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MAT Activity – PC Interfacing with MATLAB &


2nd Year Electronics Lab



Autumn 2013


Table of Contents

Equipment ............................................................................................................................................................... 2

Software ................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Objectives ................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Recommended Timetable .................................................................................................................................. 3

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 3

Learning MATLAB & Python ............................................................................................................................. 4

PC Interface and Programming ........................................................................................................................ 4

Setting up the Programming Environment .............................................................................................................. 5

Task #1 .................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Task #2 .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Task #3 .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9

Task #4 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Conclusions .......................................................................................................................................................... 12

END .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12


• Lab Computer

• Temperature Sensor USB Board



• Python-Portable

• PyScripter-Portable

• MySQL database running on lab server (provided)

Optional Home/Laptop Installation details. All software free as of Autumn 2013. Package Install files for win32 Notes MATLAB ICT software shop

website Student licenses can be purchased cheaply from the software

shop, 2013-2014 - licenses are currently FREE for Faculty of

Engineering students - this is a good deal, well worth using. PyScripter (32-

bit) pyscripter latest x86

version PyScripter is free and provides a high quality, fast, IDE. It is

preinstalled in portable python and easily installable elsewhere. Python 2.7 latest 2.7 installer (32


Use the 32-bit version on 64 & 32 bit PCs since not all code will

work with 64-bit. Python is slowly moving to v3.1 but v2.7 has

currently more supported software pyserial (serial

port interface) pyserial-2.6.tar.gz Pyserial is not python release dependent

matplotlib matplotlib page Recommended for MATLAB clone graphical plot functions from

python. Not used in this experiment. MySQL-python MySQL-python for

python 2.7 Provides python interface to remote MySQL database

Portable version

of everything see handout page for

portable python zip The laboratory version of portable python can be copied to any

directory on any windows PC and used as is, no installation

required, all packages are installed as well as pyscripter.



Consider an industrial process (e.g. a chemical

factory, food processing unit, energy control

systems, etc.) where temperature has to be

registered and controlled at all times. For large

sites, it is advantageous to collate readings from

all the different sensors placed around the site to

one location, which can be accessed remotely.

In this laboratory activity, each group has a USB

temperature sensor and the computer will

provide temperature readings to a remote

database. Later, each group will do statistics on

the data collected from the database.

The purpose of this laboratory is to develop

software to control a peripheral that interfaces

with a PC. In the present scenario, the peripheral

is a temperature sensor that is connected to the

PC via a USB port.

This activity will introduce two languages well

suited to this task, both of which you are likely to

use later on in project work and show how sensor

interface and remote logging can be accomplished.

Recommended Timetable

• Session 1: Python Tutorial

• Session 2: Setup and Task #1

• Session 3: Task #2 and Task #3

• Session 4: Task #4

You should note that the main purpose of the

tutorial is to allow you to do the later

programming work. You may therefore wish to

start the programming earlier than shown

above in order to make sure that you finish on

time. The two tutorials are good introductions to

the two languages. The final “words” activity in

the python tutorial is not assessed and can be

skipped if you run out of time. Note also that

you can play with python on your own laptops

– the code provided will work anywhere.


MATLAB & Python have a number of similarities.

You are certain to use MATLAB, and likely to use

Python, in 3rd & 4th year project work. Compared

with languages you have learnt (C/C++, etc.) these

new languages have a number of characteristics,

which make them suitable for prototyping code in

the quickest time possible.

• Interpreted - you can run fragments of

code immediately using an interpreter to

see what happens. This is especially useful

when learning a language, though does not

make much difference to competent

programmers. All interpreted languages

actually have compilers as well, though

they are not used as standard, to speed the

language up.

• High Level - both languages have very

sophisticated built-in data structures that

you can use to write your code straight

away, instead of having to implement

them yourself.

• Large Libraries - almost anything you

want to do will have already been

implemented. MATLAB has code for

computing graphs, partial differential

equations, etc. Almost every conceivable

scientific algorithm. Python has code for

almost everything, especially connecting

with various interfaces: web, e-mail and


• Dynamic Strong Typing – Variables can

have any value, you don't specify types.

