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MapInfo Professional Road Map 2013 to 2014

MapInfo Professional and Desktop GIS

• Powerful desktop mapping and GIS capabilities.

• Programmable options with MapBasic and MapXtreme.Net.

• Part of an enterprise suite – MapInfo Professional provides– Creation of spatial data and maps

for use in department and enterprise applications.

– Powerful visualisation and analysis for expert workers


Desktop Roadmap

June 2015MapInfo Professional 13.0 (64 bit)

Grid Application v2Discover 2015

MapXtreme for .NET 8

June 2014Mapinfo Professional 12.5 (32 bit)

June 2013MapInfo Professional 12.0Discover 2013Engage 2013MapXtreme for .NET 7.1

December 2013MapXtreme for .NET 7.2

September/October 2014MapInfo Professional 12.5 (64 bit)Grid SDK and Application v1Discover 2014MapXtreme for .NET 7.5

MapInfo Professional v12.0 themes


Cartographic output

Improved automatic label positioningAbility to set label priority between layersScalebar improvementsLegend Designer improvementsAlign objects in layout

Technology stack updates

PostGIS 2, SQL Server 2012.Net 4.0

Data access FME 2013 and FME Quick TranslatorCreate SQLite database

ToolsTable Structure ManagerPolyBuilderMapCAD tools update

LicensingBroken license fix, re-install Improved control and access for internally hosted and administered License servers



New label options to fit more labels automaticallySet the priority of layers for labeling

MapInfo Professional v12.5 themes


Cartographic outputAbility to work directly with a map in a layoutLayout Designer

OS - 64 bitFull 64 bit application including dependenciesWindows XP will no longer be supported

Performance improvements

Framework for running long operations on a background thread, use of multiple cores. Object Processing improvements

User experience upgrades

Redesigned user interface with ribbons

Licensing Better control and stability for distributed licenses



A sneak peek at use of ribbons….



MapInfo Professional Multi-Horizon RoadmapHorizon 3: Contenders Horizon 2: Mid Term Development Horizon 1: In Development

Market Driven

PlatformInteroperability Data Sources

Individual Spatial Database



Geoprocessingserver (Spectrum


64 bit

Ease of Use

Ribbon Interface




processingActive Map in


Better control distributed licenses

Workflow Designer

Layout Designer


Object processing improvements

Object processing improvements

Layout Designer

Windows tablet

User Experience refresh, workflow


License Server improvements

Database performance Data Management

(Spectrum Spatial)

Mineral Exploration & Mining pbEncomThis afternoon’s session with Chris Jenkins



• What’s new in Discover 2013. 30 minutes.

– A look at the new features within Discover and Discover3D 2013 including a live demo.

• Discover 2014 Roadmap. 15 minutes.

– A look forward to next year’s Discover release, including Natural Resource relevant developments in the MapInfo Professional suite.

Coffee Break 15 minutes.

• Discover Web Demonstration - Advance you investor relations. 30 minutes.

– A live demo showing how you can seamlessly integrate you exploration data and results in to a live web portal.

• Live Demo ModelVision. 30 minutes.

– A live demo showing Forward Modelling of Gravity and Magnetic Data. Compare your geological models with your field data.

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