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It all starts with receiving. In the womb we received nutrients from our mothers. Because of that, our yet-unborn bodies got what was

necessary in order to grow and to eventually be able to exist out in the world. But then after we were born we received much more. Food, shelter, and nurture from parents. Education

from teachers. Companionship from friends. Encouragement from mentors. The list goes on. Spiritually it all starts with receiving as well. We receive from God, the Great Giver. From

God we receive every breath we take, every ability we have, every true value we embrace. From God we receive forgiveness, purpose,

promise. We receive hope, joy and love. Everything that matters most deeply and enduringly we have received from God. It is only because of what we have received

that we can do anything. “We love because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). In the church the love of the Lord is conveyed through the warm

and accepting fellowship we have with each other. God’s love is expressed in the Good News preached and taught. It is experienced in sharing Communion. The love of God is

received in youth group, classes, Men’s Fellowship, Women’s Fellowship, children’s church, choir, Kidz Praiz, our food pantry, preschool and more.

It all starts with receiving. But we are not just takers. As the scripture declares, “He first loved us.” But because of what God did “we

love.” Love is an active thing. It is expressed in giving itself away. So we receive and then give. In fact, it is in giving that what we have received becomes more meaningful and

rewarding. What have you received from God at Royal Palm Christian Church? How has your life been

touched? What has God done for you through the people and ministries of the Church? The church is not some “institution.” It is a living, loving instrument of God to bless people. The

church can continue doing what it has done for

you and others only when receivers turn into givers. People who give their time and abilities

are crucial. Equally important is the financial contributions that people give. We are receivers. But that can’t be where it ends. Your generous and gracious response is

vitally important. It is your response that makes possible the Christ-centered good that is done by the church. Grace and Peace,


PRESCHOOL NEWS FROM SUZANNE All of our little ones are busy preparing surprise gifts to show Mommy how much they love her. Our two and three year old children

presented tunes from the Spring Sing for parents, family and friends. Their performances were incredible and much enjoyed. Thanks Ms. Stacey and teachers for all your hard work.

May is a special month at our school. We begin by honoring our wonderful teachers for all they do for children. They will never know the

impact they have on the lives of all who pass through their care. Thank you teachers! When You Thought I Wasn’t Looking

When you thought I wasn’t looking, You displayed my first painting, and I wanted to do another. When you thought I wasn’t looking, you fed a duck, and I thought it was good to be kind to animals.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, you gave me a sticker, and I knew that little things were special things. When you thought I wasn’t looking, you put your arm around me, and I felt loved. When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw tears come from your eyes, and I learned that sometimes

things hurt, but that it’s all right to cry. When you thought I wasn’t looking, you smiled, and it made me want to look that happy too. When you thought I wasn’t looking, you cared, and I wanted to be everything I could be. When you thought I wasn’t looking – I looked…and wanted to say thanks for all those things you did

when you thought I wasn’t looking.

Church Chatter May 2009

“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” (Psalm 62:5-6)

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5/3 – 9 Teacher Appreciation Week

5/6 CPR / First Aid Training (6:00 pm) 5/7 - 8 Jump Rope – American Heart Assoc. 5/10 Happy Mother’s Day 5/12 – 13 Children’s Sharing with Pastor Craig

5/13 Teacher of the Year – Michelle Robin Memorial Dinner (6:00 pm) 5/15 Ms. Rita – Dramatic Storyteller 5/18 Preschool Board Meeting (7:00 pm)

5/25 Memorial Day – All Closed 6/3 Pre K Graduation (7:00 pm) 6/4 Last Day of Preschool for Students

6/5 Planning Day / Full Time Care open 6/8 Summer Session Begins

WELCOME RPCC extends an

embracing welcome to NORMA PISACANO & JANICE TILGHMAN who joined the church on Easter Sunday

(April 12). Janice is a native of Kentucky and moved from New York to Florida in 2004. She lives with her two sons, ages 26 and 14, and works

as Network Specialist for Country Homes. Janice drove by the church for a year before being "guided by the Spirit" to visit the church

one Sunday. She said the people at RPCC are "very spiritual with warm hearts." She calls it an "inspirational and uplifting place." "In these hard times, you need positive people around

you, and this church is like family to me." Norma, a convert from Judaism, has been attending bible study and worship here for a

while. Her daughter, Cheryl Zahn, who is already a member at RPCC, gave her mother a book called "Bible for Blockheads" which was very helpful for her understanding of Jesus.

When I asked her what she loves about RPCC, Norma said: "My goodness, where do I begin?" She is touched by the friendliness of the people, especially Pastor Craig who "always made me

feel comfortable, a feeling I never experienced in my synagogue." We are happy to have Norma and Janice at

RPCC and extend them an embracing welcome.


