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THE TARZAN - October 8, 1948 PAGE THREE

McClymonds of Oakland Hand Tarzans Third Defeat, 19-12, at Baxter Stadium

( The Stockton College Tarzans made it three in a row last Friday night by dropping a non-league' game to McClymonds High of Oakland, 19-12, in Bater Stad ium.

The game was hard-fought all -----------­all the way w;th block;ng and Football Teams Built :~~n~fay:~, thc:,;:;~d~~· b~~~~ 8.°~<l By Leading Coaches Tarzan tackle Fred Stone and In- Of Stockton College dian guard Gerald Wilson were banished from the game for mix­ing it up in the center of the gridiron.

Roberts Injured It was on the kickoff after .Mc­

Clymonds' third touchdown that Joe Roberts, st e 11 a. r Stockton guard, was hurt and had to be carried from the field on a stretch­er. He was taken to St. Joseph 's ,hospital where he had a few stitches taken over one eye. He was released the next morning.

Leading ground gainers for the Tarzans wei·e Clay Womble, full­back, with 119 yards in 18 carries, and J oe Boggs left half, with 33 yards in four tries. Outstanding in the line were Roberts, "Scoop" Tyler, and Paul Mendenhall.

Statist ics Favor Tarzans In the statistics column the Ta.r­

zans outgained the Indians. Stock­ton picked up 228 yards by rush ing and 60 from passes. McClymonds gained 117 by rushing and 110 by passing. First downs were 10 to 8 in favor of the local team.

The game opened with the In­dians kicking off. Mendenhall re­turned it to the Stockton 35-yard line. On the next play tailback Johnn y Ellison fumbled and Mc­Clymoncls recovered on the 30.

Having been stopped t r ying to buck the Tar z an line, Clifton Wainwright passed to Marion Sims, who crossed the goal line with only two minutes having

-elapsed in the game. The conver­sion was good and made the score 7-0 in favor of the Indians.

Ellison Scores After Bob Graziani returned the

kickoff to the 42, Womble went around left end for a 20-yard gain. Line bucks by Ellison and Thomas and a quarterback sneak by Bob Fox brought the ball to the 13-yard line. Four plays latt~ r Ellison went over .right tackle for the score. Thomas' attempted conversion was blocked which left the score 7-6.

McClymonds took the kickoff and after two passing and two running plays on the Stockton one­yard line. From there Wainwright scored on a quarterback sneak. The try for the extra point was block­ed by Roberts. The score was 13-6 and theJ·e was no more scoring in the first half.

In the third quarter McClymonds was forced to punt and Ellison fumbled the kick on hi s own 40-yard line. On the next play the In­dians tried a screen pass with Wainwright on the receiving end. He received good blocking arid went 40 yards to pay dirt. Dan­iels' kick was blocked and the score remained 19-6.

Tarzans Score A ga in The Tarzans scored the final

touchdown of the game in the four th quarter on a drive that started on their own 33-yard line. Thomas picked up a first down on the Indians' 43 and three plays later Womble hit tackle for 12 more yards. Then with a fourth down and 10 yards to go, Fox tried a quarte.rback sneak and made a first down.

With only two minutes to play, the Tarzans started to pass. After three incompleted passes, Thomas snagged one of Boggs' passes in the end zone for a touchdown. Thomas' kick was blocked and the game ended with t he score 19-12.

The coaches who are building Stockton College football teams this year are George R. Caviglia, Bob Ijams of the Stockton Tarzans1

and Gene Stagnaro and Ralph Ma­son of Stockton Co~ege.

George Caviglia gfaduated from COP in 1940. He played basketball on S.H.S. state championship team in 1925, nnd was head coach at Bret Harte in 1941, and Oakdale from 1942 to 1946. He was the assistant football coach at Stock­ton High from 1946 through 1948.

Bob I jams is also a graduate of C.O.P. (1946) . He played tackle on C.0.P. team in 1936. He was the assistant coach of C.0.P. in 1947.

