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Page 1: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Marshall University

Purchase Card Procedures

Page 2: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Purchase Card

• The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University to streamline business practices and minimize effort for transactions under $25,000.

Page 3: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Financial Institution

Citi was awarded the bank provider contract in April 2006 and again in November 2010, with VISA as the card brand. As one of the world’s largest banks, Citi offers the State of West Virginia various software and reporting tools, but most notably is Citi’s Fraud Early Warning system. The system contains various fraud profiles and queues that transaction activity is measured against. Because of their experience and expertise in this market, Citi’s fraud rates are less than half of the industry average. In addition to the technological aspect of fraud detection, Citi focuses on five (5) main areas of detection and prevention: proper identification of service users, authorization, confidentiality of data, accountability, and incident detection and response. In addition to Citi, VISA offers the State $100,000 of coverage per cardholder for fraud and other transactions that do not benefit the State directly or indirectly.

Page 4: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Tax Exempt

The "tax exempt" status must be recognized by any West Virginia vendor accepting the VISA card.

• A letter was drafted on September 15, 2006 to address the issues created by the tax exempt Purchasing Card. This letter, co-signed by State Auditor Glen B. Gainer III, and Department of Revenue Acting Cabinet Secretary John C. Musgrave states, "The State of West Virginia recently initiated a new travel card program which is direct billed to the State. In accordance with West Virginia law, purchases made with this card are TAX EXEMPT. Any purchase made with the State’s Purchasing Card, including in-state travel, is exempt from any form of taxation."

Page 5: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Who can get a Purchase Card?

Application Eligibility

Cardholder must be full-time Marshall University employee

Cards can not be issued to:Temporary EmployeesContract EmployeesVolunteer Employees

Applicant must have supervisor’s approval.

Page 6: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

How do you apply and receive a Purchase Card?

Step 1: Go to www.wvsao.gov select myApps and complete the “self sign up”. You will be asked a series of questions to verify your identity. Once you have completed your registration, email the Purchase Card Team so the purchase card training can be linked for you to access.

Step 2: Complete the MU Confidential Cardholder Application http://muwww-new.marshall.edu/finance/files/2012/05/mupcard.pdf

Forward to Melanie Gallaher (Purchase Card – 115 Old Main) and mark the envelope “Confidential”.

Step 3: Once myApps setup is complete and the MU Confidential Cardholder application has been received and approved, you will receive an email to complete your online training.

Page 7: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

How do you apply and receive a Purchase Card?

Step 4: Under myApps, you will complete Cardholder Training and Quiz, Ethics Training and Quiz, review and electronically sign the Purchase Card Agreement Form.

Step 5: Email The P-Card Team when you have completed the training and quizzes.

Step 6: You will receive an email with the CITI Bank Application for the applicant’s signature. Please complete this and return to Melanie Gallaher (Purchase Card – 115 Old Main) marked “Confidential” so the process can be completed.

Step 7: Once we receive your card, you will receive an email indicating that it is ready to be picked up. When you pick up your card, please make sure that you bring your MU ID with you.

Note: This process not only involves staff at Marshall University, but also at the WV State Auditor’s Office and CITI Bank. Therefore, it may take up to 30 days for your card to be received.

Page 8: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Security of your Purchase Card

Your P-Card must be kept secure at all times.

Purchases should only be made on secure Internet sites with a closed lock at the bottom of the screen.

Cardholders must sign the back of their P-Card upon receipt.

Person whose name appears on the P-Card is responsible for all transactions appearing on statement.

Cardholder account numbers are NOT to be transmitted VIA unsecured Internet and/or Intranet sites.

Card delegation is strictly prohibited.

Page 9: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

How do I use my Purchase Card?

General Instructions: P-Card is a method of payment. All current Purchasing policies must be followed regardless of payment

methods. P-Card may be used to make payments for goods and designated services that

do not exceed the cardholder’s transaction limit and are not prohibited by Purchase Card Policies and Procedures.

P-Card can be used for travel expenses (except food and fuel in personal vehicle)

P-Card is for official state use only.

Transaction Limit: All new cardholders will have a $1000 single transaction limit with a probation

period of 6 months.

Page 10: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Ordering and Receipts Orders can be placed within MyBuy – Marshall University’s Purchase Card market place

An itemized receipt is required for all transactions.

Receipt must contain specific information and meet certain conditions: Legible Itemized (reflecting the good or services purchased) Contain the vendor name Date of purchase Price of items A receipt description, which only states “Miscellaneous”, or “Merchandise”, or only

includes a vendor’s stock or item number, is not acceptable Receipt documentation may be paper or electronic

Third Party vendors are restricted and can not be used when paying by P-Card.

Page 11: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

PayPalPayments may be made through PayPal only upon prior approval from P-Card Office.

Any transaction requiring payment through PayPal (no other form of payment accepted) must have PRIOR approval from the P-Card Coordinator. If you find that a purchase requires the use of PayPal, you must get prior approval – Email the approval request to Melanie Gallaher and include the following information:

Vendor Description of Purchase Amount of Purchase Include justification if the request is time sensitive and provide


Page 12: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.


A hospitality form must be submitted with P-Card receipt.

Please provide a detailed justification for all hospitality.

Form is available online at http://www.marshall.edu/wpmu/purchasing/forms/

A hospitality form is used to document expenses such as food, beverage, meeting room expenses and student events.

**Note: You must use Sodexo Corporation for all on-campus events.

Page 13: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Business-Related Travel

P-Card may be used for approved business expenses while engaged in job-related activities away from the regular place of employment.

