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  • 7/31/2019 Marist Yearbook 2011



  • 7/31/2019 Marist Yearbook 2011


  • 7/31/2019 Marist Yearbook 2011



    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011


    From the Club Chairman 4Junior Club Overview 12J8 Red 16J8 Blue 17J8 Black 18J8 Green 19J7 Small Blacks 20J7 Red 22J7 Blue 23J6 Jaguars 24J6 Black 26J6 Wildcats 27J5 Titans 28J5 Blue 29J5 White 30J4 Raptors 31Junior Players Awards 32Senior Teams & Player Awards 33Club Awards & Honours 34J4 Tigers 35J3 The Blues 36J3 Wolves 37J3 Red 38J2 Bulldogs 40J2 Storm 42J2 Blue 44J1 45Representave 2011 Teams 46Rosmini 1st XV 2011 Report 49

    Marist Premiers 50Senior 1st XV 52U21`s Season Report 53U19`s Season Report 55U85kg Season Report 56Senior 2nd Flyers 58Senior 2nd Spartans 59Bluebellies 60Club Refurbishment Project 61Club Commiees 63Acknowledgements :

    Charitable Trusts & Veterans 64Sponsors Thank You 66Asics Editorial 67


    We value the past by acknowledging our history,and those who built it, learning from their experience

    and respecting their dream .To enjoy the present, we work hard to encourage

    participation and achieve success in the game, theclub and community.We will build for the future

    with enthusiasm and energy by developing anenvironment where there are rugby opportunities foreveryone. To achieve this we will be innovative and

    maintain our strong family ethos which isunderpinned by Catholic values.

    Value the Past, Enjoy the Present and

    Building the Future

  • 7/31/2019 Marist Yearbook 2011



    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    From the Club Chairman

    2011 has been a difficult year for rugby inthe North Harbour province. Playingnumbers are significantly down across

    senior, junior and school rugby grades. There areserious challenges to address at both club andunion level if our game is to survive, let alone to


    Our world continues to change rapidly, and thekey to thriving is for us to recognise those chang-es, to plan for them and to implement the plan.Even the successful clubs in our union face signifi-cant challenges. While the nature of thechallenge does differ between clubs, the core

    challenge for all clubs is participation.

    As a clubMaristdoes a lotof thingswell. In myview, thebest illus-tration ofthat is the

    success ofits junior club, of which we are all justifiablyproud. It is well organised, successful in fosteringthe game, respected, and generally epitomises the

    clubs core values.

    It achieves this because parents and families makethe effort to ensure that their own children andothers have coaches, managers and administra-tors that give up their time so the game can be

    learned, played and enjoyed.

    I take the opportunity to convey my sincerethanks to each and every one of those juniorcoaches, managers and administrators for theirefforts throughout 2011. I hope you found itrewarding, and that you will continue to support

    Marist in 2012 and the years to come.

    Without your individual and collective commit-ment, we cannot exist. Congratulations to SeanUrwin who made the North Harbour Roller Millsteam, and Casey Forsyth, Aydan Osborne &

    Brandon Marks who made the

    Aucklands Supporters Club U14 team. Also toour J3 team who made the final against Silverdale,and two other teams in semi finals also illustrated

    our success on the field.

    The senior club has had its own particular chal-lenges this year. After a promising start withsolid performances at the sevens tournamentand Spillane, early in the season, we lost both ourPremier and Senior 1st coaches, each for different

    but valid reasons.

    At the same time many of last seasons playersretired or did not return, and other senior

    coaches had already migrated elsewhere. With ayoung squad and new coaches, the teams per-formed with spirit and resolve. They grew duringthe season, and while not emulating previousachievements, we could see their development in

    almost every game.

    Certainly, they have built a platform from whichwe would expect to see further developmentnext year. Special mention needs to be made ofthe contributions of Johnny Beckett (JB), Blair

    Urlich and Alan Nicholas for their efforts withthe Prems and Senior 1sts.

    They all stepped up and met the challenge. Themeasure of their success is probably found in theway the young players responded. A number ofyounger players made their Prems debuts this


  • 7/31/2019 Marist Yearbook 2011



    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    From the Club Chairman

    H ighlights during the year included the follow-ing players achieving their 50 game blazers:Sam Ward, Danny Morrison, and James Gill.

    Congratulations to all of you! This is a significantachievement and we share your pride in this


    Marist also achieved representative honoursthrough Tony Woodcock & Anthony Boric(All Blacks, S15 & North Harbour) TomChamberlain, Ben Afeaki (S15 & North

    Harbour) Mike Read, Luke Devcich, Rudi

    Wulf, Scott Uren (North Harbour) Travis

    Larsen, Thomas Faiva (NHRU U20), TravisLarsen (NZ Universities) Rob Lunevich

    (NZ Marist Colts) Scott Uren (NZ Marist


    In the under 21s injury created opportunity, withtwo young senior players, both club stalwarts,Nick Blincoe and Sam Ward stepping up early tocoach the U 21s. Together with their manage-ment team of James Clarke and Graham Ward,they moulded a team together. Thanks to each of

    you for your efforts.

    That team demonstrated cohesion and unity offthe field as well as on it. They supported eachother and in the club house, dressed in theirnumber ones, actually set some of the standardsthat other teams should aspire to in the way they

    presented themselves.

    Special thanks must also go to their enthusiasticand ever present sponsors, Furnex, who wereoften present at the game and the after match


    U 19s struggled throughout the season for num-bers. Their struggle reflected the difficulty I re-ferred to earlier across the union. In spite ofthese challenges, Blair Franklin and Mike Kellyworked hard throughout the season to keep theteam engaged and fronting up each Saturday.

    Thanks to each of you for your dedication.

    This year we fielded two teams in the Senior 2nd

    competition, the perennial Flyers and a newteam, the Spartans.

    It was our newest team that achieved the pinna-cle of club success by winning the competition,and in doing so accounting for the previously

    unbeaten North Shore Suits in an epic final!

    Our warm congratulations for keeping ourwinning streak (one grade winner each year for

    the last three years) alive.

    The Flyers continue to perform with a fluctuatingplayer base, because of their work commitments,but each weekend they turn out in Marist coloursand do us proud. Thanks to Kim Bevins, AndrewPage and Jason Price for your dedicated effortskeeping this team together and an important part

    of the Marist family.

  • 7/31/2019 Marist Yearbook 2011



    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    From the Club Chairman

    Sean Ford once again coached our U 85 team,helped by Peter Stirrat & Kane Green. WithSam Kelly providing dedicated management theteam was well served. Thanks to all of you for

    your sterling work and commitment.

    The team was competitive throughout the season,with several narrow losses. Four member of thesquad were nominated for the North Harbour


    Last but definitely not least, the indefatigable BlueBellies continue to demonstrate the very best ofwhat rugby is all about through their play in thePresidents Grade. The camaraderie and the joyof the game will never be lost so long as old

    buggers keep on playing!

    Marist can be justifiably proud of the fact that itmanaged to field 8 teams in the senior competi-

    tion, more than any other club in the union.

    I now turn to comment on a matter that hasinvolved a considerable amount of time and effortduring the last two years. For the last few seasonswe have noticed one particularly disturbing trendin the senior club, which appears in rather starkcontrast to what we espouse as the club culture.That trend is an increasing lack of responsibilityand willingness by senior players to pay their

    annual subscriptions.

    At present, the senior club players owe a total ofin excess of $11,000 in unpaid subs to the club.Last year the figure was over $5,000. By way of

    contrast, the Juniors shortfall this year is $400.00.

    Last year, the board recognised, with the benefitof some careful analysis by our treasurer, Craig leQuesne, that the senior club costs Marist about$25k per annum more to run than its previoussubscriptions were proving. A consideration ofthe details showed that by paying a team sub-scription for just 22 players, (as was the casethen) the club was subsidising significant numbersof players, and had limited ability to oversee itsincome in relation to costs. The club constitutionprovides for each member, playing or otherwise

    to pay a subscription.

    It was therefore decided by the board that eachplayer would be individually invoiced for theirannual subscription at the time they registered. Itneeds to be recorded that this approach was notagreed to unanimously, but that a clear majority

    supported it.

    Considerable effort went into reminding all play-ers of their obligations. Because we recognise that

    times are difficult, all players were made awarethat they could pay by instalments. Teams werevisited several times and reminded. Individualswere spoken to. To be fair, many players were

    quick to ensure they had met their obligations.

    Too many however, seemed to regard it as theclubs privilege to have them play for Marist. Thiscasual disregard for their obligations and theconsequence it has for the clubs on-going solven-cy cannot continue. It is out of integrity with the

    clubs values and unacceptable on any level.

    Some efforts were made to restrict players selec-tion in teams until subs were paid, but the declinein player numbers, injury pressures and playeravailability made this sanction very difficult for


    Next season, a harder line must be taken. Playerswho do not pay their subscriptions within theprescribed time limits will not be selected

    until such time as they have done so. If they arenot prepared to meet their obligations, Marist

    does not want them.

