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  • 7/31/2019 Marwadi Finance Text


    Dispatch: -

    It is a segment busy in taking couriers from other institutes or

    companies. After getting such couriers other client related things, they will

    inform concerned clients to get it.

    Mutual funds and IPO: -

    Here, activities related to mutual fund takes place. If any

    customer wants guidance about investment in mutual funds, this department

    will guide him and will also tell about procedure of investment in mutual funds.

    MSFPL is a corporate agent of Birla Sun Life, ICICI and Frankline, TATA

    Mutual Funds.

    IPO means Initial Public Offer. Information taken from computer

    on line by the staff of this department will enter into their own handled

    computer. MSFPL is a member of collection center.

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    Server room: -

    All kind of server like BSEs servers and NSEs servers,

    depository server, computer accounting servers are kept here and the

    procedure regarding all servers is starting from here.

    Accounts: -

    Mr. Sureshbhai and Mr. Vithlanibhai handle this department. All

    the accounts regarding work are done here. All the monitory transactionsentry is passing out and secured here. In other meaning all the finance related

    activities are done here. All the decisions regarding allocation or

    transformation of funds are taken here. This department also sees the records

    of bank related transactions, bank related transaction, and bank balance and

    statements are also prepared.

    H.R. Administrations: -Activities related to H.R.Administrations are done here. It is

    handled by Mr. Akshaybhai (Head of H.R.) with Mr. Kumarbhai and Mr.

    Rajeshbhai. Activities regarding employees work like, new policy planed for

    employee, wage and salary administration, project work, manpower planning

    is completed here. Head of H.R. tries to enforcing discipline on the basis of

    co-operative understandings and a human application of rules and regulation.

    Commodity back-office: -

    Accounts regarding commodities billing receivable and payable

    are kept here.

    Other activities regarding commodities trading like if any clients has

    made deal of any commodities. Procedures related from and payment and time

    limitation and all other are done here. And this department will further guide clients

    for next procedure of commodities trading

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    Commodity Back-office: -

    Here all the staff members who are having concerned withcommodities marketing get to gather and they planed out for new strategy andfor new project final decisions have been taken by them and some times, ifneeded they people are also calling clients for such meetings. Thisdepartment is especially for commodities market members.

    Trading: -

    There are main tow types of trading normal trading and F&O

    (Future and Option market) trading so all the trading accountings are

    controlled over here. Such trading is divided into two parts i.e. NSE and BSE.

    Clients can deal here for trading contract, new accounting opening, pay-in and

    pay-out. For such trading all have to follow SEBI (Securities and Exchange

    Board of India) rules.

    Settlement Department: -

    This department deals between clients and exchange. Clients

    can debit or credit their bill here. Other transactions regarding billing of NSE

    and BSE are done here.

    Commodity trading: -

    As in other trade, client can trade in commodities with the code

    by filling the form for commodities to open an account with MSFPL by filling up

    the account opening form, and deposit. There is no element of risk of anycompany. Trading of any commodities like gold, silver, Kapas, Soya oil, castor

    seed is done here. All the procedure regarding such trading is also done here.

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    F&O Back-office: -

    This is also called derivative market. It has been started in India

    in the year 2002. According to this market, trading can be possible in national

    and Mumbai stock exchanges. Future means any script or shares, which arelisted in F&O. such shares will purchase or sell at decided price in limited

    period. Future trade has still not got delivery base trading permission.

    Options are of two types. Call option and put option.

    Call option means the right of any derivates listed security to

    purchase any derivates securities in limitation of time. Put option means a

    right to sell any derivates securities in decided time. NSE and BSE have

    derivates market and MSFPL is the member of both markets.

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    D.P. Back-office: -

    The work of DP- Back office is to check activities of front office,

    this department sees whether DRF (Demat Request Form) for demat account

    opening has been fill-up correctly or not. If required to change detail of bank

    transaction. This department as name suggested not comes directly into

    contact with customer. In brief a process, which has started from DP-Back

    office, will have been completed over here.

    Compliance: -

    This department stays directly in contact with higher authorities

    (SEBI and other big companies). This department recorrects mistakes which

    are done while opening of demat account. If there will be mistake, this

    department will point out and reported to SEBI.

    Software: -

    As MSFPL is engaged in share related activities, It becomes

    necessary to have different; software for all different procedures like, trading

    and price listing, data entry and so on. Such procedures become easy by

    using soft wares. Such types of software maintain and handled over here, as

    we know day-to-day technologies are changing so this department also

    keeping into considers that thing also. Therefore new soft wares aredeveloping and old can be modifying over her.

    Hardware: -

    Computers join the whole network of MSFPL and branches only.

    All work related hardware is handled carefully over here. If any fault find by

    any employees in theirs computer, immediately they will call this department

    and this department will solve those problems. So instead of waiting foroutsider person for solution, here in MSFPL only problems can be solved.

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    Dispatch: -

    Activities regarding bill and contract of IPO are done here also. If

    any clients demand for any statement (day to day, weekly, monthly), this

    department will provide them those statements. Here, if any client gets anycouriers, this department will send it to the concern clients. First this

    department gets work from other department like trading and so on.

    Store: -

    Stationary stocks are kept over here and other inventories are

    also kept over here only.


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    Trading services: -

    It is the service based on computer system. This service is offered

    entirely on line in the computer. It is compulsory for clients to come at office and

    then they can have trading. First they have to login in computer. For example, if

    client wants to trade in NSE (National Stock Exchange), they will come at

    concerned office and on screen price of shares can be seen and it get change on

    every time. Now client knows increase and decrease in the price of shares. So,

    he will decide in which companies share he wants to trade means purchasing and

    selling of shares. The numbers of companies are limited over here.

