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Page 1: MARCH MEETING E :;:ldocshare04.docshare.tips/files/25022/250221284.pdf · lIever tardy U l' nbsent. They clime when the elements were Rtormy lind tempestuous. Cold lind biting wind!



The dealh of John O. Falkinburg HO \."IA' id~oLin~d with Wa)'IHlsville ClOllIlIlu ni!y life in dnys gune by, ul' ings to nlind lilY I·arliest school !Jays in the old Middle Hun, 01' a~ it WlI S '" l1wllln eS cnlle d. lhc ro~w ick ~ehul.ll out ul\ the Stllte road just be­fure the Ilpp roach to the hill t hat It'uds to ~tiddlc Hun . The old-ti me !-.(' htlo~ hnusc wus rUled nInny years ugu. It wu s hcre in thiM primitive t !'Ullle school house thllt Mr. Falkin­burg he ld swuy. It was a school dis­trict uf mug-nine!!llt di ~tIlIlC~ S. When IV" reuli ~c the sc hool fucililics of to­day, we uJlpreciat~ nil t he 1lI0re the sl~rn obstucleR co nfronting tencher .. in these co u ntry schouls. Pupils fur instance. clime to the Middl e Hun school fuur miles di~tl\lIt . and were lIever tardy U l' nbsent. They clime when the eleme nts were Rtormy lind tempestuous. Cold lind biting wind! did not deter them. Mr. Fnlkinburg him se lf lived in 1\ colt,nge on the


Lnst Friday Pedro M. Blanco, a native Filipino, v isited the 8chool and gave a short t nlk to those interested. li e is a graduate of Columbill Un i· versity. post-graduale student of the Univcr8ity of Penn sylvan ill and Ox­ford Univers ity, England . He told of his fam ily who are now ull dcad, bow he worked to come to America and what he did after he got here, to get lin education. Some slides were shown ' to illustrate his talk of his native lllnd lind he also sang Borne native Filipino songs.

The loca l Oratorical contest will be held at the Gym March 3D, The win­ners wil l take part in t h e county ora­torical co ntest he ld April 6th.

The oper etta, "Love Pirates of Ha­waii" WIIS given last week and prov­ed to be 8 great success. Between reu l pirutes and real lovers the girls ut the seminary were very busy.

Mondny evening the Junior and Senior classes visited Lyman Day's sugar camp and all r eturned much more sugared t han when they s tarted. The teachers were expected to stay sweet 1111 w eek.

. Spring Vnllcy pike aCI'oss the way, from the luler Co llege Hill sc hou l. etlsily three mile. lind mOI'e from the old school. He hlld to reach the schoolhouse ut 7 o'clock in the morn­ing or cllrlier to buil!J the fire.

Ol (~~~~d~~erv~~n t~~t~~;P~~~s n~~e t~: MARCH MEETING boundaries. John J ones came from , the NlIthnn J ones farm fill' out on t he Spring Valley rOlld. From the other end of lhllt road came Will Dnughters on the LBe farm. Then

.WOMAN'S ' AUXILIARY the Crosswick crowd and the Lash- The Woman's Auxilillry of St. Ma­ley's tlunked, the lower Bellbrook ry 's church met in regular session on pike bounds. Go thro ugh milee up Friday, March 9, with Mrs. Harris almost to the Greene county line and nnd Mrs Mosher. It had been ar­the Spoon children on the Nur Brown rllnged t~ huve the meeting at 11 :46 fllrm, the Hoblits und others in that a, m., to sui t tbe convenience of the



__ 1- _

----- .- - ----, --~·~~ B Albert 1'. j( ej.i

girls II10ng the Chenoweth rOlld and Cipcinnllti lit an early hour to at- ."

''LOVE PIRATES Of HAWAII" OPEHE1TA At the Gym l u~ t F";d"y nil!h t n)(' 11I.

bers of th~ lii Kh . d" ,ol lI\u,i~ I' III's prcscnt .... ~1 foLn\, f' P intl\.' s or Jl a\\ uii, " a Ii~ht npl·ra in ,, \, n(": ~. to :1 j'.IJ1He­ity house.

The SlUg'l' s l·tti ll~ l ' I'J1 "l~"t' ''II \ d lh<: ga rden of )1 i ~~ 1' '';IIICI' ', pri\ 1\\1'

school ' f or girl;; and was \'cry aUrae. tive.

Th e ~inging or (h(' J: irl>' find boys' churuses , und~r th <> di ... ·ctif,,, o f t.he music teachcl'. Jl I iss \,,,1 1: 111 in, ·. gal" evidence o r ca l'pfu l truininA' and ench part Wa " c!c\'crl y purt ruY ~ 1 1 l.~' II ",,,,II sel'cted cast which full ,, \\' , :

Du rothy Dear, duughter of I'luntu-tnlion Illllnu"er FvelynKcrM'Y

Miss Primer, tellcher of privato scho ol Louise H ender~on

Lehull. Bcntrice Robitzer; Kllrnkmi . Evelyn Curtwl'ight; Lilinoe. Thelma St. John; Mailc, Irma 'Rich, daugh · tel's of rich pllln tlltion owners.

Billy Wood. Lieutenllnt of U, S. Cruiser, Tcn nes~ee Wade TurnC'r

Pirllte hief Morris She rwoor\ Sellry, II pirate Boyel Henderson Chorus of Hawaiian Gir ls-Evelyn

Lllmb. Nell ie Graham, Louise Tread wny, Thelmll Hartsock, Louise Crllne Veda Bennett, Myl'll Pence, Mubel McMilInn, Bertha Filer, Grace Pen­nington, Virginia Hardin, Marietta Guy, Mary K. Wilson, Bernice Hy· mlln.

Pirates' Chorus-Boyd Henderson , Ken neth Fromm, Gilbert Frye , Joe Kersey. Geo rge Henkle, William LOllg, Charles O'Nea ll, Paul Ever­hart, Sherman Tinney, Burdette

Jackso n.

Miss GenevlI Ault, pianst, and the died Monduy at her home between mUllic. -----. - .. ----

Franklin Co Burnett vicinity walked to school over fiel ds Diocesan president, M.iss Catherine ~';r; E :;:l lind through woods. The bOYB nnd Morrison, so that she could return to .~o c~a . • ~, MAR ~~ \ E T I .. o~a.. '. those living along the lio road . the tend IInother meeting. Luncheon wns Nut Huines boys anci Will Dinwidd ie, served promptly at noon by the hos- -- ----for eXu ml)lc , represen ted that far-off tC6SCI! nbly lI'ssistcd by Mrs. J. W. Mothers Club Market on Franklin C. Burneit, eon o'f Steph-section. Ed "" tlfds. Mr". J. E. McClure, 1I1rs. March 17, 192EI. at Grange en lind Hannah Burnett, WIIS born

It \\'as hnre 1 t t d t h I h Bert Hartsock Mrs. Ronnld Hawke ~ s ar e 0 Be 00 w en H II b . . t 9 0 near Waynesville, Ohio, October 18 , Leullu rn Robe rls. WIlS t he teacher. lind Miss Emmll H t!ighway. a. egmOlng a :0 a. Marshal! Harlan, who has been ill, 1851 0 f ' ht h ' ld h John I'alkinburg came the next year. The til ceting was opened by lIln . is improving. m. Miss Lucy Emley WIIS t he di nner . nc a elg c I reno e grew During those days the "big boys" Annll Cadwnllader who conducted the Please send your dona- guest, Sundny, of Mrs. Sarah Joy. to manhood on the farm where he was stnrted in schoel in November. wIJ.en devotional service. Scripturul quo- W. H. Allen was 'lI business visitor tions in as early as p08si- born, remaining there fo r ty yellrs. the fall work was completed and "quit tntion s \\\ere gh'en in response to in Lebanon, Monday. ble on t his date. Mrs. Fred M. Cole entertained the The last ' I!\'enteen of these years Hchoul" in !\larch or early April to roll call. ACter the busi ness hod "bridge club" Saturday afternoon. were pug~c cl there with his wife, Aril-

I , D i .L · bel d d 'h t ' F h II b 'dl I' Patrons may leave orders start p owmg. ur ng \.ue time the e n conc u e, • C mee Ing was or urness, co ara, n es, IDes, lu Taylor Burnett, whom he married ·'big boys" were in school, a teacher lurned over to Miss Morrison. pads, etc., Bee J. C. Hawke. m28 with Mrs. Hyman. Our Spring line or Wall Paper is Deccmber 3. 1874. To t his union at Middle Run <fIeeded pnyalcal as well The subject of her address was j . here-160 patterns to He lec t from wcrl! born fi\'e children, Earl, Mary,

I . h h . the · ...... " k by Sturgl' entitl d "Th F k A de ' t L 'b I!! all carried in stock at Hynlnn's . . II<! Illora courllge to cope Wit t e Slt- uvv • 8 , C , e ran n rson, 0 e anon. was ~. J o~cph, RRymond and Lura , four of . u lion. Many of these boys were Church Awake," whic h is being used in Waynesville, Tuesday. II whom with t heir mother lind four more power ful t han 1I1r. Fillkinburg. a8 a text-book in the mission study Messrs. I. W. Lincoln und Wm. g-randchilc.lrell und two s isters are They knew it. In n tlgbt they could clllsses this year, With questions Choice Greeting Cards and Mot- OR fRANK CHANE'S Fllirbee, of Dnyton, spent Sunduy li ving. • overpower him. I have seen him of- and answers she made the review of toes at Cary's Jewelry Shop. • . I with Mr. and lIIrs. J. H. Smith . Fmnk rcceiv"' II hi s academic ed u-ten confronted with a definnt gllng this book most interesting, and the S catio n lit the public schools near his

d h h f h d t II t Dr. Robert Blair, of Lebanon, was e\'eral Masons f rom th is place ut-1111 e was ulways the master. By our or er epar ure come II 00 WEEKLY LECTURE home with a few years spent at Mi-I I . s on Waynesville on business today. c tended the inspection of New Bur-s reer courage. intel ectual superiority a . I' I n.mi Valley college, neur Springboro

d h Th t · b ht to I mgton odge, Tuesday eveni ng. lin grit e cowed boys who delib- e mee mg WIIS r oug n C ose When I say "academic education," 1 t 3 'th I d b M' Mrs. Lee Hawke, Miss Doris Hawke

.erate ly set out to "get .him." ~. p . . m., wAI Plrayerts, e . IY"- ISS and Donald Hawke were in Da-on Attend the Spring Opening lind speak advi sed ly, for Mr. Burnett That WIIS a co nglomerated school, mornson. p easan socia nour Monday. #' G b S throughout the years of hl's yo ut h a nd

f II d ETERNAL CHILDREN ra a le at Cllry's J ewelry S hOll, large in numbers, vllried in size a nd 0 owe . March 2~, 23, 24, Great fun I For manhood was acquiring un education age, of infinite range in ability, ma- Watc~ for Cary's Jewelry Shop full partieulllrs see Fred's Advertiser that was infillite l ~ mor e vllluab!e thlln ny coming from obscure homes, forc- Sale Ia. In Good Handa Sprin.r Opening and Grab Sale. on Somebody said thllt a man has four mere book learnmg, F rom hIS long .ed to work and slIcrifice in tender Thursday, Friday and Saturday, ambitions: To plan.t a tree, to write Mr. and Mrs. J esse Mengle and life on the farm he acquired t he y ears, some without inspiring influ- March 22, 23, 24. Lebanon, Ohio. a book. to build a hl~uBe and to beget children. of Morrow, spent the week- pructical ~lIowl edge of agricul t ure ences, others se nt from t hrifty; in- Fred M. Cole's Bargain Festival, a Ion. end wi th B. V. Smith lind family. and t he IIIdustry lind application lelligent, widc-awake fUrm firesides. which starts today and continues for Mr. and Mrs, LeIter Gordon visited There ie aomethhl.r peculiarly eat- which mlld e hlln th e succC6sf ul farm-It was n most interesting mosllic of ten days, is being personally conduct- relatives in Wilmington, Sunday af- Islylng to a man when he has a son. Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Smith enter. er he was. From h is own heart which child life in a country school of tbat ed by Mr. W. C. Thompson , a gentle- ternoon. It may be the aurvival of the old lained with a fumily din ner Sunda y he Icarned to rest upon t he 'tender period. man of wide experience. Mr. Thomp- heline that one muat have an heir in honor of Mr. nnd Mr~. Hllrold heurt of Jesus; from his own mind

The educationel eqnipmc.nt lind ac- son has a pleasing personality and his Members of the local Grange are to Inherit hie estate. . Smith. alld soul which were enlightened and cessories were meager. It waa a coUrteoU8 treatment of all who visit preparing to present a play on April III ChlDa they sometimes drown the led by the " In ner light" of t he Qua-s imple sort of process. In the midst the store Insures a successful sale. the 13th. eirl babies tiecause they do not want Remc mbl'r, we nre headquarters in kers, he learned t he tender and un-of this envi ronment, with a mud road • - • so many eirla around, and prefer Wllrren county for Gruen Wa tches selfish devotion to his family which in front, the woods of Middle Run M I Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Ellis, Mr. and boys. and " Youre,," sil verware. Cnry's so e ndeared him t hem, and the in the rear, with the stream of ten- in.tre Mrs. J . L: Mendenhall were visitors The .ffectlon between a man and Jewelry Shop, Lebllnon, Ohio. chllrity and kind ly good will, which torrential, Jolin Falkinburg .rot his In New Vienna last Thursday. his Ion il peeUllady tender. It is together with n quiet se nse of humor early teaching experience. He gain- The young people of Lytle church not the same Idnd ~,f teeling that he Mrs. SlIrnh Zimmerman, Mrs. L. made h im so good a neighbor and ed a high place in the. educatio~al will give a minstrel show at Lytle March 22, 23, 24 Cary'. Jewelry has for hlB "Wif.·', or for his daughter. A, Zimmerman, MI'tl. Harry Ritter fr iend. flel~ Inter on bl:' sheer. Industry, In- hall Saturday evening, M.rch 17, ~op, at Lebllnon, Ohio, will have a Somehow the IOn Beems to corry n~d son were shopping in Dayton, on By bir th lind heredity Frank Bur-telhgent and IIldefatigabl~. study, sponeered by tile Ladies Aid Boclety. Spring opening nnd Grab Sale. See on his own pel'lOnality and when he 1 hursday. nett bel l>l1ged to t he Society of keen .observation ~nd. exerclslllg , of- Waynesville High School ,orcheatra Fred's Advertiser for full particulars. looks at him he fuela that his life Friends, of which he l'C!mained a loy-ten hili notural thmkmg mechanism. will furnish the music. Admission, has not been In vail~. No flner wlltches thlln the Gruen a l member until his death. Though I1e was not merely an absorber. He 16c. . . . A man at a br nqllet the other day for t he boy or girl graduate. Hove cordial lind frien dlY to other creeds. thought for himself. .Out of the warp The last half of the entertainment W. N. SeaTS and family vlEllted got up and said. . you seen th em at Cllry's. Jewelry the deep sp ir ituali ty oC the QUllker and woof of his mind after careful will be stereopticon views given by Mr. and Mrs. Eu.rene Montgomery, "I am lonely. Nearly every mlln Shop, Lebanon, Ohio . faith lind t he si mpli city and practical and painstaking deliberation came Re R A St ' )11 N h f of Pasadena, Sunday afternoon. here tonight bAa hie son with him. honesty of their way of liCe nllpelllmj

d d . v. . . I ngs. 0 C aree or S al mber of th local chap . A ftc sp nd ' I k h hill own e uctlOns. the pictures as they are furnished by ever me s e . . ' . - I have only the memory of mine."r C mg severo wee sat t e to like qunlities in himse lf. FIe He broke the "stubborn glebe" in the N. C. R. ter attended Eastern S~ar In~pecbon Then he dlaelosed the fact that his Friends Home, Mrs. ~yd ia Cha ndler sprang from II long lin e of Ntnunch

that school. In later years those of • _ • at Harveysburg lost frIday night. Ion was IIOmewhere in France either returned to her home In New Viennn lind upri ght QUllkc rs and Ill! never us who sat at his feet appreciated the in an unmarked .... ve or lying un- last Thursday. betrayed his inhel·ilance.

