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Championa cause

A hospice without walls


Registered Charity Number 802145

Spring 2010

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2 Martlets Hospice NEWS www.themartlets.org.uk

Celebrating Freemasons’ Support We were delighted to welcome over 50 local freemasons to the Hospice for anevening reception on 12 November 2009. Our guests enjoyed tours of theHospice, updates on our work and huge thanks for their support over manyyears. Since 1997, the Hospice has received over £118,000 from 98 localfreemasons lodges and chapters, from the Sussex Masonic Charities and from theGrand Charity of Freemasons. In December 2009, we received donations of£2,400 from Pelham Lodge, Chaggeley Lodge and from the Sussex MasonicCharities to purchase medical equipment and to pay for a season ofentertainments for our Day Hospice patients.

We remain indebted to freemasons for their consistent and ongoing support ofour work over many years.

WELCOME . . .to the Martlets SpringNewsletter

After what has seemed likea hard winter we’re alllooking forward to somespring sunshine. Wesurvived the snow thanks tothe dedication of ourmarvellous staff, who madesure there was an amazing

cheerfulness in evidence throughout theHospice and a real spirit of cooperation. Imust say a heartfelt thank you to everyonefor their support.

Enclosed you’ll find your Spring Raffle tickets,we’ve got some fantastic prizes up for grabsfrom a two night stay in a New Forest Hotelto dinner at one of Brighton’s top restaurantsand tickets to Chelsea Flower Show. Ticketsare only £1, buying tickets not only meansyou have a chance to win one of manyexciting prizes, it also raises valuable funds forthe Hospice. Our Christmas raffle raised£22,000, so that £1 really does make adifference. If you’d like more tickets to sell atwork or to friends please contact theFundraising Office.

Spring at the Hospice also means the launchof our major fundraising event of the year theMidnight Walk - taking place on Friday June18th this year. Midnight at last year’s event wasa real sight to behold. At the sound of thegun hundreds of flashing bunny ears could beseen streaming down the hill from BrightonRacecourse. You’ll find all the information youneed to enter the Walk in this newsletter, butdon’t leave it too long as this event alwayssells out.

Thank you for all your support we reallycouldn’t do this without you! Martlets HospiceWayfield Avenue, Hove, East Sussex BN3 7LW Tel: 01273 273400 Web: www.themartlets.org.uk

Editorial Our Newsletter is published twice a year,the deadline for the next newsletter isAugust 9th. Please send your news, detailsof your events, or feedback on thenewsletter to Lucy Brandram.

[email protected]

Fundraising & Lottery Office Unit 5, Sussex House Business Park 270 Old Shoreham RoadHoveEast Sussex BN3 7DX

NEWS from the Hospice

CHEERLEADERS Needed On Sunday 18th April the first ever Brighton Marathon will take place and over 120local people are running to raise money for the Hospice. The route will take 12,000runners all around Brighton & Hove, 26.2 miles around Brighton & Hove to beprecise. Here at the Hospice we want to do everything we can to cheer ourrunners along the way, hearing a crowd of supporters cheering for you is just whatyou need as a runner! However to make sure we cheer the Martlets Team on asmuch as possible we need you! We’re looking for supporters to join our band ofcheerleaders, although we can’t offer you pom-poms we will make sure you haveflags, noisy clapper boards and anything else we can think of to make a noise.

If you’d like to cheer on the runners for an hour or two on Sunday 18th Aprilplease contact Clem at the Hospice, email [email protected] orcall Clem on 01273 747455.

Here’s your chance - we’re offeringdance enthusiasts a chance to stepback in time and enjoy the eleganceand fun of a grand Afternoon Dance.

This exclusive dancing occasion will beheld in the luxurious surroundings ofthe Empress Ballroom at the Grand inBrighton on Sunday 21st March.

The event will be hosted by RagroofTheatre with a presenter playing tunesfrom the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. Theprogramme will incorporate dancedisplays and brief dance instructionsbut will allow you ample time to taketo the floor. During the afternoon youwill be served tea, coffee, a selectionof sandwiches and cakes and awelcome glass of bubbly.

Guests are asked to dress for theoccasion, so it’s the perfectopportunity to dress up in your finestoutfit! Why not use this specialafternoon to celebrate a birthday, ananniversary or provide a treat to thosewho love to dance but seldom havethe opportunity.

As well as providing a great afternoon’sentertainment the profits from theDance will support the local charitablework of the Martlets Hospice.

Tickets are £25.

Contact Rachel in the FundraisingOffice on 01273 747455 or [email protected] tickets

Strictly FeverDid watching Strictly Come Dancing make you wish youcould dance? Perhaps you longed to take to the floor again?

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One of the many benefits of being Mayor of Brighton & Hove is the opportunity to choose which locally basedcharities you’ll fundraise for throughout the year. This year Councillor Ann Norman chose the Martlets, alongsidethe Sussex Heart Charity, the Alzheimer’s Society and Friends of Brighton & Hove Hospital. It’s a great honour forthe Martlets to be chosen as one of the Mayor’s charities as well as being another way of continuing to raise vitalfunds. Ann has been a staunch supporter of the Martlets for a number of years, taking part in the Midnight Walk,getting together a team of council volunteers to help decorate our new shop in Hove as well as turning out forcountless photo calls for the local paper. Her support has been above and beyond the call of duty, for which wewould like to say a huge thanks to Ann!

Support the Mayor’s Charities and come along to some of these fantastic events

Saturday 27th March 10am - 4pm at the Unitarian Church, New Road, Brighton. The Mayor’s Arty Party -Come and have a brush with colour, watch six fine artists work their magic. Phillip Dunn, Nick Osborn, Kate Osborne, CecilRice, Ilana Richardson and Shirley Trevena will be painting throughout the day at the Unitarian Church in Brighton. Entry is bydonation and there will be a tombola, raffle and many other stalls.

