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Page 1: Maya Romanoff Blog

This is a writing sample that helped secure my current position. The words in red are potential SEO keywords.

Four Interior Design Essentials That Will Take Your Work to the Next Level

Imagine your big-name hotel client just asked you to design the lobby of their latest venture in the shabby-chic industrial district that’s all the rage right now. This is an amazing PR opportunity for your boutique interior design firm to take center stage! Make sure you incorporate these four style elements to take your creation from a mere lobby to a transformative space that inspires everyone who enters.


If you want to set the mood, the right color combination is key! Keep in mind that color palettes seasonal and can be influenced by trends. During prosperous times, people are drawn to deeper, saturated hues while in times of economic hardship people gravitate to lighter and brighter colors. (Don’t forget to look at your colors selection under different lighting. Lighting can change the way colors are perceived and how they ultimately combine to define the space.)

Pattern & Texture

Page 2: Maya Romanoff Blog

This is a writing sample that helped secure my current position. The words in red are potential SEO keywords.

The right mixture of pattern and texture will add depth to your designs and that extra punch your clients will love! These elements that will elevate your designs from flat and bland to delectably three-dimensional. Consider how your furniture fabrics play with the floor and wall coverings.

Statement Piece

Seal the deal with a unique piece of art (or pieces of art). Now that you’ve successfully created the mood with color and texture, make your room memorable with a handcrafted work of art that ties all your design elements together.


Page 3: Maya Romanoff Blog

This is a writing sample that helped secure my current position. The words in red are potential SEO keywords.Now that you’ve designed your masterpiece take a moment to be sure that you’re being true to the history of the space and the neighborhood. If you’re revamping and old space, have you found ways to incorporate elements of the existing architecture into your design? Does your space speak to the cultural heritage of surrounding area?

Incorporate these four elements in your designs and you will create spaces that inspire, motivate, and impact mood and desire.

Did you like this article? Check out more of our unique wall coverings at www.mayaromanoff.com and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & Pinterest for design ideas, design inspiration and to see the latest handcrafted artisan wall coverings by Maya Romanoff!


#fridayreads Check out our new blog post for 4 ways to up your #InteriorDesign game. (using texture collage image)


WOW your clients with these four design elements that inspire!

Page 4: Maya Romanoff Blog

This is a writing sample that helped secure my current position. The words in red are potential SEO keywords.(Promoted post designed to reach to interior designers, people who like Dwell magazine (possibly with a different title: Looking for inspiration? Here are 4 ways to design your home in style!), and people who like Architectural Digest.

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