  • 7/31/2019 Marist Yearbook 2011



    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    From the Club Chairman

    The club management, team coaches andmanagement give up their time to ensurethat the club infrastructure exists for players toplay the game. The subscription charged is less

    than half of what players from other codes suchas tennis, hockey, cricket and soccer pay fortheir annual subscriptions. There is simply noexcuse for this chronic failure to meet their


    Players who have not paid this year will find theiroutstanding balances from 2011 on their 2012


    As many of you will be aware, Marist faces some

    other significant challenges for its future. In 2014,our lease at North Harbour Stadium expires.We understand that the current plans for thestadiums future do not include a long-termpresence of the Marist. However, until such timeas we have found another home, the Stadium islikely to provide year-by-year renewals after


    Mindful of these challenges, we secured a Lotter-ies funding grant to undertake a feasibility study

    of the future options for Marist. That study hasbeen systematically undertaken over the last 15

    months or more.

    The Feasibility Study is now completed and willbe available on the website shortly. Hard copieswill be available at our AGM on the 3 rd Novem-ber where we will set aside some time for dis-cussions and questions. Please be aware that thiswill not be an occasion for the club as a whole

    to endorse any particular option identified in thereport. That task will be undertaken at a later


    However, we would invite you to read the re-port carefully and to be prepared to engage inboth discussions and ultimately action to pre-

    serve the clubs future.

    At the time of writing this, the Rugby WorldCup has begun in spectacular and wonderfully

    New Zealand style!

    The opening ceremony and the occasion galva-nised involvement like no other event in thecountrys history, and the opening weekend

    games fulfilled the promise of the build up.

    The club management, team coaches and man-agement give up their time to ensure that theclub infrastructure exists for players to play the


    The subscription charged is less than half of whatplayers from other codes such as tennis, hockey,cricket and soccer pay for their annual subscrip-

  • 7/31/2019 Marist Yearbook 2011



    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    From the Club Chairman

    There is simply no excuse for this chronic failureto meet their responsibilities. Players who havenot paid this year will find their outstandingbalances from 2011 on their 2012 invoices.

    As many of you will be aware, Marist faces someother significant challenges for its future. In 2014,our lease at North Harbour Stadium expires.We understand that the current plans for thestadiums future do not include a long-termpresence of the Marist. However, until such timeas we have found another home, the Stadium islikely to provide year-by-year renewals after2014.

    Mindful of these challenges, we secured aLotteries funding grant to undertake a feasibilitystudy of the future options for Marist. That studyhas been systematically undertaken over the last15 months or more. We are indebted to FayFreeman and Brett Turnerfor their tirelesswork on this project and I record our gratefulthanks for that now. Brett continues to supportthe club in so many ways. His contributionthrough Recreational Services Ltd to the game asa whole is irreplaceable.

    The Feasibility Study is now completed and willbe available on the website shortly. Hard copieswill be available at our AGM on the 3 rd Novwhere we will set aside some time for discus-sions and questions. Please be aware that thiswill not be an occasion for the club as a wholeto endorse any particular option identified in thereport. That task will be undertaken at a laterstage.

    However, we would invite you to read the re-port carefully and to be prepared to engage inboth discussions and ultimately action to pre-serve the clubs future.

    At the time of writing this, the Rugby WorldCup has begun in spectacular and wonderfullyNew Zealand style! The opening ceremony andthe occasion galvanised involvement like no

    other event in the countrys history, and theopening weekend games fulfilled the promise ofthe build up.

    I urge all of you to take advantage of our newbar and kitchen facilities and to come down tothe club to watch the games with your friendsand playing colleagues. It is an occasion worthcelebrating, and the club will benefit from yourpatronage.

    On that note I particularly wish to record mythanks to all of the board and the junior commit-tee for their support and hard work throughoutthe season. The 200 Club committee andthe Golf committee continue to provide finan-cial assistance for the club. I commend our golfday to you on 29th September and thank themembers for their support.

    Craig and Linda le Quesne have been tire-less again this year.

    Andi Burrell, Junior Committee Chairman

    is worthy on special mention for his amazingeffort in the facility refurbishment. Almost singlehanded, he oversaw the planning and implemen-tation of the project. The transformation is trulyspecial and he deserves our sincere thanks.

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Winning is about heart,

    not just legs. It's got to

    be in the right place.Lance Armstrong

  • 7/31/2019 Marist Yearbook 2011



    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    From the Club Chairman

    This season sees the retirement of anotherclub stalwart in Willie Harris. Willie hasfilled several roles over a long period of time,including Club Captain, Board member, teammanager and Council of Club delegate to name afew, as well as being a reliable attendee at clubfunctions and working bees. His loyalty, com-mitment and good humour will be sorely missed.Thank you Willie, and special thanks to Maureen

    for allowing him to contribute.

    No end of season would be complete withoutour sincere thanks to Chrissie and her staff for

    all their hard work behind the scenes.

    Finally, I would like to encourage all of our mem-bers and supporters to recommend, endorse and

    patronize wherever possible, all of our sponsors

    to whom a very special vote of thanks and ap-

    preciation is due. Without their support we

    simply could not function.

    Marist faces some stern challenges next season

    and in the years to come. In order to meet themit will need old and new members to makethemselves available to support and guide theclubs endeavours as coaches, managers, adminis-trators, fundraisers, sponsors and active mem-bers. The key to this is having many people un-dertaking small jobs. Please think seriously abouthow you can help and let us know that you are

    willing to participate.

    God bless you all.

    Mark Saunders

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

  • 7/31/2019 Marist Yearbook 2011



    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Junior Club Review

    The registration goal for this year was 400.With the new registration boards thatwere notably well positioned and the additional

    advertising that was done within the local areaas well as direct communication with theschools who advertised in their first newsletter on our behalf, I thought that we haddone enough to get close however, it looks asthough the slow recovery from the recessionwill see this goal been achieved next session.Understanding the strength of any club is itsmembership, Marist was one of few clubs toincrease the junior numbers this season, from330 in to 2009 to 343 this year. This clearlyshows that families are returning back to a clubthat encourages good old fashioned familyfocused ethics based on Christian beliefs.

    Although the numbers were up on last season,due to the decrease in the Rippa Grades andchange in middle grade structure, 343 playerswere spread over 22 Teams (2 down on lastyear) which was not ideal as some teams hadgreater numbers which ultimately lead to lesstime on the field for some players, an aspect ofthe registration process that will need to be

    kept in check next season.

    The Committee that was formed promptlyafter the AGM last year, quickly showed thatthey were committed as they first helped toassist me in a full stock take of the junior stripand equipment which uncovered some positiveresults which led to understanding exactly whatwe had to offer in the way of equipment andsale items for our upcoming registration days.

    The first two registration days were fairly slowwhich I felt a little nervous about howevercharacteristically, this soon changed with2/3rds of registrations done over the final twodays. With the decision made to clear oldstock which in turn would free up some muchneeded revenue,

    it was pleasing to see all of the 142 bags soldand some 162 jackets through some fairlypersuasive selling techniques providing much

    need additional space in the storage room.Another goal this year was to not only give

    something back to the players and their families

    but to create an Club atmosphere that would

    return the mindset from Marist is a club I play

    for to Marist is the Club I belong to.

    With this new initiative in mind, Muster Day

    had a great turn out with players welcoming

    old and new team mates and parents alikeintroducing themselves for another season of

    early starts and unpredictable weather.

    Junior RugbyJunior RugbyJunior RugbyMarist was one of few clubs to increase the junior

    numbers this season, from 330 in to 2009 to 343

    this year. Families are returning back to a club that

    encourages good old fashioned family focused ethics

    based on Christian beliefs.

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Junior Club Review cont.

    Another goal this year was to not only givesomething back to the players and theirfamilies but to create an Club atmosphere thatwould return the mindset from Marist is a club I

    play for to Marist is the Club I belong to.

    With this new initiative in mind, Muster Dayhad a great turn out withplayers welcoming old andnew team mates and par-ents alike introducingthemselves for anotherseason of early starts andunpredictable weather.

    The Committee put on aBBQ & drinks in exchangefor a donation that raised$398.10 for the Christ-church earthquake relief


    With the season all but toabout to start it was thattime of the year again

    when Marist and North-cote would dispense withthe verbal banter andallow our respective teamsto have a run against eachother to determine whowould be the most deserving recipient of theYeah Right Trophy. As it turns out it was re-turned back to Northcote for another year how-ever the players and parents alike enjoyed theafternoon/evening notwithstanding the result.

    In early April, 378 of our players and their fami-lies had an opportunity to go to rainbows endunder lights thanks to an Auckland wide Maristinitiative that joined all the clubs together for onespecial evening put on just for them.

    Ordinarily they would not meet until the Pompal-lier Tournament which unfortunately did not takeplace this year. A good night was had by all and itwas suggested this should become an annualsocial event for the greater Marist family ofClubs.

    Friday night rugby was this year, and I wouldhope will be every year, an aspect of a youngplayers experience that he will remember for

    some time to come. Although it seemed thatsome teams (mine included) had more than theirfair share of games under lights, I can assure you

    that it is merely theluck of the draw assent to us by theUnion at the start ofthe season however,wherever possible wewill look at sharingthis experience with

    all teams next season.