Wednesday 31st March, the Mayor’s Parlour, Brighton & Hove Town Hall. Contact the Martlets FundraisingOffice for more info. If you’ve ever wondered what goes on inside the Mayors Parlour - come along to her Easter CoffeeMorning - you’re in for a treat!

Friday 23rd April, Rendezvous Casino, Brighton Marina. Contact the Martlets Fundraising Office for more info.Celebrate St Georges Day in style this year with a special dinner at Rendezvous Casino in Brighton Marina.

Saturday 24th April, Hove Town Hall, Norton Rd, Hove. Contact the Martlets Fundraising Office for more info.From mime artists to dancers you’ll have a night out to remember at the Mayor’s Variety Show, fun for all the family. Tickets£8 & £5 concessions, £20 family tickets available (up to 4 people)

Call Antonia or Rachel in the Martlets Fundraising Office on 01273 747455 or [email protected]

Mayoral Support

Caroline Lower Martlets CEO, Mayor of Brighton & Hove Ann Norman, members of staff and Midnight Walkers

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All our Martlets Champions will receivespecial recognition and will be invited toexclusive events organized by the Hospice.The Champions scheme was officiallylaunched on 25th November, and hasbecome a big success.

The launch reception saw over 30 guestsincluding the Champions founders enjoyingtours of the Hospice and meeting with theHospice staff.

Martlets ChampionsChair Kathy Goresaid:

‘We aredelighted tolaunch this newventure which

we hope will prove attractive topeople who are able to give at ahigher level to support the vitalwork of The Martlets Hospice. TheHospice has been struggling to raisesufficient income to fund its workhelping local people affected byterminal illness. The launch ofMartlets Champions could not havecome at a better time and we hopethat many people will sign up.’

The Champions Committee set an initialtarget of £10,000 to raise before March2010. Seven months into the scheme andthey’ve beaten their target by raising£12,050! All the money raised will beapplied to sponsor a nurse on the HospiceInPatient Unit. The target for March 2011 is£20,000.

Champions President Peter Field

Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex

ChairKathy Gore DL

CommitteeRoger French OBE DL

Danny Marshall Matthew Sorokin

Ian Steel Stephen Vokins Robin Wilson

CHAMPIONING A CAUSE Martlets Champions is a new scheme aimed at securing annual donations of £500 a year or£50 per month from local people and local businesses. The scheme will secure a new incomestream for the Hospice from higher level donors.

Carey Mills hasbeen chosen as theMartlets Championssponsored nurse -we asked her tointroduce herself.

“I have workedas a registerednurse at the Martlets Hospice forthe past 6 years, I’m now one of theteam leaders on the InPatient Unit.I have been qualified as a nurse forover 20 years and my position atthe Martlets is my first withinpalliative care and the hospiceenvironment. I get tremendoussatisfaction from my job and whilstat times it can be stressful I cannotimagine working anywhere else.How people are cared for at theend of their lives has always been ofinterest to me. Having workedmainly within acute hospitals I haveseen some examples of poorlyhandled and managed deaths.This obviously impacts not onlyon the patient, but also on therelatives’ last memories andtheir ability to grieve. At the Martlets I feel privilegedto have the time and expertiseto enable people to have thegreatest quality of life until theydie and to aim to give them adignified and comfortable death.

We do hope that you’ll be interested injoining or you may know someone whomight like to be a Martlets Champion.Please note that membership can beshared with partners as applicable.For further information, including how tojoin the Champions Scheme pleasecontact Gary Moyle, Martlets ChampionsSecretary at The Martlets Hospice, on01273 747455 or [email protected] Find out more about theChampions atwww.martletschampions.co.uk

Our founder Martlets Champions are:Ian Askew; Mark & Fiona Beacham; Alan Bedford; Dr GeorgeDeutsch; Margaret Ellis; Peter & Margaret Field; Roger & DeirdreFrench; Kathy & Jack Gore; Alan McCarthy & Claire Webster ; DrShirley & Professor John Murrell; Ivor Sorokin; Ian & Terrina Steel; JaneTaheri-Kadkhoda; Dr Charles & Fiona Turton; Samuel Tyler ; John &Meta Wells-Thorpe; Jerry & Clare Westmore; Robin & Fiona Wilson

Donatello Restaurant; Faulwood & Herbert Colour Printers; GenevaInvestment Group Ltd; Giles Contracts Management Ltd; DanielMarshall Associates Ltd; Skerritt Consultants Ltd; vokins@home

Since joining the Martlets I havebeen encouraged to develop mypalliative care knowledge alongsidemy management skills so I’mcurrently undertaking modules atBrighton University. I feel that we are able to provide aconsistently high standard of care atthe Martlets and am grateful thatwe are so well regarded andsupported within the localcommunity.”

Left to Right: Robin & Fiona Wilson, Roger & Deirdre(seated) French, Fiona & Mark Beacham, Sue Addis

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The Martlets became L&G’s NominatedCharity of the Year in April 2007. The firsttarget for L&G employees was to raise£28,000 for patient equipment includingspecialist beds and reclining armchairs, aswell as equipping each bedroom in theInPatient Unit with a digital television andfree view box for patients to use wheneverthey feel like it. Employees choose wherethe money they raise goes from a wish listsupplied by the Hospice. In less than tenmonths they hit the fundraising target andkept on going! The next service to benefitwas the hospice at home service -Martlets@Home - this service allowspatients to choose to die in the comfortand privacy of their own home. Throughdress down days, sponsored events like theMartlets Midnight Walk and the NoonWalk, office collecting boxes, a bookexchange scheme and L&G’s employeematch funding - staff soon hit their secondtarget of £26,783.

“The partnership between the Hospiceand L&G has been hugely successful” saidGary Moyle from the Martlets fundraisingteam “we can’t thank the staff enough fortheir dedication and hard work in raisingsuch an incredible sum of money for theHospice.”

