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House Three

The Call of the Soul

Spiritual Masters Editions

The Great Restoration

Internet 2008.


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Sorrow is the effect of multiple thoughts. There is no sorrow but, on the contrary,

the state is of continuous joy, if thoughts focus on the Self. Then even the thought

of “I do” will be absent and you shall not expect the fruits of the actions.

All efforts must aim at lifting the veil of ignorance that the thoughts generate. At the

beginning it will seem impossible to drawn all thoughts, but in the state of supra

consciences it will be impossible for thoughts to penetrate, since in that state there

are no things to thing about, only the Self exists.

Thoughts can only work if there is an outer world thoughts seek to know and grab

but if it isn’t the case, how could thoughts rise?

(Teaching from Ramana Maharshi)

A female pilgrim crawling reaches the hill of Arunachala where Master Raman

Maharshi is waiting.


Why are you crawling?


I am oppressed by the burden of oppression.


Who is?




And who are you? Are you the burden of Athon that oppresses you or are you a

pilgrim in my house?

You must understand this, pilgrim, this path is made walking. Get up and detach

from oppression.


Oppression is destroying me.


I ask again: who is oppressed?





And who are you?


I am a pilgrim at Ramana’s house.


You cannot be at the same time a pilgrim in my house and live Athon’s oppression,

it’s the law.

Welcome to the hill, but you must not forget this law of incompatibility.

If you assume yourself a pilgrim, you shall walk this path without oppression.



I, Ramana Maharshi, to whom the Father blessed with the Grace to govern the

house that had been usurped by the demon Gemini when Athon enslaved the Earth,

welcome all the souls that reach my house, but remind them that this pilgrimage demands

an absolute surrender, an unconditional faith.

This walk is not hard neither easy, in the terms minds speak of easiness or

hardness; this experience has nothing to do with theories, but with the need of the Father

that the pilgrim’s soul has.

I have been a pilgrim myself since from a very young age I began to sense the

unreality of my environment, but a lot more anguishing, the perception of not being who I

thought I was, and that lead me to surrender myself to the experience of death without

abandoning the physical plane and thus to realize who I really was.

So, in meditation I was experiencing that the true Self was not the body, nor the

five senses of sensitive perception, nor the organs of the action, neither the prana, nor the

egoic conscience, nor the deep dream in which everything vanishes.

Who was I if I was not any of that? That excluded, what remained was the true

Self, the Conscience that the sacred books name as Satchitananda, that is, the Self-

Conscience-Beatitude that is also known as the indescribable Brahman. I had reached the

fusion of myself with the Only Realness, casting away forever all illusionary shapes of the

self and the world.

This was the experience of death with which I began my path. As you can

realize, it was like beginning the experience by its end: to know who I really was and then

to come back to purify myself to detach for good of who I wasn’t.

The first task was to acknowledge the demons that dwelt in my ego, assume

them, see them and exorcise them. During my pilgrimage I had plenty purification

experiences but for them to be possible it demanded an absolute honesty with myself; this

can be translated as not being bewitched by the fascinations of the ego.

Who was my guide in this experience? My masters did not belong to this place,

the Father sent me for my learning the highest beings of his universes, mainly the Rishis

that had dwelt in the Earth in faraway times and that now arrive to Athon to fulfill the

Salvation Plan.

I also arrived in Athon with the same purpose and even though this diabolic

planet is not precisely the place one would choose to live, since you are all the time

exposed to the attacks from demons and even though the soul remains untouched joined


with the Father, the body is in its territory and inevitably suffers its consequences, the

cancer I got was an example of this. Since I was not the body, joy filled myself always, in

full conscience that I was servicing the Father I could give testimony of indifference

towards this disease.

Athon is also the family and family relations always have an obscure force due

to the great burden of past they hold. Only a subtle discernment allowed me to dissolve

naturally those relationships, mainly the most intense and obscurely determining: the

relationship with my mother.

I tell the pilgrims that only with the help of the masters it is possible to establish

a transmuted family relationship, freed from the darkness that necessarily entails due to

constituting the basic cell of the demoniac system and thus face the journey to return to

the Father.

There were people fairly interested in my teachings, even some came to

Arunachala from the west, but none of them were able to grasp the full sense and scope of

the liberation experience. Those were very confusing times, we were living in the 20th

century and the souls were very much taken and their efforts in that matter could not show.

In any case, the mission that the Father had bestowed upon me was not to form

disciples, since that was impossible, but rather to place myself in the mandala of masters

that was to operate in this Plan.

I wish to make clear, to prevent any confusion, that the so-called gurus

successions, as the one of Tilopa, Naropa, Marpa and Milarepa, or also Ramakrishna and

Vivekananda, or the one that coming from Babaji includes Lahiri Mahasaya, Yukteswar

and Yogananda, are precisely that, lines of gurus programmed by the Father and not

formations of disciples as are commonly understood. Only now, with the zodiac pilgrimage

in full execution of the Father’s Plan, the institution of the discipleship, lost for many

thousand years, rises once again. Rechung, Milarepa’s disciple, was the one entrusted

with the task of Keeling the discipleship channel opened. And the signs of this happening

seem to rise from a disturbing and deafening world, where decadence and unlimited

madness show themselves as devastating and seem endless, but that is how Athon’s

extinction shows and this is the process necessary for the Father’s entry to return to the

seat it should never have lost and the rebirth of the disciple be possible again, disciple that

is no other but the pilgrim that walks the journey through the zodiac.

As long as this transmuted energy processes what is called world it will acquire

another meaning and the souls shall face their true possibilities.


Keep yourselves with the inner light that brings you the connection with the

zodiac masters and even though that you call world seems to fall off into the abyss, have

the full convincement that your soul has begun the return-path towards the Father.




The Light of the Father was taking me from the Himalayas when I had lived the

journey of Milarepa’s house, to the Hills of Arunachala, where master Ramana Maharshi

awaited for me in the house that so cunningly had ruled the demon Gemini, when in that

moment of the no-time that joins two houses, five figures approached me with visible

intentions to tell me something.

“We come from your recent past at master Milarepa’s house and despite your

not noticing us, we have been observing you in your path during those long learning days

and we feel very happy that you have passed this test and that the zodiac has become

once again the path that leads to the Father” explained me one of the figures that had

come ahead of the others with a warm voice that called for confidence and before my

gesture of surprise and with a smile, he continued:

“My name is Dvag-no-Larjhe in my time I was known as Je-Gampo-Pa and back

then, I am speaking of the 12th century, I had the task of organizing the order of the

Kargyütpas following Milarepa’s departure.

Beside me are Dagmema, Marpa's wife and disciple and Alexandra David-Neel

a French lady that on the 20th century travelled to Tibet disguised as a Tibetan and

adopting a small lama as a son to cover herself in her passionate quest of that knowledge

so enigmatic for westerns and of which she wrote the most interesting books.

The gentlemen that accompanied me were Mr. Evans-Wentz, who translated

the history of Milarepa into English and master Atisha who shared his erudition with Marpa

when Milarepa’s guru made his third and last trip to India”.

“I feel very pleased to have your company in this journey” I said in a tone of

sincere kindness, and since Atisha sensed that something of his presence filled me with

curiosity, he encouraged me to ask him what was disturbing me.

“Master, I see some darkness in your aura, as if your path to liberation had

been interrupted”, I shot him directly but this question, that might have sounded

aggressive, did not bother him, on the contrary, he answered me in full honesty.

“I must admit that my knowledge lacked the depth that had Milarepa and his


Even though I was clear about the rules to live in harmony, I was not able to

understand the ascending path to the Father”.


“In my case - cuts in Dvag-no-Larjhe– organizational worries made me

disregard the inner path. In truth, very few understood what this experience was about”.

“Did you get to understand it?” I asked Milarepa’s disciple, but in truth I was

asking the question to myself.

“I only begun to understand it after I left the physical plane and this was

possible by the infinite Grace of my master that dissipated with his compassion the huge

darkness that encircled me”.

“My confusion –reassumed Atisha– was to have thought that the fluid

transmission of teachings had to do with intellectual standing and to this I devoted my life

instead of walking in silence the inner path”.

“What have you understood now?” I needed to know in order to see if I was


“After leaving the body I realized that the only one that has to talk is the Father”.

Mr. Evans-Wentz taking advantage of the silence that followed Atisha’s words,

commented that upon his request Milarepa let him collaborate with his house, since he

had fulfilled his task of spread his history to the western world, which meant a necessary

contribution of energy to the Father’s Plan.

“When I began with the translation –confessed Mr. Evans-Wentz– I asked

myself if such work had a meaning and now that meaning is being revealed to me”.

“I accepted Milarepa’s invitation to collaborate with his house as an advisor in

western thought in this context of Tibetan masters”, explained Alexandra when I asked her

about her presence in this house.

“Western world is nowadays more crossed by magic than it can be supposed, of

course, concealed by the rationale of science and ideologies.

Magic thinking dominates the western world.

Maestro Milarepa asked my opinion – told me Alexandra– with regards of my

point of view on western magic and I answered him that for westerners life is a dark

carnival, a grotesque distraction that advices that it is better to have a good time that a bad

time, and that to achieve a good time westerners resort to the magic of the pacts second

by second.

As advisor in western thought I advised the masters of this house not to stop in

the layers of the rational thinking of the candidates of that part of the world that get to the

house; the strategy should be to undo the magic mind and the rational artifice shall fall by

its own weight”.

“Didn’t the masters know this?” I asked her in some bewilderment.


“Of course they knew, a liberated master knows everything, but they insisted in

my putting in words my vision of the western thought and now I realize that was aimed at

disarming my own magic mind” she said laughing.

“What took you to the Tibet, Alexandra?”

“I didn’t know it at the time I threw myself to adventure, but later I learned that

the Father took me to the Tibet to let its masters and teachings be known in the western


Dagmema had remained in silence up to that moment, but all of a sudden she

manifested herself as a rain of bright particles that covered the planet and from that

cosmic rain her voice emerged:

“I am not a priestess,

I am not a wife,

I am not Milarepa’s protector because Milarepa does not need any protection.

Who am I?

It no longer matters,

I am no one,

I have been no one for a long time”.

The presence of master Ramana Maharshi could be seen at the Arunachala

Hills. My companions greeted him for afar to return thereafter to Milarepa’s house.

I reached the hill and kneeled at the feet of the master.




MAY 21

At the Arunachala Hills I find disturbingly solitude and silence. Bewildered I

climb up stumbling, I search something or someone, I don’t know, when suddenly I stop to

listen that Arunachala is welcoming me.

“You have no idea of who you are, ask yourself who are you, ‘who am I?’ and in

that question everything will fade and in that fading what you are not will begin to detach,

you will then face a very huge vacuum and facing the loss of identity will be harassed by

an unlimited fear.

Your intuition will blossom and you will understand that vacuum is just a

transition and that vacuum will dissolve as everything you walk without stop dissolves and

you will gain awareness of what you are not, that demon that has always felt, thought,

acted dragging you to the abyss and you believed you were that demon because you were

fully identified with it.

The only purpose in life is to live according to what you are until you reach that

permanent state in which you are a soul, the Father, the Sole Being, the Self.

Asking yourself ‘who am I’ is starting to be. Connect all your energies to this

question and feel the difference between the Real and the unreal in every moment of your


This question is meant to take you to your true inner state, beyond your psychic

wrapping. It is not a theoretical question but an inquiry to reveal your profound identity.

You are not the body that will be destroyed, neither the mind that creates ghosts, for no

more that ghosts are the thoughts.

Do not believe yourself to be your personal demon.

Who am I?

I am a portion of energy that seeks reintegration to its Origin, the Father.

You will find your identity when you reach the Divine Source where you come


From that question you can recognize yourself as the Absolute”.

As the voice of Arunachala’s silences take myself back at light speed to the

Origin where my soul was before falling prey of the demoniac forces.


There is where I Am.

This experience lasts for a mere instant and has been given to me by the

Father’s Grace upon reaching Arunachala Hill where Ramana’s house is.

I return to the body, to the suffering the ghosts in the mind inflict me, the veils of

the ego fall over my conscience once again, but there is a light the demons will no longer

be able to shun, that shows me the end of the path.

Now I know I must resist the blows, cross all frontiers, block the path of enemy

to reach the Real Self that has nothing to do with the ego’s fantasy.

I put the question upside down

Who am I not?

I am not that which is not the divine nature of the Self. Dharma, the road that

leads to the Father, whom I reveal and celebrate, appears before me.

Who am I?

I am your pilgrim, Father, I have searched for you by all the wrong roads, I have

lost myself from You, I come to you with joy. I am a soul fallen from the hands of the

Father that is slowly remembering that its place is in the hands of the Father. The question

‘who am I?’ reveals the demoniac deceit that took me to the self-assertion of the ego and

the estrangement of the soul.

I open my eyes and see master Ramana smiling, waiting for me.


I join the Grace of the assertion of the human state.


The true wisdom arrives with Sophia and the demons cannot simulate wisdom any longer.


MAY 22

I am beside Ramana in the bright silence of the hill, and in the middle of that

silence master Ramana indicates me to follow him, so I begin to follow him amidst a group

of monkeys that are looking at me with curiosity and a certain fear. I believe the monkeys

feel like I am invading their territory, but Ramana gestures them not to fear me, showing I

am trustworthy, one of those pilgrims he had told them that would come to the hill, and the

monkeys become at ease and slowly disappear.

While we walk I sense that the Hill is watchful divine eye, always aware and

lucid, an eye that also looks upon those who ignore its existence.

Master Ramana tells me that the suffering I endured and of which I so complain,

happened to prevent grater evils that came as a great karmic payment and would have

prevented me from doing this pilgrimage.

As master Ramana senses that I am bewildered by his words, he clears to me

that in time discernment will blossom and will allow me to understand the meaning of


“At present you would be frozen” tells me master Ramana not without some

enigma, and follows “but since you aren’t, you must focus completely in this experience,

which is the only thing that makes sense”.