The morning of Saturday, May 9, is set aside

for SPRING CLEANING of the inside of

RPCC. We are fortunate to be hosting the Southern District Assembly on Saturday, May 30th, and need to do a little cleaning as you would do for your own home. If you are able to

help, please contact Karyn @ 954-340-6616.

5/2 Jennie Balducci Jorge Conde

5/3 Susie Ramos 5/4 Billie Abell Faith Herman 5/7 Brittney Herman

Carolyn Johnson 5/10 Richard Walker 5/11 June Derby 5/14 Nicholas Angle

Dawn Boentgen 5/15 Michael Zahn 5/16 Jeanie Brock

5/17 Romeo Espiritu 5/18 Rob Worst 5/20 Jamie Zorabedian 5/22 Felice Davis

Dan Krolczyk 5/23 Sharon Matiska Ken Wiedman

5/25 Wade Matiska 5/29 Janice Tilghman 5/30 Ethan Coe 5/31 Mattie Brown

MAY ANNIVERSARIES 5/6 Fernando & Betsy Medina

5/23 Dan & Sharon Williams 5/27 David & Jennifer Bramley

[We apologize if your name is not on the list. Please call the office to update your information!]

DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS? Southern District Assembly is the annual gathering of the

Disciples of Christ churches in South Florida (Vero Beach to Homestead). Over 40 DOC

churches and missions have the opportunity to share fellowship, church happenings and worship. As hosts, we’ll provide: a gathering place; registration /

greeters; food and drink; child care (nursery – elementary); and deacons for offering and communion – not to mention our embracing hospitality!

Contact the church office (954-753-2383 or [email protected]) if you will participate.

Southern District Assembly


This year the assembly is going to be held here at RPCC on Saturday, May 30th, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Pray about how you can help share

our embracing hospitality with our Brothers and Sisters in the Southern District.

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GOOD NEWS OF BLESSINGS Karyn and Kevin O'Shea are the proud

grandparents of twin girls, Sydney and Emily, born April 11th.

Sean Lucas celebrated Easter in a marvelous way – he was baptized during our 8:30 Worship Service.

James, Emily & Lilyann Gunter send greetings from Illinois. They are enjoying being closer to family, and they are expecting a new “bundle of joy.” “..may God continue to bless the whole

Royal Palm family. You all touched us during our time in Coral Springs and we continue to pray for you all.”

Royal Palm Christian Church and Preschool enjoy many blessings sprinkled throughout the creatively wonderful staff of teachers who share

their time and talents with the children who walk through our doors. Take time to give them hugs and say thank you for jobs well done!

“BREAKTHROUGH” The camp directors are gearing up for summer’s camp adventures! The

dates for the various camps are listed below, and camp registration forms are available on the

youth room door (or you can download them at www.flconferencecenter.org). Adults…there are camp counselor positions available also. If you

haven’t ever been to camp, find time to speak to Coral, Libby, Ingrid or Cheryl…they have first hand experience!

Camp Grades Dates Cost

Genesis Camp 5th – 7th 6/7 – 12 $300

CYF Conference 9th – 12th 6/14 – 20 $310

3rd Grade Camp 3rd 6/21 – 25 $260

Junior Camp 4th - 5th 6/28 – 7/2 $260

Chi Rho Camp 6th - 8th 7/19 – 24 $295


GRADUATING SENIORS We would like to recognize and celebrate all

graduating seniors during our Worship Services on Sunday, May 31st. So…if you fall into that category, please let us know – and then join us

for worship.

EMAIL PRAYER GROUP You’ve seen and prayed for those listed in

our bulletins each Sunday. Did you know that we also have a group of people who are contacted throughout the week as prayer needs

and requests are made known? Prayer requests are routinely sent out via email to the pastor, elders and prayer group. If the request is confidential, it goes to the pastor and elders

only. If you have a prayer need, please let us know. If you would like to participate in the prayer group, call or email Alice in the church

office (954-753-2383 or [email protected]). It is an honor to pray for those who request prayer.

STEWARDSHIP & FINANCE WORKSHOP The Southern District has invited Pastor Manuel Collazo to lead a Stewardship & Finance Workshop at Parkway Christian Church on Saturday, May 16th, beginning at 9:30 am.

Pastor Collazo’s program gives important insights from both the church and personal perspectives. He has shared this with many churches already, and we know that you will be

blessed with good information. If you would like to attend, please call our office (954-753-2383) by Tuesday, May 12th.


Dinner is available 5:30 p.m.

Program starts at 6:30 p.m.

If you’d like to volunteer for Vacation Bible

School, call Mr. Mike (954-972-2299). Watch for registration information!

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