Don't fail to attend Fred M. Cole'a Mrs Bertha Lewis and ..... anddaugh •• tremendous handicaps and problems, ' .. Identified lI.r lOm.e wire f ence or About t he year I S!! I. IIII'. Burnett the maddening conditions lit times, Bllrgain Festival. ter, Opal . Rober~, of Dayton, s~en~ In a ditch. ~ '!, Mrs. Etta Surface lind Mrs. Vedll r emoved with his famil y to t he f ll l'm

Whole NumbeT 5796


THE STATE CAPITOL (,OL I ' ~IBl S, tllO- 1f you must

", UN'Z(', : n t>l'Z \.' intu yUill'

not. y( ~ 1Jr !'It.rht, W U o; th e mOllil lUll I' t ' l't' ll t Iv nffj ' t'('I<!

f'. I "hl.i ll ~ , ,·hi. :r uf tllI'

left hllnd, pUblic IId­by Dr. P. hurea u of

(' lInti'\ ~il) u " di sel.v·.t'g u f lh . lu t e Dc ... l",r!I111 '111 I' r II ;:,liLh. 1IJ'. Rubbins had t111' SIll"" Ih ing til say in I'egard " r (II1I!h >. ya wn s. s llloth~rf·d oaths

" .. " "~'I hili" l' I ~ ~ t'hal ('alls f ll r the 1I a l1<I·." "r ' UdIU h J,!'p.!'\ture r ... conlmend­,d ill ,'Ll'll! ' llu honK.. " We shake h" I·d. \\ ith IOUI' r il';ill hnnd, " he ex. plni'II',I. "alld lIP sllr fu('r of th.· hand r'JI'1l1:-- H Yl' n ' fBuJ rahh· rl'~ i n~ place r .... I!"""" \l'hile weli inK lor further I' ul1 : fer In ""l' rdl ·nlls. The halid- . , huk e nlllY alill rrt''l u~ntly Iloes trnns­f~ r u < mu ny Jla hul"Kicul bacteria as l h .. ugh 1\ (k",lly ':"!!IIlY wero c()nc~al­ill!! hi" I1l unn l de>igns in such u gl'ec ~ In~:1

Th cl'e i ~ "\'~ry indkation in po­lit ica l 'il'clt's th'ut lh e ouject of tbe wet or liueral interests uf th e stalo within the Republican ranks huve fur mure renchin" plnns thall seem uPllarent th tnl! IIverage voter nt the pre~"'ll tin.., . Not only do they seek u majuri ty of de legatos to the Na­tional convention to be held in Kan­sus City , but the fight will carry wi£i, it what is expected to be a victory Cor the s late ticket in the primaries at least. It is impossible to see how the IIverage straight Republican can hope for victory under the bllnner of the wet or liberal int~rest9 . Lead­ers have been cho sen who have fought under almost every other banner, and they have enlisted as many others 8S

possible wi lh u bit dryer viewa to d istract attention from the main is­sue or picture. Senalor Fronk B. Willis is a life long dry. So is his campnign manager , Col. Cunni A. Thompson. There is no issue on this point, but it is hnrd to close one's eyes on the PIISt performances of Walter F. Brown, of Toledo, and Col. Thad H. Brown. of Columbus. They have ever been id entified with the more li beral interests, lind it is hint­ed t hat t he prescnt fight will not end at t he April pri maries, but that it will be cllrried to the state ticket to be named in t he YOllr. If Ohio Re­publiCllns support wet candidlltes th is year th ere has been u decided. chlln lrll in t he attitude of Ohio voters re­cently.

. Living on the farm is more healthy thlln Iivin.r....in tbe ~ P erhaps you enn't mllke the young folks believe this but it's a fact nevertheless.. I. C. Plummer, chief of the division of vito! statistics, stAte hea lth depllrt­ment says, thllt 11 persons died dur­ing the past yenr who were more than 100 years of age each. And every one of theso e leven were fnrm res­idents. No city folks lived to that ripe old nge t his r eport shows. It this is n't evidence e:lough thllt farm living is the most hculthy of all life today, other convincing statistics will be produced, according tn Dr. John E. Monger, .stllte health director.

'Ohio del egates lind alternlltes to the Democratic national convention nt Houston, Texlls, June 26, will go by special train, which will leave Cleveland on the morning of June 22, Henry O. Brunn-er.,chnirman of the state Dcmocrntic executl\'c com­mittee, hilS announced. The train will stop IIi Columbus. Springfield and Dayton to pick up d leglltes and 111-

ternates from nll sections of e Htute . No stops will be mllde be­tW"'''" Cincimwti u nd St. Louis_ Rates, re:crvution s and , chedu les will be un nounced ~oo n . Th e train will reach Houston on th morning of' JUlie 25. Stops oC scveral h ours wilt he IlIlIde in St. Loui s lind Dallas.


HOLDS MEETING that he had to overcome. Yet out Sunday With relatives In WayneSVille. The father waitl!d to "0, but he Orndorf motored to Port William, on th a Dayton a nd Lebanon IJikc,

.. Sunday \ h th . d . . Jll rs. Fred Cons and IIfrR. Elias of that country school we learned les L t "fit .. with P k waa too old; they 'wlanted young men . h M' v ere ey enJoye a VISit which belll'R his name. Them hi~ Ogl('Sbcc W('re hostesses to t he Hllpp'" aonll of busic importance that became hardship and sacrifice. Yet the flrea e us you a.r er The IOn never came baek . Wi t r. and Mrs. B. S. Howell. child ren grew up Ulld mUl"I'il'd. As ~

f k J h F Ik ' b . h lb ' M F Iki Duofold Pen; help you select the It be f' . I . h Hou r club TII C~dIlY nfternonn , March a part 0 our ma cup. 0 n , a . m- kept rig t y urn mg. r. a n- Parker point that .uits your hand may a al~tI; c;onso atl?n, but I10usecleaning time! H t e 'years went by, he and hi ~ wife . 1~. at the home of Mrs. GO IIS. Al-burg was n thorough, conSCient IOUS burg ut ilized every 'possit)le moment exa tl C . d t th t this boy has one advantage In that Id ' f ' l b ave your feelmg the burd en oC yenrs , deC'ided Llwugh the weather was rather in-teacher. We may not have gotten he could snatch f or study. When he c Y', ome In an ry em ou he will al"'a,. be a boy. 0 pIeces a SI ve:ware, ra.ss, etc., 'to tu rn oyer their furm to younl'cr fnr beyond the "Three R's,'.' but we was in the fteld binding wheat or at Cary s Jewelry Shop, Leb.non, O. We lose our children In two ways. r,eplated and refi~lshed so It loo~s hands. They bought their present clement, Rixteen members responded

hke new lit Cary B Jewelry Shop I to rolt clIII. The vice-preside nt, Mrs_. learned t hese well. plowing corn he meditated on what They either die or ..... 0 ... up. In eith- ' . ' n home in Centerville, wh" re. nHer Mrs. G J Smith II visiting he- .- ... Lebanon OhiO Jenni · Wilson. presided lit th e busi-Mr. Falkinburg literally hewed his he relld. . •. • er caae the" separate from us. , . the lapse of thirte en ycur'S, MI'. Bur- . son m law and daughter Mr and # Iless sessio n, nfler which th e program life out of hard rock. He had no Out of this stern, hard experience M - Ph'l Z f f C 11 'H'I\' CI The eternal children are the ones Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Fires, Mr. and nett passed away in hill 77th year. committe~ offered the foll owing very early educational advantages. In was wrought the splendid John Fal- Ira. tI I ep, 0 0 ege I, n- who d!e. They alway. Iin.rer in our Mrs. Lewis Fires and children, and so a loving husband and of mOI'C than good progrnm, which was in keep!f' g boyhood he had to shift for himself. kinburg of later years. In the midst c nna • memory as chlldrenc. We expect to F And so a lo vi ng husband of mono 1\' I'th St . l'atl'I'ck's Day .. MisR 10Sl!ie Fires spent Sunday with ~ He took to the mast during the Civil of all burdens, In spite of seemingly liee them In the nen world 811 chil- I' C I ' than fifty years, a tender father anLi War and saw service in the navy. On unsurmountable difficulties he emerg- Mrs. Kate Coleman had as dinner dren. They wlll al'ways be children. re atlvC6 in entervil e. a n affectionate urother a nd II kind Reuding, "Mareh" ... . ... Elsie Hockett his return he worked for my Grllnd- ed a lIlan of the finest mold. .rueab Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. But those who p'01t' up and devel- _ New, charming and chic coatume neighbor hus gone from among us. Reading, "Helen Kellllr's Achieve-father Cortwright. My grandparents This leads me to 88Y that from Henderson and daughters. MiAea Ell- op their own pera,oQllty and indj~ jewelry creations. Cary's J ewelry "Thc places which huve known him ments" . . . . .... . Adra Bra ddock and their children appreclat~ the those ellrly daye of hardships, toil ther and Louise. vlduality· awine away, from us. Shop, "The Home of Gifts," Leba- shall know him no more." For he is Mrs. Frank LeMay lind Miss Helen native IIbility of John Falkinbuflr. and .acrifice, there was developed at Perhape after all the loneliest per- non, Ohio. n ot lost even to t his world, for love Hllwke, guests of the afternoon, then It was due to their encouragement, Waynesville and in its neighborhood Diamonds. We lIupply customers Ion la the one who··baa seen hiB loved is immortal. The he nficicnt influence favored us with a so ng, "I Ain Dream atimulus and sympathetic 'help that a body of men and women who for from Cincinnati, Dayton, Middle- ones &Tow ·.way from him, rather !Ii H v: Walter, Mias Pearl of Franklin Burnett's li fo will always ing of You," and for an eneore sang he decided to teach. Then started a courage, conscience, high standllrds to-:m, etc., be<;ause our quality and than the one who has 10lt them by Sta~~', M~. and Mrs. Don Wlllter of be lelt by all who knew and loved "My Wild Iri sh Rose," which was liCe of intensive study, close applica- and clean living "ave not been ex- prices are rIght. Cary'l . Jewelry death. Lebanon, were Wayn esville "t him. tnoroughly enjoyed by aU. tlon and fine discrimination in read. celled. They were made of stern Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. The latter has them always with Monday afternoon. VISI aI'S, Next n potato .peeling contest in ing that finally mllde Jehn Falklnburg atuft' out of which heroes are shaped. him in bls memory, but to the form- '. Sw.one Product.oon wl)ich Mrs. Nellie Bunnell and Mrs. an erudite student. He · touched life We who followed have had examples Edgar T. Hole, of Rlehmond, Ind., er that · memory ill clouded by the New styles, spring colora and the Adah Smith chose sides. The sille at myriad points and was a man of in our forbears thllt shine all A great expects to he at Waynesville friends real~ty. .Iowesb prices in the history of real pee ling. t heir potatoes first, winning superior education. Many ;times in light. ' Mj!eting at 10 :30 a. m., March 18th. ---..... ~.-..... ---- silk, are at 'your servic'e. C. B. Chup- On the evening of MUl'ch 28th, at a prize. Mrs. Sm ith'~ side were vi~ those s~hool days 1 ~eard him dls- ,I" was ' particularly de1ight~d that Evt;ryone .we.lcome. : ""'. ver TIl. e Top" man, your local representative, will R o:clo;k, Prof. J. W. Wouchet, of the tors. cuss su!>jeets or profound moment ~ohn Falkinburg wrote those f ragrant V be home from 'school Murch 17th to cx~ens l~n dep.art~ellt of OhiO State The hostes!\es then served a very with Il!y gtandfatJler and my father. reminiscenses in ' the .Miami Gazette Misses Kl\therine Tomer, Florenee __ 24th. Phone 86. ulll vers lty, WIll . g ive an ' lIddress on delicious two-course lunch Which , WIll I was i mpressed the.n ,with his 'graS)) recently • . They recalled ~ames and B.l>bb, Edna Shumaker, Esther ,Hen- wi.n e Production nnd Feedi ng lit the also in keeping w,it,h St: :J,>a.triCk's.Da1 ot. ~he. matter ,,~ hand.~e was cealie~ places 'of ~hldong ago. Those sketch! derson. Elsie and Doris Hawke were American Lelnon Benefit Mrs. Arthur Anso n, of ?ft. Healthy, High ' school gymnasium. Miss Betty Oglesbee, 1\Irs. Wolter less in h ia.exploratioJl o~ t he beat that es revealed tJle fact that JOhn Falkin- delightfully entertained at Satterth- Lebanon .Ope.ra Hou~e, " spent the week·end with her sisters, Thi is sponsered 'by members of Kenrick, Mrs. Charles Johns and Mlsa

- - had b.een t~,bt and, wrltten.in ~he burg livlld in his community. He was walt4jl's sugar . camp Mon~y .evell~. Thunda,. and Fliday. March 29 .t 30 and brolher, Misses Lizzie and LilIIc' th \! 1928 ~hort course. Those who Mary Eva LeMay were also invited world. ,. ." ever loyal to hili boyhood haunts. He . Rsy&..&w' and Mr. George ,att. aTe nt a ll interested should be there. guests of the Club.