    Net services: -

    To get this service, customers or clients dont need to come at the share

    broking office but they can have it in their own computer screen. Such services

    are also provided by net. It be can use only for registered clients. Deposit is done

    here. First they have to enter their password and they can up date theirinformation on their computer screen. To update data on regular bases one can

    use it, mean it is useful for the person who has daily trade in stock exchange. And

    other benefit is that clients can have this information regarding trade at any time

    and anywhere they want.

    Commodity derivatives: -

    It is the recently started service by MSFPL. MSFPL is the participant of

    NCDEX and MCX (one of the stock exchanges). MSFPL has separated

    department for commodity derivatives. MSFPL has also departments like,

    commodity back office, commodity trading. Here the contracts of the commodity

    like gold, silver, rice etc. are completed.

    Demat services: -

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    DEMET mean Dematerialization of shares. MSFPL is the

    participant of NSDL (National Securities and Depository Ltd.). And it is the

    agreement between clients and D.P. (Depository Participant).

    To open a demat account thing which are required like

    photograph of concerned clients, current proof and residential address of

    clients. The changes are taken considering scheme charges. Scheme charges

    include life time for which client has to pay 4000 to 10000. To open demat

    account, opening kit will also be required like trade book etc. first, client have

    to fill up DRF (Demat Request Form)

    Cash segment: -

    In NSE, BSE and other state level stock

    exchanges (Saurashtra stock exchange and Ahmedabad

    stock exchange) on the daily delivery based purchasing and

    selling of listed shares or square up have been done and it is

    called CASH MARKET. In this market, the load of market will

    be in the single number. Rolling settlement, daily settlement

    and purchasing and selling of bonds and debentures could

    also take place over here.

    Mutual funds: -

    A Mutual Fund is a pool of money collected

    from investors and is invested according to stated investment

    objectives. Mutual Funds investors are like share holders andthey own the fund. Mutual Funds investors are not lenders or

    deposit holders in a Mutual Funds. Every body else

    associated with Mutual Funds is a service provider like

    MSFPL, who earns a fee. Mutual funds invest in marketable

    securities according to the investment objective. SEBI

    (Securities and Exchange Board of India) got regulatory

    powers in 1992. Mutual Funds themselves pay no tax on the

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    incomes they earn. They are fully exempt from tax. Agents

    can sell products of multiple mutual funds.

    MSFPL is a corporate of Mutual Funds provider

    companies like, Birla Sun Life, ICICI, Frankline and TATA.

    They have separate department regarding Mutual Funds at

    first floor of MSFPL building. It provides services regarding

    Mutual Funds investment. This department is also giving

    information regarding guidelines and procedures of investing

    money in Mutual Funds.


    Private banking sector.Private banking sector.

    Forex market.Forex market.

    Commodities demat service.Commodities demat service.

    Product enhancement in commodity market.Product enhancement in commodity market.

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    According to flippo, personnel management or

    Human Resources Management is the planning, organizing,

    directing and controlling of the procurement, development,

    compensation, integration, maintenance and reproduction of

    human resources to the end that individual, organizational

    and societal objectives are accomplished.

    Personnel management involves the task of

    handling the human problems of an organization and is

    devoted to acquiring, developing, utilizing and maintaining an

    efficient work force.

    Human resources management cannot be

    separated from the basic management function. Human

    resources are heterogeneous, dynamic, and have immense

    potential. The scope of H.R.M. is very wide; it covers labor,

    welfare and industrial relations aspects. H.R. Managers do

    not manufacture or sell goods but they do contribute to the

    success and growth of an organization by advising theoperating departments on personnel matters. Human

    resources management is concerned with employees as

    individuals as well as groups. It is the task of dealing with

    human relationships within an organization. It is the process

    of achieving the best fit between individuals, jobs,

    organizations and the environment. It is the process of

    bringing people and organization together so that the goals of

    each are met. Human resources are most important element

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    in an organization. The effective utilization of all other

    resources depends upon the quality of human resources.

    Without united human efforts no organization

    can achieve its goals. All the activities of an organization are

    initiated and completed by persons who make up the

    organization. Therefore people are the most significant

    resource and it is the most important factor of production.



    According to me, H.R. Manager should identify

    what human is? And their wants and desire to the

    organization. If a person who can identify this much bitterly,

    he or she is able to be a manager of human resources. They

    should have some basic principles like

    Co-ordination of work andCo-ordination of work and


    Highly motivation to employeesHighly motivation to employees

    Positive attitude towardsPositive attitude towardsemployeesemployees

    Team workTeam work

    Individual and group efforts must be effectively

    utilized by providing suitable work opportunities. Our

    organization i.e. MSFPL is working on these four principles.

    We are here, in MSFPL providing best corporate culture to

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    our staff. Here, we have a young and educated staff and

    advance technology in the field of finance. These two main

    factors make our organization unique than others. We are

    already providing good working condition as well as best

    equipment to our employees. So, employees can work

    smoothly and firm can get maximum output from their

    employees side. In MSFPL, we have improved system of

    working. We are also planning to give better training to or

    employees, which improve competency and skill audit in staff




    Guidelines are pre-determined course of action

    established to guide the performance of work towards

    accepted objectives. Any firms have their own objectives and

    to achieve those objectives, some pre-programme and pre-

    planning required what we called policies such programme

    refers to a plan of action. It includes time period within which

    the task is to be completed and the way resources are to be

    utilized appropriate policies and programmed can be helpful

    in future whenever some problems arise

    MSFPL has good and intelligent number ofemployees, but they believe that to have certain guidelines is

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    good for firm as well as employees. Some guidelines are as


    They believe that employees should treated as a partner,

    because they should have all liberty to present their views

    and idea for the development of firm and if they have their

    own problems, they can present that problem also and if

    head of H.R. identify reasonable, he tries to solve it.

    If employees found good and dedicate in their work. Head

    of H.R. tries to give them promotion and by this way they

    are providing opportunities to each and every employees

    of MSFPL.

    There is no any scope of dispute in MSFPL due to their

    good working system but if any problem arises related to

    any personal demand of employee, head of H.R. thinks

    over it and if needed, after giving two or three notices,

    employee is supposed to leave firm.

