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Manual for creation of liability for Automatic Freight Invoice Verification in Client 400

Scenario 1 : Expense Scenario (K3)

1) Creation of Sales OrderVA01

2) Creation of Delivery VL01N Picking tab – Check for correct Storage Location *

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Transport tab – Check for correct Route and Save *

* Note: It is essential to enter the Storage Location in the Picking Tab and the Route in the Transport Tab without which the delivery document would not get picked up during the creation of the Shipping document.

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3) Creation of Shipping Doc. VT01N

a) Transport Planning Pt : Same as receiving plant and Shipment Type is ZIIT

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b) Enter Delivery

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4) Creation of Shipment Costs VI01 and completion of shipment doc

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5) Go to YCF93 for Automatic Freight Invoice Verification

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6) Enter Selection Criteria and Click on F.13 for Automatic Clearing of items for which invoice has been done

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Come back to original screen and execute

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Select the line item and post

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Scenario 2 : Stock Transfer Scenario ( K2 )

1) Create Stock Transfer Order - ME21N

Check for the default route in the Shipping Tab. Incase the route needs to be changed, change it here itself. *

* Note: The shipping cost is generated based on a pricing condition maintained on the basis of route-packaging material-plant combination. Hence it is essential to enter the correct route ( i.e. the route for which a pricing condition exists).

2) Creation of Delivery - VL10B

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Click Execute

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Select Line Item and Click Background

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Select the Line item with Green Light and click Show/Hide Delivery

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Enter the Delivery Document and check for correct Storage Location and Route

3) Creation of Shipping Document – VT01N

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4) Creation of Shipment Costs VI01 and completion of shipment doc

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6)Go to YCF93 for Automatic Freight Invoice Verification

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Select the line item and click Post

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Enter the Service tax Classification and Registration No.

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