    Congratulations toLinda Le Quesne whoreceived the Out-standing ContributionAward for her effortsover the years tofacilitate Friday nightrugby and her serviceto Junior Rugbythough the JuniorCommittee.

    After much debateover the purpose andcontent, the first

    Marist Junior Times made its way into some 340inboxes in early May. You will have to agree thatViv Phillips has done an outstanding job with this,providing teams an opportunity to showcasethemselves whilst providing informative andtimely information on what is going on in the

    world of rugby in the local area. This is also aneducational tool for the younger players as in-deed their parents who may want to brush up onthe rugby rules or positions that their son will

    play by and in, in future years.

    With a newly introduced player levy of $23.50/player, the Committee set about to put twofundraisers together to raise funds to offset this

    cost, a cost that will need to be paid this season.

  • 7/31/2019 Marist Yearbook 2011



    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Junior Club Overview cont.

    These fundraisers as indeed the ITM Cupinitiatives were not well supported for anarray of reasons which has left the Commit-

    tee with some decisions to make with re-gards to the payment for this year and whatcan be done to offset it next year. You needto support these fundraisers in order to limitthe possibility that this levy will be passed onthrough increased registration fees.

    As we all know junior rugby is non competi-tive (Yeah Right) however, when it comes toClub or Harbour Representative Rugby,political correctness is shown the door and

    the most deserving show their dominance.At time of writing both the well drilled J3 &J4

    Teams will run onto the field tomorrow inan effort to secure their place in the final.Congratulations to Sean Urwin who madethe Roller Mills squad, Casey Forsyth andBrandon Marks who made the NH U14Barbarians Representative Team and lastlycongratulations to the J3 Wolves that werepresented with the North Harbour Sports-manship Award for their grade, a truly greatachievement.

    In closing I would to thank my Committeethat has played a pivotal role in ensuring thatyour season went as smoothly as practicallypossible.

    Thanks to all the Coaches and Managers andtheir supporters who have given up theirtime throughout the season to ensure that

    our young players have every opportunity tolearn and enjoy their chosen sport but lastly Iwould like to thank our Members whomwithout, there would be no Junior Section.

    On that note, I would like to thank everyone thatmade 2011 a successful year for the Junior Clubas I am sure I have missed one or five and wisheveryone a safe and relaxing off season and I lookforward to seeing you all in 2012 however, be-fore that I look forward to a certain gold cup

    called Bill back in the cabinet.-Andi Burrell Junior Club Chairman


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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

  • 7/31/2019 Marist Yearbook 2011



    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Connor Trotter, Fraser Roskiss, Taryn Dyer (Manager), Jayden Harawene, Lincoln DyerFront:- Ruby Iversen, Leo Durbin, Oliver Dooley, Ben Adolph, Conner Dyer, Ryan Fennelly

    Absent: Paul Trotter (Coach) , Stephen Dooley (Assistant Coach)

    I have to admit coming in to this season I was alittle apprehensive over what to expect, moreso when I took up the role of manager. I canhonestly say I have been pleasantly surprised!

    The parents of our team have been incred-ibly supportive with the dads stepping in to helpwith coaching and refereeing when our coachwas away.

    The improvement all round in our awesome 10

    little players has been amazing to watch. Theirconfidence has grown, their game improved 100per cent and the team work incredible for suchlittle people!Having two sons playing their first season, Icouldnt have asked to have them in a betterteam! I have thoroughly enjoyed managing the J8Reds.

    Also we have been thankful that most weekendsthe weather has held off raining and we cannot

    wait for another season of Rippa Rugby.-Taryn Dyer, Manager

  • 7/31/2019 Marist Yearbook 2011



    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Rod Fraser (Coach), Albert Boy, Nikau Hopwood, Jamie Palubinskas, Bryan Kelly (Manager)Front:- Logan Vorster, Benjamin Fraser, Tate Kelly, Max Allnut, Gerhard Du Toit

    Absent:- Jonty Siebrits , Cameron Maxwell

    We all knew we were up for a bit of anadventure when muster day camearound and ours was the only team without

    a pre-appointed coach or manager. Being the

    one who walked up and asked Graham

    where is J8 blue? was enough to gave me

    the title of manager. Rod stepped up as

    coach and we were off.

    The boys have picked up the game at great

    speed. They sorted out which way the try

    line was by halfway through game one which

    was faster than the management.

    There have been a few stars in the team but

    they are all shining bright and giving it their

    best. The progress over the first few games

    has been so fast that if the Fijians had notstepped up for the Dunedin Test I was going

    to give Graham a call.

    Thanks to all the parents for help and toler-

    ance and to the boys for starting every Satur-

    day on such a positive note.Bryan Kelly

  • 7/31/2019 Marist Yearbook 2011



    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Davin Whittaker (Coach), Anrico van der Berg, Jayden Wilson, Dylan Whittaker, Liam Pelling,

    Jascha Humphrey (Manager)Front:- Cooper Preston, Clay Gourlay, Miller Fairgray, Jack Scott, Austin Humphrey, Ashton Harawira

    I think I can speak for all of the parentsand players as well when I say that it hasbeen a great season. We have all learned a

    lot and are ready to do it all again next

    year. It is very rewarding to see the boys

    learning so much about rugby and trying

    very hard during the games.

    Our team has come so far since the start of

    the season, from not knowing which way to

    run on the field to becoming an organized

    group working together.

    Team work has taught the boys a lot and

    working hard at accomplishing a common

    goal will leave our boys with a great feeling

    of success.

    Most of all it

    has been a

    really fun


    and I know

    we will all be

    hanging out for the next season to start!

    Thank you to Davin and Victoria for doing

    an awesome job coaching and to all of the

    parents who have helped out along the way.

    We have had a lot of support from all of

    the parents and could not have done itwithout them!

    -Jascha Humphrey Manager

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Nicholas Cowen, Oliver Watson, Andrew Cowen (Coach), Blake Liddlow, Mason Hatton-JonesFront:- Regan Haynes, Sean Harrod, Ryan Farrell, Luke Callen, Samuel Crossman

    Absent:- Cooper Clague, Vicky Clague (Manager)

    They say practice makes perfect..thebeginning of the season saw the boysrunning around not too sure what to do and

    where to run.

    By the end of the season we had a cohesive

    unit of skilled boys working as a team. It

    was great to see during the last few games

    towards the end of the season their skills

    have greatly improved with better passing of

    the ball, lots of rips and an increase in tries


    The kids have become more passionate as

    their skills and confidence has grown which

    I'm sure will bode well for 2012.

    Thanks to all the parents for their enthusias-tic cheering on the side line

    - Vicky Clague ,Manager.

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Paul Jensen (Coach), Joshua Trotter, Brady Sylvester, Taylor Rutherford, Shelly Mackay (Manager)

    Front:- Jake Price, TeAra Nathan, Zachariah Jensen, Mason Mackay, Daniel Rogers

    Our team the J7 Small Blacks startedthe season on the right note by play-ing Northcote and discovering where ourweaknesses lied. Most players quicklyadapted and after learning the rules adjustedwell. The players who hadnever played Rippa beforestarted to make positivemoves, run forward, make tries

    and pull rips.

    Wed like to thank our parentsas well as our Manager Shelly for keeping usin line and our refs Matt and Brent. This hasbeen one of the wettest seasons wehave had in a while. With many cancelledtrainings and gamesand all the boys want-ed to do was rolling around in the mud! J7rugby is a tricky level as some of the boys

    are so ready to tackle and for some of them,it was their first season in rippa.

    I have to say that I feel very proud of all ofthemthey have been a great bunch ofchildren and have gelled very well together.

    - Paul Jensen Coach

    A thank you also to the parentsand family for the side-line sup-port with warming up hands,tying bootlaces and two of ourdads for being refs and taking

    flack from other parents.Their skills improved with each weekand we even got some second and

    third phases going!.

    The highlight of their season was Fridaynight rugby with the pizza and socialisingafter the game. Good luck to all of you foryour seasons aheadwe would love to seeyou back at Marist next yearand

    rememberAlways be kind to your parents!- Shelly Mackay, Manager

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

  • 7/31/2019 Marist Yearbook 2011



    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Glen Cooke (Manager), Oliver Pritchard, Harlan Sietu, Blake Morrison, Michael Morrison (Coach)Front:- Benjamin Plummer, Henry McSkimming, Harrison Cooke, Toby Elsom, Nicho Golaboski

    Absent:- Luca Harris, Calam McDermott

    A very successful season as the boys hasgone unbeaten throughout the year.They really have developed into a goodbunch of playerswho, mostpleasingly, areplaying so wellas a team. Eachplayer has con-

    tributed in manydifferent waysmaking watchingthem everyweek a realpleasure.

    Whist the weather and pitch availability hasfrustrated training nights it has been great tobe able to play most weekends and with the

    introduction of Friday night footy and play-ing different North Harbour Union Clubsthis has been a most enjoyable season.