    MSFPL cannot change their working conditions. So if

    employee wants to change it, he might to leave institutes.

    If any employee wants to take leave for some days, he

    has to fill up the leave application form.

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    According to flippo Recruitment is the process

    of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and

    encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization.

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    Recruitment is a positive function as it seeks to

    develop a pool of eligible persons from which most suitable

    ones can be selected.

    Recruitment is pervasive functions as all

    organization engages in recruiting activity. But the volume

    and nature of recruitment varies with the size, nature and

    environment of the particular organization. Recruitment

    methods or techniques are the means by which an

    organization establishes contact with potential candidates,

    provides them necessary information and encourages themto apply for jobs. The nature and extent of the recruitment

    programme should be so designed as to employment

    opportunities for its employees on a long-term basis so that

    the goals of the organization should be achievable; and it

    should develop the potentialities of employees.


    Selection is the process of choosing the best

    out of those recruited. Recruitment is positive as it aims at

    increasing the number of applications for wider choice or for

    increasing the selection ratio. Selection is negative, as it

    rejects a large no. Of applicants to identify the few who are

    suitable for the job. Recruitment involves prospecting or

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    searching where as selection involves comparison and

    choice of candidates.

    The purpose of selection is to pick up the right

    person for every job. Selection is an important function as no

    organization can achieve its goals with out selecting the right




    In MSFPL, recruitment and selection process

    taking place like in other firms. There are few steps for

    recruitment and selection procedures. Lets see one by one.

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    (1) Recruitment process begins when personnel department

    receives requisition for recruitment from department of the

    MSFPL. This requisition contain details about the position

    to be filled, number of persons to be recruited the duties

    to be performed, qualification required from the candidate,

    terms and conditions of employment and the time by

    which the persons should be available for appointment


    (2) If head of H.R. found it to be failing, he decides the

    sources of recruitment to be used like newspaper,

    consultancies or by using reference of other employees in


    (3) After deciding sources, he will put into a practice and the

    prospective employees will inform to send their


    (4) After getting application, selection procedure gets started.

    They will scrutinize those applications and suitable person

    will ask for interviews and rest of applicants will be


    (5) Now, Executives and head of concern department etc will

    take the interviews.

    For this financial service provider firm a person

    with MBA (finance) and if he or she has passed any other

    exams of NSE and BSE, He or she has more chances for

    job. Other factors like past experience and age are also

    considered at the time of selection.


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    Orientation programmed usually cover things

    like employees compensation benefits, personnel policies,

    the employees daily routine, company organization and

    operation, and safety measures and regulations. Orientation

    or induction is, the process of receiving and welcoming an

    employee when he first joins a company and giving him the

    basic information he needs to settle down quickly and happily

    and start work. Induction helps minimize what might be

    called the reality shock some new employees undergo. This

    reality shock is caused by the incompatibility between what

    the employees expect in their new jobs and realities.

    When a new employee joins an organization,

    he is completely a stranger to the staff, work place and the

    work environment. Therefore, he is likely to feel insecure, shy

    and nervous. In the absence of information and support

    these are likely to be anxiety and fear in his mind. In MSFPL,

    when any new employee is going to join an organization, first

    of all he or she is introduced to all his or her concern

    department staff members and at the same time he or she

    will be given a brief view about MSFPL. Here, there are two

    persons who introduce to the new employee. First, head of

    concern department and second a person who has resigned

    the job. The task of Head of Department is to make

    employee familiar with organization and a person who have

    resigned a job will guide newcomer how he or she is

    supposed to finished task etc. so for new comers in MSFPL

    has induction period about 4 to5 days. But again it is

    depends upon job. If job is high, it might take much time than

    other job.

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    Transfer is a horizontal or lateral movement of

    an employee from one job, section, department, shift, plant or

    position to another at the same or another place where hissalary, status and responsibility are the same. It generally

    doesnt involve a promotion, demotion or a change in job

    status other than movement from one job or place to another.

    Transfer may be initiated either by the company or the

    employee. A company may initiate a transfer to place

    employees in positions where they are likely to be more

    effective. Similarly, employees may initiate transfer to

    locations where they are likely to get greater satisfaction.

    In MSFPL, transfer of employees happens in

    rarely case. Here generally, positive transfer takes place.

    Means if any employee wants to transfer from one branch to

    another one, they can do such. Except such cases transfer

    doesnt happen in MSFPL.

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    An incentive scheme is a plan or programs to

    motivate individual or group performance. An incentive

    programme is most frequently build on monitory rewards

    (incentive pay or a monitory bonus) but may also include a

    variety of non-monitory rewards or prizes. Incentive refers to

    performance-liked compensation paid to improve motivation

    and productivity of employees. Incentive plans are designed

    to improve productivity and to secure better utilization of

    human and material resources of the enterprise.

    Classification or types orClassification or types or



    Intrinsic rewards are those an individual

    receives for himself. They are largely a result of the job that

    the worker does. Intrinsic rewards are given to satisfy internal

    needs of employees. Such intrinsic rewards include greater

    job and freedom, more responsibility and soon.

    In MSFPL, intrinsic rewards such as

    participation in decision-making, opportunities for personal

    growth (communication skill classes and personality

    development, good working condition, visit on hotels like

    CHOWKI-DHANI and so on.

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    Extrinsic rewards are those rewards, which are

    visible and external and have certain monitory or ego value.

    These rewards can be in monitory and non-monitory terms.Such as, Basic wage or salary, bonus (9%), P.F. (24%),

    E.S.I. (6.5%), overtime and holiday premiums are given to

    the employees of MSFPL as a monitory benefits, Preferred

    lunch hours, preferred work assignment, impressive job titles

    and preferred office furnishings are given to the employees

    as a non-monitory benefits.




