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Page 1: Maths WB 14th September English Topic LO: Place numbers on ...€¦ · Write these definitions out. Extension: Find synonyms for three words using a thesaurus or online thesaurus.

Maths WB 14th September English Topic

Mon (1)

LO: Place numbers on a number line. Input

Easier Challenge: Draw a number line between 0 and 1000.

Work out where 100,500 and 700 may go.

Challenge: Draw a number line between 0 and 2000. Place the

following numbers on it: 300, 50, 678 and 1278

LO: Daily 20.

Reading Reading focus for the five days: Explain the meaning of words in context.

Read the text above. Writing We are writing a letter of application to Ernest Shackleton to persuade him to take us on his expedition to Antarctica. Today we are going to practice using common words or phrases in the style of a job application letter. Here are some common words or phrases you might find in a job application letter…

PE Use the link to complete a Just Dance session! Choose favourite songs to learn by watching the videos. Spend 30 minutes learning and practising your dance. https://www.youtube.com/justdance/videos

Page 2: Maths WB 14th September English Topic LO: Place numbers on ...€¦ · Write these definitions out. Extension: Find synonyms for three words using a thesaurus or online thesaurus.

- I am writing with regard to… - I have recent experience of… - If you consider me for this role… - As I have stated above… - I sincerely hope that… - I believe that…

Practice writing sentences using the above sentence starters. Use the job description below for inspiration about what skills and qualities to include in your practice sentences!

Page 3: Maths WB 14th September English Topic LO: Place numbers on ...€¦ · Write these definitions out. Extension: Find synonyms for three words using a thesaurus or online thesaurus.

Tues (2)

LO: Round numbers to the nearest 10 Input: Rounding numbers.


Harder Challenge

Reading Use a dictionary to find the definition of three words you are not sure about in yesterday’s text. Write these definitions out. Extension: Find synonyms for three words using a thesaurus or online thesaurus. For example, argue, unique, wildlife. Explain why the author has used the word they have chosen and not the synonym. Writing Read the job description document from yesterday’s lesson. You need to decide which qualities and skills you are going to write about in your letter of application to Shackleton to persuade him you are the right person for the job! Complete the planning grid below. You will need to theme your ideas into paragraphs, giving examples of the content you will include as well as the grammar features you will use.

Science Find as many objects as you can that come under the following categories:

- Solids - Liquids - Gases

We call these the three States of Matter. Is it easy to decide if something is a solid, liquid or gas? What state of matter is sand, sugar, salt and flour? Why do you think these objects are trickier to decide? Solids, liquids and gases are made up of particles. Watch the video below: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0119gwx Draw a diagram to represent the particles in a solid, liquid and a gas.

Page 4: Maths WB 14th September English Topic LO: Place numbers on ...€¦ · Write these definitions out. Extension: Find synonyms for three words using a thesaurus or online thesaurus.

LO: Daily 20.

Weds (3)

LO: Round numbers to the nearest 100. Input

Main Challenge

Reading Choose two words that you found a definition for yesterday. Write a new sentence for each word, showing your understanding of it. Writing Using your plan and practice sentences, draft the introduction to your letter. Remember to include:

- An introduction to the audience - Reference to the job advert - Persuasive language - Fronted adverbials such as ‘Firstly,’ or ‘In

the newspaper, I saw…’

History Use the following websites to research Shackleton’s Endurance expedition: https://www.coolantarctica.com/Antarctica%20 fact%20file/History/Shackleton-Endurance-Trans-Antarctic_expedition.php https://www.polarcruises.com/blog/timeline-shackletons-endurance-expedition-epic-rescue-story https://www.nls.uk/exhibitions/enduring-eye/expedition

Page 5: Maths WB 14th September English Topic LO: Place numbers on ...€¦ · Write these definitions out. Extension: Find synonyms for three words using a thesaurus or online thesaurus.

Daily 20

Read back your first paragraph draft. Does it make sense? Are you happy with it? Using a different coloured pen or pencil edit and improve your work. If you have one, use a dictionary or thesaurus to help you edit and improve what you have written Check your writing against our writing checklist below…

Demarcate sentences correctly with םcapital letters and full stops.