The run- time system keeps track of all the

variables’ type and ensures that when

operations are applied, they have a

suitable meaning. One feature of this is

that array bounds errors are always

discovered, and memory access errors

(the bane of languages like C) can't

happen. This lack of overhead (you need

not declare variables - just use them) has

problems but generally results in faster


MATLAB is ideal for prototyping any type of

algorithm involving arrays or matrices - hence its

widespread use to simulate algorithms in signal

processing, communications, control, etc. 80% of

final year projects require MATLAB coding.

Python is a general-purpose ``glue'' language good

for interfacing between peripherals and the

Internet. It now has a very large user base and


high quality code is available to do almost any

programming task. Python programs are typically

1/3 the length and take 1/3 the length of time to

code when compared with C++.

This experiment will familiarize you with

MATLAB and Python, and illustrate their use in a

typical PC interface application.

About half of the experiments are tutorials, so

the experiment will be “tick-marked” from

demonstration of working code & (to support

this) logbook.

Learning MATLAB & Python

Since you are learning new programming

languages, it is better for you to experiment with

small examples and gain confidence before

“diving” directly into the project. To do that, you

should go through both tutorials on the web page.

The reference material is available to help: please

note that the MATLAB lecture, in particular, is a

very good introduction to MATLAB (though not a

tutorial). You should read this quickly before

doing the MATLAB tutorial and use it as reference

in subsequent work.

PC Interface and Programming

The application you have to develop collects data

from a temperature sensor at given sampling

times. It should then store the sampling time and

the temperature read into a remote database,

which will be downloaded into a file and

processed in MATLAB.

The application GUI allows the user to set the

sampling period, clear the contents of the

database and request statistics.

The code you will use to implement this is

arranged in three separate files:

→ guidemo.py GUI to control application

→ tempdemo.py subfunctions to control

USB temperature monitor


→ sqldemo.py subfunctions to interface

with an SQL database on a

remote computer

Some other files performing specific tasks when

run have also been given to you and will be used


→ scan_serial.py

→ writedb.py

→ readdb.py

You should use the pyscripter project

matdemo.psproj that you are given, which

contains all these files. You can run any file from

this project or modify guidemo.py to import code

previously tested from other files.

Each python file is written so that it will either

perform a task (if run at top-level) or have a

function within that file to be called by another

top-level file (subfunction) when imported. This

allows the subfiles to be written as standalone

tests, which are ignored when the subfunctions

are used elsewhere.

The sequences of tasks below are:

1. Complete the GUI (guidemo.py


2. Implement communication with the

temperature sensor (tempdemo.py

standalone) and import the read

temperature function into guidemo.py

3. Implement communication with the

database (sqldemo.py standalone) and

import read and write functionality into


4. Implement GUI driven data analysis using

MATLAB and import statistics functions

into guidemo.py

The following sections give more details for each

of the tasks.

NOTE: In this handout you will find some work

labeled “(Optional)”. This should only be

attempted ONLY AFTER all other work has been

completed. Optional work is truly optional; it is

not part of the logbook marking scheme.

All the files you need are downloadable from the

handouts page on the intranet. The source files

archive (matdemo.zip) contains a PyScripter

Project (matdemo.psproj), which can be loaded

from the software PyScripter Portable. You can

edit and run each python file within the archive as


a standalone by loading it from the PyScripter

Project Explorer panel.

Setting up the Programming Environment

Locate the handouts page on the intranet and

download “Source Files” (matdemo.zip) to your

home folder and download “Portable Python zip

file” (mat.zip) to a non-networked drive e.g. in

the lab C:\TEMP. (USB disks and networked

drives are too slow).

Open mat.zip and extract the “PP27” folder to the

current directory (C:\TEMP). Open matdemo.zip

and extract its contents to your home folder.

NOTE: it is important NOT to download or extract

mat.zip to your home directory! There are over

10,000 source files for Portable Python and

Portable PyScripter software making extraction

over the network extremely slow.

You may need to redo this at the beginning of

every session. When the computer reboots, the C:\

directory is restored to its original state and any

files under C:\temp will be lost.

Launch PyScripter-Portable.exe and open up the

project file matdemo.psproj. All the relevant

python files should now be loaded and can be

opened individually from the Project Explorer

panel on the left hand side as shown in Figure1.

Figure 1 – PyScripter with matdemo.psproj

Task #1

Load and view the file guidemo.py, you may run

this program by pressing the green “Run” button

located on the top toolbar or by pressing Ctrl+F9.