    A special thanks to a great bunch of parentsand extended supporters and Michael Morri-son for stepping up mid-season to assist with


    Coach Stevethank you forall your greatwork with the


    You should bevery proudwith how you

    have developed them into such a well-disciplined, winning team and given themevery opportunity to develop further andenjoy their rugby. Rippa Rugby has servedus well and the boys (more than some of the

    parents!) are looking forward to tackle nextyear. GO THE SAINTS! - Glen Cooke ,


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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Steve Horan (Manager), Nes Kamminga, Casey Fraser, Finnbar Erskine, Andrew MacDonald(Coach)

    Front:- George Beardshaw, Arron Farrell, Joshua Horan, Xavier Mestrom, Joshua MacDonald

    W ith most returning from last yearand a few new faces we had a greatteam for the year.

    Playing at home is always good fun and withone or two game on the astroturf we had afull and fun season.

    Working on our skills and team-work was our goal and by the endit was pleasing to see some greatplays that would have looked athome in the World Cup.

    All the boys have grown throughthe year ( in size and skills ) andare ready for the step up to tack-le next year.

    Thanks to all the parents for mak-ing it an easy and fun year butespecially toSteve for Managing, Carla as Year 7 Rep and

    Rene for being Ref & standing in when I wasotherwise detained.

    God Bless and see you next year.- Andrew Macdonald (Coach )

    J7 Blue in Action vs. East Coast Bays

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Shane Wijohn (Coach), Tegan Hunt , Jayden Jensen, Jackson Watene, Jordan Glazer,Zayne Yansen, Rebecca Smith (Manager)

    Middle:- Jordan Smith, Maxwell CameronLee, Logan Jenner , Levi WijohnFront:- John Thornhill (Coach) , Joel Dudney, Xavier Lock, Michael Thornhill, Dominic Aldous,

    Thomas Bradford, Martin Jenner (Coach)Absent:- Luca Crawford, Charli Crawford

    We started our first season of tackle rugbywith a large squad of 17 players, whocame together from a number of different teamsthe previous year. For most, the conversion fromrippa rugby was easy and for some others it wastheir first rugby experience. We concentrated ontackling techniques at the beginning of the season

    and this served us well as the weeks progressed.

    We have three extremely talented players whohave led the team by example and won matchesfor us with individual heroics on the field. A largenumber of the other players have really devel-oped their skills, grown in confidence and shownhuge determination during matches and commit-ment at training. By the end of the season wehave a core of very competent players, with all

    round skills.

    Most of the boys have really improved and con-tributed extremely well to our success. Some ofthe others have the ability and will develop more

    next year. It has been a successful season andour results show 14 wins, 1draw and 4 losses.

    A match in the mud against North Shore wasvery exciting and we did well to score in the lastminute to force a draw against very strong oppo-sition. We two nail biters where we scored lastto win both matches by one try. The only disap-pointing game was against Northcote where wewere overpowered physically by a much bigger,

    stronger team.

    Team spirit has developed well during the seasonand morale was high all of the time. We enjoyedan end of season function at the Jennerss homewhich was enjoyed by all. We have received tre-

    mendous support from parents and friends.

    Thank you to Rebecca Smith who spent manyhours organizing everything and managing theteam. We also thank Campbell Locke and Greg

    Aldous for their refereeing.

    The coaching team has thoroughly enjoyed theseason and we are proud of the team which has

    become a solid unit and we look forward to themstaying together and developing further in 2012.

    - Jon Thornhill, Shane Wijohn and Martin Jenner

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - James Watson (Coach), Seth Leith, Reid Morgan, Damon Kitchen, Jack Yates,

    Karn Parsons, Caylen Hills, Mark Renfree (Coach)

    Middle :- Ben Harwood, Samuel Avis, Fergus Forrest, Luca BeckerFront :- Graham Cutts (Referee), Harry Yates, Josh Smith-Bain, Troy Landale, Jack Watson,

    Riley Renfree, Mark Avis (Manager)

    Absent:- Alan Watson (Coach) Luca Harris, Calam McDermott

    2011 was always going to be a challenge withthe introduction of tackle, more players, abigger field and some new rules. Prior to the startof our first game I must admit I was worried as wehave a small team and the physicality aspect waspotentially an issue. Our first game against North-cote put the brakes on those thoughts and we hada good win to set the tone for the season.

    Since then despite the odd cancellation we havehad a year full of fun and a lot of wins. The boys

    worked hard and learning to tackle and there werea lot of tears but of the most part the boys lovedit. It worth mentioning our best performance was

    against our rivals thetop ECB team thathad previously beenunbeaten was a sweethard fought win for allthe boys (and coach-es). Some of oursmallest players really

    stood up and showed that size doesn't matter.Troy, Harry and Luca our smallest were verydetermined to get their men on defence. WhilstBen, Karn, Riley, Reid and Damon havelearnt the benefit of running straight and thru

    players to get tries. Conversely Sam and Joshhave the luxury of speed so have showed us somegood runs for the corner. Our new players Seth,Caylen and Ferg made a great contribution andnow very much part of the squad showing somereal improvementstoward the end of theseason. That left ourtwo Jacks whichhave worked welltogether and saved us

    on many occasions.

    Jack Yates has alsostepped up and ran the team from the field whenafter 3 years the coaches were no longer allowed.Thanks again to our Stirling coaching team ofMark and Allan with the assistance ofGraham.Markour manager has again excelled in runningthe team and organising me so I can just coach theboys and ensure the season was again fun filledwith more than the odd win of course!!

    Well done J6 Blackyou should all be very proudof your year and see you all again next year.-James Watson , Coach

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Tristan de Beer, Hamish Stanger, Ian Engelbrecht, Emosi Tabuwere, Ethan Liddlow, Adam Massey

    Middle:-Logan Campbell (Coach), Cherie Massey (Manager) ,Midge Stanger (Coach)

    Front:- Osten Sietu, James Perry, Jamison Morgan, Sam Adolph, Tygan Campbell,

    Braith Stewart, Lachlan McPheat

    The first year of tackle, scrums, line-outs,backs and forwards for the J6 Wildcats sothe year has been a year of learning for the boys.Add this together with 2 new coaches to Maristand it has been a busy year. J6 Wildcats had asquad of 14 boys and enjoyed good player turn-out at training and weekends. The boys werevery keen to get into the tackleaspect of the game and have enjoyedtheir season.

    Although the Wildcats havent wonas many games as we should have,only on one occasion were we com-prehensively beatenpossibly due tothe game being a Friday night and thekids were keener for pizza and softdrinks!

    Unfortunately like most teams, the Wildcats havesuffered from lack of training and game time dueto inclement weather. However by the end of the

    season the team has greatly improved and theboys seem to be really enjoying their rugby.

    The Wildcats would like to thank our managerCherie without whom we would never getanything done or organised and our tough but fairreferee David Liddlow.

    We have also had excellent support and helpfrom all our parents, player siblings and grandpar-

    ents both at training and match days.-Midge Stanger Coach

    Just a wee note from me to thank ourcoaches, Midge Stanger and LoganCampbell, who somehow (they are stillnot sure how it happened) became thecoaches of the J6 Wildcats. Myself andour boys parents want to thank youboth for taking on the job and for your

    positive attitudes whilst teaching our boys awhole different game of rugby than they havebeen used to.

    I hope to see most (if not all) of you back next

    year! Cherie Massey , Manager

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Graeme Archer (Coach), Matthew Archer, Rudger van den Heever, Tim Grace (Coach) ,

    James Hickson, James Fifield, Karl Teichmann (Coach)

    Middle:- Euan Pike, Ajay Humphreys, Luc de Fleuriot, Sam Thomas

    Front:- Sam McCoskery, Liam Teichmann, Callum de Moor, Samuel Jamieson, Jordan Clark,

    Craig Millar, Charlie Grace

    I thas been a fun filled season for the mighty

    Titans with some great wins along the way.The most pleasing result is how the boys have

    developed as a team.

    We were lucky this year to have an influx ofcountry boys from Coatesville to bolster the coreof the team from last year. The Titans workedhard every Thursday night and the efforts paidoff! The catch phrases of tackle, tackle, tackleand not hard enough hit harder wont be for-gotten any time soon. Its amazing what a boy

    will do for a crunchie! James F brought hardrunning and staunch defence to the backs tocompliment the silky skills and awesome distribu-tion ofSam M and Callum. Craig and Liamadded nicely to the mix with some real speed anddetermination out wide. Mat was at his sidestepping best and has started to make some big

    hits. James H was the Titans top try scorer andhis no nonsense approach to the game means he

    is one to watch for the future.

    Our monster props Sam J, Rudger and Lucsent shivers into the opposition and competedstrongly at the break down all year to get the ballfor the flash boys in the backs. Charlie held thescrum together and was impressive with his run-

    ning from the storm move.

    Jordon and Ajay improved every game and

    were great with their straight running around thefringes. The team could count on Euan to makethe tackles that counted. SamT played at100mph every game and is wise enough to be aprop. Lastly, thanks to the great bunch of parentswho made coaching the Titans easy.

    - Tim, Karl and Graeme.