Master Ramana points at the world from the Hill

“The world is a parasite plant and if you surrender yourself to it, it will wrap you

around until you asphyxiate”.

I can realize that Ramana’s house has a very strong energy and that I was

prepared at Milarepa’s house to endure it.

“Is in necessary that you recognize this energy in everyday life because only

then will you be able to open your discernment”.

Ramana’s words beat me hard and in that blow other words join in:





And as I read them in my mind, master Ramana tells me:

“The mind is no longer useful for this experience, it had some usefulness in your

preliminary lessons, but now your mind is just an antenna that attracts the demons. In the

state of demoniac connection, the mind is an organizer that projects you and inevitably

leads you to mistake”.


I stop and see the joy of the rejoining in the eyes of master Ramana, and his

voice reaches my heart.

“It’s been a long while since you connected with me, even though I have always

been at your side. Once again I am present in this experience, that as the beads of a

rosary you will have to go through many times until you reach the end. In my house, you

will have to learn to feel beyond words. Open your heart and let the Father’s Energy flow

and purify your soul until the moment the Father calls you to his Presence.

This path is direct, it has no secrets neither tricks, it is a straight road that can

only be walked with faith, determination and trust. You are a pilgrim on this road, focus on

the road, that I will be guiding you”.

“I apologize, master, for my long absence, for having forgotten, for my lack of


“If you doubted the masters, which doubts the Father, is because you projected

your own darkness and believed the world to be your projection.

But, who doubted?

The character doubted, now de-identify yourself from the character, because it

is the soul who has to walk the path”.

Night is falling as I sense a circle of demons closing around; they seem to

wonder what is going on in Athon.


I join the Grace of the transit to a divine state.


The Love of the Father reveals in the heart of Sophia.


MAY 23

“What is going on with these demons?” I asked master Ramana with concern,

on the wake of this new day because from the night before I was watching that circle that

at a distance was following attentively everything that was going on in the astral.

“Do not worry for your concern, we are attracting them to filtrate them with

energy, they also have the Grace to ask the Father for their conversion.

As everything that happens in the Universe, the end of something is the

beginning of something else. That is the law of transformation of the energy, of its


“Why is it that before the suffering implied in the demoniac condition they resist

to accept the Father’s Liberty Grace?”

“The reason is the same as for demo-humans: the fear of the Great Demon, but

it is in the Father’s Plan that the Lord of Darkness will accept its own transmutation in due


“Who has the mission to treat with the demons of their conversion?”

“As the masters of the zodiac are entrusted with the guidance of demo-humans,

the Father has appointed Krishna, Jesus, Milarepa, Tilopa, Naropa, Marpa and other

masters not known to this plane to work with the demons”.

“What is the cause of this division of work?”

“Different natures, the demons answer to other laws because they have no

record of the soul –not even subconscious –as the demo-humans do”.

“What does it mean?”

“The demo-human, even though possessed and ignorant, has limit to his

actions that is given by the subconscious message of the soul. It is what translated to the

religious and philosophical languages are known as moral conscience. This means that

the demonized ego finds a limit to its devouring drive. That is so that the greater the

influence of the soul in behavior, the ego represses certain transgressions as killing,

stealing, raping”.

“I now understand, before the weak awareness of the soul, when the soul has

no other restrictive force, the ego has no other limit but its self-preservation”.

“That is why in marginal characters, torturers, murderers, there is practically no

awareness of the soul and so they dwell at the limit of the demonization process.”

“I understand, master, that the Great Demon’s strategy is to further this

estrangement of the ego from the soul to achieve its complete identification with the

personal demon, who is the one actually operating”.


“At these times, broken the link with Nature that gave the demo-human some

subconscious longing of its divine origin, the Great Demon keeps potentiating a world of

distractions that draws demo-humans away from their soul and brings them closed to their


“At this point the Father’s Plan became necessary”.

“It was inevitable, demo-humanity reached the edge of a non-return abyss and

the Grace of the Father comes to its rescue”.

“Returning to the demons, master, you say that the main characteristic of their

conscience is that it has no limits”.

“This state of conscience is determined by a non-being that wants to be, and

that can only be in each instant in which it lives the illusion of existing but it only be in the

life that devours because nothing can be outside the Father and what characterizes a

demon is its absolute alienation from the divine”.

“Then a demon needs to devour all the time that is why you say it has no limits”.

“The only law that rules is the desire of being outsider the Father, this is its

absurd longing, its craziness and this is what they seek to draw demo-humans to”.

“And they were closer to get it”.

“The strategy of the masters in charge of the demons consists of giving them

the energy required for them to reach the vision that in their origin they had a divine

condition to which they may return”.


I join the Grace of the communion with the masters.


Sophia is in each atom of my purified being.


MAY 24

Ramana, with a half-smile and in silence looks to my anxiety that waits for his

words but does not break the silence and in his eyes it is shown that I must focus to see

and understand my inner Athon.

Silence is the life of the Father in this space of quietness and in my connection

with the Whole whatever I thought it was real ceases to exist.

But the silence drifts by the question that makes me return to anxiety.

“Why can’t I release the world and generate the vacuum for the Father to fill it?”.

“The answer is in the thoughts” master Ramana tells me as he enters into the

vibration of the words.

“Your nature is happiness, but it is hidden to you by your thoughts. You just

have to listen to your soul in the silence” master Ramana teaches me in the moment I

watch a storm building up in the Hill, that soon shows itself in my mind but as I was being

invaded by panic, master Ramana dissolves it with his energy.

Now Ramana without mentioning what has just happened, tells me:

“I am full of joy because I find myself in Unity with the Father, such is my state.

So simple and sheer, in this fusion with the Father everything disappears, there

is no need, there are no places. Self-realization is in the connection with the Father. That

is to meditate, to self-realize in the Father and only from that meditative state will you be

able to understand the unreality of the world.

It is to be one in the One.

Meditation is the experience of Unity, it is the only path that has no steps.

There are no distances in the spirit”.

“Why is it, master, that demo-humans regard this path as inaccessible?”

“What they all search is the lost joy of being, but they search it in the demoniac

and demons always bring suffering around”.

“Aren’t there many men who meditate in spiritual groups or even in traditional

religions? Nevertheless, I have never seen any of them reaching the joy in the Father you

talk about”.

“Do not deceive yourself: closing their eyes and adopting yoga lotus pose does

not mean they are meditating because instead of surrendering unconditionally to the

Father, all they do is concentrate to pact with the demons power and wellbeing in the


“How should I meditate?”


“First you must want to find the Father, since that is the sense of meditation,

then you must focus on the spot that is right to where you feel your physical heart and

there, asking yourself ‘who am I’ you must stay until the knowledge that can tell you who

you are from who you are not arrives to you.

You should pay no mind to what you are not because it simply is not. Meditation

consists of knowing who you are at each moment and staying there.

The only purpose of your existence in Athon is to understand who you really are

and nothing else should matter, that is the meaning of what Jesus said and no one

understood: Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, for tomorrow will worry about


You must feel that the experience of the soul is limitless; the only limit is the

mind. You are not a fallen being, the only one that experiences the fall is the demon, the

ego, because that is his natural state, unmasked, the demon takes refuge in the pact to

hide its existence that is not, but you are in your true self, you are Self, the Supreme

Atman, the indescribable Brahman, because those names are just speaking of your

eternal soul.

Stop talking, stop thinking, you will only listen to your inner voice in silent

meditation. You have received the enormous Grace of this revelation and the only way to

thank it is by achieving self-realization”.

“Master, demons fascinate and upset me”.

“You must meditate; the Father shall do the rest.

The chance to free yourself from pain in this life is within your reach, do not lose

focus because time runs fast”.

“Master, the demons do not allow me to meditate”.

“If you cannot meditate because the demons do not allow you to do so, you

must meditate because the masters are asking you to do so”.


I join the Grace of the communion with the Rishis.


With Sophia in my being I keep getting nearer to the Father.


MAY 25

Master Ramana points out that to enter to his house I must undergo a huge

purification and to do so, I must join from my personal planet with the planet of the house.

This purification means facing the demon but I have the leverage that both my personal

demon and the court of demons that inhabit me are having a rough time because there is

no pleasure to them in being under bombing by the zodiac energy.

“All the ugliness that you see in yourself is what your personal demon projects

to you and with which you identify yourself” says master Ramana.

I see my planet’s shape that is nothing else than the mind representation of a

profound state of the soul and it appears before me as a pink energy that is taking different

shades and penetrating in my chakras, purifying them and all this takes place beyond

Athonnian time-space frame.

Once this purification is completed my personal planet carries me to dimensions

unknown until now, where energies become more subtle and then it starts to spin on its

axes faster and faster and its centrifugal force eliminates my personal demon and its court

of demons from the scenario of my conscience.

At the speed of the spin everything seems immobile and in such stillness the

planet is being sealed by a bath of light to prevent dark forces to enter again.

The planet drags me to a circle of light where I stay meditating and in that

meditation I can see the illusion of what I regarded as real, the sediment of the past and

the projections of the future. Ramana’s voice tells me I must break that succession of

absurd anecdotes that I called life, surrender them and in so doing, I surrender everything

that is not the Father. The experience is strong because behind the character and the

anecdotes of what I believed was my life, when costumes fall, the only thing I see is the

mocking face of my personal demon, cheered by the whole court of demons.

“You are developing the path of intuition” master Ramana tells me.

Now the intuition allows me to see the motion of the zodiac signs that had been

perverted when overtaken by the demons and that tied me to Athon by the pact of origin.

I sense a light coming from the Father that lightens my inner self and the mind

ceases to be a Black hole to become part of that bright whole that deepens the

purification. I wonder and ask Ramana:

“Why can’t I stay in a continuous and absolute way in this Father’s shine?”

Master Ramana responds:


“To look inside yourself you must close your eyes; the great challenge is to be

able to attain the same state you find in meditation with your eyes closed even with your

eyes opened.

It is not a matter of running away inside but rather it is the inside that must be

everywhere in order to achieve the permanent Presence of the Father.

My planet’s energies become more subtle as it approaches Ramana’s door,

which, as it opens swiftly gives space and presence to the bright planet at appears as

flowing from the Father’s heart.

So bound energetically, both planets seem to ensemble, it is as if they are

offering a cosmic dance, and from that dance of those two who are one a certainty is born.

This certainty is that such a deep purification requires of such a profound love as is the

Essence of the Father. The planet of Ramana’s house shows me the infinite that infinite

that is within me and by which I can participate of the Father’s liberating energy.

There I stay, meditating.


I join the Grace of the communion with the galactic masters.


ophia shall continue her transmutation until the soul departs from Athon.


MAY 26

Ramana’s house planet is absolutely bright and gives way to enter a space

where only light can be perceived.

Master Ramana emerges from the light and talks to me.

“The energy of my house sweeps everything that is trivial, only the essentials

must persist, that is what to pilgrimage means.

The great surrender is to surrender nonsense. Nonsense is everything that is

trivial, words, thoughts, actions, the confused ego linked to the personal demon. It is

everything that is not the Father.

This is what my house seeks to sweep away so that you can get to the


The ego is the producer and reproducer of the superfluous.

The world is the bureaucracy of the superfluous.

This is the purification that I offer to the pilgrims that reach my house. All that is

important is in your soul, beyond the soul there is nothing because that nothingness is the

demoniac world that seeks to present itself as the truth. The only truth lives in each one of

us in the center of the soul, and that truth is the Father”.

A very strong light cleans the chakras and master Ramana’s voice raises from

the center of that light.

“Do not be alarmed if you realize that your mind is constantly intruded by

annoying demons, that is normal and daily in Athon, because you cannot forget that even

though your soul is pilgriming the zodiac, your –not yet purified –mind inhabits Athon”.

“What must I do with the constant harassment of the demons?” I ask in distress

master Ramana

“Focus to the right of your physical heart and ask the question ‘who am I?’ and

do not do anything, because there is nothing to be controlled, dominated or won, just

through the question fix your eyes in the Father.

Now I invite you to bathe in my house’s purification lake from which you shall

come out anew.

The passage through the purifying lake is necessary to continue walking this

path. And that is so because the first houses are the toughest, since they are the ones

walked with the heavier weight. A bath in the lake shall help you to alleviate in some

measure the weight of the ego. In the following houses you will be leaving it completely to

get to the return to the Father. The ego is like an onion you must peel each layer to get to

the essence, and that is the purpose of the pilgrimage”.


Master Ramana asks me to sit in that space of light that surrounds me and at

the instant I do so, the space is transformed it a sparkling lake. The lake is Ramana’s

reflection that is purifying all hardness and being in that profound reflex of purification

dualities are disappearing because there is no more mind that analyses and beheads in

the doubt. The only conscience is that of being in the Father and then all the characters


Ramana’s voice rises from the depths of the lake:

“In this lake you no longer feel your body; you only have the conscience of your

eternal soul that appears naked and aware after so much time unconscious and


I am disappearing because the past is disappearing; the dark, time immemorial

and dense weights of the journeys through so many lives and from my heart small fragrant

flowers blossom and scatter around my soul, bestowing it with new fragrance and vigor.

Master Ramana Spears again.

“You have asks yourself ‘who am I?’ many times. You are the one who was just


Being inside the lake is being in the center of the universe. In the lake I

disintegrate in a thousand petals master Ramana blows and fly away, transforming in a

huge joy that moves towards the Light of the Father.

“This lake is a metaphor of your soul” master Ramana tells me.


I join the Grace of the communion with the gods who serve the Father.


Sophia reminds me that I must be at the Father’s call and He shall guide me in every act.


MAY 27

Adopting yoga lotus pose, with open arms, the palms of his hands joined and

elevated to the sky and eyes staring at the infinite, Ramana welcomes me in his house

that takes the form of the cave of Virupaksha in Arunachala that he inhabited in the

passing of his liberating experience.

In the energy of the welcoming I have the certainty that I must not depart one

second from the connection with the Father because that is the only way to endure my

stay in Athon.