    Training is any process by which the aptitudes,

    skills and abilities of employees to perform specific jobs are

    increased. Training is a short-term process utilizing a

    systematic and organized procedure by which non-

    managerial personnel learn technical knowledge and skills

    for a definite purpose. Training involves helping an individual

    learn how to perform his present job satisfactorily. Training

    enables an employee to adapt to changes in work procedure

    and methods. Trained employees can perform better and

    thereby earn more.

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    Here, in MSFPL, there are many types of

    trainings are given to their employees. Such training

    includes, technical training which local trainer gives.

    They are also planning for executive training for

    upper level persons. For that they are interacting between some

    consultancies. So, in future there will be executive training for

    MSFPLs executives.


    Retraining is the process of providing training to

    persons who underwent training earlier in their job.

    Retraining programmers are generally arranged for

    employees who have long been in the service of an

    organization. Sometime due to technological changes some

    jobs may become unnecessary employees working on suchjobs are retrained for other jobs.

    As in MSFPL there is a need for knowledge and

    as we know technologies are changing day to day, so

    MSFPL has to be aware about new emerging technologies

    and if required there will be training programme arranged by

    MSFPL. Such training programmers can be conduct any time

    and when required.

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    excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and his

    potential for a better job.

    Performance appraisal provides valuable

    information for personnel decisions such as pay increases,

    promotions, demotions, transfers and terminations. It helps to

    judge the effectiveness of recruitment, selection, placement

    and orientation systems of the organization.

    Thus, performance appraisal serves as the

    vases of suitable personnel policies.

    Performanceappraisal form

    Name of Employee:-

    Department: - Designation:-

    Qualification: - DOJ:-

    Experience: - Present: - Past: - Total:-

    SR. Creterias for Rating Marks Mark Obtained

    1 Quantity of Work 10

    2 Quality of Work 10

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    3 Job Knowledge 10

    4 Initiative and Innovativeness 10

    5 Analytical Ability (Problem

    Solving Ability)


    6 Attitude and Behaviour 10

    7 Communication Skill 10

    8 Cost Consciousness 10

    9 Discipline/Punctuality/ HouseKeeping


    10 Ready to take new



    Excellent: - 86-100 Average: - 51-65

    V. Good: - 75-85 Poor: - below 50

    Good: - 66-74


    Name & Sign of HoD


    It is the process by which a managementdetermines how an organization should move from its current

    man power position to its desired manpower position.

    In the word of Stainer,Man power planning is

    the strategy for the acquisition, utilization, improvement and

    preservation of an organizations human resources. It is

    aimed at coordinating the requirements for and the

    availability of different types of employees.

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    Manpower planning is a double-edged weapon,

    if used properly. It deals to the maximum utilization of human

    resources. Reduces excessive labour turn over and high

    absenteeism; improved productivity and aids in achieving the

    objectives of an organization. Therefore, for the success of

    an enterprise, manpower planning is a very important

    function for individual. It is important because it helps him to

    improve his sills and utilize his capabilities and potential to

    the utmost. The objective of manpower planning is to

    maintain and improve the organizations ability to achieve its

    goal by developing strategies that will result in optimum

    contribution of H.R.

    Manpower planning consists in projecting future

    manpower requirements and developing manpower plans for

    the implementation of the projections. Manpower plans can

    be long-term or short-term. Long-range plans are prepared

    for a period of five years or more on the basis of trends in the

    economy, labour market and production. These reflect

    management thinking on the organization structure, business

    environment and personnel polices. Short-term manpower

    plans cover time periods ranging from one year to less than

    five years. These are concerned with filling existing jobs.

    Long range and short range plans are complementary to

    each other.

    In MSFPL, there are some predefined policies for

    employees but whenever needed, they call upon all executives and

    employees of H.R. department and plane out for new policies and for

    man force requirement.

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    The finance function covers both acquisitions of

    funds as well as their allocation. Thus apart from the issues

    involved in acquiring external funds, the main concern of

    finance manager is the efficient and wise allocation of funds

    to various used Defined in a broad sense. It is viewed as an

    integral part of over all management. To make wise

    decisions, a clear understanding of the objectives are sought

    to be achieved, is necessary. The objectives provide a

    framework for optimum financial decision-making. It implies

    what is relevant is not the overall objectives or goals of a

    business but an operationally useful criterion by which to

    judge a specific set of mutually interrelated business

    decisions, namely, investment, financing and dividend policy.

    The responsibilities for finance managers are

    spread throughout the organization in the sense that finance

    management is to an extent an integral part of the job for the

    managers involved in planning, allocation of resources and

    control. Financial management is highly specialized in nature

    and is handled by specialists. Financial decisions are of

    crucial importance. It is, therefore, essential to set up an

    efficient organization for finance management functions. The

    job of the chief financial executive does not cover only

    routine aspects of finance and accounting. As a member of

    the top management, he is closely associated with the

    formulation of policies as well as decision-making.



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    It is the responsibility of finance manager to

    plane properly to a given resources. It includes allocation and

    control of such resources. Specialists should handle

    Financial only because money is very much important for any

    institution. If money gets lost, firm will be no more. The other

    thing, which I believe is that decision plays vital role

    especially in the case of finance, it depends upon finance

    managers that how rightly and how speedily they take

    decision. Here we are in MSFPL, more concentrates onrising of funds and proper utilization of funds. We have a

    clear understanding of our objectives, which is very much

    needed. If any need arise for money we have overdraft

    facilities in bank.

    Here, we have not any cash revenue but for

    expenses we are using direct cheque or payment by bank.

    We are also preparing accounts (statements) and finalize it.

    We cover routine aspects of financing and accounting.

    In MSFPL, finance managers have generally

    the major responsibility is to prepare accounts and to allot

    money properly. The information contained in these

    statement and reports assist finance manager in assessing

    the past performance and future directions of the firm. Hence

    here, accounting and finance function are closely related with

    each other.

    Finance manager consistently developed and

    interprets data on past performance.

