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Download - March 16, 2007

Page 1: March 16, 2007

Photo by Sumaya Mehai

FRIDAY March 16, 2007


“300” proves to be success at the box office.

Page 12

In This IssueNews...................2-7Feature.............8-11Entertainment......12Opinion................15Calendar.............16


The first few weeks into the semester are always a hassle for students in all parking lots. See story, page 4.

Volume 91 Number 2

Hall of Fame

Six new inductees welcomed to Ath-letic Hall of Fame.

Page 14


The Speech and Debate team reap

more awards.

Page 5

El VaqueroEl VaqueroGlendale CollegeGlendale College

Photo by Olga Ramaz

Page 2: March 16, 2007

2 Friday,March16,2007 www.elvaq.com


Campus Mourns Loss of Instructor and FriendBy Olga RamazEL VAQUERO EDITOR IN CHIEF

El VaqueroGlendale Community College

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Olga Ramaz can be reached at [email protected]

Paul Dozois, an engineering, drafting, Computer Aided

Design/Computer Aided Manu-facturing (CAM/CAD) instructor for 30 years, and former Division Chair of the Aviation and Tech-nology department, died on the evening of March 1 of pulmonary and cardiac failure. He leaves be-hind a son and daughter, family, friends, and his girlfriend Donna Serra.

“Paul was just that kind of per-son that you’re happy crossed your life,” said Nick Papaioanu, a close friend and engineering in-structor on campus.

Dozois suffered from many ail-ments, including Parkinson’s dis-ease, complications from which

forced him to retire in June of 2006. Some colleagues, like Tom Ferguson, an Aviation and Tech-nology instructor, said that he was “five years overdue” in his retire-ment.

“I think he would have been better off to retire five years be-fore,” said Ferguson, detailing a hospital visit he made to Dozois last year. “It seemed like he was rebounding a little bit…he could have prolonged [his life] by tak-ing care of himself. The Parkin-son’s had lots to do with deterio-rating him.”

According to Ferguson, Dozois spent the last couple of months prior to his passing, chair-bound because his swollen legs made it difficult for him to get around.

One of the last conversations Ferguson had with Dozois trig-

gered an eerie and almost pro-phetic message.

Dozois had stressed to Fer-guson: “retire early if you can.”

But there was much more to Dozois that just teach-ing and the unfortunate i l l n e s s e s that even-tually cost him his life. He was an artist, a col-lector of Southwest art, military p a r a p h e r -nalia and a lover of the desert.

“He loved the desert,” said chair of the B u s i n e s s D i v i s i o n and close friend, Lin-da Serra. “[He was,] as my sister [Donna] would call him, ‘a desert rat extraordinaire.’”

Dozois owned homes in Palm-dale as well in Kingman, Ariz. It is in Kingman where Dozois’ love for military objects and his spirit remain.

A few months ago, Dozois donated some of his military vehicles to the Kingman Army Airfield Historical Society and Museum. Back in 1942, the site where the museum now sits was a training field for the United States Army Air Force during World War II. The museum was later es-tablished in order to preserve the field’s history with artifacts, pho-tos and displays.

Norm Berge, president and cu-rator of the museum not only es-tablished a professional relation-ship with Dozois, but a personal one as well.

“He was a prince,” said Berge. “His friendship will stay with me forever.”

Currently, a 1939 Army Scout donated by Dozois, sits on dis-play at the museum.

According to Berge, Dozois had also planned on donating a Jeep, two trailers, military uniforms and other artifacts of

the time.Papaioanu spent a great deal

of time traveling with Dozois when the two took a class in Jef-

ferson, Ind. through GCC. He re-called visiting several locations throughout the state and going on paddle boat rides, among other things.

Papaioanu also heard from Do-zois prior to his death. According to him, Dozois called him the day before his passing to ask Papaioa-nu how to install the ink cartridge into his new laser printer. Papa-ioanu believes that by the time he returned his call, which was at ap-proximately 11 p.m. on March 1, Dozois had already passed away in his sleep.

“He was a really good per-son and I’m really going to miss him,” he said.

Dozois is considered by col-leagues to have been generous, a workaholic, good with his students and possessing a great sense of humor, according to Lin-da Serra.

“He had a really interesting sense of humor,” she said. “I know, sitting next to him in divi-sion chair meetings, sometimes the comments that he’d make, not mean ones but just funny, I would have to try to keep my composure. But sometimes, I just couldn’t.”

Back in the ’90s, Dozois won the Distinguished Faculty Award,

but most importantly, he is cred-ited by his colleagues for being responsible for “building” the Aviation/Technology department when he sat as division chair.

“He hired the right people to keep this division going strong,” said Ferguson. “I think he really had a care about this division, es-pecially the careers in engineering and administration of justice.”

Dozois would have been 64 on March 30. He had planned to go on a cruise to Alaska in the sum-mer, a trip which Linda Serra said he was really looking forward to.

“It’s such a shame that he didn’t make it there,” she said. “But looking at him, it was doubtful that he was going to be able to un-less there was some huge change in his health.”

Since his death, Dozois’ body has been cremated. Services for Dozois will be held on Friday, March 30 at the 20th Century Women’s Club located at 5105 Hermosa Ave., Eagle Rock. The service starts at 1 p.m. The fam-ily requests that in lieu of flow-ers, donations be made to the Paul Dozois Scholarship fund at the Foundation office or to the Kingman Army Airfield Museum located at 4540 Flightline Drive, Kingman, AZ. 86401. For more information, call (928) 757-1892.

Faculty, staff, students and friends are welcomed to direct inquiries on Dozois and/or send condolences to [email protected]

Papaioanu said, “he should be remembered as a really good guy who really loved the students and made that job his number one pri-ority.”

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Student jobsAT&T hired us. We want you.

21 registration agentsPT/FT $400-$800/wk.Resume experience.

Will train. Bilingual Armenian a plus

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Paul Dozois

Page 3: March 16, 2007

www.elvaq.com Friday, March 30, 2007 3


Canceled Classes Cost the Campus More MoneyBy Diana PetrasEL VAQUERO NEWS EDITOR

The current low enrollment ep-idemic affects both students

and faculty members on campus with canceled classes as well as financial issues for the school. In terms of running a college, the school receives money from the state based on the number of FTES (Full Time Equivalent Stu-dent). Each semester the number of FTES enrolled each year is ex-pected to increase, but when the school does not reach the growth number expected, it looses mon-ey. In the Sept. 22 story “Low En-rollment Epidemic Hits GCC, Classes Canceled,” former Vice President of Instructional Ser-vices, Steve White, said that an FTES is one credit or non-credit student enrolled at Glendale Col-lege. He said that the college receives about $3,900 to $4,000 for one credit FTES and around $2,200 for one non-credit FTES. He also said, “The school receives about $70,000,000 for about 16,000 credit and non-credit FTES en-rolled at GCC.” The money that the college ac-quires from the state is used to operate the school. With low en-rollment, the school cannot gain enough capital needed to com-pensate for the use of instructors, utilities and student services. According to Vice President of Administrative Services, Larry Serot, the direct cost of instruc-tion for a professor is about $4,200 and that does not include the utilities or maintenance of the classroom. For instance, current Vice Presi-dent of Instructional Services Dawn Lindsay said that a three unit class with six students only generates $2,900 for the school. With $2,900, it is not enough to pay for an instructor and the other costs needed to fund the school so the class may get canceled. “When you take the instruc-tor’s salary out of [$2,900] and then look at the electricity, wa-ter, grounds keeping and main-tenance [of the campus]... it isn’t enough,” she said. Lindsay also said that even if a three unit class has reached the bare minimum of 15 students, it acquires $7,050 for the college while another class with 27 stu-

dents or so will attain $13,052. If a class with 15 students or more enrolled, the class is able to maintain a bud-get that benefits the school. Serot said that the Office of In-struction is in charge of balanc-ing the total bud-get that is given to the school in order to make the campus more efficient by deciding which classes to keep and which classes have to be can-celed. “We are not automatically can-celing classes,” said Lindsay. “If there are classes running with less than 15 people in it, we’re look-ing at some issues of not being financially responsible. However, we do keep a few specialty class-es because we felt that they [the classes] needed to continue.” “We [the administrators] are working very hard to be respon-sible with the money used for the college,” she said. “We have to make sure that the money we’re generating [from the FTES] is used wisely.” According to Serot, managing education along with economics is a balancing act. Lindsay said that people need to understand to be really viable from a fiscal perspective because the more efficient the school is, the better off the campus is even though classes are canceled in the process. “We’re in the market of edu-cating students,” she said. “That’s what we have a passion for doing and that’s what we’re responsible for [because] there are a lot of variables in dealing with enroll-ment management.” “There are all kinds of strate-gies [in dealing with enrollment] and we’re trying to make the class scheduling easier for the students,” she said. “When there are classes with low enrollment, the school isn’t being fiscally smart because there will be classes that will not have high enrollment rates that stu-dents may need [for a certificate or a certain degree].” The school’s goal is to be as efficient in education as well as economically, but it is a hard task because of the funds and manage-

