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Page 1: MARCH 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Washington …District Ambassadors – Mike and Vickie Miller, Garry Alexander, Jeff and Cindy Duffield 16 WA Chapter Gatherings 17 WA District Staff

Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge

MARCH 2020



District Director – Jesse and Eva Valentine 1

NEW GWRRA member data updates 3

Assistant District Director (Westside) – Ken and Tami Smith 4

Treasurer – Mike White 5

Rider Education (Don Eide, Robert & Helen Liddell) 6

Motorist Awareness (Vic Parr, Carl Maier) 7

Membership Enhancement – Kaye Maier 9

WebMaster – Greg Dawson 10

Editor – Vic Parr 12

GroupWorks – Vic Parr 13

District Couple of the Year – Jeff and Cindy Duffield 15

District Ambassadors – Mike and Vickie Miller, Garry Alexander,

Jeff and Cindy Duffield 16

WA Chapter Gatherings 17

WA District Staff 18

Upcoming Events 19

Good of the Order 20

Page 2: MARCH 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Washington …District Ambassadors – Mike and Vickie Miller, Garry Alexander, Jeff and Cindy Duffield 16 WA Chapter Gatherings 17 WA District Staff

Special Flyers:

District Credit Card 21

Motorist Awareness Coloring Booklets 23

Rider Ed Application 23

Vehicle Inspection Sheet 24

Cruise Contest 25


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Gold Wing Road Riders Association

We welcome all riders, no matter what make or model you ride!

Back to our Future 40th birthday

So, I have come full circle as your District Director. The chapter, WA-I, where we

started has new, but old Directors. Ray Abitz and Ron Wolf have stepped up to keep

this chapter going and for that we are thankful. We all know they will do great work.

We would also need to thank Ron & Diana Hemi for the years they directed WA-I as


March will start riding season for some and some never stopped and that is great. Remember that weather will

cause you problems so adjust for the conditions.

Your District is working very hard to get our rally set up so we can enjoy it with little work. We are having a

bike show, a light show, and some games at closing. It should be a great time for all. Please check the web page

for your flyers and get them sent in so we can get a good food count. Bijou will be fixing breakfast both days and

we have a local caterer for Saturday night dinner.

March is when we start getting flyers and events to visit and meet our long time friends.

Mar 28 WA-ZZZZZZZ Pope Kids place fund raiser. 100% of what we collect will be going to them. Please, if

you can come do so. WA-Z has been working hard to make it a great dinner.

As you know May is Motorcycle awareness month and Bob & Hellen Liddell have been working with the mall

for this years event. This year you can put your bike in on Saturday and take it that night and go home. The dates

are 2/3 May. Please contact Bob at [email protected] for information.

WA-L is having their Desert Spring Fling May 22/ 25 at the Columbia Sun Resort. All questions contact Joyce @


There has been some changes to meeting places, so before you head out be sure to check the chapter web pages

to see where they meet. I wouldn't want you to miss breakfast.

Our Rally theme this year is Back to Our Future and with this we are asking your chapters to decorate your area

at district with things from the year of your charter and please dig deep. We want to thank all of the members

that came before us and work on our future.

I am asking all of our members to do your share on recruiting. We need new members and we do not need to

own a Gold Wing. Your Director can order flyers and bar hangers to give out just about any place you go and

see a bike .

Please do your best to get your Chapters out and on the road to other chapter functions.

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Thanks for Your support

Jesse & Eva




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Gold Wing Road Riders Association Updating Personal Information at Home Office

It is important to keep your profile current with Home Office. If you have move, changed your e-mail address or phone number, please alert Home Office. This document will assist you in that process. You can do this in one of three ways: 1. Call Customer Service: 1-800-843-9460

2. Email Customer Service: [email protected]

3. Go online: http://www.gwrra.org/members

To update your information online: If you have never logged on to this sight, you will first need to obtain log-in information. This can be done by clicking on the Welcome (Log-in) page where instructed. After you complete this process you will receive an email with your user name and password. After you have received your user name and password return to the Log-in page and on the left side of the screen click on “Manage My Records”. Click Continue. Enter your user Name and password. Click Continue. At the Choose prompt, select the drop-down menu and choose “Modify My Record” and click on the “Go” button. After you have made your changes click the Submit Changes button. This will update your information. When you have completed all the changes you need to make, be sure to log off. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Customer Service at the phone number or email address listed above.

