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Page 1: May 2021 Edition 3443 South Galena St., Denver, Colorado 80231


May 2021 Edition 3443 South Galena St., Denver, Colorado 80231

Page 2: May 2021 Edition 3443 South Galena St., Denver, Colorado 80231


Ron Williamson


It is time to Celebrate Life. We want to enjoy the sim-ple little things that we used to take for granted. We want to celebrate having dinner with friends, summer activities with our Shrine family and parades! We want to cele-brate the lives of all of those that we have lost in the last year and a half. It is going to be difficult to go back to Shrine and some of those familiar faces are going to be missing. We need to celebrate the good times this last year brought us. We need to celebrate that we are able to be together again, and we need to celebrate the future with the parades, activities, Cornerstone laying, Susan’s retirement and all those things we have missed. We just need to Celebrate Life!

At this time, we are going to start planning some sum-mer activities. We know there will still be some things we can’t do. The parade in Salida is canceled as well as the Commerce City Parade. We would like to start off our summer activities by celebrating with a Mexican Fi-esta. Ill Sir Joe and Lady Karri will be joining us to host the Mexican Fiesta since they tried to do this last year. Let’s start with margaritas, great Mexican food and then a piñata filled with goodies. We might even have another surprise for that day. More information is in this month’s Red Fez. In July, we have a picnic, Official Visit in Ster-ling and Ladies Luncheon on the calendar.

We hope you have noticed the articles that have been in the Red Fez the last few months, Focus on Fun ‘n 21 about our units. If you don’t belong to a unit, see if there is one that would interest you. If there is not a unit that interests you, let’s start a new unit! It is so much more fun if you join a unit and make new friends. We hope these articles have helped you find a unit or maybe anoth-er unit you would like to join. All of our units are small and we would like to see them grow.

It seems that the rest of the year is packed with activi-ties and meetings. We have tried to reschedule some things from the first part of the year to the latter part of the year which is going to make the rest of 2021 a little crazy. Please join us as often as you can. We will try to keep everyone updated on all Shrine activities as our cal-endar continues to change.

In closing I would like to say please continue to check on other nobles, take care of yourselves, be kind to each other. We hope everyone will continue to stay safe, we will see you very soon.

We will have FUN ‘N 21!

Friends are like the walls of a house.

Sometimes they hold you up, some-times you lean on them

but sometimes it’s enough to know they’re just standing by.

From Winnie the Pooh

Page 3: May 2021 Edition 3443 South Galena St., Denver, Colorado 80231


Jay Bobick


April was another month to have that feeling of “isolation.” For over a year we have been enduring that feeling and not being able to join together as brothers, family, and friends. Yet, it appears that we are now see-ing “the light at the end of the tunnel.” Hopefully by summer, we will be able to bring our Shrine family to-gether for several El Jebel planned events. In the interim, we will continue to be united through ZOOM and other medias. Hang in there! We will be hugging each other soon. Yet, for this article, I am reporting on our April Monthly Meeting.

Ron Williamson, Potentate, opened the meeting at 7:00 pm with 44 nobles attending on ZOOM. As the meeting progressed, four additional Nobles joined for a total of 48. Jim Oliver, Chaplain, gave an invocation, Noble Nils Nordberg with the Chanters sang the National Anthem, and Jim Dawkins, High Priest & Prophet, led all in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of our Nation.

Chuck Petersen, Master of Ceremonies, welcomed our Past Potentates, Illustrious Sirs Ron Cosens, Jim Stewart, Dennis Proctor, Matt Raia, Phil Hause, Rich Silver, Bob-by Marner, Joe Kent, and Past Imperial Chaplain Greg Rindone. Rich Silver, PP, Treasurer, reported on El Jeb-el’s financial status summary, stating that there were no unusual expenses or items. It was moved, seconded, and approved to accept the Report. Jay Bobick, Recorder, reported that our current membership is regular 796, asso-ciate 39, for a total of 835. The current dues delinquency nobles are 65, 7.8 percent of our membership.

Dennis Proctor, PP, Trustee, Presented the Building Up-date. Our HVAC system was not working properly, and our Property Manager is taking care of the issue. The Florence (History) Room is progressing, and spaces are available for Units and Clubs to place items in the room. Contact any Trustee about your items. Memorial Plaza Bricks are available for purchase. Many are ready to be placed. Get your order in now for the next placements.

IS Ron Williamson announced that El Jebel placed 2nd in the Fun and Fellowship Competition for Imperial. There were 185 entries. Well done El Jebel. IS Ron then recog-nized Nobles that have been El Jebel members for 15 years, Ray Brown, David Van Dyke, Robert Juchem, Thomas Douglas, Robert Stretch, Garold Price, Wayne Covert, Manual Torres, and Mark Larson.