Use fronted adverbial of time and/or םplace, separated with a comma

Use words and phrases common to job םapplications.

Use expanded noun phrases to add detail ם Use relative clauses to add extra ם

information to sentences with the following relative pronouns: which, who, where.

Use multi-clause sentences using the םfollowing coordinating and subordinating conjunctions: when, if, because, although, while, before, as, so, and

Maintain a formal style all the way םthrough my letter

Use formal and subject-related םvocabulary, suitable for the job I am applying for.

Create a timeline for the main events of the Endurance expedition, starting with the departure from London in 1914. You might want to create an S timeline to fit all the events in, like below!

Page 6: Maths WB 14th September English Topic LO: Place numbers on ...€¦ · Write these definitions out. Extension: Find synonyms for three words using a thesaurus or online thesaurus.

Thurs (4)

LO: Count in 1000s. Input


Easier Challenge How many 1000s are there in 4000, 6000 and 10 000?


Read this text. Answer this question: What word did Roald Dahl use to describe how children saw adults around them? Writing Using your plan and practice sentences, draft the second paragraph to your letter. Remember to include:

- The first reason you should get the job - Examples of your skills in this area - Fronted adverbials such as ‘secondly’ or


Science Observe how objects change state. Complete an investigation with water. Can you put it in the freezer and see what happens? Then leave it out in the warm, what happens? What happens if you heat water up on the hob (with an adult)? Do you know what each state is called? Describe what happens to an adult using technical scientific language.

- State - Freezing - Solidifying - Melting - Solid - Liquid - Gas

Page 7: Maths WB 14th September English Topic LO: Place numbers on ...€¦ · Write these definitions out. Extension: Find synonyms for three words using a thesaurus or online thesaurus.

Daily 20

- Conjunctions to give more detail, such as ‘because’ or ‘so’

Read back your second paragraph draft. Does it make sense? Are you happy with it? Using a different coloured pen or pencil edit and improve your work. If you have one, use a dictionary or thesaurus to help you edit and improve what you have written Check your writing against our writing checklist below…

Demarcate sentences correctly with םcapital letters and full stops.

Use fronted adverbial of time and/or םplace, separated with a comma

Use words and phrases common to job םapplications.

Use expanded noun phrases to add detail ם Use relative clauses to add extra ם

information to sentences with the following relative pronouns: which, who, where.

Use multi-clause sentences using the םfollowing coordinating and subordinating conjunctions: WHEN, IF, BECAUSE, ALTHOUGH, WHILE, BEFORE, AS, SO, AND

Maintain a formal style all the way םthrough my letter

Use formal and subject-related םvocabulary, suitable for the job I am applying for.

Page 8: Maths WB 14th September English Topic LO: Place numbers on ...€¦ · Write these definitions out. Extension: Find synonyms for three words using a thesaurus or online thesaurus.

Fri (5)

LO: Represent numbers to 10 000 Input Partition (split the number into different parts) 7584 in two

different ways.


Easier Challenge

Partition these numbers in two different ways.

67, 483, 487, 1846

Harder Challenge

Partition each of the numbers above in two different ways.

Daily 20

Reading Using the text from yesterday, come up with your own ‘What word’ question like yesterday’s question. Writing Using your plan and practice sentences, draft the third paragraph to your letter. Remember to include:

- Another reason you should get the job - Examples of your skills in this area - Fronted adverbials such as ‘additionally’

or ‘last year’ - Conjunctions to give more detail, such as

‘because’ or ‘so’ Read back your second paragraph draft. Does it make sense? Are you happy with it? Using a different coloured pen or pencil edit and improve your work. If you have one, use a dictionary or thesaurus to help you edit and improve what you have written Check your writing against our writing checklist below…

Demarcate sentences correctly with םcapital letters and full stops.

Use fronted adverbial of time and/or םplace, separated with a comma

Art How would you describe these paintings of Antarctica? What colours have been used? How do you feel looking at them? These paintings are by an artist called William Grill.

