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Page 1: May/June 2012 Habits for Wellbeing Magazine

How does spirituality fit in to a busy life & what benefits will I get from it?How to Alleviate Hayfever Naturally!

Health and fitness myths & misperceptions

Understanding Sugar

May/June 2012www.habitsforwellbeing.com



Page 2: May/June 2012 Habits for Wellbeing Magazine

Are you feeling tired, stuck or even stressed?

Well why not join us for the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course on the Gold Coast?

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an innovative eight-week program, which cultivates mental, physical and psychological resilience.

It uses mindfulness practice as the core of the program to teach people how to take better care of themselves and live healthier, more adaptive lives. It has been forged from the integration of transformative Eastern mindfulness practices with contemporary Western scientific understandings of human functioning. This fusion has produced a tailored and verifiable method for treating a wide range of difficulties and enhancing performance and engagement in life and work.

What is mindfulness?Mindfulness is developed by purposefully paying attention in a non-judgmental way to what is going on in your body and in the world around you. We call this moment-to-moment awareness – mindfulness. It is about being awake and aware – living in the present rather than stuck in dwelling in the past or anticipating the future. This observing, non-judging perspective enables one to consciously respond with clarity, rather than react out of habitual pattern.

This evidence-based program: • provides a safe, stimulating and enjoyable

learning environment • is solidly grounded in current psychological

research • integrates cognitive therapy principles into

a mindfulness framework• has an immediate, practical and educative


• can be successfully taken in conjunction with existing medical and psychological treatments.

What does the course involve? • a 2.5 hour class once a week for 8 weeks

and one full day• mindfulness meditation training• yoga and body awareness training • exploration of patterns of thinking, feeling

and action• brief lectures and discussion• individual feedback and support • commitment to daily homework and

practice using CD’s and course resources.

What can I expect? Participants have reported:

• increased ability to relax• more energy and enthusiasm for life• improved self-esteem• greater capacity to cope with short and

long term stress• a decrease in both physical and

psychological symptoms

Dates: April 30, 2012 – June 18, 2012 (inclusive) and June 2, 2012

Times: 6.30pm-9.00pm Monday Nights and 9.45am-4pm Saturday June 2, 2012

Investment; $660 ($100 deposit and $560 course fee) includes CD’s and course materials

For more information – please visit our website – www.habitsforwellbeing.com or contact Jane on 07 31033967 or e-mail [email protected]



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WelcomeWelcome to the third issue of Habits for Wellbeing!

Oh my gosh - what an interesting couple of weeks. I really do not know how to explain the past couple of weeks I have had as the jigsaw puzzle is still falling in to place. Suffice to say I had my most challenging time ever over Easter and subsequently am still being very gentle with myself and taking my time. Subsequently, I do not know what will happen with the magazine and if it is part of my new journey, however I will let you know. All I know is that I have no control over my life as something much bigger than me has taken over. Yes it is scary, challenging and everything else in between, however I am just taking one step, one moment at a time. I am immensely grateful to the couple of friends who were there to support me - Kristine, Judi, Deb, Gael, Fiona and Ginny thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart. I truly am so lucky to have you in my life!

So what is in this month’s edition? On the cover we have Kristine Fry and Kristine has just released her book “How to be a Psychic” on Amazon. I really enjoyed it and a Congratulations Kristine! You can read Kristine’s article on how to fit spirituality in to a busy life. Emma has written an article on how to alleviate hayfever naturally and Lisa discusses some myths and misperceptions about health and fitness. We also welcome Elissa Coxen this month - Elissa is very dedicated to health and fitness and has her own personal training business on the Gold Coast and also works at Camp Eden in the Gold Coast Hinterland. Elissa has written an article on understanding sugar.

As per usual, we have included some inspiring quotes and books under interesting reads.

As we are continually thinking of ways to improve the magazine, please let me know your thoughts. I would love to hear them and remember all feedback is greatly appreciated!

Enjoy the magazine and continue to look after your well-being.

With enormous gratitude, Jane xx




Are you confused?Are you stressed?

Are you struggling with your time?

Well why not join me for your FREE “Work/Life Balance” Strategy


In these sessions we will discuss: * 2 strategies to explore your work/

life balance* ways to identify your values in life* getting clarity on your life* 4 of the main thoughts that can

turn up in life and some ways to respond to them

* finding “your why” and how knowing this can also help you overcome challenges

* a process to help you lead your life from the “end result”

* a variety of resources, and* much, much more...