The GUI uses the Tk package, which implements

cross-platform Tcl/Tk GUI features in python. Tk

GUIs are run in Python by setting up widgets (e.g.

windows, controls, etc.) and then calling the

mainloop function. The mainloop function runs

continuously and implements GUI functions in

response to keyboard and mouse clicks. Typically

any user code is then run as callbacks, which run

in response to button presses, as the example

code will show.

In this task you should complete the GUI

application given to you. For this purpose, you are

required to understand the code of different

graphical functions within in the file guidemo.py

and implement a GUI similar to the one given in

Figure2 below.

Figure 2 – A Complete GUI

In order to complete the GUI, the following

functionalities should be added:

• START/STOP Toggle Button

• Sampling time Spinbox

• Update COM Port Dropdown menu

• Celsius/Fahrenheit Toggle Button

For every action in the sample GUI, messages will

appear in the console window.

In the upper left side of the window you have the

START/STOP button. This button switches on and

off the operation of the temperature sensor. You

can toggle the state of this button by pressing on


To the right of the START/STOP button is the

Celsius/Fahrenheit button (which you will have to

implement). Pressing this button will toggle the

displayed temperature accordingly to the

respective scale. For Task #1, only the toggle

functionality will be required, the mathematical

conversion will be explored later in Task #2.


In the middle of the window you have another 2

buttons. The one on the left (reset button) clears

all the data present in the database while the one

on the right (stats button) collects the data from

the database and sends it to MATLAB to compute


Below the stats button, you have a “spinbox” to

control the delay between temperature samples.

The minimum sampling time is 4 seconds and you

can set it up to 999 seconds.

The drop menu on the bottom allows you to

choose which communications port to use.

When running the completed application you

should be able to change the state of the ON/OFF

switch. After switch on you will see on the console

window an indication of the switch activation and

after 4 seconds there will appear another message

saying that the temperature was measured along

with the value.

Later in your project you will connect the

temperature sensor and make “real temperature


List of actions for this task:

• Before making any amendments to the

code, run guidemo.py and click the

START/STOP toggle button. What happens

when you toggle this button? Does it

work? And if not, why? How would you go

about fixing this? (Hint: examine the error

from the console)

• The Reset and Statistics buttons as of now

are just plain text, how would you turn

them into buttons?

• Replace the existing “text box” for entry of

the sampling interval value by a “spinbox”.

• What Comm Ports options are currently

available from the dropdown menu? You

will need to update the menu to ensure it

includes the COM Port of the USB


• The last action for Task #1 is to implement

the Celsius/Fahrenheit toggle button,

which should be situated in the top right

corner. (Hint: examine the code on the

implementation of the START/STOP

toggle button. What are the relevant

variables and functions that are needed to

make this work?)

(Optional) functionality you may like to add:

• Add visual “widgets” to support the alarm


• Investigate changing the GUI to use the

alternate (better look and feel) ttk python


Further reading (optional):






Task #2

The temperature sensor given to you (ref:

DS18S20 from Dallas Semiconductor) operates via

a USB port and is seen on the computer as a Serial

Port device. It communicates with the computer

by sending and receiving a stream of bytes.

To communicate with a serial port using Python

you must have package PySerial added to your

Python installation (as is the case for the lab

portable python).

After establishing the serial connection (physical

link), the application has to be compliant with the

temperature sensor protocol (1-wire) so it can

retrieve information from the sensor (data link).

Details on the protocol can be found in the

sensor's manufacturer site.

Load and view file tempdemo.py.

This file controls and reads temperatures from the

USB-thermometer. It is only a text based

application, as all information is displayed in the

console window.

In the source code given, you have all necessary

low level functions to use the serial port and also

functions to send commands and receive data

from the sensor using 1-wire protocol.

The demo application initializes the device and

then enters an infinite loop measuring and

printing the result on the screen.

At this point, the temperature read by the device

is always 127.5ºC! This happens because the

correct command is not being sent to the sensor

@line216. Using the datasheet as reference, you

will need to determine the correct command to

perform the read operation from the sensor.

List of actions for this task:

• The script scan_serial.py can be used to

detect all the COM ports available. Run it

before and after plugging in the USB-

Thermometer to determine which COM

Port it is using.

• Run tempdemo.py and understand it. Be

sure to use the correct COM port. What is

the minimum sampling time required?

