNP requirements for settlement funds, also include:

    a Declaration of Financial Support (MAS Part 2) signed by a close relative in Manitoba as well asincome, employment and other financial documents proving the relative has the ability to support youfinancially

    Mailing addressApplications to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program must be addressed to:

    Manitoba Labour and ImmigrationImmigration Promotion and Recruitment Branch7th Floor - 213 Notre Dame AvenueWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3B 1N3

  • 8/13/2019 Manitoba PNP


    Manitoba Provincial Nominee ProgramDocument Checklist (MDOC STRATEGIC)

    You must complete this document checklist and ensure that you submit a complete application package containing allrequired forms and supporting documents as indicated in this checklist. Forms and documents should be included in yourapplication in the order described on this checklist. Only complete applications will be accepted for assessment.

    A. Eligibi li ty requirements


    proof that you have participated in an exploratory visit to Manitoba, confirmed by the MPNP, had aninterview with a MPNP officer and received an invitation to apply to the program, OR

    proof that you were interviewed by an MPNP program officer and received an invitation to apply as partof an MPNP targeted overseas promotional initiative

    B. Immigration forms

    You must complete and attach all of the following forms as described. Keep original Government of Canada formsto submit to the visa office if you are nominated by Manitoba.


    MAPP Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Application Form one original form (eight pages) completed and signed by both the applicant and spouse (even if notaccompanying), placed at the front of your application and including signatures to the Code of Conductfor Immigration Representatives, Information Release and Applicant Declaration


    Appl ication for Permanent Residence in Canada Form (IMM 0008 GENERIC)copy of form completed by the principal applicantinclude a photocopied photo of the principal applicant and each accompanying family member

    Background Declaration Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1)copy of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant over age18 whether they are accompanying you to Canada or notcopy of refusal letters from Citizenship and Immigration Canada and/orthe MPNP

    Addi tional Family Information Form (IMM 5406)copy of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant over age18 whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not

    Economic Classes - Provincial Nominees Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 4)copy of the form completed and signed by the principal applicant

    C. Supporting documents


    Identification copy of birth certificates showing names of both parents for principal applicant and spousecopy of National Identity Card for principal applicant and spouse, if applicable

    Marital s tatusInclude copy of applicable document(s):marriage certificatedocuments proving common-law relationship for at least one yeardivorce certificate or proof of separation for previous relationshipsdeath certificate

  • 8/13/2019 Manitoba PNP



    copy of birth certificates showing names of both parents for each dependent childcopy of adoption papers for any and each adopted childif parents are divorced or separated, copy of legal documents indicating custody agreements forchildren under age 18proof of continuous full-time studies for any accompanying dependant age 22 to 25

    Passport / travel documentscopy of passports or travel documents (or proof of application for passports or travel documents) forprincipal applicant, spouse and dependent children including pages showing the passport number, dateof issue and expiration, photo, name, date and place of birthcopy of visas and/or status document for country of residence if different than country of citizenshipcopy of entry visas, immigration stamps & temporary status permits for previous and current visits to Canada


    Education and trainingnotarized copy of educational/training degrees, diplomas, certificates and official transcripts includingname and location of institution for principal applicant and spousecertified translation into English or French attached to each document issued in another language

    English and/or French language abilitycopy of educational, testing, and/or employment documents demonstrating ability in either or bothofficial language(s) for principal applicant and spouseCopies of non-Canadian documents must be notarized.

    Employmentnotarized copy of letters of reference from the principal applicants and spouses employers for the past10 years or since age 18, whichever is longer. The letters must:

    include specific start and end dates for the period of employmentdescribe the exact position, duties and responsibilities of the employeebe on official company letterhead and signed by an authorized representative of the company,including name and title of that representative and contact information for the company

    If self-employed:

    notarizedcopy of business registration, business tax records for each year the business hasbeen in operation and work contracts, if applicable

    3. Settlement funds

    letters from financial institutions indicating balance and history of the account in applicants name for thepast three months

    bank account statements demonstrating access to transferable liquid funds and assets in applicants name

    proof of ownership of real estate (land and buildings), including a current market-price evaluation

    Mailing addressApplications to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program must be addressed to:

    Manitoba Labour and ImmigrationImmigration Promotion and Recruitment Branch7th Floor - 213 Notre Dame AvenueWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3B 1N3

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    Manitoba Provincial Nominee ProgramDocument Checklist (MDOC GENERAL)

    You must complete this document checklist and ensure that you submit a complete application package containing allrequired forms and supporting documents as indicated in this checklist. Forms and documents should be included in yourapplication in the order described on this checklist. Only complete applications will be accepted for assessment.

