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  • 8/9/2019 [M.A.O.U.S.] Sometimes Asians Walk Small Dogs


    sometimes Asians walk small dogs . . .

    TheNode Banking WarfareModel

    The fact that on the road to Hell,

  • 8/9/2019 [M.A.O.U.S.] Sometimes Asians Walk Small Dogs


    From bull market B.S. to

    Bureaucracy shield

    Freedom of speech and the freedom to propagandize are not

    synonymous. Both should be used to protect the constitution.

    However, when these freedoms are used to subvert the constitutionthey become the licensed right of the oppressor. This license will

    be revoked by the same methodology by which it was gained.

    The following is the brief history of the end of America, from

    downfall of the republic to the occupation of C.F.O.B.

    In 1913 when the Federal Reserve was conceived the end of the

    republic was ensured. As the founders of America had warned a

    large standing central bank is one of the most dangerous

    institutions to infect a Democracy.

    Once the constitutional power to mint money was stolen from the

    people, the states and congress subjugation was ensured. The

    overpowered and unresponsive legal system proved itself a willful

    conspirator in the Republics demise. Since the midnight

    appointments the judicial branch had not only failed to protect the

    peoples rights and uphold the constitution but proved an enemy of


    The legal system was used and exploited to make justice

    impossible. It became nothing more than a legal cartel that

    implemented a Just-Us form of rule. Justice was for sale but few

    people could afford it. The point was not to attain justice merely to

    expand the business of it. The justice business is fully owned and

    operated by the few to subjugate the many.

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    The so-called free-press became a freedom oppressing ministry of

    propaganda owned by the same oligarchs that own the legal


    The education system was designed to depart from the autodidactic

    classic based system of the enlightenment. It was retooled to

    become the subjugation system designed to waste time and money

    of the people to keep them ignorant and in debt.

    The so-called education system and free-press are used in

    conjunction to reinforce the oligarchs message, which is to be

    passive, non-violent and submit. Thus the people became a non-

    threat that was easy to control and wear down through debt and

    inflation based attrition.

    Wars and racial tension provided the perfect smoke screen for the

    Oligarchs to implement their plan, all they needed was time.

    Despite President Washingtons warning to keep out of overseas

    wars and the balance of power struggles the American people

    found themselves permanently engaged in them.

    The people were kept divided by trumped up non-issues that were

    irresolvable by design to allow a government of the least

    accountability to perpetuate. Selections that were billed as

    elections provided the illusion of choice from candidates fromseparate parties that shared a brain. The election process was made

    so expensive and mainstream media dependant that no serious

    outside challenge was possible. Thus the Bureaucracy Shield was

    born and raised.

    The Bureaucracy Shield was composed of layers of Media,

    Lawyers, Lobbyists, Bankers and Bureaucrats that would protect

    the status quo. The Bureaucracy Shield was so thick that even if an

    outsider did get through they would be marginalized, ineffectual

    and at worst it was guaranteed their vote and voice would be

    drowned out by waves of sycophants.

    Inflation was used to quietly destroy the peoples prosperity and

    thus effectiveness in countering the incursions against their

    freedoms. The rich kept up with and exceeded inflation by

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    outsourcing, Wall St theft games and tax breaks. The people were

    kept in the dark on inflation and everything else by the old tactics

    of lies, damn lies and statistics.

    The biggest Benedict Arnold of them all was the broadcasters

    themselves. These hucksters served the Oligarchs by gaining the

    peoples trust, hiding behind the first amendment and perpetuating

    the elections, lies and instruments used to beguile the people while

    attacking or drowning out all those who sought to enlighten them.

    The traders, nay more, traitors on Wall St. finished off the republic

    without a shot fired, a monstrous betrayal, stabbed in the back by

    the people who had benefited from it the most. The republic had

    fallen. The sleeping giant that had long protected the republic had

    been literally sold down the river and in the face of the greatestfinancial crisis the people found themselves jobless and


    So there you have it, theft of a republic or death of a republic the

    phrasing matters not because the result was the same. The

    Oligarchs position is clear, weve got it, dont you dare try and

    come take it or else.