Updating Your Chapter Affiliation with Home Office Your Chapter affiliation is automatically assigned using your zip code. You may find that the Chapter that feels

most like “family” to you is not necessarily the Chapter to which you were automatically assigned. Many

individuals don’t bother to change their affiliation (also called an “override”), but there are some excellent

reasons to change your affiliation to your Chapter of choice. For example, if your chosen Chapter is participating

in the Chapter of the Year program, it can benefit them to have you on their Area Report List if you are an active

Chapter participant. If you wish to serve your chapter in an Officer position, you will also want to change your

Chapter affiliation. To change your Chapter affiliation, contact Customer Service at 1-800-843-9460.

Page 6: MARCH 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Washington …District Ambassadors – Mike and Vickie Miller, Garry Alexander, Jeff and Cindy Duffield 16 WA Chapter Gatherings 17 WA District Staff



Greeting to All,

March is upon and so is the riding season. As the weather warms, I

know we’re going to be getting out on the bikes and trikes. T-Clock

your bike before you head out to make sure everything is up to par on

your bike. Head to a parking lot some place and do some slow

maneuvers to get rid of the cobwebs before you put your significant other on the bike with you. We all

get rusty over the winter.

We had some sad news last Feb 22nd Saturday night Sharon Parr passed away while on vacation. Vic

and Sharon were in Mexico and Sharon got sick. They came back to a California hospital and Sharon

passed there. Please keep Vic and Sharon in your prayers. I sent out the obituary and service

information Vic sent me with Sharon’s service scheduled for March 2nd.

Ken and Tami Smith your ADDs

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Editors note: Mike is out of town and had not brought his computer with him.

The rally is starting to come together. The theme this year is “BACK TO OUR FUTURE”. It is also Washington District’s 40th

birthday. We are trying to get some members that haven’t been to a rally or a Chapter Gathering for a while to come and

join us. All of us know somebody like that. Contact them and get them to come to the rally, even if they don’t ride

anymore. We don’t care if they come by stagecoach or train, we would like to have them come. We have decided that

we want the former District Directors and former Region Directors to come and enjoy the rally on us. So, they can get

free registration and a free dinner Saturday night. We also want to thank our current Chapter Directors and have offered

free Saturday night dinner to them. We are going to have a FUN, FUN time. Will have some more information next month.

We are going to have (2) grand prizes, like we did last year. We will have one for $300 and one for $700. We will have a

silent auction and a brown bag auction this year. And at the leadership meeting this past fall, the Chapter Directors asked

us to have the opening ceremonies on Friday afternoon instead of in the morning. We will give it a try and see how it

goes. Chapter A is providing us some great rides. What better group to do the rides than Chapter A. These guys are

always riding all over the state. More information to come about the rides. Chapter O will hold the bike show downtown.

After the light parade, we are hoping to have the light show downtown. The flyer is out and available on line. We have 2

Sisters Catering from Oregon doing our breakfasts Friday and Saturday and we have GBF Catering doing our Saturday night

dinner. For Thursday and Friday Dinners we want you to enjoy the many diverse types of restaurants in Port Townsend

or enjoy dinner in your camping area. After dinner Saturday night and before the closing ceremonies, we will have birthday

cake and ice cream. More info on the rally coming soon. If you have any ideas on things you might want to have at the

rally, let us know.

Have a safe ride and a good day.