Someone who has supported the Martletswhilst working for L&G in Hove is Jo

Glorious Gardens Appeal In June the beautiful Hospice garden will be open to the public - come and catch it in full bloom on Saturday 12th and Sunday13th June from 2pm - 5pm. Are you proud of your garden, would you like to show it off to the general public? We’re lookingfor green fingered supporters to open their gardens this summer. You can open your garden at any time through the summer.Some keen gardeners get together with their neighbours to open on the same day, offering all kinds of extra attractions fromhomemade cakes to croquet on the lawn. What you decide is up to you!

If you’re interested in opening your garden why not give Antonia a call in the Fundraising Office and discuss it. Tel 01273 747455 or email [email protected]

Barnard. Jo first heard about the charity in2003 “ My Nan was diagnosed with cancer,and very sadly she died at the Hospice, thiswas not long after I’d started working atL&G. As a family we got so much supportin the time she was there. I was able tospend almost every day sitting with herand it was so nice to be surrounded bypeople going through the same thing as wewere. One of the really special things aboutthe Hospice is that once Nan died the helpand support didn’t stop.”

It sounds as if Hospice staff will go thatextra mile for their supporters as well. Joexplains “Last year we were all invited tovisit the Hospice to see where our moneyhad gone. It was a chance to see what a

difference our work had made to people’slives. When you raise money for a biggercharity you never really know where themoney’s gone - to be able to see thedifference is very special. It’s that personaltouch which is so important when you’reworking hard to raise money”

Frances Borrer the CSR Manager at HoveL&G explained why they chose theHospice,

“Our partnership with the Martlets hasbeen so successful because many of ouremployees have first -hand experience ofthe great work that the Hospice does. TheMartlets is very close to our Hove officeand to the hearts of many employeeshere”

Legal and GeneralSupport’s the Hospice In January the Martlets Hospice and Legal &General in Hove celebrated a hugeachievement - Legal & General staff haveraised over £50,000 for the Hospice in lessthan two years. This fantastic sum of moneyhas been generated by staff at L&G whowanted to support their favourite local charity.

Bottom Right Jo Barnard andFrances Borrarstanding above

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Each year, in mid June, over 1000 womentake to the streets of Brighton, armedwith flashing bunny ears and cowboy hatsthey walk to raise funds for the Martlets.

The Midnight Walk is a 13 mile walkstarting at midnight from BrightonRacecourse, an annual event, and ourbiggest fundraiser. The 2009 MidnightWalk raised a staggering amount, over£165,000 in sponsorship for theHospice. As you may already know allour services are provided free of chargeto local people. However did you knowthat to meet our patient’s needs it costs£11,815 a day. So you can see just howfar £165,000 goes.

Anyone can take part in the walk, mostof our walkers aren’t super fit, what youreally need is some determination mixedwith a healthy sense of adventure!

“Knowing that we are helpingpeople that need it there is areal sense of achievement andemotion at the end.”

Midnight Madness

“There is a wonderful atmosphere and it’s a bitdifferent. It seems to attract such attention during theevent that it makes you feel proud to be a part of it.”

Join us for a night to remember on Friday June 18th 2010Frequently Asked Questions Is there a minimum age to take part? Under 16’s must be accompanied by an adult, whotakes full responsibility for them. Do you ask for a minimum sponsorship amount? No, we ask walkers to raise as muchmoney as possible; even £50 does make a difference. The entry fee is not a donation to theHospice. I’m not very fit and 13 miles is a long way, will I be able to do it? Yes, we’ll send out atraining plan when we send your sponsorship forms, lots of our walkers don’t walk regularlyand still complete the course. What’s the Walk route? It starts and finishes at Brighton Racecourse, more details will followshortly. How do I raise money for the Hospice? We recommend you ask everyone you know, fromwork colleagues to family and friends. We’ll send you sponsor forms, you can also set up anonline fundraising page which makes it much easier to ask people who you don’t often see.Can men take part? This is a ladies only event but we still need men to help us marshal theroute and cheer our ladies on. How much of my sponsorship goes to the Hospice? Your registration fee covers the cost ofthe walk so every penny you raise goes directly to the Hospice for patient care. Do we get breakfast after the Walk? You do, a delicious breakfast with unlimited tea & coffee.

How Do I Register?Walk registration is £12, you can register online www.martlets-midnightwalk.co.uk , pickup an entry form from any of our shops, the Hospice, the Fundraising Office or downloadan entry form from the website.

Please note this year we are being supported by Sports Systems who are helping us byprocessing all our walk entries. You’ll need to send your completed entry forms toMartlets Midnight Walk, c/o Sports Systems, Regency House, 61 Walton on the Hill,Tadworth KT20 7RZ.

“I was so happy to finish it!And to be able to raise moremoney towards the cost of myMum’s care, she was at theMartlets in 2007.”

“I loved the atmosphere and chatting with friends. Also I knew Iwas raising money for such an amazing place which cared for myhusband in his last days.”

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Friday 10th Septemberat 7.30pm

The gardens will be transformed into an Indian Palace, complete with traditional dancers and live music

Tickets £tbc including an Indian banquet

To buy tickets and for more info contact the Fundraising Office 01273 747455or email [email protected]

A sumptuous Indian Banquet in the beautiful gardens of Stanmer House, Brighton

Indian Summer

Martlets Care Agency has been operational for overtwo years. For many people in Brighton & Hove ourCare Agency has become an important part of their life.

The Martlets Care Agency staff have provided respitecare for Babs and John in their own home twice a weekover the last six months.