Don Strand, Deputy Chief Aide, recognized the Dune Buggy Patrol President Jay Bobick for a presentation. Jay gave a brief history and facts about the Patrol. Don then recognized IS Ron Cosens to talk about the Sports Car Club.

IS Ron gave an interesting summary of the Club. IS Ron announced the following events:

CSSA Motor Corps Meeting, 22-25 April 2021, St Louis, MO.

Imperial Session: 3-8 July 2021- Houston (Check with Chuck Petersen and the Travel Committee concerning attending and hotel reser-vations.)

Rose Parade - Chuck and Bonnie Petersen to up-date.

Sportsmen’s Raffle has been postponed till 2022.

Don Myers, Chief Aide, gave a presentation concerning a brief history of our membership with interesting details that are attachments 1 and 2. He stated the problem is retention and keeping Nobles active. His emphasis was mentoring and its value in retaining members. Talk at Lodges, ask questions and answer questions addressed to you. If we don’t ask, how do we do things better? Have gatherings for potential members. Have Membership Committee bring new members and inactive members together for an event with personal letters or phone calls. Don also has developed excellent hand-out packets for all new members.

Grady Carter, Assistant Rabban, followed with his presentation on the value of mentoring. A solid program is needed as we are good at getting new members but not in retaining them. We need to introduce our new mem-bers to our members personally, make them feel comfort-able, find a place for them, sit with them at meetings. Most importantly, explain our rituals and ceremonials so they don’t seem intimidating. Stay in touch and insure they know everything.

Is Ron reminded all that the Fib-Ark Parade is canceled for 2021. If you had hotel reservations, please cancel your reservations promptly. He stated that the speaker for tonight had to cancel due to other issues and will be available for our June meeting. Don Strand asked IS Ron if he may add that there will be a Mexican Fiesta on Sat-urday, 26 June. It will be held at the Temple inside or out depending on weather. There will be margaritas and great Mexican food. IS Ron continued by stating the Ladies Luncheon and Octoberfest are coming. He then announced the Highlands Lodge Ron Dunsmore’s Me-morial Service Saturday, 17 April at 2 pm. Dress for the service will be “A” uniform for Divan and Ladies, no Fez and Highlands Lodge Gary Loberg’s Memorial Service Saturday 24 April, 2 pm. Dress for the service will be “A” uniform for Divan and Ladies, no Fez. Note: subse-quent to the meeting, the time for Gary’s Service was changed to 11 am.

Recorder continued on pg 7

Page 4: May 2021 Edition 3443 South Galena St., Denver, Colorado 80231


Phone (303) 455-3470 Fax: (303) 458-8849

Red Fez Articles—[email protected]


Desktop Edition 2021-5

Illustrious Sir Ron Williamson



Ken Jones, Chief Rabban

Grady Carter, Assistant Rabban

Jim Dawkins, High Priest & Prophet

Doug Kelley, Oriental Guide

Rich Silver, P.P. , Treasurer

Jay Bobick , Recorder Emeritus


Ron Dunsmore , 1st Ceremonial Master

Perry Mittler, 2nd Ceremonial Master

Mike Terry, Marshal

John Titterington , Captain of the Guard

Bill Brassette, Outer Guard

David Dorn, Director

Jim Oliver , Chaplain Emeritus


Robert G. Van Male (1988)

Thomas D. Palmer (1989)

Jack D. Patten (1990)

Richard E. Williams (1993)

Amer Plaisted (1994)

Dr. David Powell (1997)

Jim Lear (1998)

Michael G. Severe (1999)

Jim Fitzpatrick (2000)

Ron Cosens (2003)

Richard Karns (2004, 2005)

Clint Dexter (2006)

Tony Dattilo (2007)

Fred Taylor (2008)

Jim Stewart (2009)

Ed Rendon (2010)

Dennis Proctor (2011)

Jim Long (2012)

Matthew Raia (2013)

Phil Hause (2014)

Michael Trevathan (2015)

Larry Clark (2016)

Rich Silver (2017, 2018)

Bobby Marner (2019)

Joe Kent (2020)


Jim & Judy Taylor , Photographer

Tony Dattilo, P.P. Feature Writer

Subscriptions are available to members. Call the office 303-455-3470 if you would

like a copy mailed to you each month for an annual fee of $15.00

There was a friend whose heart was good

He walked with men and understood

His was a voice that spoke with cheer, And felt like music on the ear

His was a smile men loved to see; His was a hand that asked no fee for friendli-ness or kindness done. And now that he

has journeyed on, His is a fame that nev-er ends, He leaves behind uncounted


Passed thru the Unseen Portals

In Memoriam

“Our beloved Brethren live on in a new and

more glorious life and service. We carry

their influence in our lives and their memo-

ries in our hearts. They are not forgotten.”