Each step in this house shall affirm you in faith and love until youy reach


“Do not set your steps outsider of the road” tells me master Ramana as he

welcomes me as a father that welcomes a son long estranged from ome, showing me the

same path he followed to reach his final liberation. Master Ramana continues:

“In this journey you shall discover experiences that have been forgotten by your

soul at the moment of the fall.

You have been immersed in the lessons necessary to go through this extreme

experience. You have all the conditions required to do it, and thus my heart if full of joy”.

Master Ramana encircles me in a halo of light and gifts me with visiting other


Upon return, he reminds me:

“He who is in this house, is in the Father.

Welcome to this house of selective discernment.

Search for this energy inside of you and you shall find it in the others.

Vibrate to this energy and so you will be answered.

But you must also work your faith through the expansive devotional energy that

you still don’t know enough.

This energy has three aspects: it overwhelms, stops and comforts based on

faith, keep in mind that there is no comfort without faith”.

I focus on my heart and feel overwhelmed by the Love of the Divine Mother and

in that meeting there are no densities, it is the overwhelming encounter with the divinity

where the character is emptied and the archaic past purified, where thoughts are sealed

and seals are burn, my soul is walked by an energy of celebration, of inner rejoice.

Then everything that upset me during my countless lives stops because I am

without and being without means no outer movements, outer roads dissolve. There are no

roads because there is no world. As the world disappears the Father’s comfort rises and


tells me that the absence of the world that extinguished within me it not the vacuum that is

flooded with anguish but rather, the vacuum that is getting filled by my faith; with that faith I

undertake the return journey to my lost and long forgotten origin.

“My house is the house to all those who are vibrating with the energy of the

return. Your job is to let goof everything that you deem a burden to your journey, in all

apparels are a place where the soul hides that has to walk in utter nakedness.

The soul must be naked because it needs nothing. It is the moment to give

away everything because faith is only possible in the naked soul.

There are no mediators no reach the Father, just the naked soul in solitude,

surrendered completely by an unconditional faith can reach Him. But there is still

something essential to walk this path, something you must yield” tells me master Ramana


What is it?” I ask, not realizing what he means.

“You bring Athon hanging from your hair”.

Master Ramana grabs a pair of golden scissors and begins to cut my hair. And I

realize each hair is a thought, a fantasy, a ghost, a demon, a destructive word, a

distraction. Finally master Ramana grabs a razor and shaves my head softly.

“Do not allow it to grow again” he tells me at last.


I join the Grace of the communion with the Unity of the Father


Sophia reveals me the truths of the Father and tears away the masks of the



MAY 28

Master Ramana grants me the mantra that will allow me to open the path of the



I continue my steps at Ramana’s house.

Alleviate my burden so I can move forward.

I ask you that my steps to not dwindle until I reach You.

I repeat the mantra and feel the Presence of the Father with me and also my

personal demon and its court of demons that resist leaving my mind.

I feel the Father is eternally and as I repeat the mantra it rises me towards a

bright world.

The mantra places me in the freshness of the one who has just been born and

will soon give his first steps towards the Father. I am in the house of the soul that is a

place of love and purification. I am walking through the hill to my baptism, my feet are

perfect, as drawn by Michelangelo and, without moving walk the path leaving no footprints.

The road goes through the hill and the hill is the Father. Ramana follows me in the road,

taking care of my steps.

“My job is to Project the pilgrim while he walks my house and I shall keep you

company until you are received in the next one. With each pilgrim that transits my house I

return to the Father once and over again. You do not return to the Father once and for

ever because the joy of the reunion is renewed each time. I leave the Father and return to

the Father just for the joy of the reunion. There is no place for anything that is not the

Father in the Father’s universe.

The souls that seek their reunion walk towards Him. The journey is an

unstopping learning, one must just oneself be drawn”.

We stop at a stretch of the Hill because we are at the Doors of the Virupaksha

Cave, where I shall receive the baptism, which is an energy that shall allow me to steady

myself in this experience so I can stay and hold on to it.

Ramana’s blessing detaches all my demons, which remain outsider the cave

and within, master Ramana puts a white cloak over my shoulders, a scarf made of a very

thin muslin that he usually wears around his neck and tells me:

“From this moment on, the Father covers and protects you, do not be afraid of

the darkness that seeks to harass you, that is Athon’s condition, just surrender yourself in

each action you perform and He shall guide your steps.”


We leave the cave and Ramana urges me to get beneath a waterfall a few

meters from the cave and as I am being bathed by its waters, Ramana tells me the

meaning of this ceremony.

“The water in the waterfall is the water of the Truth and this is the water that

reveals the Father.

Baptism is surrendering all that is not the Father, but you must be fully aware of

that you are renouncing and that you are getting.”

Ramana lights a fire near the waterfall and as I come out y hear the Father’s

Voice amidst the fire.

“Give me your name. Give me your timeless soul, so ling asleep that I shall

return her to life. And give me also the ego who still believes to be someone”.

I surrender everything the Father asks and after that surrender Ramana pours

over my head the contents of a bowl: a purifying oil made of the essences of small flowers

form the Father’s planet.

“Now the Father will Bloom in your soul and you shall bloom the souls of those

who came to your help to take the return path”.

Ramana and I go back to the house, to the cave of Virupaksha, that is how this

field of light of the zodiac shows itself. It is night already and tomorrow I must face the

experience of death.


I join the Grace of the communion with multiple divine expressions


Everything returns to its track.

Peace is once again inside of you. Keep your balance.


MAY 29

“What did I experience as I surrendered to the experience of the death of the

ego to find the True Self at 17? Vacuum, Nothingness and the revelation of the Self. This

is what I have experienced: to Be One with the Cosmos”.

“Master, may I experience this limit experience that you faced?”

“You can experience it in the level you are at, the experience in your case will

be comprised of many deaths and in each of them you will be coming nearer to the Self;

the Self shall be revealing itself in your conscience”.

“How do I undertake this experience? I find it impossible”.

“Surrender the fear, the rest is to abandon yourself”.

I sense that the only way to do this experience is getting out from the deceit of

the demons that urge me to identify with the body and the mind.

The demons have worked so much in previous lives and in such a precise

manner that through countless pacts of intellectual power the identification of the mind with

the Self is almost absolute and that almost shall constitute the crack from where I shall

expel the demons that Soak me in that false identity.

“Avoid listening to the echoes that seek to draw you away from death” my soul

tells me.

I am falling through a underground path that is closed and suddenly there is

Nothingness and I am in that Nothingness.

“Leave everything” my soul commands and I feel that the idea of leaving

everything is terrible, but it is just a manner of speaking: you just have to leave the ego.

How do I leave the ego to penetrate the void?

There comes a long silence that is part of this experience, because that silence

must be the space of death and resurrection. The demons attack me by oppressing me

with a choking sensation, anguish, with Nothingness disguised as Being, with that

unbearable Nothingness that wants me to abandon the experience and go back to take

refuge in the ego.

“Do not move, resist the impulse of movement, if you move, you are lost” tells

me my soul. In quietness I can let the body go, as it is losing sensations as senses are

coming loose.

Breathing becomes paused and imperceptible, because breathing is what ties

me to the world and without breathing there are no feelings that long for Athon’s darkness.

The mind in blank announces its non-existence, there is nothing invading it.


The heart is pounding slower but I can still hear it. I realize that I am alive and

that I must deepen this experience, which means deepening the surrender and in so doing

I have the vision of my body lying on the floor and I know, because the soul reveals it to

me, that what was is ceasing to exist.

The soul looks at the body without sense of tearing, without suffering because

the soul knows that the body does not belong to it.

A bright energy appears all over the body and burns it to dust that disappears in

a divine blow.

The soul shows itself free because all burdens are gone, and tells me:

“I have been soaked by the Divine Light, the body does not exist anymore

though the matter that composed it continues its cycle”.

I return to the senses and find Ramana’s voice.

“You have walked through the experience of death and you shall never be able

to look at the world as you used to. Death, as you have realized, is beyond the

disappearance of the body, the true death is the awareness of not belonging to the world.

Unaware demo-humans do not die when they abandon the physical plane, they

remain in drowsiness, attached to the ego and dealing a new dark and solitary birth.

Your death was true because you sensed the Father’s dimension to where your

soul belongs. Live the experience of your death as an ascension to the stars. Your way to

death has just begun; you must transmute countless samskaras of previous lives and

deaths to reach the final death that is the Life in the Father”.


I join the Grace of the acceptance of the experience that is renewed in each step


The outer storm continues. The inner peace remains.


MAY 30

The god Vishnu ruled the zodiac house before the demon Gemini took hold of it

to manage it in the kingdom of Athon. Now, with the expulsion of the regent demons and

the occupation of the houses by the masters, Vishnu returns to collaborate with Ramana in

the zodiac experience.

Vishnu announces himself by saying:

“Surrendered to the Father there is nothing else” and that being said, he sends

a ray that penetrates in a dark cloud and as I look at him surprised he explains:

“This dark cloud is the family ties. These ties are very strong and are tied to the


The god gives me the astral vision where I can see mingling dark, deformed

bodies inside my chakras but I am also rooted in theirs.

Alarmed, I search for and answer and the god gives it to me.

“This is the moment to let them go, it is not enough to see them, you must let

them go”.

“How can I do that?” I ask him.

“First, understanding that this pilgrimage s to free your soul and not to demonize

oneself in the family communion. The family is a system in the service of the demoniac

order in which each member is a part destined to fulfill a specific role.

Afterwards you must meditate on the origin of the family deal, a deal that takes

places at the very moment of the fall in Athon, because you fall into a family”.

The energy of the god takes me to the origin where the clan demons, in a fierce

fever, with hallucinated red eyes and bleeding teeth and claws received me to devour me,

make me one of them; and I was for uncountable lives, devouring and being devoured,

that was the game that was being placed, the only game that was the swinging rite of

adoration of the Great Demon, the dark planet, the Black Venus. A game that could only

be played within the family, that alchemic test-tube of dark transmutation, of suffering small

and big, of laceration and derision, of the deceiving joys of Athon’s prison, the void of the

unaware soul detached from the Father.

I am horrified by the vision when the god, smiling, says to me:

“All of this is according to what you understand it: an intolerable hell of the

opportunity for the birth of the eternal soul that is why I showed you the horror without

veils, so you make up your mind to leave it.

The true birth is to be born in the Father. What you saw is nothing more that

your belonging to the diabolic planet.


The birth I am talking you about is the awakening to the Truth for this to settle in

the soul and chose the Father as its last home.

This is the moment to blossom in the Father and that your soul, prisoner of the

dark family, frees itself to continue its evolution. You have already seen the distorted world

you have inhabited during all your lives, that pattern threaded by the family deals: an

accumulation of dense energies that were taking you each time nearer to the abyss. That

dark birth is a non-stopping fall into nonsense.

I announce you another birth, the one who leads to the Father. You are in the

verge of the decision: to choose the path of liberation or to keep submitting yourself to the

Great Demon in the dark family ties”.

Vishnu is making my energy subtle to allow me through him to sense other

universes with superior levels of conscience, and this is possible because he has

awakened some of my spiritual chakras synchronizing them with the awakening of my

soul. The energy flows in an exact frequency and I sense how the ties that tied the chakras

to those bodies are burning, and I see the family demons fleeing in torment, but never

again their torments shall project in the souls of those who were my family members.

I experience a great relief and with a compassion born from a soul that is being

birth I sense how those souls I subjugated and who subjugated me also begin to find

peace in the Father.


I join the Grace of trusting the Father completely


Let Sophia arrive at her times, which are the times of your soul.


MAY 31

“Master, I have been strongly struck by the affirmation you made to one of the

visitors to your ashram in Arunachala, that everyone is the murderer of the Self in each

instant of his life” I tell Ramana while we wander through the hill, 70 years after that same

place was populated by tens and sometimes hundreds of visitors not only from India but

also some from Europe and the United States.

Master Ramana has a perception of time that is not Athonnian, and continues

speaking as if he were answering to those demo-humans that visited his ashram.

“You can only cease to be the murderer of the Father when the Father acts.

When I mention the Self I do not refer to the egoic self which is continuously on the making

but rather the Self, God, the soul, the Father.

This non-stopping self-mutilation that the unaware demo-human inflicts upon his

true self, or die to the subjection to the personal demon, delegate of the Great Demon and

prisoner in Athon.

It is an unaware murder, meaningless, repeated in spins that never stop,

energies are lost as they are given to the demoniac system in this absurd and vertiginous

race called life, which is only the life of the demons.”

“I understand, master, that in each instant a Desire emerges and that Desire

drags me to the deal and that deal self affirms the ego as separate conscience and for this

to happen the ego must give away the soul’s energy, that is the murder you are talking


“And thus you become more vulnerable for future negotiations” further explains

master Ramana.

“In each deal, as I demonize myself I am killing the Father. I am a murderer of

the Father each time I feed the Great Demon whatever I think or whatever I do”.

“The demo-human becomes a murderer of the Father that dwells within each

time that he surrenders to the demons. What is it to murder the Father? To murder the

Father is to forget him and oblivion is murdering”.

“How is that so, master?”

“Oblivion produces the absence of the other, which in this case is the Father;

this absence is its negation, its death, the forgotten is dead in the conscience, murdered

by forgetfulness. Each action outside the Father is its oblivion and to forget is to murder”.

“Why do we forget the Father?”

“Oblivion comes in fear of the Great Demon, to cease to exist as an ego, that is

the only existence the possessed conscience may experience; so to remember something


that is not the ego would mean to begin to abandon the ego, which is nothing else but to

abandon the Great Demon, produces panic and then the conscience takes refuge in


“Which is, master, the answer the pilgrim must give?”

“The pilgrim must go from murderer to liberated, revealing the Truth that means

to get out of deceit”.

“I understand, master, only when the demons silence it can listen to God and in

His words leave oblivion, remember Him again”.