Students Celebrate Armenian Culture

ment that is required. “Canceling classes is not a bad

thing,” said Serot. “The college isn’t in the position to just offer classes that no student is going

to take. It’s why we cancel small classes and student should know

that we keep a real effort to keep a class open.” According to Lindsay, the school has to look at data in the past in or-der to evaluate the number of students and schedule better time frames for

classes. “You have to understand your consumers, the students; be-cause you want to make sure that

you’re addressing their needs.” “Classes are canceled because of low enrollment, but manag-ing the classes is really difficult because we only have so many classroom spaces available,” she said. “We have to look at the needs, demands, availability and scheduling to make sure that a student can take more than one class a day.”

Photo by Ismael Reyes GCC students barbecue chicken during the Armenian Culture Day Festival that took place at Plaza Vaquero on Thursday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event included a large number of displays consisting of photo montag-es, drawings and maps depicting Armenian art, literature, religion and history. Arutyun Chiroglyan performed and was followed by an Armenian circle dance, headed by dance instructor Tom Bozigian.

“We are working very hard to be responsible with the money

used for the college.”

- Dawn LindsayVice President of Instructional Services

Tamara Baskin can be reached at [email protected]

Page 4: March 16, 2007

4 Friday,March16,2007 www.elvaq.com


Students Continue Struggle With Limited ParkingBy Diana PetrasEL VAQUERO NEWS EDITOR

Each semester parking be-comes a chore for both stu-

dents and faculty members. Most students opt to arrive on campus early, at least two hours before class, to try to beat the morning, afternoon or evening traffic. Even upon arrival, the first few weeks into the semester are a hassle for students in all of the parking lots. They waste about 10 to 20 minutes because of bumper-to-bumper traffic in and outside of each lot. To make matters even worse, other drivers are forced to pass vulture-like-people stopped in the parking lots that are waiting to at-tack the next person leaving for an available parking spot. “I come in [to campus] on Mon-days, Wednesdays and Fridays in the morning,” said Kinesiology major Michael Gonzales. “I park near the McDonald’s parking lot and it’s just terrible. You’re forced to sit around and wait for a parking spot and stacked parking doesn’t do a good job either.” With the current construction of the new parking structure, relief for the parking lot blues may just be around the corner as the proj-ect nears its expected completion

in late August. Gonzales believes that anything will help. “There should be no problem after the structure is finished,” he said. “But who knows.” “Parking is terrible and has gotten worse this semester,” said Director of Business Services, Bill Taylor. “We have a problem where students, faculty and staff are vying for parking. We used to have some faculty members park in the upper parking lot. We can’t do that now because the students need the parking. “One of the problems with our part-time faculty is that they come to campus and they have to leave.They have to have convenient parking. So any available parking spots on campus were marked for the part timers.” However, GCC is not the only campus with parking problems. “It’s not uncommon,” said Tay-lor. “Cal Poly had a new parking structure built in. Parking is al-ways a limitation and it’s nothing new. It’s always been a problem and we’ve finally been able to do something about it.” He also said that the school has asked administrators, classi-fied employees and other faculty members to park off campus to alleviate the parking situation for the students. However, Biology

and Physical Science Division Administrative Assistant, Robyn Fea is not affected by the parking situation. “I park off campus at the church the school has set up on Wabasso

Diana Petras can be reached at [email protected]

[avenue],” she said. “It’s a 12-minute walk. It’s amazing how students can spend 12 minutes circling and circling [the parking lots], if they can’t find a place to park on campus all they need to do is go up to Wabasso. The park-ing is not restricted. “The biggest complaint is that they never have a place to park. But yes you can. You just need to walk a little. That’s my solution. But the parking situation is going to be solved. We’re going to have that lovely parking structure in the fall.” The total budget for the new parking structure and to improve the current parking lot is about $29 million. “Construction is about $26 mil-lion and about $3 million towards everything from testing and in-spection to engineering,” said Taylor. “We will be doubling the number of spaces in the upper parking lot before construction with about 1,185 new ones.” He also said the campus’ park-ing limitation is one of the reasons why the school is affected by low enrollment. “I talked to a student the other day that bought a permit and he can’t find a parking spot when he

needs to come on campus,” he said. “So his parents are dropping him off.” However, there are some people do not have the luxury of having someone to drop them off so they are unable to go to class because they cannot find a parking spot. “One concern that we hear from students is lack of parking and we’re doing our best to meet that with the new parking structure,” said Taylor. Students can adjust to the cur-rent parking situation. Vice Presi-dent of Administrative Services, Larry Serot said that students are allowed to parallel park along Verdugo Road and La Cañada as long as they have a student park-ing permit. “But the spots get filled up quickly,” he said. “The parking structure will be open for the fall semester,” said Taylor. “I think it would be very difficult to fill up the new park-ing structure. We don’t guarantee a parking spot, but the availability of a parking spot should be much, much better in the fall.”

Horrendous parking condition continues as the semester progresses.

Photo by Sumaya Mehai

Diligent meter readers keep students on their toes. Even with a permit, many students cannot find a parking space.Photo by Sumaya Mehai

Page 5: March 16, 2007

www.elvaq.com Friday,March30,20075


Construction Site Suffers Tolls of Accidental Fires

Olga Ramaz can be reached at [email protected]

Photo by Ismael Reyes

Geology professor John Leland points out the area where a small brush fire broke out on February 16. The small fire was started by a spark released by a construction worker’s torch.


In less than two months, the new construction site has seen two

fire incidents, both of which have been attributed to human error.

The fire incidents of March 12 and February 16 did not bring forth any monetary loses, but did however raise some concern and a call to action.

According to Director of Busi-ness Services, Bill Taylor, there is currently a “movement” to clean up any extra brush that can be po-tentially hazardous.

This action comes directly after the dry brush led to a small fire on February 16, which was con-tained within 10 minutes by the Glendale Fire Department (GFD), fire station 24, located on Cañada Blvd.

However, Geology professor John Leland said that completely removing all of the brush from the area can increase the chances of erosion.

“The positive aspect of having any kind of brush cover our slope, especially such a small slope that

is so steep above the parking lot, it helps keep the ground a little bit more stable,” said Leland. “So those roots uphold the rock and soil in place. If it’s a bare slope, it’s going to erode very quickly.”

Four engines and two ladder trucks came onto the scene after they were dispatched at approxi-mately 8:42 a.m.

“There was obvious smoke and there was lots of people who were making phone call,” said Public Information Officer, Capt. Jim Frawley.

At approximately 8:52 a.m., the fire units called “knock down,” which indicated that the fire was completely down.

Reports indicate that the fire was started by sparks that flew from a blow torch that a con-struction worker was operating.

The most recent fire took place behind the Advanced Technology building at approximately 4 p.m., outside of a welding class.

The origin of the fire is un-known, but Taylor assumes that it could have been started by a student who flicked a cigarette butt near the construction site.

According to Frawley, a wood-

en shed used by the construction company to store tools and other equipment, caught on fire, creat-ing a dark cloud of smoke.

Commuters and people around the campus report-ed the incident to the GFD.

Taylor said that the danger of this particular fire would have been if the diesel fuel that was being stored in the shed, would have been ignited by the flame.

Frawley said that this fire was also contained in a matter of 10 minutes and required one engine to arrive at the scene.

He also added that incidents like these are common in construction sites and that the way they can be prevented from happening again is if one takes the proper steps to secure the areas.