John explained “It’s made a terrific difference to Babs, itmeans she can now go out, meet friends and see family.For me the three hours goes so quickly, it really shakesthe old grey cells up! The ladies that come are delightful- we’ve always got something to talk about”

Respite makes a huge difference to people’s lives.Martlets Care Agency also offers many other tailor-made packages of care. These can include:

Second LONDON TO BRIGHTON BIKE RIDE announced !After the sell out success of our first Friday Night Ride to the Coast we’ve already planned another on Friday 3rd Sept. The rideleaves Hyde Park Corner in London at midnight and riders will be back in Brighton in time for breakfast on the seafront. Formore info contact Antonia in the Fundraising Office.

• Help with everyday tasks such as washing, dressingand medication.

• Practical support including eating and drinking, foodpreparation, light domestic tasks, shopping, laundryand assisting with visits outside of home.

• Breaks for the carer. Anything from just a few hoursa day, to a complete overnight break.

• Short or long term support following surgery or ahospital stay.

Martlets Care Agency supports people to remainindependent in their own homes.

Contact UsFor more information and to discuss care options

Martlets Care Agency 01273 829943Or email [email protected]

Martlets Care AgencyWayfield AvenueHove BN3 7LW

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Time for a wardrobespring clean? The recession has meant Martlets Shops are busierthan ever - which is great news of course - but italso means asking for more stock donations. Thisspring we’re asking you to look for that special outfit,the one you loved, wore once and have never wornagain. We’ve all got something like that in the back ofthe wardrobe. These are the kind of specialdonations that we’re asking for ; it will make a bigdifference to our shops. We are also looking for goldjewellery, even if it’s broken we can still use it. Soplease, when you have your spring clean rememberto take your donations to your local Martlets shop. If you can’t make it to one of our shops call us toarrange a collection 01273 721188.

Vintage loving fashionistas queued to get their hands on thebeautiful clothes and jewellery that filled our Church Streetshop for Vintage Me in October. The event was a runawaysuccess, raising over £5000 in a weekend. So we decided tomake Vintage Me a regular event - the next Vintage Me takesplace on Saturday 27th February 10am-5pm &Sunday 28th February 10.30am - 5pm at ChurchStreet Shop. If you can’t make this date, don’t worry, we willbe holding another one later in the year. VINTAGE Delights


Tickets £25 includes light refreshments and a glass of bubbly

Hosted by

with music from the 20’s, 30’s & 40’s


To book your ticket call Rachel in theFundraising Team 01273 747455 or

email [email protected]

Volunteer APPEAL We’re looking for volunteers towork for a few hours a week inour charity shops. Volunteers areneeded in all of the charity shopsin Hove, Brighton, Saltdean,Peacehaven and Lewes. Variousshifts are available throughout theweek and on Saturdays.The shop volunteer is a variedrole and shop experience is notneeded although volunteers doneed to enjoy working with thegeneral public. Volunteers will beserving customers, displayingstock, handling cash, acceptingdonations and dealing withenquires. Each Martlets volunteerwill receive a full induction andthe Hospice shops offer ongoingtraining and support. “If you are fit, enthusiastic and have a few hours to spare eachweek, then we’d love to work with you!” said Helen Rogers HR& Voluntary Services Assistant for the Hospice Shops. For a Volunteer Registration Pack or more information, pleasecontact Helen Rogers on 01273 766681 or [email protected]

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Ebay Mystery Corner Correctly guess what the mystery objects areand what they sold for on Ebay to win a bottleof bubbly !

A sparkling NEW SHOPin Hove In January we celebrated the opening of our newest shop. 87 Blatchington Road wasofficially opened by the Mayor of Brighton & Hove Ann Norman, with one of ourtrustees John Powell and Caroline Lower our CEO. Staff and volunteers workedincredibly hard to completely redecorate the shop. It’s now filled with quality clothes,furniture, homeware, linens and jewellery. The buy one get one free offer on clothes isstill on, so make sure you pay the shop a visit very soon!

87 Blatchington Road, Hove. Open Monday - Saturday 9.30 am - 5pm

Left to right: Eve Collins, Ann Davies, Caroline Lower, Ann Norman, John Powell

Look carefully at the three objects - you’ll need to correctly guess the purposeand selling price of two to be in with a chance of winning a bottle of bubbly.Please send your answers on the postcard you’ll find in the mailing or alternativelypost to Martlets Newsletter, Fundraising and Lottery Office, Freepost SEA 2529Hove, BN3 7ZZ.

Closing date for entries is Monday May 3rd. First correct entry out of the hatwill win the bottle of bubbly.

Our Martlets ShopsWarehouse and Furniture ShowroomUnit 5 Sussex House Business Park270 Old Shoreham RoadHoveBN3 7DXCall 01273 721188 for delivery & collection

2 Church StreetBrightonBN1 1RETel: 01273 690132

87 Blatchington RoadHoveBN3 3YGTel: 01273 779079

18 Longridge AvenueSaltdeanBrightonBN2 8LHTel: 01273 306200

53 High StreetLewesBN7 1XETel: 01273 478560

170 South Coast RoadPeacehavenBN10 8JHTel : 01273 588808

1 2 3

We’re looking for volunteersto work for a few hours aweek in our charity shops.

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Maddie and her husband Frank used the Day Hospice and Martlets @Home services for nearly two years.

“I was lucky enough to look after Frank at home very nearly till the end,when he was admitted to the IPU. He wasn’t in there for very long, only alittle longer than a day so he wasn’t really aware that he’d left home.

I used to look forward to the Martlets @ Home girls coming; they werealways so bright and breezy, especially helpful for me when I was looking for

professional advice. It’s reassuring to know that there was always someone there for us, even ifyou thought it was a silly little thing that maybe you shouldn’t worry them with, I was never evermade to feel as if I was bothering them.

I can’t speak highly enough of the care it’s really wonderful.

Everyone is so kind, it’s an amazing place and I wanted to give something back.