• For the statement shown below (line216):

if onewire_cmd(0x00) != 0:

Replace the value 0x00 in the function

argument with the correct value (you will

need to check the sensor datasheet). Once

corrected, you should be able to read the

correct temperature value from the


• Identify the commands being sent to the

sensor. How is the temperature value

returned? (refer to the sensor datasheet)

• Examine the if-else statement of the code

beginning on line 23. Modify the code so

that you can pass another argument from

the command line to select a temperature

scale (Celsius/Fahrenheit).

NOTE: You will need to load command line

window MinGW, move to the directory in which

tempdemo.py is stored, and test this from the

MinGW command line e.g. "C:/temp/PP27/App/python tempdemo.py COM10 F"

for Fahrenheit scale. Do not run directly from

python.exe or portable-python.exe, where the

prompt begins with “>>>”, this must be from a

shell prompt.

• First verify that the arguments are being

passed correctly by printing them onto the


• Now modify the read_temp() function so

that it will take another argument. This

will allow you to pass the temperature

scale argument from the command line

into this function.

• Write code here to convert Celsius to

Fahrenheit so that the appropriate

temperature is being returned.

• Load up guidemo.py and make

modifications so that you can call

read_temp() function from


import tempdemo Gives access to

functions defined in

tempdemo, should

be at top of file.

tempdemo.read_temp() How to call function

read_temp(). Note

the qualified name is:




• Make further changes in the guidemo.py

to make sure that the correct temperature

value is displayed on the GUI.

(Optional) functionality you may like to add:

• Incorporate code to detect the available

COM ports in your computer.

• Change the code in such a way that it

behaves like a thermostat, with lower and

higher thresholds (too cold and too hot

alerts). For this you can use your body

temperature (hold the sensor in your

hands) as the regular temperature and

raise alarms for temperatures below and

above that.

• Use the sensor as a thermostat by setting

the value directly in the temperature

sensor register (see DS18S20 datasheet).

Further reading (optional):

• http://pyserial.sourceforge.net/index.html

• Temperature sensor datasheet:



• Using a UART to Implement a 1-Wire Bus

Master: http://www.maxim-ic.com/app-


• Temperature conversion:




Task #3

Using the Python package MySQLdb, it is possible

to access a remote MySQL database server to

store the values read from the temperature

sensor. The database is set up ready to be

accessed by you. You are given sample code that

has the necessary access permissions.

In MySQL, each database is composed of tables.

Each group will use their own table to do the


Database: host="ee-fs1", user="ee2student",

password="ee2pass", database="ee2"

Database access is accomplished through single

statements (given to you) in SQL language. Each

statement performs some operation on a table.

readdb.py and writedb.py from matdemo

project folder are separate skeleton codes to see if

you can connect, read and write from the

database. You will need to understand the code in

these files that performs the necessary operations

on the database.


that you change the table name to the correct

string for your pair, which should be "pair-

id_data", where pair-id is derived from the letters

and last two digits, in your ID. So if your pair id is

AX104 the table name is ax04_data. [Ensure you

get table name right: bx03 not bx3, use lowercase

letters followed by two digits].

writedb.py sample code asks the user to input

time and temperature which will then be entered

into the database as a record. readdb.py sample

code will read the remote database and print all

records onto the console.

You have been given a MySQL database, which

contains a suitable table with two integer fields

named 'time' and 'temp'. To insert data in your

MySQL table you can construct a python string

which contains the correct SQL command:

stmt = ("INSERT INTO pair-id_data (time,temp)

VALUES ('" + str(time) + "', '" + str(temp) + "')")

In the above line a variable called stmt is set to the

command being sent to the SQL server. The

command INSERT is followed by an indication in

which table the values should be stored and in

which fields, along with their values. The values

for time and temperature are assumed already

available in the specified variables.

Note a Python peculiarity here: because lines are

used to terminate statements a multi-line

statement (as here) is not normally allowed

without using explicit line continuation character.

The best way to get round this problem, used

here, is to break the line inside a bracketed part of

the expression. In this case the Python interpreter

knows that the expression cannot be finished

before the closing bracket and so will read

multiple lines as required. That is why the string

expression is enclosed in brackets.

To clear the contents of a table you have to send

the following SQL command to the MySQL server:


To store data from the database in a file you can

use any format. Having in mind that it is going to

be processed using MATLAB, there is one file

format that is preferable, a set of lines of the form:

(time value, temperature value)

Note that all values should be type integer (int).

The table in the database was created with

integers. If other data types different from

integers are used, it will give an error.