Robert L. Cooper

Gary S. Loberg

Norman L. O’Kelly

C. Robert Perdue

Page 5: May 2021 Edition 3443 South Galena St., Denver, Colorado 80231


2021 Calendar of Events

All dates are tentative


10 Shrine Family Night– Shrine Child, Arletta Duke to speak


5 Johnstown Parade

26 Mexican Fiesta


3 Brush Parade

4-8 Imperial Session—Houston

17 Summer Picnic

31 Ladies Luncheon


19-21 CSSA-Oklahoma City

El Jebel Shrine emails Recorder—[email protected]

Treasurer—[email protected]

Accounting—[email protected]

Red Fez—[email protected]

Calendar—[email protected]

Points—[email protected]

Donations Transportation Fund in Memory of

Albert Glose Donation Ron & Robyn Williamson Ron Dunsmore El Jebel Medical Staff Ron Dunsmore Carl & Margaret Gaumer Ron Dunsmore Carl & Margaret Gaumer John Kesig Carl & Margaret Gaumer Steve Tucker, P.P. Don & Connie Strand Ron Dunsmore Ron & Robyn Williamson Gary Loberg James & Sheryl Johnson Gary Loberg Augie,Sherry Lynn & Nocolas Claudetter Eddie Hamilton

Shriners Hospitals for Children In Memory of Dick Welle Monthly Donation Angus & Elaine Rockett Ron Dunsmore Christine Haas Ron Dunsmore Thad McDonald Bob Cooper Greg & Kendy Cusick Rindone John Russell Greg & Kendy Cusick Rindone Norma Strand Ron & Robyn Williamson Ron Dunsmore Greg & Kendy Cusick Rindone Ron Dunsmore John & Regina Harb Ron Dunsmore Mike & Robin Terry Ron Dunsmore Mike & Robin Terry Gary Loberg Don & Connie Strand Gary Loberg Betty Butler Ron Dunsmore Richard & Francine Loft Ron Dunsmore Ron & Judy Cosens Ernie West Ron & Judy Cosens Gary Loberg Ron & Judy Cosens Gloria Covarrubias Ron & Robyn Williamson Gloria Covarrubias Ron & Robyn Williamson Gary Loberg Operating Fund In Memory of Chris & Judy Weymouth Gary Loberg Robert & Cynthia Gagnon Donation SHC-SLC In Honor of Ron & Robyn Williamson Jim Oliver Ladder of Smiles In Memory of El Jebel Shrine Band Norman O’Kelly

Membership Report

Total Membership (with Associates)


4 -Expired

Page 6: May 2021 Edition 3443 South Galena St., Denver, Colorado 80231


On May 15th we celebrate National Endangered Species Day (Third Friday in May). It seems appropriate to share the dilem-ma of the Regent Honeyeater of Australia whose males have lost their song.

Populations have reached such low numbers that young males are not getting a chance to learn mating calls from other adults. The birds are not getting the chance to learn what they should be singing.

When regent honeyeaters emerge as chicks, the males stay relatively quiet to avoid attracting attention to their newborn. As juveniles they learn the mating songs from adult males. But if there aren’t enough adult males around, they will just pick up the calls of other birds. This is not what female regent hon-

eyeaters are listening for. Since these birds don’t learn to sing their usual song, they are less likely to find a partner. Thus, leading to an extinction of a species. (Dr Ross Crates, 17 March 2021 https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2021.0225)

The importance of good mentoring is a lesson we as Shriners can learn from the Regent Honeyeater. Without guidance and support of an experienced Noble, a new Noble will not always learn and enjoy the “sweet songs” that our fraternity has to offer.

Be a mentor to a new Noble by introducing him to other No-bles, inviting to your unit meetings and Shrine activities, most of all make him feel welcome. Our responsibility to new No-bles is more than signing a petition; it is engaging them in El Jebel.

Along with Lady Marlene, we wish you a happy May and good health throughout the month.

Fun and Fraternity, Ken Jones Chief Rabban

Greetings and

Happy May!

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There will be a Temple Cornerstone laying by the Grand Lodge on Saturday, 28 August 2021.

For the Good of the Order, IS Ron said the May Meeting will be by ZOOM and hopefully the last one. Hopefully, many of our nobles will plan to attend the Walk for Love in Salt Lake City. IS Ron reminded us to keep our loved ones in our prayers and especially those family members of our departed brethren. He thanked Fred Dare for in-viting a potential member, Juan Carlos Millan, to join us. Juan thanked all for welcoming him and looks forward to joining El Jebel. Ron Williamson, Potentate, closed by saying he hoped everyone was receiving their COVID vaccinations and wished all well. There being no further business to come before the body, the meeting was ad-journed at 7:56 pm, peace and harmony prevailing.



