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Page 1: Maximizing benefits of 1st 10 days of dhul hijjah


Page 2: Maximizing benefits of 1st 10 days of dhul hijjah


“By the dawn; by the 10 nights; by the Even and Odd [Fajr, 89:1-3]

Ibn Abbas, Ibn al-Zubayr, Mujahid and others of the earlier and later generations said that this refers to the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah.

Ibn Kathir said: “This is the correct opinion.” Allah swears an oath by them, and swearing an oath

by something is indicative of its importance and great benefit

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“Remember Allah during the well known days,” (2:203)

Ibn ‘Abbas says that it refers to the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah. [ al-Bukhari]

Rewards are multiplied many times in these days as a mercy of Allah

This encourages Muslims to do more righteous deeds and makes them more eager to worship Allah

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Ibn ‘Abbas reports that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “No good deeds done on other days are superior to those done on these days [meaning the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah].”The companions asked, “O Messenger of Allah, not even jihad in the way of Allah?” He said, “Not even jihad, except for the man who puts his life and wealth in danger [for Allah's sake] and returns with neither of them.” [Bukhari)

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Honor of a Muslim Ibn ‘Umar narrated that at Mina, the Messenger of Allah (SAW)

said, “Do you know what is the day today?” The people replied,

“Allah and His Messenger know it better.” He said, “It is the forbidden (sacred) day.

And do you know what town is this?” They replied, ” Allah and His Messenger know it better.” He said, “This is the forbidden (sacred) town (Mecca).

And do you know which month is this?” The people replied, “Allah and His Apostle know it better.” He said, “This is the forbidden (sacred) month.”

The Messenger added, “No doubt, Allah made your blood, your properties, and your honor sacred to one another like the sanctity of this day of yours in this month of yours in this town of yours.”

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The Greatest Day Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: On the

Day of Nahr (10th of Dhul-Hijjah), the Messenger (SAW) stood in between the Jamrat during his Hajj which he performed and said,

“This is the greatest Day (i.e. 10th of Dhul-Hijjah).”

The Messenger (SAW) started saying repeatedly, “O Allah! Be Witness (I have conveyed Your Message).” He then bade the people farewell. The people said, “(This is Hajjat-al-Wada).” [Bukhari 2.798]

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Benefits of these days Ibn Rajab (RA)

Opportunity to correct ones faults and make up for any shortcomings or anything that one might have missed

Special acts of worship through which the slave may draw closer to Allah

Allah bestows His favor and mercy upon whomsoever He wills.

Fortunate person is the one who makes the most of these special days

He will most likely be touched by the blessing of Allah and will feel the joy of knowing that he is safe from the flames of Hell

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Hajj & Umrah Zikr Fasting Fasting

Arafah Day

Days of Eid Takbeer Qiyamul

Lail Taubah

Istighfar Return to Quran

Reward of not cutting hair/nails

Day of Adha

3 days after Adha Sacrifice Charity Shukr to


Shukr to people

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1- Perform Hajj and Umrah

pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith Allah stands not in need of any of his creatures. (AL Imran,3:97)

Whoever performed Hajj and he did not engage in obscenity or sinful act he returned (free of sins) just like the day his mother gave birth to him.

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Indeed, Hajj wipes out (sins) which existed before it.(Targheeb)

Hajj Mabroor(accepted pilgrimage),its reward is none else but Jannah. (Tabarani)

Hajj and Umrah are great Jihad for the elderly and women. (Nisai)

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Ibn ‘Abbas commented on the verse:

“…and to mention Allah’s name [plentifully] on Known days” [ 22:28] These known days are the ten days [of Dhul

Hijjah]. [Tafsir ibn Kathir)

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Ahmad and at-Tabarani record from Ibn ‘Umar that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “There is no day more honorable in Allah’s sight and no acts more beloved therein to Allah than those in these ten days. So say:

Tahlil (There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah: La ilaha ill Allah),

Takbir (Allah is the greatest: Allahu Akbar) and Tahmid (All praise is due to Allah:

alhumdulillah) a lot [on those days].”

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3-Fasting all nine days The Prophet (SAW) said: “Anyone who fasts for one

day for Allah’s pleasure, Allah will keep his face away from the (Hell) fire for (a distance covered by a journey of) seventy years.” (Bukhari, Muslim)

One of the wives of the Prophet (SAW) said: “Allah’s Messenger used to fast the (first) nine days of Dhul Hijjah, the day of ‘Ashura’, and three days of each month.