Later, you will be required to write code that

reads the database and write the data into a text

file. Your output file should be similar to the

following, where the first column is sample time

and the second column is the temperature:

4 27

4 27

4 27

4 27

4 27

4 28

4 28


List of actions for this task:

• Investigate writedb.py and readdb.py

and try to understand them. Verify that

you are able to connect to the MySQL


• sqldemo.py currently has one function

called sqlmain(). It has similar

functionality to read_main() in

readdb.py. Modify this function so that it

will read the contents of the database and

store all entries to a text file saved in your

project folder.

• Examine the function write_main() in

writedb.py, copy this function into

sqldemo.py and modify it so that it takes

2 arguments, temperature and time,

instead of asking for users' input.

• Create a new function in sqldemo.py that

will clear all the database records in your


• Load up guidemo.py and make

modifications so that you can call the read,

write and clear functions in sqldemo.py.

Ensure that: every time the temperature is

read, it is also written to your table in the

MySQL database; when the reset button is

pressed in the GUI, the table is cleared;

similarly, when the stats button is pressed,

the contents of the table is written into a

text file.

(Optional) functionality you may like to add:

• Encode all temperature values (e.g. 25.5

C/F) in the database without changing its

type (int)

• Filter data fetched from the database

adding “WHERE” to your query. Add the

filtering fields in your GUI interface, or

create an extra dialog box for that


Further reading (optional):




Task #4

After getting familiar with MATLAB by going

through the tutorial and/or lecture, your task now

will be writing a MATLAB script to perform statistics

on the data collected from the database.

When looking at data from a samples sequence,

several statistical measures describe the data: mean,

variance, minimum, maximum and mode. Your

script should compute, at least, these values and

produce a 2D plot with temperature vs. time.

To run an external PC application, e.g. example.exe

from a Python script, you should use the following


import os # must be at top of file


os.system('example.exe arg1 arg2 .. argN')

To run, for example, a MATLAB script called

demo.m from a python application use os.system to

execute the following line:

matlab -r demo -nodesktop -nosplash

Understand the above instruction and note that the

file demo.m will run only if it’s either in your

current directory, in the MATLAB path, or if you call

it using its complete pathname.

NOTE: you may be required to copy the matdemo

project folder to a local drive (e.g. C:\TEMP), which

allows the output file to be mutually accessible by

both Python and MATLAB.

List of actions for this task:

• Write a MATLAB script that will read in the

contents from the output file (created in

Task #3) into the MATLAB workspace.

• For the same data, compute: average,

maximum, minimum, variance and mode.

Print these values into the MATLAB console.

• Plot the data collected (time vs.

temperature) as well as a histogram.

• Incorporate the MATLAB code into the

python GUI (the Stats button should now

create an output file with all the records

from the database and then run the MATLAB


(Optional) functionality you may like to add:

• Fit a curve on top of the graph for the collected


• Create a web-server in MATLAB to provide

updated information on a browser

o Change your Python application to compute

statistics periodically;

o Use file tcp_udp_ip_2.0.6.zip;

o Generate random values


)) or read the temperatures from the

statistics file;

o Make the changes below so that the webpage

is refreshed automatically;

Replace line #30:

pnet(con,'printf','<html><HEAD><TITLE>WEBSERVER DEMO</TITLE></HEAD>\n <body><h1>WEBSERVER DEMO</h1>\n');

With: pnet(con,'printf','<html><HEAD><TITLE>WEBSERVER DEMO</TITLE>\n'); pnet(con,'printf','<script type="text/javascript">\nvar timerRefresh = setTimeout("go()", 4000);\n'); pnet(con,'printf','function go() { document.location.reload(); } </script>'); pnet(con,'printf','</HEAD>\n<body><h1>WEBSERVER DEMO</h1>\n');

Note: you can access the MATLAB generated webpages with a web browser at http://localhost:8888/

4000 in the above code is the refresh interval in milliseconds.

Further reading (optional):




Programming languages are workhorses. You use

whatever gets the job done quickly. It is tempting to

use the language you know best, since this will be

quickest. You have learnt C++ (and therefore C).

MATLAB will be used throughout 3rd and 4th year

coursework as well as later on, if you work in

science or engineering. Python is not required

(much) in our course but often used throughout

industry and academia because it is very

productive for prototyping and glue applications,

typical of student project work.


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