The Bhupesh Parikh Allied Health and Science building is scheduled to open in the fall and with so much time in between un-til the opening, there is still more room for fire incidents.

Senator of Campus Organizations Resigns Classifieds


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Kara Aranas can be reached at [email protected]

AS president David Arakelyan announced that the Senator

of Campus Organizations, Mitzi Mendoza, resigned from her posi-tion, due to an accident she was recently in which required sur-gery. Arakelyan said that it will not change anything in the AS-GCC legislature since they are planning to appoint someone to that position next week.

The student government is also organizing a Campus Beautifi-cation committee that will help maintain the campus and makes changes to the way the campus looks. They are currently work-ing on putting up signs and maps around the campus to help those who do not know their way around the college campus. They are also working on providing the campus with maps that reflect the new building, which is currently under construction.

An Adviser Appreciation Day was held in the JW Smith Student

Center on March 27 at noon. The student government does this ev-ery semester as a way of thanking those who take the position of ad-visor for a club. Food was served for those who attended.

An upcoming project that the student government is preparing to be a part of is a documentary. Eric Stern who is a part of a com-pany called Doc Workers that that uses documentaries to make aware of national issues, is work-ing on a documentary titled, “In Debt We Trust.” What Stern is trying to do is explore the world of debt, such as national debt, consumer debt and of course col-lege debt, and relating it to the government. Glendale Commu-nity College was selected to be a part of this project along with other schools such as UCLA. AS is currently trying to set up a team for this project and will provide more information when every-thing is set up.

As a part of the discussion, Arakelyan just wanted to remind his staff to do the best job that they can,“You would want to use

your time wisely here [in stu-dent government],don’t try to get away from responsibility” said AS president David Ara-kelyan, “It will be better for the community and for every-body.”

Mitzi Mendoza

Campus Events

• Blood Drive- The AS-GCC and the American Red Cross will sponsor a blood drive on Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the J.W. Smith Student Center, room 212. For more in-formation call (818) 240-1000, ext.

• Performance- The band Dirty Diamond will per-form at Plaza Vaquero on Thursday, starting at noon.

• “Sabbatical Report”- Pro-fessor of Latin American Studies, Carlos Ugalde, will present a slide show of his year-long travels to Europe and Latin America. The presentation will take place in Kreider Hall start-ing at noon. Admission is free and open to the pub-lic.

Page 6: March 16, 2007

Instructor Collapses During Recent MarathonBy Olga RamazEL VAQUERO EDITOR IN CHIEF

The 22 annual Los Angeles Marathon gathered 24,715

participants, one of them was Sona Donayan, a Culinary Arts instructor, who in spite of col-lapsing mid-race due to dehydra-tion, finished the race like a true champion.

Donayan is no novice runner. She has participated in 11 mara-thons since 2002, including Las Vegas and San Diego. This was her seventh run in the L.A. mara-thon.

This was the first time that Donayan had suffered from dehy-dration during a marathon.

“I kind of failed in the prepa-ration phase for it in terms of hydrating my body,” she said. “I should have been paying atten-tion to drinking water, which I didn’t do…instead I was drinking diet sodas, which dehydrates you in a way because it contains caf-feine.”

She recalls that the first mile or so was uphill and that she was overexerting herself to try to break her record time of five hours, 14 minutes. After the first half of the marathon, she started

feeling faint.“Coming after the first half I

felt weak and nauseous, but I took some rest at mile 13 and 14,” she said.

Donayan slowed down her pace to stop and drink water. She de-cided she wanted to continue be-cause she believed that she could complete the marathon. Unfortu-nately, severe dehydration took its toll at mile 22.

“I remember seeing the banner and passing it,” she said. “I guess I didn’t go far. I completely lost consciousness because I was ex-tremely dehydrated.”

Donayan fell to the curb and suffered some scrapes and bruis-es. She does not recollect how long she was unconscious but she does remember hearing paramed-ics talking to each other and try-ing to get a pulse, which was very slow and not detectable.

“It was a scary experience and I learned my lesson in hydrating well,” she said.

Donayan was then taken to a medical tent and put on IV. She waited about three hours for her vital signs to normalize. The doc-tors at the scene allowed her to go on but prohibited her from run-ning.

She had four remaining miles to go and after some walking, Donayan completed the marathon at eight hours, 20 minutes.

“For the first time I got home in the dark after a marathon,” said Donayan. “I wasn’t used to it and it was quite unusual.”

Although not personally famil-iar with Donayan, Sports Infor-mation Director Alex Leon, was impressed with Donayan’s feat and assures that the last couple of miles are always the hardest.

Aside from dehydration, Donayan believes that the hot weather conditions, which reached 80 degrees, and the change in the course, might have been factors that contributed to her exertion.

“The first uphill part was treacherous, nobody that I can share opinions with liked it,” she said.

However, Donayan enjoyed the new route. She liked it better than the old one and expressed eager-

Olga Ramaz can be reached at [email protected]

6 Friday,March16,2007 www.elvaq.com


Photo courtesy of Sona Donayan

Sona Donayan reaching the finish line at the Las Vegas Marathon on December 2005.

ness to run it once more.Donayan was not the only one

who suffered a mishap during the marathon. She said that there were a number of people at the tent, where she rested, that suf-fered from dehydration, and two that suffered asthma attacks dur-ing the race.

According to Melissa Kelley of the Los Angeles Fire Depart-ment, as reported by the Associ-ated Press, a 50-year-old male bicyclist went into apparent car-diac arrest and died at 7:41 a.m. at South Catalina and Exposition Boulevard during the 22-mile-plus L.A. Bike Tour, which was being held in conjunction with the marathon.

It was also reported that the fire department responded to more than 100 reports of injuries, mainly heat-related or from falls. Kelley said that approximately 20 to 25 people were hospitalized.

This is not the first time a fa-tality is recorded in the history of the L.A. Marathon. Last year a retired Los Angeles County Sher-iff’s Deputy, 60-year-old James Leone and Los Angeles Police Department Detective Raul Rey-na, 53, died at mile three and 24, respectively. Both Leone and Reyna suffered apparent heart at-tacks and became the second and third fatalities since 1990, when 59-year-old William McKinney died of heart failure at mile 21.

Although this mishap left a blemish on her track record, Donayan said that she already forgot about it.

She said, “it was a big thing and yet, it was an easy thing to forget when you have your eyes set on the next goal.”

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El Vaquero

Page 7: March 16, 2007

Campus Offers Array of Choices During Club Rush Week

Plaza Vaquero has seen a rise in activity for the past two

weeks during Club Rush, which began on March 5.

During Club Rush, the plaza is lined with tents and ornamented with colorful posters, enticing freebies, and merchant stands while students meander among them, exploring several of the many options Glendale College has to offer.

The event, which takes place each semester, is a major opportu-nity for clubs and organizations to come out and recruit students as members. Representatives from many clubs reserved tables in

Vida Djaghouri can be reached at [email protected]


Plaza Vaquero and came prepared with brochures, applications, fly-ers, and even prizes for potential members.

Others incorporated such eye-catching incentives as free popcorn and bowls of candy conveniently placed alongside applications. ASGCC representa-tives even sold fresh fruit to pass-ersby.

“I think it is very effective,” said Mery Vardanian, vice presi-dent of the English Club. “It is our first day out here and we al-ready got three people.”

Club Rush is not only about recruitment and fund raising. It serves as a medium for on-cam-pus organizations to simply relay their message and bring students of common interests together. Ac-

cording to Armenian Student As-sociation (ASA) president Lusine Mosinyan, “We are a cultural club a lot of our members are Ar-menian, but aside from that fact, I believe students are attracted to ASA because of the informative meetings, activities, and our in-volvement in ongoing issues.”

One major role clubs and orga-nizations play on campus is uni-fication. According to Mosinyan, “Clubs and organizations bring diversity to the campus. Without these, the campus would be a pretty boring place to be.”

Organizations do not only play an important role in uniting stu-dents on campus, but several of them also generally contribute to the community as a whole. Alpha Gamma Sigma’s (AGS) director

of publicity, Luz Ramirez, said, “This semester, we plan to do a lot of community service and get students together to help out in the community.” According to Ramirez, campus organizations greatly accommodate such activi-ties.

