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Page 1: Mate choice- a survey work.

Welcome you.

LS222, IISER-K Ankan (09MS030)

Debtanu (09MS031)

We don’t know how to

Page 2: Mate choice- a survey work.

Before we Start : We would be more than happy to answer your doubts. However, keeping the time constraint in mind, we are forced to keep: A request for every1 : please keep your doubts at bay, till it ends.

Page 3: Mate choice- a survey work.

Mate Choice : a survey…

Website : http://matechoicefun.weebly.com/

Objective :

The main aim of this project is to collect data on the

preference of physical and behavioral characteristics of

opposite sexes and also whether one would like to see it in

one's opposite-sex offspring. This will help study the motive

of such choice from an evolutionary point of view.

Page 4: Mate choice- a survey work.

An Overview


Women on Men

Men on Women



Physical character

Physical character

Behavioral character

Grooming character


Page 5: Mate choice- a survey work.

Women on Men Introduction Men on Women

Mate choice :

So, mate choice is nothing but choosing your mate who will fulfill your desires and also accompany you to build up your next generation carefully so that you both can be naturally selected. How? Honest signaling- Females saved from investing in undesired offspring.(Say NO to random). Handicap helps select superior genes which enable the carrier to carry the undesired trait.

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Women on Men Introduction Men on Women

Sexy son hypothesis : XY chromosome mapping

SSH states that women select handsome men to

produce handsome sons who will get more mating

and therefore her genes will flourish more in second

filial generation.

Ornaments making a male sexy is related to Y

chromosome. There is also a vice-versa Sexy

daughter hypothesis, relating to X chromosome.

So, lets find out;

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Introduction Women on Men Men on Women

Q1. These are the prominent body sizes.

Which one do you prefer?

Physical Character Choice


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Introduction Women on Men Men on Women

Q2. Adam's apple is the portrusion in the neck of

males. It develops rapidly during puberty and

reduces in size with age.

Which type do you like?

Physical Character Choice

a) Prominent Adam's apple

b) Nearly Invisible Adam's apple


Page 9: Mate choice- a survey work.

Introduction Women on Men Men on Women

Q3. Most males have hair cover that women love to

admire, Those without it are admired even more.

Physical Character Choice

(a) The clean shaved young male without hair, flaunting his chest.

(b) The hairy chest man with that handsome moustache

Bigstock.com, Old hollywood.com

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Introduction Women on Men Men on Women

Physical Character Choice : Result

58% 35% 8% Sample size : 70

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Introduction Women on Men Men on Women

Physical Character Choice : Result

a) Prominent Adam's apple

b) Nearly Invisible Adam's



56% Sample size : 70

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Introduction Women on Men Men on Women

Physical Character Choice : Result

26% 74%

Sample size : 70

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Introduction Women on Men Men on Women

Physical Character Choice : Explanation 1) Women prefer muscular build because they can work

more and can also give more protection.

2) Adam’s apple is a sign of puberty. It is indicative of the

fact women prefer a mature male partner. This again

points to the previous note.

3) Body Hair in men results from Testosterone. This was

highly in fashion until 1980’s. When this trait became

saturated, women looked for hairless bodies. Shaving

became a part of self-grooming and sent out the signal

that men spending energy in shaving were interested in

bonding and thus relationship.

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Introduction Women on Men Men on Women

Physical Character Choice: Reference Women prefer hairless man- reported by many lifestyle magazines. Women in recent time may have become receptive to the muscular men who go to the gym and spend a considerable amount of energy in body building to attract females- a signal that he is ready for pair bonding and serious about the relationship

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Q4. Hindu Mythology revolves around 2 primary

male Gods, Hot headed Lord Shiva and the ever

cool Lord Narayan. What’s your pick?

(a) The pressure cooker, flares up

instantly, cools down even faster, is

very protective of you.

(b) The cool dude, very mature

and calculating, does not help you,

wants you to learn it up yourself

Introduction Women on Men Men on Women

Behavioral Character Choice

Cartoon Today

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Introduction Women on Men Men on Women

Behavioral Character Choice

Q5. Drinking is a vice in Indian culture. However, drinking excessively and remaining sober is a sure shot at masculinity elsewhere. What do you think? (a) The average guy, never drinks or smokes, the family man in making. (b) The passionate liquor lover, lives life to the fullest, can stay on www.grahamcoxon.com www.photostock.com his toes even after n pegs.

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Introduction Women on Men Men on Women

Behavioral Character Choice

Q6. Some men love to sleep most of the time, are very active when awake. Others work slowly almost round the clock. To sleep or not to sleep? (a) The prince charming of bed, sleeps 12 hrs a day. (b) The workaholic husband, works in bed too.

www.bigstock.com www.photobucket.com

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Introduction Women on Men Men on Women

Behavioral Character Choice : Result

The pressure

cooker, flares up

instantly, cools

down even faster,

is very protective

of you.