During this period, MI'. Falkinburg loved the place that gave .him his It YOII expect to buy a w.tch. make . II . This is an opportunity to he9r :Ii • • ' wall raisIng a family; his salary as chance to climl). : it a ~rueJ;l. . It will cost no mon, "Sam .. Old Bunch" 'The care of your eyes 'ghould bo good speaker w ho is pOllted on the - - ---a teacher 'waS meapl' and' he- had to He was I)roueht back to sleep amid and you can wear it and show it to in of deep concern to you. Bet.ter sight. subject. SPACE FILLER piece out by' workin'e for the 'farm- thOlle ~ovely scenea, 'the ' far-reaching yo.ur · friends with .dded pride and .. better health . . To 'R8I!ure ,good sight We heJd n F/lrnlet:s Inatitu ~e thiP .,. by the day . . DUiinlr the vacation valleys. and the malrJ1lftcant hin. tlrat .. tlafactioD. Your Dllardt Gruen consult ~ Rudolph, the eyeaight year. Let us at lellBt get the beneflt .JHIi'I,od . lie- labored i" the ftelda and wllre 80 D/Qch • part of . him when he Sewe~r ie C.,,'s J".1rJ Shop, I.e.,.. Ipeelalilt at Cary'B Jll1I'eli-y Shop. of one good evening. Every aile ill looked after bll OWil place after twi- w .. beiDIr enriched· with life'. Gho~ POll, Ohio, :where JOQ wUl bel • Lebanon, Ohio. Tueada,y, Thursday invited; let's have a c.ood crowd and .t.' ·R,. .. .:time Of ardDoaa' tou. iDIu-. in bIa IPdq tIaae. ,pea wrletJ ~ lIlact from. _ a48aWrdQ. aD Ivellina "en lpent.

We do not print this for it'. 'lrit Nor it', poetic /r1"a~ . We 'don't care what It.,.. & ... It's juat to ftI1 the

Page 2: MARCH MEETING E :;:ldocshare04.docshare.tips/files/25022/250221284.pdf · lIever tardy U l' nbsent. They clime when the elements were Rtormy lind tempestuous. Cold lind biting wind!

SHEEP I Meredith Nicholson.



_ Fran Ga l'S, 1'n'rm er. t ; j' t'lUlIlI o\\'n . II HI I tln E. f;oll1 l' t ti, h"ll. <',,,, 1',, . \o' l'Ul\kli n.

l ~' ~{!~ B. JI[ ote, sa l!~llIa n, V . }.-I \.Ill . :111 I A 1m • Jri.. h"t" hI, usekoop-"1'. Fronk lin.


Ilu rl fixeci 11ll' " "I"' II SP" of thl' o ~ ,.1' l h" t,l xl·c ull·i. in lh,' ,'11." II f

Li dn ~1. Sliwill a~ ~);cc u l ri )( ,)( th' Mllat · j,r .'UK:1Il P. l1 u i rH'~ \' .. lh 'ar J . Edll'ur ~ , ,'L a1. .

Arli,' C. Philli rlfi, [ ' lct ,.!,y wo rkl' ''' l.u\'L,IIllHI lllld 01'[1 L. . ./'; I~ t n, III -lory wOl'k('r. t o\·(· ln ll I.

Ruftl~ S inl'1ll'lolI. IlIU01'(' I', SlIrl ng ­h""". a lll\ lI u;, ,'1 Rulli "!:"'" '. !:i1'1'illg'­h roo

-swung I>url n. l' <! II,., hond o f Car!'o ll s.

\\, iIl i;t mho " ti l .. ·7;'(' <' n ehn r).: · of n ,­l{1I'cl 1. .. pruvim"-(ol' mi nor chile!.

Iy" " ~. l il tO ll . f",.,11 ,· '·, ()I· ('~onill . lin d f\ lice I. Bur)! ,· I', O l'c){o ,li a.


)\fu l·t ill St" il l' 1' 1" nd ,'d g uilty of IJ. Cla rk ,\ ·. In Cl nml' to Price Sl1lith ',.,gh'ct til PJ"'" id,· ( 01' mi no r chil dren. town 'Iut ill F ra nh lill .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~V_~_~_~_~_~_~_ 'ourt o~~ ~Il I~ 1 th dvmu rre~ in Grutt T. IIIIITi~n ~ hm9 B.

I thl' cll se f Alf. B"o nt as 1'I'('I' i\'t'r o f II l1rrison, :! town lots in ::;,11"111 T p. ITAPTER \,11. "Thln~~ 1"1\'(' clime lo n Jll'l'tty pf\R ' rO ll w,' rl' tl' lIi n).: m,' llunu l- the o nc Alf rt .. " A. ~rerl' \·s. The ~lin nli Vul- Mllry L . Sharts t o John E . S hll r ts,

in lit .. IOpsy t \l n 'Y wor ld wl1l'n II nHln \l' h" S Ilt Y" " (" rtlt t" ,. llIllte r kin!! · le~ oa ted Pap('r omplII1Y. .226 town ncrl's in F l'llnklin Tp. Me.to COD . doD, Senior l'a n't lin,l his own ~O ll! F l' t hr~ ,' dum, . I )!U1". th ul wo uld j ostle her Court opprovl' ,l t Il(> ~u l c or Jl<' rsnn- • • Iohn :H. T hompson t o Murgurcta

tI,, ~ ,. I' \'c Ill',," wiring his cluu~ und II lill" ' . I'lIl't ic bll'ly if you were to 1\1 propel.ty ill t.Iw cast. of W ill iam S. TIt ,101pslln, :l town luts in LI' bn n" n. \Vhen t.hey reached the ,lin,nl: 1'1,,, 111 a ll ut he l' pluces he cuuld pus~ibl y hI' «nel .,,,· a Ii Ill' 1,>lIing hl'r t hlll it hut! . dllmH VS . 11 1'1 . nodg rll ij8. GI'U I' Il'P A, M"yer to ,I. S. Hirl rl e ll ,

a t ten the nl"xt Illuming th ,'y fnu nd wi, h,' Ul !'"s ult . A nd I h,wll I a r llL·d r,llI t·n I" ~' (lu r ha nd rl'n rn a l'lIl' t :l ined ·ourt ."" c I'ru l,.d Ihl' moti on of !l t lO WIl lil t" ill F t'/lll klin 1'1' . : Seebrook and Wul te r5 J II .~t lill i hin!,: ' hat It is \\'i r""ha~ le ft BRiley Barb"r Inll ice ," Ih e clofe ndnn ts in he Cas (I f Ei si . . JIIIII I'" T . H'l.Sllltinl' to JlT oses B. breakfast. Miss $ eehwok W' UI hll \'- and th(' ho u~e t here is closed ! 11 o'" " I "" " '~ know lier ndclrcs ," mlll11 - Bi rd ,' .. W. Ti:. Graha m et nl, an d in H!I~ellitll" 'is.:I:1 ncre, in Deerfie ld iog cotree in her rool11. h,· r . f.tl ll"''' ,I a rc th ey close th ll t house wh en 1 hied A I'c h, l'. . Ih" cn~e of Lc\vi Thomas vS. W. E . Townsh ip. I explained in re.Jl O ll ~c h I Arch,o. 1'0 - \\' II~ .. hout tu pa y them a visit '!" . II,· :lIgg(, R ~ e ,l. t he clnnger 5 o f th II' Gra ham et a l. 'lnd E lsie Bir d \·s. AI- J acob ·N. Burch lind May Burch to lite inquiries. Seebrook and Wal ters exprel;S\' d ~ltullll" n . 11~lllkrn!: thn t 1l(~ I'e at Illst f1" d C. Brant 'll Ill . CJill'orr! and ',Edna _ puhler , 1 t .,wn

" We' re boping to get a WRY this af- their SYl11pRlh~' in m ild tones th llt \1 118 :orncl h rng th llt woul.! sober t.he .Ju ry gl'Un ~ed the pluintiff. Edith lot in ~I 'l son. t cmoon," he contln u~d. "It ,nil ro user! th e old g ' nlle l11an to g rea ter Go\·c rno,·. But t he. Gove rn or meTely K. J. ink t he follOWing In her 5u it C. ""i l\iams to EarJe RoosH and Lu­take only a Yew l11 i nU l" ~ to) l m nsaCl fury. la llgh" ,1 li S he sWlIng t he cu r a r oun d Mga illsl Al va HIli. adl\11nistra\or o r r e ne Roosa . ~ luwn lOIs in Mlli nc-uur business when the llIa n I' m wail . " Cnn a whole fam ily be obli t e ra t- u ~ !Hlri'. ·u I ~nl.l r. '. , lhr ,>sta te of Allnil' K. p enCt' ;: fi rst \' ill,'. ing for appears; but he's lin unccr- ... d I1 nd n o t r ace I ft behi nd '! I s it J)on I ~ ou hC'lteH'. tha t I hndn l uction $20 .1. 02 ; Ih inl $726.:12 ; f ourth C. N . Bcr ryhitl t o Ch ar " '" A. a nd tain quantity, and therc 's no t elling possihle t hat t hey ' ve bee n murder ed a cut(· for our safe fli g ht! Y ou ~usl 25!l.Oa ; fif th $.16!1 .54 ; sixt h $:13. 11; Latini B. Tuyl u ,·. !J:I . ~~ a cres ill when he'll show up. But we'l'l' hn\, - ill their beds. servants and a ll , a nd lI'a l'l1 to UHC your eyr s. so n. 1 hore 11 I'e nt h, $64. 1 . Wnyne T p. ing a good Li.me and 1 . han ' t mi nd tho police not yet awa r e of it?" W,," 0!1 !l o f the . b rco thl'thood of the George M, E rlel. J r .• to . nt.1Cy ,J. a nother day or two. It only you At t he me n tion of murder Archie l'ond r,~h t theT(' !n th.e offi ce .when we KipI'. 1I 1 " r~I'l ' Hut ch inson, . .To hn n. gentlemen would bear us compnny ." begR n st('al t hil y f eeling his way a long 1 f t. r gll,"e h,m 1l1 .~ru ct,ons 1 ~ 8t NEW SUITS Ertle llnd Da vid E r tol, 2 1)1 .08 nen 's

"Ah, you are very kind !" said the the cigar counter t o a water coo ler, Il ,ght .. li e ~. n ~n ellk tille r of cOnlHd- < in Ha m ilton. Tp . Governor; " but we must r esume OUI· Thoro seemed to be no escaping frolll (' rub l(l lI\ tellrl!e nce who g lW{' me t he Almedu Ro c " t;~ \'~. ' J llmos l\fUN;hn ll , Louln~ . Mill l' r 10 13". 11 . J) ll kin 1I11 r1

ramble t oward t he Pacific. We are Ihe o ngdons II ml here wus t hefath- ~ il! 1I 1l ~ I wn~ pretending 0 leoye for $200. . . - . ' . Ke nn t h L. H urn. 1 l own lut in Lph. 1I)0re or 1_ dated up for li ttle e nt er- «I' o f P utney bo ld ly publishing to th e fo r th:lt enll on illY old fri ~nd . 1 sm ug C. M . G IP~ ll1g['r and EhUlbeth Ol1 on. tainmenta on the. way." wholl! s tat e of New Hnmshi re h is f ear ).:11.' ,1 him o p~tai rR 0 k > I' wnleh fo r ~Icke rr ~ VII. I''rnnk H olly t q1., l or e' Henry lind 'E mmn H utT to . A: L.

Seabrook and Walters linger ed in Ihat h is so n had been m urd r ed. 111 1.' und he PI'OYl'd, him. elf a .fe llow of c os,urc. .. " .('0 1('. l 0 7 .r. f> acrCR in II nd un 1'1'. the office 811 Archie a nd t he Govern- T he concen tratio n of t he hotel sta tf ti ccidNI me r it . li e 11 be hanl!, ng r ound l he ~l lllll1l rll rtgage CO. YS. Ellz· Dorn nnd Fmn k; aH\I' l!H t il W il-or plU'd ·"eir a ccount. As they wa it- u pon t l,O tra' ns.f"r of Mr. Congdon 's ('omforcl today a nd liS the a bsurd " beth I" ' hler .... t II I fo r('e l o~ ur . I' G l 'h 10 . . \V .

WI , • D II 'd ' - A I I I ,, ·ct I' 11I1ll . Olll pson, pere In 11 \ n(' ed for their car t o be sent round luggage to his r oom left the Governor police wi ll bo o? liged to I~lnko u n a.r . e n .Ol e r '·ti. '0 II I _,111 er, ( I, to wnsh ip. . " . from . the carage a machine drew up nnd Ar chie t o manage the removul l' 5t t ~ , sl,,·e .th II' .rc putlll ' ons he Wl ll vorce. al'l /In<LFlor. rice It id to Will inm aDd diBehaqed a short. wi ry, elderly of the ir own effects to t he ,va iti ng put huns(' lf I n thc H' way unci c'nco ur· - --- nntl , !\l~rn .. lisel1 1 t WI1 iut in Lob. man in a motor coat t hat was muc h cur. Seebr ook und Wolters obliging. IIlfe th(' idl!n by Rubtle ml!allS thnt ht' PROB ATE PROCEEDINGS -.:.. IlnlU'" .., \ 00 Iaqre for bim. H e was aecom- Iy nssislcd, luug hing a t Co ngdon ' t ec- nri J;:ht hu\'" bee n t~r rn ulvfnc tor who : '\ al te r A. lIn ci 'cUrale, C. Ke llner panied by an enor mous a mount of centricitIes, roh h"~ Rcebroo ~ s tru nk nn,! I ft Myrll e ~. Burnhll roe.~JIlv; otory t il Otto •• ophiu, Edwin nnd lI1Ilr~\1 e~. luftaI'G and from th e s tepa o( t he Seebr ook 'eized t he Governor's ki t Loury s b il l!; hl! hmd. They. \~I II .be and ap!rlll:;,~n~!€,t;. ~~e. 6 ote' o f N tl' KoC' ppe, &.1. 06 nCTCS in Wllyn.

• • • yet Buick clears the ruts and gives head-room as well

Buick'! remarkable combination of modish, grace­ful beauty - maximum he. .. d-room - and ability to clear the ntts-is the direct result of the Buick doubJe-drop frame.

This brilliant advancement, pioneered by Buick months ago, places Buick far ahead of other cars in beauty, safety and all-around roadability.

SEDANS $11 95 to $1 91).5 ' , COUPES $119510 '18'0 SPORTMODELS$11 9 51o$1 S2 5 .