Now have a think about how you would describe these paintings below… How do these paintings make you feel?

Page 9: Maths WB 14th September English Topic LO: Place numbers on ...€¦ · Write these definitions out. Extension: Find synonyms for three words using a thesaurus or online thesaurus.

Use words and phrases common to job םapplications.

Use expanded noun phrases to add detail ם Use relative clauses to add extra ם

information to sentences with the following relative pronouns: which, who, where.

Use multi-clause sentences using the םfollowing coordinating and subordinating conjunctions: when, if, because, although, while, before, as, so, and

Maintain a formal style all the way םthrough my letter

Use formal and subject-related םvocabulary, suitable for the job I am applying for.

How has the artist used colour to make you feel a certain way?

These paintings are by an Artist called Anna Airy and she painted scenes from factories in World War 1. WW1 was just starting as Shackleton left for Antarctica.

Page 10: Maths WB 14th September English Topic LO: Place numbers on ...€¦ · Write these definitions out. Extension: Find synonyms for three words using a thesaurus or online thesaurus.

Write down different words to describe both artists paintings and how they make you feel. How have both artists used colour to convey meaning? How is this different in both types of painting?

Mon (6)

LO: Partition numbers in different ways. Input


Reading Reading focus for the five days: Make inferences from the text and justify with evidence. An inference is: ‘A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.'

Read the text.

PE Use the link below to complete a cosmic yoga session! https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga

Page 11: Maths WB 14th September English Topic LO: Place numbers on ...€¦ · Write these definitions out. Extension: Find synonyms for three words using a thesaurus or online thesaurus.

Daily 20

What inferences can you make from the

sentence: ‘Shackleton complained about his


Writing Using your plan and practice sentences, draft the fourth paragraph to your letter. Remember to include:

- Another reason you should get the job - Examples of your skills in this area - Fronted adverbials such as ‘lastly’ or ‘in

addition to this’ - Conjunctions to give more detail, such as

‘such as’ or ‘while’ Read back your third paragraph draft. Does it make sense? Are you happy with it? Using a different coloured pen or pencil edit and improve your work. If you have one, use a dictionary or thesaurus to help you edit and improve what you have written. Check your writing against our writing checklist below…

Demarcate sentences correctly with םcapital letters and full stops.

Use fronted adverbial of time and/or םplace, separated with a comma

Page 12: Maths WB 14th September English Topic LO: Place numbers on ...€¦ · Write these definitions out. Extension: Find synonyms for three words using a thesaurus or online thesaurus.

Use words and phrases common to job םapplications.

Use expanded noun phrases to add detail ם Use relative clauses to add extra ם

information to sentences with the following relative pronouns: which, who, where.

Use multi-clause sentences using the םfollowing coordinating and subordinating conjunctions: when, if, because, although, while, before, as, so, and

Maintain a formal style all the way םthrough my letter

Use formal and subject-related םvocabulary, suitable for the job I am applying for.

Tue (7)

LO: Estimate and order numbers to 10 000 on a number line. Input



Science Last week you completed an investigation with water and how water can change state. Write up your findings using technical scientific language such as:

- State - Freezing - Solidifying - Particles - Melting - Solid - Liquid - Gas

Page 13: Maths WB 14th September English Topic LO: Place numbers on ...€¦ · Write these definitions out. Extension: Find synonyms for three words using a thesaurus or online thesaurus.

Daily 20

Writing Using your plan and practice sentences, draft the summary and conclusion paragraph to your letter. Remember to include:

- A final statement as to why you should get the job

- A concluding statement such as ‘I look forward to hearing back from you’

- Emotive language to persuade and convince

Read back your final paragraph draft. Does it make sense? Are you happy with it? Using a different coloured pen or pencil edit and improve your work. If you have one, use a dictionary or thesaurus to help you edit and improve what you have written. Check your writing against our writing checklist below…

Demarcate sentences correctly with םcapital letters and full stops.

Use fronted adverbial of time and/or םplace, separated with a comma

Use words and phrases common to job םapplications.