Mike White, GWRRA Washington District Treasurer

PO BOX 151

Allyn, WA. 98524-0151

360.340.2588 Cell/360.275.0461 Home

[email protected]/[email protected]

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So what’s Rider Education all about? Is it Advance Rider Course? Learning how to be a Safe Rider in slow

maneuver situations? Trike Rider Course? Learning how to maneuver those huge machines in tight quarters?

Is it about the riding gear we wear while enjoying the ride? Helmet, coat, gloves, boots, ATGATT? TCLOCK?

Safety equipment on the motorcycle, lights, chrome, and more lights? Being visible to other motorists, and

impressing our fellow riders?

Rider Education is also about Rider Risk Management. In Wing World magazine, Febuary 2020 Page 32&33 (By

Zach Bon), is a great article about that subject. The article talks about the responsibility of the Road Captain

and the Tail Gunner. Risk Management applies to you the rider, also. If your bike is not safe to ride, is there a

risk? If you, the rider, are not properly protected, are you at risk? If your health is not at its best, are you at

risk? We always hear talk about white lines and wet manhole covers in winter when there’s a safety talk but

what about our health? My health came into play this last year that took me off the bike for a while. Cancer

stuck its ugly head up and bit me. All because I didn’t take care of myself. So, I Guess all the above is a Risk we

take when we ride those Beautiful Machines.

So, take a minute to think through all the risk around you and do something about it. Ride as if you are riding

for 5 people around you. Always looking for the way out. I can’t stress safety enough. Take care of your bike

and yourself so as to be able to ride for a long season of fun on our machines. Be ready for the season to come.


Robert & Helen Liddell

Asst. District Rider Ed.


Don Eide

Rider Educator

Robert & Helen Liddell

Asst. Rider Educator

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WHOW what is this?

Looking outside it is very bright, no snow, or rain, temperature is climbing, mind is thinking of going for a ride!

Yes, I think it is that time of the year we all call spring has arrived! Which triggers in a rider’s mind the desire to

dust off the bike, put on ATGATT (All The Gear All The Time), throw our leg over the saddle and take that first

ride of the season.

As a fellow rider and a friend, I have a favor to ask you, before you do this. That is to be extra careful, for the

first month not only to brush up on your riding skills, but also be extra vigilant of the other motorist on the road,

as they are not used to looking for motorcyclist on the road as of late.

I have seen some Die-Hards riding before the snow was completely off the ground, and it surprised me! What

did it do to a driver who normally is not looking for us on the road, especially when that rider appears out of

nowhere, because they were riding in the NO Zone?

This also is a great time of the year to sort of start an advertising campaign, for us who do ride. It is not hard to

do, in fact it can be sort of fun. Just talk to people who are admiring your ride, handing literature (tri-folds),

bumper stickers, and especially coloring books to the kids.

Carl Maier

Assistant Motorist



Vic Parr

Motorist Awareness


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It also is a great time of the year for bike shows at Shopping Centers, Auto and Bike Dealers, Public Parks, Rest

Areas, or where ever you can put on one of these functions.

What we really need to do is let the general public know. That is, we are just like them, just trying to enjoy this

great place we call our world.

Thank You

Carl and Kaye Maier

Washington District

Asst. Motorist Awareness Program Coordinator

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It is time again for each chapter to choose a Couple of

the Year. This couple will represent your chapter at a variety of events throughout the year. They may even

choose to compete with other Chapter Couples for District Chapter Couple of the Year in July at Washington

District Rally in Port Townsend. This program is one of the premier programs of GWRRA.

The title, Couple of the Year, is an honor for the couple chosen. It says they have set themselves apart in their

dedication, accomplishments and participation within the chapter. It usually says they have stepped up and

been a great help in a variety of ways to the chapter. They can continue to represent their chapter throughout

the year and choose not to compete and that is perfectly fine. That step is always up to the couple themselves.

If your chapter has a Couple of the Year for 2020-2021 CONGRATULATIONS! I am sure you will enjoy every aspect

of your year. Just remember your fellow chapter members feel you are special and so do I. This will be such a

fun year for you. If you choose to go further, you will meet so many other couples just like yourselves. You are

an ambassador for your chapter throughout your community.