“Only in meditation the soul is not murdered because the mind, that is the

murderer of the realness, cannot Project its thoughts with their emotional burden” tells me

master Ramana and I fall in meditation where I have the vision of the souls torn apart,

estranged from the Father, bordering and staring at the abyss the Great Demon offers


I realize that the soul is in this is the state of unawareness, blocked and

foreclosed from immemorial times and that the ego, the part of itself by which the Great

Demon unfolds itself in each conscience, is the only acknowledgeable identity and that it is

constantly projected, creating the outside world which it lives as real. This is inevitable

since the world is nothing else than a projection of the ego. Meditation is the only

possibility to re-acknowledge the inner being, to meet again with the soul, the Self, the

Being, God, the true identity.

In mediation I recognize Ramana’s voice that tells me:

“The day the demo-humans realize that it is the ego they have to murder and

not he Being, the Earth will be once again what it was, re-integrated to its orbit one with

the rest of the Father’s universes”.

The energy in Ramana’s voice encloses everything.

I am the way, the truth and the life.

Appearances dissolve.

The soul recognizes itself and then Is.


I join the Grace of being fed by the Father


I am the blade that cuts through the original sin. Visualize that final moment of your inner war.



Forgetting the Father is murdering Him.

To be born in Athon is to have fallen in the planet of oblivion. The Great

Demon’s strategy to subjugate the souls is to drag them into the Great Oblivion of the


The destiny of the soul is to get access to the remembrance of the Father. How

is this possible? It is possible because in the oblivion of the Father remains the awareness

of the Father even though the soul cannot sense it.

To aspire to the Father I must first acknowledge that what I call my life is the

Great Demon’s life. And that if I live his life as if it were mine, is because I forgot the

Father, but by realizing this oblivion, I begin to remember Him.

Ramana’s house gives me the energy to transform oblivion in remembrance.

This intuition of the remembrance is the Great Revelation of the pilgrim.

To fully understand that the purpose of the Great Demon is the oblivion of the

Father makes me face this pilgrimage with uninterrupted attention, profound faith and an

infinitely powerful love because only in that way shall I be able to resist the Lord of the

Darkness attempts to sink me into oblivion.

In the remembrance y can acknowledge my Origin and return to the Divine

Source that is the Father.

The oblivion of the Father made me remain ignorant for lives and lives, blinded

by the demons that only worked with my distraction to prevent that remembrance.

To remember is to find the way out.

Everything that is done has a sole purpose: to forget the Father.

The Great Demon, to close completely the remembrance of the Father, to earse

from the conscience all vestiges, included himself in that oblivion; so the Great Demon’s

images disappeared from the world.

“Absent Demon what is the need for the Father, right” we, demo-humans,


For my soul to remember Him again I ask the Father for the Grace of not being

distracted to be able to see him in all things beyond demoniac veils.

The Father shows Himself in those who awaken their hearts and revive their

Origin that comes from the Father who they begin to acknowledge in the remembrance.

Ramana comes near and gives me a small flower of a soft and exquisite



“This flower shall always be with you even though toy may not feel her at many

times. This perfume from the Father prevents oblivion by driving the obscure presence

away from the conscience”.

The one who never forgets us is the Father that can never stop to remember

His children.

The Father shows himself through silence because only silence can quiet

demoniac voices.

The Father, in his mercy, always forgives us for forgetting him once again; his

only purpose is to be remembered.

Demo-humans have to win the Great Demon’s bet of our staying in the Father’s


This memory is possible when we understand that what we deny by oblivion is

the worthiest thing we have: the soul, the divine power.

Ramana tells me:

“You have the knowledge of the oblivion and the memory but this alone is not

enough if you do not make yourself a warrior that fights to recover his remembrance”.

I call Vishnu and tell him:

“I am in your hands; give me everything I need to become a warrior that fights to

recover his remembrance”.

“The scenario of this war is silence and your weapon is your longing to

remember the Father; let it all flow and the Father shall return to you in the way of a

remembrance” answers Vishnu.


I join the Grace of expanding my conscience towards divine dimensions


My energy is the hands of the Father modeling your soul.



After reaching the Conscience of the Self, having lost interest for the worldly

things, Ramana abandoned his home to go to a Arunachala, where after spending some

time in a temple near the hill, he went through a number of caves until he reached one that

had been inhabited by an old yogi named Virupaksha.

Ramana tells me that as he entered the cave he saw a light in which center was

Virupaksha waiting for him to take his place, so he could ascend to the Father. He had

found a successor. Two similar souls that marked in that face the continuity if the liberation

energy that had to be expanded to the heart of the demo-humans so they could begin to

connect with the Father.

“Both of us – Ramana tells– were in a state of profound Samadhi, in fusion with

the Father expanding the divine energy through the dark Athonnian shadows”.

Then Virupaksha became one with the Absolute but now, summoned by

Ramana, que returns to take part in the Salvation Plan.

Master Ramana indicates me to visit the great yogi and as I enter the cave I see

that the upper part is open from where it descends a ring of light in which center is

Virupaksha, who before allowing me to greet him with a bow, shoots:

“Can you see the whole Cosmos in this cave?”

“No”, I answer, bewildered by the question.

“Nevertheless, you may see infinite infernos in your mind; tell me: isn’t that


Focus on your ajna to have the vision of all your demons, particularly your

personal demon, because you must expel all you are not and experience who you are.

You must be very honest in this pilgrimage and not fall into the temptation of

using the energy of Ramana’s house to fee the demons by renewing old deals.

We the masters are not at the reach of looters and depredators of energy that is

the Father’s Energy. Now go in the quest of your personal demon”.

As Virupaksha vanished I sensed that what I call life is nothing more that a

screen that received the projections of my personal demon and the court of demons. The

energy in Ramana’s hose shows me that the combat with my personal demon must

appear as a non-combat. Quietness, connection shall convert this fearful enemy so it can

be saved and rescued from the Great Demon.

But first I must acknowledge it, know how it operates so that I can be subtle it is

not about exercising dominium but rather to know it, to know its strategies to achieve its

purpose of demonizing me.


Only by having it as an ally will I be able to pilgrim without disturbances, but for

that I shall need to know the demon deeply, find out who it really is, unmask it and then

inevitably it shall loose its powers and no open combat shall be needed.

Now Virupaksha instructs me on the requirements for this combat that is not a


“This confrontation is impossible if you identify yourself with your personal

demon, so you have to de-identify yourself and experience yourself as another


When you can place the personal demon outsider of you, see it as something

external of yourself, you must unarm it with the question: who are you really?

Why this question? Just because the personal demon shall show itself through

your family, friends, people you trust. This is the preferred working method. When you feel

that something close wants to fascinate you, induce you into doing something you resist

doing, then ask your inner self the question: who are you really?

Then maybe you will be surprised, even though at this point of the experience

few things may surprise you, of who is behind the understanding smile of your mother, the

loving eyes of your significant other or the fraternal gesture of your friend.

They do not know it, but he who speaks, promises, threatens, is your personal

demon which has mediumized your loved ones to better work over your unaware



I join the Grace of true freedom


A waterfall, Such is my energy.

Let if flow, You have to do nothing.



From Virupaksha’s teaching I summon my personal demon who appears as a

quite disturbing character representing a talented sculptor, but its dark vibration provokes

in me a strong rejection and I am about to let him go when Virupaksha’s voice stops me:

“The only way to transcend it is to know it deeply, so you can learn all the

secrets that during so many lives he kept hidden and due to your ignorance could easily

subdue you”.

I accept what the great yogi tells me and I do not undo the summoning, and

then I can see it like something external, I have it identified and as I know it as some other

outside of me I know it cannot possess my conscience anymore.

There is no aggression in its game, it is too refined to use a primitive strategy,

as a demon it manages the timing of many lives and does not have the anxiety that

transient demo-human times produce, when everything must be now.

I am its masterpiece; he is like a sculptor that knows how to slowly sculpt the

marble that he wants to model because he aspires to the perfect masterpiece. And what

would be the perfect masterpiece for this Demon? To shape me as a demon to deliver me

to the Great Demon.

Each stroke he sculpted me with was a deal; not any deal but rather those in

which I wanted to model myself as an immortal being; that is why I let him be my sculptor

to become a demon.

I can understand this work with my personal demon sculptured my ego by the

Vision that Virupaksha’s energy provides me.

What is his advantage in this confrontation? It is that I am his work, he knows

every fold of my conscience, every desire, every deal, every frustration, he knows my lives

and my deaths, he knows more than I know about my suffering, because it is his projected

suffering. Was not hi the one beheaded by the Muslim scimitar during that Crusade?

Above his head fell the guillotine in France and lived that desperate love in the Imperial

Rome. In loves and massacres we have been one, he is the uncountable skins that cover

me and Virupaksha tells me I must strip off.

He is there as my sculptor, a sculpture I thought it was me modeling in so many

useless passions, my shape is his printed in me

I am tailored as him.

Virupaksha tells me that I must know he does not exist, we do not exist, my

personal demon and my ego are ghosts of the Great Demon.


The Great Demon, not to die in his non-existence, strove to unify us so that in

our parasitic non-existence, like him, we lived from my soul, from the Father.

How to cease to be what I am no? Discernment, with its bright sword that brings

the Father’s Energy is the only on who can undo that illusion. Discernment has the power

to annihilate that confusing mass of temptation, fascinations, remembrances, projections,

punishments and hopes that lead us, I subjugated to him and him subjugated to the Great

Demon, to this endless spin in which we believe, since my fall and his possession, that is

our existence.

What binds us together? We both fear death. And he tells me that only together

we will be saved. My personal demon, beyond his cunning, is also a poor victim of his

blindness. In his eyes I read the shine of his hatred and also of his despair while he reads

in my mind my intent to abandon him.

“Don’t insist upon wanting to live without me” he tells me with his deaf voice, as

a lover knowing of a near abandonment.

“And I can’t live with you either” and answer as I feel his bewilder.

“I am the one who gave you your life. Who were you without me, your sculptor

during lives and lives? You were a shapeless ego, a waste of the Great Demon, a maggot

crawling in Athon. I gave you life, I sculptured that shapeless stone the Great Demon gave

me with infinite patience into the lover, the wise man, the powerful persona, I gave you the

adventure of existence.

Virupaksha’s voice warns me from inside:

“Don’t believe him, that demon exists as a projection of your mind, agitated by

the false desire of existence. Without your projection, it is nothing. Only if you see him with

his eyes seeing in you will you see him as that sculptor that created you from a shapeless

stone. Now you must learn to look at him with the Father’s eyes, and then he shall

disappear and sink into Nothingness”.

A light invades everything and I find myself once again alone with the great



I join the Grace of understanding the insubstantiality of all Athonnian experiences


The Pentecostal fire,

Such is my energy.

Let it burn.

You have to do nothing.



Vishnu appears in my meditation and pointing out at the house that so long has

been ruled by the demon Gemini and now Ramana had recovered, tells me:

“In the origin, a place of purity where the soul shone in its plenitude reigned in

this house. And as the god in charge, I was entrusted with handing in the gifts each soul

demanded for its evolutionary process and therefore begin the connection with the Father.

Now I am back and with Ramana’s presence the house returns to its lost

splendor, allowing light to flow again and acknowledging the souls that walk it that there is

a path that leads to the Father.

The task of the masters and gods that guide the houses is that the souls

understand - which is not easy in Athon, a planet that can only exist in the vertigo that it

projects - that they just have to allow the Father to flow in the depths, nothing else, and

that in meditative quietness you reach the end of the path. You reach liberation when you

are One with the Father.

Let the Father flow in you and everything else shall come from there”.

“Vishnu – I tell the god – you tell me that I must surrender myself to the Father’s

flow or better yet, to let the Father flow in me, but there is something very powerful in me

that prevents me from doing it, that doesn’t allow me to place myself in that quietness and

that something is time that drags and projects me and I can’t prevent ir from throwing me

to what I an not, to the hope of what will be in what’s yet to come and not in what I am.

Time storms my mind with talk of futures, of achievements, and also stabs me painfully

with the past times.

Vishnu: I feel instable like a leaf in the storm and that storm is time”.

“The time you are talking about - answers the god - makes you experience the

agony of the castaway doomed to sail uselessly and infinitely in a stormy sea, and that

stormy sea is also time, which is nothing more than an idea the Great Demon placed in

your mind”.

“I don’t understand, Vishnu, how an idea can drag me to the unspeakable

torture of living estranged from the father”.

“And what other things draw you apart from the Father, if not ideas?”

“What ideas are those, Vishnu?”

“All the ideas that agitate in your mind, but let me tell you the main ideas: that

your are an autonomous being separated from the Father, plus, as an autonomous being


you are free to build your destiny and that destiny is build inside the time. The rest of the

ideas spring from these three main ideas in what you experience as thoughts in their

timely movement, which are nothing else that the strategies with which you believe to be

building your life inside time”.

The god’s words illuminate me and gave the vision of finding myself imprisoned

by ideas and cheated by thoughts.

“Are you observing your mind thinking? And to think that it is not more that

imagining the moments to come and those moments are nothing but mind flashes,

demoniac illusions you deem real and in this game you go through lives and lives in the

endless circle of time. You see with how little do demons imprison you in Athon”.

“There is something, Vishnu, I don’t understand: movement is the way it shows

itself in this plane and that movement I translate as time, so how can I get out of time

existing in the temporary nature?”

“The time we are talking about is no other thing than that idea the Great Demon

fixed in your mind, but you are right, this is the plane of the temporary nature, but you must

sense that the temporary nature of the Father has a different meaning, to learn from time

to transcend it to the eternity.”

“Can you explain, Vishnu, what you are saying?”

“It is not through my words that you shall understand the time of the Father, but

rather it will be revealed to you in the quietness of meditation, where you will be able to

experience the no-time


I join the Grace that overcomes everything


The winds of the Cosmos,

Such is my energy.

Let it sweep everything

You have to do nothing.



In the quietness of the soul, in that no-time that is the eternity, I sense the time

of the Nature, the harmonic movement of the seed that becomes plant, fruit and seed once

again, it is the life of the Father moving on Earth.

The soul now reveals to me that in that seed and its process is enclosed the

whole mystery of the Cosmos, with the same simplicity the living beings show themselves

on Earth and in universes and in the meditation on that seed I see inside of it universal life.