Click on the Habits for Wellbeing website to download your free

sessions NOWwww.habitsforwellbeing.com

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An allergy is a reaction in your body to a foreign substance known as an allergen. Because your body cannot tolerate this substance (which could be harmless to other people) your immune system produces histamine to combat it, causing skin rashes, itching, eczema, headaches , o r d i ges t i ve problems. Common allergens which provoke hayfever include dust, pollen, mould, animal d a n d e r, f o o d a d d i t i v e s , detergents and dust mites. There may be a hereditary link in your tendency to an allergy.

Also, intense emotions, such as stress, can trigger an attack. This is why natural remedies t h a t c a l m y o u , s u c h a s P a s s i o n fl o w e r , c a n b e particularly helpful. There are a wide range of natural medicines that can reduce the histamine response as well as help to decrease associated symptoms such as sneezing, a runny nose and watery eyes. Homeopathic m e d i c i n e i s p a r t i c u l a r l y effective and quick at treating these symptoms as well as being completely safe for the whole family.

What you can do to alleviate hayfever and allergies:

Pinpoint possible causes

Keep a diary of what you eat and your symptoms to find any correlations between the two

Homeopathic remediesR e m e d i e s s u c h a s Gelsemium, Euphrasia and Nat Mur are wonderful for symptomatic relief

Vitamin C Has an anti histamine effect – take daily throughout the hayfever season.

BioflavonoidsQuercet in is direct ly ant i inflammatory for any allergy response. Eat foods high in Bioflavonoids such as citrus fruit, berries, apricots, grapes, papaya, green tea, capsicum and tomato.

HorseradishContains a volatile oil that dilates the sinus passages. Combined with garlic it helps boost immunity and reduce symptoms

Clean regularly to avoid dust buildupWear a face mask when you vacuum or garden. Wipe down humid areas with a fungicide such as tea tree oil.

Use low allergy household and personal products

U s e a n a l u m i n i u m f r e e deodorant , sodium laury l sulphate free shampoo and c o n d i t i o n e r a n d e n v i ro n m e n t a l l y f r i e n d l y cleaning products.

Avoid milk products and sugar as they increase mucousIf you’re allergic reactions are linked to digestive problems take some digestive enzymes and a probiotic supplement.

Avoid processed foods and additivesT h e s e a r e e x t r e m e l y inflammatory and exacerbate symptoms such as sneezing and a runny nose.

Avoid alcoholIt will make your nose run; also you may be sensi t ive to histamines in wine.


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Relieve itchy skinBath with a solution of 1 teaspoon bicarb soda in a cup of water.

Try yogaTo improve breathing and relieve tension.

Emma SutherlandAs one of Australia’s leading Naturopaths and the expert Nutritionist featured on the Lifestyle You television program “Eat Yourself Sexy”, Emma has helped thousands of people and knows how to get results. Her mission in life is to inspire people to get their Mojo back – their inner sense of health and confidence. Emma has over 10 years experience in helping her clients to achieve maximum Mojo and utilises herbal medicine, therapeutic nutrients, Superfoods, homeopathy and lifestyle advice to ensure that you will achieve the results you deserve!

If you would like to know more about Emma - please go to www.8weekmojomaker.com.au www.emmasutherland.com.au


Ok, so there’s a lot of confusion about sugar. And especially about fructose – which is otherwise known as ‘fruit sugar’. In discussions about sugar, one of the saddest things I inevitably hear is “so fruit is bad?”

The resounding answer is NO! So let’s clear this up once and for all. It means a little bit of bio-chemistry, but I’m sure you can all follow!

Fructose is one of three monosaccharides – one of three BASIC SUGARS. These are the basic building blocks of

all sugars and carbohydrates, which our bodies need for fuel. Glucose is one of the other basic sugars and this is the actual fuel. Almost everything we consume will be broken down or converted into this sugar, this fuel, when energy is required by our bodies. The third monosaccharide is

galactose, which is present in animal products like ...milk.

Incidentally, normal table sugar – sucrose – belongs to the second ‘tier’ of basic sugars, the disaccharides. If ‘mono’

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means one, ‘di ‘means two, so the disaccharides are simply two monosaccharides hitched together! Glucose + fructose, in 50-50% proportions, make up sucrose. Lactose - in milk - is another disaccharide, being a combination of the basic sugars glucose + galactose.