Not only were students intro-duced to on-campus opportuni-ties at Club Rush, but they were also given a variety of off-campus opportunities as well. Several off-campus organizations, including UPS and the US Marines came to Glendale College during this height of on-campus activity, whether they realized it or not.

“I didn’t know you guys had

something going on right now,” said UPS representative Jennifer Rodriguez, “A counselor from the college scheduled me here at this time. I’m sure she knew what was going on, which is better for us.”

While the club representatives consider Club Rush to be a great recruitment and promotion op-portunity, many students find it a valuable source of information and awareness regarding on-cam-pus activity.

ASGCC Officers for Spring 2007 Semester




Ani Mehrabian


Ani Babayan



www.elvaq.com Friday, March 16, 2007 7



Aksel Martirosyan




Lilit Simonyan



Arieneh Tahmasian


Chantal Terziyan


Edit Arakelyan

The ASGCC holds legislature meetings every Tuesday at 7 a.m. at the J.W. Smith Student Center. For more information on the ASGCC call, (818) 240-1000, ext. 5783

David ArakelyanPRESIDENT

(888) 610-0800

New Campus! Sherman Oaks Galleria Bldg D-100!


Page 8: March 16, 2007


8 Friday,March16,2007 www.elvaq.com9


— Story by Rachel Mills

Anorexia, bulimia and obesity seem like polar opposites when in fact, they all combine to fuel a growing problem among college students in relation to their eating habits and lifestyle.

A person hoping to change their body type and image should consider the truth of obtaining the body that they want and if it is a reasonable goal to achieve through a healthy diet and exercise. In reality, there are only a handful of men and women who naturally possess the media based concept of beauty. At the same time, Sona Donayan, a GCC Culinary Arts instructor that teaches students about health and nutrition, said that only a few people can actually try to tone their bodies to the body image that they desire.

“A healthy woman is considered to be a woman who is measured 5 feet and 6 inches and weighs approximately 135 pounds,” said Isela Shavira, a dietetic intern from Cal-Poly Pomona. She also said that a man who is 5 feet and 10 inches tall and weighs between 142 to 152 pounds is considered healthy as well.

Recently, certain countries have begun to cater to a more realistic body image. Last year, Spain banned dangerously thin models from a runway in Madrid, claiming that the government wanted to give their country a more positive and healthier image. However, that seems nearly impossible to enforce in America.

More shows such as “America’s Next Top Model,” “The Janice Dickenson Modeling Agency” and “The Agency” send the wrong message out to high school and college men and women. The people shown in these episodes burn an image that others should aspire to accomplish and be.

“The media tells girls they should be very skinny, with perfect hair and airbrushed skin,” said GCC student Sterling Hirsh. “They present a retouched photo, which ends up being close to a drawing in terms of realism to the reader or viewer in the context of it being an ideal.”

There are college men and women are diagnosed with eating disorders, like anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, in order to reach that body image. Anorexics believe that they are overweight and see a distorted image when they look into a mirror. Often times they will go to extreme methods as in consuming inadequate amounts of food with excessive exercises regiments in order to see improvement. People who are bulimic will have the same symptoms as an anorexic, but they will also go as far as self-induced vomiting or abusing the use of laxatives to lose weight.

However, on the other side of the spectrum, there are those who are considered to be obese because of their genetic make up, eating habits or their active lifestyle. Soft drinks and fast food companies are adding to this upcoming epidemic of obesity. The government and other organizations have tried to combat this with their own campaigns. Even in the past, the Los Angeles County School District removed vending machines from school grounds so that they could promote a healthier lifestyle.

Eating right and exercising is the part of the overall solution to the weight problems that students may experience. Students could also utilize the resources here on campus by taking a physical fitness or nutritional class to benefit their needs. Chavira said that exercising between 30 minutes to an hour should be enough to produce better results.

“A gradual change is something you can’t expect from someone who has a terrible habit in eating and no exercise to change overnight. It takes one step at the time,” said Donayan.

Self Image Epidemic

Photo Courtesty by Anita K. MartoFor a person with an eating disorder, sometimes it seems as if food is all they can see.

Photo Courtesy by Anita K. MartoIt’s easy for a compulsive eater to “slip up” and make inappropriate eating choices.

- Story by Rachel Mills

Photo Courtesy by Anita K. MartoFor the girl looking for the perfect body, food can become an overwhelming obsession.

Inquiringmindswanttoknowmore,right? These are some helpful websites and phone numbers for health and body image.

Websites:http://www.angelfire.com/amiga/anorexiasupport/egroup.html a support group for anorexicshttp://www.anorexiasupport.net/ a support group online for anorexicshttp://www.pale-reflections.com/ a forum and posting board for people with general mental health issues with a strong focus on eating disordershttp://www.oa.org/index.htm a twelve step program for compulsive eaters.http://www.shapeup.org a site dedicated to educating the public on healthy life styles.http://www.obesity.org/ ther American Obesity Association’s website with informationhttp://www.lasencinashospital.com/ a hospital specializing in mental health located in Pasadena.

Books:“You: On A Diet: The Owner’s Manual for Waist Management” by Mehmet C. Oz and Michael F. Roizen

The Health Center, located on the first floor of the San Rafael building, can also help.

For more information call, (818) 240-1000, ext. 5909.

Page 9: March 16, 2007
Page 10: March 16, 2007

Small Fee Adds Up to Valuable Services

Sose Frankyan can be reached at [email protected]


Nestled inside the San Rafael building behind the coffee

kiosk, the Health Center offers counseling for students who might be depressed and need someone to talk to, among other services.

Students are required to pay a student health services fee of $15 per semester in addition to the $12.50 student services fee and $20 per unit enrollment fee.

Most students wonder why they have to pay the health fee since they think they will never get sick enough to use the services the health center offers.

“I know I pay $15 for health fee each semester at the time of reg-istration, but I don’t know what the fee covers and what I can get out of it,” said student Annie Ki-rakosyan. This is mainly due to the fact that most students are not aware of the current services of-fered.

The Health Center, which has been around since the 1940s, is located on the first floor of the San Rafael building. It is open to assist students Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Some of the services it pro-vides are: first aid, blood pressure checks, crisis counseling, immu-nizations, tuberculosis skin test-ing, vision and hearing screen-ings, rape referrals, pregnancy tests, and various over-the coun-ter medications such as aspirin, cough drops, antihistamines, ibu-profen, nasal decongestant and heart burn medications, as well as band-aids.

“I will definitely consider us-ing the services offered if I am in need since I paid for it,” said Kirakosyan.

“Our mission statement is sim-ple,” said Mary Mirch, a regis-tered nurse and the associate dean who has been with the health services for 12 years now. “We promote personal and educational success by assisting students to develop skills and behaviors that

allow them to become self-direct-ed health care decision makers,” Mirch said.

The registered nurses from the health center respond to approxi-mately 20 emergency calls each semester, providing aid to stu-dents who faint or have a serious medical emergency. The campus is covered by student accident in-surance.

When a student gets hurt on campus and does not have health insurance, the health center helps them with the bill payments, or if their insurance does not cover all the costs, through the secondary policy. The health center covers the difference.

The services are open to all credit students.

“We assist non-credit students only in case of an emergency since they are excluded from the health services fee and each credit student is covered by the health services from the first day of each semester to the final day of the se-mester,” said Mirch.

Each year, about 18,000 stu-dents visit the health center. This

is a number that include students who visit multiple times. .

“When a student walks into the Health Center, the clerk or the receptionist will take care of the necessary paperwork that is need-ed to be filled out,” said Jessica LoGuercio, the administrative as-sistant who has been working at the health center for 11 years.

Before any treatment can be provided a medical consent form needs to be filled out by the stu-dent. This gives permission to the center to provide care. If a student is over the age of 18 then he or she may give the consent, but if the student is a minor then con-sent has to be given by a parent or a legal guardian.

All health services are confiden-tial, with legal exceptions such as domestic violence cases, sexual assault cases, and elder and child abuse cases, all of which have to be reported to the county health department. The students’ medi-cal records are kept for 10 years from the last visit made to the Health Center ,after which they are shredded.

“I see over 20 students a day who come in the health center for various reasons such as for T.B. testing, immunizations for study abroad programs, or they simply want to ask the registered nurse a question,” said LoGuercio.