JU" .... ,(. o. 6. Hint, Mod. .. SU'''''-.t! 'a.' ,o&..4J,J. n.. G.;"-".c.~~ ' he "'~JI « ",..,6/6, U UTa/lG6k.

BUICK Keelor ·Motor Co.

Inn pve orders in a h igh p iping bag co ntnining the s ixty t housand un nbll'. to ,nake t1 cnse . IIgn rnst h Im M.IU'!~.a ~~~,. ':i .. :. ~ . lown~hi l)' voice as to the D'Ulnner of it s dispo- do ll l\r~ nlld 'urr ied it out to the car. hul h,' 11 [ll'Ohn bly g t thIrty· dnys .for ~~roo · · j)f~,-Jlul, l kahon of the ap- . William humn k r to l..1'O ru n. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. ___ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii .. ____ ti. aaL ' AI the various pieces wer e hus- T he ~ight o f it in eebrook's hllnd loiwring . T hen he' ll walk out .and po nt.ro nt of Ot;to .. Crosson ns Qcl,!lin - I~lilmb~th H. 'and 'Gcor lte F ." Shumnk~ w\f~ tied into the office he enumerated gave Archie ~ensations of nasea that d!'aw n l~ou.sal1d do \l uTs ( rom one. of ist'i'Rlor o f the ostai of Est h!'r Cro"- 1'1'. i A L ac.t r;s in nion 'fp. __ ~~ _______ ~ __________________ _

Lebanon Ohio

them in an audible ton e as though were nul rc lil'ved by the grin he de- Ollr Iitll e prl vnte ~)!I nks further along Ro n; A. ~dwnrd HOP\l<:, ·. exccuto r~) f Al\'in D a~d Lillinn R. l\IR i'n ~ to inviting the co-operation of all the ledet! on t h ' Governor's fuce. Wilh- t~e r on '.1 for c1l1 vl\ l r o u ~l y t hrowlIl g the Le \~'l s A. Mahun estn t '; Rll iph 1l000"t hy u lhert son. 2 town I n t~ in lounaers in making an inventory of in un hou r or two a t most the subs t i- ht mself Inlo th l.' .breach! I c~n ~nd L. 1-'rn1. le r . e ,,('cutor of. lhe eSl;ate ~ n f lJum.i lton. T p. ~



his e1fecta. Wben this h nd been con- tu t ion a llu r obbery wou ld bo discov- yeu mon who w I~1 do a yea,; s .. ti me Plora Be lle Frn zer: Ell lIfr reary Ii~ Manila J . Bryson to RIl ), 'om ellt eluded Seebrook stepped up and a c- er ed and the coun try wou ld ring w ith to save thc me.n higher up. '1 hIS s~t. eKecutur of the e ·t.nte or Hannoh 1'111'- a nd Glenna Cornell . :! t ow n 1r) t ~ ill .. .. Mo.I''1jt Miss--" I suppose I'm the

coated the newcomer. • the demand f or their detention. But isfi es t he publ,c l IB to t he ze~ \ of 1~8 Fadde n ; F lu\' iII n: ,Whi ~llc I'q lI a ./}!1min- lII n ~on . I \\,1 11 sell, \~'l t ho ut l·e~l· r\' 1' 0 1' hnnt \\' o l' ~l (lrcSSt'd girl hOl'e tonight." "Mr. Congdon, I am very g lad t o the Governor was carrying off the puid protectors a n d. ma~es lt POI'SI- is t rntrix of the estat e o f Inyton C. 1fll1i1d V Fllulk ner to 'Edmon nnd .Ilt pII Lll,' uu cLlun ~I l '~I Y C,II'III ,. lucnted , Boastf ul Ben (s iLence) - "[ ·snid.

aee ;v.ou. I hope you are n ot worn depnrt ure with his usual gaiety. It ble f or mcn . of ~emus like you.. a nd Whl \!lcre ; of t h(l notice oj e~tIl t s ror Alma Booth, 26.87 ncres in Clt. nr- '\ o~ t he o nyl n ~VI~ I1\lngtn l: pIke, one I KUPf'9se I'm the worst ' dressed girl out by your dove." was clcll r t hat he hud mude t he most me .to walk In bIg -place.s unmoll'st- se ttlemen t for F'ebrull ry 27. • creek 'I'p. ' . . 111IIe w ' ~ l o f . Ill'I llg Val.cy ,. ofT f he re to night. "

"Worn out," anapped t he little favorable impression u pon . Seebrook or\. A dnm~!lbl e syst~m, Archie b ut An ,apprll iso ll1ll!nL of th e . tll lc of . Th c FatmnJ's Bunl, uf pl'i ns:-horo talc Uout . . j :! . Iln t! t hl'l'e nu le east " I hea rd you. 1 w jl s just trying t() man, "Do you imagine a run of n tl nd Walt ra ; lind In t he cotd ia l ha nd- we l ea~ nl.' d It fro m th,e greedy t:l!~t hnrle!\ D. war~,ze ll wag order (ld, th at tQ Will ia m O. Dugnn . t .t own lot ill l or , ll ~ I.l hronk ([)Ily tdn , Belm ont and thill l;. " __ _ hundnld mile.a would fatigue a man slulking a nd ' xprcRsions of hope f or ~ognoteR. Y ou taKe t he wh~el, . It th pr op I' ty nlll ght, be sold to pay Sllr in born. .... . - - I.~ ~ V {lI OW'l1 hll ~ .lIn« ru ll~ by the - - - ---of my cOtlstitutiont I assure y ou future meetings Archie' joined wi t h Jusl occu rs to .m ~hot you sll id ~o u de bts. . litTord D. Luke til Dnn i I MtlI'j!a n i tl" l11. 'n il of J):l ~IOn fOU l lI mes 11 GOT A PAIN that you are greatly mistaken if you t he best ~p ir i t he could muster . A W l' a f Ol r drIve l'. our t confirmed Ihl' firsl aod fi nn l e t a i, 2 ~ tow n lol. ill TlIrtl~ cn" k T Il." ay. " n think I am f eeling my age. ·e" · cheery good by ca uscd h im to look (To be conti nued) account o r Ed)!;ar A Lud lum !\~ !\d - LVIIi!, . -. S ttl I.' IlIYI· · ct nl. to ,f" ha l T UES DAY, MARCH 20. 1928 entyl And I do~'t f eel a dllY over up. MiS! S e brook wit~ n r od r ose minist rn tOl' o ( thc estl1te Qr Al • ca- 'ich:'.lsnn, 12~ .3 1 nrr!!,: in \\' a 'Jhil1!!-1 (" "" nlt'Ill'ill!;,!lt 11 a . Ill .. I ii horses fifty, not a day, 81rl But l sha.l1 r est i n her hand waved lo hIm from her man. tOil I II. li nd ItlulpH; ~7 110'1\0\ or Cll ttl. ; 160 for a f ew h~urs as a precaution, a window. . M 1 nurt confi r med t.I fin;t, nnlll Ilnd Fl'lI ll k . n 'l l' r~nn lIUri C'iill ton heo c! I' hni<: I ii 1 (·h ine hcl'p; tur-mere precautionary measure, a nd bl! As he lift d h is cap s he dropped Wm. J. Bryan emoria rii st.dln ,th· ace'u unt of barll'S .T. RaT'lilf to rar lyn I t. I!,'ckhil l. .no k ('y~, hillr 1-:":11: II full Ii It' o f farm-able to m eet you at our little busi· lhe roso wiih II g rncef ul sweep o f Committee is Formed Wug A'onl'l' os :secu tol' o f tI () cs tat!! tll,"11 a l'l' : in T urt lc"n'c k T p. illl! iI111, ll·' """l.; h"n'l'~", a nd muny nBM at two-tbirty sharp ." tbo atm. of 1::leo nor S . Muxw " I!. 0 he!' 111'1 iel,,".

"That will suit me p etfectly ,' 'rl!- "Like tho old stuge coach days !" our l confinYl(l ri lhe fi l'RL tlllc1 fimll COMMISSION E RS' ALLOWANC S S,'I' I:lq.~,' I,i ll ~ r(II' l l' rm~. plied Seebrook. cried t hl' GO\' rn r , oPlllouding Al" n· O h io To Play Important Part lla l\eco un l (I f G. 1ll1 d William W i i1i llger J . n. P ETERSON.

R . . F d f M W . ' . Gilm ou,', illllll,,,,I. o.no; Archie hung a bou t impatirmti" , ie's clitch. olsmg UI1 or ollument ns ndrni i h al on< of tlll' .. ~ta tl: (lL ' .';;';;":';+-L!l~,:.....IW:':"'i.k.%~~~----1 ' ,~=,..,...,,=~><=:t+---- ·r --:::::=;-.... ====----1.. Tl c ," i"l{ton-Ra nd (' n. . tYjJewq I! 1', • waiting for the Governor to ma ke' ~ (] j umped into tile macu ne m" To · rl'at on1lnOl1cr. l''t'odorick Wittl ingo!'. ~ 1 1 0 . 03; T he C lIlJ nthll ' Rlllnk Rllok Call Bell phun' aOX;!. , jJr i ll!! Viltley

bis farewe]]s t o the old lady a nd her Archie sCI'o mbled after him. At',hlo ',s our t II PPI'oyccl the fi rs t und filln l Ex t hIUlj!(' .. t' ll . • nurl ito r's ~ ul' p li ('s, $~ ; . he ,I nn -

granddaughter s on whom he hod ex- last impression of the inn wus th l.! blur Columbus . 0 ., (Specinl).-Dr. accoun t "r Fit'n',on R. ~vuns n. . ec- ~ton-WII 80n ') .. l' (',o rd ~ . $(iii. 2 fi ; Lundl hJ n. or .\. lodge. pended his social talen ts a t tho dance. of a wnvi ng hnndkerchi r in Miss Will ia m O. Thompson, Prcaidcnt ulo r of the e 't.'1\t(' "r Alioe J , E Vl\ n ~. 'U_ C d l ' ' lh h b k' . I E m"rl' tus of 0111'0 St'.l t·e Un l····e rsity. C rt I tl fi t I Ii I L bnon- iti z ns Nat ional IJan k. r l'n t , BU. oll.g on was quarre m g WI t 0 l'e roo ' S wIn' ow. ~ • ou npllrOYe( le lrl; [I ll ( mn 82 ; D, W . Hum phrey!'. pn!;tuI'C. $10 ; clerk over t he locat ion of tbe r oom "Wore a s uce!!. ! . I11 Y boy ! You wil l hea d 11 non-par tisnn comm itteo accou n o r Hnr ry Kirby os urlnlini "- J K. penre. lu mbel', ; :!!J5. 14 ; Al.f rcd be had reserved. Having f rig ht!'n- bore yotl rse lC mon 'elous ly well;" snid which will rllise fund s in Oh io as t l'otol' of the t's tn te of Mury Kirby. Brant. w!l~h in ).: rnr JI ,.isonc rs. $30.29', ed the clerk into r eadJ' usting t he e n- thl' Govcrnor , te li ng t he genrs . Ah, part of II no t ional ca mpaign to r ourt con fi rm<!d 'the firs t und Ii 11111

Robert Wor wick. rcerlin~ rrison l' rs. tire remstration to accommodll te thnt litt le touch of t he rose was worth tho erectiun of n mon um nL to Wit- accou nt o r Hattie Binkley ns " dm in-0- $ ~ 04 ; hio cnt l'll l Tele phon<' Co" him, he demanded to know whether . a ll our perils; nothing in my ex per i- Ha m J~ nn i ngs Brya n in · Wash ing- ist rol el K of t he es tale o f George A. rent. $48 50' nm ' $9 1 ' 0

his 80n, Mr. Putney Congdon, \\'as cnce WIlS eve ry pr ettier than t ha t ! t on, D. . Dink ley. ' . , s e , _ .il . stopping in the house. A lovely gir l; you might do worSe if 'fhe commiltee of which Dr. W. T . J Ol'diln a nd W ill ill 111 W . - -- - -

A88uted that Mr. Putn ey Congclon you were n ot II lready plighted. If Thomp~on is president, consists of Welch were ap1Po in ted a pprnise rs of WORKS CHEAP was not in the inn and hndn't been she had come down to say good-by it J ohn J . Lentz of Columbus , pres\- .the estatc of. Ve rll A. fl ell l. there within the recollection of t he wo uld have be.en much less sig nifi- rlent of the American InsuTllnce 'Gollrt cQnfirm ed the re port of The B ibernilln laborer . paused III office stafl', the Benior Congd on ex- cant. Bu t t he r ose, t he red, r ed r o'se ! Union, Dr. Howard Hyde Rus~c ll, F'rnnk Le llla y unr! Hele n Hfl wke, ex· rr on t of the book shop a nd a sign in ploded violently upon Seebrook a nd I t wouldn't be a ba d idell to slick it ossociate general superintendent of ee ll.tors of the estate of Chorles T. the window caug ht his eye : Walters. in ' a n enyclope and mail it t o th e girl the Anti - !I loon League of A'mer- Ha wke. Dicken's Wor ks

leo; J . D. Karns and James A. The will of U da J. Smit h was ad- All thi ~ week

Owi ng to t hl! ,h'alh nr my wifo, I will sell lit publil.' a ll ct ion a t my res­idence Il n the. Township Rond. 3 mi ll'S S. W. f Wnynesvillc, 6 miles N. E. of Leba non, on

TUESDA Y. MARCH 20, 1928 Begi nn ill/r Il t 10 a. m ., t he f ollow­

ing: S horses, 6 'cattle, ] 00 ch ick­ens,· 6 ducks, G geese, a full line of form i mplem~ n1.s, corn in shock. full line of h ousehold goods. See lurge bills. P . W. HARTSOCK.

Sears & Simpson, Aucts.

SA I. E Wllite , Columbus at torneys ; Boyd mi tted to pr obate. f or .P. Doty of Westerville : and J. W. Chorters D. Maple wns a ppointed Only $4.00 We \y i\1 seH lit puhlie Ruction a t J ohnson, newspaper publisher of guardia n ad Iit lllll of Frank B. Eck- ..... h I' I h I" h 1 ' th l: plan t o f t he Wll vn e~ vi ll e Pack-CI·rclevl·lIe. The Ohio committee a rd. . ' e c IV I e docs. c exc aImed, ing Co .• in Corwi n, Ohio, on

" lhe dirly scab," was fo rmed und will function at J ohn W. Bea ll wa~ named executor _ ____ • SATURDAY. MARCH 24, 1928 suggestion of a nn t ionR!' committeo, of t he estute 0 r Arthur Bcnn. Ap. , Beginning at l o·clock. lhe f ollow-

']' horo wus an old woma n in Spnln Who was so cxcco(\i n\rly vain

T hut she'd look in the gla&; Wh ile the hou rs wou ld puss

T ill the o \'c rwol'kcd I:iruss go t a Jl uin.


