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Page 1: May 2020 Foundation News · Pop on the Rocks Gallery Anna Watts Art Computerwerx Financewerx Moonspace Cloud Computing OWEST Copiers ... Ambassador Dr Philip Lee, the Girraween Seniors


May 2020

Welcome to Westmead Hospital Foundation’s special Welcome to Westmead Hospital Foundation’s special COVID-19 edition newsletter.COVID-19 edition newsletter.

During these uncertain times, it is easy for any of us to feel During these uncertain times, it is easy for any of us to feel overwhelmed and unsure about what the future holds. Yet overwhelmed and unsure about what the future holds. Yet in the face of this uncertainty, the human spirit galvanizes and nowhere is in the face of this uncertainty, the human spirit galvanizes and nowhere is this more prominently seen than in our medical staff. this more prominently seen than in our medical staff.

Our singular purpose as a Foundation is to support Westmead Hospital. Our singular purpose as a Foundation is to support Westmead Hospital. During this time the priority must be our medical staff as they plan and During this time the priority must be our medical staff as they plan and prepare to meet the challenges which lie ahead. That way, the great work prepare to meet the challenges which lie ahead. That way, the great work being done by those like Professor Ramon Shaban, Beth White and Westmead being done by those like Professor Ramon Shaban, Beth White and Westmead HospitalHospital’’s Infection Control and Disease Prevention Team can continue to be s Infection Control and Disease Prevention Team can continue to be supported. supported.

As one of our incredibly generous supporters, I want to reach out to you As one of our incredibly generous supporters, I want to reach out to you personally about the impact of COVID-19 at Westmead Hospital. I am really personally about the impact of COVID-19 at Westmead Hospital. I am really proud of our Foundation staff and their work developing the COVID-19 proud of our Foundation staff and their work developing the COVID-19 Medical Staff Rest Area Project, and in securing corporate and community Medical Staff Rest Area Project, and in securing corporate and community support for the project. I congratulate the courage of Lynette Gillies, who support for the project. I congratulate the courage of Lynette Gillies, who didndidn’’t let a pandemic get in the way of continuing her eight-year tradition of t let a pandemic get in the way of continuing her eight-year tradition of hosting the hosting the ‘‘Run 4 JessRun 4 Jess’’ event, and raising much needed funds for Westmead event, and raising much needed funds for Westmead HospitalHospital’’s oncology ward. s oncology ward.

Thanks to the support of people like you, Westmead Hospital Foundation Thanks to the support of people like you, Westmead Hospital Foundation has remained steadfast to its core mission; fundraising entirely for Westmead has remained steadfast to its core mission; fundraising entirely for Westmead Hospital for the past 30 years.Hospital for the past 30 years.

We know that the last few months have been tough for Australians, and I We know that the last few months have been tough for Australians, and I completely understand if your financial situation has changed. However, completely understand if your financial situation has changed. However, and only if you are able to, would you please consider making a donation and only if you are able to, would you please consider making a donation so we can continue to help Westmead Hospital? Every little bit helps, and so we can continue to help Westmead Hospital? Every little bit helps, and donations of donations of $2.00 or more are tax deductible$2.00 or more are tax deductible. .

Gifts can be made through: our website, free call 1800 639 037 or text ‘WESTMEAD’ to 0473 000 111.

Alternatively, donations by cheque should be sent to PO Box 74, Westmead NSW 2145.

On behalf of Westmead Hospital Foundation’s Board, thank you for continuing to stand together with us in supporting Westmead Hospital.

Stay safe,

James Nguyen, Chair, Westmead Hospital Foundation

Foundation NewsThe Chair ’s Message

Supporting our Healthcare HeroesWestmead Hospital has been at the forefront of treating COVID-19 patients since January, and many of these people presented directly to the Emergency Department.

Westmead Hospital Foundation recently caught up with Dr Kavita Varshney, Emergency Department Staff Specialist, and dropped off ready-made meals to the team, generously prepared and donated by a local company, My Muscle Chef. Dr Varshney said,

The team here are pleased that with the help of

the community we have managed to flatten the

curve. We are still here and working hard to treat those

who need us. Continued page 2

Dr Kavita Varshney, Emergency Department Staff Specialist with a delivery of My Muscle Chef’s

ready-made meals

Page 2: May 2020 Foundation News · Pop on the Rocks Gallery Anna Watts Art Computerwerx Financewerx Moonspace Cloud Computing OWEST Copiers ... Ambassador Dr Philip Lee, the Girraween Seniors


“What has been absolutely overwhelming is the support we have received from the public, who are so generously making donations to Westmead Hospital Foundation,” said Dr Varshney.

“This means frontline staff can receive a hot meal or free coffee”, she said. “The Foundation’s donors have made it possible for us to receive little treats and downloadable picture templates with personalised messages of support,

which have been wonderful, especially when we’ve had a busy shift”.

Australia has been hit with so many issues over the last few months and we are very conscious that a lot of people are doing it tough. If you are able to, please consider making a donation to support the frontline teams at Westmead Hospital.