The cool dude, very

mature and

calculating, does not

help you, wants you

to learn it up


50 - 50

Sample size : 70

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Introduction Women on Men Men on Women

Behavioral Character Choice : Result

The average guy, never drinks or smokes, the family man in making

The passionate liquor lover, lives life to the fullest, can stay on his toes even after n pegs.



Sample size : 70

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Introduction Women on Men Men on Women

Behavioral Character Choice : Result

The prince charming of bed, sleeps 12 hrs a day.

The workaholic husband, works in bed too.



Sample size : 70

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Introduction Women on Men Men on Women

Behavioral Character Choice : Explanation 1) Half of the women prefer testosterone charged aggressive men because of their protectiveness. The other half prefer not to be dominated by their mate. 2) In India and rest of Asia, Men took tea as the main beverage, the source of clean water instead of alcohol. Consequently, Asian flush syndrome was not selected out. So, unlike European counterparts, non drinkers are favored. 3) Women need the working man, who will help in Offspring raising more than the sleeping testosterone engine.

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Introduction Women on Men Men on Women

Behavioral Character Choice : Reference “The disorder of women”:Women, Love and the sense of Justice- Carole Patman The author argues Women love aggressive, a little lethargic males as they as testosterone charged. European females prefer drinking males- One of the pet themes of the book ‘Survival of the Sickest’ by Dr. Sharon Moalem and Jonathan Prince

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Physical Character Choice

Men on Women Women on Men Analysis

Q1. What do you wish the hip size of your mate would be?


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Physical Character Choice

Q2. What is your preferred mate body shape?

Men on Women Women on Men Analysis


Page 25: Mate choice- a survey work.

Physical Character Choice

Q3. What should be the ideal height of your darling?

At least 0.5 ft taller than me

About my height

At least 0.5 ft shorter than me

Men on Women Women on Men Analysis

Page 26: Mate choice- a survey work.

Men on Women Women on Men Analysis

Physical Character Choice : Result

76% 9% 5% 10%

Sample size : 168

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Men on Women Women on Men Analysis

Physical Character Choice : Result

8% 1% 34% 57%

Sample size : 168

Page 28: Mate choice- a survey work.

Men on Women Women on Men Analysis

Physical Character Choice : Result

The ideal height of your darling?

At least 0.5 ft taller than me About my height At least 0.5 ft shorter than me



52% Sample size : 168

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Men on Women Women on Men Analysis

Physical Character Choice : Explanation 1) Men prefer women with large hip to waist ratio as that shows a good pelvic osteo-arrangement, ideal for conceiving. 2) Given a choice, men select women with large breasts as they are early bloomers- indicative of high hormonal activity in early teenage. They must have had started menstruation early. 3) There are different theory why women prefer taller males, the most accepted being the male can protect her easily. Proving the converse is difficult. This can be because men have a subtle desire for mate dominion.

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Men on Women Women on Men Analysis

Physical Character Choice: Reference

A study of over 6,000 women carried out by researchers at the North Carolina State University around 2005 found that 46% were banana (rectangular), just over 20% pear, just under 14% apple, and 8% hourglass. Another study has found "that the average woman's waistline had expanded by six inches since the 1950s" and that today women are taller and have bigger busts and hips than those of the 1950s.

Research paper- Body weight, waist-to-hip ratio, breasts, and hips: Role in

judgments of female attractiveness and desirability for

relationships : Devendra Singh and Robert K.Young

Department of Psychology, University of Texas, Austin,USA

Page 31: Mate choice- a survey work.

Men on Women Women on Men Analysis

Grooming Character Choice

Q4. Thanks to lenses, she can pick up all colours of the rainbow for her eye pupil. What should be the eye colour (natural)?


Page 32: Mate choice- a survey work.

Men on Women Women on Men Analysis

Grooming Character Choice

Q5. Nothing defines women more like gossiping and shopping. There are however exceptions who are quiet and all-abiding. What do you like? (a) Talkative and Gossipy (b) The Quiet type

Cartoon Today

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Men on Women Women on Men Analysis

Grooming Character Choice

Q6. Shall your choice be the ever-hit long haired maiden or the stylish contemporary short locks? (a) Cropped hair style (b) Long haired style


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Men on Women Women on Men Analysis

Grooming Character Choice : Result




4% Sample size : 168

Page 35: Mate choice- a survey work.