Please contact me as soon as possible. I have additional information for you that will help you throughout your


Kaye and Carl Maier

District Membership Enhancement Coordinator

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District Webmaster


The word phishing was coined around 1996 by hackers stealing

America Online accounts and passwords. ... Hackers commonly

replace the letter f with ph, a nod to the original form of hacking

known as phone phreaking.

Phishing is a type of social engineering attack often used to

steal user data, including login credentials and credit card numbers. It occurs when an attacker, masquerading

as a trusted entity, dupes a victim into opening an email, instant message, or text message.

Phishing scams use email and text messages that appear to be from a legitimate organization

you do business with or a person you know. ... Clicking on a link or opening an attachment in one of these

messages may install malware, like viruses, spyware, or ransomware, on your device.

How can you tell if a e-mail is real or fake?

Here are some you should know about:

1. Incorrect URL. Hackers use fake sites to steal your information. ...

2. Nosy Requests. Your bank won't ask via email for your PINs or card information. ...

3. Sender's Email Address. ...

4. Your Name. ...

5. Typos. ...

6. Fake Password. ...

7. Low Resolution Images.

Examples: Phishing email / Phishing website

• Generic greeting. Phishing emails are usually sent in large batches. ...

• Forged link. Even if a link has a name you recognize somewhere in it, it doesn't mean it links to the real organization. ...

• Requests personal information. ...

• Sense of urgency.

7 Steps to Take Now if You're the Victim of a Phishing Scheme

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How to Report Phishing

• If you got a phishing email, forward it to the FTC at [email protected] and to the Anti-Phishing Working Group at [email protected]. If you got a phishing text message, forward it to SPAM (7726).

• Report the phishing attack to the FTC at ftc.gov/complaint.

• Suspicious emails to paypal • If you believe you've received a phishing email, follow these steps right away: Forward the

entire email to [email protected]. Do not alter the subject line or forward the message as an

attachment. Delete the suspicious email from your inbox.

Greg Dawson -- #128788

District Webmaster

(503) 502-3310

[email protected]

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District Newsletter Editor

Vic Parr

Communications are a major part of our lives. We have many

methods available to us and more seem to be coming our way

every time we turn around. Are the new forms any better?

Maybe so, but first they have to be introduced and then used.

Our newsletters at the chapter (for those who have one) and at the District level are meant to inform us of

events and activities.

I have been surprised at the minimal number of hands that are raised when I ask how many members read

their chapter newsletter (again, those that have one) or even the District newsletter. If someone does not get

information from those sources where do they get it? Television, telephone, tell-a-George? GroupWorks has

appeared in our list of methods now and several people are using it. GWRRA is now creating a new web site

for the Motorist Awareness Program. People will have access to many files that provide information about

MAP and how they can act as an ambassador.

Apologies go out for the lateness of this month’s publication. A death in the family has placed a hamper on

many activities and a volunteer’s computer decided to take its own vacation. We will be getting back on track.

Thank you for your patience.

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I have heard several members say that they are receiving too many notices from

GroupWorks. Although I have found ways to minimize those notices for our regular

communications regarding motorcycles, there are other Passions within the Channels

menu selection. If you have selected more than just the Motorcycling Passion, you

could be receiving notices from those other groups. Let’s look at what you can do:

1. Go to the MY ACCOUNT menu selection and select the Profile option. Scroll down to the Passions area:

2. By default when your account was established you would have Motorcycling in this area. If you have

more Passions this is where more GroupWorks reminders may be coming from. You can modify your

Passions by selecting the Edit

Vic Parr



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3. Now you will be able to scroll through all the Passions and either select one to Add to My Profile or


I welcome suggestions, questions, and requests for assistance.

