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Page 1: Marcus Hillel Center - Campaign Update Spring 2009

Spring 2009

U p d a t e f o r S u p p o r t e r s o f t h e M a r c u s H i l l e l C e n t e r

For the past two and one-half years, a

small dedicated cadre of volunteers has

been working diligently to raise the neces-

sary funds – $9.2 million – for the Marcus

Hillel Center (MHC) at Emory University.

And we are proud and excited to announce

that a building permit was issued and

heavy equipment is already working

on the site.

This newsletter has been created

especially for you, our donors, so that

you are up to date about all of the

excitement among students, parents,

faculty and alumni surrounding the

arrival of MHC at Emory early in

2010! To those who have contributed,

thank you again for helping the dream to

become a reality!

A Look Back

It is due to the vision of philan-thropist Bernie Marcus and his initial investment of $3 million in the form of a matching grant from the Billi and Bernie Marcus Foundation, along with $2 million from the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta’s Community Capital Campaign

held in 1997. Several factors contributed to the fundraising

momentum, two of the most significant being successful solicitations to potential donors in Atlanta and in other cities in the USA, and a recognition by everyone as-sociated with the project that MHC would be so much more than bricks and mortar…it fact, it would solidify student connections not only to Hillel specifically, but also, as importantly, to the Jewish community at large.

A Look Ahead…We’re Going Public!

We are close to the finish line! And at this point in time, we need approximately $350,000 to meet the fundraising goal to build the MHC and establish an endowment fund for main-tenance, repair and refurbishment. We will be launching Phase II of the campaign which will more broadly expand our reach. We invite you to help us cross the finish line. Every contribu-tion is significant and every dollar counts. If you know someone who is or has been connected to Emory, or someone interested in Jewish continuity, please ask them to join us in this endeavor to build the Marcus Hillel Center at Emory University.

Contact Wayne Silverman, PhD, Executive Director of Hillels of Georgia or Michael Rabkin, Emory Hillel Director at 404-727-6490.

The Campaign…Then and Now

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A Note From The Chairs

What a privilege it has been to have been involved in working to make the Marcus Hillel Center a reality on the Emory campus! And what a pleasure to work together with great volunteers and professionals and generous donors!

The Marcus Hillel Center will be a facility in which we will all take pride. Current and prospective students, parents, and alumni are eagerly awaiting the day when they can set foot into this beautiful 10,500 square-foot facility. The features of the MHC come from years of planning, working with the fine architectural firm of Roth & Moore, and a build-ing committee led by Alan Levow and Steve Oppenheimer.

Some of the key features of the MHC are:• Lounge Café…a place to feel at home, meet for a coffee and bagel, study with wireless

Internet connection, listen to music and relax with friends• Conference Facilities…where Jewish student groups, as well as other organizations, can hold

high-impact meetings with sophisticated teleconferencing and multi-media capabilities• Student Meeting/Work Spaces…administrative space, equipment and technology to

support student-led projects and programs• Multi-Purpose Event Spaces…for dinners, lectures, classes, artistic and cultural

presentations and social events of all types• Chapel/Multi-Purpose Room…for traditional Shabbat services as well as alternative

programs that feature interactive audio-visual elements• Dining Room/Kosher Kitchen…offering festive meals in a warm atmosphere that enhances

student social life At this point in time, we invite you to join us in completing this campaign. With your

help and the help of others whom you know, a world-class facility—the Marcus Hillel Center—will be built at Emory. Its welcoming space and already outstanding program-ming (see page 3) will solidify Jewish students’ connection to Hillel, to one another and to the greater Jewish community. Join us!!!!

Jody Franco Mike LevenCapital Campaign Co-Chairs

$9,200,000 goal

$8,850,000 raised$9,000,000 –

$8,000,000 –

$7,000,000 –

$6,000,000 –

$5,000,000 –

$4,000,000 –

$3,000,000 –

$2,000,000 –

$1,000,000 –

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Delivering the Jewish Future...Today!

According to Michael Rabkin, Emory Hillel Director, “Each year, hundreds of Jewish students arrive at Emory University ready to grow, explore and set the pattern for their adult lives. It is the primary goal of Emory Hillel to connect these students with each other to build lasting Jewish

friendships and profound Jewish memories.” Take a look at just a few examples of innovative programming that

capture the breadth of student interests, their desire to serve, to connect with each other and to the Atlanta Jewish community and beyond:• Social justice and community service projects that engage more than 1,000 students

annually, including the World AIDS Day “Quilt on the Quad”• JBiz Roundtable puts students in direct contact with Jewish business and professional leaders• JHealth Roundtable invests in pre-med and public health undergraduates through

leadership training, public health advocacy, and community service to inspire value-driven careers in healthcare

• Georgia Campus Superstar, a statewide collegiate talent competition that draws hundreds of contestants of all faiths, races and ethnicities and positions Emory Hillel and Hillels of Georgia as a leading promoter of “cool culture” on campus

• Leadership development programs that empower Jewish students to put their values into action

• Religious and educational programming including Shabbat services and meals and opportunities to explore spirituality and Jewish tradition

• Student-hosted Passover seders, Shabbat dinners, and holiday meals across campus engage hundreds of students in intimate, meaningful Jewish holiday celebrations

• Abundant social activities that build community and foster student relationships

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Look Who’s Talking

Hillels of Georgia732 Gatewood RoadAtlanta, GA 30329

Emory strives to foster genuine interreligious and intercultural discourse, through which men and women not only live out their particular faith and heritage authentically but also learn from each other the profound truths available in respectful interaction. The Marcus Hillel Center will significantly enrich the contribution of our strong and vibrant Jewish community to this discourse.

James Wagner, PresidentEmory University

The MHC will provide a physical center for Jewish life and learn-ing, so that Jewish students appreciate and act on the motivation to strengthen themselves, both academically and spiritually. The MHC will centralize Jewish life on campus, and will take its place as the “go-to” location for Jewish students. The food service will draw the students; the computer labs and meeting rooms will keep them there.

Grant Wallensky (Emory student, class of 2010)

Emory is a first rate university with outstanding academic programs, including a stellar Jewish studies Institute. It also has first rate student life programs, including a wonderful Hillel program. What has been missing is a home for Hillel. The Marcus Center will fill the void.

Deborah E. Lipstadt, Ph.D.Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust StudiesEmory University

Innovative outreach programs such as Campus Superstar, JBiz Roundtable, Comedy for Peace and charity date auctions are just examples of why we are emerging as the hottest thing on campus. But our growth, image, and ability to push beyond the students we now attract suffer greatly because we don’t have an address, a home, a nerve center where Jewish students can gather, celebrate – and be proud.

Anita Schmidt (Emory Alum, Class of 2007)




“In addition to a new facility for Emory Hillel, the Marcus Hillel Center will provide the central location for Hillels of Georgia along with use by and office space for the Atlanta Metro Hillels, and the Atlanta community.”

Wayne Silverman, Ph.D. Executive Director, Hillels of Georgia

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