Travel expenses include, but are not limited to:Registration feesAirline ticketsVehicle rental (commercial or state-owned)Gasoline for rental vehicles onlyOther transportation tickets (rail, bus, etc.)Hotel folios including business-related costs, such as business

Internet access

Page 14: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Business-Related Travel

Travel expenses may not include: Food Any personal expenses on hotel folios, such as room service or movies. Proper documentation must be provided for any billing related to

multiple travelers. Travel Authorization form must be attached to each Purchase Card


The P-Card Policies and Procedures do not supersede MU Board of Governors Policy and Marshall University Travel Procedures.

Receipts required for business-related travel expenses paid using the P-Card shall remain consistent with MU Board of Governors Policy and Marshall University Travel Procedure.

Page 15: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Documentation and Reconciliation


New users will be set up with a user id and temporary password from the State

Software download and instructions can be found at www.marshall.edu/finance

Page 16: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Documentation and Reconciliation


Must be submitted to the Agency Coordinator within 48 hours of posting to WVFIMS

Itemized receipts Individual statements Hospitality documentation Travel Authorization Forms Other required documentation by P-Card policies and procedures.

Receiving Reports

If the processor is receiving the item, then the date entered in STARS will serve as the receiving report.

If someone other than the processor receives the item, then the person must sign and date the receipt. That date will then be entered into STARS.

Page 17: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Documentation and Reconciliation

Statements: Each cardholder will receive an individual statement from CITI Bank

and Activity Log from P-Card office.

Reconciliation: Each cardholder is responsible for reconciling his or her bank

statement every month. Upon completion of reconciliation, the cardholder and supervisor will

review the transactions, sign the Activity Log and return to the Agency Coordinator for review (P-Card OM 115)

Page 18: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Purchase Card Maintenance

An email request should be sent for all changes to an individual card.

Name changesEmployee name change must be complete in

Payroll before any changes will be completed.Department changeMonthly/ Transaction limit changes

Memo from supervisor with 3 specific examples to justification for increase.

Card cancellation

Page 19: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Purchase Card Maintenance

Card Cancellation:Cards must be cancelled immediately upon termination or

separation of employment.

Lost or stolen cards: Immediately report lost or stolen cards to the agency

coordinator and financial institution.Call 1-800-248-4553 or 1-800-VISA911Cardholder must notify the financial institution within 24

hours to limit cardholder liability.

Page 20: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Disputes of Charges

The cardholder is responsible for contacting the vendor regarding any erroneous charges, disputed transactions, duplicate charges or credits.

Examples include, but are not limited to: Failure to receive goods Fraud and/or Misuse Altered charges Defective merchandise Incorrect amounts Duplicate charges Credits not received (damaged or missing items, sales tax…)

If the cardholder is unable to resolve disputed items with the vendor, please should notify the Agency Coordinator in writing to proceed with the official dispute.

Page 21: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Post-Audit Process The P-Card office audits all transactions.

During the audit process, the following (at a minimum) will be checked: Use of proper procedures Stringing of orders Proper account codes Itemized paid receipts attached Proper reconciliation into software (STARS) Hospitality documentation Travel Authorization documentation Transaction ID# (S#) Sales Tax

Once an audit is complete, the cardholder will receive a notice of any discrepancies in their P-Card process and if any action is necessary by the cardholder.

If the discrepancies are not cleared by the date required, the card will be inactive for a period of time indicated.

Page 22: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Fraudulent or Unauthorized Use of P-Card

Misuse of a State of West Virginia Purchase Card is a felony.

Fraud and misuse penalties are included in the WV Code §12-3-10b as follows:“It is unlawful for any person to use a State Purchase Card, issued in accordance with the provisions of section ten-a of this article, to make any purchase of goods or services in a manner which contrary to the provisions of section ten-a of this article or the rules promulgated pursuant to that section. Any person who violated the provisions of this section is guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in the penitentiary not less than one nor that five years, or fined no more than five thousand dollars, or both fined and imprisoned.”

Page 23: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Fraudulent or Unauthorized Use of the P-Card

Individuals using the P-Card to knowingly pay for items for personal use will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination and prosecution by the state government, and subject to civil action by the credit card company for personal liability.

Misuse of the P-Card will be handled promptly and uniformly for all cardholders.

Any instances of misuse or violations of the P-Card Policies and Procedures is documented by the agency coordinator and self-reported to the WV State Auditor’s Office.

Page 24: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Purchase Card Delegation

P-card delegation is prohibited.

P-card delegation is allowing an individual other than the cardholder whose name is on the front of the card to make purchases by:

• Having physical possession of the card.• Having access to the card number and expiration date.• Having access to receipts or invoices that display the card number and

expiration date.

Only the individual whose name appears on the front of the card is the authorized user.

This increases liability, and the cardholder is liable for all activity on his or her card.

Page 25: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Stringing of ChargesStringing is prohibited.

It is the intentional manipulation of the ordering, billing or payment process in order to circumvent the transaction limit.

This includes:

• Splitting an invoice for more than the individual’s transaction limit into more that one transaction.

• Collusion with vendor to split an order into separate invoices.

Page 26: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Restricted Purchases

Here is a list of some restricted (prohibited) items: Alcoholic Beverages Building Leases Cash Advances Firearms Insurance Legal Services Personal Charges Travel related meals Memberships Flowers – for personal use (funerals, Administrative Professional’s Day, birthdays, retirement parties,

etc.) Gift certificates and gift cards Deposits Third Party Vendors In-State Tax** This is NOT an all-inclusive list. Questions? Email [email protected]

Page 27: Marshall University Purchase Card Procedures. Purchase Card The State of West Virginia Purchasing Card Program provides an opportunity for Marshall University.

Purchase Card Forms and ContactsFinance www.marshall.edu/finance

Accounts Payable Purchase Card MyBuy Travel


WV State Auditors Office www.wvsao.gov


Melanie GallaherP-Card Manager304-696-2212 or 304-208-6205 (cell)

Email [email protected]

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