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  • 8/3/2019 MAPAL Brosch Energieeffizienz e



    Energy-e icienttool conceptsSave energy and costs with intelligentprocess management

  • 8/3/2019 MAPAL Brosch Energieeffizienz e


    MAPAL technology:

    Our contribution to energy e fciency You do not need to be a great prophet to predict thatenergy costs and, in particular, electricity prices willcontinue to rise. In Germany industry needs more than40 % o the entire consumption o the electrical powerproduced. Approximately 60 % o this usage is down tothe operation o production machines. In the case o machine tools the energy necessary or machining is verylow in comparison to the total energy required by themachine. On these machines there are a number o possible ways o increasing the energy e iciency, orexample by using regulators and controllers to suit the

    speci ic task, as well as by using energy-saving units.However, these approaches o ten involve large invest-ments or even new machines. On the other hand, asigni icant energy saving and there ore cost saving canbe achieved with intelligent process optimisation onexisting machines.

    MAPAL specialists optimise the process management

    O particular importance or energy e iciency is reducedmachine running time, that is shorter machining time. Onthe one hand this objective can be achieved with reducednon-productive times. MAPALs complete machining tools

    combine the machining o various bores, cham ers andlat sur aces such that o ten our, ive or more tool

    changes can be saved. On the other hand, higher eed ratesand the related shorter machine running time bringsigni icant energy savings.

    The conversion to minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) ordry machining o ers even more potential. Energy savingsrom 20 to 30 % can be achieved, as the units necessary tosupply the cooling lubricant are not required. MAPAL alsoo ers complete solutions or MQL technology rom theclamping tool to the cutting edge.

    * Sources: Zh, M.; Niehues, K.: Wie viel Energie verbraucht eineWerkzeugmaschine? ertigung journal 09/2009 date 28.09.2009, page 30 .Umweltbundesamt, FG I 2.5., date March 2010







    7Less non-productive time Higher speeds Modern Technology MAPAL+++

    A medium-size machine tool consumes approx. 165,000 kWh* per year in three-shi toperation. This signi ies carbon dioxide emissions o 95 t CO2* and corresponds to theemissions rom 66 small cars covering a mileage o 12,000 km each.

    Due to high per ormance tools and optimised machining processes, 15 to 20 % o thetotal energy required can be saved.

    The energy required can be reduced by a urther 20 to 30 %, or example by convertingto MQL or dry machining.

  • 8/3/2019 MAPAL Brosch Energieeffizienz e


    Energy-e fcient tool concepts

  • 8/3/2019 MAPAL Brosch Energieeffizienz e


    Less non-productive time shorter processesMAPAL the specialist or combination tools



    The usage o combination tools is particularly e ective or reducing the energy requiredand at the same time increasing productivity. During process design, MAPAL specialistsalways pay attention to combining as many machining operations as possible in one tool.As a result tool changes and travels, that is non-productive times, are saved. Also the totalmanu acturing time is signi icantly reduced by the simultaneous machining o variousbores, cham ers and lat sur aces. This method o working also brings higher accuracies inrelation to the concentricity and angle requirements, as on combination tools an o setbetween the diameters cannot occur. A urther positive e ect on the usage o combinationtools is that stations are reed up in the tool magazine.

    Lower consumption due to combination tools

    1. Combination tool or machining boresand or circular milling (suspensionarm AlSi10Mg)First the diameter (41H8) is ine machi-ned rom the cored state using a pre-machining stage and ine machiningstage. Then the lat sur aces and cham-ers on both sides o the workpiece arecircular milled. Due to the so t cut o thetangential inserts during circular millingand the support rom the guide padsduring the machining o the bore, it was

    possible to combine the original twomachining tasks.

    Savings/year (80,000 parts)

    Cycle time: 289 hrs

    Energy: 6,358 kWh

    Emissions: 3.7 t CO2*

    *(= 31,100 km in a car)

    2. Complete machining using tangentialtechnology and solid carbide drill(actuator GG25)Three tools were necessary to machine aconnection and bearing bore in a greycast iron housing. All machining stepswere combined into a three-piece com-bination tool. It was possible to save atotal o 16 sec. in non-productive timeand productive time solely by using thistool.

    Savings/year (25,000 parts)

    Cycle time: 111 hrs

    Energy: 2,440 kWh

    Emissions: 1.4 t CO2*

    *(= 11,800 km in a car)



  • 8/3/2019 MAPAL Brosch Energieeffizienz e


    1. PCD-tipped precision drilling tool inlightweight design

    Four tools combined in one tool. Maxi-mum diameter 150 mm and neverthelessa low weight o only 5.7 kg due to titani-um tool body. Feed rate o 900 mm/min.

    Savings/year (40,000 parts)

    Cycle time: 171 hrs

    Energy: 3,762 kWh

    Emissions: 2.2 t CO2*

    *(= 18,200 km in a car)

    2. Guided ine boring tool or bearingand location bores to the micron

    Complete machining o seven di erenteatures diameters, cham ers, rontaces. Compliance with the tightesttolerances with high productivity.Combination with insertion tool orurther machining positions. It waspossible to replace three tools.

    Savings/year (100,000 parts)

    Cycle time: 388 hrs

    Energy: 8,536 kWh

    Emissions: 4.9 t CO2*

    *(= 41,200 km in a car)

    The largest e ects in relation to energy e iciency and increasing productivity can beachieved during the design and optimisation o complete machining processes. It is duringthis process that the MAPAL Tool Expert Team de ines and plans the optimum tools andaids or the machining. All the documents and studies necessary or per ect tool planningare prepared. On request, the MAPAL tool experts will also supply speci ic NC programsand provide support during the breaking-in o the tools. In this way it was possible duringprocess optimisation to save 12 o the 80 tools required originally or a gearbox housing.The machining time was shortened by 25 % as a result with a corresponding reduction inthe total energy required by the machine.

    Examples or increased energy e iciency and productivity(gearbox housing Al)

    Advantages:Complete machining tools orshorter machine running times

    Saving in additional tools, maga-zine stations and changing timesdue to machining at variousposition

    Signi icant reduction in the totalenergy requirement o the ma-chine 10 to 15 % are possible

    Energy saving without investmentin new units and machines



    Energy-e fcient tool concepts

  • 8/3/2019 MAPAL Brosch Energieeffizienz e


  • 8/3/2019 MAPAL Brosch Energieeffizienz e


    Modern technologyMAPAL the specialist or minimum quantity lubrication

    and dry machiningMinimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) and dry machining are particularly important ea-tures or the energy e iciency o a machine tool. The reason is the high power consumptiono the high pressure pumps required or the cooling lubricant. O ten these devices make up2030 % o the total energy required by the machine. By converting a cylinder head ma-chining operation to MQL, it was possible, or example, to completely do without a pumpthat operates in the pressure range up to 50 bar and that has a motor power rating o 12 kW.

    Example cylinder head MQL project

    1. PCD precision boring tool or the blindbores or valve seat and valve guide Due to the exact matching o the chan-nel cross-sections, medium is reliablyand evenly supplied to all cutting edges.A special supply guarantees a responsetime o

  • 8/3/2019 MAPAL Brosch Energieeffizienz e



    MAPAL the major specialist

    Reaming and ine boringBoring

    DrillingMillingTurningActuatingClampingSetting and measuringServices

    MAPAL Przisionswerkzeuge Dr. Kress KGP.O. Box 1520 D-73405 Aalen Phone +49 (0) 7361 585-0 Fax +49 (0) 7361 585-150in [email protected] www.mapal.com

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