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e-News May 2012

M E N - T S E E - K H A N Ge - N e w s

Rewalsar Clinic (16-05-2012)


Entrance Exam

The entrance exam for the 18th batch of Medical Course commenced from 1 May, 2012 at Tibetan Medical & As-trological College, Men-Tsee-Khang, Dharamsala and was for four days which includes written exams in Tibetan & English and interview. Out of a total of 144 applicants, 107 appeared for the entrance exam.

The number of allotment of seats

was raised to 30 from this batch. The reservation of seats are allot-ed to Tibetans (25), Himalayan re-gion (2), foreigners (1) and Men-Tsee-Khang staff children (2).

30 students were selected for the 18th batch of medical course.

The College, in the first two de-cades of its inception was able to bring out 4 batch of gradu-ates and since the 80’s it has been able to raise the enroll-ment as well as graduates to four batch in one decade which has been continuing so far. Hence, for the last three decades two successive batches after ev-ery four years was selected.

Usually, The College announces admission for two successive

batches after every four years. But this time, the college has decid-ed to provide a special admission for the year 2014. The prospectus for the Academic Year 2014 will be announced around October, 2012.


Rewalsar, Himachal Pradesh

Men-Tsee-Khang inuagurated

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its 57th branch clinic in Rewal-sar, Himachal Pradesh popularly known as Tso-Pema on 16 May, 2012 by the Chief Guest, H.E On-tul Rinpoche of Wogmin Thubten Shedrup Ling Monastery.

The other dignitaries were Mr. Bansi Lal (Pradhan), Mr. Tej Singh (Gram Panchayat Pradhan), Set-tlement Officer of Pandoh, the members of local assembly, head

of the different monasteries etc. The Chief Guest and the Regis-trar of the institute Mr. Tsering Phuntsok addressed the gather-ing on the occasion. Dr. Shedup Sangie has been appointed as the resident doctor and Mrs. Tsetan as the dispenser cum accountant of the branch clinic.

The objective of setting up a clin-ic here was to provide heatlh care to the local community, pilgrims, hermits and tourists who visit the sacred area whole year round.

Men-Tsee-Khang would like to thank Wogmin Thubten Shedrup Ling Monastery for its support in the opening of the new branch clinic at their monastery and pro-viding facilities during the inau-guration

In 1998, the Branch Clinic at Bir started medical camp at Rewal-sar to provide health care facili-ties to the resi-dents, pilgrims, hermits etc in the area. For fourteen years, the team vis-ited once every month and pro-vided treatment

to the people there.

M e n - T s e e -Khang would like to thank Ontul Rinpoche and Lama W a n g d o r

Rinpoche who gave their support by providing free facilities and ac-commodation respectively dur-ing the medical camp in Rewalsar, the Health Department, CTA and the office of Pandoh settlement for the arrangments and sched-ule announcement to the public during the medical camps in Pan-doh and Sundernagar.


College, TMAC

The Tibetan Medi-cal & Astrological College (TMAC), Dharamsala orga-nized an “Intro-ductory Course on Traditional Tibetan Medicine” from

21-27 May, 2012.

Dr. Khenrab Gyamtso, vice prin-

cipal of TMAC, addressed the gathering of 20 participants from University of Minnesota on 21 May at 9 a.m. He welcomed all the participants and assured that the course will be helpful and in-formative.

Six doctors, one doctrate of phi-losophy and an astrologer (Dr. Sonam Dolma, Dr.Wangdu, Dr. Tsering Thakchoe Drungtso, Dr. Nyima Gyaltsen, Dr. Passang Wangdu, Dr. Yeshi Gelek, Geshe Tenpa Tashi, Astrologer Tenzin Tsewang) were the resource per-sons during the six day course.

Organizing and Co-ordinating of Workshops and Seminars in

Men-Tsee-Khang 2

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Men-Tsee-Khang 3

Apr-Jun 2012News

MTK, Dharamsala have been handled by the administration when the programe was initi-ated in the 90’s. But, since 2011 the organizing of workshops and seminars, undertaking of the in-

patient ward and mild therapy has been handed over to the Tibetan Medical & Astrological College by the administration.

On 25 May, the group from Min-nesota gave presentations on perspective of a medical doctor and an chiropractor on nutri-tion and diabetes, practice of anes-thesia and gynec-logical disorders.

Maxwell Gessner MD, Diplomat, American Board of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Pain Management Clinic, Sanford Be-midji Medical Cen-ter, Bemidji Min-nesota spoke about “The Practice of Anesthesia in USA”. He intro-duced how anesthesia is used to control pain during surgery, using medicines to keep you comfort-

to work because of its scientific knowledge that the rest of the world needs to know.

THI (Tibetan Healing Initiative) lead Faculty & Gradaute Fac-ulty, Center for Spirituality & Healing, University of Minne-sota Miriam E. Cameron, PHD, MS, MA, RN presented the Re-search Update on the Collabo-ration of Tibetan Healing Initia-tive (THI) and Men-Tsee-Khang.


Mrs. Tashi Dolma passed away on 19 May, 2012 at 7 p.m. in Ra-jpur. She joined the institute on 1 July, 1995 as a dispenser in Rajpur branch clinic and was transferred to Kollegal and then to Rajpur. Her service to the the institute for 17 years is a very precious one and the in-stitute has lost one of its staff.

Men-Tsee-Khang conveys its sincere condolence to her fam-ily members and pray that her departed soul rest in peace.

able and relaxed.

He said that “a needle is put in the spine with medicine which passes through the nerves and gives a pleasant sensation to the

patient”. This help many patients to get rid of the pain.

He treats a lot of patients and says that “we treat the pain but not the suffering”. So, the question arises of how to take the suffering away

from the patients.

He feels that the buddhist philos-ophy has the antidote to get rid of suffering which is integrated in the traditional Tibetan healing system as well.

The people in the west need sci-entific evidence. They do not see

the unity theory of causality. It is difficult to integrate buddhist philosphy and the Tibetan sys-tem of healing in his work for the time being but would conitnue

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