Now the issue with fructose is that, once in the body, it becomes ‘invisible’. There is only one fructose receptor in our bodies and that is in the liver. So if you consider that all other nutrients are ‘seen and used’ on their way through the digestive system, by the time fructose hits the liver (our detox/waste factory) our bodies have no need for the energy it may provide, so it is converted into fat, and sent back out into the bloodstream, to find its own ‘home’. Unfortunately this can be places other than our bodily fat cells – such as the walls of arteries - causing atherosclerosis and other nasty cardiovascular conditions. So clearly obesity and diabetes are evidently not the only conditions potentially resulting from excessive sugar (& particularly fructose) consumption.

But before you decide never to consume another piece of fruit

for as long as you live, you need to know the FULL STORY. There is a ‘Saving Grace’ – Fructose’s conversion can be obstructed! This is the crucial part of the story that’s neglected. Our old friend Fibre impedes the conversion process, so if you consider that all fruit – in its natural state – consists of a neatly packaged bundle of fructose and a heap of fibre, it stands to reason that fruit AIN’T bad! We were never really designed to eat tonnes of the stuff, so as long as you stick to your 2-3 pieces per day, fruit can (and should) remain a valuable part of your daily diet.

Strangely, people forget about fruit juice. It should be obvious: separating the fructose from the fibre – as happens in juicing – is problematic. Although you may receive a concentrated amount of nutrients, you’re also concentrating the amount of fructose...as well as calories! So sitting down to a ‘healthy’ lunch of a chicken & salad roll, washed down with a fresh orange juice, is the caloric equivalent of physically consuming 2 or 3 whole oranges on top of that mega sandwich. Who could seriously consume all of that in one sitting?

So, this is kinda leads back to the old Whole Foods thing. The more we tamper with real food, the less real food it becomes, and slowly but surely science is backing this up. There are no shortcuts! A diet that is built upon the most naturally occurring foods is not going to fail to keep you in good health – and in a happy place on those bathroom scales (if you MUST)!!!

Elissa CoxenElissa Coxen is a Fitness Therapist & Physiogenomics Consultant with broad experience and knowledge of the body & mind, stemming well over 2 decades. She runs her own business, ‘evolve core balance fitness’ and also contracts to the nationally renowned Camp Eden Health Retreat.

Please feel free to visit Elissa’s Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Evolve-core-balance-fitness/201066316647265 or contact her directly at [email protected]

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“Spirituality” is often a very confusing term for many people.  Most of us are really not clear on what this really means, nor have we ever really had a direct experience of it for ourselves that brings us a true connection to awareness of what “Spirit” really is. In today’s world we are all extremely busy, and often times just barely treading water in keeping up with it all, and get so overwhelmed that we just shut down in an attempt to cope with all that is going on.  Our consistent catch phrase that we use is “I don’t have time”. We desperately crave change, yearn for a lifestyle that is easier and more in harmony with our hearts and soul however we are too busy to even open to that possibility, we forget to empower ourself by opening to becoming aware of our deepest source of support, our Soul/Spirit.  Beyond the surface of our daily lives and persona we are deeply connected to an intelligence beyond our identities that is able to provide

the true wisdom we need to see what steps we need to take to create a life we truly love.  But first we must be willing to make space, and listen. So what can you do to open to your Spirit?  Many things, very simple things, we often overlook as the mind will say “It can’t be that simple”.  Well it is.  However you need to get over your addictions to control and the need to stay busy and actually surrender yourself completely to the moment, let go of the outside for a while and allow yourself to just be.  If you are constantly stressed this is all you will achieve.  The relief from stress is your “willingness to let go” and allow “space”.  How many of you, be honest, are actually scared of letting go, believing your thoughts “that if I do, well something may go wrong”.  Personal myth!  We are so used to expecting problems that we create them out of thin air and constantly give energy to believing we

must work harder if we are to solve all of our problems, stay in control and have nothing go wrong, EVER! Wake up! This is not realistic, life is in essence, constant change, always bringing us new experiences.  However if you believe in your fear, and always have a cup half empty, then you will always feel to be in a cycle of lack, fear, need for control, which inevitably exhausts us, makes us unhappy, isolated, uninspired and eventually feeling a complete apathy to life.  This is the state of contraction that arises when we live only the surface of reality. Like the movie Groundhog Day, life will just keep cycling over and over again in the same reality, until you wake up to yourself and realise there is more and you truly desire change enough to live it. 