    C.F.O.B. will blissfully suffer the feeble attempts of the people to

    use pathetic peaceful sign waving protests, love-ins and othersocialist hippy crap tactics. C.F.O.B. will be a full partner with any

    entity spouting non-sense about voting for change, they know the

    system is their mit-game and they love for the suckers to play.

    What C.F.O.B. will not tolerate is freedom of real information,

    massive organizations that are independent of their control and

    subversion of their own freedoms; which is precisely what should

    be done.

    C.F.O.B. and their offspring must be ruthlessly hunted down and

    destroyed in a war of annihilation. Destroy them all by whatever

    means necessary is the essence of the total war mandated by their

    actions. This operation must be implemented by a revolutionary

    generation with the intestinal fortitude and ability to divorce

    themselves from emotion and compunction in order to implement

    Project Romanov.

  • 8/9/2019 [M.A.O.U.S.] Sometimes Asians Walk Small Dogs


    from occupation to evolution

    The golden rule is he who has the gold makes the rules.

    Unfortunately at this time that is clearly C.F.O.B. C.F.O.B.

    (sa*foe*be) is the Corporate Feudalistic Oligarchical Bureaucracy.

    C.F.O.B. is a conglomeration of Bankers, Bureaucrats,

    Broadcasters and Barristers. C.F.O.B exercises unchecked power

    over the citizenry whom they completely ignore in favor of their

    elitist, criminal self serving aims.

    Inflation is debt, debt is slavery and the debtor is slave to the

    lender. The reversal of this status is the key to the castration of thebanker. The bankers status during the occupation of C.F.O.B. is

    one of elitist oppressors who gamble amongst each other with

    wealth stolen from the citizenry.

    To the banker the nation state itself is his playground, the people

    his servants a casino that he both owns and operates to cater to his

    every perverse pleasure and nourish his narcissism. Under the

    node banking warfare model all these unnatural games will be

    declared what they are gambling and all gamblers will pay the vig!

    Vigorish, or simplythe vig, also known asjuice orthe take, is theamount charged by a bookmaker, for his services. It also means the

    interest on a shark's loan. This will be implemented by the I.R.S.

    on behalf of the citizenry upon all of Wall Street gambling


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    The vig tax will be retroactive, progressive, penal and inheritable.

    All assets, heirs and holdings of the guilty will be subject to the

    vig. The vig will be collateralized by the persons citizenship.

    Citizenship will be revoked upon demonstration of inability or

    unwillingness to pay at margin call.

    Additionally all Barristers, Broadcasters and Bureaucrats found to

    be class or constitutional traitors should be similarly subjected to

    the vig.

    Under the free-for-all farce version of free market capitalism the

    banker hid behind the ridiculous idea that they should be allowed

    to do whatever they want and whenever they didnt like something

    they hid behind the free market.

    Under the fair market capitalism this ridiculous state of affairs will

    not be allowed to continue. A debt is owed to the citizenry of theterritory for holding the borders of the territory with their blood

    and the blood of their ancestors. In this way a state of family has

    been formed.

    The individual owes the family for the opportunity to operate

    freely in this environment and prosper. The state is held by the

    family or more accurately families of its make up not the

    individual. Therefore the individual is part of the family and owes

    the family. If the individual prospers so should the family, but if

    the individual betrays the familys constitution then they should be

    dealt with.

  • 8/9/2019 [M.A.O.U.S.] Sometimes Asians Walk Small Dogs


    The poem of now

    Violence is the Yin to Greeds Yang; this is a reality that humanity

    has yet to reconcile. Let us ponder it through the inverse of Gordon

    Geckos greed speech, a favorite of our Oligarchs.

    [enter violence]

    Thank you. I am not a destroyer of countries. I am a liberator of

    them! The point is, ladies and gentleman, that violence, for lack of

    a better word, is good. Might is right, violence works. Violence

    clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of both the

    evolutionary and revolutionary spirit. Violence, in all of its forms;

    violence for power, for money, for religion, for knowledge has

    marked the upward surge of humanity. And violence, you mark my

    words, will not only save you, but that other malfunctioning entity

    you call your homeland. The following truths I hold to be self-


    The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to timewith the blood of patriots and tyrants.

