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Marketing a Channel Business in Transformation

Thursday, February 28

10:15 – 11:15 a.m.

Marco Polo 701

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Angela LeavittChief Mojo-Making Officer

Mojo Marketing@MojoMktg

Brian LeonardChief Mojo-Fying Officer

Mojo Marketing@MojoMktg


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Description and Purpose

• Why Now?• Building a Brand That Rocks• Strategic Positioning• Capturing Attention, Building Trust• To Niche or Not to Niche?• Breakthrough Messaging • Q&A• Surprise! Please don’t leave!

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“What We’ve Got Here is a Failure to Communicate.”

Captain, Road House Prison 36 – Cool Hand Luke

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Why Now?

• Economico Global recession – winners & loserso Global economy acceleratingo Companies outsourcing & downsizing

• Socialo We are in “The Connection Economy”o Your network has never been more visible or valuableo More options than ever

• Technologyo Cloud changes everythingo Moore’s Law – going exponentialo IT & Telecom are blendingo Prospects have never been more accessible, for you AND your competition

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What Does This Mean?

• You need bigger fish• Time is accelerating, and time is money• You need to fire lots of bullets, and

make every one count!

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"Products are made in the factory, but brands are created in the mind."

Walter Landor

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Must Understand…

• #1: Exactly who you are• #2: Exactly who your target audience is• #3: Exactly what your target audience’s pain

points are

ONLY then will you be able to develop messaging that breaks through the noise and moves your prospect to ACT

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Who Are You?

• Who are you?• What do you offer? Traditional? Cloud? Both?• What are you GREAT at?• Who are you not? Who is your nemesis?• What is your company personality?

o Business-like? Casual?o Controversial? Class Act?o Professional? Edgy?o Conservative? Liberal?o Optimistic? Pessimistic?o Are you IBM or GoDaddy, or somewhere in between?

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STOP! Coffee Time

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Who’s Your Audience?

• Demographics• Age, Income, Race, Sex, Part of the Country, etc.• Hobbies/Interests• Is it Small Business Owners?• Is it CEO’s? Is it CIO’s?• Do you have a niche market?

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Who’s Your Audience?

• Hopes• Dreams• Desires• Fears• Frustrations• Pain points

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Pain Points

• Other terms:o Triggerso Problemso Questions

• Why so important?o YOU are the doctoro If you don’t understand

the pain, you can’t cure it!

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Uncovering Pain Points

• Principle #1: Don’t Assume You Know• Principle #2: Ask open-ended questions

o What keeps you up at night?o What recurring problems/questions do you have?o If you could offload a piece of your job, what would it be?

• Principle #3: Listeno Record the interview if possibleo Pay very special attention to their specific language

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• The battle for a position in the current thoughts, beliefs and values held by your prospect.

• Finding a streamlined entrance into the mind (through all of the noise)

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• What is the tallest mountain in the United States?

• (what was the second?)

• Who was the 1st man on the moon?

• (who was the second?)

• Who was the 1st person to fly solo across the North Atlantic?

• (who was the second?)

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• Can you call you or your company…o The FIRST at anythingo The ONLY somethingo The LARGEST anythingo Any of these “in your city” or “in a vertical” or “in a technology”

“We are the only telecom agency in Arizona that turns a bill analysis in 24 hours.”

“We are the largest Cloud Provider in the New York metropolitan area.”

This position is a shortcut into your prospects’ mind.This is NOT the same as BEST.

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Positioning Exercise

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Capturing Attention,Building Trust

People don't buy for logical reasons. They buy for

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ reasons.

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What makes people buy?

• VERY important to understand• Crocodile brain (brain stem)

o First point of contact o Controls fight or flighto Evaluates very quickly

• First, can you capture my attention?• Second, are you trustworthy? • Of course, this is all sub-conscious.

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How to look alive

Something that is alive will move, breathe, jump, walk and run. • News feed? Update it.• Blog? Post to it.• Twitter link? Tweet.• New products? List them.• Newsletter? Send it.• Design? Fresh, current…

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How to capture attention

• Attention spans are short, so…o Use humor.o Be creative and novel.o Do NOT be boring.

• We are inundated with information, so…o Differentiate yourselfo Hit from multiple angles, multiple

times.o It takes 15 touches to make a lasting


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Trust Exercise

Based ONLY on their website home pages, which of these

companies would you do business with?

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Trust Exercise

Which of these companies would you do business with?


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How to look trustworthy

• Testimonials• “Borrowed” credibility• Social proof

o Large social networkso Public kudoso Blog comments

• Professional, current design

Now back to our example…

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Choosing a Niche

“We’re going to be #1 or #2 in every market we enter, or we’re getting out.”

– Jack Welch, Former GE CEO

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GE Stock Price Under Jack Welch

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The Case for Niche Markets

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The Case for Niche Markets

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Niche Marketing

• Niche messaging resonates moreo Open rates increaseo Engagement increases

• “Experts” can charge more• Trust is implied• Fits into the “Connection

Economy” model

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Research Different Niches

• Start with your current customer database• Determine which niches are more receptive to

your unique positioning• Survey the niche

o Are they receptive to cloud?oWhat are their pain points?oWhat’s their “language”?

• Case study

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Niche Marketing in Action

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“If you can explain your prospect’s pain to them, better than they can explain it

themselves, they will automatically assume that you know how to solve the problem.”

– Author Unknown

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• You know who you are and aren’t• You’ve narrowed in on your target• You understand their pain• You’ve chosen and researched a niche market

Now…ADDRESS THAT PAIN! (In their language!)

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Address Pain

• This is the BIGGEST mistake made in marketing• It’s not about you AT ALL• It’s about addressing your audience’s pain points

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We Understand the Pain. Now What?

80-90% of what you “market” should attempt to SOLVE PAIN!!!

Why? This is how you become…• Trusted• A thought leader• Non-threatening• A go-to person

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• Pain point: “Cloud is a big hairy monster.”• Solutions:

o Web banner: Compared to legal battles, Cloud is a cakewalk.o Blog post: Is Your Law Firm Considering Cloud? 10 Do’s &

Don’tso Case study: How ABC Law Firm Implemented Cloud (And Lived

to Tell About It)o White paper: 7 Ways to Simplify Law Firm Communications

Through Cloudo Webinar series: Solving the Cloud Puzzle for Law Firms

• NOT: Buy cloud from us today or die!

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Develop Your Offer(s)

• Create an offer and message for EACH target marketoWhaleso Big fisho Little fisho Unknown size of fish

• Customize your elevator pitch, web pages, marketing materials per target

• Example: Universities

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Example: Intelisys

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Holy Free-ness! You’re Invited…

GimmeMojo.com/webinarAngela Leavitt

[email protected] @MojoMktg

Brian [email protected]


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