Recorder continued from pg 3 Pipe Band

By Kent Burns

Spring is here, which means summer is just around the corner. Normally that would mean a very busy time of the year for the Band. But with all this Covid nonsense wreak-ing havoc with the world in general, and this country in par-ticular, things are far from “normal.” (Really gotta wonder if they ever will be again – “normal,” that is.) The Band will experience some sense of normalcy the end of this month, however. We will be assisting the Greeley Northridge High School for their graduation as in years past. We lead the class from the school to the end zone of the football field with Scotland the Brave. Then the school band takes over with the traditional Elgar march – Pomp and Circumstance for the final march to their chairs. The Band tried – once upon a time a long time ago – to come up with something that vaguely resembled that famed English march, but (no surprise here) to no avail. As with many tunes, there are so many sharps and flats in it that it was offensive to the ears as well as to Elgar aficionados. (Those who served in the Air Force can relate to this as we cannot come up with anything unoffensive to incorporate in our Military Set for them.) Then on Memorial Day, we will be able to twice honor those brave souls who paid the ultimate price – first at the Littleton Cemetery at 0800, and again at the World War II memorial in Ketring Park at 1000. Thankfully, it is more important to render honors on these occasions than to maintain political propriety per whim of governmental fiat. It is our fervent hope that the Honor Flights will once again “take off” this fall. These are some of our most sacro-sanct performances every year, and we are so happy to hear that the local one – Rocky Mountain Honor Flight – is in the planning stages for a September and maybe October flight, especially since the ranks of our World War II veterans are thinning and soon there will be few ambulatory enough to make these trips. Even though they have been extended to include Korean War veterans, and (space allowing) Vietnam vets, the flights are primarily focused on those who fought in WWII. Nothing has come out of the other camp – High Plains (formerly Northern Colorado) Honor Flight out of Ft. Collins. That one was just getting re-established when we came under biological attack. Hopefully they, too, will plan for this fall, or at worst, next spring. All this uncertainty has also scrambled all the Highland games for this summer. Those in Elizabeth have been offi-cially called off. Estes Park is on the cusp, and the jury is still out for the rest. These organizers face a vicious circle. They need to start planning, advertising, and spending mon-ey promoting now, or very soon. But they don’t want to waste the time, effort, and money on whims. Vendors are unsure of the crowds and therefore not willing to commit. Bands are still in flux, not knowing if there will be any games and whether it is worth working on competition mate-rial. Spectators don’t want to buy tickets unless there will be vendors and bands. And so on – the proverbial dog chasing its tail. The one thing we are all sure of is that normalcy cannot return soon enough. So, stay the course and tune in next month to see what’s new.

Vintage Iron Patrol

By Bobby

Well spring has officially sprung! Things are opening up and with any luck parades aren’t far behind. So, try on those Parade shirts, dust off that “Proud to be a Shriner” Fez. Let’s be ready for what the future holds! There’s not any Parade information out just yet. We hope to be on the streets very soon.

It is with a breaking heart that we must say farewell to Lady Gloria Covarrubias. Her fight was courageous but in the end our Lord welcomed her home and granted her peace. Keep Phil in your prayers while he continues on. Long time V.I.P supporters Nobles Ron Dunsmore and Gary Loberg have also traveled to that place where no mortal man may follow. Keep their families in your pray-ers and cherish the memory of them.

The “My fun and Fellowship” contest results are in. El Jebel placed 2nd in the contest. Big thanks to all who voted and kept that positive energy moving on.

I hope we can get back to normal activities soon. If there’s anything that you would like to add to the Fez arti-cle contact Bobby @ [email protected].

Remember, Rubber side down and Shiny side up!