[Sunan Abi Dawud #2129 Fasting on all these days, however, is not a Wajib

(compulsory), nor is it a constant Sunnah that the Messenger (SAW)never dropped. ‘A’ishah said:“I never saw the Messenger (SAW) fast the ten days.” [Muslim)

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4-Fasting Day of Arafah

The day of ‘Arafah is the day when the pilgrims stand in worship on the Mountain of ‘Arafah.

“There is no day on which Allah frees more people from the Fire as He does on the day of ‘Arafah. He comes close (to those standing on ‘Arafah) and then revels before His angels, saying: “What are these people seeking?” [Muslim

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Day of Arafah

Abu Qatadah reported that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “Fasting on the day of ‘Arafah is an expiation for two years, the year preceding it and the year following it. Fasting the day of ‘Ashura is an expiation for the year preceding it.

Hafsah reported, “There are five things that the Messenger (SAW) never abandoned: fasting the day of ‘Ashura, fasting the [first] 10 [days of Dhul-Hijjah], fasting 3 days of every month and praying two Rak’ah before the dawn prayer.” (Ahmad,Nasa'i)

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5-Day of Eid

Uqbah ibn ‘Amr reported that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “The day of ‘Arafah, the day of sacrifice, and the days of Tashriq are eids for us–the people of Islam–and they are days of eating and drinking.” (Bukhari/Muslim)

Abu Hurairah stated, “The Messenger of Allah (SAW) forbade fasting on the day of ‘Arafah for one who is actually at ‘Arafah.”

(Ahmad, Abu Dawud, an-Nasa'i, and Ibn Majah]

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That they might witness things that are of benefit to them (i.e., reward of Hajj in the Hereafter, and also some worldly gain from trade, etc.), and mention the name of Allah on appointed days, over the beast of cattle that He has provided for them (for sacrifice)…” [Hajj,22:28)

The majority of scholars agree that the “appointed days” are the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah

The Takbeer may include the words “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, la ilaha ill-Allah; wa Allahu Akbar wa Lillahil- hamd (Allah is Most Great, Allah is Most Great, there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah; Allah is Most Great and to Allah be praise),” as well as other phrases

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Ibn Umar and Abu Huraira (RA) used to go out in the marketplace during the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, reciting Takbeer, and the people would recite Takbeer when they heard them

This Takbeer should be pronounced loudly, in order to revive the Sunnah and as a reminder to the negligent.

The idea behind reminding the people to recite Takbeer is that each one should recite it individually

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7-Stand the Night in Prayer Qiyamul Lail

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Stand the Night in PrayerQiyamul Lail

Allah Almighty calls out to His servants in the latter part of the night: “Is there anyone to invoke Me, so that I may respond to his invocation? Is there anyone to ask Me, so that I may grant him his request? Is there anyone seeking My forgiveness, so that I may forgive him?”

(Bukhaari, Muslim) We should seize this opportunity and beg Him

for His Divine Generosity and Mercy. We should ask Him as our Prophet taught us “Our Lord, bless us with the best of this world and the best of hereafter and save us from the fire of Hell.”

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More Ahadith on Qiyamul Lail

Who so ever did qiyamul on the night of Eid with sincerity, his heart will not suffer (spiritual) death the day hearts will suffer death (Ibn Majah)

Whoever does qiyamul lail on 5 nights, Jannah is must for him.(1-8th Zil Hajj,2-9th Zil Hajj, 3- 10th Zil Hajj,4- Eidul Fitr, 5-15th Shaban

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8-Make Sincere Repentanceor Taubah

The act of sincere repentance to Allah with intention to never return to His disobedience and sin is very dear to Him .

Return to Allah by giving up all the deeds, open and secret, that He dislikes.

Be regretful of your sins and disobedience and resolve to never return to sin and to firmly adhere to the path which Allah loves.

Allah says, “But as for him who repented, believed and did righteous deeds, then he will be among those who are successful.” [Al-Qasas 28:67]

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9-Istighfar or seeking forgiveness of Allah

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10-Turn to Quran Establish a beautiful new relationship with the

book of Allah starting in these ten days of Dhul-Hijja.

Recite its verses and you will reap its blessings.

Understand its message. Implement the commandments of this book in

your life. This relationship with the Quran will open for

you the doors of wisdom and happiness in your life.