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    Financial planning is a primary function of the

    management. It is an executive function of financial

    management. Finance manager has to make plane for

    investment, borrowed capital funds, and resources of

    acquiring money. Financial planning should be match with

    top managements decided plane. Plane should be formatted

    in such a manner that it can be used whenever firm wants to

    expand or develop its business.

    Finance manager also consider other

    managers of various department like marketing, production

    and H.R. manager. Finance managers should ensure that

    funds are properly utilized. From where company will get

    finance and how it will utilize, its return on investment, risk

    factor of investments.

    In the procedure for financial planning, first step

    is to analyses the part performance of the firm in terms of its

    financial strengths and weaknesses. The next step is to

    determine the objectives. After deciding objectives, need for

    investment to achieve those objectives. Based on its

    investment needs and alternatives are selected. Now the

    time comes for decide and procurement of funds. At last

    financial planning analyses whether it will long term beneficial

    to firm or not.

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    The objective of the firm is to maximize the

    value of the equity shares. The firm should select a financing

    capital structure, which will help in achieving the objective of

    financial management. The capital structure should be

    examined from the viewpoint of its impact on the value of the

    firm. A firm should select such a financing mix as will

    maximize the shareholders wealth. Such a capital structure

    is referred to as the optimum capital structure.

    The theory of capital structure that show the

    theoretical relationship between the employment of debt and

    the return to the shareholders. The use of debt implies a

    higher return to the shareholders as also the financial risk. A

    proper balance between debt and equity to ensure a trade-off

    between risk and return to the shareholders is necessary. A

    capital structure with a reasonable proportion of debt and

    equity capital is called the optimum capital structure.

    Financing decision is the determination of an appropriate

    capital structure given the facts of a particular case.

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    According to Shri M.C. Shukla, capitalization is

    the sum total of all kinds of ling term securities issued by a

    company as well the surpluses which are not meant to be


    Lillin Doris says, capitalization, means the total

    accounting value of the capital stocks, stocks, surplus in

    whatever form it may appear and funded long-term debt.

    In the simple meaning capitalization can be defined

    as sum total of all kinds of long term securities at their par values.

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    If capitalization of a company is equal to its capital requirements, it

    will consider to be properly capitalized. If it is more than required

    due to full in profit per share will not consider fair. And at the same

    time if capitalization is less than required, it is not desirable.

    Under capitalization and over capitalization is

    two different things, but it becomes easy to understand if we

    elaborate it; this both aspects includes main tow things one is

    capital and other is rate of return. In simple words, if capital

    employed is proportionally more and its rate of return is low.

    Its called over capitalization. Where as capital employed is

    proportionally less and rate of return is high its called under


    Lets see one by one briefly.


    Gerstenberg says, A corporation may be undercapitalized when the rate of profit is exceptionally high in

    relation to the return enjoyed by similarly situated companies

    in the same industry or it has too little capital to conduct


    Under capitalization implies an effective

    utilization of finance, a high rate of dividend and the

    enhanced price of shares. The capital employed in business

    is less compared with its requirement. Here the rate of return

    will be higher than a firm is able to afford. Here, real value of

    shares is greater than book value, which indicated under


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    Hence, in simple words we can say that if any firms

    proportion of shares employed in business is less and rate of return is

    high it will be called under-capitalization.


    When firms earning are not large enough to

    yield a fair return on the amount of its issued securities and

    long term borrowing is called over capitalization.

    As we have seen that in under capitalization on

    the capital employed was underestimated and return was

    high. Here in over capitalization due to over estimation the

    proportion of capital will be more compared to its rate of

    return. Such estimating leads to overcapitalization. So it

    indicate that the under utilization of existing capital as against

    under capitalization, the real value of shares will be less than

    its book value.

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    According to Shri M.C. Shukla, capitalization is

    the sum total of all kinds of ling term securities issued by a

    company as well the surpluses which are not meant to be


    Lillin Doris says, capitalization, means the total

    accounting value of the capital stocks, stocks, surplus in

    whatever form it may appear and funded long-term debt.

    In the simple meaning capitalization can be

    defined as sum total of all kinds of long term securities at

    their par values.

    If capitalization of a company is equal to its

    capital requirements, it will consider to be properly

    capitalized. If it is more than required due to full in profit per

    share will not consider fair. And at the same time if

    capitalization is less than required, it is not desirable.


    This theory is useful for new established

    company. Sum of the costs to be actually incurred on fixed

    assets, current assets and promotional expenses in setting

    up the business is regarded as capitalization. According to

    this theory more emphasis is laid on current investments and

    dont have any direct relationship with the future earning

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    capacity. But limitation f this theory is that it doesnt provide

    basis for capitalization for an existing company. It is possible

    that book value of some of its assets may not be real,

    because it will not show right price. If they are purchased at

    higher prices, their actual market prices.

    Another limitation is that it will not present right

    picture because. If fixed assets stand idle, it become obsolete. So

    earning will be lower than what proprietor has expected.


    The major goal of every organization is to earn

    profit. This will be earned in future by firm. Capitalization by

    using this theory is based on the estimated on the flow of its

    expected earnings. Return will be compared with another

    companys rate of return in the same business.

    According to this theory,

    Capitalization = net annual earning--- capitalization


    Hence this theory covers major two aspects i.e.

    average annual earning of the company, Expected rate of

    return on its investment.

    We can say that this theory is beyond the

    control of management because future is an predictable and

    that is why to make decision nearer to level of expectation,

    one has consider average earning of the last three years and

    current market situation.



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    Working capital includes total of all current

    asset or working capital is the excess of current assets over

    current liabilities for margin of safety. Safety in terms of

    companys financial prestige, fulfill the requirement of

    customer, insolvency etc.

    Working capital used for payment of raw

    material, wages and other expenses. It changes day to day

    and risk on such assets/capital is low. The main goal of

    working capital management is to manage the firms currentassets and liabilities in such a way that a satisfactory level of

    working capital is maintained. It is important for maintenance

    of liquidity in the firm. Each short-term source must be

    managed continuously. So management can come to

    conclusion that what is the requirement of working capital?