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Dune Buggy Patrol

By Don Weiser

Happy May Day!! It is May and hopefully the snow and cold weather have ended, and we are enjoying the bloom-ing of spring flowers and warming temperatures. Our April meeting was on ZOOM, but once again, attend-ance by our members was a bit lacking. Hopefully, every-one has been getting the e-mail information about the ZOOM meetings, as there are some of our members that we have not seen in over a year now. Please let Don Strand know if you are not getting the e-mails. We also want to remind everyone that 2021 Shrine dues were to be paid by January 1. Please get those dues paid promptly. Also, we still have some that have not paid their 2021 Dune Buggy Patrol dues. Please get those paid. Our May Dune Buggy meeting will be held by ZOOM on April 12th. Social time as usual, 6:30 pm; meeting at 7:00 pm. Hopefully, everyone has read the April minutes that were sent out by Don Strand, so let us know if any chang-es need to be made. Have you purchased your 2020 – 2021 El Jebel Shrine calendar yet? They are still available at the Shrine Office, or from our Ill. Potentate Ron Wil-liamson. The cost is $25.00 each, and proceeds go to the Operating Fund. There are 2 or possibly 3 dune buggies currently up for sale. If you are interested in belonging to a great, fun filled unit, here is your chance to join us and get your buggy! All the buggies are in very good condition and looking for a new Shriner home. If interested, contact Don Strand at 303-799-6629 for more information. Just for your information, currently, the following activi-ties are on our schedule for this year. The Fib-Ark parade in Salida has been canceled for this year, yet again. Impe-rial Session, Houston, July 3-8. The CSSA convention, Oklahoma City, August 18-21, with competitions and pa-rade now scheduled. And the SLC Walk for Love, Salt Lake City, September 17-18. We are working on some activities for this summer, such as a summer buggy run and luncheon, and at least a couple of ‘Get Out Parades’. Just a reminder. If you are thinking about going to CSSA to parade and compete, please let Don Strand know. We need to begin planning for the trip to Oklahoma City. This will include making reservations for hotel rooms. Sending in our registration information and fees to CSSA. Sending in our competition information to CSASMC so we are registered to compete. Do not get left out of the great fun on CSSA. It is only a day’s drive, and SOOO MUCH FUN!! Lastly, we want to honor the loss of yet another of our long time Dune Buggy Members, Gary Loberg. Gary’s service will be held on Saturday, April 24th, at Highlands Masonic Lodge. Time ,11:00am. The Dune Buggy Patrol has been requested to bring our buggy’s out to show our Love and Support to Gary’s family and Renee.

Dune Buggy Up-Coming Events:

May 10th El Jebel Shrine Zoom Meeting 7:00 pm

May 12th Dune Buggy Patrol ZOOM Meeting

Social 6:30 pm Meeting 7:00

As always, keep the rubber side down and the wheels turning.

Sandblasters of El Jebel

by Matthew Madrid

Greetings Nobles and Ladies,

Welcome to spring!

Our golf chairman, Jim Teagarden has once again out done himself and created an incredible golf schedule for the year! When I was elected president of the group for 2021, I casually mentioned wanting to play the newly renovated and opened City Park with the Sandblasters. And to my surprise he was able to secure a tee time on June 10th. We are eternally grateful for your continuous hard work as our golf and look forward to another great year. Thank you for all you do!

The first outing of the year will be on May 6th at the Links. Please sign up online in advance and bring your friends! See you on the course!

The Sandblasters meet on the last Wednesday of each month at the Golden Corral at 11:30 AM on West Hamp-den Ave. (River Point Shopping Center).

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By Paul Whannel

It seems the SPORTS CAR club meetings for 2021 are off and running. President Ron Cosens had our second unit meeting on April 14th and it was a huge success. We had 6 members and 6 ladies in attendance all enjoyed an excellent buffet meal and tremendous fellowship. President Ron informed us that he was planning on the Club having several day trips in 2021. The first “trip” was held on April 25th with the membership and guests meeting at the Fort and driving through the beautiful countryside to The Zoka Restaurant in Pine, Colorado. Some of the proposed trips included the Military Museum in Colorado Springs (planned in June), a drive over Trail Ridge, a Lunch in Grand Lake CO, a trip to Bishop Castle and/or a trip up Mt Evans or Pikes Peak. There was some discussion about inviting the Classics, the Dune Buggies and some of the other units/clubs to join us on a trip and perhaps a cookout somewhere in our beautiful mountains. (No decision on this but is going to be investigated). Pres-ident Ron is open to suggestions and would like to have a few members volunteer to “chair” these trips. President Ron reviewed some of the highlights for-warded to us from our Divan Rep Jim Dawkins. The Sportsmen's’ Raffle has been cancelled for this year. While the Covid situation is getting more promising, we are not completely over it this time so the final parade schedule for El Jebel is not cast in concrete at this time. Stay tuned and be prepared to parade on a short notice. Following a discussion on getting new members and how to keep them interested and active Pres. Ron in-formed us that our May meeting will be held at 11:30 AM on Wednesday May 12, 2021. It will be held at the Gold-en Corral located at 3677 S. Santa Fe drive (just south of Hamden Ave). Please try to attend and bring along a guest or two. Remember all members. Ladies and guests and are invited to this meeting.