This will ultimately lead to guidance and success in this life and the Hereafter

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11-Avoid Cutting Hair or Nailsfor 9-10 days

“For the one who has a slaughtering to perform (on ‘Eid then, once the Hilal (crescent) of Dhul Hijjah is observed, let him not cut any of his hair or nails until he sacrifices.”

And in another narration: “Once the ten days start, for those of you who have the intention to sacrifice, let them not cut any of their hair or nails (until they sacrifice).” [Muslim]

This prohibition is the opinion of the majority of the scholars of the early generations of Muslims.

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12-The Day of Al-’Adha

The tenth of Dhul-Hijjah is Eid Al-Adha or the day of an-Nahr (slaughtering).

It marks the conclusion of the major rites of Hajj It commemorates Allah’s bounty on His

Messenger Ibrahim, when He gave him a ram to sacrifice as ransom for his son Isma’il, peace be upon them

“The day of al-Fitr [i.e. ‘Eid ul-Fitr], the day of an-Nahr, and the days of Tashreeq are ‘Eid days for us Muslims. They are days of eating and drinking.” [Ahmad, an-Nasa’i)

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13-The Sacrifice “…Pray unto your Lord and slaughter [your

sacrifice]” [Kauthar, 109:2) Allah mentioned the sacrifice together with the

first and foremost worship in Islam: prayer. This is a clear indication of its great importance.

The general consensus of the Muslim scholars is that the sacrifice is an important Sunnah, and a worship called for in Shariah

Some scholars have explained the different hadiths on the subject by stating that the sacrifice is obligatory on those who can afford it and not obligatory on those who cannot.

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The Sacrifice

Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger (SAW) said: “He who has the capacity, and does not sacrifice, may not approach our Musalla (place of prayer on the ‘Eid).” [Ibn Majah, Ahmad )

Regarding this Hadith, Imam ash-Shaukani said: “Prohibiting the one who could afford to sacrifice, but did not do so, from approaching the Musalla indicates that he must have left off a Wajib, as it becomes useless to offer the Salah without this Wajib [obligation].” [Nayl ul-Awtar)

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Deed beloved to Allah (SWT)

There is no action of the son of Adam more beloved to Allah on the day of Nahar than sacrifice. Sacrificial animal will return on the Day of Judgment with its horns, hair and feet (I.e., a living being). Before the blood (of sacrificial animal) touches the ground it is accepted by Allah (SWT). So, be happy to do its sacrifice.

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Purpose of Sacrifice

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More Ahadith on Sacrifice

O People! Sacrifice is necessary upon each member of the household (who can afford it) every year. (Abu Dawood)

Choose bigger (and healthy) animals for sacrifice since they are going to be your ride upon the (bridge of) Siraat.

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14-The Three Days (Ayyam-ut-Tashreeq)11th, 12th and 13th of Dhul Hijjah

Celebrate the praises of Allah during the Appointed Days. But if anyone hastens to leave in two days, there is no blame on him, and if anyone stays on, there is no blame on him, if his aim is to do right. Then fear Allah, and know that ye will surely be gathered unto Him.” [al-Baqara 2:203]

In old times, pilgrims use to dehydrate the meat in sun to take with them. This process in itself is called tashreeq, and it was derived from the Arabic word شروق or إشراق which means sunrise or sunshine.

The days of Tashreeq are days of eating, drinking and mentioning Allah.” [Muslim)

On these days, the pilgrims complete their rites Muslims continue with their ‘Eid celebrations They are prohibited to fast in these days

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15-Increase in charity

Charity extinguishes wrath of Allah (SWT) and saves from miserable death. (Ahmad)

Best Charity is to feed the hungry. (Baihaqi)

Allah (SWT) says,” O’ Son of Adam! You spend (in charity), I shall spend upon you.” (Bukhari)

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16- Thank Allah Express Shukr We must thank Allah, deeply, sincerely and

continuously. Allah (SWT) is the one who blessed us with all

that we have. We wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for the

Mercy of our Creator. We thank Him for the blessing of Islam, the

blessing of life and every blessing we possess. We thank Allah for the opportunity to

experience these ten days. We ask Him for His mercy, forgiveness and


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17- Thankfulness to all appreciating their favors

We must thank our parents for their unconditional love, sacrifice for us

We must thank our spouses for their love and understanding.

We must also thank all our family members, our friends, neighbors and co workers for their kindness and giving.

One who does not thank people, does not thank Allah (SWT)

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