Thank you,

Vic Parr

WA District

GroupWorks Administrator

(253) 224-6420

[email protected]

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Be Careful Out There

Riding in Fall and Winter months bring extra challenges and concerns when it comes to being safe. I have been making up lost riding time in the last 2 months racking up over 2500 miles. In that time I have been in conditions that put my riding skills to the test. Wet roads, cold temps and fallen leaves on the road. All these make for slippery situations we need to watch out for. I pay attention to news reports and posts about

motorcycle accidents. I am saddened when I hear about them and wonder what it was that caused these fatal accidents. In some cases when the cause is known, it will be part of the story. Many are from cars pulling out or turning in front of the bike rider. Another I just read was from a Deer impact. Just last week for me when riding to work at 3:20 AM, a Deer strolled across the road in front of me about 40 feet. This was in a largely populated area on a main road on Kent’s East Hill. Not the place we see Deer often and very surprising for me. I was not going fast and there was enough distance that it was not really a danger to me but it was close enough that I got a clear look at how large this Doe was. Fallen leaves are a real danger when you are in a turn or have to stop fast, they can be as slippery as gravel or oil on the road. Pay attention and slow down when hazards are in your path, it could be the difference between crashing and making it home safe.

Plans are underway for our District Rally for 2020. This time we are gathering in Port Townsend at the Jefferson County Fair Grounds. The town is a great place for a rally due to the many activities and sights to see. The temperature is cooler and the fairgrounds has nice areas of grass to set up camp. There are campsites available with power hook ups and the grassy areas will be dry camping with power spider boxes available. This year’s theme is based on the Districts 40th Birthday and each Chapter will be asked to decorate based on the year they were chartered. There will be a host hotel with special rates plus others in the local area for those who can’t or don’t want to camp at the fairgrounds. We need to do our best to come out in force and support this Rally. The 40th Birthday is a big deal. There will be all the favorite events and activities plus a few more new things. The meals will be catered so everyone can enjoy the time instead of toiling in the Kitchen preparing meals. There is a contest between Chapters to design the Rally Patch for our 2020 District Rally. More info on the parameters are to come, if you are good at graphic designing, see what you can come up with. Jeff & Cindy

District COY

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I saw a weather blog that said "put a fork in it". Meaning winter weather. I hope he was right. Ch-X has gotten out 3 times this month and looking forward for more. In looking ahead the District has some worthwhile events coming up. Ch-Z is sponsoring a dinner for Kids Place, $15.00 a person, $20.00 per couple. This is in Rochester on the 28th, doors open at 1700 hrs. Or-I is sponsoring the Blarney Ride. A ride and food drive for HOPE, helping other people eat. This event is scheduled for Mar 14th, in Oregon City. If you don't want to haul can food around, they are taking cash. There is a contest on which chapter donates the most. Or-G, Salem wins this every year. Can we change that this year? Ch-E is having Surf Watch on Mar 21 and 22nd. Held in Ocean Shores, no registration needed, get your reservations at the Polynesian Hotel and mention Honda group for a discount. Bunch of buddies hanging out and having fun.

Mike Miller

WA Ambassador

Mike and Vickie Miller

Garry Alexander

Jeff and Cindy Duffield

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Chapter City /Mascot Chapter Director Meeting Date/ Time Location