    Which are the sources available for that? How to obtain and

    utilize? So on. One of the important features of working

    capital is that it is changing with market condition and

    circumstances. So proprietor of the firm have to be attached

    his self with marketing condition or scenario. The exact

    amount of working capital management is varies from firm to

    firm. Working capital management is also affect to cash

    inflow and cash out flow. The more cash inflow means

    working capital will be required less whereas the more cash

    outflow means working capital will require more. So, for

    beneficial for firm cash inflow should more than cash out


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    TO MARKETINGTo know the meaning of MARKETING, first

    we will see what MARKET is.

    Market includes both place and region in which

    buyers and sellers are in free competition with one another.

    Lets see what is MARKETING.

    Marketing includes those business activities

    which are involved in the flow of goods and services from

    production to consumption.

    Marketing is concerned with the people and

    the activities involved in the flow of goods and services from

    producers to consumers.

    oo Fulfill needs of consumers.Fulfill needs of consumers.

    oo To satisfy wants and desires ofTo satisfy wants and desires of


    oo To create new desires.To create new desires.

    Marketing adds value of goods by changing

    their ownership and by changing their time and place of


    At present, marketing operates in reverse fashion by seeing to it

    that products are made, as the consumers want them made.

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    1. Product selling and promoting profit

    through sales volume

    2. Customer needs integrated marketing profit throughcustomer satisfaction.

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    We are generally; do marketing for

    commodities like gold, silver, Soya oil, castor seed, Kapas,

    rubber etc. Commodities mean things, which are used every

    day by people. Commodities market is needed because

    when the season comes for any commodities like rice and

    tea; every farmer has pressure of selling it. So price gets

    down, where as in other state there is scarcity of such

    commodities. So there is a gap between demand and supply.So this market is needed to bridge that gap. We are doing

    marketing for life and non-life insurance by providing

    browsers to people directly. We are giving sometimes

    advertisement of our organization (MSFPL) in daily



    Marketing managers should have the entire

    knowledge regarding current market situation or trend. They

    should have enough convincing power as well as patience.

    We personally meet to our potential customers and convince

    them for trading. We are also planning for marketing of

    commodities like rice, sugar, and tea etc. we as the

    participant of MCX, which is controlled by forward market

    commission. For solution of technological matter, MCX is

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    tied up with financial technologies Ltd. So our clients and

    we (MSFPL as a service man) can also solve their technical

    problems with the help of MCX.


    After the product has been planned, the

    channels of distribution and physical distribution of the

    product decided, and the price structure evolved; the next

    step is to decide upon the promotional activities that the firm

    may follow. It has rightly been said, Noting happens until

    somebody sells something. This gives in a nutshell the

    philosophy of promotional activities. The promotional

    activities are concerned with :(A)INFORMING the people

    about products distinctive want-satisfying characteristics and

    its availability; (B) REMINDING people periodically about

    the product and its role; and (C) PERSUADING the

    people/prospective buyers that make people to do what they

    might not otherwise do what they dont really want to do.

    Promotion is the all inclusive term representing

    the broad field-advertising, personal selling, and sales


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    The word advertising is derived from the Latin

    word, vizadvertero ad meaning towards and verto

    meaning I turn. Literally it means, to turn peoples attention

    to a specific thing.

    Webster says advertising is to give public

    notice or to announce publicity.

    Advertisement is simply the message it self,

    whereas advertising is a process. Advertisement is a

    programme or a series of activities necessary to prepare the

    message and bring it to the intended person. Public knowsthe person behind advertising because the sponsor is openly

    identified in the advertisement it self. The sponsor makes

    payment to the media, which carries the advertisement.

    They are of printing further aided in the

    technique of advertising through handbills, magazines and

    newspaper, pamphlets and handbooks.

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    The primary objective of advertising is to

    increase sales. In modern times it has become the life breath

    of the modern business economy.

    The marketing committee or MSFPL is used togive advertise in newspaper. They people are not constantlygiving ad in newspaper but whenever they found that itneeded. They are giving ad in daily newspaper like SANJSAMACHAR and FINANCIAL EXPRESS. They believe thatadvertisement is the only effective media for any firm tocreate aware ness about firm as well as products or services.


    Exhibitions, also known as tradeshows, are

    organized n a large scale and are held regularly at some or

    the other central places. Their purpose is to promote sale of

    goods exhibited. All big manufacturers and businessmen

    take pat in it and arrange their shows by taking space in the

    exhibition area.

    At these exhibitions, one can study the

    competitors products, sales techniques, relative strength or

    inferiority of the product, technical advantages, etc. these are

    also useful for the buyers, who can view in one place the

    different requirements of the industry with which they are

    connected. Exhibitions are popular for they proved a

    common meeting ground for competitor in the same field;

    they establish friendly relation between exhibitors and the


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    For direct marketing of commodities they

    people are organizing various exhibitions in various cities.

    There they call upon all farmers and brokers of that city(including nearer villages) and then, they present the entire

    trade related thing which are needed for trading and make

    them aware about all procedure for selling and purchasing of

    commodity products like rice, kapas etc. they people also

    serves tea and coffee to the invited people also. So MSFPL

    says that to meet clients personally becomes more effective

    when matter comes of trading.


    These are printed, in four to six pages or even


    They give information about the goods and

    services in greater details with the help of figures and

    illustrations in black and white or colors. Publishers, travel

    agencies, tourist departments, life insurance companies,

    medical firms or prestigious industrialists etc often use them.

    They are glamorous and impressive; and they

    give the seller unlimited opportunities to create a prestige

    mailing item. Because they are expensive, they are expected

    to enjoy long lives.