Johnstown Parade

June 5th

Look for information to follow

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“Let’s Plan Some Fun ‘N 21”

Here are some El Jebel fun opportunities to put on your 2021 calendar now:

July 3-8

Shriners International

Imperial Session—Houston, TX

June 18-19

FibArk Parade

Al Kaly- Salida

August 18-21

CSSA Ceremonial Convention

Oklahoma City, OK

September 17-18

Shriners Hospitals for Children

‘Walk for Love’ - Salt Lake City, UT

December 29, 2021– January 2, 2022

Rose Bowl Parade/Shriners Hospital for

Children’s Float Decoration

Pasadena, CA Let’s get our El Jebel Units

together and plan to attend as

many of these events as possible.

Fun, Laughter, Smiles and Fellow-

ship are the best medicine.

Further details will be


Your Fun and Travel Committee, Gary & Lanna

Gosage, Chuck & Bonnie Petersen and Gloria Hull


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Clowns Swede “Cuddles” Nelson

Dune Buggy Patrol Andrea Johnson

Jeffco Shrine Club Glenn Moore

Provost Guard Andrea Johnson

RV Roamers Annette Rice

JoAnn Murphy-Barnes

Judy Taylor

Marolyn Kent


Barbara Aleksick

Mary Peabody

Rodger Peabody

Scott Thompson


Dolores Patten

Judy Whannel

Nancy McBride


Terry Percy

Jim Wright

El Jebel Motor Corps (Cooler Nobles, Jeep Patrol, Keystone Kops, Motor Patrol)

Things are greening up and the City’s are opening up. Hopefully soon word of Parades will be out so that plans can be made. When that news breaks, we can set a date to clean our vehicles. Fingers crossed it’s just around the corner.

We are checking into meeting spaces and dates. If you have suggestions call Steve at 303-255-0900. Your input would be much appreciated.

The “Fun and Fellowship” contest is over and El Jebel placed 2nd. Great job! Thanks to all who participated. Special thanks to Illustrious Sir Ron and 1st Lady Robyn for putting the contest entry together. Team work at its finest!

Nobles Ron Dunsmore and Gary Loberg have left us all

to soon. They were corner stones of our Parade units and-

will be truly missed. I’m sure that Ron is lining up that

heavenly parade right now while Gary is just itching to

dump the clutch and yell “Hold On”. Travel well Nobles your service here will be sorely missed.

As always should you need help getting around or need supplies picked up call 303-514-2102 and Motor Corps will do its best to assist. We are few but we will help where we can during this changing time.

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This information was forwarded from one of

our Nobles regarding purchases made on



By Michael Marcus

2021 Officers:

Sam Wittner (KØSLW) – President Michael Marcus (KDØRBA) – Vice President Ken Behrens (KBØYLN) – Secretary Rich Wall (WR1CH) – Treasurer

Reaching Out To Fellow Shriners: Please feel free to reach out to any Radops officer if you need assistance of any kind during these uncertain times. We are here to help you. Radops Next In-Person Meeting: Our next scheduled in-person meeting will be held virtually on Monday, April 26, 2021 via Zoom. These meetings begin promptly at 7:00pm and are held on the fourth Monday of each month, September through April with exception of December. Radops Weekly On The Air Meetings: The Radops weekly on the air meetings (a.k.a. Sunday Night Nets) are held every Sunday evening at 7:00pm on 146.985 MHz. We also have an EchoLink node K0FEZ-R available on the our 2 meter repeater. Please join us if you are a licensed Ham Radio operator. Otherwise, feel free to listen to our week-ly meetings.


by J. & J. Taylor

Optars members met for a Zoom meeting on Tuesday, April 6, at 7:00 p.m. There were seven people present: Ed H., Jim & Judy T., Kim C., Ron & Robyn W., & guest Greg B. The normal opening happened, with prayer, pledge, approved minutes, and approved Treasurer’s re-port. Guest Greg B. said that he would join Optars and send in his petition to Treasurer Jim T.

Under New Business, Ed H. talked about digital storage, including talk about the “cloud”, Prime, Amazon, Google drive, Microsoft, Norton. He also talked about backups for data, “…two or more are needed…and they degrade”.

In the absence of our Divan Rep, Ill Sir Ron W. gave the Divan Report. He mentioned the April 12 Shrine meeting, at which Tamara Wong and three of her kids will talk more about the Shrine Hospitals. (In March, Shriners were fortunate to have heard part of Tamara’s inspira-tional story---this was postponed until the June Stated meeting). And he reminded us of the Ron Dunsmore ser-vice at Highland Masonic Lodge, on April 17th at 2:00.