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There is always more, however you won’t see it and experience it until you make yourself available.  If you keep making excuses and opting out of opening to looking into your life and connecting more deeply you will miss your opportunity of really authentically realising what real happiness truly is. It is not about achieving. You cannot achieve happiness, you can only allow happiness to be. It is your organic natural self. It is your spirit. You do not do it. It just is. Your state of Mind can be one of your biggest pitfalls.  How often do you truly look within to see what the quality of your thoughts are?  We spend all our time looking out, judging others, solving problems, thinking our thoughts, that we are so identified with who we are, that we do not even realise that this is only a product of what you attach to in each moment. You are never fixed in your reality, however do you know that you can experience yourself other than what you are right now?  Are you aware of how “Power-Full” you really are?  Or do you believe yourself to be small, limited, lacking, without, and actually resistant to yourself to such a degree that you cannot let in love nor love yourself

freely and wonder why you feel miserable?  How you treat yourself has a lot to do with your current reality. I have provided sessions for thousands of people over many years.  I have seen many common issues that we all share.  We all have life challenges, however we have not been fully supported in our culture to “open” and “share” and “feel into ourselves” to see deeper beyond the surface. Our masculine culture only reveres success, goal achieving, getting to the top, striving, working hard, and it’s all about the money and what you “have”. Has it truly made you happy yet? Are you truly safe and secure yet? Underneath, your Mind will never rest and be happy until You show it the way back to your authentic self and stop believing in the stories we tell ourselves, over and over and over again. You have the power to take 20 minutes out of your day right here right now to go deeper into Being.  In this 20 minutes it is as simple as:• Just sit in a chair, or even

better if possible lay down and get comfortable.

• Breathe into your belly, remember to open within your breath and body fully again, literally feel each

breath go in and out, this will settle your mind and calm your body.

• Feel yourself honestly as you are right now, allow your body sensations, allow your emotions, be honest in what your carrying in your thoughts, do not hold onto anything.  This is your chance to allow and most of all Let Go!  Letting go is not a doing, it’s just simply opening to what is.  If you are experiencing any discomfort on any level, welcome it, acknowledge it, most of all accept it.  We cannot avoid anything, if we do then we are suppressing.  This means we will stay stuck in the experience, it will not shift until you actually let it in. Your mind will resist as it wants to solve the problem. You are not a problem, you are an alive being, you are what is in each moment, acceptance is to love, not fight. It is simple, stop resisting and holding and just go with the flow. Flow is not about being perfect, it is about being as you are, not right or wrong, just in the ‘isness‘ of your experience. Accept stress, sadness, frustration, tiredness, resentment, lostness, fear, confusion, pain, all the basic experiences of our humanity.  Just say yes to now.

• Soften into you. Breathe into and through any tension,

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you do not need to solve anything, it is actually about allowing and not knowing, simply opening to what is. Often times we are really holding quite a lot, and we do not realise it, when we start to soften and let go we can start to yawn spontaneously, we feel our bodies soften and we begin to relax, we can feel even tired as we let go of trying to keep it altogether. We may feel shaky, we may feel really vulnerable as it may be the first time we have really let go and finally feel naked to life, honest, raw and real. This is powerful and potently healing.

• Then comes the relief.........yes relief, like we finally drop a heavy load, that we have been carrying around energetically, from our thoughts, emotions, the effect is huge, it is a burden and when we really let go it is distinctly felt, a weight is lifted we feel lighter and again energised and even open to seeing new possibilities in our life. Lightness equals happiness. It comes from not holding onto anything.

• As you soften, stay with yourself, be present, you may not have a breakthrough immediately it may take a while, a few sittings before you can really feel comfortable with softening as we have all been hardwired to stay in control.  However hang in

there, there is only one antidote to struggle, that is softening. It is up to you, you are the only one who can let go. If you have more time then allow it. It can be helpful to allow up to an hour if you are really struggling.

• Listen as you soften, once you feel the relief often times a “spaciousness” is experienced with it. This is the opening occurring, then often we experience within that a “peace”. We can feel even “very connected”, love or even warm inside, life that ray of light suddenly turns what is darkness into brightness. We may experience receiving spontaneous realisations around our life.

• When we listen from this softer place our Soul then has the opportunity to communicate with us, and we can feel a deeper innate wisdom giving us guidance as to how to take steps in our everyday life. We must be courageous to listen as often it is not what your mind would tell you. In fact a lot of messages come from the place of “it is time to let go” and be open to next phase of your life.  Often it is just our fear holding us back. Your guidance will always help you see the way, but are you ready to let it in.

• Love yourself, acknowledge your fears, let it all be. Accept your life

challenges. Be open to change. Breathe it all in. 

• Acknowledge you are powerful.  You are able to experience openness and happiness in any moment you prepared to let go.