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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Adam Lough (Coach), Samuel Warton, Heath Street, Jayden Williamson, Heath ChamleyJo Monkton (Manager)

    Middle:- Taylor Rowe, Jack Haynes, Louis Rudolph, Harrison Lough, Joshua OrsbournFront:- Christopher Fordyce, Harrison Birdsall, Nathan Monkton, Reuben Hyatt-Brown,

    Paiaka Leaf, Jacob Preece-Twose

    A new season and a new group of boys tomould into the J5 BLUES! 15 excited boys, 7moving up from J6 and 8 new to tackle rugby. Thechallenge was on for coaches Adam and Gary, butthey took this in their stride.

    Being a smaller in size team, the boys havepunched well above their weight, with some out-standing games. Some weeks they have won by

    many, other weeks lost by lots and then had gamesthat have gone right down to the wire. Each weekwe have seen the J5 Blues Team grow.

    No matter the score, each week the boys haveturned up to trainings with great enthusiasm andenergy.......sometimes a little too much energy!!!A highlight for the season was the opportunity toplay a curtain raiser at North Harbour Stadium forthe Blues Super 15 Game and Rene Ranger scoringa try right in front of them! Too bad about his

    post match celebration, we wont see our BLUESdoing that!

    Thanks to Adam and Gary for putting in so muchtime and energy to coaching the boys again thisseason.

    A big Thanks to our whistler Steve Birdsall forstepping up to do the referee duties and alsoBrent Chamley the voice of the blues for hisvocal support at the games and for helping out atpractice each week.

    Last but not least Thanks to all the parents, grand-parents and family members for supporting theboys both at the games and getting the boys topractice each week.

    Bring on the World Cup, Go the All Blacks!.Enjoy the summer, practice some rugby skills!

    We look forward to seeing all the boys back in2012 ready to take the big step up to J4 and 15

    aside rugby!!! -Jo Monkton , Manager

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Mone Cox-Taiseni, Max Iversen, Ronan Wilkinson, Jamie Price

    Middle:- Michelle Price (Manager), Jack Lee, Conor Morley, Zachary Lloyd, Tony Forward (Coach)

    Front:- Blake Forward, Neihana Smith, Thomas Aldous, Liam O` Duffy, Jamie Hirst, Jaco Erasmus

    Absent:- Cooper Heath, Luca Waring

    The season for J5 White started with sevenboys from last year, now second year tackle, six

    boys that have moved up from ripper rugby, first

    year of tackle, and two boys playing rugby for the

    first time.

    The new boys fitted into the team well and it was

    not long before friendships were being formed.

    As a first time coach the training sessions started

    a bit slow but with the help of James Iversen I was

    able to confirm that I was teaching correct tech-

    nique and organising the training sessions appro-

    priately so that the boys would learn as well as

    have a bit fun.

    The results for the season have been a bit lean, 3

    wins, 1 draw and 12 losses with 3 games still to

    play. We have had some very close battles on the

    field, the closest game being against Mahurangi

    Black, where the lead changed between the two

    teams throughout the entire game, Mahurangi

    took out the game just at final whistle by 1 try.

    The boys showed great determination in all

    games not to give up, even when the score line

    was starting to expand in the wrong direction.

    In the last couple of games the boys have started

    to get to grips with playing as a team and have

    scored some great team tries, this is great to see.

    I would like to thank all of the parents for there

    support of the boys throughout the season, bring-ing them to trainings and to all of the matchs.

    Thanks to Michelle and Adrian for stepping in and

    taking over the managers role. Thanks to James

    for reffing our home games for us. - Tony Forward

    The new boys fitted into the team well and it

    was not long before friendships were being



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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Jevon Dry, Brandon van Heerden, Dykan Butler-Ellis, Ryan Smith, Josh Inger,

    Josh Campbell, Troy Brophy

    Middle:- Nick Rhodes (Coach), MacKenzie Rhodes, Nathan Puppyn, Sean Modrich, Liam Cooper,

    Dayne Johnston, Caelan Burns, Matthew Fairbairn, Tyrone van Heerden (Coach)

    Front:- Susan Cameron-Smith (Manager), Harry Stockill, Joseph Bennett, Connor Gould,

    George Martin, Michael Meller, Matthew Bramwell, Paul Brophy (Coach) Absent:- Ryan Waghorn

    What a season the boys have had! Fourteen

    wins, only one defeat and miraculouslyonly one cancellation. At muster, way

    back in March, it was great to see 13 of the J5 Red

    team back for another year but it was always going

    to be a big step up to 15-a-side rugby. In addition

    to the boys from last year it was terrific to see

    another 9 new eager faces, most of whom were

    new to rugby and some to New Zealand.

    So, our coach Paul Brophy, ably assisted by Tyron

    van Heerden and Nick Rhodes, started to whip theboys into shape with Pauls infamous baptism of

    fire - twice weekly training sessions, running, run-

    ning and then some more running, and teaching

    the new boys all about rugby. This included a pre-

    season game against Northcote which provided

    the wakeup call the boys needed before the regu-

    lar season started in early April.

    The 15-a-side game meant new positions for some

    boys and with nearly half the team new to Maristand rugby it took a while for the side to get to

    know one another and to start to look like the

    dominant team all the parents knew they could be.

    However, with each game we got better, the wins

    kept coming and the margins kept getting bigger.The only blip in the season, was at the half way

    point, when we went down to ECB Red 4 tries to

    2. Hopefully the 10 Raptor boys that form the

    back bone of the J4 Rep team can get redemption

    when and if they face ECB's in the upcoming Rep


    The Raptors stats:- - 13 wins, 1 loss, 127 tries

    for and 17 against. Top try scorers; Ryan Smith

    34, Josh Inger 27, Nathan Puppyn 16, Jevon Dry 12and Matthew Fairbairn 10. Conversions; Josh

    Inger 42 and Jevon Dry 14..

    Thank you to all of our awesome parents who

    supported so many of Marists initiatives and espe-

    cially Tony Puppyn and Craig Inger (our Ref's),

    Carol Cooper (our Photographer), Gary Fairbairn

    (our Player of the Day poster supplier) and of

    course our Coaches.

    Have a great summer and I look forward to seeing

    you all again for the 2012 season.

    - Susan Cameron-Smith Manager

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Junior Player Awards

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Senior Teams & Player Awards

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Club Awards & Honours

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Quintin Proctor (Coach), Calvin Norcross, Logan Johnson, Felix Glover-Clark, Sean Corrigan,Dylan Brooke, Jacob Lassen, Ben Drown, Mitchell Wragg, James Watson (Coach),

    Middle:- Jacob Milham, Scott Sylvester, Jordan Smythe, Michelle Milham (Manager), Joshua Massey,Aidan Watson, Oliver Quin

    Front:- Matthew van Niekerk, Jayden Brown, Connor Wilkinson, Ryan Proctor, Jack Adkins,Cameron Vorster, Renier Muller

    It was Muster day when the request came to

    Coach the J4 Tigers but with lots of support

    promised Yes was an easy answer. Our first

    practice went well and with a

    squad of 21 there were a lot of

    new names to learn and the chal-

    lenge of teaching the boys some

    new rules and the difference when

    playing with 15 aside and playing

    on a full field.

    Our first few games and wins showed we had real

    speed and a love for the game . However after a

    few weeks of under performing in the defence

    area ,we continued to train hard, often in the rain

    and mud and one thing for sure the boys were

    enjoying themselves which is always a good

    achievement at this age. The boys had a few loss-

    es but keep trying to win often scoring some

    good tries. There were some real improvements

    in the skill level of some of the boys and great tosee some of these players making some good

    runs, tackles and passes later in the season. The

    highlight of the season was the last game which

    through a real team effort saw tries spread

    across the team. A good way to finish their first

    year at playing 15 aside, with a taste of the com-

    mitment and effort that is needed at

    this level. Some boys made the J4

    Rep team so congratulations to them

    and also to our team award winners.

    The J4 Tigers did work best when

    they played as a team which high-

    lights how Rugby is very much a

    team sport.

    I would like to thank my fellow coach Quintin and

    our fabulous manager Michelle for their help

    throughout the year. It has been a challenge but in

    closing I can say the boys should be proud of

    their year and to be part of Marist Rugby. I wish

    them well and look forward to seeing them all

    again next year.-James Watson , Coach

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    This season again started with a mixture of

    returning players and new players to rugby.

    It was soon apparent however that our newplayers to the team had naturaltalent and enthusiasm that alongwith what we knew of our return-ing players the main aim was tomould them into a team and getthem to build on last years suc-


    For some, it was progressing from

    playing as an individual to playingwith a team focus and for othersit was building on their existingskills and grasping their role withinthe whole team and as alwaysworking on their core skills thatthe boys will continue to develop

    right through their rugby careers.

    Overall our season was a 50/50 one we had somegreat wins but also some disappointing losses.Looking back though the skill level of the teamand the individuals has improved tremendously

    with the majority listening and working hard allyear.

    The forward pack had a great year set up by basic

    rugby principles that centred around blowingover the ball and driving through the rucks and


    They on several occasions earned usinvaluable turnover possession whichenabled the backs to get some goodclean ball and in turn created some

    pleasing running rugby.