    A. Eligibi li ty requirements

    1. GENERAL stream

    proof that you have a close relative in Manitoba who has lived in the province for at least one year(see Section B), OR

    two original MAS (Manitoba Affidavit of Support) forms each completed and signed by a distantrelative or friend who has lived in Manitoba for at least one year (see Section B), OR

    proof of secondary or post-secondary education completed in Manitoba as indicated on page 15 ofthe MPNP application kit, OR

    proof of six months of continuous work experience completed in Manitoba within the past 10 years, AND

    proof that you meet other minimum criteria of the General stream as indicated on page 10 of theMPNP application kit

    B. Immigration forms

    You must complete and attach all of the following forms as described. Keep original Government of Canada formsto submit to the visa office if you are nominated by Manitoba.


    MAPP Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Application Formone original form (eight pages) completed and signed by both the applicant and spouse (even ifnon-accompanying), placed at the front of your application forms and including signatures to theCode of Conduct for Immigration Representatives, Information Release and Applicant Declaration

    MAS Manitoba Affidavit of Support Formone original form completed and signed by your close relative in Manitoba (MAS Part 1), OR

    two MAS forms completed and signed by distant relatives or friends in Manitoba (MAS parts 1 and 4)

    If your MAS is signed by a close relative you must include documents showing your relationship,such as birth or marriage certificates.

    For all MAS forms the signatory must have been a resident of Manitoba for at least one year andmust provide proof of same a copy of both sides of their Manitoba Health Card and copy of theirCanadian passport or citizenship or permanent resident card.

    MAS forms must be witnessed by a Manitoba notary public or commissioner for oaths.

    The Declaration of Financial Support by Close Relative (MAS Part 2) must be completed only by aclose relative and only if the principal applicants finances do not meet MPNP requirements forsettlement funds. (See Item 4 under Am I eligible? in the MPNP application kit.) The PNP does not

    accept a declaration of financial support from friends or distant relatives.


    Appl ication for Permanent Residence in Canada Form (IMM 0008 GENERIC)copy of form completed by the principal applicantinclude a photocopied photo of the principal applicant and each accompanying family member

    Background Declaration Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1)copy of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant overage 18 whether they are accompanying you to Canada or notcopy of refusal letters from Citizenship and Immigration Canada and/orthe MPNP

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    Addi tional Family Information Form (IMM 5406)

    copy of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant overthe age of 18 whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not

    Economic Classes - Provincial Nominees Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 4)copy of the form completed and signed by the principal applicant

    C. Supporting documents


    Identificationcopy of birth certificates showing names of both parents for principal applicant and spousecopy of National Identity Card for principal applicant and spouse, if applicable

    Marital statusInclude copy of applicable document(s):marriage certificatedocuments proving common-law relationship for at least one yeardivorce certificate or proof of separation for previous relationshipsdeath certificate

    Childrencopy of birth certificates showing names of both parents for each dependent childcopy of adoption papers for any and each adopted childif parents are divorced or separated, copies of legal documents indicating custody agreements forchildren under age 18proof of continuous full-time studies for any accompanying dependant age 22 to 25

    Passport / travel documentscopy of passports or travel documents (or proof of application for passports or travel documents)for principal applicant, spouse and dependent children including pages showing the passportnumber, date of issue and expiration, photo, name, date and place of birthcopy of visas and/or status document for country of residence if different than country of citizenshipcopy of entry visas, immigration stamps and temporary status permits for previous and currentvisits to Canada


    Education and trainingnotarizedcopy of educational/training degrees, diplomas, certificates and official transcriptsincluding name and location of institution for principal applicant and spouseAttach a certified translation into English or French to each document that is in another language.Include evidence of completion of education in Manitoba if you connection to the province isthrough past education in Manitoba.

    English and/or French language abilitycopy of educational, testing and/or employment documents demonstrating ability in either or bothofficial language(s) for both applicant and spouseCopies of non-Canadian documents must be notarized.


    notarized copy of letters of reference from the principal applicants and spousesemployers for the past 10 years, which must:include specific start and end dates for the period of employmentdescribe the exact position, duties and responsibilities of the employeebe on official company letterhead and signed by an authorized representative of thecompany, including name and title of that representative and contact informationInclude evidence of at least six months of work experience in Manitoba if your connectionto the province is through past employment in Manitoba.

    If self-employed:notarized copy of business registration, business tax records for each year the businesshas been in operation and work contracts, if applicable

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    letters from financial institutions indicating balance and account history in applicants name for thelast three months

    bank account statements showing access to transferable liquid funds and assets in applicants name

    proof of ownership of real estate (land and buildings) and an objective price evaluation

    Mailing addressApplications to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program must be addressed to:

    Manitoba Labour and ImmigrationImmigration Promotion and Recruitment Branch7th Floor - 213 Notre Dame AvenueWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3B 1N3

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    This form is provided free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants.MAPP Page

    Manitoba Provincial Nominee ProgramApplication Form (MAPP)

    Date accepted forassessment by Manitoba

    The principal applicant must complete this form. All questions must be answered completelyand truthfully. Failure to provide complete and truthful information may result in the refusal ofyour application. Please print clearly.

    Principal applicant Spouse

    Family name

    Given name(s)

    Date of birth(dd/mm/yy) (d

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