Even now, when I volunteer at the Hospice, I find it such a friendly place, I spent so long here, inand out of the Day Hospice with Frank that everyone seems to be popping into the Hospiceshop to say hello.”

Key Facts• Last year Martlets @ Home cared for 228 patients, 80% had an advanced

cancer diagnosis

• 95 patients died in their own home

• 45 patients were admitted to the IPU where they had chosen to die

• 12 patients were admitted to hospital

• It costs us £140 a day or £980 a week to nurse each Martlets @ Home Patient

A Hospice Without Walls

Liz is a registered nursewith the Martlets atHome team, Liz hasworked with theMartlets @ Home teamfor five years.

“Looking after people intheir own home gives me great satisfactionand I’m glad we’re able to give patients thefreedom to chose where they want to be. Italso gives you time to support the patient’sfamily - you can work with relatives to talkthrough their fears, often helping the familyprepare and offer them comfort. Obviouslyyou can’t take away all their anxieties aboutwhat’s happening to their loved one but youcan make them feel supported.

I’ve found that it’s so important to makepeople feel empowered; it’s very easy forthem to become disempowered and to feellike they aren’t any use or can no longer doanything to help their loved one. But byasking relatives and friends to do the smallthings, even just picking up drugs from thepharmacy, you can make a huge differenceto the way they feel. People need to knowthey can do something and that they areuseful. It can be such a traumatic experience;by being there we can reassure the patientand their relatives about what is going tohappen.”

Our Martlets @ Home team provide end of life care in people’s own homes, they enablepeople to choose where they would like to die. Providing hospice care at home, grantsmany people’s last wish - to die in the privacy and comfort of their own home. Our teamcan help people overcome temporary medical crises as well as supporting families andcarers to look after a loved one dying at home. The service has recently expanded toprovide a Respite service for carers.

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A Great Xmas Pudding Race We know you’ve only just cleared away the last of theChristmas decorations and are probably looking forwardto some spring sunshine. However, a supporter has justapproached us with a novel idea to raise some moneywhich we couldn’t wait to tell you about!

THE Great Xmas Pudding Race iscoming to Brighton for the first time inDecember 2010. It’s bound to be oneof the wackiest races you’ll ever see;the Pudding Race will raise money forthe Martlets Hospice and CancerResearch UK.

The race is a challenge of dexterity, balance, speed andgeneral silliness. You’ll be balancing your pudding on a traywhilst negotiating a perilous obstacle course. You’ll needto get together a team of seven people. The challenge willbe staying on your feet, with your pudding. Fitness is not arequirement!

The race is being organised by a group of volunteersfrom Brighton & Hove. For an opportunity to getinvolved, set up a team or donate, please call RyanBromley on 07863 347800, or email him [email protected]

Supporting theSponsored by

Simply Blinding0800 0267 666

Thursday 1st July 2010Dog night at Coral Greyhound Stadium, Hove

3 course meal, entrance and race card all for £20 perperson. £5 to sponsor a dog - all sponsors will be namedon the night.

Fancy naming your own race? For just £100 the race isyours and you'll be presenting the trophy to the winner,with a photo to mark the occasion.

A raffle will be held in aid of the Martlets on the night.

Tickets on sale in the Fundraising Office

call 01273 747455.

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The New Year started with abang for the Martlets Lottery - we

celebrated our biggest ever draw with7330 players on January 1st! Part of thissuccess is down to our Lottery canvassers,Shelia Green, our Lottery Manager gave usthe inside story. “The Martlets Hospicelottery currently has two canvassers whogo door-to-door throughout the Hospicecatchment area recruiting new membersto our lottery. These hard working andconscientious gentlemen are out in allweathers and do a wonderful job ofpromoting the Hospice and our lotteryand help bring in funds to ensure that theMartlets can continue its vital work.”

One of these hardworking gentlemen isJohn Gibbons and hekindly answered afew questions for us:

How long have youbeen working forthe Martlets Lottery

and what prompted you to apply for thejob?

“I started working for the hospice inSeptember 2008. Previously I’d been workingin a similar role for a larger national charity.Although I was a passionate believer in thework of the charity, I was unhappy at the lackof support I was receiving from themanagement there. I reasoned that theMartlets, being a smaller organisation andbeing well known for its compassion andhumanity would also extend that to

Who’s knocking on your door? Meet our full time Lottery Canvasser

consideration of its staff. I think I made a wisechoice!

Naturally I was also interested in the workthat the Martlets does. I came into thecharity sector so that I could be proud of thework that I do, knowing that it was for thegeneral good. With the Martlets I can fullyrealise that aim.”

What’s the most unexpected thing thathas happened to you while out canvassingfor the Lottery?

“No bolts of lightning or alien abductions,nothing like that. I wasn’t expecting the depthof support from all age ranges and sectors ofsociety for the lottery, so I was pleasantlysurprised by the amount of public supportthere is out there. I’ve had respectable ladiesof a certain age chasing me down the gardenpath in order to take part; now that’sencouraging!”

Our canvassers can also visit businesses,care homes, sheltered housing, clubs andsocieties to do a short presentation aboutthe Martlets, how our lottery works andthe contribution it makes to the running ofthe hospice. If you would like one of ourcanvassers to visit your organisation, pleasecall Sheila on 01273 747455 ext 4.If you would like to be in with a chance ofwinning £1000, and support your localhospice, join the Martlets Lottery. It costsjust £1 a week, to join either visit ourwebsite www.themartlets.org.uk or callour Lottery Manager on 01273 747455ext 4 or pick up a form from any of ourshops.

ShowtimeProductionsABBA GOLD are returning toBrighton for 1 day only on Sunday 21stMarch 2010 complete with a Live Bandon stage to perform 2 knockoutshows.

Put on your wigs, platform shoes andprepare to sing and dance the nightaway to all your favourite hits. Have afabulous feel good evening with all thefamily.

All profits supporting patient care atthe Martlets Hospice.