Optars next meeting will be by Zoom, with PICTURES! Kim, Greg, Robyn and Jim & Judy will show 10 to 15 minutes of their own pictures---various subjects. Focus on May 4th at 7:00p.m. We might see YOU in the pic-tures!

WANTED: Still looking for Keystone Kop

uniforms from members that are no longer using them or deceased members.

We are still hoping to activate this very popular parade unit in time for our first parade this year..

Many thanks to Mrs. Mary Paschall for donating her late husband Jim’s Keystone Kop's uniform and Fez. Jim was President of the Keystone Cops in 1994.

Anyone interested in joining this fun group, please con-tact:

Larry Clark P.P. 303-344-3959

Dave Hoffman 540-419-4319

Spencer Anderson 720-334-6246

Don Myers 303-942-0805—[email protected]

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RV Roamers

by J. & J. Taylor

On Sunday, April 18th RV Roamers met at The New Café del Sol. There were 23 attendees: Taylors, Stew-arts, Stauffer/Custer, Dattilo's, Oliver/Arthur, Marshalls, Eckleys, Patty Graves, Cromwells, Carters, Barnes’, and Williamsons. Past Potentates Tony Dattilo and his Lady Ellen, Jim Stewart and his Lady, El Mejdel Queen, An-nette were introduced, along with Illustrious Sir Ron Wil-liamson and his Lady Robyn. Assistant Rabban Grady Carter and Lady Kim were welcomed as our 2021 Divan Reps. This dinner meeting was hosted by Tony and Ellen Dattilo.

Jim Oliver gave the invocation, the April minutes were approved as distributed, and Treasurer Jim Stewart gave a Treasury report. The 50/50 pot was won by Kim Carter; Grady and Kim had applied for membership in Roamers at this dinner---see below! Rosters were given out to those who didn’t have them. The only communication mentioned was that Tony had talked with Bruce Hepp, who said he couldn’t join us today, but intended to for future events.

At the opening of this meeting, Illustrious Sir Ron Wil-liamson conducted the official installation ceremony for Noble Scott Cromwell as our 2021 Vice President. Scott and Jannice had just returned from their winter stay in Arizona. President Jim Taylor, Secretary Tony Dattilo and Treasurer Jim Stewart also joined in the installation ceremony.

The schedule of future events was given:

*MAY 16, Candlelight Dinner Playhouse on May 16th, anticipating 35 attendees.

*JUNE 10-13, Colorado City KOA: Contact the Wagonmaster, Scott Cromwell.

*JULY 8-11, Mountaindale RV Resort: Details on this outing are pending from

Wagonmasters Dave and Arlene Kohlwey.

*AUGUST 26-29, Ft. Collins / Wellington KOA: Wagonmaster, Jim and Annette Stewart.

*SEPTEMBER 16-19, Ft Collins / Lakeside KOA: Wagonmaster Billy and Yoriko Umsted.

As for December, the members present agreed to NOT go to Mt. Vernon for the 2021 Christmas “Inning”. They also agreed to change that dinner location from another restaurant to the Eckleys’ home. Kent and Mona had of-fered to have the Roamers for their December “Inning”; dinner, with two entrees with adult beverages, “all includ-ed in a very reasonable price”. THANKS to Kent and Mona for offering this option; we’re all excited again to see their beautifully decorated Christmas yard and home!

NEW BUSINESS: Grady and Kim Carter completed a membership application form and paid Treasurer Jim Stewart; a unanimous approval vote was quickly and en-thusiastically provided by the members present, along with a hearty welcome of Grady and Kim to the “fold”. They reported that their “rig” is a forty-seven foot towed,

with people and horse accommodations! We look for-ward to having them with us in our future travels. (Do we all get horsey rides at our Outings?!) Treasurer Jim Stewart announced that Noble Ken Stauf-fer has graciously accepted the very pleasant job of serv-ing as our Roamers Hospitality Chairperson. The renewal of the Hospitality Committee and the traditional “Happy Hours” will again be included at Roamers’ outings, be-ginning in June. Our THANKS to Ken for helping to re-instate one of our “missing” Roamers’ benefits. BROWN BAG AUCTION FOR THE KIDS COMING UP: If you have new or slightly used items you no longer need, we invite you to save them for a traditional Roam-ers’ Brown Bag Auction; the proceeds from the auctions are donated to Shrine Hospitals. Watch for “More To Come in ‘21”! GOOD OF THE ORDER: No “sick and distress” was reported. Jim Stewart reported that his eye surgery went well and he is recovering nicely. Thanks to First Lady Robyn for providing the beautiful-ly hand-crafted seasonal table decorations. She also has sent many hand-crafted greeting cards of thanks and ap-preciation to many of our Shriners for their efforts and participation. DIVAN REPORT: The Divan report was shared by our Divan Rep, Grady Carter and Illustrious Sir Ron William-son. They outlined upcoming pending and cancelled events. Grady reported that there were no parades sched-uled at this time, but plans for El Jebel’s local parades are in progress, such as the Veterans’ Day and Eastern Star parades, as held last year. A Mexican Fiesta is planned (June 26th), and the Rose Bowl trip in December is getting full. Watch the Red Fez for details. Illustrious Sir Williamson commented on the memorial service held on April 17th for Ron Dunsmore, which was attended by many. He also reminded everyone of the up-coming memorial service on April 24th for Noble Gary Loberg, our 2021 Deputy Chief Aide and longtime El Jebel Shriner. There being no further business, the meeting was ad-journed. We all had a very enjoyable get-together with our friends, as well as a delicious dinner. We agree with Tony and a few others, that this restaurant has changed to the “MUCH BETTER” category, and highly recommend it to everyone!

