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Page 1: Marius & Sulla

Marius & SullaThe Century of Civil War Begins

Page 2: Marius & Sulla


Republic ExpansionSpain, AfricaGreece, Turkey as well

Social & Economic Problems Gracchi Brothers’ Reforms

LandGrainItalian citizenship

Optimates vs. Populares

Page 3: Marius & Sulla

Gaius Marius Consul 7 times – unprecedented

107, 104, 103, 102, 101, 100, 86 BC Novus Homo Army Recruitment Reforms

No property requirementNo class restrictionLand & benefits

Army floods with poor people Unintended consequence Are his reforms socialist or

populist in nature?

Page 4: Marius & Sulla

Marius’s Military Achievements War with Jugurtha

NumidiaLucius Cornelius Sulla

Credit for capturing Jugurtha?

Cimbri & TeutonesMigrating German tribes105 BC – Arausio – 80,000 Romans102 BC – Aquae Sextiae101 BC – VercellaeSulla deserves some more credit…

Page 5: Marius & Sulla

The Social War

Marcus Livius Drusus’s reforms in 91Italian citizenshipAssassinatedItalians revolt

Marius & Sulla fight together until Marius retires for health reasons

Sulla finishes the war

Page 6: Marius & Sulla

1st Mithridatic War Mithridates invades Asia Province

Asiatic Vespers 88 BCThen invades Greece

Leadership DebateSenate picks Sulla; Assembly

bribed to pick MariusSulla marches on Rome with army;

Marius fleesSulla goes east vs. Mithridates

Page 7: Marius & Sulla

Meanwhile in Rome… Consuls are Octavius

(supporter of Sulla) and Cinna (fan of Marius)

Violence breaks out; Marius arrives with army

Octavius defeated; he and Sulla’s supporters killed off

Marius dies 17 days into his 7th consulship

Page 8: Marius & Sulla

Sulla’s Revenge Finishes the war with Mithridates & returns

to Rome War drags on between Sulla and

the supporters of Marius Battle of Colline Gate – 83 BC Sulla becomes sole ruler of Rome

Dictator in 82/81 BC – not during emergency!


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