5% Farm .Loans LONG OR HORT TIME-ER87

te rms. Also Sur veyi ng and Ab. su ·acting. W rite a nd 1 will call and ee you. Sam D, H enkle, Waynes-

ville; Ohio. j 11

LO ANS on Chatte IB.StoC\;s , Securi-ties a nd Second 1Il0rtt;a&eL Note.

boug ht. J ohn Uarbin e Jr., . Xenia. Ohio. °m30-'26

Farmers. Attention! Formsi'll of Wl,rren and adjolnln. counties may obtain money on Ion. time loans, at 6 per . 'Cilnt Intereat. Cost or securing the same i. var, rea. ;Bonable ,through The Federal Laml

.w~ H.l\1adden··& CO. headed by J osephus Daniels of praise l's wore a p pointed: CALLED EVERYBODY ing : IO-horse steam boiler· '3 -horse Ra leigh, N. C., fo rmerly Secretary Co urt confirm'ld th e report o( W . . , Internntiona l gllso lin e engine lot of of the Navy ; and Col. P a trick Cal- R. Whitacre, a : signee of Ninion C, " A nd by the way, Arthur, after farm. implements, hll l'ness nod mnny lahan of Louisville. Ky. Corwin. you were robbed did you call the 1'0- other ar.tlcles, See bills Cor terms.

B~lI1k. For further informaDon call- -----.-c-on or addre.,!! lIf .. C. DRAKE. Tre_

Waynesville, Ohio


The nationa l commi ttee is seek. Court Ilpprove tl the r eport of WiI- lice? " THE ROXANNA CANNING CO. lng to r aise $76,000 for the erecti lln ,)jam F. Schencl{ a8 ex.ecu·tor of the "Damn right. Hebzibah, Every- Wnynesville, Ohio. of a monument t o Col. Bryan some wilI of Corneliu s B. EVllns. thina;; [ could' think. of." Sears & Simpson, Au ets. plRce in Washing ton. Plans call for a monument depicting t he former Democr atic presidential s tllndard. THE: FUMBLE FAMILY bcnrer in the at ti tude of s peaking, 1\ p osition in wh ich he was kn own t o thousa nds of people over the Uni ted Stll te~.

Ohioans w ill be asked t o con· tribute dll ring t he week beginning :Monday, Ma rch J O. which is' the anniversary date of William J en­nings BrYlln's birth. Mini sters will be asked t o a nnounce the campaign from thole pulpi ts on Sunday, lI!urch l S, and collection centers will be d 'sig nnt ed ill every ci ty nnd t own. Oh i.o ·s quoi.n has been fix ed by the nulionll l commi t tec a t $5.000, but it is antici pn led thot much more tha n this wi ll be raised in the Buckeye sl ll te . J ll mes A. Whi le of Columbus is t reasurer of the . Ohio committee.

n IS BnT(~ TO ~rTC A

S~"'1'OIe4I ,",II", "n) ".ILIIC' ONr:-


"You r luilor hired me to collect this bill iroOl, ~'OU ." .

" no. life to be ongra t ulated on obtaining a ller,manen1. position."

---.- -


urer. phone 3 1'6-X, Lebnnon, Ohio.


W ANT ED- Ambitious man to ell-tablish his own busineM. Must be

uble to furni sh automobile. A perma nent business where the profits are limit ed only by the efl'ort put fortli. ·;"· Pleasant outdoor work calling on fll rm l! rs in your home county with cumpletc line of household necessi­t ies thnt have been on the market for 25 years. For full information with catll log, write. .

G. C. HEBERLING COMPANY, Dept. l S90 Bloomington, Ill.



FOR SALE- 14 Fall pigs, weight a bout 50 01' 60 pounds. Inquire

of Mrs. J ennie Mullen, R. 6, Waynes-ville. Ohi o. 0m14

FOR SA.LE- Sapling Clover seed, $19 fler bushel. Vergo Mitchener,

phon e: 14B, New Burlington. "m21

SPRAYING IS AT HI\ND-When in need of 11 new spray pump, no mat.

ter'.' how large or small, spray ' hose, no~zles, complete pumps, ' leathel'll, rubber packings, etc., call on THE BOCKLET-KING CO., 416 W. Main St., Xenia, Ohio. . .

FOR SALE-Trees, Shrubs, Vlnea ond EVergreens - THAT WILL

,GROW, delivered to you at whole-sale priccs, Equipped to furnish " plans and do . all tlie work, if de­sircd. Call ' 66F41. C; L. Duke; Wlly!'esvil1e, Ohio; . , J4

FOR SALE-Mammoth Clover .eeed recleaned. J, B, Pence, Wayn'es-

ville , Ohio: - "m14 '

~ I

Page 3: MARCH MEETING E :;:ldocshare04.docshare.tips/files/25022/250221284.pdf · lIever tardy U l' nbsent. They clime when the elements were Rtormy lind tempestuous. Cold lind biting wind!



In,.,.'" n l .he- jJ u. ~ulli t! . or \Vuyne .. 'l ll .. ~/U (J . I lr Slt. i! ff~d Cl ou ~'Q ;I ilf,,"*,


omce Phon" , b , ' d c nc


S~b.cr\I>l 'on Pr ice, $ 1.50 per Year

~tAHCI I I ~ , 1!J28

• • : .FILLERS AN~ , SHORTS ,I .. .... ..:....~- .

, 1"Or 8on)!! people the week-end aeel'llS !l huv" 'N""en days.

- :-A nd nnw it se illS the " statute of

;illlit'ltions' ' is to sub~UtuLc for a P Cll of inslIutit)' ..

- :-There are some wri ters that even

a PI' CSH ugcnt cnn't wrife into fame and fortune.

- :-Mus~o lin i's latest speech is report-

ed to have lef t Vienna cool, but it ·1 le ft U8, as usuul , quite cold.

.- ----- --I I TtiE INDEP E NDENT FARMER , , , . - - ----_ .

- :-Business hasn't been preaaing in

New York for a week or so, all the tailor. and dry cleanings bei ng on a strik e.

- :-Ha .. k in th" old duy s. bcfor" t he

'1I<1V"l1 t of juzz, th" hoys ct) uld be The cost of living may be coming

Iwurd whou ping it up with u lilting down but there are several places in lyric, >nLilled, "The Independent t he mountains that it hasn't reached FIt'nn er" and g-Iorifying t he 5amll. yet. T oduy , us yestcrduy, th ' iso lation of . -:- . the [url1ltJr whi le lit hiS Ill bor und t he A man 18. quotthed

t IDA' the. newbspa•

, . , . , pers as saylOg a merlcan- orn ,"u lllt1011 of the fllnner III hiS It fe at opera singers give him a pain, and hOl\lc lllnkc him an independent indi- 80me of them could probably start a vid ual b t: he diffe r" frulll olher la· hospital if such frankne88 were uni. 1J01't!rs ill his K"c lu~ion . Other erafts nrfd t l'lldes ure in many in8tonces 1J0und t ogeth er in cooperative organ­izations. Other craftslIlcn nnd trades­men cxpr .,,;s di ~su l isfuclion by slrik­ing, o r threatening to strike .

Has any one "v,,~ heard t)f a form­er' s strik,,?

versal. ----------WAS GOING FAST

Judge- "Auto going fast?" Officer- "Going so fasl that the

bull dog on the seat beside him look­ed like a dasehund."

Keep oft' t he grnss-you'll dull the bladea. ----... _--


HARVEYSBURG John Syterd 18 ",ull'ering with D

badly mashed foot.

Mrs. Rebecca Merritt has been very ill this week. but is improved.

The prayer meeting was held in connect io th the Ladies Aid, Thursday.

Raymond Snider suffe red a broken nose Tucsday whcn he fell from the steps a t school.

Mr. and Mrs. George Denny and Miss Ru th took dinner Sunday with Mrs. Emma Whetsel aDd Clyde Lev. icy.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graha ... and Mrs. Charle8 Gray attended the poul­try meeting In Lebanon Saturday af­ternoon.

Mrs. Truman Gillam is sufferine with a badly bruised hand and wrlet. which was caueht oin the electric wringer.

Mr. Theodorc Charles was bitten through the left cheek recently, by their dog. Charles is able to be in SChool again .

Mrs. Mary Harvey eubmitted to a maj or operation Monday at Hale hOB­pital. She is reported to be maklne j ~atiKfactory improvement. I

W. A. Haines suffered a lecond , roke of paralysis this week, and III

ery ill . Charles Smart, of Clncin- ' nati, is assisting in his care.

E. B. .oakin has. pUTchased the the Beal property. now occupied by the E. M. Villars grocery. Mr. Vil­lars will continue to occupy it.

The local chapter of Eastern Star

Wnlter W. Hend writes in the He­view ot Hevicws : " If all the farm­ers of th e United Stutes were mem­bers of one great union, ,if that uD ion were directed and controlled by one lI1an, if, in 1928. lhut ind ividual should order a general strike of all fanners in the United States, then every man, woman and child in Amer­icn wotlld find that the ' agricultural problem, was not llIerely n probl(olIl , 1 but thut it hud becQlIle the problem of every AllIerican."

"The law library must be a noisy plnce."

"How come?" " 1t'N 80 full of r eports."

very held their annual inspection Friday evening. OVCT one hundred were present and new members were in­itiated. A sumptuous banquet was

Mr Hend points uut thnt the fnrm ­(Or, as a claS!! , differs wi th other in­dustrial clasj/l.>s In thot .he cannot control ('it her the . lImounl or the quality of the produc t to be olrered for sale ot n single lime."

Mr. lIead 8uf;l(cSlS supervision by the govornment of t he mA chin ery of marketing, Rnd capital IIdvnnccs or a cnpitnl loan by government, as in the Federal Land Banks, to protect the farmer by private resources, front th e ffect of price fluctuations.

The fa rm bloc in Co ngress goes further- it . will not be satisfi ed with less thAn som!' scheme of price·flx­ing which will do for t he farm er what tho t llr iff doe~ for l he manufac­urer III th l' co~t of thl' consumer.

1I1r. Hea d n]'.o ~ II Y~ in his article that we IlIUgt SU IlI ""UW reduce the diSRs~rous ef1'ecls a f the major uncer­tnjnties peculiarly inh cr nt in agri· cultu re .

Thllt's !I "cry good j(1 (·~!

I TO AND FROM TH~ FA RM , .'-------

HEELS Now, my dear, yo. mar haft ..

pected this fo r a long bme; I _ ' sorry I have not spolten of .t carlier. But you would not haft taken my advice, even if 1 ball been more punctual. But, don't pt the ide" that I don't know wbat ) am talking abont; 1 have been lookinll at heels long enoullh to bc qUIte sophisticated, I UllIN you.

If a carpenter propped up Jotii' house with tbe sort of prop I ,.ott u se on your beautifully canre4 bodics. you would fire him bodil,.. lind wouldn't live in .uch a tut.". st ructuret now would you? Yet you punI sh yourself daily, tryinc to appear comfortable, balaneiD( on the modern, fashi onable beelll

The United States 1) parLment of Just how a fa t woman call bal-ance henelf on :a pair of spindl ..

Agrieultul' r t' cc ntly marie n survey smlle--is too so lemn a !.roblelD CO\· ring 2.745 per Rons who moved such as I have seen to a,--nd -to Lhe cities from t he [arms, and for me to wrestle with.

d Anybody mUlt retllhe witb a 1.167 PCNlOllS who reccn tly move moment's reSection, what that from cit ies to farms. The reasons sort of a prop Ilnder the hMI will g iven for moving nre in teresting. do to th'e tou. Wed,ed In tbelr

narrow prison, they becoR;le knot· About one-third of those who left ted. call 1Jund, corn-studded. Ancl

the fa rms did so because they cou id the thing doesn' t end witb tbe toCl; O f h I i it reaches far above-to tbe pelvis

no l make farming pay. ne ollrt e 't and 1\, .,ilal content. It il quite the fnrms uecnuse they were physi- pouible that numerous displace~ cally d isabled in some way. One ments are caused, and eon.lipatioft farmer in ever y for ty interviewed sci up, or mad\! worae. Ye., and left t he f ann for t he city becDuse he - the line~ of the face .re often dit-

. was financially able to retire. torted tn the contliet bClweeD a-· . go ny of corns and the acrenit,.

Aboul two·tlnrds of ~he 1,167 who at tempted. ~ do not know of an,.. moved to the farms dId SO because thing more contr.\ry to health and they t hought heAlth conditions for , ll;l.tllr;l.l comfort. than the eray 1:­b9th children lind pnrents were to be IIggr.ratedcfe-:itions designe r found there. Some of t he other rea· our IRdies' A"d girh' fcet today. If sons given were t hat t he persons ;l .llllllla." f~l1lalet had bc~n creat/l~ found the cost of living too high in With thIS kind o. de,fot;tIllty on Iier

. d h . d ' ee t ~ I, ,' would have dlslracted tbe the city: ~hnt t hey wonte t C III e- ' ·hl '.odlOOd cur&eons, with her pendt!n t Ilf~ of the. farl!l; and that ."; tr. '.,,,e amputation perfof'1ll-they were llreQ of city life . ' ..

Another interesting thing brought Tbis is the aile of "~ome other out by the survey was the tendency ay" than C,\)d s wa)'. And tile for the younger people to move to I1d is not \'rt . . 1 fC.M. 1he C?t the farm lind for the older to move . ~ ,.'" :! t be £<" ,,),11111. tlll~ . try \~~ to citieR. . U •••• ~.".e 0 1 •• ,e C.. . , ~ l;

f. , . Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneers

SeelUs Early for Your Sale8Datea. We Cuarant ... e Satiafar·.ion or Charge Nothing,

Centerville, O. New Burlington,O. Phone No.2 Phone No. 320



Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Shumaker have purchased the Amanda Gray proper­ty and will move there soon. Robert Stump has purchased the Barkley Da. kin property and his mother and sis­ters will move there from Wilming­ton in the near future.

Rev. Robinson took his booster chorus into the homes of the shut-ins Sunday afternoon, where they t!8ne their choruses. The union revival services closed Sunday evening, af­ter continuing three ,weeks. and much good has been accomplished.

School children gave the alarm of fire Monday noon when they t!8W smoke issuing from the roof of Snell's feed store. Quick action on the part of Herbert Snell and Frank Tiet­meyer extinguished the blaze before it gained any headway. The damage was slight.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Snell and baby; of Monterey were her with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Snell, Tuesday. In the evenine they 1 attended the revival services where Mr. Snell, accompanied on the pianol by Mrs. SneU: eang two beautiful 10- · los, which were greatly appreciated I

b, .11 P~O~IAl ROW I Mrs Myrtle Stanley shopped in

Dayton last Monday.