    Our back play was at times outstand-ing but due to several injuries wewere unable to compete with any

    consistency, which was frustratingfor the boys, coaches and spectatorsalike. However, with all disappoint-ments, frustrations and at times lackof players it was very satisfying tosee the team win or lose walk off thefield with smiles on their faces and

    with egos intact. We would like to thank all ourparents and supporters who stood on the side-

    line encouraging our boys week in and week out.

    To Carey for yet again being a fantastic ref andto Helen and Bob for taking on the role of Chief

    Jerseys washers again. And of course the coach-ing staff ofPhil C, Richie, Rob and Phil H forgiving up their free time to coach our boys.

    Sarah Cuff , Manager

    Rear: - Shahill Prasad, Xander Cuff, Arran Lance, Tom Applegarth, Kade Ridley, Max Broadhurst

    Middle:- Sarah Cuff (Manager), Jackson Burt, Lachlan Wallace, Callum James, Jardel Kruger,

    Zac Stevenson, Richie Asher (Coach)

    Front:- Phil Cuff (Coach), Sam Hibbert, Torin Lance, Max Cantell, Callum Ford, Kody Nicholas ,

    Callum Banks, Phil Hibbert (Coach)

    Absent:- Ben Mitchell, Flynn Willemse, Yaseen Siers

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Declan Forrest, Dante Becker, Jared Thornton, Caleb Brooke, William Warton, Samuel JakevichMiddle:- Marc Simkin (Manager) , Konradt Marx, Ted Lee, Jacob Middleton, Brett Turner (Coach)

    Joshua Marx, Carl Beach, Guy Forsyth, Matt Mooney (Coach)Front:- Charlie Coughton, Tyler Armstrong, Kallum Green, Jack Simkin, Kobe Robson, Luke Turner

    James Stewart, Thomas Mooney

    J3 Red started off at the beginning of theseason with no coaches and not enoughplayers. But thanks to some dedicated parentsnamely Brett, Matt and Marc we were ready tokick off.

    During the season we struggled to gain tractionbut it didn't dampen the enthusiasm from theplayers and coaches. Our team was made up of a

    lot of players that were playing in only their first orsecond season of rugby. We were very lucky tohave a few key players that were seasoned andgelled the team to an extent by showing theway. We had a great start winning our first gameup against a well drilled Takapuna side, but fromthen on out we struggled to find the few winsthroughout the season.

    Our main problem was retention of the ball inthe ruck and maul situation, when it comes to

    forwards, we struggled with the packs that hadbeen together for a few seasons.

    It was an area the forwards worked hard at allseason and the pack really started to gell but withcancellations and a short season their true poten-tial wasn't able to be realised.

    We had a dangerous backline that at times showedglimpses of their talent with the ball in hand. Fromboth set piece and broken play, quick hands sawus stretch the defensive lines of the opposition on

    many occasions. The backs displayed a combina-tion of both pace and stepping skills which wasgreat to watch, however the reward of a few moretries just seemed to elude us in the toughgames. Many players put their hand up and exe-cuted well on defence and no doubt all will bebetter for the experience next year.

    Many thanks to the all the fathers that where therefor the practices to help out, and the enthusiasmthat all the parents and family showed through the

    season that kept the team going.Brett Turner , Coach

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Lucas Alarcon, Maximillian Myers, Maxwell Hicks, Zach Lassen, Ryan Hiskens,Joshua Burrell, Oliver Banks

    Middle:- Andi Burrell (Manager), Kurtis Whitehead, Harrison Wakeley, Grant Laubscher (Forwards Coach)

    Tyler Laubscher, Conner Green,James Hicks (Head/Backs Coach)

    Front:- Bayleigh McNamara, Ben Forsyth Jones, Matthew Phillips, Andrew Thomas, Liam Chemee, Dean Lotter,

    Luke Gilbert, Finn Brown Inserts :- Ben Padden (L) & Daniel Tolu (R) Mascot:- Riley

    It has been a challenging yet rewarding year for

    the BULLDOGS in that we welcomed newplayers from 2010 teams as well as a few newplayers to the game. We have seen the boysgrow, not only in stature but also skill, ability andmaturity.

    Although as a group we would havedefinitely liked to win more games thanwe did this season, it has been a creditto the boys that their commitment anddesire to the final whistle has never

    been in question. Each and every boyshould be proud of what they have achieved as anindividual but more importantly to what they havecontributed towards the team.

    Although the season didnt provide a win-lossratio that accurately defined our achievements,the overall commitment and enthusiasm the boysdisplayed each and every week at training and ongame day should be highly commended. We al-ways fielded good numbers at training and on the

    day, a testament to not only the boys who lookedforward to their twice weekly encounters butalso to their parents who got them to their train-ing and games. A testament to the playing poten-tial of our players was the selection of Tyler &

    Dean to play J3 Reps and Josh, Ryan, Max H,

    Matty, Ben P, Zach, Oli, Ben F J & Harry whomade the J2 Reps.The presence of family, friends and supporters onthe side-lines that turned up each week to sup-

    port the BULLDOGS provided the boys witha sense of belonging to something more thanjust another J2 Marist side, this was in partdue to our loyal Sponsors that provided eachof our boys a Jacket, T-Shirt, Bag & Cap, nottoo mention the umbrellas that were provid-ed to the families.

    I would also personally like to thank the Coachesfor their dedication and time this season, VivPhillips for the 100s of photos she took providingthe same to the boys on a weekly basis, Nic Pad-den for the printing of the Top Dog/Guard Dogcertificates and all those who volunteered towash the jerseys and provide oranges for ourboys. We say goodbye and good luck to Ben,Zach, Harry, Andrew & Conner who are off toIntermediate next year and again I wish to thank

    all for what has been a remarkable season in somany ways as we look forward to making ourfinal season of Junior Rugby in 2012, the best yet.Andi Burrell , Manager

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    r e m e d i a t i o n

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Jayden Johns, Thomas Barham, Jordan Lang, Dante Coughlan, Corbin Cantell, Hamish DanielMiddle:- Martin Cantell (Coach) , Ryan Hougton, Kodie Campbell, James Watson,Matt Jurlina,

    Callum Dempster, Kevin Sunde (Coach)Front:- Blake Lawrence,Simeon Joubert , Daniel Kenney,Blake Sunde,Jack Kenney, Riley Bagosi-Cave

    Jack heath, Campbell Leslie

    Absent:- Kiharoa Iversen, Taimana Iversen , Tracey Iversen (Manager)

    Once again the core of players were back with afew new guys thrown in to the mix. The 2011season can firmly be broken down into 3 parts.

    Superb games against top of the tableteams in which we played our greatestgames, combining every rugby tech-nique we had been taught with naturaltalent to produce great results.Wonderful games against middle of the

    table teams - some stronger, someweaker than us in which we playedexceptional rugby. Backs and forwardsknew what was required of them andcarried it out with precision. Thesegames made up the major part of ourseason.Games against teams we should havebeaten but in which we really didntstep up. Fortunately these games werefew and far between.

    The forwards once again led by Marty

    were aggressive on attack and strongon defence. They charged around thepaddock after the ball, securing it, blowing over skilfullyand setting it up for the backs or having a go themselves.

    The backs led by Kevin mixed it up with quick passing,running into gaps, kicking, chasing and tackling with pas-sion. We are all sad to say we will lose 4 solid members of

    our team to school rugby at the end of thisseason.

    Jayden Johns- combines size, speed andskill to rampage through opposition for-ward packs. Corban Cantellhas greatmobility and solid ball skills but is also

    ready to mix it up in rucks and mauls.Blake Sundeour steady link between thebacks and forwards, not afraid to have a gohimself or set up play for the backs.

    Jack HeathFound his niche on the flankhas an enormous work rate around thepaddock shutting down much bigger oppo-sition players.

    We will also lose Kevin and Marty. Ourheartfelt thanks for all that you have bothput into our team over the years. Yourexpertise, knowledge and ability to share it

    has ensured a group of boys were mouldedinto a team - each boy with a bag full of

    rugby and personal skills to take with them. Our loss isdefinitely school rugbys gain. - Tracey Iversen,Manager

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    The achievements of

    a club are the results

    of a combined eort

    of each individual .


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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Oliver Waring,Liam Stone, Hamish Chatterley,Eathan Robson,Ethan Clark,Joshua Lucas

    Middle:- Geoff Cassin (Coach) ,Sam Hirst,Matthew Ford, Sheree Cassin (Manager), Nick Turnbull ,

    Nathan Mahuru, John Mahuru (Coach)

    Front:- Nick Holford, Alexander Pryce, Joel Cassin, Zane Robertson,Connor Hughes, William Bond,

    Christian Neilson, Sekuini Tanimo Absent:- Kalem Havill , Fayyaaz Siers

    The J2 Blue team saw a few old players returnthis season with Nick Holford returning tocomplete his fifth season. We also added somenew members who contributed significantly to the


    This was the first season of playing rugby for a lotof our new boys and it has been impressive to seethe growth and development of these players withOliver and Joshua Lucas securing their full timepositions out on the wings and proving themselvesby securing a place in the J2 Marist rep side along

    with Ethan Clark and Sequini.

    The season started with a hiss and a roar withthe boys winning two of the first four gamesplayed. They continued to develop basic skills and

    combined well as a team.