WA-A Seattle


Todd McLain

Phone (206)241-3565

ACD: Don Hatley

4th Saturday

Breakfast @ 8:00 AM

Gathering @ 9:00 AM

Golden Steer Restaurant

23826 104th Ave SE

Kent, WA 98031

WA-B Bremerton


Bob & Helen Liddell

Phone: (360)649-9658

ACD: Paul Lyman

1st Saturday

Breakfast @ 9:00 AM

Gathering @ 10:00 AM

All Star Lanes

10710 Silverdale Way NW

Silverdale, WA 98383

WA-E Bellevue


Ron & Lana Peck

Phone: (425)908-7321


3rd Saturday

Breakfast @ 8:30 AM

Gathering @ 9:00 AM

Kenmore Lanes

7638 NE Bothell Way

Kenmore, WA 98028

WA-I Olympia


Ray Abitz

Phone: (360) 790-2832

ACD: Ron Wolf

3rd Sunday

Breakfast @ 8:00 AM

Gathering @ 8:30 AM

VFW On Martin Way

2902 Martin Way E

Olympia, WA 98506

WA-L Kennewick

Looney Tunes

Joyce LoParco

Phone: (509)531-9939

ACD: Tom Watson

2nd Saturday

Breakfast @ 8:00 AM

Gathering @ 9:00 AM

Cousins' Restuarant

4605 Road 68

Pasco, WA 99301

WA-N Spokane

Wing Nuts

Lori Ann & Lewis Robertson

Phone: (509)251-4443

ACD: Don Sundahl

3rd Saturday

Breakfast @ 8:00 AM

Gathering @ 8:30 AM

Golden Corral Buffet

7717 N Division St

Spokane, WA 99208

WA-O Port Orchard


Ken & Tami Smith

Phone: (360)440-6357

ACD: John & Myrna Scrivner

ACD: Bob & Becky Minor

ACD: Jack Davies

3rd Saturday

Breakfast @ 8:00 AM

Gathering @ 9:00 AM

Everybody's Restaurant

4215 SE Mile Hill DR

Port Orchard, WA 98366

WA-R Walla Walla

Road Runner

Pat & Von Webb

Phone (509)522-2320


1st Saturday

Breakfast @ 8:00 AM

Gathering @ 9:00 AM

Clarette's Restaurant

15 S Touchet St

Walla Walla, WA 99362

WA-V Auburn


Joe & Patti Diambri

Phone: (253)630-8463

ACD: Jeff & Cindy Duffield

1st Thursday

Dinner @ 6:00 PM

Meeting @ 7:00 PM

Trotter's Family Restaurant

825 Harvey Rd Auburn, WA


WA-X Vancouver


Michael & Vickie Miller

Phone: (360)666-2569

ACD: Dave Van Nice

4th Tuesday

Dinner @ 5:30 PM

Gathering @ 6:00 PM

Benny's Rod and Customs

4219 NE St Johns Rd

Vancouver, WA 98661

WA-Z Centralia


Jesse & Eva Valentine

Phone: (360) 888-0546

ACD: Larry & Julia Blackledge

2nd Saturday

Breakfast @ 8:30 AM

Ramblin Jacks Ribeye

1336 Rush Rd

Chehalis, WA 98532 Ext 72

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Position Volunteers Serving Contact Information District Directors Jesse and Eva Valentine (360) 888-0546

Send e-mail

Assistant District Directors – West Ken and Tami Smith (360) 440-6357 Send e-mail

District Treasurer Mike and Bijou White (360) 340-2588 Send e-mail

District Rider Educators Don Eide (509) 531-7849 Send e-mail

Assistant District Rider Educators Robert and Helen Liddell (360) 649-9658 Send e-mail

District Motorist Awareness Vic Parr (253) 224-6420 Send e-mail

Assistant District Motorist Awareness Carl Maier (509) 844-3865 Send e-mail

District Leadership Trainers Open

District Membership Coordinators Kaye Maier (509) 220-6709 Send e-mail

District Couple of the Year Jeff and Cindy Duffield (253) 293-0744 Send e-mail

District WEB Master Greg Dawson (503) 502-3310 Send e-mail

District Newsletter Editor Vic Parr (253) 224-6420 Send e-mail

District GroupWorks Administrator Vic Parr (253) 224-6420 Send e-mail

Vendor Coordinators Jeff and Cindy Duffield (253) 293-0744 Send e-mail

District Couple of the Year Coordinators Jeff and Cindy Duffield (253) 293-0744 Send e-mail