Currently, the health center offers free health evaluations administered by dietetic interns where one can learn about basic nutrition, healthy weight loss and maintenance, diet facts and fads. This service is offered to both stu-dents and staff, by appointment only.

“I would like the students to think if they do not know where else to go and who to turn to they should at least try us, to come in and see how we can help them and if we cannot help them then we will refer them to someone who can,” said Mirch.



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Page 11: March 16, 2007

Self-Defense Intructor Wins ‘King of Cage’ Title By Susan AksuEL VAQUERO STAFF WRITER

Armando Sanchez is more than just a tech-savvy guy

who sits behind a desk and helps students and faculty with computer problems. Sanchez, also a self-defense instructor on campus, has taken his love for martial arts one step further and has made it a career by recently becoming a champion fighter (7-5) in the world of professional cage fighting,

The world of professional cage fighting is a sport known to be brutally dangerous and was only recently sanctioned by the Cali-fornia Athletic Commission. It combines the elements of martial arts as well as jiu-jitsu, both of which Sanchez has excelled in.

Sanchez, 30, began to show in-terest in martial arts in elementary school while living in East Los Angeles, through his close friend and neighbor, John Robles.

At the time Robles was a brown belt and was ready to advance to a black belt, the highest honor in karate. In order to receive a black belt one must teach another the art and Robles decided to teach Sanchez and make him his pro-tégé. Sanchez began to learn Tae Kwon Do and said he thought “it was pretty cool.”

After earning his black belt, Robles moved on to other martial arts such as Jujitsu and Judo while Sanchez continued his interest in martial arts. He began training with Robles with a focus on kick boxing. While with Robles they formed a fight team known as The Modern Gladiators consisting of mixed martial arts.

At the time mixed martial arts was illegal in California, ex-cept on Indian reservations due to its violent combat nature. He moved on as an amateur kickbox-ing competing in smoker (mean-ing non- sanctioned) type events which consists of striking.

“I was good with my kicks and hands,” said Sanchez. “I did re-ally well. I would take on people who were bigger than me.”

Sanchez’s professional fight-ing career did not take off until Robles and Robles’ brother Syl-vester began to feud about who is training the stronger fighter. Sylvester claimed he had a stu-dent that could take on Sanchez, a

claim which John dismissed. Meanwhile in San Jacinto, an

organization called King of the Cage was formed and was look-ing for fighters. The King of the Cage was similar to the Ultimate Fighting Champion, a mainstream cage fighting organization which had been removed from air due to its extensive violence which was not yet accepted by athletic asso-ciations.

The structure of the fights are no rules, everything goes, with the exception of no biting and no kicking the groin area.

The Robles brothers set up the fight between the two students for the cage match to settle their claims. John told Sanchez his brother claimed he had a student who “could man-handle” him.

Despite the risks, Sanchez agreed to fight, proving Sylvester wrong with a “nothing to lose” mind set. Sanchez won the fight after two five minute rounds, bringing his opponent to the floor, according to Sanchez.

“To be honest, I don’t remem-ber my first fight, not until I saw the video [did I remember]. I just blacked out,” he said.

Sanchez continued to fight, but knew his striker and kickboxing background was not enough to beat the more experienced fight-ers. The others he had fought had strong jiu-jitsu backgrounds which he could not compete against with just his kickboxing experience.

His close friend and colleague, Mark Ragonig who works in IT Operations has been to almost all of Sanchez’s fights and said that there is “more to cage fighting than just fighting.”

“It’s not just two brutal peo-ple hitting each other. You have to know the disciplines: wrong punctuation Brazilian jiu-jitsu, karate, muay thai,” said Ragonig. “It’s like a chess game between fighters.”

Ragonig helped Sanchez dur-ing his self-defense classes for six semesters. Rheonig would serve as Sanchez’s “dummy.” Sanchez would apply moves on him as a demonstration to his class.

“I would get hurt a lot,” said Ragonig, recalling the times when he assisted Sanchez during class. Sanchez has been teaching self-defense classes at GCC for

five years. He had been interested in teaching a men’s self defense class as a women’s self defense class had already existed. GCC athletic director Jim Sartoris of-fered Sanchez a position to teach both the men’s and women’s self defense class since the former teacher had stepped down.

His second competitor was the King of the Cages’ champion Val-entine LaFoya (5-0) who he lost to during the first round due to submission.

His third fight was against a former high school wrestler who had just returned from serving time Marines who also had a sig-nificant background in jiu-jitsu. This fight led to one of Sanchez’s excruciating injuries. Within the first 30 seconds Sanchez tore the muscle in his shoulder as his op-ponent raised him in the air and threw him to the floor face first.

“That wasn’t very fun,” said Sanchez about his painful expe-rience. “I went the distance and pretty much got pounded out for 10 minutes.”

Regardless of his torn mus-cle, Sanchez stayed in the event though he remained defenseless.

His persistent determination got him involved with learning jiu-jitsu on his own. He entered in competitions and began placing in second and third place.

Due to personal issues Sanchez stopped training with Robles and sequentially blew his left knee which required surgery. He took two years off from fighting in or-der to rehabilitate his knee and spend more time with his family and three young children.

Fighters would drop weight by dehydrating their bodies for an entire day in order to compete in a certain weight class. The day after the weigh-in fighters would spend the day drinking water, re-hydrat-ing their bodies and gaining the weight they dropped back. San-chez would fight against people who weighed in at 155 pounds, but would weigh at least 170 pounds the day of the fight.

He decided to move down to a smaller weight group instead of having to compete against fight-ers who were unevenly matched against him. Being in a smaller weight class required Sanchez to drop weight by dehydrating and then re-hydrating.

When he returned to fighting, his jiu-jitsu training paid off. He reached his goal by winning his first championship belt, the Feath-er Weight belt on Feb. 24 against Martin Bautista (3-3) in the Total Fighting Alliance’s (TFA) “Con-flict of the Coast,” held in Santa Monica.

“I wanted my first belt and I accomplished that. Now I just want to see how far I could take this,” said Sanchez.

This year Sanchez has approxi-mately three TFA fights scheduled for July, November and Decem-ber as well as jiu-jitsu competi-tions throughout the rest of the year. Sanchez had originally an-ticipated his cage fighting days would be over last year, but as he started to win and do well he said it would have been a shame to come so far in his fighting career and to just stop fighting.

His popularity earned him sponsorship offers from the fight gear lines Hear and Soul and from Take a Nap Fight Gear as well.

Photo by Jane PojawaArmando Sanchez applies self-defense maneuvers on his colleague Mark Ragonig.

Susan Aksu can be reached at [email protected]

www.elvaq.com Friday, March 16, 2007 11


Page 12: March 16, 2007

‘300’ Slays Audiences Across Country, Reaches Number OneBy Kara AranasEL VAQUERO STAFF WRITER

F i l m o o o o o o o o o

o o o o o o o o

r e v i e w

“Remember this day men, for it will be yours for all

time!” roars Leonidas to his le-gion of Spartan soldiers as a thou-sand armed Persian men come rushing towards them. This in-tense battle scene is one of many in Zack Snyder’s gripping movie “300.”

Based on the historic battle that took place in Thermopylae, Greece in the year 480 B.C. and Frank Miller’s comic Spartan king, the story pits Leonidas (Gerard Butler) and 300 of his best guards against the advancing Persians under the leadership of the Persian Emperor, Xerxes (Ro-drigo Santoro).

Raised to learn nothing else but the art of war and to know no other craft but to fight and kill, the Spartan soldiers willingly take up the task to fight in order to pre-serve their freedom and continue to have their liberty for genera-tions to come. Their moving spirit and noble valor was not enough to save them though when a dis-figured Greek local, Ephialtes (Andrew Tiernan) hands them over to Xerxes in exchange for wealth, women and power, by showing the Persians a mountain path that leads them behind the Spartan army.

With visually arresting combat scenes and an inspiring underdog story, “300” is an invigorating and bracing movie that holds your attention from start to finish. Per-haps it is the full blooming cast of the movie that is responsible for its accomplishment making the film unlike most Hollywood re-makes of historical events such as “Alexander” and “Troy.” Lacking the additional dramatics that repu-table actors such as Brad Pitt and Colin Farrell inflict onto the big screen, “300” brings forth a sense of rawness making the story more original and lifelike.