Both shows are very kindly sponsoredby SIMPLY BLINDING 0800 0267 666.

Abba Gold matinee at 2.30 pm &evening show at 7.30pm at theTheatre Royal Brighton. Tickets: £11-£21. Box Office Tel 08448 717650.

Autumn with ShowtimeProductions 2010Welcome to Broadway & The WestEnd. Showtime Productions presentsan evening of pure musical excitementwith songs from all the top musicaltheatre shows. You’ll be treated to hitsfrom Les Miserables, Phantom of theOpera , Cats, Oliver, Sister Act, Chicagoand Evita to name but a few. It’ll be afabulous feast of great songs from theworld’s top composers and it promisesto be a great evening at The TheatreRoyal Brighton. Further details will beavailable at www.themartlets.org.ukshortly.

Don’t miss this year’s BIG BANDNIGHT on Saturday 4th December atHove Town Hall - this event was a sellout last year so don’t leave it too lateto order tickets. Box office 01273563063

Did you know you can now joinShowtime Productions PRIORITYmailing list? Call 01273 563063 to bekept up to date with our shows.

12 Martlets Hospice NEWS www.themartlets.org.uk

MARTLETS HOSPICE 2010 SPRING DRAWWhat you could win . . .1st Prize: 2 night stay for 2 people with dinner, bed and breakfast at any hotelwithin the New Forest Hotel group

2nd Prize: Afternoon tea for 4 at Amberley Castle

3rd Prize: Midweek overnight stay for 2 people, with breakfast, at Grand Hotel, Brighton

Plus other fantastic prizes including . . .Garden Furniture Voucher, Mystery Day Trip for 2,Chelsea Flower Show tickets, £75 Voucher for dinner at Due South Fish Restaurant in Brighton,Spring Plant Selection, Juicer, Fantastic Beach Pack

All proceeds will support patient care at the Martlets Hospice.Our thanks go to those who generously donated prizes.

Page 13: Martlets Hospice Newsletter Spring 2010

Hadrian’s WallWeekend Trek6th August2010 A tough 3day challenge Hadrian’s Walloriginally ran fromcoast to coast andspanned 72 miles. Today, only sections of the wall are left whichcuts through the beautiful Northumberland National Park.Starting at Lanercost Priory, you’ll trek for 25 miles alongside theremaining sections of the Wall, admiring ancient monuments,beautiful scenery and the skill of the Roman engineers who builtthis famous landmark, now a UNESCO World Heritage site. You’llcamp at a lovely campsite just outside the small town ofHaltwhistle.

To secure your place you’ll need to pay a deposit of £49 andthen raise a minimum of £550 in sponsorship for the Hospice.

Land’s End to John O’Groats Cycle 28thSeptember 2010 A tough 13 day challenge

Cycling from Land’s Endto John O’Groats, thefurthest possible distancein the British Isles, is aclassic challenge thatmany dream of. Startingat Land’s End on thesouthwesterly tip ofEngland, you’ll pedal yourway through Cornwall,

over Dartmoor and north to the Welsh border, skirting the LakeDistrict into Scotland, via lochs and mountains to the North coastand John O’Groats. The entire ride will cover almost 1000 milesin 12 days, passing through some of the most stunning andremote countryside in the British Isles.

This is a tough challenge but a fabulous way to see the country!

To secure your place you’ll need to pay a deposit of £249 andthen raise a minimum of £2,850 in sponsorship for the Hospice.

Great Wall of China Trek 14th October 2010A moderate 11 day trek Stretching 6000km in a dotted line across China, building on theGreat Wall started in the 5th Century BC. As it snakes across themountains it conjures up a sense of history which is difficult tograsp until you have had the opportunity to experience it. Thetrek passes through woodland and terraced farmland, followingthe contours of the beautiful hills and mountains in remote areasnorth of Beijing. You’ll trek alongside the old sections of the Wallas well as the restored sections with smooth flagstones and lotsof steps!

This challenge is physically demanding but you’ll enjoy somefabulous scenery and a fascinating insight into a rich culture andhistory.

To secure your place you’ll need to pay a deposit of £299, andthen raise a minimum of £2,950 for the Hospice.

How far would you go for your local Hospice?Super Sky Dives A 12,000 ft tandem sky dive is a thrill of a life time, one not to bemissed. Imagine falling forward into the clouds, diving downthrough the air as you start freefalling at over 120mph. Once theparachute opens everything slows down, you’ll have an incrediblebird’s eye view across Kent and on a clear day you can see all theway to the shores of France!

You can jump at any timeof the year for theHospice or take part inour Mothers Day Skydivein March each year. Thetandem jump costs £395,this includes a £175donation to the Hospice,anything you raise overthis total will comedirectly to the Hospice.

www.themartlets.org.uk Martlets Hospice NEWS 13

Fourth annual Hike 4 Hospices!

Rotarians helping Hospices

Saturday 21st, Sunday 22nd August 2010

Walk the South Downs and help our Hospices in Chichester, Worthing, Brighton and Lewes

Hospices need your help now – one day you may need theirs

Enter online at www.hike4hospices.com or call 01903 743261 to get your entry form

For information about any of our challenges orif you are taking part in your own challenge toraise funds for the Hospice please [email protected] or call Clemon 01273 747455

Kindly supplied by Air Affair

Page 14: Martlets Hospice Newsletter Spring 2010

“It’s the second year we’ve held the Noon Walk and with more thantreble the number of men taking part this year it’s been aoverwhelming success. We’re really pleased with the level of supportlocal men have given the event andwant to thank everyone involved inmaking the event such a success!” saidAntonia Shepherd our EventsManager.

The Noon Walk was generouslysupported by Kathmanudu, SeattleHotel, Pure Creatives, The Argus, JuiceFM, Sussex County Cricket Club andBrighton Square.

