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Market Research

Male (15-20) 7Male (21-25) 1Male (25-30) 0Male (31+) 1Female (15-20) 12Female (21-25) 0Female (25-30) 0Female (31+) 0Prefer not to say 2

I asked this question in order to find out who my target audience is and therefore who my music video, music advert and CD digipack would have to appeal to. The results show that the most popular gender is female and the most popular age range is 15-20, therefore suggesting that my final product should

reflect a target audience of older teenagers with a dominant female population. Despite these findings, there is also a high number of male viewers in the age range of 15-20 which suggests that my final

product should also appeal somewhat to this gender.

My second question was asked in order to find the popular genre of music. I gave a range of answers, including the option of ‘other’; in which the audience were able to write their response. In addition to this, I allowed the option of multiple choice which enabled

people to give a range of their favourite genres, therefore making it easier for me to get a more

general response.Overall, the most popular genre was indie-rock,

followed by dance/house and then rock. From this selection, I matched the two most similar genres up (indie-rock and rock) and decided to create a piece of work following these genres. Our chosen band

being ‘Catfish and the Bottlemen’ and the song being ‘Fallout’.

I then asked how my audience finds out about new music. I asked this in order to get a general idea of how I was to

advertise my upcoming video/single. The majority response was ‘Social Media eg. Twitter and Facebook’, therefore

suggesting that my advertisement needs to be visual (as apposed to a radio advert being vocal) as well as preferably a still image such as a magazine advert. I decided this due

to a dynamic advert, such as a video holds links to YouTube which would therefore suggest that YouTube/Vevo is the main source in terms of finding new music, rather than

social media images/retweets.

I asked this question in order to find out my audiences personal preference in terms of what is seen in a music video. The most popular answer from this

specific question is the idea of a performance element within the video itself (similar to other rock videos from bands such as Royal Blood). This response helps to support the previous responses from the

question concerning favourite genres. In addition to this, there is a close link with the number of

responses for the narrative element, as well as the conceptual element. This therefore suggests that

although these are not what is mostly ‘successful and entertaining’ in the viewers opinion, they are still fairly relevant and help to add to the overall video. Due to this, we decided to use all 3 types of filming in order

to create a film to suit the overall majority.

The most popular answer in response to ‘Do you think that a music video is a vital part of the song’s/album’s overall success?’ is yes. This therefore suggests that the majority of sales and number of views per video is primarily due to the music video itself, meaning that the video must somehow be relatable and what the

audience want in order for the remainder of the album/single to be an overall success.

My final question holds responses of pure opinion and I have asked this question in order to get a variety of previously made videos which my given audience find successful and entertaining. The answers I have received will be taken into consideration and will therefore help when constructing

our own music video. The majority of responses are found within the indie-rock genre and therefore help to validate previous answers from candidates filling in the survey.

A few of these responses are:

Results drawn from these responses suggest that elements of narrative, performance and conceptuality are essential in order to create a music video. Another reoccurring element within a few of these videos are the

use of black and white footage.

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