    Thomas Jefferson

    "Free men sleep peacefully in their beds at night because rough

    men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

    George Orwell

    War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it.

    The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.

    William Tecumseh Sherman

    War is ignorance

    Peace is slavery

    Strength is freedom

    Thank you very much . . .

  • 8/9/2019 [M.A.O.U.S.] Sometimes Asians Walk Small Dogs



    Oracle of the oligarch

    Would you like to know what the future will look like? Imagine

    your most cherished friend be they a broadcaster, barrister, banker

    or bureaucrat. Remember what their face looked like at your

    happiest moment together. Now imagine a boot forever stamping

    in that face and that of their offspring; that is the future!!!

    Revolutionary dispensation

    Revolutionary dispensation is the concept that there is no such

    thing as crime when implementing the revolution. Pardons shall

    go to all whom survive.

    Oath taker or faker?

    This is the only question, a faker is a traitor and traitors are not

    citizens. Traitors, spies and saboteurs will be tried without the

    protections of citizenship. All executive orders are null and void at

    the point of revolution. Only the constitution and militia law will

    be recognized as valid. All lawyers will be disbarred and the courts

    will be liquidated. Militia tribunals will serve as the law of the land

    until the republic can be reinstituted.

    All those who served as prosecutors, persecutors or transgressors

    against the revolutionaries shall be stripped of citizenship along

    with their offspring. The Maousian has no delusions of moral

    superiority. There is only victors justice, traitors have no rights

    and history is written by the winners everything else is


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    Moral Meritism & the Future

    Let us refute another slogan shouted by the Oligarch by its inverse.

    I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live

    for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.

    John Galt . . .

    Excrement upon which no society can be built nor endure.

    Now let us examine the inverse.

    [enter the moral meritist]

    I swear to the family i.e. nation that I will uphold my

    contract i.e. constitution, and will expect those who benefit from it

    to do the same.

    The point of being just, is to create a synergistic environment

    where more can be obtained by the individual by its perpetuation

    than its destruction. Society is interdependent and fragile, in such

    an aforementioned environment the individual becomes greater

    than their sum and therefore their merit increases.

    The enemy of true justice is the narcissist, the self-absorbed greedy

    individual who cheats the family and ignores the contract in order

    to rise beyond their merit.

    The narcissists crime is betrayal, the sweetest of sins. You can fall

    in and out of love, you cant fall in out of loyalty; you are either

    loyal or you are not.

    The narcissist and the self-absorbed have no merit, and that

    without merit must be removed.

  • 8/9/2019 [M.A.O.U.S.] Sometimes Asians Walk Small Dogs


    Pawn shops


    Node Banking Warfare Model

    One must ponder if all politics is local; shouldnt all banking be as

    well? The internet was designed as a defense grid of computer

    nodes to ensure communications could continue in the event of

    nuclear attack. Information travels throughout the internet in

    packets. The information goes from node to node until its

    destination is reached. If one of the nodes is damaged the

    information simply reroutes around it thus finding a new path to its

    final destination.

    The Hard Standard of the Maousian Mark which is composed of

    gold, silver and copper could be easily integrated to the pawn shop

    model for the following reasons.1) Pawn Shops typically deal in

    these type of metals. 2) Pawn Shops are a proven model that has

    existed for thousands of years and is multi-cultural. 3) Pawn Shops

    deal in loans and currencies.

    With the advent of modern debit / credit card technology a pseudo

    precious metal standard would allow Pawn Shops to serve as

  • 8/9/2019 [M.A.O.U.S.] Sometimes Asians Walk Small Dogs


    dynamic ATMs that could take both precious metals and .barter


    Real estate transactions could be collateralized by a series of nodes

    in the same way that stocks and bonds are used to finance

    corporations and municipalities. In this way no single node would

    be overexposed to a catastrophic mal-investment. This would also

    allow the local community to reinvest in itself in addition to being

    judicious as to the characteristics of the businesses and entities

    financed in their community.