• Feel the joy of ease and spaciousness. Remember it deeply. Remember you are more than just what is on the surface. You are much deeper than that.

• Acknowledge your life can be easier. Letting go is healthy and important part of my everyday life and purpose.

• Remember to let go daily.  Especially in challenging moments, do not forget there is always space within it to help yourself through it. You just need to commit to making the space.

Your whole life will change if you do. Remember, 20 minutes is an easy commitment, an antidote to struggle.  Choose freedom and remember how powerful you are. Feel your “shift” and bring it back with you and go into your daily life new vision. 20 minutes a day can help you to experience a very profound “shift” in yourself, and experience a whole new level of consciousness that you may not have known existed. This is true spirituality.  Making

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yourself available to commune with your spirit everyday. It is not a theory, not a concept, it is who you are. You are spirit. Have you awoken to that yet? If you have, then you will experience a whole new way of being that is much more expanded than your Mind. You are fluid in your experience of Self, there is an inner calm that carries you through life. There is always support. Always. You are your own greatest gift. To taste the authenticity of your Being will release you from struggle. Most of us will forget again, get busy, get caught up and stress.  Just commit to 20 minutes again, and remind yourself you can let go at anytime... life will

always be waiting for you, for you to do, and create, but from what place you experience yourself in it, will effect the quality of your experience. To let go, is happiness.  To hold on is suffering. Letting go is actually the easiest thing in the world to do, we just need to give ourselves permission and remember the power in it. This will bring balance to your life. Let Go, and Flow. Be Happy. Let everything be

as it is, even if it is for just one moment, set yourself free.

Thanks For Reading – In GratitudeKristine.

Kristine FryResourcesYou can download a couple of free short audio meditations for taking time out <click here> and if you are interested in a more targeted guided meditation you may want to consider my Whole Body Meditation <click here to learn more>.

About The AuthorKristine Fry is an internationally acclaimed psychic and True Life Path reader of 18+ years experience in over 10,000 sessions. She focuses on women's issues in her readings with a gentle guidance and pure empathy. Click here to learn more about Kristine

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Hands up if you are confused about what the heck you should be doing to achieve a fit, healthy and energetic body? With so many different diet and exerc ise so lut ions/books/programs/products on the marke t – most o f wh ich contradict each other - it’s no wonder we feel frustrated and unable to stick to anything long term.

So let’s dispel a few myths and misconceptions about what it takes to become fitter and healthier…because if you have simple, sound knowledge then you are in a better position to make choices about HOW to ach ieve your hea l th and wellbeing goals. Not only does this save you time because you are able to pick a ‘gimmick’ from a sensible program, you also have a realistic expectation of what you are able to achieve given your hectic life.

I have included three of the five most common myths I come across as a coach and trainer. For an audio version of all five, plus a pdf summary and cool tips sheet for each, visit www.the30minutebody.com.au and click on the FREE STUFF page.

Myth 1: A quick fix and big numbers are possible and permanentWhilst it is possible to drop a lot of weight following a restricted eating plan, if the plan is too low in calories (less than 1200 for women) and you follow it for too long, then you risk your body going into ‘starvation mode’, which ultimately leads to a slower metabolism and a loss of lean muscle tissue. Aside from this, following such a plan o f ten leaves you fee l ing e x h a u s t e d , c r a n k y a n d miserable. The problem is that whilst extra weight/body fat might have taken years to creep on due to unhealthy eating or lack of exercise…we expect it to fall off in a matter of days or week. Whether the media or ‘miracle weight loss product marketing’ is partly to blame for this misinformation, the simple fact is that IT TAKES TIME to reduce your body fat safely, effectively and permanently. Let’s look at what you should be aiming for.

The easiest way to do this is to set ecological and realistic goals based on YOUR life.

• If you are motivated by ‘scale weight’ then aim for between 0.5kg – 1kg per week…and assess

this over a one month period…not weekly.

• If stepping on the scales demot iva tes you or creates negative self-talk (see myth 5), then aim to make small changes to your life, one at a time. For example, you could rep lace the s tarchy carbs you eat at night with more vegetables.