Use expanded noun phrases to add detail ם Use relative clauses to add extra ם

information to sentences with the

Use the questions below to help you: What happened when you put water in the freezer and why? What happened when you left ice out of the freezer and why? What happened when you added heat to water? What did it become? Describe what happened to the particles when you melt, freeze or heat water.

Page 14: Maths WB 14th September English Topic LO: Place numbers on ...€¦ · Write these definitions out. Extension: Find synonyms for three words using a thesaurus or online thesaurus.

following relative pronouns: which, who, where.

Use multi-clause sentences using the םfollowing coordinating and subordinating conjunctions: when, if, because, although, while, before, as, so, and

Maintain a formal style all the way םthrough my letter

Use formal and subject-related םvocabulary, suitable for the job I am applying for.

Weds (8)

LO: Find 1/10/100 more or less. Input



Writing Publish your improved and edited final letter in your neatest handwriting. If you can do this on a piece of paper, we can stick this into your book when you return to school. In order to do this to the best of your ability, this may take 2 lessons.

History Research one of the following men who travelled with Shackleton on the Endurance expedition:

- Frank Worsley - Ernest Holness - James Francis Hurley - James M Wordie

https://www.coolantarctica.com/ Antarctica%20fact%20file/History/an tarctic_whos_who_endurance.php Can you find out what job they had on the ship? We want you to think about the thoughts and feelings of your chosen crew member as they were on board the expedition.

Page 15: Maths WB 14th September English Topic LO: Place numbers on ...€¦ · Write these definitions out. Extension: Find synonyms for three words using a thesaurus or online thesaurus.

Daily 20

Write a speech bubble which explains how your crew member might be feeling at different points in the expedition:

- When they set off from London. - When they get stuck in pack ice - When the Endurance sinks - When Shackleton returns with help

Now add why they might be feeling like this at the above points in time.

Thurs (9)

LO: Find 1000 more or less than a number. Input


Reading Read 5 pages of your reading book and make a record in your reading journal. Writing Publish your improved and edited final letter in your neatest handwriting. If you can do this on a

Science Using your hand, feel the temperature of the following places/surfaces in your house: Use the following words: cold, warm, cool, icy

- Near a window - Under your armpit

Page 16: Maths WB 14th September English Topic LO: Place numbers on ...€¦ · Write these definitions out. Extension: Find synonyms for three words using a thesaurus or online thesaurus.

Daily 20

piece of paper, we can stick this into your book when you return to school. In order to do this to the best of your ability, this may take 2 lessons. If you finished your publishing yesterday, have a look at tomorrow’s English lesson as this might take more than one day.

- A table - Inside a fridge - A laptop/phone

You have just been measuring temperature with your touch. Is this an accurate way to measure temperature? To measure temperature accurately we use a thermometer. Explore the interactive thermometer on the website below: https://www.mathsisfun.com/ measure/thermometer.html Watch the video about measuring temperature: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z2nvcdm Draw and label your own thermometer.

Fri (10)

LO: Compare four digit numbers. Input

Reading From your reading yesterday, write down three inferences that you can make about statements that you read in your book. Writing

Art Last week, we looked at how Anna Airy and William Grill used colour to convey meaning. Today, we would like you to create a mood board which includes different colours and words to describe that colour using colouring pencils, pens or paint if you have some.

Page 17: Maths WB 14th September English Topic LO: Place numbers on ...€¦ · Write these definitions out. Extension: Find synonyms for three words using a thesaurus or online thesaurus.


Daily 20

Have a go at planning and writing a letter of application in a different context:

- Could you write to your favourite superhero to apply to be their ‘sidekick’?

- Could you write to Mr Lowe to apply for the job of school council / house captain?

- Could you write to apply for the position of your dream job when you are older?

Use what you know about the style and features from our letter to Shackleton to help you!

Have a look at the examples:

Label each colour you add to your mood board or wheel with how it makes you feel. Create a mood board of all the colours and emotions you can. Think: do different shades of the same colour convey different emotions?

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