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Computer Club

By J & J Taylor

The Zoom meeting of the El Jebel Computer Club was called to order at 1:00 PM on April 13 by President Ed Hamm. Members present were George V., Mike W., Bill G., Ron & Robyn W., Ed H. and Jim & Judy T. The pledge was recited, and the minutes & Treasurer’s report were approved.

For Sickness/Health – Mike reported that staying at home for the last year “felt like a Prison.” He also has lost most of the vision in one eye, but has an appointment to get it fixed.

Ed has a copy of an old Computer Club flyer and is in the process of redoing it for a new brochure. George mo-tioned that we purchase a $100 brick for the Plaza. It was approved, and Ed will research the details for a vote next month. George went by the old Shrine building, and found that the price on the homes west of the Shrine building is $1.4 million. Ed doesn’t travel much yet, so he said he would Google Earth to see it. Jim was asked to send a current membership list to Ed so he can send the meeting invites to everyone.

Ron Williamson gave the Divan Report, notably in-cluding Noble Ron Dunsmore’s and Noble Gary Loberg’s memorial services at Highlands Lodge. The meeting was adjourned.

For “Training”, Ed presented “Technology Jargon” or “Understanding the Basics”, with a description of many of the acronyms: CPU, HDD/SSD, RAM, GPU and BI-OS.

The next Computer Club meeting, still by Zoom, will be held on Tuesday, May 11 at 1:00 PM. You are wel-come to join in---just email a note to Jim Taylor who will be the Zoom host, and he will email the link to you. All El Jebel Nobles are welcome to join, and guests are wel-come.

El Mejdel Temple No. 47

Daughters of the Nile

Carole Bolduc, PQ

Hope everyone had a joyful Easter! Spring has finally arrived and not a moment too soon. Hopefully, the sum-mer months will find us getting somewhat back together. Our new Queen, Annette, held her first Session via ZOOM for the month of April. All went well, and we had 32 ladies in attendance. It’s certainly not the real thing, but it’s the next best and has been a real lifesaver for our Temple; plus many of our ladies learned more about their computer skills by having participated in this technology. May is going to be a quiet month, but we had hope for June and Supreme Session in Calgary, Canada; but alas, we’ve just received word that due to the spread of COVID, that event has also been cancelled. We are hope-ful however, that some “virtual” meetings can be held. News of those plans will be forthcoming. To all of the Mothers out there, we wish you a special and joyous day. Please stay safe, and we will all get through this together.

Be Aware!!

Email, Telephone Scams are on the prowl!!

Do not open emails or answer telephone calls

unless you know who is sending them.

Change your passwords frequently!!

Be on the look out and don’t get scammed

Red Fez subscriptions are available to members.

Call the office at

303-455-3470 if you would like a copy mailed to you

each month for an

annual fee of $15.00

Page 16: May 2021 Edition 3443 South Galena St., Denver, Colorado 80231



* To purchase or make an offer please contact Greg Rindone at 303-918-7299 or e-mail

[email protected]

We have 2 LG LP 1415 GXR portable Air Conditioners that have been used

and brand new go for over $400.00. Asking price is $200.00 each or make an offer.

Brand New in original box, a back-pack Hepa Vacuum. PPro Team

Super CoachVAC Hepa Filtered 107100. Brand New price is $444.00.

Asking Price is $300.00 or make an offer.

Metal with cloth cushions from the Members Lounge Bar Stools. Asking Price for

both is $100.00 or make an offer.

We have 2 Real Tree Xtra Green folding chairs. Asking Price for both chairs is

$30.00 or make an offer.

48 key Key Cabinet. Asking price is $20.00 or make an offer.

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May 2021

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 May Day




5 Cinco de Mayo





Mother’s Day


Family Night


















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