Supporting our Healthcare Heroes continued...

Westmead Hospital is a world-class centre for infection prevention and disease control.

Westmead Hospital’s infection control and disease prevention team has been at the forefront of fighting COVID-19 since the very beginning, treating NSW’s very first patients who contracted coronavirus. We caught up with the Clinical Chair of Westmead Hospital’s Infection Control and Disease Prevention, Professor Ramon Shaban and Beth White, Clinical Nurse

Consultant and Manager of Westmead Hospital’s Infection Control and Disease Prevention Team to find out what this has meant not only for infection control staff, but also the changes that have occurred across Westmead Hospital. Professor Ramon Shaban and his team identified and managed the first cases of COVID-19 for NSW at Westmead Hospital and provide ongoing leadership for the state and national COVID-19 response.

To read Professor Ramon Shaban’s and Beth White’s interview please visit our website.

Westmead Infection Control and Disease Prevention - first in the field

Australia is the envy of medicos around the world, because we have in a very short period pulled the curve down, and so have not experienced the rates of infection and deaths experienced in China, Italy, USA,

Iran, Europe and the UK.- Professor Shaban

Westmead Hospital Infection Control and Disease Prevention Team and WSLHD Biopreparedness Team (L-R) Nicole Bohlken, Trish Ferguson, Kirsty Kuoppala, Stephanie Toovey, Kathleen Reitsma, Michelle Montrose, Ruth Barratt, Mary Wyer, Prof. Ramon Shaban, Feliz Vargas, Beth White,

Miechelline Magallanes, Kathy O’Donnell and Jennifer Sealy.

Beth White, Clinical Nurse Consultant and Manager of

Westmead Hospital’s Infection Control and Disease

Prevention Team

Professor Ramon Shaban, Clinical Chair of Westmead

Hospital’s Infection Control and Disease Prevention.


Page 3: May 2020 Foundation News · Pop on the Rocks Gallery Anna Watts Art Computerwerx Financewerx Moonspace Cloud Computing OWEST Copiers ... Ambassador Dr Philip Lee, the Girraween Seniors

Corporate and Community - supporting our f rontline heroesWhilst no-one can predict how the COVID-19 pandemic will play out, Westmead Hospital Foundation quickly realised that the best way we could help Westmead’s healthcare workers was not in terms of equipment or education, but in an area away from the pressure of the frontline.

Our amazing friends at for-purpose organisation, Good 360, stepped up straight away to help. They introduced us to King Living Furniture, who generously provided furnishings for communal dining and the rest area.

“What followed has been both humbling and amazing; and can only be described as an outpouring of ‘love’ from the community, local businesses and individuals”, said Joe Conneely, Westmead Hospital Foundation.

The Good Guys Harvey Norman Oz DesignMicrosoft Club Parramatta ICG

Nouva Joinery Parramatta Business ChamberWellington Management

T2 Lindt My Muscle Chef Coca Cola AmatilCapi Slim Secrets Tropeaka Red Bull

Retail Global Events Social Enterprise ArmFrontliners Go To Skin Care Carmex

Obela FrucorSuntoryGood360 King Living

Pop on the Rocks Gallery Anna Watts ArtComputerwerx Financewerx

Moonspace Cloud Computing OWEST CopiersHealth Staff Appreciation Project

Alese Watson PhotographyCOVID-19 - Caring for our medical professionals

and their families Facebook group

Westmead Hospital Foundation is committed to supporting our frontline and auxiliary staff. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to all those who have offered gifts and gifts-in-kind to help our healthcare heroes.

Companies who have prov ided funding, fix tures, fitt ings, furniture, electrical equipment, food and beverages and

artwork , have collectively donated gift s and gift s-in-k ind totalling over $100,000.

Pop Art on the Rocks

Good360 and King Living Click the video to watch Frontliner’s donation of goods

Lindt Chocolate and T2My Muscle Chef Meals


Page 4: May 2020 Foundation News · Pop on the Rocks Gallery Anna Watts Art Computerwerx Financewerx Moonspace Cloud Computing OWEST Copiers ... Ambassador Dr Philip Lee, the Girraween Seniors


A first-of-its-kind annual fun run event was recently posted online and raised funds for Westmead Hospital’s oncology ward.

Due to new COVID-19 restrictions, Ms Lynette Gillies faced cancelling the annual ‘Run 4 Jess’ fun run event at C.V. Kelly Park, Girraween on Saturday 21st March. She has hosted this event for the past eight years in honour of her daughter-in-law, Jess Clark, who passed away from cancer in 2013.

Instead, Ms Gillies organised the event online and participants wore Jess’s favourite colour, green. Participants walked, ran, and skipped anywhere they liked including the backyard, home, and nearby parks. They also took selfies and posted them on the Run 4 Jess Facebook page.

Ms Gillies said, “The online fun run was a huge success with over 30 people participating and donating $815 to Westmead Hospital’s oncology ward”.

“People loved doing the fun run, and next year we’re going to add the online event to our fun run in the park to give everyone an opportunity to participate, especially people living interstate and overseas”, she said.