    As the season progressed however, the team fellinto a pattern of leading at halftime but dipping out

    in the second half.

    We weren't sure if this was a mental or physical

    problem but decided the lack of points in thesecond half was due to a lack of fitness so turnedour training sessions up a notch to try and get the

    stamina and longevity of the boys fitness up toscratch.

    After a couple more losses though, it was apparentthat the boys were losing heart. However, theycontinued to train and gave it their all at eachgame. We saw some amazing game play and triesand commend the boys on their commitment to

    the team.

    A huge thanks goes to our coaches Geoff Cassinand John Mahuru whose dedication to the team we

    appreciate. To the Mums and Dads who helpedout at practices and supported the team through-out the season and to Jacqui and Mike Chatterleywho sponsored the boys ensuring we were thebest dressed team of the season.- Geoff Cassin ,Coach

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rear: - Brendon Marks , Markos Ingham, Casey Forsyth, Conaugh Jacob, Ashley Horlock, Joshua Stirling, Lachlan SmithMiddle:- Graham Marks (Coach) , Jack Ryan, Heinrich Muller, Sean Urwin, Mandy Horlock (Manager) Michael Cooper,

    Tyler Buckingham, Wian Erasmus, Mark Mayerhofler (Coach)Front:- Samuel Jones, Dylan Morgan, Samuel Bennett, Zak Beech, Joshua Croudis, Mac Mayerhofler,

    Matt Monkton , Aydan Osborne

    J1 Team were a dedicated bunch of boys from previ-ous Marist J1, J2, J3 teams and some players from

    other clubs. J1 being the Senior team in the club means

    that all the players except three would be playing their

    last season, so it was important to have fun and enjoy

    themselves. The team started the season with all for-

    wards so some of the boys stepped up as backs and did a

    really great job.

    The Coaches had their work cut out getting the boys to

    play as a team, however it came together most of thetime, albeit in the second half, - if only they could play

    two second halves!! The boys had their fair share of

    injuries and team shortages, but they never gave up,

    pulled together and played with 100% effort at all times.

    The overall commitment and enthusiasm the boys

    showed at the two training sessions and the game should

    be commended.

    They didnt always win, but each game was a learning

    curve and they certainly improved as the season pro-

    gressed. (5 Wins, 8 Loses & 1 draw). Every one of the

    boys seemed to enjoy themselves, learning new skills and

    developing their personal goals, always staying competi-

    tive and focused playing some really good rugby.

    This of course would not have been possible with out

    the support and dedication from all the Parents, Grand-

    parents and Friends who were always there come rain or

    shine and for all their help throughout the season, always

    done with a smile, a huge thank you to you all. To all the

    boys that are moving on to pastures new at college,

    Good Luck in what ever you decided to do and look

    forward to seeing you back at the Marist Club in years to

    come. -Mandy Horlock Manager

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Marist J4 Reps kicked off the J4 tour-nament in nail-biting fashion with a 3-0

    victory over Takapuna!

    The tight win meant our J4`s met a Massey

    team , who had a bye in the first round, in the

    quarter finals, They were naturally hungry to

    play and keen to dominate but our forwards

    were having none of that out, muscling the

    opposition and letting our captain, Jackson

    Ephraims, distribute great ball to the backs who

    outpaced their opposition. It was a tighter

    second half with only 1 try being scored but the

    boys were happy with their 40-7 victory.

    The team also backed up this victory, with all

    the speedsters from the team, Troy B, Jack S,

    Josh I, Sean C, Jevon D and Ryan S represent-

    ing Marist in the J4 Skills relay at Harbour Stadi-

    um on 27 Aug. This was part of the ITM Cup

    Harbour half time entertainment, with a greatwin defeating all the other J4 rep relay teams.

    In preparation for the semi- final against EastCoast Bays we upped the pace to three


    The boys gave everything in their preparation,

    so much so, we had another injury losing one of

    our team mates with a broken finger! Unfortu-

    nately it was not to be for Marist this year and

    ECB's won 35-0.

    Well done boys, a great Rep Season. Thanks

    to all the supportive parents, grandparents and

    family that have allowed you to concentrate on

    playing your best rugby and organised getting

    you to all the practices and games and have

    loudly cheered you on. It's been a great season

    and hopefully we will see you all again next

    year! - Susan Cameron-Smith,Manager

    J4 Representative Team 2011

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Trying to emulate the feats of the J3 WinningRep side last season was always going to bedifficult and then to draw the much fancied

    Northcote in the first round was a shock. Throw

    starting slowly in the game against Northcote,

    being 5 nil down and things were looking quite

    grim! Then the Beast arose! Marist started to

    show the talent that we knew they had. We had

    worked ourselves back into the game and by half

    time held a 12-5 lead. Adding a further 2 convert-

    ed tries, we ended up winning 26-5. Not a con-

    vincing win, but we had shown enough for all the

    Coaches to be a little upbeat.

    This pitted us against Massey in the Quarter

    Finals. Massey had ranked themselves 4 th after a

    good win the previous week against Kumeu, and

    a good start to the game was paramount. We did

    just that! Marist looked in top gear and at the half

    time break held a match winning 33-nil lead. Not

    letting up in the second half, Marist ran out even-

    tual winners 68-0.

    A tougher semi-final followed against North

    Shore ending in a satisfying win of 2412 thus

    reaching the final to be played against a very

    strong Silverdale in Warkworth.

    As Saturday 3rd Sept loomed, bundles of energyand nerves were abound among the players,

    coaches and supporters alike! Also game day saw

    a large contingent of Marist supporters turn up

    to cheer on our boys. However a strong Sil-

    verdale side brought their A game and on the day

    the better team won. Kudos to our boys for

    always giving their best and playing like true

    champs throughout the tournament!

    Special thank you to fellow coaches Grant, Peter,Andy and Sarah for her seamless team managing

    skills. And last but not least a HUGE shout-out

    to all our parents,, families and supporters for

    making it such a memorable tournament experi-

    ence. - Darren Ephraims, Coach J3 Reps 2011

    Back Row: Peter Taylor, Darren Ephraims, Kallum, Green, Flynn Willemse, Gile La Ville, Sam Hibbert, Dean Lotter, Marcus Copson,

    Andy Holloway, Grant Laubscher

    Middle Row: Harrison Gannon, Braydon Pikhaloff, Ryan Houghton, Sarah Hayman-OReilly, Ben Mitchell, Kodie Campbell, Jardel Kruger

    Front Row: Liam Richardson, Joe Holloway, Joshua Corrigan, Samus OReilly, Ethan Clark, Sekuini Tanimo, Tyler Laubscher

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    Rosmini 1st XV 2011 Report


    adly a tremendous effort by this squadthru the season will be remembered forthe final moments of a final. Having devel-

    oped throughout the season, the team lost theHarbour final to a committed Massey with thefinal kick of the game and went down 10-11.

    Built around an experienced forward pack con-

    taining a number of seasoned campaigners sup-ported by some youthful enthusiasm of first yearplayers, the squad produced some outstandingrugby and went thru the round robin competi-tion unbeaten. In the process, Rosmini had beat-en both Massey and Westlake, perennial rivals,twice. However, the closeness of the four gamesagainst these rivals indicated that at playoff timetight tussles were guaranteed.

    Standout contributors throughout the season

    were Nat Larmer at hooker who showed a pen-chant for finding the tryline, Tyler Golightly attight head who was always in the hard stuff and

    Philip Meke who completed a front row that wasnever beaten. With the Sean Boult at lock and aloose trio that included the powerful Charles

    Elton at No.8 and Ryan Thompson at 6 the packwas never beaten.

    Elton was a colossus off the back and the scrumand terrorised defences all over the park whilstThompson guaranteed ball jumping at 2 in thelineout. Whilst not so experienced, the backlinecomplimented the strong pack and individuallyIgnacio Costa at 10 and Luke Reed at 12 provid-ed elusiveness and direction for the outsides.Out wide there were good contributions and ex-

    Marist junior-boy Ben Hyatt-Brown showedmuch potential for the future in his first year atthis level.

    This Years new team management was made upof a coaching staff of 2 first fives in there timeBrett Craies who took the backs and JimThompson who became a forward for theseason. The off field manager was teacher SteveRodkiss. This team did an outstanding job on andoff the field.

    Many thanks must go to the supporters, familiesand Sponsor Marist NHRFC (supported by thefamily of 5 Sponsors) in providing an atmospherethat enabled the development of these youngmen in 2011.

    The courage and skill of the squad wasepitomised 3 days after the final when they tookon Moascar Cup holders and Auckland finalistsKelston BHS in the playoffs for the nationals andlost narrowly 17-25 just days after the physical

    and emotional battles of the final against Massey.

    With nearly half of this years squad returning,next season once again should see Rossa near thetop at the business end of the season in 2012.- Brett Turner

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    The 2011 Marist Prems team started theyear like normal with Jimmy Iverson at the helmand the promise of a number of senior playersfrom 2010 to turn back up and do the Saintsproud. That promise of a core base of playerschangedpretty quickly with for whatever reason a largenumber of players turning to retirement, leavingthe union or being injured meaning it quicklybecome a season to start rebuilding a core base

    of players who will see the saints through thenext few promising years.