There are the physical galaxies and the spiritual ones Xanti, Nabuk, Xenti,

Rasbik, Frakis, Rammis and Chandit, the pole star, the gods, the solar masters, the Rishis,

there Krishna and Arjuna are moving through Kurukshetra, in that seed lives all the life of

the Padre, because there is the Father that lives in the fruits of the plant, in the worms, in

the bacteria and also in his faithful children, the bright angels and in his rebel children the

demons and also the Father is as Brahman in that seed that is watered by Christ that is

coming to redeem the fallen souls in Athon.

The mind timeframe of the Great Demon prevented me during many lives from

perceiving the liberating time of the Father and it dominated me with the fear of its

interruption that was death, disintegration, I was crossed by the suffering of the waiting,

the impatience, the beginning and the end.

This time is the time of the Great Demon unraveled on the world, thus its

ferocity, its bleeding canines that devour everything, that is why this demoniac time is build

by the chains that chain the soul, but it is nothing else that time desperate of finitude.

The time of the Father is the eternity that dissolves the mental time and breaks

his chains.

The present is the Presence of the Father in the eternal instant, it is the Whole,

what Is, past and future are only projections of the Great Demon, and those projections

are the chains that chain the souls.

The origin is revealed in the time of the Father, where the Origin is revealed and

where there is no Great Demon, its temporal ghosts being dissolved in the plenitude of

what I Am, in the eternity.

To reveal the eternity beyond time demands the surrender of the time with its

worries and its hopes, it means to surrender the inner Athon utterly and let only the Father

to flow in my soul until we become One in eternity, because then I am the Being without

time and this time with which the Great Demon deceived me is no more than him running

in time without meaning.


In meditation I realize the fable of time; and which is the fable with which the

Great Demon deceives as time?

It is its false infinitude that seeks to replace the eternity of the soul.

So many times I spent filling that void of the Father that the Great Demon as

time created for me. When you understand that there is no time because there is no Great

Demon, you just Be in the Father.

And in that eternity I see Arunachala as an eye that penetrates the depths of the

soul and that eye is Vishnu.

The god is the energy that takes me from time to eternity because it dissolves

the mental images to which I gave substance of time.

Vishnu shows as a wind that sweeps and brings, sweeping away the illusion of

time to return to the soul the vision of its eternity.

The god looks at me and says:

“The thoughts, the vertigo of time, are hanging from your head”.

Vishnu, with a golden razor, cuts my hair/thoughts-time as time ago he did with

Ramana, which like pony tails dissolve in the light of meditation.

“The house of Ramana is walked with the mind empty of time because it is the

only way to have clear that the purpose is not in time as demo-human purposes are”.

Vishnu looks at me from the chakra ajna but from that chakra I must look at


“Cut the resistance, there’s no turning back, the decision has been taken; a lot

of energy has been put in this experience to dissolve time and the Father cannot allow it to

dissipate”, the god finishes speaking.


I join the Grace that embraces the Father


The Father’s Grace,

Such is my energy.

Let it embrace you,

You have to do nothing.



“How is it possible, master, that we demo-humans are so blind to time with

which the Great Demon traps us?” I wonder before Ramana with some perplexity, but I

realize it is not perplexity that invades me but grief by seeing me in so many lives

dissipating the time of the soul to alienate myself, that is the world, alienation, madness,

grief, being out of oneself, out of the soul, of the Father, in the time of the Great Demon,

the Great Demon as time, to be one with him, with his miseries and his hallucinated plans,

because by doing things in the time of the Great Demon, which is the Great Demon

himself, I built him, because we demo-humans built the Great Demon as we build

ourselves in a time that is his..

“So you see - tells me Ramana - that humans are a creation of the Father, but

the Great Demon is a construction of the demo-human”.

“I understand, master, when we cease to build the Great Demon, he will

disappear because he has no other existence that the one we are living him in each

second of our lives projected in his time, we built him as time in each of our actions, when

we lie and when we tell the truth, when we pray and when we kill, because all these are

the games with which he deceives us and we are victims of that deception by keeping

ourselves expelled from the Father’s eternity”.

“The Great Demon subjects demo-humans with the weapon of distraction -

continues Ramana– that is no other thing that leaving of the soul towards the plans with

which you believe to build your life: family, work, are mere distractions that feed the ego in

its struggle for the acknowledgement of the others where the ego seeks to grab the energy

to fulfill that void that is the Father’s absence”.

“Yes, master, you already explained to me that only in the transmuted

conscience in connection with the Father it is possible to experience a liberating path in

the obscure demoniac dimensions of family and work, which are the major distractions,

alienations of the soul chained to Athonnian time, that blinds the soul from its true destiny”.

“When a soul begins to pilgrim in the zodiac it has to be fully aware of the fact

that confused with the ego the soul is distracted in time-bound plans seen as necessary or

urgent, when in fact the only thing necessary and urgent is to connect with the Father”.

Master Ramana is showing me the sometimes subtle topics of distraction that

life after life remain the same, even though under different appearance.

I can realize that the most subtle and therefore obscure distractions are those

activities that give the opposite impression.


Would you say that thinkers in search for the truth or artists molding beauty are

distracted? All actions outside of the Father are distractions in the time of the Great


The birth of a child appears in my vision: the first instant of the lost time. The

time of the Great Demon begins to breath that life and does not rest, demonizing it from

one distraction to the other, that are nothing more than various actions build from


“When the search of the Father begins that lost time starts to be discounted -

insists master Ramana - since the only time that is not lost is the one committed to seek

the Father”.

“This transmutation of the meaning of time is an experience that demo-humans

have relegated to oblivion a long time ago, isn’t that so, master?

“This oblivion is the one the Father’s Plan comes to remind you of, but it is true

what you’re saying, the demo-human’s mental state is of temporary alienation and you

don’t suspect the huge work the Father’s army to free the souls from that drowsiness. But

when the soul begins to awaken and understands the alienation of time it can begin to

experience a time of evolution.

With this awakening the soul becomes aware that what was experienced as

lives where no more that distractions born and dead in the fugacity of time to fulfill the void

of the Father.

That soul also understands that there are no important and less important

things in Athon. The discovery of the DNA, a Mozart concert, the time devoted to research

for a cure for cancer or the construction or a particle accelerator, a football game, an

addiction to gambling or an obsession for soap operas and play-stations are all

distractions of the Great Demon because every moment in time that you are not thinking of

the Father, you spend to the service of Athon”.


I join the Grace that redeems in Athon


When I flow in your soul, all deceits vanish.



How to untie the chains of time? I am imprisoned in Athon and in meditation I

see myself trapped by the multiple tentacles of time, some chain me, other project me to

the illusion, there is one huge tentacle that completely covers my vision and blinds me

from the Father, one with ferocious cruelty speaks to me about my finitude, my death, that

of the time of the Nothingness.

Master Ramana looks at me with his sweet and penetrating eyes and tells me:

“The only way to destroy that time that imprisons you, blinds and tortures you is

to cease to reproduce it. You are fathering that time because you are continuously

generating it”.

Ramana sees bewilderment in my eyes. I cannot understand how am I the

producer of my own executioner, the Great Demon as time.

“You produce it in your actions. Lo generas en la acción. Krishna tells Arjuna in

the Bhagavad-Gita that he cannot cease to act because action is the law of the plane, but

that he has to surrender the fruits of those actions”.

“I have read this lesson form Krishna several times but I don’t seem to fully

understand its meaning”.

“It is simple, to continue producing the time. When you expect something from

your actions you are projecting the future, and the future is an energy that activates your

mind, or more accurately, the demons that dwell in it, and this energy materializes what is

not by considering it real in the imaginary plane. And all this realness in the imaginary

plane is temporary, a short-lived instant that appears before your senses to disappear and

then you go on projecting, creating time without interruption and thus, to that sequence of

insubstantial instants, in their apparent continuity, your mind experiences as a real

dimension. What some thinkers believed to be the history of humanity is no more than

that: unreal, short-lived instants upon which the demons of the mind bestow an illusionary

organization of continuity and meaning”.

“How is it possible to escape this game?”

“It is possible by not involving the soul in any action so the ego, joined with the

soul, detached from the demons, does not wait for the fruits of the action because it no

longer needs to feed itself from the acknowledgement of the others”.

“Master, are you trying to say that acknowledgment is the fruit expected from

every action?”

“What other thing expects the demo-human that builds a fortune or triumphs in

sports or achieves a university degree? For what other reason would a demo-human


undertake the huge effort to achieve these goals if no one would acknowledge him as the

millionaire ego, or the sports idol or the university graduate?”

“Now this matter is becoming clear to me, the ego that does not strive for

acknowledgement does not project itself in time, does not create time and since the ego

only exists in time, it disappears as such and then the soul begins to awaken”.

“The only action of the soul is to rejoin with the Father in the eternity, then the

time ceases to exist for that conscience.”

“I understand, master, it is a must to act with detachment in the material plane,

in which the soul is not involved because the ego does not involve it by stealing the energy

it projects in search of the fruits of acknowledgement”.

“You must not forget that this temporal projection is not for free, because the

costs that allow it must me paid. And those deals are the producers of time. I told you that

in each act you reproduced time, but since each act that awaits for its fruit is a deal, deals

are the producers of time.

The Presence of the Father is in those souls that remain in quietness in in front

of the constant actions and the continuous demoniac bombing of everyday life

In this quietness the only one who acts is the Father and you are just a channel

of the Divinity. It is necessary to be permanently aware because the demoniac bombing

shall seek to confuse you, not allowing you to discern between the

Soul in quietness that only expresses the Father’s Will and the ego that believes

itself a soul and projects itself guided by its personal demon to a type of actions that it

believes to be good, holly and even liberating from the suffering of the others.

The soul does not act in Athon to reproduce its temporality, because the

diabolic planet is nothing more than a temporal creation in permanent need to feed from

egoic deals that give it the energy to preserve its existence.

In Athon only the demons act. I have only left to tell you that you will understand

all of this beyond mental comprehension when you become One with the Father.”


I join the Grace that by working in myself works in the demo-humanity


Surrender the images and you shall feel my presence.



Get to be One with the Father!

The finish-line is so close and so far away.

The Father is so close because he is in me, the Self I Am, and so far away

because he is veiled by the infinite layers of attachment deposited in the mind life after life

since that fall in which I because one with the Great Demon.

From attachment there are only chains, those chains of time that chain with

boredom as the darkest of sufferings, that reveals the absence of the Father to me. The

path of detachment is the path of liberation and the action outside any acknowledgement

is the star of the path of detachment. Attachment enslaves me in the density of time while

detachment is the purification that frees me from time.

Slavery vs. Freedom.

Detachment is the only way to serve the Father and attachments are the

multiple ways to serve the Great Demon.

The action that comes from the Father is only performed through a purified

channel and its consequence is joy. If an action is of interest of the Great Demon, demo-

humans will believe its performance comes from their will directed by their desire and can

only experience the tiredness of suffering.

The ego at the service of the Great Demon in its own fall is the degrading of its

energy that accrues the burden of the demoniac fruits that turn demo-humans, to the eyes

of the demons, sometimes in depraved beings but other times in successful, honorable

and beloved characters.

The two looks are a trap because, questioned or flattered, the demo-human

carrying the fruits of the actions moves forward only to the abyss of demonization.

However, when I was in the abyss of darkness, my almost forgotten soul began to long for

the Father.

Then I understood that all actions must be performed with detachment because

in so doing I am detaching of their true doer: the Great Demon.

My soul’s voice tells me:

“When you are able to listen undisturbed to the noise of the world you will have

begun the path of detachment”.

This path which finish-line is to reach the Father can only be made by learning

to walk and you can only learn to walk in constant meditation.

How do you sense the soul is walking?

In inner silence.


The renouncement to the fruits means that all actions guided by the masters do

not produce attachment.

“Do not take over the fruits of the action because you will become a slave” my

soul tells me.

This surrender must be done in silence.

What is silence?

Master Ramana said that silence is the eternal flow of language obstructed by


In silence demons are silenced; that is the only silence that is born from


What is unknown in a thousand lives spent form attachment to attachment, from

distraction to distraction, can be known in an instant of silence.

True conscience is only revealed in silence, that silence interrupted by worlds

and thoughts in demo-humans.

I see thoughts as bats that penetrate the worlds building, each moment, the

Great Demon’s world.

That is how language in Athon is given: confusing screams and shrieks.

Silence is absolutely unknown to demo-humanity and in meditation appears

master Dakshinamurti, who taught his disciples through silence.

Dakshinamurti reveals me that in silence the Energy of the Father echoes.

“I did not teach, I vibrated and they vibrated with me as I am doing now with you

since there are no words that I am transmitting but the verb of the Father that vibrates in


In the vibration that Dakshinamurti transmits me I understand that in his silence

are falling the words utter by demons until they fade.

To reach silence is to reach the path, is to know that there is a path to be

walked and in that silent path I am detaching from the deceiving worlds of the Great

Demon that still echo in my mind.


I join the Grace that by working in myself works in the possessed Earth


Connect yourself with breath and I shall be the one breathing within you.



Virupaksha receives me in the brightness of his cave and in his embrace we are

to twin souls that melt in the Father.

The great gran yogi tells me:

“You are in the path; abandon for good the demons that only project their

endless suffering in you.

Demons will no longer exist in meditation.

Why your reticence to leave darkness in spite of meditations, purifications, the

messages from the masters?

There is something you have not get free from yet and that something is Athon,

which, in spite of knowing it and sensing its diabolic darkness, you still experience as real”.

“I do not fully understand this”.

“You cannot understand because the pilgrimage has just begun for you and

there is a lot of Athon living in you.

This is expectable, the dark energy after the fall has been rooting in the depths

of your subconscious and the transmutation must be a gradual process fully balanced by

the master since otherwise the chakras would burst.

In any case the process will be accelerated when you have full awareness of

the fact that this is a demoniac system and what a demoniac system really consists of.

Now I invite you to return to your inner cave because the solar masters are arriving”.