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    MSFPL has its own format catalogues for

    commodities trading. Such catalogues are of four to five

    pages and include information related commodities market,

    commodity vice specification, delivery centers, delivery date,

    trading system, trading hours, opening of contract, delivery

    unit. At the last page of browsers they are giving information

    related marwadi group and services offered by them and

    about all branches.


    The word communication is derived from the

    Latin word communis, meaning common. There is

    communication only if there is communication in the words

    or symbols both the sender and the receiver i.e., message

    must mean one and the same thing both. Communication

    means, Sharing of meaning. Implicit in this definition is the

    notion of transmission of information, because sharing

    necessitates information. Communication is concerned withwho says what to whom, through which channel, and with

  • 7/31/2019 Marwadi Finance Text


    what effect. Such a communication may be made through

    written or spoken words or through gestures of some type.

    For commodities marketing, a selected person

    goes direct to potential customers and convinced them. So,

    there is no need to wait for any potential clients to come. But

    for other trading, clients can contact MSFPL by using Internet

    facilities, by tele-phone, by personal meet, by E-Mail. So

    there is an effective communication channels in MSFPL.

    Therefore clients and firm have not to wait for each other.


    Share khan, Carvi, Modilal, Aenugram, N. J.

    investment and India Bulls etc. are the competitors of




    DEPARTMENTAs we have seen that MSFPL is concentrating

    more on the quality services to their customers than profit.

    Profit is required to firm for day-to-day transactions. But toprovide good services also one of the part or firm. Because

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  • 7/31/2019 Marwadi Finance Text


    The regulator has put in place the

    paraphernalia. We at MSFPL are trying to use clients wealth

    at maximum level. All you have to do is to watch your wealth

    grow. Leave the worry to use and make the pleasure of

    wealth creation yours.

    Investment is today complex game requiring

    knowledge of finer aspects of market economy. Industry

    scenario and a host of other related issues, which come from

    dedicated and focused study and analysis. A lay investor

    neither has the timer nor the resources for such concerted

    efforts. We, at MSFPL, would like to fill up this vacuum for

    which we have a high-end set-up. We are committed to

    delivering value to our clients at the least cost. We all know

    that our money value is eaten up by inflation. Conventional

    investment such as bank deposits etc., dont safeguard

    money against erosion through inflation. The best bet, in

    spite of all attendant risk is investment in share. Yes, let us

    tell you upfront that stock market investing has an element of

    risk. However, if it is handled sagaciously, that risk can be

    largely eliminated. We believe that all investment must be

    based on fundamentals and not on technical movements in

    the short run. So far, our market was inadequately structured

    because both speculation and investment went on under the

    same plat form of account period settlement.

    Now, cash segment is segreted under rollingsettlement and speculation can take bet on index future andstock future. Such segration has also served to drive thevolumes in cash segment.

    Please visit gives and us enhance to show youaround what we have got for you.

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    In order to facilitate the work of classification,

    commodities are distinguished with each other after giving

    due consideration to all the qualities of a commodity by

    specialist. When goods are sold by description, the

    percentage of valuable materials determines the quality and

    if any difference arises on the delivery of inferior goods. It is

    compensated by paying an amount of difference by experts

    on the basis of quality fixed during the course of transaction.

    As, MSFPL is a commodity broker; they are

    generally concentrating on commodities markets. They have

    a separate department, which engaged in marketing of

    activities. They identify the current market saturation and by

    keeping that into consideration, they decide next strategies

    for marketing. One thing that we can say about soundness is

    that they people are communication with people face to face.

    They are also advertising for commodities, but rather than

    advertising, they believe that face-to-face communication has

    its own influence in market over customers. MSFPL is

    members of NCDEX and MCX (MCX by its own working

    procedure has tied up with B.O.I., H.D.F.C. And U.T.I)

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    Certain special features have an important

    bearing on the demands made on agricultural marketing

    system and organizations. Farm products tend to be bulky

    and their weight and volume are great for their value in

    comparison with many manufactured goods. The demand on

    storage and transport facilities is heavy and specialized.

    Although some crops, such as rice and paddy, retain their

    quality for a long time, most of the farm products are

    perishable and cannot remain long on the way to the final

    consumer without suffering loss and deterioration in quality.

    Peaches, grapes, tomatoes and many other fruits and

    vegetables rapidly become over-ripe and decay if they are

    not soon consumed or kept in special storage.

    Sale generally takes place when the cultivator

    is in debt. Sometimes the BEOPARIES also go from village

    to village collecting the produce from the farmers at

    comparatively reduced prices. Though a major portion of the

    agricultural produce is disposed of at the village level through

    the hands of the creditors of the cultivators and other shrewd

    BANIAS, some part of the produce, thus, finds a place in

    mandis, which are located at a distance varying from five to

    twenty miles from the villages.

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    In agricultural marketing is involved the putting

    up of the surplus in the market through a definite channel.

    The surplus may be marketable surplus and marketed

    surplus. The surplus may be marketable surplus and

    marketed surplus. The former indicated the residential

    quantity left with the producer after meeting his requirements

    for family consumption, farm needs, and payments in kind to

    casual and permanent labour, the landlord, arisen and seed

    and stock to cover the future exigencies including wastage.

    The latter term refers to the quantity of produce that is

    actually sold in the market by the producer irrespective of his

    home consumption and other requirements

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    After a crop is harvested and before it reaches

    the consumer, it is subjected to one or more forms of

    processing, which differ for different crops and for different

    uses and preferences on the part of the consumer. A single

    form of processing may consist of more than a single

    operation carried out by different parties at different stages.

    Thus, paddy may be threshed and winnowed by the cultivator

    but husked by the miller, the trader or even the consumer. In

    more prevalent forms of processing of major crops there is a

    broad uniformity in this country.

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    In marketing of securities and some agricultural

    commodities specialized institutions have grown up with

    different techniques and functionaries.

    The stock exchange is a market for the

    purchase and sale of securities. The joint stock companies

    and the local bodies of government, who wish to raise funds

    for the execution of their schemes, have to go to the stock

    exchange. The stock exchange to some, who have made

    fortunes on them, means an open sesame for treasure.