Participants of the event included Westmead Hospital Foundation Ambassador Dr Philip Lee, the Girraween Seniors Athletics Club, and Jess’s family. “The event was a great way to keep everyone safe and still have fun for a good cause”, said Ms Gillies.

Joe Conneely, Westmead Hospital Foundation said, “Thank you to everyone who embraced the online event and supported Westmead Hospital’s oncology ward”.

Money raised by Run 4 Jess will purchase new patient information system displays for the oncology ward at Westmead Hospital.

If you would like to support the oncology ward at Westmead Hospital, please donate here.

Run 4 Jess - first v ir tual fun run

Dr Philip Lee, Westmead Hospital Foundation


Lynette Gillies,Run 4 Jess Founder

Ashley Micallef and son

Participants of the 2019 Run 4 Jess fun run

Given the COVID-19 situation, the health and safety of everyone was our

priority.- Lynette Gillies

Your donations make a real diff erence to the lives of people liv ing with cancer.

- Joe Conneely


Page 5: May 2020 Foundation News · Pop on the Rocks Gallery Anna Watts Art Computerwerx Financewerx Moonspace Cloud Computing OWEST Copiers ... Ambassador Dr Philip Lee, the Girraween Seniors

Buy our Healthcare Heroes a coffee


Australia has been through so much in the past few months – drought, fires, and now COVID-19, all of which have had a devastating impact on the community and the economy.

Throughout it all, Westmead healthcare workers have been on the frontline, treating and caring for our community when they are at their most vulnerable.

Westmead Hospital Foundation would like your support in thanking the work of our doctors, nurses, researchers, and

Allied health teams.

During the pandemic, we have received so many messages of support and good wishes for those on the frontline, and despite many community members and donors finding themselves doing it tough, they still want to help our healthcare heroes. As one of our donors explained,

Joe Conneely, Westmead Hospital Foundation said, “In the current climate, we thought it important to support the health and wellbeing of our healthcare professionals, and what goes down better than a free coffee or tea”.

100% of your donation directly supports Westmead Hospital healthcare workers.

I just wish I could buy all your nurses and doctors a cup of coffee, and let them

know how fantastic they are.

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 travel restrictions, one of Westmead Hospital Foundation’s most beautiful projects has been temporarily suspended.

The Hawks Nest Project provides cancer patients who have a palliative diagnosis with an opportunity to take a break from their medical routines and treatments.

Situated in the beautiful Hawks Nest

region of NSW, patients can spend time away with their family, making memories, and in some cases, saying their goodbyes. Working with Hawks Nest First National Real Estate and supported by grants and donations from our community, the Foundation is grateful to the homeowners who donate time at their holiday homes free-of-charge to Westmead cancer patients.

We are hopeful that holidays for our palliative care patients will resume as soon as travel restrictions are lifted.

If you would like to support this wonderful program, please contact the Foundation on free call 1800 639 037, email [email protected] or donate here.

Hawks Nest Project - temporarily suspended

Page 6: May 2020 Foundation News · Pop on the Rocks Gallery Anna Watts Art Computerwerx Financewerx Moonspace Cloud Computing OWEST Copiers ... Ambassador Dr Philip Lee, the Girraween Seniors

We’d love to hear from youwestmeadhf.org.au | [email protected]

PO BOX 74 Westmead 2145

FREE CALL 1800 639 037

ABN 050 329 925 CFN 16180

All donations over $2 are tax deductible

Supporting Westmead Hospital is at the heart of everything we do



Crohns & Colitis Awareness Month

Heart Week

World Lupus Day

International Nurses Day

World Hypertension Day

National Palliative Care Week

World Thyroid DayExercise Right Week

National Sorry Day

World No Tobacco Day


World Bowel Cancer Month

National Burns Awareness Month

World Haemochromatosis Week

World Blood Donor DayRefugee Week


I want to thank all those who have heeded the advice of our healthcare staff during this period.

COVID-19 has focused our work now more than ever in crucially supporting the frontline healthcare staff and its impact on Westmead Hospital.

We have welcomed the heartfelt appreciation and support shown and provided from donors, community and corporate partners, and shared the gratitude to all the staff who literally put their lives on the line day by day for our community.

We began this year preparing to recognise and celebrate Westmead Hospital Foundation’s fundraising support of Westmead Hospital for the past 30 years.

In 1990, a small but dedicated team of clinicians and researchers, passionate about furthering their work started a for-purpose organisation now known as Westmead Hospital Foundation.

Over the past 30 years, the Foundation’s core mission has remained steadfast; raising funds to support Westmead Hospital through state-of-the-art medical and surgical equipment, using new technologies to further hospital-based research, helping new and experienced researchers unlock novel treatments and patient care.

We look forward to updating you about our endeavours in the coming weeks and months.

To keep up to date with what’s happening at Westmead Hospital, please watch for updates on our website and join us on Facebook and on our other social media channels.


Joe Conneely, Westmead Hospital Foundation

And finally. . .

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