In profound meditation I sense an energy of an intense vibration that enters by

the head crown and down through all atoms that adjust to the Father’s command.

I cannot put it into words, but it is as if the solar masters were doing surgery on

my chakras, giving them consistence since I have the vision that they suffer from a huge

deterioration since the demons, during uncountable lives, have been gnawing at them like

patient mice.

It is a meeting inside silence and within this silence the OM echoes as the

constant repetition of something primordial, it is a permanent vibration that comes from

another world and that points at the so-longed inner peace, that is no other thing but the

Father’s presence.

The solar masters take me to a galactic journey going through unspeakable

distances until we reach a planet that is similar to my personal planet and they tell me this

is my protection planet through which I communicate with cosmic energies.

It is a dance through the universes.


This protection planet will prevent demons to penetrate and interfere with my

pilgrimage once I return to Athon. I am with the sola masters now, in the center of a

dazzling galaxy and one of it countless arms embraces Athon.

Solar masters communicate me that they are transmuting Athon’s energy so

that the Father’s lessons penetrate in fertile grounds.

“Here, as in many other universes, our job is purification. Purification will allow

you to realize who you really are, our energy will allow you to Be again” tell me the Solar

masters as they are purifying each of my chakras.

There are no problems to be solved as I recover my conscience.

In this state the soul does not ask because if the question rises I am getting

away from the Truth.

There is no character, just the essence.

It is the stay in eternity that is only possible in the profound connection with the


I find myself in the Virupaksha cave once again and the great yogi reveals to


“At this point of the experience, due to the huge concentration of energy you

have acquired, you have the possibility to convert yourself into a powerful demon by

dealing that energy, or to liberate yourself if you let the energy flow in the Father”.

Demoniac plans attack me in a way I had never experienced before, but I let

them fade and the energy flows to the Father.


I join the Grace that by working in myself works transmutes the astral world


I am Athon’s exile.



There is no time and space in this pilgrimage; I traveled through faraway

universes with the solar masters and now in the zodiac master Ramana urges me to go to

the Bharatavarsha, where there still echoed the voices of the gods that joined in their

mantras and prayers to the Father, or those of the saints, yogis, sadhus, Rishis that,

melted in a sole vibration, flooded that sacred territory.

In the Bharatavarsha I recognize myself as a vaishnava, a worshiper of Vishnu,

the supreme god, “he who acts penetrating in all the All-Pervading” and that with three

steps crossed the whole cosmic space reaching its last heaven, the Vaikuntha.

There I see him as the guardian of the dharma so that each time demons seek

to predominate in the world, he comes for its salvation, incarnating as one of his avatars.

There he is with his four arms, carrying in his hands a conch-shaped trumpet, a

discus weapon, a club, and a lotus, the Ganges flowing from his feet.

He looks glorious, seated by his consort, the goddess Lakshmi, who was born

in the plenitude of her beauty from the sea foam and raises up, stepping on the demon

Sésa to then fly on her bird Garuda to melt in Brahman.

I was a vaishnava that worshipped Vishnu as Ishwara, the Lord of the Universe,

the personal god and creator that connected with the phenomenal world in the manner of

the Absolute in human thought.

I also meditated in the lecture in which Rishi Vashistha instructed Prince Rama

how the Immutable Realness can be reached, veiled by the impermanent world of

sensitive perception.

In that world in which we lived with gods and demons I sought to penetrate the

meaning of the Ramayana that tells the life of Rama, regarded as the seventh

reincarnation of Vishnu and his confrontation with Rāvaṇa, the captain of the demons that

kidnapped his consort Sita. Rāvaṇa was the king of Lanka, from where he had expelled his

half-brother Kubera, a powerful demon having the power of adopting any shape and

therefore producing unlimited evil. To put an end to this situation was that Vishnu

incarnated as the seventh avatar, Rama.

The long confrontation begun when Rāvaṇa kidnapped Sita. Rama had the help

of Hanuman, the king of the monkeys and his army of monkeys. Hanuman, whom no one

could match in the knowledge of the Vedas, had extraordinary powers, as the ability to fly

through huge distances.


Thus Rama, with the aid of the King of the Monkeys, was able to capture Lanka

and with an arrow that Brahma gave him, pierced Rāvaṇa’s chest, who fell dead. The gods

worshipped Rama as Vishnu who anihilated the terrible demon.

I return form the Bháratavarsha and that presence of Vishnu to meet him again

in Ramana’s house, and the god tells me that nothing has changed for the war between

the divine and evil remains, but what will change now is the end;

Rāvaṇa, that fierce incarnation of the Great Demon shall not resuscitate as he

did countless times before to rule upon the Kingdom of Athon.

In the Father’s Plan this is the final war, at which end the souls shall be free to

leave the diabolic planet nightmare.

Vishnu announces me that in this war all we pilgrims are Rama and the

Kingdom of Lanka occupied by Rāvaṇa is within our hearts. And its conquest is inevitable.

I take the arrow Brahma gave Rama and cross the path that leads me to my heart and

there is Ravana that pallid, old, helpless does not resist my look, hiding his head.

My personal demon only dares to say “My time has come” as he sees me draw

the arch.

Ravana has died forever and Vishnu, sweeping away his remains, transformed

in a sweeping wind, is throwing them into the Nothingness.

The nightmare of Athon is coming to an end as Vishnu’s silence is covering

everything. And in that silence I sense he is saying:

“I will no longer need to incarnate as an avatar, I will finally be able to melt in the

Father forever. But that time won’t come in a while yet, now the pilgrims are my avatars”.


I join the Grace that by working in myself works shows the real face of the ordinary

everyday life events that are produced in Athon


I am the Liberation of the Earth.



“How do I get out of the demoniac world?

You get out with the intuition that leads you to understand the endless circle of

egoic projections and glimpse the state of the pure soul, before the fall to put it somehow.

In other words, not to fear getting out from the deals game of an Athon that grows and

vitalizes by the unending chain of deals that demo-humans make as often as we breathe.

Master Ramana explains the profound meaning of the pranayama in the

suspension on breathe.

“The pranayama aims at stopping mental projections to break the chain of

deals” tells me master Ramana.

“You can only get out of the chain of deals by means of what in yogic

terminology is known as diksha or initiation” Ramana further explains, and

“The pilgrimage is an initiation journey”.

“Have I initiated this journey?” I ask him, somehow unsettled.

“You are at the beginning of the initiation, since as you already know, the

presence of Athon is still very strong in your conscience and this many times leads you to

doubt; but keep calm, the conquest of the soul is a long journey and you have begun to


“When does the path become real?”

“Only when surrender is absolute”.

“And what is it that tales the soul to that surrender?”.

“The anguishing vision of being imprisoned in Athon by the claws of the Great

Demon. Then from a profound need the soul askes the Father for the Grace of the reveal

of the path of liberation”.

“I see, master, the soul knows there is one path only and askes the Father to

show to take it to it”.

“Then the Father sends the master and without thinking, free of all doubts,

without speculating on the consequences, the soul surrenders to the experience, this is

the inner diksha born out of desperation”.

“The demo-human is so far of this moment of even intuiting the existence of an

initiating journey!” I mutter with some grief.

“It is true –master Ramana continues– demo-humans don’t even suspect of the

existence of anything beyond outer religious rites; and this in the best of cases, because

the only rituals the present human surrenders to are those of the consumer society,


immediate pleasures and the only temples that have massive attendance are banks and

shopping malls”.

“I see master that the bankruptcy of banks or the finances collapse leads to the

major existential crisis demo-humans may experience. And it is understandable, because

it means the destruction of their temples and their gods, it is the death of their beliefs,

which gave a precarious meaning to their uncertain lives.”

“The fall of a bank has the same effects on these men of the globalized society

that it had to Osiris, Isis, Amon Ra”.

“History tells that in the early centuries of the Christian era, the abandoned

Egyptian temples were invaded by rats. It will probably happen again with these temples

that are now the banks”.

“They are already invaded by rats, those are the shapes that those demons who

rule them adopt; the thing is that those demon-rats still remain in the astral plane, hidden

from the sight of demo-humans”.

“The only way out, master, is no surrender to the Self”.

“This is the only way to discover other dimensions of the soul, of those planes

where there is nothing to explain because everything can be understood. You do not

question the Self, you follow it from your intuition.

The Self is the Father that gives you the Grace to accept all the steps you must

follow. In that letting go begins the other thing, when the Energy of the Father floods you.

You face two only options.

Surrender to the One, the Father, the Universal Self; the contrary is to accept

the game of the character directed by the demon to seek to increase the power in the


Discernment shall allow you to abandon the egoic self to join the Father, the

Real Self.

You must build a fortress around your heart to defend it from all the attacks from

the darkness, and this fortress shall be the masters that guard you with the Father’s

Energy. At the center of that fortress you shall renounce the Great Demon and the ego

that is the Great Demon in your conscience”:

“I now have the conviction, master, that the Father shall be who disposes of

myself to rise the energy to that Divine origin that is the Father himself”.


I join the Grace that revealed in me is also revealed in my fellow men



I am the trust in the Father.



The question was revealed to me in my meditations:

“Who am I?” tells me master Ramana and it succeeded in making the bullying

demons shut up, and as a result of that I kept advising it as a method of self-inquiring or


The vibration of the question allows the soul to be free of demons, producing a

vacuum through which the Father’s Energy may enter.

I also advised to focus in the area at the right hand of the heart to make this

inquiry, this is an empty spot that can be used to introduce the Father’s Energy that this

self-inquiry generates, uprooting demons and the unreal self.

Self-inquiry is a sword that strikes with incredible force separating the real from

the unreal. It is a tremendous blow that awakens the conscience to the deepest and

awakens the buddhi particles and in such way that you detach from what it is not, i.e. what

you are not, and becoming aware of the conscience of the Self in the silence of the

meditative state. And then darkness disintegrates as illusion loses consistence and this is

the starting point of discernment.

This is the first step for you to acknowledge that the soul does not belong to the

plane and must seek its true Origin, its real identity”.

“There is something I do not understand, master, why is it that in some demo-

humans the need to self-inquire rises but fir the vast majority remains unaware of the need

to ask themselves who they really are?”

“Your question leads me to answer that many souls have been planted with the

seed of the primordial energy, that is a seed from the Father that well bread and watered

in meditation, will begin to grow its branches, leafs, flowers and fruits; i.e. the soul as a

powerful tree that rises to the highness. You will ask me who planted those seeds in the

souls. That was the work that the envoys of the Father, avatars and masters undertook

since Athon took the Earth blinding the souls to every vision of the truth.

The envoys, besides from the teachings they imparted and very few

understood, were as the peasant the Holly Scriptures talk about, throwing those seeds of

primordial energy that remained seeded in receptive souls while in other cases fell in

unyielding demoniac consciences where they remained sterile.

You ask me why the majority remain stranger to the question about who they

are, their real identity. This happens because countless layers of darkness surround and

hide those seeds away from conscientious perception, but nevertheless they’re there,

unaware, waiting to be unveiled by the energy of the masters that works in meditation.


The answers to all questions are inside this seed because once unveiled it he

conscientious soul, conscientious meaning aware of its essence.

At first, the help of the masters sent by the Father is necessary to reveal the

soul, the inner master.

Thus you will reach that master that is the Self but only when free can the Self

reveal the lesson of the only and absolute Truth. And then you will begin to profoundly

intuit that God, soul and Self are identical. Religions in their origins revealed the different

names of the Father.

Even if you know this, I repeat it again, because demons are always busy in

making you forget it: this is what you must be aware of all the time: your conscience is

inhabited by two Energies only: the Father’s and the Great Demon’s. The Father’s Energy

is evident, simple and clear when you deeply connect with it, while the Great Demon’s

energy is confused, crazy, dubitative, ambitious and desperate in the anguish of its


the Father’s Energy tells you that it is the Father working in you, while the Great Demon’s

energy makes you believe that you are the doer of your actions, the maker of your own

destiny, hiding that that destiny is hell to which the Lord of the Darkness is dragging you


Ask persistently, with all sincerity and devotion “Who am I?” and the Father will

reaveal Himself in your soul, which will melt with Him, driving away the illusionary mist with

which the Great Demon haunts you in his illusion.

Inquire permanently”.


I join the Grace that makes me search with renewed fervor the Father that dwells in me


I meditate on that thread of Light and I discover Sophia.



“Master, there’s something I cannot get beyond of, and it is that unfolding

between the moments of meditation, when I feel the mind at peace and perceive and

energy beyond Athon and everyday life that drags me to the craziness of what surrounds

me and where I project all the obscure states of the ego”.

Ramana smiles as he tells me:

“The Spirit is One.

The Energy is One.

And everyday life must be crossed by that Energy to participate of the Spirit.

Everyday life must be one in the Spirit and if you feel it torn apart is because it

is a part of the dark game and what you call meditation in not that in a real sense, but

rather the game of the mind that not freed from dark contents inevitably drags you to the


There is no other life but everyday life, which you can live alienated to the dark

forces or freed in the Father.

What you must understand is that life dominated by darkness has nothing to do

with real life that belongs to the soul, even if you believe to mediate, recite mantras and

worship the masters. This is a trap where the demons play with the most perverse of

illusions: making you believe that you are in a spiritual path.

Life is only one and spirituality must show itself in each act. The purpose of this

only life is to achieve the state of awareness from which transcend Athon. For that purpose

you must purify your mind from its demoniac contamination and then you will be able to

defeat the dark state that ties you to the false life in everyday life.

The mind does not need new states, rather to free itself from the ones it has”.

The words of master Ramana take me to the image of a tree that is losing its

leaves, then its branches, then the trunk becomes rotten until its roots dry in the ground.

There is no longer imprint of the tree.

No representation of the tree.

Neither concept of tree.

Everything is lost in a time that has gone by.

And that is how the ego must end, as well as its mental states because to

realize the Self you need a mind empty of all mundane contents.

There is an only way to assume the nonexistence of what you regard yourself

and the world.


Transcend that veil that separates you from the Father and prevents you from

reaching your only essence, the pure soul.