Men on Women Women on Men Analysis

Grooming Character Choice : Result

Talkative and Gossipy

Quiet type

49% 51%

Sample size : 168

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Men on Women Women on Men Analysis

Grooming Character Choice : Result

Sample size : 168 20% 80%

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Men on Women Women on Men Analysis

Grooming Character Choice : Explanation 1) More men selecting black pupils goes against Handicap principle which say individuals prefer to mate with carriers of rare phenotypes 2) Talkative women represent the open flirtatious type who like to mix with all males and from there select the best suitor. Here, males investing in attracting them and getting rejected may face loss. Looks like men are ready to take chances.. 3) Maintaining Long Hair requires daily care- energy on the part of women. Good protein fibers and a healthy immune system is a must. Hence, it is preferred.

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Men on Women Women on Men Analysis

Grooming Character Choice: References Controversial Brizendine’s theory – she suggested that women are more talkative because of fundamental biological differences that happen in the womb ( the female reproductive and endocrine system is mentioned). This is not accepted by most biologists. Louann Brizendine authored the Popular Science Best-seller ‘The Female Brain’. Long hair may be an indicator of fitness, since it requires a lot of maintenance to keep it in good condition. Possibly longer hair would indicate that individuals had a high position in a society, so they could command more grooming time - which may have made long hair beneficial in attracting high quality mates. Males have clearly different hair patterns to females, suggesting that facial hair also plays a role in sexual selection (maybe as an indicator of maturity). Paolo Viscardi, Horniman Museum, London, UK (www.askabiologist.org.uk)

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Analysis Men on Women Conclusion


Sample: Sample available for the survey was restricted in the students from IISER-K, IIT-Kgp, NIT-Dgp, and some engg. colleges of Kolkata, which is not a clustered sample for the teenager population(18-22 yr) of India. Though there is a majority of Bengali in the sample. Estimate: The estimates or results came from the survey were estimated by SRSWR method. This is to minimize the drawbacks of the experiments (multiple answer by single person, filling up only 1 form etc.)

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Analysis Men on Women Conclusion

Results: Gen-next

59% male want their daughter to have height of her mother. 38% male want their daughter to have hip size of her mother. 47% male want their daughter to have hair like her mother 38.5% male want their daughter to have eye colour of her mother.

66.67% female want their son to have hair in chest like his dad. 74% female want their son to be drinker/non-drinker like his dad. 50.9% female want their son to be sleepy/workaholic like his dad. 37% female want their son to be hot/cool headed like his dad.

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Analysis Men on Women Conclusion

Results: Co-relation

78% of women who prefers broad (tapered and squared) body shape are going for clean shaved male. 75% of women who prefer protective, hot tempered male, are preferring average men. 95% of men, who prefers bigger hip size, also prefer female with hourglass or pear body-shape. 99% men want their darling to be of their height or shorter than them.

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Analysis Men on Women Conclusion

Errors and drawbacks :

• Time was the main constraint for this survey, bucks also. • We don’t have pretty good tools to measure quantitatively how erroneous is our survey. But surely it has some. • We have collected all the data online, and in this method there are few sampling error. We have tried to minimize that.

Page 43: Mate choice- a survey work.

The alpha male and the femme fatale Ideal Male

• Broad Tapering Muscular Build.

• Mature look(No Adam’s apple flaunting.

• Going clean (Shaving and no body hair

• Can be hot, can be cool!

• Non-drinker alcoholic man

• The workaholic husband

Ideal Female

• Big hips (More importance to waist to hip ratio).

• An hourglass figure

• Shorter than his dream mate, she must look around for taller guys

• Black eyes

• Talkative woman

• Flaunting Long hair.

Analysis Men on Women Conclusion

Page 44: Mate choice- a survey work.

Conclusion Men on Women Analysis Devendra Singh

A project dealing with a single phenomenon yet venturing into diverse areas is very hard to conclude since there can be multiple conclusions. I would like to end the talk by saying that we , humans no matter how superior we are have the inherent capacity to send out and receive signals and rather subtly give in to Mate choice. Although for certain properties, we had individuals saying they want to see the character of their mate in their offspring of the opposite gender, it largely remains inconclusive because the sample size was small.

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Conclusion Men on Women Analysis



1)Dr. A. Bhatt, our mentor for this project and also course instructor. 2)Dr. S. Annagiri, Course instructor for giving us the opportunity to do this project.

3)All those people who took the survey and gave valuable feedback. 4)Researchers and surveyors who worked in this field previously, and whose data provided a supporting structure to our argument. 5) Sites of amateur photographer’s collection and modeling agencies for the photo.

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Conclusion Men on Women Analysis

Thank you For not asking questions. Now for the ??? Part!

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