Mr. Taylor and mother are moving to the Malsberry farm.

, Oscar Michael saw the "ShOW-Off'''1

at the Victory, Saturday night.

Parmer Stanley was in Dayton on Tuesday consulting a specialist.

Lelia Ellis had as a weck-end guest Miss Alice Hamilton, 'of Yankee Road.

J. B. Thomas and wife. of Center· ville. visited their son and family, lVednesday.

Robert Michnel and family, of Car­Inonte, ,were Sunday afternoon gueltl , of Walter Long and ~amilY.

Mrs. Mark Pat\' and daughter, Ma­bel Lee, spent last Tuesday with the iormer's mot her, Mrs. E. J . Hard­man.

Masters Wal l'en Thomas. Robert ",anley and Dole Anderson were Sat uraay Afternoon guests of Junior Kindle. I

Mesdames Mary Thomas, Lutie Cor­'1ell, Fdnn K i ndl~ Dnd rb ughter Jean, '. ere shul'pmg in Dayto n Thursddy afternoon.

C. R. Cornell and fllmily had liS I Sunday guests, Charles Sherod, of Dayton. and Stacy Burnet and wife. of Nutt Road.

Ray Petticrew, Miamisburg's Ford­son flpecialist, was calling on old C\d­tomers and looking up new ona, on our road the past week.

Mr. Andy Zink. of West Carroll­ton. while traneacting buaine .. in the vicinity, called on his brother. Law­re9ce Zink and family. Tuesday.

The members of the basketball team of Centerville, HI were tendered a dinner by the mothers of the mem~ bers VVednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Mr8. Lutie Cornell ,and Mra. Mary Ellis were among the halte ... es, lUI Orval Cornell and Lelia ElU­are members of the teama. Earl Thomas and wife were guests at thll dinner. Mr. Thorn .. beine a member of the Board of Education •

Mr. and Mrl. Seth Fum .. opened their house for a "Super Maid" dem~ onatratlon Wednesday evenln*. ely'; en by Mr. and Mr.. Fred HilI .. of ' Jle1-mont. The gullste were Me'" and Mead,ames Charles Zimmerman; L. Mend~nhan, alld Mn. Morria' Sliver of Waynesvillti; Mes~n. and Madam. Walter Kenrick, Frank ' Miltenbercer, Walter Wpitaker' and fa9!ily. ' of Ly. tle. The delicious pancakes served seeme,d to hit the guests etralclit '" ' the-mout~.. . . . -.


"Say, Mike. I Jult Bot an invltatloll to Patty Murphy'l ,.ue and 0Il1be end of i& .. writ R. S. v. p_ Shan, DOW, aDd what ~oeI tbat ...... , ..

, .. ~bi;' ..... '~ '* 1IP UMlllUl oat.,'. . ....


Say" Sam: The, man Iwho boasts presumptuous, Mother Nat u r e that he is selt.m8~e II' just ' a little thinks.

I The T ~'?.,hp~,~,,~~~~~dustr~ III addres81ng t1~e 1i27 con,.cn- "Earnlogs that are leS8 t ban

lion ot the NaUoDll1 A.IIsoclaUon adequate mus t result In te lepb one ot Railroad and Utlitty Corumls- sel'vlce thllt ' llI sometblng less th a n Iionera at DalllLa, TelOS, W. S. the beat possible. Earnings In ox­Orlftord, :>resldent o f the Amerl· cess of these , requIrements must can Telephone and Telegraph I Itbor be 8pon tor t he n largo­Compt.Dy, made such a definite ~ment and Improvnment of tho ltatemeDt .. to ahe general policy servIce furnished or the rutes which the Bell System prop08es arged for tbe sonlce must be to fol\ow. that DIO one could mle- uced. This Is fundamental In undentan4 him. Mr. Gllrord's the policy or the management." atatement Is In Une witb the pro- Mr. Gilford mode It clear tbat lTe8sll'e public lltility policy that Ithe telepbone company wou ld Ie bolDS adopted generall y by lead- slrlve to Improve conditions In lng uecutlvell In the fi eld oC pub- tbose sections w hore earnI ngs a re IIc Berneo. not BuHlclent, and bo palm ed Ollt

The public .Ia camlng to r ealize. tbat tbe bll8lncss In tb ese sections that ltatemente made by sUelb wl11 be carried lJy earnin gs In meD' sa Mr. Gifford, commJttfng' otber sections. It will be th e eD­theIr companlea to a doHnlte pro- dellvo r ot every pnrl ot tbe Be ll sram oC sen-Ice. mean Just what SYstem to carn enougb. to be able 'they 1IB.1. For the t~lephonp com- to gtve the bes t poss Ible servIce pany, Mr. Glltor!1 said : and provJde telephone tuellities to

"Tbe onlyaound polley • • • • meet tbo growth of the cou ntry In II to continue to Curnlsh the bost ' good tl lDCS and bad . Beyond th ot · pollllible service a t the lowest coat It haa no Incentive Cor profit; np conalstent with ftnanelal sarety. to that polot It must earn, In or· • • • There la not only no der to Curnlsh telepbone service IDcenthe, bitt It: would be con- on tbe American bnsls to the

'trary to Bound po,l\cy for the mao- American people IInrl pay Inves· asement to earll speculative or tors 1\ 1'alr and roasonabl e return 1a,.8 prollta: 00_ thel! m~ney_. __ - --

I The Willis "Big Seven" in Ohio I

A TOWER of .trencth to .he presidential CiUldidacy of Sen­

ator Frank B. Willis ot Ohio is noted in the personnel of .his slate

! for deleptes-at-J.,rge to the Re­! publican national conventiOn at

I Kansas City.

Each candidate is ' expected to swing a large pelnonal following throughout the state. and tbey were chosen as the reault 01 long and effecti.,. aervice tell the Republi~4J1 party in Ohio.

I The Willis camlpaiP manager. are confident of the election 01 the

I entire dele.ate-at-large group. , Headiue the list: of Willis deJe...

I gatea is CoL Carmi A. ThomplOD of Cleveland. who .~dueted a sur· .,ey in the Philippine lIIlande ..

, personal J'epreaentative of Pretri­I dent Coolidge in 1926. Col. Thompaon·. name is well·lmown to the Ohio 'tOters. He aerved as member of the Houae of Repre­sentatives. apeaker of tho Ohio gen­eral auembly. lecretary of state, assiatant lecretary of the interior, treasurer of the United Statea. Sec­retary to President Taft. He was associate ehalrmarll of the Cool­idge pre-primary committee. He Is manl''!;nll' Senlltll1" Will is' cam­pr.

, _ great importa"DCe ~ the dele· ption is lin.. WUiu Sinclair Le. van of Steuben.... a member ot the important CODlIDittee on ar­ra~ml!Jltjl of \be, ~ti.can Na­tional committee .. IKI prMident of the Ohio Counell of Repwblican Women. This oounell. wbich Jill'S .

Levan orcardsed aoon after her !\C­

~ptanoe of the Dational post little more 'than a year ap, lias quickly become' a power iD poUtice and has done ill.,alllable _rlt ' in arou8ing Ohio women to appr,eeiate the rrght of ' 8llft'rage.

She ia a,etive In tlll4l Daughters of the American RevolutloD, the American Lecion Auxiliary, chureh, ehariteble. literary and lIQCial or­pnizatioDi.

Senator Simeoll D. Feu. 01 Yel­low Springe. junior IN!nator from OHio. il of natiouli reputation a8 hi 6ducatloJW e~'tive. An alum­Ilua. like &ina tor , Wiru., of Ohio Northem UniverlitJr. he became a

, p~feil~or and then , vice-president tl;1er~.. La~r he ' did ,extension work at ',tile Umvenity of Chleago and weii~ .Izom that to the presidency of ~och Colleie. He aerved con­~1IGa1i11.tid cODlP(Iluoualy' in Con­~elll from 1912 until 1922. ' when t}il advanced 'to the Senate where he hU.great '8trenirth a. a bvlwalk of the adnilnlatiatibn. · " .

' He w .. considered a valuable President Hardlllll' a~d has ~n

friend ~d advlaor of Pres.

poli~ics for twenty years. He was the only Republican e lected pros­ecuting attorney of Marion county for two terms.

VVarner was ehoscn state chair­man of the central committee in 1924. and wo re~leeted in 1926.

Edward W. Edwards. Cincinnati manufacturer, civic leader and c1ub­mlln, president Cincinnnti Rapid Transit Co., director Fifth-Third Unioll Trust Co .• w as a de lcgate to the Republican national convention in 1924. He was a leader in Cin­cinnati's drives to secure funda for devastated France and led the re­cent-drive for one million and a­hllif dollan for Christ Hospital. Cincinnati, to a signal 8ucooss.

By ,"oceticn an iron and steel manufacturer. Edwards heads the ' great coneam bMrIng his name and also I9Cveral other business enter­prises. He is a Chevalier of the French Lelrion of Honor. a trus­tee of Berea, (Ky.) College , mem­ber Christian church, and by hobby a collector of pictures.

Brig. Gen. Edward Vollrath of Bucyru8 was Ohio's ranking officer in the World VVar. He scrved with the 41st Division, he was over a year in France. and was decor­ated by the French Government. His two ! ons were alao in the army.

Gell . Vollrath WBS at the siege of Santiaaro. Cuba. in 1808. Later saw serviCe on the Mexican Border in 1916. His military record is par" alleled by hi. record of nearly 40 yean a member of the Ohio bar, including a term sa judge of the circuit court. He I. now actively engaged in the practice ot law at Bucyrus.

., candidate for delt!gate-at-large who will "vote foc Senator Willis until he requests me to vote tor aomcone else" is A. Lee Beatty, col­ored attoraey of Ciueinnati, former aslistant United States attorney for the aoutbflrn dis trict of Ohill from 1923 to 1926. Prior to that he served two terms ill the Ohio general assembly, 1917·1921.

Beatty is a graduate of Cincin­nati University law school, president of the New Orphan Asylum for Colored Youth, treasurer of the Crawford's oil! Men's home anil dI­rector of the Legal Aid Society. He is widely and favorably known among Ohlo'~ colored voters.

The :Willis altcrnates-at-Iarge~\re: Congressman Charles Brand, Ur­bana; Mrs. Amasi, StQne 'Mather, Clevela",d; Mrs. Viola D. Romans, Columbua; Alexander Martin, UlllVelallO i Cla-yton Terrali, Clinton

Scott Welle, Columbus. pr,cfSl,lIerlt of city council and lobor

; and J. W. MyerB, Hllmil~on, 85, veteran o( Civil Will' nnd best known citizen.

Former ~v. Frank O. Lowden of Illinois, Senator Charles Curtill ot Kaneaa and Charlea R: Fisher. retired newspaper pllblisher of WU.

0 .. ".. fa~tea for aee. I dille ... and



Money To Loan -;o n~


Thp. Clinton Realty and Loan Co.,

FOSTEn CUNNINGHAM. W a rr e n Counly A g ent , Lehn t'1on.

In offic e of Atlorne y F . M. Cu n ­ningham, nca .. PO l l Offi ce




Don't let your coal

supply get low.

Let us fifiure with

you before it is too



We can save

money with

Genuine Raven

Red A.h.

1 ,


Hard Coal for · your Brooder Stove can be had In any quantity.

Wayne Chick Starter - ====== Waynesville Farmers Exchange Company

Phone 25

WaynesviIle, Ohio




Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. PbOD" 8 HARV E YSBURG. O.

Walter McClure J. E. McClure FUNERAL DIRECTORS


Fully Equipped fo r Good Service.

Large Display Room. Ambulance Service



Speclali&iDC in tb. Fitt'iDi of Cla .. ee for Better Vi.io ....

Write for Free Booklet

"Your Moet Pricel ... Po ..... lo .. "

Detroit Street, Xenia, Ohio

Dr. John W. Miller DentiDt

Wa~._,,1118 Natl •• al Baak BI_ ••

DR. c. W. HENDERSON Ofllce-Aman Bldl.


9 to 11 R. m. 3 to~5 p. m. 7 to 9 p. m.

Telephone •• afflce. 30 Re.ldence • 69F~

Waynesville, Ohio

Dr. W. E. Frost


NotbiDC lout R.Ii"bl. Serum aDd Viru. U •• d '

Phon. 81





Natioll.1 Balik

Will. DrawD ... . ...... EIl.t .. S.ttl"

W ayne.ville. Ohio

Tuesday, 9 a.m. 4 p.m Saturday 9 a.m. 8 p.m

Carys Jewelry Shop "Tbe Home of Gifh."



GRAND THEATER, Lebanon Two Shows Daily

6:30 aDd 8 :30 p. m.





-The Miami

Page 4: MARCH MEETING E :;:ldocshare04.docshare.tips/files/25022/250221284.pdf · lIever tardy U l' nbsent. They clime when the elements were Rtormy lind tempestuous. Cold lind biting wind!


LYTLE nalph .TohnR i ~ ll\1W <i.riying l\ Po 1

till Redan.

)1'rank lilt rnlil' r~~r i,; .Iri·' g A

n w Chevrolet F ,dlln.

. Rev R. A. tilling, or ~!,l' i'rl!h(lr,. ~ a. i~ · Lytle making r IJI ~, \' I·,h" .. -doy.

Mr. and f l's . Enll'l'Y II ill 1110"1'11. Mondny, to th c Budy fnTm nC'ur ',n­clnnotl.

Mary nnd Gruc~ ~Il\' f) "" \\' l'l'<, !'>11 11 day dinner I-:U·. toS o f 1\1 r~, (' '':It' I , ' ~ lIiullenlx.

Mr. and Mrs. CAh in L.lnp1rl'O 8pen~ Sunday with Mr. lind MI';>. Ural Surface and children .

Mrs. B en Hnwke anel du ughtcr, Cle6, nnd Mrs. Marthn Grohnm w 1'1'

Dayton ahoppers,. Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Willis ~\\'nnk. of Dn)-wn. ~Pf'nt Saturday cv('ni n/{ \nl h Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swonk.

Mr. alid Mr$. Eli RUR~ell werc Sun day dinner guelltll of II1r ~ . Bell c . coit

·and family and Miss Sall ic mith.

MI'8. Ellen Copsey retu rned home, Saturday, aflpr n week's visit with her alsters in Detroit nnel Dayton.

Mr. and ltlrs. Robert Burnett and 80n. of Dayton, were we(Ok-end guests of Mr. and lIIrs . S. H . Burnett

Mr. and Mrs. William Brown and Mrs. Mary Cnrmony and Mrs. Clnro Thompson spent Monday in the Gf'1l1 City.

Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Johns were Saturday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johns and children, in Dayton.

Mrs. Ada Chenowelh had a snle of household goods Saturdny, and will make her home with Mr. and Mrs_ Carl Pickering, near Centerville. Mr.

. and Mrs. Harry Hammer nnd fnmily will move in the part of the hous(' vacated by Mrs. Chenoweth.

I •

!\II'. nlld l\fr~ . J~ou Vox· III\lI SU Il. "f ~!illmi~hur", W'I',' ,'II I rtllin('d t " Sunll tl \' diml l' It th home of MI', " lid ;\{I'S, Den lIuwk •

.11' nnll )I\'~. AII",!'t SI./\t,y snd :\11'. :1011 ~11'. 1.",.Ii,· ; rny IItt"nd~d th.,: flln 1:01 IIf \\' !IliUl1I L,u' k<>)" ot W" otl' ~I i(hlh't('ll\' I, 'Sal Ul'nuy !\ ftcrnollll . I

~II' '' Idll Il,\\' nlul d aughter .. Li \l ~ F,,'(. ;,. 'tlll' nl'd · h,'I\I(' M ,' ndu~' , "f1<'" ,JlI "1(\"llIh>d ,' isH nt Ih,' hOllle of h(' 1 ,1:\11I,h [(' I·. "I r .. Emma R c,f, at 'Il l'-


~r l'. nlld Mr_. ('nl'1 Duke:- wel'l' gue~tK !II t l\l' harl'l lH't I,f 111(' Nulrition d m .. ..:­I'S of Ch'l\ l'crt!~k IltwlI sh ip rri .lay ('\'­IllIll)! al 11ll' K. of P . hull III Sprinl! ­huru.

:lh·~ ·. I·~. W lllter K nrick nnn EIr nu.s~1J \\1 ('l'e i n Lebn non Thursday. thp 1,,1 I H yisitin g h is brother at Ulai!" , h spi lal. lind who l'emain8 quite. ill.

;'1 r. :I ud ~ll's . Corl Duke and !II r. lind Mr8. Ellll'ry hnrlton nnd fll1·. nnd MI·s. "'nh e !' Kenrick nttenden the fUnt' ral (I f W illiam Sh e(' t~ , a t prinll'­horo. ~Illurd,,~' afternoon.

11'1 (' ''~r~ . Clyde Wh a rton, .1 am€ ~ J ohn s, Claren ce Smith nnd Harry Graha m are n ow r ece iv ing their mail on Route 4. Thi~ r oute wn~ extend­(' C\ pa~t their h om,," Murch 1st.

Mr. and lIlr!'. Henry F oulks hnd fo r their Sunday dinner gues t.s, Mr. Chll ~. J\[iddll,ton . Mr lind Mrs. Lestt'r Gri st nnd children, ~ f Dayt on , and Mr. and I\Irs. Fre,1 Middleton , of Englewood.

Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, of Dayton , was nn over-night guest, Wednesc\a~' , of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Johns and on Thursday they were dinner gu('sl s nt the hOnl l' of Mr. a nd 1111'S. Am os

ook, ncar Waynesville.

?til' and Mrs. Allen Emrick nnd Mr. ~nd Mrs. Fred Hill en terta in ed several friends on Tuesdny evening of las t week to the Aluminum dem­onstration. Mr. and- Mrs. Seth Fur­nns entertained on Wednesday even­ing, and Mr. and Mrs . Robert Hunt on Snturday evening.

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105 Waynesville, Ohio

Do you know

a bargain when you see one?

Then here's Q -


BALLOON for only

$11.15 29x4.40 SIZE

Get our low prices on your size of "The W-orld's Greatest Tire"

Windstorms -T ornadoes---~Cyclones

INSURE arainatlo811 by destructive .torma.

We can protect you for very little money in OLD RELIABLE INSURANCE COMPANIES.

D. DAKIN Insurance Agency

Wayneaville, Ohio -

1)1' I . ,11" 1 ' lelll< Ill. th c New J er · C('\ " l lndl t ! \ll d en· r 't g:\\' l ' hi m 'l'1f lll ' I n 111\ I)' ' \," ;) ' 11 1 pr\I \t Sl lt l hi ..; 11111 ' " l'LI \' ) Il \ .. :dle.. ·, Ii 10 Ilave l.. 'l,'"d ~! .... ' [:\ ', .l ll' \ 1: r ll W I1 : }':\ rk /\ \ ("/ 1 It. :: " " \I r h., ,.; i,) \'c nl c~S , se t ­l ill}..: htl alii I...

= TIll' Cuokin/{ ' "' till und Ladil's Aid

"njoYl'd a n. II Il -day l1l""Ling /!III I cov -1' 1·,,<1 di ~ h dinrll'l' ut th e hom~ Iff ;'Ir :<. ~I o rl'l' ~ I i lh' r. W,·d ll <!s <i ay. blr". .' anh's ~!il"'r. ,.f ncar 1\linllll d " lrg, " ' US 11 g'u C'!" t n l lhl" 11 \t' li t i n).! .

1\lrti. Arthur Whit e nnrl childre n, of Parkc l'suul'g, W . Va., spcnL th week -enci with Mr. lind 1\11' •. KC)~ll!l' Gruhllill lind Mr lind Mrs. C. W. AI­lll'i",ht. Mrs. \i,rhil~ received word Sunday thu t MI'. Wh ill' hod gOlle th ru u/{h n brillge while dri ving. l::ihc left imm l'dia tely fo r hume. n o t know ­ing the ext ent of h is injuries:

BEECH GROVE Ross Villars hilS the III UlllpS.

R. J. lIIurray wus in lIal'veysburg aturdny afte rnoo n.

Oliver J acobs hus n groc~ry and drug store o n wheels.

Gcorl:e Shank and family have muved on the Kirby farm.

K. E. Th ompson spe nt Saturday nt Olive Branch and Spring Hill.

The Gray girls, of W ellman. at­ten oed church here Sunday morning.

Julra ~!d Jl)tl" ld . ormer ~h, utlt Vern on. :-; . Y., dr hlltnnle •. is u liLicr ~ c nt~II l:(' j '! t! \: ;\th t ()~ rthcr wllh hfT lr'I>!'>a nd. C.v rgc M, Do1\ ­:lId . I,,, Ih .. Olllrd • .' r , .( " Mun trea l 13, i driv,'r Th ey ;, r I :lwai ling thl ~allu'v) ill the CanadIan cil)' .


MARCH MEETING The 1·I.'g'ular IIII' ' ling of th,· Wl1 vn e

Township Fa 1'1 Ill' I'ti du b wa ti 1;,' ld Mnrch i' Lh II I till' h Olflll of lIlr~. HI.'­i)ccclI \o' UI'l''' ' . AO IJ ut fi f ly peo pl e \ \ ' (11'(.' IH'C~ c IIL 1\1 ('Imb(! l' 'hip W 8t'\ r ep.

rcs" nl NI hI' 1111 but f" ur fnmilie ,;. The ' !'l.'lIkel· fo r th e aftcl'Il C) (Jn wn~ Th,.­' 1\Ior~ I1l1n fo rd Po nd. d il'ccto l' of Ihe 1)lIyl" li An I n ~t ill1te . '1'melilio nlll \l'ay" of th l' tlullll·. li ,· lIncl fnrmin g life: in thl' muu ntains of Lebanun \\'('re dc~r l'i bed by Mr. I'ond . who wa~ llo rn in !'yr ia nnd drew uptln his b,.y­hood nl on"l1·i(;. o f Ihllt coun t ry nnd , 11Ow(l ti exhu lll ed r('Jic~ , cos lIn1(" nnd honddn-sse8. H (' nlsu described t hl' nc­complishments and aims of the rllp­idly expnnding Art Institute of Uay­lon, in viting a lJ 1:0 visit the pl'escnt building and to wllleh for the IlI'W

one which will be a gift to thc rom­munity from Mrs. H. G. Carnell .

Spccial Topic ; The 51'1 ct ion and care of farm shru bs, was briefly dis­cusse d by Mr. Duke.

lIIr ... S. Imi s pleased th(' nu di­ence with i! ui lur a nd hnrmonica mu-

.~--..::== -"-== . 11',. I' hilil' i'o Pc. <I f in<'inunti .

.1" lit .,e \,ern l day,. In ~ t \V~·k · with h, 1' pa r nt~. Mr. lind 1\.lrs. oorgc J . !'>lIl1 t lt .

\11'$. E t lll' l Bake l' . who \I'!l~ called h.· I I ' b~' the d a th o r IlI'l' 1I1 0lhe l', i\lr~. I'.' I·I·Y ·Harlsock. lefl Tu('~duy for her h" me in D,·n\,('r. oJ.

M is~l'~ Katherine Turner, E .. ther 1I "n cl" r son, EI~ ie Ilnd f)<'r i. lIuwke ,,"W "Rose Mur ic" ilL the Shubert thc' al" I' in inrinnllti, Sllturday.

A gift of ~il\'Cr is as~urpd la wcl­"" 111 ('. If it ' s "Your~x S ilver~elll" Y" ll choose for the grllciullte III' bride ) ' '' 11 hUI'" thO' h~"t. B"i\utiful pat­I \'rn s to select fr01ll Ilt Cu rl" J l'wel· ry Shop. Leuunon, Ohio.

The Coopernti,' c "oc il· t y of St. Ma-1'\,' " ehun' h wili meet III Ihe hOlD e o f lIi I' s. J . W. Edwnrd s Oil rricluy aftN-

11"011, Mureh 16, at 2 u'c1ock ,

Miss Lnv one Burton und Mr. G . ,I. \\' a le rhol1sl' \\'1'1'1' gu~s l s li t II brid/{e d inlll' r Thur sdllY eveninl( at Ihc ho me "f Mr. Illld Mrs. Ethan Crune, in Duy­ton.

Mrs. C" M. Rob itz~r. Mrs . R. G. ('ross 11'11'8. WIIltl'l' !lItClul'~, Mrs. FI'~d Kimmerle an d 1\1 i" B\'!lltrice HltbitS'1" "'e re w(' ck-end I-:ncsts of friends in " " Iumbu s.

Cho osing prize~ f o r pllrtil's o r ~ll1al1 I:i rt~ fo r any occJl~io n ne<' <1 not be all arduous task but II delightful eX­

I"'I'i ' nee by "i s iting Ca ry' s Jewelry :-;h" p, "The Home o f Gift s." Lcbl1nol1 Uhio .

;\11' , and 1\Irs, W . .T. Ra ker entcr­tHi ned Sundny eV"nin/{, Mrs. Ethel

A II {;I ll <, (I~ fit tI b) Ilr. R utiOljlh It WIU! found that one hundred enrly u~·" JC:oltrl.1 ~'·Il·n t i1;"lI l1y . t urrl'll! in .lrllichud pullets will lay, In a y ' ar, hl". \1rl\·u ll· l:r"ul'alu'·~'. "I'e.<' OleU 1It1- about 16000 Ilggs vulued at lllOl'" n:lll n T III, .. luy , 'J'hUI·~tllI)' and '-n t- ' . ' u /'dny aL r I d y' ., .ll' ''I'II'Y S hl) !', L bu- t lllln $450, whlh, th(> the ~alT\e nUll!, nOll, Oh io. . be r of late-hatched pu llc tll will pro­

S('<' lI (1 111'~ ' !'u,I'l ll l'. 11< "\ II ~ II' I~ n s­tu s," in tll!' ~'l i n 5t rl' l , h ow" at Lytic hllll, Sal Ul'llny , Ma 'dl 171 h. 1\1"0, g-),mn a s til'r' li nd WI'l'!o<tli l1g". r"lIUWl' ri

by ~ 1 f'rl, (, ,, l i" " ' 1 l' il'lll 1'<'''. II I u~ ; ~ Ity \\' lIyn" Hl'illl' lIi 1;1I !'d,,,,,1 ,,1·I' h.' , II·", A d u tls:-i l , 1l 1 f, l·. En'l' ) bOl:Y W L'lt'OJ1l".


!l ; IS, Sund",' :-; .·h".,J; 10 ;:10. pri'n ~ hing' ~ (' I'\'i c~, :-: ubj\,l' t u l' sermo n. "Th e P O\\,CI' "I' th,· !' 1I1:l1I ;" -; ;:1 0, C\' ­

Piling. ~ ub k(" t, "Chr b t '!'o Ensv Tn :-; k ," 11('\'i\'1l1 s"' I'\';l'(' s \l'ill I", h~ld f .... 111

Murch 25 to Apl' i l ~ . I' lall \.0 li .. with u s.

Anro n S. WlIlkin s, L..H.D., Pastor.

duce only a bout 11,000 eggs. Th e lute-hutched pu llets will 1011\'0

rceoipll! in the seaso ns of lower pri­ces o llly about half us large os the (Jul'ly 11l~·e rs . Mny Hi is as lat.e 118

it is be lie\'l!d protill blo to hatch.

No. 2220

1U<~PORT Of the 'undllion of the Wayne~.

ville National Bank, at Wayne~' ville in I he State of Ohio, nt lhe c lORe of bUtlinc~, Peb. 28, l!J~8

II ESO U HC ES l. C'n ns nnd 1 1 18"·~ ) UlIlH . In c l ud·

IIII-: r l· II I!H'ouli t t'. n c " ' llt uuc 'es ur nth t ' l" hllllk~ , nnd l ' l r "t ,.,r n l " l1 ~ ti t I xdnl 111;0 1,)" \lrnftM ~ 1'l d w t1" 11Il1,JI ' th>lIl~IH o f ttll~ hnllk .. , ... 'l() S . • J!J . 9 ~

TU 1a l l unliM , . ... ...... ... , . lH' Cl'lll'ar! !'I. 11"~ I ·' 1II' e ll . 'l12 . H 11"p otJ l l t' ,1 Ie, e C(,UI"(' clrell1li-lio ll (l' ~. hUI\Li ~ pn,1' \' al ­" '/.. .... .. .. .. .. (,0. 000.00

2~ ~ . ll l. IIR ;,1 2 j .