The 2010 Noon Walk will take placeon Sunday 3rd October - so put thedate in your diaries - we’ll be in touchwith an entry form in the next fewmonths.

Martlets Noon Walk 2009 was a sunny successOn Sunday 4th October 250 men met up at the CountyCricket Ground in Hove to put their best feet forward fortheir local hospice. The thirteen mile walk took the NoonWalkers from Hove to Saltdean and back, there were walkersin fancy dress, a couple of men with their dogs. Most menwalked with their friends to remember someone they had lost

at the Hospice or simply tosupport the Martlets. Andsupport their local hospice theydid - the 250 Noon Walkersraised an incredible £58,467 insponsorship for the Martlets.

Noon Walk





14 Martlets Hospice NEWS www.themartlets.org.uk

On Sunday 20th September Nicki Brenchley, Gary Hatcher and someother extreme runners met at 6am to begin the 56 mile cross countryroute from London to Brighton. “There were no arrows or marshals tohelp, just a small map book with the odd comment like “it’s a bit trickythrough Aperfield” or “trust your compass”. Not a lot of help to afemale with very poor navigational skills and who only managed an Olevel in Geography on her second attempt!” said Nicki.

“In the end it was impossible to read our maps it was that dark. So wefollowed the crowd. Then at mile two I stepped off a kerb and my left calfscreamed at me. I was devastated and I was in agony with a torn calfmuscle. I had come all this way, trained for six months; my friends andfamily were at checkpoint one (7 miles away) expecting me. I had raised allthis money for the Martlets Hospice, I had to finish. I couldn’t go back towork on Tuesday and say that I had given up after two miles.”

Despite being in agony Nicki kept going, she had to walk up the hills andgingerly crossed the styles, but she and Gary finished this incredible race.In the end Nicki did more than just finish the race; she was the firstwoman across the line, in 9hrs 51 minutes.

“I can’t say I enjoyed any of the 54 miles after the first injury but it’s noweasier to walk so I can forget the pain and reflect. I did this run for the

challenge and it certainly was. By doing it I have raised, with the help andgenerosity of so many people, over £4,500 for the Martlets Hospice. Mypain will go, I will run again and enjoy the countryside and the pleasure I getfrom running across the Downs with my friends. But there are many peopleout there whose pain only goes when they die. That’s what kept me going.”

Support from people likeNicki and Gary is part ofwhat makes the Hospice sucha special place - we couldn’tdo it without you - thank youfor all your incredible hardwork!

If Nicki and Gary’s extremerun has inspired you, have alook at our ChallengesFeature. Nicki has been intouch to let us know that shehas just started running againand recently completed an 8mile race!

NEWS features Nicki and Gary’s London toBrighton Run - What a day!

Page 15: Martlets Hospice Newsletter Spring 2010

Gifts made in Wills provide 20% (or justover £1million) of our annual income.Many of the people who give us moneyin their Wills have been affectedpersonally by the care we give. Otherssupport us because they want to helpsecure the future of our work. Giftsmade in Wills range from under £100 toover £250,000, and we are very gratefulfor every donation we receive.

Our legacy leaflet explains why giftsmade in Wills are essential to our workand provides more information aboutleaving a gift in your Will.

For a copy of the legacy leaflet contactour Legacy Officer Gary Moyle on01273 747455 or [email protected]

Make a gift to the Hospice in your Willfor free

If you’re thinking of leaving a gift to theHospice in your Will you can do so at no

cost using our free codicils scheme. Two local firms of solicitors - Crosby &Moore Solicitors in Hove and GriffithSmith Farrington Webb Solicitors inBrighton - will write free codicils(additions to existing Wills) for anyonewho wants to make a gift to The MartletsHospice in their Will.

ContactRosie Haines Griffith Smith Farrington WebbSolicitorsTel: 01273 384049

Jacqueline D’Hazzard Head of Wills and Probate Crosby & Moore Solicitors Tel: 01273 229340

Make a promise today . . .

More information For more information about legacies and the free codicil scheme visit our website atwww.themartlets.org.uk or contact our Legacy Officer Gary Moyle on 01273 747455 oremail [email protected]

“As a nurse on the InPatient Unit,it is so encouraging to all of ushere to know that people careenough about us and everyonewe help to make a Gift to theHospice in their Will”

www.themartlets.org.uk Martlets Hospice NEWS 15

Whose Oscar is it anyway?5th June 2010 - Firle Place, Sussex

The Friends of East SussexHospices invite you to enjoy anevening of music and comedyfrom the Golden Age ofHollywood with a performanceof "Whose Oscar Is It Anyway?"by kind permission of TheViscount and Viscountess Gage.

Firle Place, home of the Gage family forover 500 years, is an exquisite countryestate nestled under the Downs andguests are invited to picnic in the gardensbefore the performance to be held in thebeautiful 18th century indoor riding school.The sparkling cast have performedextensively in theatre, film, radio and primetime television and the black-tie eveningincludes a thirty minute complimentarychampagne interval said to be "the bestdrinks party in the Sussex summercalendar".

Sponsorship and programme advertisingopportunities are available and we expectthe evening to be well attended byinfluential Sussex supporters and widelyreported in the local media. Tickets are£60 (priority seating) and £50.

Beneficiaries of the Friends of East Sussex Hospices are:Chestnut Tree House Children's Hospice • Demelza Hospice Care for ChildrenHospice in the Weald • Leo House at Home • St. Catherine's HospiceSt. Michael's Hospice • St. Peter & St. James Hospice • St Wilfrid's HospiceThe Martlets Hospice

To book please contact Mrs DianneSteele by telephone on 01435 813630or by email at [email protected].

Stop Press: As we go to print the Mayor’s Charities have just announced another event onSaturday 21st March, a one off open morning at the Sussex Masonic Centre. More details from theFundraising Office on 01273 747455.