    With Jimmy having to leave due to work commit-ments, Blair Urlich & John Beckett stepped intothe coaching role for the first time, with WillieHarris & Jo Monkton making up the Premiermanagement team.

    The season truly had a new feel about it and weset about our work with a great attitude withinthe team and some challenging but realistic


    The first half of the season saw us playing 60minute rugby and then falling awayagainst better sides so the challenge was to in-crease our fitness base which meant wecould compete for longer while making lessmistakes. Young players also found their feet halfway through the season and started to becometrue Prems players with the likes of Travis,[toured USA with NZ University Colts], Liam,Ray, Carlin and our French lock JB allbecoming integral members of our line up while

    new players such as Cliff and Orion added somereal firepower to forwards and backline.

    With seasoned veteran Danny Morrison steeringthe ship in his last playing season, the guys startingplaying solid rugby and competing for 80 minuteswith the highlight of the year being our victoryagainst Silverdale at their home patch where theywere otherwise undefeated for the year.

    All in all a solid rebuilding year with some very

    promising talent stepping up to the mark whilelooking to keep claim of their jerseys for2012! Go the Saints! - John Beckett


    Back Row: John Beckett [Coach]; Rob Lunjevich; Angus Evans; Cam Saunders; Roger Fauuletolau; Matt O'Sullivan; Allan

    Nicholas [Coach]

    Middle Row: Rob Finch [Manager]; Willie Harris [Manager]; Tim Mullins; Luke Devcich; Ray Hutton; James Roughan; TC

    Coughlan [Coach]; Mark Saunders [Chairman]

    Front Row: Ambrose Samuels; Tom Berry; Liam Thornley; Aidan O'Malley; Mike Reid; Travis Larsen; Mike Boric;

    Jamie Cameron; Paul McGinley

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    NZ Universities Colts Tour to USA - July 2011

    Travis Larsen [Premiers] & Matt Vellekoop


    We were lucky enough to be nominated by the Mar-ist Club [North Harbours University Club] for anamazing trip which allowed myself and Matt to learn

    lots about our rugby by coming up against interna-tional opposition. We played 3 games against the USACollege All American team, and were really up againstit being an U21s side playing against a full senior sidewith international rugby experience. The USA sidehad a number of players that had already representedUSA at senior level in both sevens and the fifteen man


    The trip started out in San Diego with temperaturesgetting up to 40 degrees; before our first game wetrained at the amazing facility that is the Olympic

    training centre.

    After our first game we travelled to Santa Barbara forour second lot of trainings and game. After our se-cond game we got to go to a proper frat house for atrue American keg party which the boys enjoyedgreatly. The next day we made the long trip to ourfinal destination in San Francisco; we stayed at a hos-tel in the centre of the city, [and definitely witnessed

    some interesting characters on the streets!]

    The third game was played at the Stanford University

    in front of the biggest crowd of the tour to date. Wewon this last game which was a huge boost to theteam morale. After the game the team performed the

    haka for a finaltime to theentire crowd.All three gameshelped us learnabout ourrugby; a rangeof tools from aGPS trackershowed howfar and howfast we randuring thegame and also video analysis showed everything youdid in the game from tackles made to passes complet-ed. Also daily hydration tests were done to makesure we were in the optimal shape that we could beleading into trainings and games. After our third gamethe boys enjoyed the final Saturday in USA and the

    next day we were back on a plane to New Zealand

    after a very memorable and enjoyable trip all round.

    The tour was a great chance to wear a black jerseyand perform the haka and sing the anthem beforeeach game which isnt an experience many rugbyplayers can claim to have done. All round, a hugethanks must go to Marist for firstly nominating us forthis trip and then helping us prepare for the tripthrough fundraising and other activities. It reallyshowed the beauty of playing for a university club and

    the opportunities that come with playing at MaristNorth Harbour.Travis Larsen

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    The 2011 Senior 1sts were the littleengine that could, but didnt quite. It wasalways going to be hard to back up the consistentsuccess of the past 5 yrs., with a general rebuild

    going on in most senior sides [especially thePremiers], a group of Senior 1sts plugging gaps inthe Premiers, and some older senior playersmoving on.

    Earlier in the season some of our number trav-eled to Hamilton for the pre-season Marist Spil-lane Tournament; travel & accommodation fund-ing arrangements were loose, reflected in resultswhich were ordinary with a win v hosts Hamiltonbeing the highlight of the weekend.

    Then pre-season training turnout was poor innumbers for both senior sides, and the retire-ment of Pete McDonald for family illness reasonsat the start of season, while being totally under-standable, didnt help cohesion at the outset.Allan Nicholas, Tony Coughlan & Rob Finch werethe management team who stepped into thebreach for the season.

    The season started consistently enough, but thatsame consistency was our downfall during the

    season which saw us in a reasonable position afterthe first round with a 5 win/ 2 loss record at thebreak, having chalked up wins v Cote,

    Massey, Pioneers & Takapuna, the only lossesbeing to ECB & Glenfield.

    However then the wheels fell off with only 2 wins

    in the second round v cellar-dwellers Glenfield &Mahurangi, and bonus points for close losses vthe likes of Shore, Dale, & ECB [lost to themtwice in the second round and threetimes during the full season], giving us an overallrecord of 7 wins & 7 losses for the season.

    The season finished with an ignominious last gamedefault toMasseywhich gavethem freepassage totake outthe PlateFinal fromWesternPioneers,bothof whomwed beat-en duringthe season.

    Lookingforward to better luck next season!

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    U21 Season Report 2011

    We kicked off the season travelling to Hamilton for the

    pre-season Spillane Tournament, our side made up ofmany U19 players from the Champion 2010 side, togeth-er with players new to Marist, including a number ofcollege-leavers; we lost our only game to Marist St Patsfrom Wellington [who eventually won the comp], andleft some of the boys to help the Premier side beat hostsHamilton Marist.

    Other pre-season battles were waged against good sidessuch as Counties-Manukau Colts Champions Patumahoe.

    Head Coach for the season was Sam Ward assisted byNick Blincoe [both injured during the 2010 Premier

    season], with James Clarke and Graham Ward managing,physio Dillan Lay & trainer Paul Scutt. Sponsors wereFurniture Express-Craig Stephen & Mike Ward- whocommitted their small but busy company to 2 yearssponsorship, Craigs wife Kim and daughters Alexandra &Grace showed up each week in support.

    We were affected by the fact that the club fielded 8senior sides, the most in the province; and that 15 Prem-ier players from 2010 were unavailable and Colts had tostep up. But notwithstanding this we stitched together aside which was competitive and generally punched aboveits weight , but let itself down on occasions with basic

    errors, which are always punished in the very competi-tive U21 grade.

    We backed up the Premiers with 9 players during theseason, plus Coach Sam who recovered from surgery in

    time to complete half a dozen games and get his 50th[blazer].

    Despite the fact that we were clearly in the bottom halfof the 8 team competition, and were unable to step upfor the championship play-offs, we won 2 games in eachround, thanks to an outstanding scrum which stood itsground with all other teams, and a defence which attimes was outstanding. We lost by some slim margins totop team North Shore [13-21 & 12-13]; and to the 2sides vying for 4th playoff spot - Massey [6-14] & Taka-puna [10-15]. We beat Navy 36-17 in winning the Platesemi , but were unfortunately beaten 24-48 by Massey inthe Final.

    For the future, no fewer than 18 players are eligible for

    playing in the U21 Grade again in 2012, and 6 of thosecould play another 2 years! So the squad finished theseason in a very upbeat frame of mind, and enoughsbeen achieved in the reconstruction of the U21 gradethis year, following on from the U19 success in 2010, tosee the Colts do very well in the short to medium term.

    Honours for the season go to MVP Sam Cadman; MostPromising Player Johnny Poe; Team Spirit Epeli [Benny]

    Mataitini; Best Tackler Andras [Junior] Beregi.

    Big congratulations also to Matt Vellekoopmaking a NZ University Colts tour to USA,

    and also the North Harbour U20 side, alongwith Ray Hutton, Tom Faiva, Ilaisa Loti, &Premier Travis Larsen.

    Go the Saints!!!

    Back: Pera Wihongi-Lim; Benny Mataitini; Sam Cadman; Josh Van Wyk; Aaron Hendry; Ryan Gordon

    Middle: Graham Ward [Manager]; James Clarke [Manager]; Nick Blincoe [Coach]; Mike Ross; Mike Kelly; Vinnie Letele;

    Nick Russell; Daniel Ross; Andras Beregi; Kellin Pungatara; Sam Ward [Coach]; Mike Reid Technical Adviser]

    Front: Sheldon Armitage; Brehan Lennie; Matt Vellekoop; George Farmer [Capt]; Tyler Jelas;

    Jonathan Da Silva; Ray Hutton

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    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    U 21`s proudly supported byU 21`s proudly supported byU 21`s proudly supported by

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  • 7/31/2019 Marist Yearbook 2011



    Marist North Harbour Rugby & Sports Club Inc. 2011

    The 2011 rugby season started as one of real

    promise for t

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