Having striking computer ef-fects and astounding cinematog-raphy is the complete finishing touch, making the movie superb. Each fight scene gives audiences

an adrenaline rush as every thrust and stroke the actors take gives spectators the feeling as though they are in the midst of all the action, witnessing the chaos and struggle surrounding them.

The end result a revitalizing, unique production that has not been created in a long stretch of time, with good acting and giv-ing viewers hope that producers in Hollywood are not all about remakes after all.

Rating **** out of 4

King Leonidas (played by Gerard Butler) in the midst of his final battle.

Kara Aranas can be reached at [email protected]


12 Friday,March16,2007 www.elvaq.com


Page 13: March 16, 2007

Lady Vaqs Stumble at Home Against Ventura

Vaqueros Sports Summaries

WOMEN’S SOFTBALL Glendale split a pair of games last week to improve to 11-8-1 overall and 6-1 in WSC . They beat Allan Hancock 6-2 last Monday in a game rained out on February 27 and lost to Ventura Thursday 3-1. They also lost to 3-2 to LAVC on Tuesday The Vaqueros host Citrus on Thursday in a doubleheader that starts at 1:00 p.m. at the Glendale Sports Center and play at Pasadena Friday at 3:00 p.m. They also play at Cypress College Saturday against Merced and Cypress starting at noon.


The Vaqueros lost two of three games last week to fall to 13-11 overall and 2-6 in the WSC South. They beat Mission 6-5 last Tuesday and lost to Citrus 4-1 last Thursday and 14-2 Saturday.

TRACK AND FIELDGlendale competed in the WSC meet No. 3 Friday at Citrus College against Valley, Santa Barbara and West Los Angeles last Friday. The men finished

second with 68 points behind meet winner Santa Barbara and the women finished third with 47 points behind meet winner Valley.

For the men, Michael Flowers won the 800 meters in 2:02.15 and Chris Lopez was also a winner in the 3000 meters in a personal best time of 9:01.99. Cecil Menifield took first in the 400 meters in a personal best time of 50.03 and Ricky Davis won the long jump with a leap of 21-feet, 2 inches and James Poet won the hammer with a throw of 42-4 meters. Joshua Edmonson was second in the 800 in a season best time of 2:02.68 and the 4 x 100 relay team had a season best time of 43.0. Troy Huizenga won second in his heat of the 200 meters and finished third overall in a personal best time of 22.54 and finished fifth overall in the 100 meters in a personal best time of 11.12.Chris Marshall was third in the 100 in a season best time of 11:01 and Alberto Ramos was third in the 3000 meters in 9:23.47. Varaz Markarady was third in the high jump at 6-feet and the 4 x 400 relay team had a season best time of 3:26.9. James Poet was also fourth in the discus

with a throw of 115-feet, 8 inches and Lucas Williams was fourth in the long jump with a leap of 19-feet, 11 inches. Ruben Hernandez was fifth in the 1500 meters in 9:40.74 and Alex Delgadillo was fifth in the javelin with a toss of 39.6 meters.

For the women, Tove Berg was a double winner in the1500 meters in 4:53.58 and the 3000 meters in 10:15.69 and also finished fourth in the 800 meters in 2:32.84. Lili Hernandez was also a winner in the 800 meters in a personal best time of 2:27.64, finished second in the 3000 meters in 10:45.8 and third in the 1500 meters in 5:00.1. The 4 x 400 meter relay team also took first in 4:28.5. Sandra Martinez was second in the 800 meters in 2:28.53 and Desiree Ruiz took third in the 3000 meters in a personal best time of 10:53.14 and finished fourth in the 1500 meters in 5:04.66. Yui Ishida took fourth in the 400 meters in 1:11.04 and Cassy Vasile was fourth in the discus with a throw of 22.93 meters. Ana Rodriguez was fifth in the 1500 in 5:23.95 and fifth in the 3000 11:28.58.

MEN’S TENNIS Glendale is 4-3 overall and 2-1 in the WSC after beating Pierce 7-2 last Tuesday. They had a bye Thursday. In the win over Pierce, Dylan Kim, Derik DerMegerdichian, Matt Taoatao, Greg Arutunyan, and Craig Strazzeri had wins in singles as did the doubles teams of Taoatao and Arutunyan and Strazzeri and Michael Maarup. The Vaqueros play at Ventura Tuesday and host Glendale College from Arizona Thursday. Both matches start at 2:00 p.m.


The Vaqueros split a pair of matches last week and are 2-2 in WSC and 2-4 overall. Glendale lost to Santa Monica 6-3 last Tuesday and beat Cuesta 5-4 Thursday. In the win over Cuesta, Jennifer Chung, Sonia Rodriguez and Zaira Rojas had wins in singles as did the doubles teams of Bogado and Rojas and Sonia Rodriguez and Miyuki Yokozuka.


T he Vaqueros women’s ten-nis teamed hosted unde-

feated Ventura College Tuesday, hoping to improve their confer-ence record but came up empty-handed falling 8-1 in a Western State Conference game.

Ventura was in control of the most of the contest, dominat-ing Glendale on both the singles and doubles matches.

Glendale (2-3 in WSC) lost ev-ery doubles match. Glendale’s Maria Bagafora and Jennifer Chung lost to VC’s Ally Limon and Maria Sanchez 8-1. Mikyuki Yokozuka and Sonia Rodriquez likewise faced similar defeat losing their doubles match 8-1. Glendale’s Nancy Bogado and Zaria Rojas match against Ventu-ra’s Carly Van Riper and Rachel Culbert was closely contest, but

Glendale eventually fell 8-6.“[We] knew Ventura was un-

defeated and was going to be a tough match,” said Coach Terry Coblentz.

“Our girls had their work cut out for them.”

Glendale was also unsuccessful in their singles matches. Bagafora lost to Ventura’s Ally Limon in two sets, losing 1-6 and 1-6. Yo-kozuka also lost her match against Michelle Gray, 0-6, 1-6. Chung won her first set 6-4 against VC’s Andrea Collomb, but then lost the next two sets 4-6.

Rodriguez gave Glendale their sole win, sweeping Van Riper 6-3, 6-0. Bogado won her opening set before losing the next two, and losing the match. Rojas was swept by Culbert.

Glendale hopes to have better success when they host Bakers-field College in the opening game of the second.

“I’d like to say I want to win every match,” said Coblentz, “But I don’t want to put pressure on the kids, because I’m not sure that’s a realistic situation.”


Photo by Ismael Reyes

LeninLau [email protected]

Updates • Scores • Highlights


Saturday:* Baseball v. College of the

Canyons at 2:00 p.m.

Thursday:Softball v. College of the Canyons at 1:00 p.m.

Women’s Tennis v. Bakersfield College at 2:00 p.m

Saturday, March 24:Baseball v. LA Valley College

at 5:00 p.m.

Thursday, March 29:Softball v. LA Valley College

at 1:00 p.m.

Women’s Tennis v. Allan Hancock College at 2:00 p.m.



www.elvaq.com Friday, March 16, 2007 13


Page 14: March 16, 2007

Athletic Hall of Fame Welcomes Six New InducteesBy Olga RamazEL VAQUERO EDITOR IN CHIEF

The Athletic Hall of Fame, in its sixth year, welcomed six

more inductees on March 3 at a special banquet honoring the finest athletes of years past as well as athletic coaches and sup-porters who have left their mark in the history of Glendale Col-lege sports.

A small reception, which was followed by a three-course meal prepared and served by the Culi-nary Arts department., gave sev-eral of the guests and honorees an opportunity to exchange some words and anecdotes of their time at GCC.

“[I’ve gotten] a lot of posi-tive feedback,” said Alex Leon, member of the Athletic Hall of Fame. “It’s all about bringing people back to the campus, putting on a nice event and keeping the spirit of the col-lege going.”

Harry Hull, who sits in the Glendale College Foundation Board of Directors and the Hall of Fame Committee, was the Master of Ceremonies for the evening’s event. Hull kick-started the pre-sentation and welcomed the 160 plus attendees who filled SC 212, located in the J.W. Smith Student Center.