To realize the Self is to transcend all finitude because you begin to transit the


Ramana, after these words with your eyes closed, remains in silence and after

a while, as he opens them, tells me:

“I knew how to read what the Father wanted to tell me in that space of silence.

To Connect to the Father you just have to be aware of his Presence in silence and there

the teaching that will instruct you in the awakening path shall be revealed”.

“How do I help, master, those who are ignorant of the path?”

“Invoke the Light of the Father to descend over that darkened conscience and

undo the veils that estrange it form the soul. Keep in mind that demo-humanity is more in

need of divine help that ever and that the realization of the Self is the greatest help to give.

Realize the Self and you will be opening the channels for the liberation of the souls. As the

demoniac web draws those who are trapped within towards the Great Demon, the channel

of Light that opens with the realization of the Self draws to the Father.

There is no other help possible because no matter the disguises that may adopt

the attention of the egoic self to the others, it is always selfish and it is impossible that it be

not so.

How can you help someone when you are as prisoner of the Great Demon as

the other?

Altruism is a disguise to hide the demo-human condition. Demo-humanity must

be transcended and for that purpose demo-humans must begin to sense that they have a

soul that must awake to continue its evolution, which is frozen in Athon.

The Father implemented this Salvation Plan to free the souls fallen in Athon.

There is no other work to do in Athon besides freeing the fallen soul, the only

purpose of Athonnian life is getting out from Athon.


I join the Grace that makes me search the Father’s kingdom where I must dwell


She longs for the sky that the clouds trap.



I am at the Arunachala hill as I see master Ramana incarnated, joining a group

of visitors that had come from the West to listen to his teachings. With my eyes closed, I

tried not to lose my focus in order to let the energy of his words flood my conscience

allowing me to participate in its meaning. Master Ramana spoke of the vichara, or self-

inquiry, the search of the own essence through inquiring “Who am I?” And master

Ramana, with his energy picked me up in that self that cried, loved, hated, thought, felt,

identified itself with the body, imagined, remembered, projected. But “who am I?” wanted

to know, intuit, perceive. The master’s voice said that it was the question of the questions,

the key to the inner search. He said that self-inquiry was the most direct method to

penetrate in that I-I that we are and never cease to be.

Just now I realize I must be aware of that who has not ceased to be but who is

exiled from the Father, identified with the monsters that inhabit the conscience.

Self-inquiry must go beyond mental projections, logic, intellect that may never

be a path that leads to the I-I, the I, the Brahman, the Father and the different names given

to the true self, the One and Eternal”.

Master Ramana’s sight penetrates even though my eyes are closed and shows

me the ego with its legion of demons disguised and clever, masking the Truth of the Self in

their dramatic game. Self-inquiry must be constant to get to unmask demons disguised as

thoughts and when they run away from the light of the question “Who am I?” I will be in my

own Origin, absorbed in the pure conscience of the I-I. The soft but penetrating voice of

master Ramana echoes in the hill as I hear him saying:

“Self is the word that accompanies me through life, but Who am I?. Master

Ramana’s worlds yied to silence and in that silence I understand that because I am in

ignorance, because I am a dweller of Nothingness, I am not aware of my Real Self.

During lives and lives I pointlessly sought for an answer with my intellect, but

the intellect, useful for practical matters, is utterly impotent to reach the Truth of the Being.

How can restless and unstable mind games know eternity?”

Ramana insists: “The Self appears as such when the mind is as pure as the

purest of mirrors”.

How much time I have lost! I tell myself, as I drifted relentless through so many

lives, blinded by the demoniac ignorance of who I was and believing myself to live in that

simulation of empty life.

How could I take reality with that frenzy of unsubstantial images projected by

my mind?


Once again Ramana’s vibration takes me away from regret and guilt.

“When we grasp the realness of the Self, the mind disappears, melted in that

Self. What prevents you from reaching that Truth? The chaos of the mind agitated by

afflictions and confusions do so. Even though that ghostly images are being constantly

produced, those demons that are called thoughts and want to catch you, let them go

through, do not identify yourself with them, they are nonexistent shadows unless you give

them life. If you do that, you are lost because you have deviated from the path that leads

to the Self.

The mind - the thoughts - is no other thing that the demons I managed to get by

my deals - I analyses in the inner silence Ramana provides me - is my sole enemy, but

these monsters are devoted to constantly deceive me, making me believe that the cause

of my afflictions is outside, in the others, in events, in odds, is destinies.

This demons are my karmic past consolidated by countless deals and they are

also the future that must continue being for them to keep existing.

“Who am I?” Ramana repeats and then remains silent to allow that all of us

present on that hill, searching for ourselves, advance in the path of the Self.

Master Ramana leaves as the visitors seem to long to remain suspended on

that hill, not to come back to their demons, which claim for them. In their eyes there is still

a lot of confusion. Who is not confused in? But surely that in some point they will also

begin the journey through the zodiac.


I join the Grace that dissolves appearances and reveals the Truth


Take the best of the journeys, the journey to the Father’s skies.



“For what you are telling me, master, the ignorance produces unhappiness in

the demo-human is planning goals and then, the urge to meet them” I tell Ramana while

we stroll through the hill.

“The ephemeral and illusionary goals demo-humans set for themselves drag

them over and over again to suffering, life after life. Big goals, as building the Roman

Empire or making the Russian Revolution, as well as small everyday life goals are just

mental projection generated but the demons to keep the conscience distracted and the

soul imprisoned in Athon” answers Ramana, precise and clear, understanding that the trap

is that we always seek to meet the goals set forth by the ego.

“If we believe the Self is the ego - what the Great Demon wants us to believe,

since the ego is his projection - then if we believe to be a project of the Great Demon and

want to make the project real, well, the result is the demo-humanity we managed to

achieve” says master Ramana as we seat on a rock.

“The true identity es what we name as Me, God, Self, I-I” I recite the lesson and

as I am to continue master Ramana interrupts me.

“One thing is to talk about the Self and the other to realize the self, because

realization of the Self is a state free of thoughts, of demons and this is the great war every

awakening soul must fight to free itself”.

“The mind, that is no other thing but imagination ignited by the demons, veils

the Self”.

“It is not a small task to stop the movements of the mind, as Patanjali in the

Yoga Sutras”.

“You cannot defeat an enemy that you don’t know, we have talked enough to

make it clear that the mind is a mind is a game of the demons and it is them you must

know beyond their multiple tricks, deceits, identifications”.

“Sun Tzú, in The art of war, says that the strategist must be able to tell

between the main and the secondary enemy, because if he fights the secondary enemy

believing him the main, the latter will finally defeat him. Taken to the terms of this inner

war, the main enemy are the demons and the secondary are the projections and demo-

humans lose all combats because they live fighting projections. Is that so, master?

“The comparison you make with the Chinese original text is clear; the life of the

demo-human is a ghostly fight with demons’ projections: economics, family, social,

historic, civilization. All the demo-human claims to know as world are no more than


demoniac projections and in his blindness he keeps fighting the world, aiming to its

improvement, its transformation.

Riding on demo-humans’ ignorance, the Great Demon wins all the battles”.

“I think, master, that the demo-human is not so innocent in this game”.

“He is not since the soul decided to abandon the Father, fascinated by the

conscience of separateness. And once the soul was split and possesses, identified with

the ego and the ego with the personal demon, who in turn aspires to a profound

identification with the Great Demon and in consequence the soul, unaware of the Father

and alienated to the darkness aspires to become the Great Demon.

What else are demo-human plans but the aspiration of a sole plan, to become

the Great Demon”.

“What is the reason of that fascination with the Great Demon?”

“The answer is not theoretical, if you dare to search for it, close your eyes, focus

on ajna and ask: Who is the Great Demon?

When did he fascinate me so that I want to become fully in his Nature?”

Master Ramana leaves and I remain still, with my eyes closed, sitting on that


A fear that seems uncontrollable tries to invade me. What is fear?” I ask myself.

It is just a thought, a demon, and fear disappears once unmasked by the question.

An image appears in my mental screen and there I am in the competitive games

where I fight for recognition, for power, and I will achieve it winning, defeating others,

devouring their energy. And thus I will free myself from vacuum, of the unbearable

suffering of not being. A nothingness that aims to become something, that is why I fight in

childhood games and the rest of my life and my lives, in war, love, politics, sports I am no

more than that, a nothingness that wants to become something.

Who is the Great Demon? Precisely that: a nothingness that wants to become

something, but I am trapped in the deceit that the Great Demon is, that que achieved the

plenitude of the Self, that is why my project is to become something, the only one who is,

the Great Demon.

Who is the Great Demon? A nothingness that will never become something

because the only one that Is is the Father, who I abandoned to sink in the illusion of this

false existence, the Great Demon.


I join the Grace of the pilgrim that leaves no footprints of the steps taken on the path.



Close your eyes and fly.



“Master, to begin with, for what you have transmitted me, the first thing that

must be revealed in this experience is the nature of the ego”.

“You must have full perception of the fact the ego is a ghost projected by your

conscience, by the Great Demon, that feeds itself through the deals of all the energy he

can devour from the other egos, souls, and especially from its own soul, which he has

alienated and subjected”.

“The world appears as a projection of the ego. Master, how does this projection

that produces the world work?”

“The incarnation in the plane demands the instruments of the body and the

mind. When the Earth was the habitat of men, because there were men in the planet, both

mind and body connected with the Father were at the service of the soul to allow the

material and energetic conditions of its evolution. In Athon, as you know, this process was

turned upside down and the soul became to the service of the body and the mind and

those to the Great Demon.

How does this mechanism operate now? The demo-human identifies

completely his self with the body. The body is his identity and he believes, with his

possessed mind, that the world, i.e. society and its basic components, especially medicine,

politics, the law, education, must work for the preservation of that concept: self as body.

Then the mind or, as we say, the demon-thoughts, must work to brew a world

that preserves that body, where, to put it somehow, the ego resides. It is the ego’s

dwelling. But I would tell you more: in the demo-human imaginary, the body is the ego


This leads to the obligation to produce a world to the service of the body-ego, to

preserve it, to look after it, even though in fact the body is constantly exposed to all kinds

of nuisances: sickness, accidents, robberies, and even the inevitable death, but even that

the world should prevent: do not forget that one of the biotechnology deliriums is the

immortality of the body. But well, if you cannot prevent death for the time being, you must

at least be able to prolong life as much as possible. This is what medicine is in charge of.

Organ transplants are the most evident example of the attempt of life extension”.

Master, and how do the demon-thoughts work in this creation of the world?”

“The world, in all mythical and religious civilizations, was a creation of the gods,

or of a creationist God and this world was identified with Nature. Nature was not only a

creation of God but also the manifestation of God in the world as Nature. The Great

Demon, envious of the Father, also wanted to create his own world and show itself in it, to


be in the world. To do so, the ego-body, detached from the Father, became aware of its

finitude and panicked.

So the demon-thoughts said that the way to preserve the body in better shape

was to create a world to its service”.

“It is clear, master, that certain demo-human with very special pacts, theorized

over the reduction of Nature to mere matter in quantifiable movement and sought to know

its laws and through that knowledge, control and trespass those laws and therefore

produce the Great Demon’s worlds, that is Athon, over the archetype gestated by the Lord

of the Darkness and the Black Venus”.

“You can realize now the simplicity of the creation mechanism. Demons create

in some consciences the imaginary of certain creations that do not respond to the order of

Nature, and this can go from Leonardo Da Vinci, Henry Ford or Bill Gates, to all

imaginable Athonnian creations, that are no other thing that Athon”.

“It is true, master, the Great Demon, through the demon-thoughts, materializes

a world that is no other thing that he himself materialized as world. The imitation of the

Father identified with Nature would seem grotesque if it wasn’t appalling”.


I join the Grace of letting myself be swept up by the Grace


I leave a seed of the Father in your conscience. The fruits shall come in time.



“Master, I have been thinking of what we talked yesterday and I cannot figure

out how the mechanism assembled by the Great Demon can be dismantled”.

“This mechanism has the seed of its own destruction within. How is it so? These

projections of demoniac creations are limitless. If we bring ourselves to the time of the

inventors, we go back to the 15th and 16th centuries. Then came what we call modern

science in the 17th century and then, in the 18th century, the industrial revolution is born the

marriage of science and technique.

The 19th century is regarded as the century of the greatest scientific discoveries

and the development of technology. The motto was Indefinite Progress. The Great

Demon’s world was being secured; Athon was unstoppable and continued to be so in the

20th century, the atom bomb and the demo-human travelling to space are two examples

among many others of the Great Demon as world.

Nevertheless, the notion of an unlimited creation that filled with its Nothingness

the void of the Father has a limit: the energies necessary to support it are limited. And

there comes a time in which this world-shaped Nothingness necessarily has to collapse.

The so-called financial catastrophes are a manner of this collapse of the demoniac world,

which does nothing else but to comply with the law of its own excess”.

“And how does this impact in the egos?”

“The egos in Athon are beginning to tremble. This is clear. The demo-human,

unaware of its soul and identified, since the fall, with the body-ego as its self, always had

the sensation of abandonment. In the past religious civilizations, this abandonment sought

shelter in the transcendent realities. As this world of the Great Demon rose during

Modernity, the demo-human sought shelter in the scientific and technological reason,

which in the social counterpart generated the institutional and legal rationale, science

produced the world and controlled it as it continued to produce better and better. The law

had to guarantee demo-human coexistence.

Needles is to say that both the techno-science, which best achievements are

warfare and the law in its institutional an private forms, in their actual practice are far away

from the imaginary of shelter the demo-human seeks”.

“Some thinkers speak of the situation of abandonment of the present man”.

“The demo-human is a being abandoned of the Father, who is the only real

shelter, and sought though all history -which is the history of the fall - when demo-humans

turned away form the gods and the demons dominated the consciences and began to

produce their world, the illusionary demoniac shelter”.


“And those shelters are the ones that are collapsing.

Who can believe to be sheltered by the financial world?”