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    the return of real money

    The Maousian Mark tri-currency will reintroduce real money.

    Most transactions will take place in electronic debiting and

    crediting grams of copper, silver and gold. However the following

    coins will be minted in various sizes to serve as hard currency


    Prototype design

    Front: three headed golden dragon

    Back: winged lady victory

    Claw Mark 1 oz Gold

    Prototype design

    Front: bunny, cascading shamrocks and the morning star

    Back: lady victory

    Hop Mark1 oz Silver

    Prototype design:

    Front serpent of destiny

    Back walking lady victory

    Bite Mark 1 oz Copper

  • 8/9/2019 [M.A.O.U.S.] Sometimes Asians Walk Small Dogs


    Debt Jubilee

    For a long time gambling debts were not legally collectible,

    unenforceable and therefore are valid in Vegas only. This policy

    will be revisited during the Debt Jubilee. Wall St. is gamblingtherefore their debts are null and void as far as the people are

    concerned, as are the debts incurred by any entity or government in

    the peoples name without their consent.

    The so-called legal tender of the Federal Reserve note is so in

    name only, it is not constitutional money or debt. Therefore any

    debt denominated in it is fraud. Fraud debt is null and void as far

    as the people are concerned. Fraud is not legally collectible debt;

    fraud is a cost to the lender for a lack of vigilance or integrity.

    For the Oligarch theft is life and something all must endure. The

    balance to this is that such life must endure theft; this is the way of


    A free people will embrace the Maousian Mark only. All other

    debts denominated in fiat currencies shall be declared null and

    void. In this way the people will be recognized for their actual and

    rightful role as lenders and all debtors shall be their slaves.

    All debts foreign to the people will be seized and re-collateralized

    in the Maousian mark. These debts will then be enforced by the vigand eminent domain payable to the people and their family i.e. the


    For example: A mortgage would be seized by eminent domain.

    The debt would then be revalued in Marks with first right of

    refusal given to the occupant. The price, if any, to be paid the so

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    called mortgage holder is of secondary and minor importance.

    Lease to own would probably be the most sensible option during

    this phase to allow the fair market to reset prices. The mortgage

    would then be collected by the I.R.S. and serviced by what will be

    left of the former mortgage holders company for a fee.

    The principal could then be allowed to float during the Jubilee with

    the ability to do principal reductions throughout the process as

    inflationary credit mechanisms are removed from the market and a

    true price is found.

    The Oligarch will interpret this as nationalization. Since almost all

    of the Oligarchs gains have been due to hidden and illegal tax

    subsidies at the peoples expense the correct term is liberation. The

    people will be merely reclaiming that which they have already


    After the capture and weaponization of the I.R.S. this methodology

    will be used to reclaim all ill-gotten gains from the Oligarchs. All

    Oligarchs and their pig offspring will then be stripped of

    citizenship and stand trial for high treason.

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    The fair tax and the I.R.S.

    The tax system will be retooled after revolutionary forces seize

    each territory. The tax of the territory will be split between the fair

    tax and the current income tax ran by the I.R.S. Both the plan for

    the current fair tax and the current I.R.S. tax will be cut in half for

    the initial implementation. In this way a parallel launch can be

    seamlessly implemented.

    The income tax will eventually be capped at 9% and scaled as

    needed. The exception being that the tax will be weaponizedagainst individuals who refuse the leadership draft, entities or

    individuals without merit, class traitors and enemies both domestic

    and foreign of the family.

  • 8/9/2019 [M.A.O.U.S.] Sometimes Asians Walk Small Dogs


    The A.S.P. testing methodology

    I. And what is thy merit?

    II. Show me why this is and /or Show me how this will be


    III. Proceed

    Everything should be subjected to the A.S.P. methodology, therazor of reason. That which does not survive has no merit.

    Know that the eternal truth of merit is this!

    That without merit must be removed . . .