Page 16: Martlets Hospice Newsletter Spring 2010

MarchWednesday 3rd March 7 - 9pm Clarins 10 Years Younger Boots, North Street, Brighton. An exclusive preview of new Clarinsproducts, learn the tricks of the trade and enjoy special offers, araffle and goody bags. Tickets £10 from the Fundraising Office01273 747455 or email [email protected]

Sunday 21st March 2.30pm & 7.30pm Abba GoldTheatre Royal, Brighton. Abba Gold are one of the most influentialtribute bands of all time. Tickets from £11 - £21, Matinee -2.30pm & Evening 7.30pm. Box Office 08448 717650 orwww.ambassadortickets.com/brighton

Sunday 21st March 2.30pm Afternoon Dance at theGrand The Grand Hotel, Brighton. Take to the floor, relive thestyle and glamour of a Golden Age and dance the afternoon awaywith Rag Roof Theatre. Tickets from the Fundraising Office 01273747455 or email [email protected]

Tickets £25 incl light refreshments and a glass of bubbly

Saturday 27th March 10am - 4pm The Mayors ArtyParty Unitarian Church, New Road, Brighton. Come and have abrush with colour, watch six fine artists work their magic. Tombola,raffles and stalls. Entry by donation.

Wednesday 31st March - Spring Raffle Draw - make sureyou’ve sent your tickets back!

Wednesday 31st March 10.30 - 12pm Easter CoffeeMorning Mayor’s Parlour, Brighton Town Hall. Enjoy coffee in theMayor’s Parlour, everyone welcome. In aid of the Mayor’sCharities. Contact the Martlets Fundraising Office for more details.

April Friday 9th April Martlets Spring Quiz 7.30pm Jim ParksBar, Sussex County Cricket Ground, Hove. Test your generalknowledge, of teams up to six people. Bring your own supper, cashbar. Quiz starts promptly at 7.30pm. Tickets £7.50 from theFundraising Office 01273 747455 or [email protected]

Sunday 18th April 9am Brighton Marathon Help us cheeron the Martlets Marathon runners, over 100 runners aresupporting the Hospice. To join our cheerleaders please contactClem in the Fundraising Office [email protected] orcall 01273 747455

Friday 23rd April 7.30pm The Mayor’s St Georges DayDinner Rendezvous Casino, Brighton Marina. In aid of the Mayor’sCharities. For more information contact the Martlets FundraisingOffice 01273 747455

Saturday 24th April 7pm The Mayor’s VarietyPerformance Hove Town Hall, Hove. Starring Brighton & HoveActually Gay Men’s Chorus, Brighton Theatre Group, The SpotlightPlayers & Mulligan School of Irish Dancing. Tickets £8, £5 andgroup ticket for four £20 Contact the Martlets Fundraising Office01273 747455

Sunday 25th April Music for Life 4pm - 11pmTheBrunswick Music Venue, Holland Road, Hove. A live musicfundraising event, featuring performances from well knownBrighton musicians. Tickets from 01273 733984 or contact theMartlets Fundraising Office 01273 747455

MaySaturday 29th May 10am - 1pm Annual Coffee Morning17 Fernhurst Crescent, Hollingbury. Raising funds for the MartletsHospice and Dorset Gardens Methodist Church. Entry £1

June Saturday 5th June Whose Oscar is it Anyway? Friends ofEast Sussex Hospices, Firle Place, Sussex. The Friends of East SussexHospices invite you to enjoy an evening of music and comedy fromthe Golden Age of Hollywood. Tickets £60 (priority seating) &£50 To book contact Mrs Dianne Steele on 01435 813630 or [email protected].

Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th June 2pm - 5pm MartletsHospice Open Garden Wayfield Avenue, Hove. Visit the stunningHospice garden in full bloom this summer. Entry by donation.

Sunday 13th June Celebrate 75 years of Brighton & HoveBuses Madeira Drive, Brighton. Say “hello” at the Martlets stall andhelp us celebrate 75 years of the Brighton & Hove Bus Company.

Friday June 18th 12am Midnight Walk Brighton Racecourse,Race Hill, Brighton. Ladies join us for a night to remember. Entry £12enter online www.martlets-midnightwalk.co.uk or pick up a formfrom the shops

July Thursday 1st July 7.30pm A Night at the Dogs CoralGreyhound Stadium, Hove. The evening includes a delicious threecourse dinner, admission and a race card. Sponsor a dog for just £5or name your own race for £100. Tickets £20 contact Rachel in theMartlets Fundraising Office on 01273 747455

Saturday 10th July 2-5pm Dane House Care Home OpenGarden find it on 52 Dyke Road Avenue, Brighton, BN1 5LE

AugustSaturday 21st & Sunday 22nd Hike for Hospices SouthDowns Way. Walk the South Downs Way and help your localhospice. Enter at www.hike4hospices.com or call 01903 743261 foran entry form.

September Friday 10th September 7pm An Indian Summer StanmerHouse, Brighton. You’ll be served a sumptuous Indian banquet in thegarden, accompanied by live Indian music and dancers. £tbc moredetails will be available shortly.

October Friday 1st October Bangers & Mash Quiz Night SussexCounty Cricket Club. General knowledge quiz teams of up to sixpeople. Quiz starts promptly at 7.30pm. Tickets £15 contact Rachelin the Martlets Fundraising Office on 01273 747455

Sunday 3rd October Noon Walk Sussex Cricket Club. Our 13mile sponsored walk just for men, walk from Hove to Saltdean andback. Entry £tbc and full details available very shortly.

Saturday 23 October Bridge Afternoon Patcham Bridge Club.Contact Antonia in the Fundraising Office for more info.

Diary of Events MARCH TO OCTOBER 2010

Designed & printed by: Faulwood & Herbert. Brighton. Tel: 01273 556194 Email: [email protected]

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