    While to some others who have turned into beggars-it means

    a place where one gets rich in an easy and effortless way,

    while to still others it conveys a dark picture full of

    immoralities providing a home for the people whose morals

    have gone down and who want to make money through lies

    and treacherous activities. But none of these views are true

    of the modern stock exchange.

    In this market members of the association are

    engaged in buying and selling shares, stocks, securities andbonds for the public on commission and are guided by

    certain rules and usages. The business of stock exchange is

    more varies and cosmopolitan than that of any other market

    except the money market.

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    IT IS A


    Every share of security constitutes a separate

    market for itself on a stock exchange, which consists of

    group of men standing in a certain place provided for the

    purpose and ready to deal in a certain class of security. But it

    should not be understood that a stock exchange is

    something like a vast warehouse where securities are taken

    away from shelves and sold across the counters at a fixed

    price in a catalogue which is called the official list. On the

    other hand, it does not provide unlike a vegetable and fish

    market a place where people are found with stocks of various

    articles ready to sell or to buy but it simply provides a place

    where the main traffic of stocks and shares is conducted.



    The stock exchange is not an investment

    institution like the investment banks, the issue houses, or the

    investment trusts, supplying capital to industrial enterprises.

    It is simply a meeting place for the intermediaries who find

    out buyers and sellers for purchase and sale of securities,

    and thus it provides a continuous open market for them.

    Stock exchanges are market places where

    millions of individual and institutional buyers and owners of

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    listed securities may readily and promptly exchange their

    savings for stocks and bonds, convert their holdings or

    securities for cash and exchange them for other listed





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    No firm can work for the shake of work. Each

    and every firm wants to have their own prestige in market

    there can be many other objectives like to earn more profit, to

    satisfy customers need, to maintain quality. But none of

    above can be achieved or got without analyzing firms own

    performance. A firm having sound performance assessment

    policy will be succeeding in the up coming future.

    Every firm wants to compare its performance

    but we all know that if any firm will not consider its weak ness

    in performance assessment, it cannot say that we are not

    lacking anywhere. In real, it is lacking but due to lack of

    vision they are saying so.

    There fore, SWOT analysis is one of the tools

    to measure company performance. It includes Strengths,

    Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. For any particular

    firm this is the parameter which includes both the aspects i.e.

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    areas which has been already improved and areas which are

    needed to be improved. A firm has try to develop its weak

    areas, retain its strengths, look for new opportunities with

    considering competitors upcoming strategies, that is what

    SWOT is all about.


    Vast area of services.

    Good incredibility in


    Vast number of clients.

    Well-designed culture

    and discipline staff.


    Govt. policy.

    International and

    Domestic. competitors.

    Negligence of clients may

    prove a looser of a

    business.Depends on other

    companies and their



    To be a good finance

    services provider firm.

    To be an ideal bank.

    To be a tele-comeservice provider firm

  • 7/31/2019 Marwadi Finance Text



    Less manpower.

    Lack of proper


    Dispatch department to

    be more systemized.

    Grievances and queries

    are not handled properly.

  • 7/31/2019 Marwadi Finance Text




    MSFPL has good reputation in the field of

    finance services provider firms. But then also at some places,

    MSFPL lacks. So I would like to give suggestions for areas,

    which have to be developed. There are lots of chances for

    MSFPL to come out as a better services provider firm.

    I) There are some departments where more

    manpower needed. Department like customer care,where there are an enough tale-phone lines to

    communicate with clients, but there are only one to

    two persons to handle these tale-phones, so they

    cannot serve enough information to clients. So, if there

    is more manpower, customer can have better


    II) In some department, there is a requirement of

    some types of systemized work. Like in trading

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    department for pay-in and pay- out, there is miss-

    management. Due to these clients receives their

    documents not in time. So by adopting some

    systemized work, this time gap can be eliminated.

    III) There should be one separate department that

    focus only on current market trends and situations.

    Means they should know what is going on in market

    and what types of series customer demands.

    IV) I have found that if any staff member is on leave

    for some day. They interchange the person of other

    department at that place. Means if any employee of

    trading department is on leave for some day, they call

    upon an employees from any other department then

    what happens, a department from where the person

    has been shifted can not work properly and on the

    other hand customers can not get proper services

    what they should be got.

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    First of all I would like to thank Mr. SatishKumar who is the general manager of MSFPL. He has given

    me permission to make project report on MSFPL (Marwadi

    Shares and Finance Pvt. Ltd.). I also thank to all the staff

    members of MSFPL and spent their precious time to provide

    me all the information.

    During my project report, all the staff members

    of MSFPL found to be goods and co-operative. Working

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    environment of MSFPL is also good and every executive

    officer has its own identity in the firm. MSFPL has clear vision

    and working system. MSFPL knows what are their objective

    and how will they reach there? MSFPL is having good

    research team which constantly in touch with current market

    situation and consumers preferences. MSFPL has advance

    technologies in the field of finance and they are also using it

    at its optimum level. According to me MSFPL will definitely

    achieve their objectives in near future due to their team sprit

    and consumer oriented working environment.

    Hence, I concluded that whatever efforts have

    been putted by MSFPL is the subject to recommendation and

    I wish them to achieve their targets in near future.

  • 7/31/2019 Marwadi Finance Text





    During My Industrial visit for the Marwadi

    Shares & Finance Pvt. Ltd. Following books website are help

    full to me.

    Principle and Practice of Marketing In India

  • 7/31/2019 Marwadi Finance Text


    - C.B. Memoria & R. L. Joshi

    Finance Management (Third Edition)- M.Y. Khan & P. K. Jain

    Personnel Management- C. B. Memoria

    Human Resources Management- Dr. C. B. Gupta

    Marketing Management- S. A. Sherlekar

    Marketing Management

    - Philip Kottler

    Web- Site: www.google.com


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