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Page 1: Mario testino images


Page 2: Mario testino images

This image is striking for various reasons. Firstly, this image stands out as he’s looking directly at you, no matter what position you’re in. It’s directly addressed to us. Therefore, this image includes a direct gaze. Also, the first thing you notice is his facial feature as it’s so bold and striking.

Furthermore, the background is plain so we’re not loosing concentration on the man and dog in the frame. Also, he’s wearing black and this is a dark colour so we’re not distracted and drawn to the clothing, we’re focused on her face and not distracted from it.

Moreover, the Image is a close up of the man and dog so it implies “The rule of third” this is when the image is at the four main points of a grid. In this image the man is right half of the grid whereas, the dog is in the right side. Therefore, they’re both our direct gaze

This image is including a broad depth of field as everything is on focus and nothings blurred out. Also, the lighting on this is bright on the mans face so we’re not loosing focus once again.

Lastly, the image is of an American footballer so the image links to his lifestyle. The pose and the pose of the dog both contrast together to produce the look of bravery. And with him being an American footballer he can’t have any fear and has to be strong and this image represents that as there’s a fierce dog which looks like it’s going to attack him and he seems to be pulling the facial feature to say he’s ready to fight and not scared.

Page 3: Mario testino images

This image is striking for various reasons. Firstly, this image stands out as they’re both looking directly at you, no matter what position you’re in. It’s directly addressed to us. Therefore, this image includes a direct gaze.

Furthermore, the image has a broad depth of field because every detail is visible in the background. However, these two women are in the centre of the image so our eyes are always drawn to them.

Moreover, the image implies “The rule of third” this is when the image is at the four main points of a grid. In this image the women's eyes are both in each top corners of the grid. So our attention is drawn straight to their eyes.

This image is in black and white and includes a brighter light on the women's faces. This allows their faces to look strong and they stand out most to us. Also, the pose they’re creating is powerful.

This image is in black and white but manages to have a strong effect as you can see the details in the women's faces without being distracted by any other object in this image.

Lastly, they’re wearing feathers which would represent swans and swans are very elegant but fierce birds. The poses they are creating represent a swan as they’re moving elegantly but have a fierce look on their face. Therefore, this image tells a story and for that reason it then becomes a striking image.

Page 4: Mario testino images

This image is striking for various reasons. Firstly, this image stands out as they’re looking directly into the camera so they’re looking at you, no matter what position you’re in. Therefore, it includes a direct gaze as it’s directly addressed to us. The first thing you notice is their eyes as they’re so bold and that’s why this image is so striking.

Furthermore, the background is plain so we’re not loosing concentration from William or Kate. Also, her their clothing's are plain so we’re focused on their faces and not distracted from them.

This image is including a broad depth of field as everything is on focus and nothings blurred out. Also, the lighting on this image is suttle as it’s not too bright so we’re not loosing focus once again.

Moreover, the Image is a close up of them which shows that they’re important. This is implied as nothing else in the image is show apart from them and Kate's ring on her finger, which implies their engaged which they are.

Lastly, they’re both smiling which represents that they’re happy with one and other. This is why the image is so striking as it’s captured the happiness, and joy of the royals.

Page 5: Mario testino images


Page 6: Mario testino images

This image is my most striking image of Mario's for various reasons. Firstly, it represents in my eyes happiness, and freedom. It also shows nature in its beautifulness of forms. I find it so striking because of the fact it’s so beautiful and it’s just a girl resting in an outstanding environment. He’s made a simple image look amazing. That is why I like this picture so much.

Furthermore, the background is plain it’s just grass filled with flowers which makes it look like spring. Also, the angle the image is taken from is like a birds eye view so you can see different aspects of the image, such as the women lying down. If the image was taken at a different angle it would have had a much different effect.

This image is including a broad depth of field as everything is on focus and nothings blurred out. Also, the lighting on this image is bright as it’s natural daylight making the image look more clean.

Lastly, she’s closing her eyes which implies that she’s resting. This gives the element of peace and if she was placed in a different environment such as a house or a pathway, the image wouldn’t be as effective. As the greenery combines with the girl to make the image come alive. This is why the image is striking in my eyes.

Page 7: Mario testino images

This image is my most striking image of Mario's for various reasons. Firstly, I believe it tells a story. In my eyes it’s of two women who are both so different from one and other, which I implied from the black and white outfits, but yet are incredibly in love.

Furthermore, their environment is in colour and they’re plain in black and white. This to me represents that they’re in a completely different world, when they’re with on and other and nothing else matters but yet they stand out completely. It also shows that anyone can receive love which I think is beautiful.

This image is including a broad depth of field as everything is on focus and nothings blurred out. Also, the lighting on this image is the natural day light for the background but brighter near the women. Which I think is intended so our concentration is focused onto them.

Moreover, they’re in the centre of the rule of third so we are drawn to them even though they’re hidden behind a statue. This image is talented as Mario's managed to make the women stand out even though they’re not as noticeable as they could be. However, they’re what I see first.

Lastly, there’s quite a lot happening in this image which is why a story can be told from it. Therefore, that’s the reason why this is one of my favourite images of Mario testinos.

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