  • 8/9/2019 [M.A.O.U.S.] Sometimes Asians Walk Small Dogs


    The Ophiuchian Gadsden

    The Ophiuchian Gadsden (or O.G. flag) is to serve as a modern

    update of the Gadsden flag.

    Tread on thy not replaces the words dont tread on me. The serpent

    of destiny on a pure white field replaces the coiled serpent on the

    yellow field.

    The serpent of destiny is the deist symbol for the cycle of life.

    Ophiuchus is the hidden sign of the zodiac known as the serpent

    bearer. The serpent is a metaphor for the test of life and liberty.

    This flag makes the statement that we the people are willing to

    bear the test of destiny. Those who look to trespass against our life

    and liberty should know that we are prepared to defend it.

    Therefore tread on thy not

  • 8/9/2019 [M.A.O.U.S.] Sometimes Asians Walk Small Dogs


    The Morning Star

    The morning star emblem is to serve as a standard of the Maousian

    Empire. The morning star represents enlightenment expanding in

    all directions, a cathedral of light, a phalanx of pikes, and mostimportantly the spikes in the middle class fasces.

    The morning star was chosen as it represents both weapon and

    guiding light. The planetary symbolism is the planetary positioning

    of Earth between Mars and Venus.

  • 8/9/2019 [M.A.O.U.S.] Sometimes Asians Walk Small Dogs


    The Doom & Bloom Society

    A secret society that functions as an information sharing salon

    dedicated to the fact that since everything is going to hell the seeds

    for a better tomorrow must be sown.

    This society should focus on preparedness, localization, self-

    sufficiency, philosophy, discussions on meritism, the new

    enlightenment and how to install a functioning meritocracy.

    This society will also be charged with recruiting for the Shadow


  • 8/9/2019 [M.A.O.U.S.] Sometimes Asians Walk Small Dogs


    New Order of ThingsN.O.T. stands for a New Order of Things; the anti-New World

    Order organization whose sole purpose is to systematically

    destroy, hunt down and shame all class traitors by whatever means


    The flag Ollie Knot (or O.K. flag) represents the method of

    properly tying the Oligarchs necktie, which is of course the

    hangmans noose, a real black-tie affair.

    Not should focus on securing resources, recruitment for the

    Shadow Army and functioning as an underground resistance.

    The symbolism is the three upside down black shamrocks

    symbolizing bad things coming down. The dead bunnies

    symbolize anti-fertility and the Celtic Knot symbolizes an

    integrated and interlocking maze. The hangmans noose is self-


  • 8/9/2019 [M.A.O.U.S.] Sometimes Asians Walk Small Dogs


    Project Romanov

    rules of the anti-party fight club

    The first rule of M.A.O.U.S. is you dont rely on the government.

    The second rule of M.A.O.U.S. is you dont rely on the government.

    The third rule is membership is open to all.

    The fourth rule is you decide your own level of involvement.

    The fifth rule is you fight for the world wide middle class.

    The sixth rule is you self-educate.

    The seventh rule is the anti-party is ran by the rant, and the rants

    will go on as long as they need to.

    The eight rule is you represent for the constitution.

    And the ninth and final rule is, if you join the M.A. you have to

    fight for the constitution.

    This of course is not really happening; it only appears to be happening. My artwork is just an inverse of

    the1984 novel for Oligarch and public consumption. Kind of what if prose?

    Do you like my artwork? No, good, welcome to theatre non grata!


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    Sad Departures

    May you live in interesting times is an infamous curse reputed tobe from dubious origins. The theory being that terrible things

    happen in these times.

    Like many poets of mankind, I often do not start theory until the

    cool of the evening.

    Then in the arctic half-light of the infinite night, all existence fades

    to a being with my soul and the memories and the sounds of the

    stillness of night will rise.

    Eventually, all people merge into one, and only a little bitch, i.e. a

    government runs through it.

    The tribes of man were cut by the world's great flood which runs

    over rocks from the basement of time. On some of those rocks we

    are timeless raindrops.

    Under the rocks are the words, and in some words, in some worlds

    we are theirs.

    I am haunted by that little bitch; and sometimes Asians walk small

    dogs . . ..

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