Myth 3: Sleep doesn’t affect weight loss and water makes you bloated

B o t h q u a l i t y s l e e p a n d adequate water are by far the most important elements when it comes to having a fit, healthy, trim and energetic body…over and above even exercise and nutrition. Let’s look at each:SLEEP: The four hormones that are directly affected by sleep, and that control appetite, fat


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and carbohydrate metabolism and lean muscle growth are:LEPTIN (fullness) - If you are tired, your brain won’t give you the signal to stop eating. GHRELIN (appetite) - Not enough sleep triggers your body to seek out food, even when you are not physically hungry. HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE (growth of lean muscle) - If you are not getting enough rest, your muscles canno t repa i r and g row properly. CORTISOL (nasty stress hormone) - Too little sleep coupled with a voracious appetite and no signal to stop eating results in fat being stored in the abdominal region. A lack of sleep can easily derail even the most dedicated women!

To get to sleep easier spend 5 minutes before you go to bed winding down with some deep breathing or some gentle yoga poses.

WATER: Our bodies are made up of 60% water and it benefits us in many ways including feeling energetic, having clear skin, being able to focus and concentrate and the release of fat from cells. Interestingly, when you don’t drink enough water, your body will try and hang onto the little it has, which can cause you to feel bloated and puffy. To increase your water intake (especially if you don’t like the taste of plain water) add 1-2 tablespoons of cranberry (or

another juice without added sugar) to a glass of mineral water.

Myth 5: The scales are the best indication of progressIf there is one single change you should consider making when it comes to your health and wellbeing, it is to DITCH T H E S C A L E S ! F r o m a scientific point of view, the scales can be an inaccurate way of measuring progress because unless they are an expensive body fat analysis version, they only give you a number that reflects your total body weight, as opposed to your body composition (which includes muscle, water and fat). If you are relying only on the scales to tell you whether your exercise and nutrition program is working you are potentially setting yourself up for disappointment…which usually results in you throwing in the towel. Lots of things can a f f ec t t o ta l body we igh including fluid retention from y o u r m e n s t r u a l c y c l e , increased lean muscle mass (which you want), the amount of sodium in your body (as this retains fluid) and so on. Many women also place way too much emphasis on that little number, attaching their entire level of self-worth, not to mention their mood and focus to what the scales say each morning. Would you rather have several measurements that you can control 100% and that give you feedback on how

you are tracking…or one single measurement that is not totally within your control?

Set yourself up for success and use some or all of the following measurements to give you feedback on your exercise and eating efforts:

• Wear a heart rate moni tor and se t a number that you have to reach in your exercise session.

• Use a tick sheet that focuses on a certain variable like the number o f t i m e s y o u w i l l exercise that week.

• Choose an article of clothing that feels a bit tight, then each week, try it on and notice if it becomes looser.

• B e n c h m a r k y o u r fitness level – how many push ups/squats can you do or how long c a n y o u j o g f o r …w h a t e v e r t h e benchmark…th i s i s someth ing you can measure and control yourself

• Use a journal and r e c o r d e a c h t i m e someone gives you a compliment…whether it’s about your changing shape, your fitness level or the way your skin glows…recording these compliments will help you to recognise that you are making progress

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and people are taking notice !

Want some more cool resources…Go to Go to www.the30minutebody.com.au/freestuff and download some cool resources including family friendly recipes, health myths and misconceptions, tips sheets and audio recordings on emotional eating, nutrition, fitness and goal setting.

Lisa MillsAbout The AuthorLisa Mills is a health coach, mentor, personal trainer and working mother-of-two.

Her business, The 30 Minute Body, is all about giving working women the practical tools, systems and strategies they need to reach their health, fitness and wellbeing goals and feel great about their body…in as little as 30 minutes a day.

She has over 15 years experience as a personal trainer, and holds qualifications in life coaching and personal training as well as certificates in nutrition for exercise, pre and post natal fitness and exercise for older adults.

Lisa’s philosophy around health and fitness is this…in an idea world, we would all follow the perfect nutrition plan and exercise for 60 minutes most days of the week...but in the real world, and even with the best intentions, this does not always happen. So instead of beating yourself up and then giving up, just several take small steps towards changing your habits…because lots of small habits lead to big results!

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THINGS ARE CHANGING...There has been a lot of feedback on the Habits for Wellbeing magazine since its launch and I really appreciate that! I am grateful to each and every one of you that has taken the time to call, email and write on the website or facebook. I really am living my dream!

However, as I am changing the look and feel of Habits for Wellbeing is also changing. I am not sure what the next edition will look like, one thing I know for sure it is going to be simplified!

So if you have an idea - please come and share it on the Habits for Wellbeing facebook site https://www.facebook.com/HabitsforWellbeing or e-mail me on [email protected]

We are building a community of like-minded women and it is all empowering and inspiring women to lead happy and healthy lives - so your ideas and suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

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