“As long as the Great Demon remained within the limits of the mythical-religious

worlds he could exercise his control without problems since the imaginary of the epoch

deemed magic as a safe shelter”.

“Egypt is a clear example, as are the rest of the magic civilizations; Christianity,

with its initial energy seeks to open consciences to the Father, but the institutionalization of

religion and politics of the Great Demon neutralized the Father’s Liberation Plan and

closed the channels tightly. Swollen with pride, the Great Demon launched the modernity

project that now, in its late phase, is collapsing, isn’t that so, master?”

“From the mental analysis it can be understood more or less that this, but the

ways of the Father are inscrutable. Can Nothingness bring to failure a plan of

the Self? I will leave you to meditate on that question that you may complement with this

other one: can Nothingness have plans?


I join the Grace of understanding true humbleness


The Grace of the Father allows for a profound meditation, free the darkness that

comes from previous lives.



“What is salvation for? What do I have to save myself of?” These questions

return me my image as a sand statue in the middle of a dessert storm. The statue is

disintegrated and gets lost as sand in the sand. There are no remains of the statute, or the

time, or of any notion, not even of the dessert.

“To salve oneself is to be freed from the Great Demon”.

“The soul must save itself to return to the Father”.

The presence of master Avadhuta, the great liberated, is in front of my soul

when the world that was made of the statue of sand, of the time and the notions, all

walking in the dessert, has emptied and nothing remains.

“Everything has been undone because you draw your attention from the things

that were going on and you thought to live. You detached from the circumstances, but you

must be very alert to prevent them from returning to you. Do not worry, let the things of this

plane flow. The Light of the Father will be with you, feel privileged and constantly guided.

Be aware of the distractions that mean to rise along the way. This is your crucial time to

remain connected with the masters of the zodiac. In this path the soul will be emerging,

rising from the darkness where it is imprisoned”.

Avadhuta does not show itself through words but rather through a profound

energy that reaches the anahata.

Who is Avadhuta? An old yogi Ramana admired greatly who after spending his

youth in the world, retired to the mountain to live as a hermit. This same model, though in

different contexts and epochs, is the one Ramana chose for his experience: the yogi

meditating in solitude to convey his message in the silence.

Ramana has invited the yogi to collaborate with his house and Avadhuta

knowing that it was the Father himself who was asking, accepted with joy and in his

silence vibration transmitted me:

“After so much suffering the humanity shall at last be able to understand the

origin of that suffering and the way to dissolve it”.

The yogi is in a state of Supreme Conscience that comes from the silence.

In this connection with the divine he does not sense the body, the senses do not

take part in the world, nothing that happens outside alters him. He is in direct connection

with the Father.

This is Samadhi, the way out, the transportation to other planes.

In meditation I ask the yogi in silence: “Will I be able to get there?”

And in meditative silence, he answers:


“You are standing before an exit open to all of those who dare to get to it. It is

the beginning of everything that comes after.

You shall only be able to go through this door eliminating the obstacles set for

you by the demons.

To cross the door is to be with the Father, regardless of whether you are on

Athon or in some other planet.

In samadhi the universe is represented in the supra-consciousness.

Samadhi is a permanent state reached when the demons are dissolved.

Keep a profound connection with the Father’s army and in its quietness the

supra-consciousness shall reveal.

It is being a whole with the Whole, detached from the individuality that sank you

in hell.

“The pilgrim path that leads to the fusion with the Father is wonderful!”.

In Avadhuta’s vibration, meditation, silence, the soul, form a truth where they

join in completion.

It is eternity and forever. An infinite of light in that silence where the true life of

the soul is beyond speech.

It is the absence of the Not Being to be able to Be.

It is the answer to the question “Who am I” when it is the soul that asks.

In this state the demoniac world will never reach me.

The energy of Avadhuta’s samadhi expands through Ramana’s house to reach

the souls that have begun the journey to the Father and thousand waves of energy reach

the consciences:

To become aware of the origin.

To become aware of the fall.

To become aware of the return.


When you ask for something, it is granted. If you ask the Great Demon, he will grant you hell.

If you ask the Father, he will grant you freedom


In Athon, words are obscure balloons that trap energy to devour it.



In the vision appears the boundless and indefinable light of the teacher’s

mahasamadhi, the permanent abandonment of body and the ineffable fusion with the


Attached to his body, there are those who believed in his extinction cried

inconsolably, but no one mourns the death of another body but rather the abysmal and

demonic sense of finitude itself. Lacking inner perception, his devotees – can they be

called such? –believed the master was his body and his biography, nothing had been for

them but the extraordinary life adventure of the boy who was given the name

Venkataraman as a result of having lived, in his adolescence, the incomprehensible

experience of death and since them would no longer be identified with his body, mind and

ego but rather with the unfathomable worlds of the Father, where he would perform his


"I'm going to look for my Father" he wrote in the enigmatic note he had left to his

brother before leaving for Arunachala, which would become the scene of his quest.

The hill was not the physical location of his habitat, rather, it was another

Arunachala in which he was unified in his Samadhi, where he lived with Virupaksha,

Avadhuta, Dakshinamurti, the Rishis who would open the roads that would lead him to the

Father; that hill in which caves were carved the mysteries of countless universes. It was to

that spiritual hill where Sankaracharya, Milarepa and other masters of the mandala that

were uniting to implement the Father’s Plan came to visit him.

On that hill he experienced the Holy Communion with Krishna, Buddha, Jesus,

with Vishnu and the other major gods who came from their cosmic dwellings, at the

request of the Father, with the mission to liberate the imprisoned souls in Athon.

The infinite compassion of Ramana’s heart made him leave that spiritual hill to

descend to the demonic plane and welcome those attracted to the character, and perhaps

some by a sincere search came to his ashram.

No one understood the words he wrote to his mother when she found him in

Arunachala and asked him to return home:

"The Organizer controls the destiny of souls according to their previous actions.

What it is not intended to be and not be will not be despite any of our doings. What has to

be shall be even whether we try to prevent it. This is the truth. Therefore, the best attitude

is to keep silence."

And no one understood when cancer appeared in one of his arms and with the

indifference that the disease caused him, he said: "There is no cause for alarm. The body


is a disease in itself. Let it have its natural end. And shortly before the end of the task that

the Father had given Him in his incarnation in Athon, the surprised devotees heard their

master words also incomprehensible to their ears.

"You accept this body as Ramana and attribute it suffering. How ignorant! You

are sad and disheartened by the belief that Ramana will abandon you and go away.

Where can he go and how?"

In the vision of the master’s mahasamadhi, beyond the ordinary intuition, I

perceive the living presence of the Father, the incomprehensible gift of the Grace master

Ramana could leave us, the unfortunate demo-humans immersed in the world of demons,

that the same Father, who we deny in our illusion of separateness to deliver our souls to

the Great Demon, may return to us through one of his most sublime manifestations, that

incomprehensible soul who is known as Ramana Maharshi.

Master Ramana, during his physical life, conveyed to those who came to his

ashram the way to get to reveal the Father in every soul, the One who is beyond the body,

mind, emotions. This teaching pointed out to penetrate the I, the self, Father, without

further speculation.

Master Ramana knew that his listeners, even if interested and well-meant, could

not reach the deep meaning of this proposal, least experience it. So why did he conveyed

his teachings? It was an attempt to awaken an incipient intuition amid the entangled

demonic mind, it was at least a first hint of step on the path of the Father, and that in Athon

meant a lot.

Now, in the way of the zodiac, asks us to forget this inquiry and we step into his

mahasamadhi, which offers as the most precious gift and then begin to experience

Presence of the Father.

"Meditate on my mahasamadhi –exhorts me Ramana –that there is where the Father is".


I join the Grace of walking through darkness without identifying myself with it


The only time that is worth something is the time of the purification that leads

you to the Father.



The Father lives in Ramana’s mahasamadhi, and the master invites me to

surrender to his energy to join the Whole where everything else disappears. The teacher

shows me a garden of white flowers that with its divine fragrance dissolves in the

consciousness the illusory nightmares of Athon.

When I'm ready to go into that garden, a whirlwind of confusion, of unrelated things, raises.

"Abandon the distractions, concentrate on what’s behind what distracts you"

warns me Ramana. Behind the distractions I perceive mental confinement, the darkness of

archaic attachments; the mind appears as being locked in a crumbling room. And an

energy greater subtlety begins to emerge.

Everything is cleared and I enter into the garden of white flowers and the

liberating perfume like a seed that binds the Father and the master into a luminous sphere.

My consciousness celebrates the transmutation has begun in the master’s

mahasamadhi and that brings the loss of the record of the world.

"Deepen the surrender because transgression without return means to stay in

the middle of the road” I hear the Father’s voice.

I ascend from anahata, and in the state I reach is one of wonderful beauty

because there is still a world, wonderful and glowing energies play, forming fascinating


It is a first moment and the energy of the master takes me out of the rapture as

he says:

"The Great Demon would have you believe that there are good and beauty in

the world. Intuit the middle path Buddha taught, where dualities and the illusory benefits of

the world disappear."

Now I feel the image of Buddha in the space in the middle of my eyebrows and I

am a drop of light that connects to the master.

The experience is mute.

Only God is Real.

The soul is a glow that lives the joy of the return experience.

The mahasamadhi is the final deliverance from demonic oppression.

"Without that oppression Samadhi is the natural state of the soul", senses my


In the magnetization of Ramana’s mahasamadhi I find that the Father is alive

and living in me.


Upon returning from the experience of Ramana’s mahasamadhi and regain

consciousness of time, tomorrow I will leave the house, I know that Ramana will always be

present in my consciousness, willing to help me make this journey.

"You will never abandon my house, although you will continue walking the

others, you never leave the houses because they are manifestations of the only House;

that is the Father’s, and the Father will never abandon you in this path.

Invoke me from the soul so I manifest in your anahata in the way of my energy

and in the ajna revealing you the Father’s teachings.

United in meditation with the master, in this meditation appears the yogi

Avadhuta, who will be responsible for leading me to Sivananda's house.

"We will travel from Arunachala to Rishikesh” says Avadhuta, while I prepare for

this time of pilgrimage between the two houses.


I join the Grace of understanding that darkness is meaningless.


I purify you but you must be aware of this purification.



We sail on the astral river that will take me to Rishikesh, to master Sivananda’s

house, but my eyes are on the Arunachala hill, it is as if I am sensing a detachment of all

that I lived with Ramana, Virupaksha, Vishnu. Avadhuta, while paddling without looking at

me, his eyes fixed on the horizon, says:

"I'm always.

I always am.

Do not cling to what you're leaving because you stray the path that leads to the

Father, the twelve houses are one, the path is one, the goal is one. "

Put your consciousness in the Real Self, that is the only way to detach from the

illusion of the world, because if you stick to the hill of Arunachala, to Ramana, to

Virupaksha, these will become in your life just illusory shapes of Athon, images, which,

paradoxically as it may seem, will continue trapping you in the world.

The danger is that you cannot discern the real self of the characters that are

useful for you as liberating images, but if you essentialize them, you believe them real,

then you will think that Athon is not so bad if it has sacred hills, and beings as Ramana

and Virupaksha, and is inhabited by gods like Vishnu coming to protect you. So if the truth

is on Athon, what is the point of leaving Athon?

This is what the Great Demon will want you to believe.

Only discernment will allow you to reveal that the message of the masters and

gods is this is one, and this one is one alone, we incarnate as Athonnian characters to

connect with and demo-humans and disguised as such demons and tell them they must

leave Athon because the soul does not belong to the evil planet but to the universes of the

Father where they must return to continue their evolution.

Do not mistake the masks of the Father with the Father.

The evolution of the soul is a natural path, but this path has been obstructed by

the soul being imprisoned in Athon.

The Father has given me the task to take the pilgrims from Arunachala to

Rishikesh and show them the trap of attachment to spiritual experience.

The experience in Ramana’s house has been very deep and intense, for you to

build resistance and training in the pilgrimage.

With your feet firmly on the path you have taken compassion to your heart,

understanding your intellect and your steps to the right direction.

You have been baptized.


You have understood your dharma.

You have secured your feet on the path.

Now you must continue walking to continue with the transmuting alchemy of the


Remember that this experience is made by the soul and not the ego.

On the path there is no past, no future prospects."

The boat stops and I descend into a world of multiple mirrors where the

characters and their actions are projected.

Avadhuta with its energy destroys the mirrors and leaves me pondering

on the ashes of the characters before continuing his journey and tells me that in the house

of Ramana was the revelation and in the house of Sivananda I will meet with the decision.

We returned to the bark and not long after I can visualize Rishikesh.

I descended from the bark, that at this point sailed through the Ganges and I as

walk to the ashram I see myself as a 4 or 5 year-old boy, I keep walking by the master,

who soon has to lift me because I have become a baby.

Avadhuta delivered the baby into the arms that I recognize as Sivananda’s, and

when received by the master, the baby turns into small bubbles of light.


I join the Grace of the Father that is freeing me


You just have to be in the Father’s Energy.


Ramana Maharshi was born on December 25, 1875 in Tiruccuri, in the Tamil Nadu,

South India. Son of a notary and rural lawyer, Sundaram Ayyar, received the name

of Venkataraman, of which Ramana is an abbreviation.

At 17, he had an exceptional meditative experience, in which he experienced that

the death of the ego reveals the Immortal Consciousness. The Self, the One-Self

was the One Reality and the anguish of death was extinguished forever. After this

experience, Ramana lost all interest in worldly things, and left home to move to the

hill of Arunachala, in Tirunvamalai, which he only knew by the story of an old man.

There, first in a dark corner of a temple at the foot of the hill and then in the

mountain caves, he lived absorbed in the Absolute.

Even when her mother went looking for him to return to his house, he did not break

his silence and at the insistence of some of the persons present he limited to write

that the Organizer controlled the destiny of the souls and that only what was

intended to be would be. Before this Truth only silence remained.

When he decided to break his silence to welcome the visitors that came to see him,

some followers built an ashram that still lasts. In 1949 he got cancer and he realized

the mahasamadhi on April 16, 1950.

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