FERRY CHURCH OF CHRI!T , ~il ~. ,,~ 'I~/~i '(:~ " , ~ ' . . ( ,~l .v: ',r.III~~tjo"Jo ~O,.O jl , I I O

1 ~ 1. 6 1 1..a1l 8,0 (1u nO Bible School at 10 ;3 0 n. 111_ Gel \,,~:: :~' III:~ " ~~,~!::"k u'~" ~,~~~I~~

into the in teres ting contest with Leb- l,\lwr,,1 r e"en· . Willi I·'<~cru l unon s('h oo l. All un' WC h·OJll C. l }I!:~lO~~; C \ '': 'll ~I ; ~l l ~il ;I' ' ~;I;~\'I ~lt

PERRY TIIO~lASt Supt. '\: ~~~ U~lltlJ l .t ~~ I I IJ ;~~\lIh n l~~~te


banllM. tll\l1k c l'H and truet l ' flIIIJIUlll, ' ~ 111 t h e U , S, (oth. "r 11ull! IlIcl Udth l III Itt' rna

B. 9. 101... . . ... . ... , . . . . . Sunday, Mal'ch I X, :-ocJ'yicc at 8:30 '1'. '( :11 .,f I\tJ I IH! 9. to . 1 t 1'2,

a. Ill . ~;I'~:~I1~'~";' u~ ·,: .... 11· ili,,~,!·l~:;,~aij9 Fnthor Bien, Pastor.


Fllunh !'undn y in L"III. March 18. Church SclhHd III !' ::lU ; MIl l'n ing Pray t'l' " " d ,,' rnll ,1I 11 1 10; :3 0. topic, "Wu ,· k~." Se l'\'i,'c \\,,·dn estlay eye n. ing lit 7 ::10.

Re\, . John J. Schaeffer. Rector


1( .·tl(~ lIqllllln (und with i.J S, 'l" ' !'lllHI1'tt r . . ' • •. . , . ,

!. l A II ll.l TI ES Capltn l atoc k UUlet In .,,., . Surplus rIJ ll d ' , ' , . . . , . . ," Undl\,lded prOCII • . 18 HI 11 L t' ,;8 Clurellt ~xpC Il 8e. paid ... . . ..... .. .. I 60 1.48

Clr l ' tllu.lIng 1l 0 l <' 1 oUUlto.uct· I l1g ...... , . . . .. , ' . ••• • . . •

Alllf , dUf> t o ~nrt o nnl b:\nks ('o shler' s cit ck. out.landlnl "pial o f h e lli. ~ ... :!6 . 26 21 . 28 ~O\.I 29 . . . ~. 006.UO

22 9 1fi,V b

.&l !'H; . ,!H

fUlli I 2&

2.6 00.00

U1 6. 6H H

'10 0.000 .00 611 .00 0 0u

lG.H J 18

6 0.00 0.PP . 16.0 00 .00

• uu

Ba ker, of Denver. Co l., 1\fr. ancl l\Ir~. S unday School at 9:30. Every. I lldl\' lt111u l d"po RUS s lI hJe ;..: t to, ch ('ck . . . ..... . , . . .• . . , '

l'er tlfl cHl('" of dep o81 t duo 111 1.'88 ttll\n 30 dn\' " (fi t her th .~n for mn f'\' lin"", w:-rt l

386.011 66 f'lyde Egbert, of Xenill, Mr. nnd Mrs. body cordially invited. Cli fford Bilker· und son. Ray.

On Saturday ofternoon nt her home l TURTLECREEK COMMUNITY in Co lumbu s, Mrs. Fred Sc hwar tz WIIS CHURCH h "sle~s nt u delightful affuir to which Sunrla)' School , !l ;30 II . 11\.; wor-'~"era l Waynes\'illc Indies ond form- ship, 10 ;SO 1I. m , ; preaching, 7 ;:30 l' r resid ents of Wayn esvill e , but now p. " 111.; prayer meeting. 7 ;ao p . m .• ':f Colu~'bus, w('r.e i.nvited. Mrs. Wcunesday ('veni ng. A hearlY wel­:-i('hwnrtz ;; guest hst Included Mrs. come IS extended to nil who care to J . D. !\larlntt, Mrs. C. M. Itobitzer, worship with as.

'1' 0 11\ 1 or (IeinRnd depoalla (o th l' ! ' O I I\JI hllfllt d t!~ ,H. t:. • Btl bJOI' ( to H: eIH~ rv f', I t e ma SO , 3 1 3l :tllulIl :U ,1"'(j ~ 1I3 tili

~l\ \' lnJ{ ~ lJ(, P Oit lt ~ { hH: h Jd ing time ~ .. rc. lnc.tfl:. o r d .. pol I .. ther than tor moof'l ), I Ilrrn w, l!)

l' lui ot time deposita Rub; joe l to J( P 8orVe Il (>1ll8 35. 36, 3 •. n n d 38 . . IS I I!. 14

Llabilttlnl o ther thin &ohOMll b u\'B .~.~ed ...... .


101 . ' 6 - --Several (rom this place nttende

the Hnrvey ~ule at Turtlecreek Mon­day.

sic. Mrs. Wulter McClu re. Mrs. R_ G, C R HARVEY P t ('1'11 8S, Mn;. Fred Kimmerle, Mi ss Be- _ _ ._ . __ • _ _ ~_ 8S or. !;tllte or OhIo. Counly ot Warren. "0;

I . I .. 111. H .. llderlon. cashier of th

The Ladies Aid met at the Mesdames Edith lind Iia McKny WedneHday af­ternoon.

Knrl Deatherage nnd wife attend­ed thc funera l of a l'c lativc in Ken ­tucky h!st week.

S herman F~rTis lind wife and Mn •. Almon F rris were in \\· ilnt illglo n. Tuesdu y uftl!l·noon.

Willinm P Ol'toiL upern lol' nnd tic k­et I\~enl nt Orego nil\, pn sNI lhrough he re thl' ot her ti ny . .

, "'y nnd r. E. 'fhotlll'~on Gnu J . P. 'u nlmi ng,; \\'(JI' t! ill \\ '<Iynes­\'illc Fridny a fll'l li llUI ,

M r~ . Kule J.lrchm nnd du ughll,r. Hanna h, a no sons. Ed a nd Geo rgI!, Wl! l'e in Le bun on Tu esday.

' hetTy Hutflc ld and f~l",ily, of Mid­la nll City, Ul'e t he ~uesls of James Trpylor and I/1t11i l ~ at Green Bricr.

1IIel'le T eny lind A I('x Pi 'ke went up to the Scarff ~ccd rnrm Ilt New 'a rliMlc. lu sl week alld bought their

seed out lind seed corn .

Mrs. Harol d McKay 11l1d 1'1'11'. and Mrs. Howard McKay uttendcd t h e Clinton County P.-T.-A. and school­buard mecLlng lit Wilmington Friday, March 9.

Tho Flatfork l ilerary society an­nounces the 'next meeting at tho School house for Wednesdny evening March 21, at' 8 . p. m. It. affords the oflicer s of the society a very great pleasure to prcsen~ such a talented group from Wilmington college for the evening's entertainment. The vis itors plnn to put o n a welJ-balanced program furni sheo by the department of Expression a nd Education. Prof. Vnnnol'sdall, Dean of the College of Educulion. is slatod for the evening's address. Such Il meeting will afford splendid opportunIty for people of th e ' comnulnitv to become better ao­quain ted with' t hc co ll ege activities. Flatfork is f or t unate to receive 6uch recogni tio n from the institution a t thi s time.

- - - -.. - .. ----

NEW BURLINGTON Will iam Ewing if! very ill at hlsi

hOlll c here, having sympt~ms of pnou m on la,

1\11'. and JIll'S. T. W. VanPelt r e­turnetl Sunday from an exte nded trip in Fl orida.

Mr. and JIll's . Walter Moore nnd family have moved to a farm near Germantown.

The W. F. M. S. met nt the home of Mrs. Rnleigh Bogan on Wednes­day afternoon.

Mrs. Net~1I Leaming was coIled to Osborn last week by the death of h er nephew, Mnrion Gaddis.

Mrs. William Mendenhall is im­proving slowly niter s uffering h em-

The April meet ing will be held nt lhe home of 1\11'. ond Mrs. J. W. White. ---_1 , __ -_-


nll'ice Robitzer. of Waynesville; Mrs. ~I 'rle Kerns, Misses Annie lind Mame Drown, 1\Irs. Rilla Brown , Mrs. Fred r~. Sherwood, Mrs. Richard Price . nee 1101 n herwo d, Mr-. Dnn SlIrver,

-____ '11'1' If,,lp.n Srhwll r l 7., 1\lrs. (;rn c\.! Onl,:

!\1artha Brill. SO yeul'~ old . did a t .~ I ·" Frank Dysart. Mr~. ol we ll, of ('hri ~t hl1'l' it:r 1. In .i m :'111',;'. 1·,- ,.1' " Iuml,u>. Saturday II. Il IIr ~rinnllll,\I""" ... . -r l'iv(\d j'l:1 If iJ't nJ 1 h .. I!l('" i ll I.am·

Hatch Early o bovo · nllllled b"nk. do !Jolem"ty Iwenr lhn t th above statf'm ent I. truft to l he , b e ll or my knowledge and. belief.

L . M. HENDF.HSON. Cashier Rubtic r lhed and sworn to before nle­

. 'hIs Hit day 01 March. I BM The D pOl'tment of Agriculture has Mahlon nldlJe. \

made sun'c,' whifh reveul t he de- CorrH I Alt •• I : Notary Public.. ciucd IJclIcli'l u f haleh ing the yenr' s "i: it ~ik~~. sUI)ply " f 11111els cllrl" in the season I J . W. WHI'!'I\,

. ' DtrHt_

i!l(,ll ,.,. I I I. ~ ,., ,,·v. 8hf' !t.;> y!",. u 1>1'() hI'" P i l r.,\ ~ ' I "f .\tlantu , 'oc:=:aOI::lOJ:' =:::::::I'Oc:lOC' == Gil .. " \" 1 rIl1~ll· r .. ~ ft ll!IlIt ' 1 f(lra4 dit h , u f ',I T "hat'"n. nnd t h !'l'l" ~\~ tt'rs. ~!r.-. \hr.,· Jl lllllpl lll' a nc! ~I I·~ . .John '11' ;111 1'.1.1, " r \\'intiloll -:-;"Icm .

-. l .. " 'Id ~In: H,·I"cc:\ FUI'II:ts of Uli~ 1'1 111'''. 1:lIl'hl \ ,I:' i :'.!illl11 i ccm etery.

l\lJ" . :l lal'\' 1'h "11\:1 , "if of hnrles Thomfl and 'dullf(hl('l' of Dllvid PnrleU rlid e 1\! ('llIll.IY ilL 11<>1' homo between Rid,:revil le 111111 ,'prinA'hol'll. Fune rnl sel'vice l\'Cl'e held lit tht, Ri clgevilll' chu rch h i~ afte r lloon and intermen t wus in ?lliumi c"l11e:lery.

The body of William Lackey, of Middlet own, \'·us intl'Tred tn Miami cemetery Satul'llay afternoon,

Announce ment of the recent denth o f 01'. G. N. J ollry, nt Nowport, Ky., bas reached thi s oflice. Dr. Jolly was a former pnstor of the local M. E. church lind had many friends here.


~ o g

Corl W. Dodd. nged 33 yenrs, pass od awny at his home in Lebanon, on Mondny evening, March 6, nCter nn illness of about three mo~th~. llis wife and three cnilcll'en s urvive. Fu­neral servic06 was held Wednesday afternoon at the Oswald funeral home Lebnnon. o Masonic i~~ge Notice 0

The annual inspecti on of Wnyn('s . . Q ville Lodge No. l oa F . & A. M., will be held MondllY evening. Mnrch 19. at 8 o'clock. There wi ll be work In thli' E. A. degree, and the regular in­spection of Ihe year's wOI·k. All Mn­sons nre cordially Invited to a ltenl Lunch will be sel·vcd.

ClIAS. BRADBURY. W. M. F. B. llENIDERSON, Sec·y. -Will Close Bank

The Faml ~rs' Bank of Spr ingboro is ex pected to cl ose abou t t he middle of !\larch according to \\'o rd of the officinls this week. A n adjo urned session of the directors is planned for March 14 at which time 11 volun­tary liquidation will I.oe voted on. Poor business conditions nrc given by the ollicials as the reoson for d is­continuance of business. . :- .. ----

Rose From Slums

o o o

o o o

o o Our Mr. Go-Getter Says-- o

That a Classified Ad. in this paper is really worth a

6 o

Lot of To You


o o If you will use the columns both in commercial and . . Classified Advertising.

CALL 112

olThnges of the lungs last week. Colonel "Jimmy" Lanl;', 73, was on I I

Members of 't he Eastern Star lodge his vacation for n month, nnd during here atlended inspection of the Har- that time his bank' at Sullivan, Ind ., veysburg hapter, Friday evening. \VIIS closed by s tute e:'<IIminer~. Now 0

a reward of $ t o. (II00 h ilS been oifer d Th' Dorca s society held a very fo r Col. Jim ll1y'$ al' r st. pol ie<' in I 0

p'1('u~o n t meeti ng in the home of Mr: Chicago ,hllvc b '~~ n asked to I('uk for .aud Mrs. hul'les Mendenhall, 'J.'hurs- Ii whitl!-hnired , .I.oop.shnuld r ed man I da y. ~bOllt 5 n.'\'l, [, ineh " t\\ ).);'. ""1' I') in!:

M!'. and !'Ill' . . Adams Di ckin . ol1 had a \\'cul1W I'-h'·:lll' n. blutk il[1("

UR g ll llat~ ourin g the wceK-cnr), J.frs. The CII'r, ·"," 1'1 11-1 ('"m '/m )" ' Bi~hop Dickinson uno (JuughLOl' , o f which tll t! · t'"I.)ncl h."t,:,.1, :"ni. red u CI,!untbus. sho llli., ,,( :;.2.ltl,OO'Il 1 d in •. llt;'(lIlns .


Tlwtl.' wn~ nn . old WC1lnlln i ll ,'pain Who WO ti HO ex 'eedingly v:r in

'I' hnt I5h 'd lo'ok in the gJu!<

point t o Lh,· C .. \t,clI'l h;l\'iug nb ut I

-n.ooo I)f 11. I Till' ~ICllWl \V:I ~ j,(1l 11 in Nl'W York I

U8 AloiR THllil'vich, ill lIJ ~lunls . und ! (HI da. ('/II1W wi h ;1 "l" ' Ur of " fresh I

lIir kid s" til li\'e w'l h J.lm '· Lang,.a

name of his . fil l hcr and became

THE . . 0

MIAMI· GAZETTE·· D·-. 0 '.·

While t.he houTS would 118BS

Till the overworked glas~ got l,nin •

Sullivan JIl I·fIIl' r . 1 he Iioy Look the f

8 1 ~uW~~~scul and citizen of I OJ::lO~.'==:;=leIOJ:lOle====lel~J::IO -,------. , .. ,

-- =-

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