The six new inductees includ-ed three Outstanding Athletic Achievement awards presented to:Ron Wielochowski, Marji Gilles and Steve Messmer, an Outstand-ing Coach award presented to Don Bennett, a Meritorious Ser-vice award presented to Ted Tif-fany, and an Outstanding Team award presented to the 1961s Men’s Swim Team.

Athletes, coaches and meri-torious honorees are selected based on their outstanding ath-letic achievement, records or contributions to the campus. Ac-cording to Leon, the committee’s goal is to be broad in their selec-tion of honorees in hopes of not leaving any groups out.

“We haven’t honored a volley-ball team [yet], so maybe next year it will be that group or an individual that stands out,” he said.

Wielochowski, a men’s bas-ketball legend and the holder

of most scoring records in the history of Vaquero basketball [highest scoring average in con-ference, 33.5, season, 30.5 and career, 23.8 points per game], was not present at the event due to illness.

In a statement to the com-mittee, Abe Androff, a former Glendale College men’s basket-ball coach and 2004 hall of fame inductee, reflected on 1962, the year when Wielochowski tried out for the team.

“I knew he was a talented player and I know that he liked to drive to the basket, so we played a little one-on-one,” said An-droff. “I tried a few tricks to cut off his path to the basket but he was very strong and determined. Right then I knew he had what it takes to become a very special player.”

Gilles, a Track and Field star back in 1989 and 1990, com-peted in as many as 10 events in a single meet and became state champion in the triple jump at 37-3 in her final meet as a Va-quero in 1990.

“Attending Glendale College was the best decision I could have ever made,” said Gilles. “It allowed me to compete in several different events without the pres-sure of excelling at one or two and I still had time to represent women’s athletics as a member of student government.”

After her stint at GCC, Gilles transferred to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo were she competed in the triple jump and still ranks among the top 10 jumpers in the school’s history.

Messmer, a former tennis player for the Vaqueros in the ’60s and ’70s, honed his skills at GCC and went on to compete professionally at Wimbeldon in 1973 and the U.S. Open in 1976.

“You have levels…and Glen-dale College was one of them,” said Messmer. “With me, I had a passion for sports, I had a passion for tennis. At this level [attend-ing GCC], I was able to raise my game up to a point…and I think that kind of jump started my ca-reer to go to the next level.”

Bennett, the recipient of the Outstanding Coach award, led the Vaqueros to a pair of Western State Conference titles between 1961 and 1965, among other achievements. A former coach

to both Hull and Jim Sartoris, GCC’s Athletic Director, Ben-nett does not hesitate to credit his players and coaching staff for his “sterling record,” which would have not been what it is without their efforts.

Sartoris, who presented the award to Bennett, was thrilled to be able to introduce his coach.

“We [had] several players from the decade [present at the event],” Sartoris said. “Believe me, we are so proud of what he accomplished and we are so proud that we had the opportu-nity to play for Don.”

“He was an inspiration in our lives and many of us went on to coaching because of the work ethic and values he created in us,” he said.

Tiffany, the recipient of the Meritorius award, was an athlete himself. An alumnus of Glen-dale High, Tiffany excelled in both the varsity basketball and baseball teams. He also served the campus as the student body president in 1952.

No stranger to the GCC cam-pus, Tiffany was a student at the college from 1952 through 1954 as well as an all-conference and team most valuable player for the Vaqueros basketball team.

An All-American basketball player in 1957 at Occidental

College, Tiffany was the first player selected to the Occidental College men’s basketball hall of fame in 1985. After graduating from Occidental, Tiffany pursued a teaching and coaching career at Clark Junior High before being elected to the Glendale College Board of Trustees in 1981. Dur-ing this time, GCC was on the verge from separating from the Glendale Unified School District and embarking on growth as a community college.

“It was a wonderful time of growth at the college,” said Tif-fany. “One of the things I’m most proud of is helping the Glendale College Foundation get started with Dr. John Grande at the helm and seeing what great work it has done for the college over the years with Ann Ransford and a wonderful group of volunteers.”

The final inductees were the 1961 Men’s Swim Team. Under the guidance of coach Bill Re-inhard, a two-time hall of fame inductee, the Vaqueros won the Western State Conference (WSC) title in 1961 and finished ninth among the top teams in southern California that season.

Thanks to swimmers Jim Baugh, Jim Ballard, Garry Joh-son, Mike Towels and Jerry Wexler, the 1961 team went into the season as the defending WSC

Champs and snagged two titles in a row by going undefeated in coference dual meets.

Several years later Baugh took over for coach Reinhard as both the water polo and swimming coach until 1978. That same year Proposition 13 [the landmark proposition that froze property taxes and made it harder for schools to get money] caused Verdugo Pool to shut down, which marked the end of the Glendale College aquatics pro-gram.

“If you have a winning team, you have a winning coach,” said Baugh. “We took first place in every competition and we were really proud of that.”

By June or July the Hall of Fame Committee will make its final selection of athletes for the 2008 induction.

“Walt Smith…was the guy behind the desire to get this sort of event formatted and get it to where it is today,” said Leon. “He deserves all the credit in the world because he had the vi-sion…and this [the Athletic Hall of Fame] is a piece of history for the college.”

14 Friday, March 16, 2007 www.elvaq.com


Photo courtesy of Alex Leon Athletic Hall of Fame inductees from left to right, Don Bennett, Marji Gilles, Steve Messmer, Ted Tiffany and the 1961 Men’s Swim team.

Olga Ramaz can be reached at [email protected]

Page 15: March 16, 2007

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Global Warming Continues to Cause Concern

Being the smartest creatures on Earth, humans have made

a huge impact with population and technology. Global warming is beginning to grow and even though people are always trying to make it a better world for nu-merous reasons, the inhabitants might be destroying the planet rather than helping it. People need to start spreading the word about global warming and educate oth-ers about it.

According to an article by Thomas Maugh on Feb. 2, 2007, global warming has not been proved, but there is plenty of evi-dence to prove some certainty of it. Scientists have been aware of global warming since the 1970s when they suspected that climate changes would only occur hun-dreds of years from now. Maugh also stated that “the United Na-

Jennifer Tinoco can be reached at [email protected]


tions (UN) reports [that] it strong-ly links human activities to global warming, which will ‘continue for centuries’. ”

“Global warming has not been proved [that it exists and] we should be proactive about it now than reactive later on,” said Pro-fessor of Oceanography and Ge-ology John Makevich. He is also the faculty advisor for the Envi-ronmental club “Project Earth To-morrow” on campus.

In the fall 2006, Makevich screened Al Gore’s film “An In-convenient Truth” at the GCC’s Planetarium. “I feel like there is still a lack of awareness about global warming,” said Makev-ich. “ I think that a lot of us are more concerned about today’s problems, rather than the long run [problems that may affect us in the future].”

It is astonishing to know that many people are still in denial of global warming. The primary reason must be because most of us are not being directly affected

by it. According to Maugh, some scientists still do not believe that global warming will affect the world population and that there are other explanations.

The warming up of the Earth’s oceans is causing powerful storms and hurricanes never seen before. The 2004 Indian Tsunami, also known as the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, was such a power-ful oceanic earthquake that left hundreds dead and missing and another thousand without shelter, food or water.

In Gore’s book, also named “An Inconvenient Truth,” he ex-plains how the oceans are getting warmer; causing stronger hurri-canes, such as hurricane Katrina. Gore also said that if the climate gets hotter and so do the oceans there may be even larger hur-ricanes all over the country and heat waves occur in many parts of the world.

Hansen of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York held a study in Sep-

tember 2006 and said, “If further global warming reaches 2 or 3 de-grees Celsius, we will likely see changes that make Earth a differ-ent planet than the one we know. The last time it was that warm was in the middle Pliocene, about 3 million years ago, when the sea level was estimated to have been about 25 meters (80 feet) higher than today.”

The Earth’s atmosphere is trapped by greenhouse gasses everyday and it makes the plan-et very warm. These gasses are mainly made out of carbon diox-ide, and it is found in gasoline, oil, coal, and when forest fires occur. Sadly, the UN also reports in a 20-page summary that “the warming of the earth and increas-es in sea levels would continue for centuries... even if greenhouse gas concentrations were to be sta-bilized.”

