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SCT takes on IMFL 70.3C25K team victory at Rescue Run.

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Couch to 5K – The Plan that Changed My Lifeby Victoria Livingston

Early January, I accompanied a friend to D2 Cycling for Hammer nutritional supplements. While talking with the owner, David Houle, my friend noticed a flyer that he thought I would be interested in. The flyer provided information about an upcoming Couch to 5K Program. I wondered how people I did not know and who didn’t know me could have me running in nine, 9 weeks!! Maybe they had a pill…maybe they knew secrets I didn’t know. What could I lose?? I decided to check them out.

Although I missed the initial meeting, I was present for the first workout. A small framed, athletically fit woman, who referred to

herself as Becky, stood before a group of people, all shapes and sizes and colors and said in 9 weeks you will be able to run for 30 minutes straight. In expletives that I cannot repeat, my facial expression revealed my doubt. My thought… I have never ran a day in my life and this chic will have me running. Yeah, right!!

The program began and I was surprised at how I was able to successfully complete each week. The pill was belief. I had to believe in myself, believe that I had the ability to accomplish a task I never thought was possible. The secret…as Becky said…, “Trust the plan.”

Each week, my endurance increased. The interval training began with jogging one minute to 5 minutes, from 5 minutes to 18 minutes, from 18 minutes to 30 minutes over a 9 week period. It wasn’t easy but the more I took the prescribed medication, the pill… BELIEF, the stronger I became, the better I became. On March 27, 2014, the secret was revealed. I trusted “the plan” and the best C25K coaches ever, Rebecca “Becky” Quinn and Sue Jenik, I ran my FIRST 5K, crossing the finish line with all of my C25K teammates!! It didn’t matter how fast or slow I was, or the heels in front of me. All that mattered was that I refused to be bossed by fear or bought by naysayers and skepticism.

I am a woman who suffered heart failure, a collapsed lung and a damaged kidney just three (3) years prior. Now, I am training for my 1st sprint triathlon. I am unbossed and unbought – I am an athlete!! It all started with the SCT C25K Program!!

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Wow! St. A’s was just as fun as everyone said it would be! This was my first race of the 2014 season, and one of the best races I’ve ever been to. I traveled to St. Pete with Billy Price, Adam Russell, and Samantha Hart. Oh, and about $18,000 worth of gear…so the drive was a little nerve wracking! What a crew, these guys had me laughing the whole trip! When we arrived at Vinoy Park we checked in and decided to take a look at the expo. Who did we run into? Two time Ironman World Champion, Mirinda Carfrae!! She was so cool and offered us advice on the race, she even signed autographs and took pictures with us!

After that excitement it was time to grab a nice, carb loaded, dinner with the other SCT athletes. Everyone was in good spirits and ready for the race!Finally, it was race day! The conditions were terrific, water was calm (so it appeared from the shore) and there was a light breeze. Before I knew it we were off. The swim was great! Good visibility, nice water temp and wetsuit legal! There were some swells once you got offshore, but it only made it a little more challenging. The bike course was also great! Lots of turns, but it seemed like everyone had fast splits and a great time! The run was HOT to say the least, but the support out there was second to none! Most of the residents were out in their driveways cheering, hosing us with water and even giving away beer! The SCT clubhouse was right on the run course so our supporters were right there to cheer us to the finish! Special thanks to Eric Gore for the pictures and to all the supporters that came down to cheer us on!All in all this was a fantastic race and a great experience for everyone involved! I think I’m going to make this an annual event for the Hart family!

Race Recap: by Erik Hart

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Rudy Project (e-rudy,com) is one of the premiere sunglasses and helmet manufacturers in the country. They are the official helmet of both USAT and IRONMAN. We are pleased to announce our three year sponsorship with Rudy Project. SCT members will receive a special discount code earning them 35% off retail items, and an additional 10% off sale items. This code can be used in tandem with some of their special offers.

SCT signs a three year sponsorship agreement with Rudy Project.

Town Hall Meeting with Pro Triathlete Sara McLarty

Sara McLarty is known as one of the fastest swimmers in the pro circuit. She was a member of the 2011 Pan American Games team and this year placed in the top 5 at both St. Anthony’s and 5150 New Orleans. Join us May 19th, at 7:00pm for a very special evening. Lake Mary Community Center, 140 E. Wilbur Ave.

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Website: www.BrianSalleePhotography.com

Member since: 2013

Age Group: 25-29

Status: Married

Occupation: Student / Photographer

Favorite local restaurant: Chili’s

When not training, I enjoy: Sleep

Who or what inspired you to start triathlons? Billy Price, as a friend from church, got me into triathlons. I used to manage a bike shop so I was comfortable on the bike, but only recently found out that I enjoyed running. Once Billy knew this he put the bug in my ear to try out triathlon. After my first one I was hooked!