District Secretary Open

FUN Coordinator Open

District Ambassador Mike Miller (360) 666-2569 Send e-mail

District Ambassador Garry Alexander (253)677-7812 Send e-mail

District Ambassador Jeff and Cindy Duffield (253) 293-0744 Send e-mail

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------


20-22 WA-E Surf Watch Flyer

28 WA-Z POPE’S Kids Place Fundraising Dinner Flyer/Registration

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------


02-03 WA-B Mall Show

15-18 BC-G Victoria Days Flyer/Registration

22-25 Chapter WA-L Desert Spring Fling Flyer/Registration

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------


13 Tour de Blast Website

30 GWRRA Wing Ding 42 – Springfield, MO Website

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------


01-04 GWRRA Wing Ding 42 – Springfield, MO Website

16-19 WA District Convention (Back to Our Future) Registration/Credit Card Form

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------


22 WA-Z Chicken Run

23 Puget Sound Ride For Kids Website

29 Chapter WA-O Whale of a Picnic

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------


06 Olympia Toy Run

06 Puyallup Lighted Santa Parade

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For a Washington District credit card print the following page or Click here to open a printable form.

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Gold Wing Road Riders Association

Washington District


The GWRRA Washington District can accept your credit card for payment. You can print this page and send it

in with your Registration (Preferred) or call Mike White at 360.340.2588 and give him your information


We are using Square Credit Card System and it will show up on your statement as “Gold Wing Road Riders

Association Washington District.”


Please Check Credit Card Type: VISA MASTERCARD AMERICAN




- - -


Expiration Date

Month Year CCV#

Name as it appears on your card_______________________________________________________

Billing Zip Code of Credit Card____________ Phone Number (_______) ________-____________

Cardholder Signature____________________________________ Date________________________

CVV/CVC/CID is a 3 or 4-digit authentication number located on most credit cards to

help reduce fraudulent use of credit cards for “card not present” transactions (such as

Internet Purchases). It is against Washington State law to write down the CVV

Number on paper. You must call Mike White at 360.340.2588 and give him the CVV


VISA calls it a Card Verification Value (CVV)

MASTERCARD calls it a Card Verification Code)

AMERICAN EXPRESS calls it a Card Identification Number (CID)

Page 25: MARCH 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Washington …District Ambassadors – Mike and Vickie Miller, Garry Alexander, Jeff and Cindy Duffield 16 WA Chapter Gatherings 17 WA District Staff


Motorist Awareness Coloring Booklet:

Click on any of the following icons to open a printable coloring booklet. The “WATCH FOR MOTOR CYCLES” is a single sheet but please note that the “CRUISIN’ CRITTERS” booklet consists of two pages (back to back). If your printer supports duplex printing, please make that selection for ease of printing. Please share these booklets freely with the youngsters.


Click on following “form” to open a printable .PDF form.

Page 26: MARCH 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Washington …District Ambassadors – Mike and Vickie Miller, Garry Alexander, Jeff and Cindy Duffield 16 WA Chapter Gatherings 17 WA District Staff


Page 27: MARCH 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Washington …District Ambassadors – Mike and Vickie Miller, Garry Alexander, Jeff and Cindy Duffield 16 WA Chapter Gatherings 17 WA District Staff



(Click on picture to access Cruise Info)

Page 28: MARCH 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Washington …District Ambassadors – Mike and Vickie Miller, Garry Alexander, Jeff and Cindy Duffield 16 WA Chapter Gatherings 17 WA District Staff



(Click on photo to go to web site)

Eagle Leather, 10222 S Tacoma Way, Lakewood, WA


Everett Powersports, 215 SW Everett Mall Way,

Everett WA 98204

Firecreek Accessories, 8518 Kimmie St

SW, Olympia, WA 98512

Griot’s Garage, 3333 S 38th St,

Tacoma, WA 98409

Lifestyles Honda, 3302

Cedardale Rd #100, Mt.

Vernon, WA 98274

Rich’s Custom Seats, 8264 WA-

104, Kingston, WA 98346

South Sound Honda, 2115

Carriage Dr SW, Olympia, WA


South Bound Motorsports,

2724 96th St S, Lakewood, WA


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