In comparison to 1961 to 1990, the Union of Concerned Scien-tists summarized how California may be affected by the year 2070 to 2099 in climate changes. There can be between 22 to 30 inches of seal level rise and 3 to 4 times as many heat wave days in major ur-ban cities. There may also be a 90

percent loss on the Sierra Snow pack.

“We should consider invest-ing into a hybrid vehicle [since it helps conserve gas and pol-lute less],” said Makevich. “We should also be aware of how global warming could affect us. We need to pay attention to gov-ernment policies and how they are linked with making our environ-ment a better place [especially as a community],” adds Makevich. On Feb. 16, Gore announced his “Live Earth Concert” to gath-er people around seven differ-ent countries to help stop global warming. The pop-concert will run for 24 hours starting on July 7 and will bring together more than 100 of the world’s top musical acts. The names of the performers have yet to be released.

“In order to solve the climate crisis, we have to reach billions of people” said Gore in a statement to CNN.

“We are launching SOS and Live Earth to begin a process of communication that will mobi-lize people all over the world to take action...this climate crisis will only be stopped by an un-precedented and sustained global movement,” added Gore.

Some Americans may believe that global warming may never come around, while others do not even know what it is. People need to act now and save energy by re-cycling, taking public transporta-tion, walk or ride a bike to school or work, and plant more trees to eliminate carbon dioxide.

If people are smart enough to make space rockets, iPods and tv dinners (as a way of survival) then they should be smart enough to prevent a disaster such as global warming affect the whole popula-tion on this planet.

Everyone is affected by global warming. This is why people should inform others about the is-sue and think about the long run effects will have on Earth.




Page 16: March 16, 2007

Around Town

On Campus


‘Women’s History’ — A Wom-en’s History month event featur-ing female voices of the com-munity along with State Assembly Member of the 47th District Karen Bass. The event will be held today at Kreider Hall from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public.

‘Going the Distance on the Academic Highway: A Panel Discussion on Women in Ad-ministration’ — Speakers for this special lecture, “Going the Distance on the Academic Highway: A Panel Discussion on Women in Administration,” will feature Superintendent/President Audre Levy, Vice President of Instructional Ser-vices Dawn Lindsay, Sharon Combs and Vicki Nicholson. The lecture will be

UPS — Job recruiters from the UPS will be at Plaza Vaquero on Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Contact Student Employment Services at (818) 240-1000, ext. 5403 for more information.

YMCA — Recruiters from the Crescenta/Cañada chapter of the YMCA will be on campus on Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.


AGS Book Sale — Alpha Gamma Sigma (AGS) Honors Society will be holding a book sale Monday through Friday, at Plaza Vaquero.

GCC Swapmeet — Vendors will set up on Sunday at the up-per campus lot from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission to the swap-meet is free. For more informa-tion call, (818) 240-1000, ext.


‘Hammer Projects: Ezra John-son’ — Animation that tells the story of a pair of art thieves in New York City. The Armand Hammer Museum is located at 10899 Wilshire Blvd. in West-wood and runs through May 5. For more information call (310) 443-7000.

‘California Tile: Focus Series-D&M Tile/Hispano-Moresque Tile’ — Tile, murals, tables, ce-ramics and historic photographs of the two SoCal tile manufac-turers are being show at The California Heritage Museum which is located at 2612 Main St. in Santa Monica. It runs thru Sunday May 20 and costs $5 for students. For more infor-mation call (310) 392-8537.

Casting Nature: Francois-Thomas Germain’s Machine d’Argent’ — This sculpture by the 18th-century silversmith (the official sculptor to the king of France) is an assemblage of

birds, a rabbit and vegetables and is shown alongside paint-ings, drawings and prints at the Getty Center and runs until Sunday March 25. The Getty is located at 1200 Getty Center Dr. in Los Angeles. Admission is free.

‘Joe Ledbetter: Fever Dream’ — New paintings by Joe Ledbet-ter at Gallery 1988. The gallery is located at 7020 Melrose Ave. in Los Angeles. Admission is free and the show runs through March 30. For more informa-tion call (323) 937-7088


‘Romeo and Juliet’ — Today, a rendition of ROMEO AND JU-LIET, Shakespeare’s tragedy is twisted with Capulets as Repub-licans, Montagues as Democrats and their offspring the innocent victims. Loaded Media Produc-tions and Theatre Planners at ART/WORKS THEATRE, 6569 Santa Monica Blvd.

‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ — Fri-day March 16 the Ethos Theatre Company serves up a “gritty and unapologetic” evening of im-morality. Located at 1523 N. La Brea Ave., Second Floor, Holly-wood. Call (310) 383-4053 for more information.

‘My Fair Lady’ — Written by Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe, “My Fair Lady” takes center stage at the Glendale Theatre Centre located at 324 North Orange St., Glendale, through April 7, is the story of phonetician Henry Higgins, who transforms the the flower girl Eliza Doolittle into a society lady. Performance showtimes are Wednesday, Thursday, Fri-day and Saturday evenings at 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday mati-nees are at 3 p.m. Tickets for the show are $21 Wednesday and Thursday evenings as well as for Saturday and Sunday matinees. Tickets for Friday and Saturday evenings are $24.


The El Rey — • M for Montreal. Monday, March 19. Doors open at 8 p.m.• Sondre Lerche with Willy Ma-son. Wednesday, March 21. Doors open at 8 p.m.• The Clipse with Low B, Them Jeans. Friday, March 16. Doors at 8 p.m. The El Rey is located at5515 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA. For information call (323)-936-6400.

Wiltern LG — • Bloc Party with guests Final Fantasy and The Like on Mon-day. • Anti-Flag with guests Alexison-fire, Set Your Goals, Big D and The Kids TableThe Wiltern LG is located at 3790 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA For information call (213) 388-1400.

The Troubadour — • The Ambulance Saturday, March 17 at 10:15 p.m.• El-P with Percee P and C Minus,

Monday March 26 at 8 p.m. The Troubadour is located at 9081 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hol-lywood.The Echo — • The Presets play with Crystal Castles at 9 p.m. on Saturday. •Part Time Punks play with Giant Haystacks at 10 p.m. on March 25. The Echo is located at 1822 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles.


‘Houseboat’ — The Glendale Public Library located at 222 E. Harvard St.,presents the clas-sic film, “Houseboat,” featuring Cary Grant and Sophia Loren. This film earned two Academy Award nominations in 1959,, story and screenplay. The film will be screened on Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the Central Library audi-torium. For more information on the Glendale Public Library Film Program call, (818) 548-2030.



‘Modern Lovers’ — A group art exhibition curated by Kath-ryn Andrews will feature works by Jeffrey Rugh, Stan Kaplan, Brett Cody Rogers, Jonas Wood and many more. The show runs at the Glendale College Art Gallery, located in the Li-brary building, from March 24 through May 5. A reception will be held on March 24 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. and will feature a reading from Stephanie Taylor at 6:30 p.m. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday’s from noon to 6 p.m. Admission is free. For information call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5663 or visit www.glendale.edu/artgal-lery


Mental Health Counseling — The Health Center provides free and confidential counsel-ing. Appointments can be made at the Health Center located on the first floor of the San Rafael building. For more information call, (818) 240-1000, ext. 5909.

adult classes

Life Long Learning Seminars — Through June 13, a wide range of free classes are being offered to mature adults as a part of the Glendale Commu-nity College’s Lifelong Learn-ing Seminars program. Courses such as Quiltmaking, Philoso-phy and Ethics, Sketching and Oil panting classes will be held at several locations throughout the community. For more infor-mation on class times and the Lifelong Learning Seminars, call (818) 243-5196.

moderated by Peggy Renner and will take place on Tuesday at Kreider Hall from noon to 1 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public.

‘Doctors on TV Making it Right’— The Science and Lec-ture Series presents “Doctors on TV Making it Right,” a lec-ture by Walter Dishell, medical adiviser for M*A*S*H. Dishell will be speaking on March 27 at noon in the Santa Barbara build-ing, room 243.


Aflac — Job recruiters from Aflac will be on Plaza Vaquero from 9 a.m. to noon on Tues-day. For more information con-tact the Student Employment Services office, located in the second floor of the San Gabriel building, at (818) 240-1000, ext. 5403.

C a l e n d a r

16 Friday, March 16, 2007 www.elvaq.com

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