My first triathlon: My first triathlon was the Clermont Sprint. I purposely picked the race with the shortest swim I could find, and I thought I was going to die about 100 yards in! Once I got out of the water I enjoyed the rest of the race.

Pre and/or Post event ritual: I’m still new to the sport so I haven’t developed any rituals yet, but I’d say that taking a good nap after my races is definitely becoming a ritual!

Favorite event/tri: Considering I’ve only competed in two triathlons my favorite event would have to be Augusta 70.3 hands down!

Favorite segment (swim, bike or run): I’d say it’s a tie between the bike and the run. The bike is more enjoyable to me, but the run is more therapeutic.

PR/Best race (or any split time): Both of the triathlons I’ve raced were PR’s by default. Clermont Sprint - 1:28 Augusta 70.3 - 5:58

This year's athletic goal: My goals this year are to PR my 70.3 in Augusta and complete my first 140.6 at IMFL!

Most embarrassing or disastrous moment: Luckily, having only raced twice, I haven’t had any negative moments. Sure there has been pain, but that’s to be expected.

My equipment: I ride a “Franken-bike”. It’s a 2007 Trek Madone 5.5 that I have changed the cockpit to a full triathlon cockpit. It works for now.

Equipment wish list: I’d like to have a true tri-bike, but that’s about it. Nice wheels can be rented, and a lot of gadgets out there are nice, but they won’t make me a better athlete. (except maybe a power meter)

Best advice: Do your own thing! It’s WAY too easy to try and keep up with those around you, both in training and especially in racing. Doing this is a perfect way to ruin what you’ve set out to do. Have a plan for your training and definitely have a plan for race day, and then follow it. Forget everyone else!

Favorite Thing(s) About SCT: There are two things I like most about SCT.

First are the opportunities to do group workouts. A lot of training seems to be done solo by necessity. Whether it’s your busy schedule or your strict training plan, it’s tough to train in groups. But with the good number of workouts and events planned by SCT it’s much easier to get a chance to train with a group.

Second would have to be the level of support the group gives its athletes at races. I’ve only done one race as a member of SCT and the support was so nice that I make it a point to try and be there for others and support them when they race.


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Member since: 2013Age Group:55-59Occupation: CFO Frame DoctorFavorite local restaurant: Scruffy Duffys, although it just closed for remodelWhen not training, I enjoy: Is there something else besides Swimming Biking and Running. Actually I like to do Century rides, and do many of them throughout the year.Before I became a triathlete I was: a Cyclist. I first started cycling just to get some fresh air on the trail, Why are those bike riders on the road anyway. I first went to a Team in Training meeting and once they got started, I knew I was in the wrong place. These people were talking about running a Marathon, Yup, 26.2 miles. I thought that they were crazy, then they began speaking about alternatives. Ride your bike 100 miles. Now you’re talking. I can do that, what the heck, I’m riding on the trail on my hybrid right now, how much harder can it be. Well I went through the first month of training on my hybrid, even made Joey get in the car and drive to where I rode my bike. He now believes I am totally crazy, but still encouraged me. I knew I couldn’t make it on that hybrid, bought a road bike and the rest was history. That was back in 2006. I had some great mentors at the time, as well as a group of women called the BOBbies. Seems like yesterday I started riding. Who or what inspired you to start triathlons? Like others in the club, I drank the Kool-Aid. Yes, I became friends with Sue Mohr, and the Triathlon thing was going to happen. At first I was reluctant, but now I really find myself looking forward to doing different activities on different days. My first triathlon:Danskin out at Disney was my first Tri. It was so exciting, I was working the expo with David’s World, talking to all the ladies the day before, Women are so encouraging to each other. It was scary though. I knew I could bike, I can run / walk, but that swim was scary. I knew I wasn’t going to drown or anything, but I was not very fast, as a matter of fact for the first 2 years, I did the breast stroke for all my Tri’s. Pre and/or Post event ritual:I really don’t have any rituals. I like to eat a balanced meal and get plenty of sleepFavorite event/tri: I guess I have to say it’s Augusta 70.3.It’s the only Ironman event I have done, and it is just run flawlessly. I would highly recommend this event to anyone. Favorite segment (swim, bike or run): Of course it’s the bike, that’s were I started and where I am the most comfortable PR/Best race (or any split time): 2:49 at the MiamiMan Race. This is also a really fun raceThis year's athletic goal: working on my Run. I want to feel good going into the run, so I don’t crash and burn, although each year I get a little faster, that’s what keeps us going right.Can’t race without: Sports BraMy equipment:I like my Aquasphere Goggles. They are bigger, don’t leak on me, and don’t give me black eyes. I have a Trek TTX, with Zipp 404’s, sometimes run an 808 on the back. Love my Newton shoes. Don’t get shin splints like I used to.Equipment wish list: electronic shifters on my TT bikeBest advice: don’t get hung up on it all, it’s all for fun anyway. Look at your average speed and pace, that way you don’t get hung up keeping a certain speed.Favorite Thing(s) About SCT: Friends, Friends, Friends. It’s great that we all get to see each other at different workouts, and we always encourage each other, that’s what it’s all about anyway isn’t it. We could never do this on our own.


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Race Recap:by: Becky Quinn

What a race at Haines City IM 70.3! SCT had a large number of athletes competing, as well as a big contingent of volunteers and cheerleaders!

As expected, the Ironman sponsored event was well-run and organized. From the pre-race email communication, to packet pick-up and race day support, everything was top notch. The race start and finish, as well as transition and packet pick-up, was located at Lake Eva Park, a beautiful location for this event. Athlete check-in went smoothly, especially because of our own David Houle’s friendly face as he served as one of the volunteers!

Race morning dawned clear and cool, around 58 degrees. We were allowed to rack our bikes the day before if we chose. I was surprised that we were expected to cram so many bikes onto a rack—there was barely room for transition gear. The SCT Clubhouse was set up with prime real estate next to the swim exit and transition area, and was already filled with SCT athletes and athletic supporters (no, not that kind), all awaiting the 6:50 a.m. pro start.

Water temperature was announced at 74.1, which made it wetsuit legal. It appeared as though around 75% of the participants wore wetsuits. I was not one of them…first, I don’t own one. Second, I don’t like wearing them. Third, the water did not feel cold. I think I would have felt too hot with one on. On the other hand, it was demoralizing watching others practically float by me in their wetsuits as I struggled to keep my legs near the

surface! The swim course was odd—it was “M” shaped, which meant a lot of turn buoys. It was the most crowded triathlon swim I have ever experienced, with a bottleneck at every turn. I was so happy to come out of the water…oh, getting out of the water! There was a “false flat” at the end of the swim, which I had been warned about. The ground rose up a few feet from shore, then dropped off again so you had to swim in. What I was not expecting was the black hole of weeds that tried to suck me down just before exiting the swim. The ground just wasn’t there! I was so happy to be done with that swim. Consensus from the SCT group: the swim was a washing machine.

The run to T1 from the swim exit was not far, though it was a large transition area. I had been warned that the bike course was hilly. I was a little nervous about not riding or driving the course before the race, but route markers and volunteers were abundant, so navigating was easy. The first few miles were crowded with a lot of turns, but things eventually settled down. I could not believe how many packs of guys passed me—just drafting away! I know “cheating” happens, but to see such a prolific amount of it was a bit surprising. There was a small line of people at each penalty tent I passed, but rumor has it

that not many penalties were handed out.

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Moving on…I felt really good for the most part on the bike. It was a fairly scenic route that was not very tough, and then I got to mile 31—uphill and into the wind. The next 15 miles were a bit rough, including a head wind and hills. Luckily, the final 10 miles flattened out a little and brought some favorable cross-winds.

Coming out of T2 was great since we ran right by the SCT tent—our support team was awesome! And then the horror of the Haines City course hit me…why was I warned about hills on the bike course (which were really not bad at all), but was not properly warned about the mountains we had to climb on the run course? And to make it worse, it was a 3 loop course, which meant as we struggled up each hill, we knew we’d be back again…and again! The hills…oh, the hills…I have never seen so many people walking in a triathlon so early on into the run. The volunteers at the aid stations were outstanding, so that helped…water, Gatorade, ice, cola…whatever we needed. Passing the SCT tent twice more also helped provide a small boost of energy. But let me tell you, I was so happy to see that finish line…and to see Joe Briatico’s smiling face handing out medals at the end!

Chilling at the SCT tent afterwards was also a big help. Not only was it a place to relax, but it was the perfect spot to cheer on the rest of our team finishing up their races. One of the best moments was when a 71 year-old athlete passed our tent, shuffling along the run course, smiling and waving at the spectators. We cheered for him and then waited with baited breath to see if he was on his final lap. As he edged closer to the turn for the finish, he moved ever so slightly further left…and then…YES! He made the turn! Our whole tent erupted into a loud cheer for this man on his final 200 yard run.

To top off a great (but challenging) day, SCT took home first place in the TriClub Regional Awards! Our participation in the event, including IronKids and the volunteer support we provided, showed Haines City and Ironman that we mean business! Great race, great club. On to the next one!

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