Gene Stagnaro is a g.raduate of Stockton High School and Wash­ington State College. He also at­tended Regis College in Denver, San Jose State, and C.0.P. He played on the 1927 championship Stockton High Tarzan team, and end for Washington State in 1931-33. He play,ed pro football for the Stockton Ambler Club and American Legion, and has had con­siderable experience in baseball, basketball, track and golf (golf is hi s first choice). He was head foot­ball and basketball co a c h of Schneider High in 1935-41; head football, basketball, and track coach at Edison High in 1942-47. He has also had two years of football officiating experience.

Ralph Mason is assistant division chairman of StoclC!ton College lower division. He received his A.B. from San Francisco State and hi s M.S. from U.S.C. He had four years of backfield experience at San Francisco State in 1932-35. He won football honors as captain on the 1934 team. He was head football and basketball coach in East Bakersfield High in 1939-41; head football and basketball coach at McFarland High in 1945. He has had four years of football offici­ating.


Intramural basketball got off to a start last week with team c:ip­tains selecting their teams.

Leading the league thus fa r with two wins apiece are Ron Knight and Don Thompson. Other team captains besides Knight and Thompson a re Norman Harris, Don Hall , Caryl Oranges, Larry O'Reilly, Jack Ursainqui, and Ted Kaupke.

Every year at this time a league of t:his type is started. This gives Coach Mike Garrigan a chance iu see what prospects he has for nexl year's Tarzan hoop squad.


After 5 days play in the intra­mural basketbal league, Ron Knight leads the total scoring with 21 points.

Knight is followed by Norman ~~~ri'i;;:it~8 .20 and Neil Dollar-

J ack Farley dominates at t he foul line with 7 charity tosses fol ­lowed by J ohn Taylor with 6.

Roy Patterson leads in personal fouls with 7 and is followed by Bob Patterson with 6.

.~.tlze~ Tarzans To Open League Play By Jack Farley 1 N h s T • h

ha~:e ~·~~~;~.ofo~to~~;:~;~;11 ~i: n ort acrame~to on1g t ~~::;,ere~~m~i:0'P=~~s ;;'.,a~~1lb~~~ Football Team To Travel to Capital City Roberts. To Meet Grant High in Conference Tilt

Womble has proved his sensa-t;onal runn;ng abrnty in the past '48 Baxter Stadium !~:i· ::~·~of;, h~.~~oi;u~:;u~~: Football Schedule

The Stockton Tarzans resume football play tonight when they travel to North Sacramento to take on the Pacers of Grant High in the first Sac-Joaquin League game of the season for both teams.

Clymonds. Future Tarzan foes ,.•,rill find Mr. W omble a pretty rough customer in the running depart­ment

Making those holes fo r full­back Womble is the Blue and Whi tes' squat little guard, Joe Roberts. J oe has been a sparkplug in the past few games until he in­jured his side and hand. He was expected to carry a heavy burden in the Tarzan forward wall this season, and hi s return would mean a great deal to the Tarzan attack. If Roberts returns in good shape before the end of the season, he has a good chance to make all-Sac­Joaquin guard.

A bunch of boys from those old gray walls of Stockton High School, are now currently bolster­ing the Stag football squad.

Stag players who formerly play­ed for Stockton High are cente.rs Tony Morelli, Jim Brown, and John Cima. Other performers in the line are Wes Parsons, guard, Bob Stoner, tackle, and ends, Roi Susich and Dick Gaedtke. In the· backfield, Jack Heath and J erry Griffin fill t he quarterback role, and l\lidge Kramer occupies a half­back position.. * ••

Donnie Hall , who broke his leg playing intramural baseball this summer, is in good working order again 1this fall. You'll see a lot of Don this yea r, as he will be play­ing forward on this year's Tarzan casaba squad!

* . J,_ . Jack Waldron and Bert Swen­

son of last year 1s championship . Stockton High basketball squad, will cut capers for Coach Van Sweet's Stag team Waldron is expected to show considerable im­provement over last year 's show­ing. Swenson, a nother greatly im­provement overr l~st yecr- ?ralo;rd proved ballplayer1 will help out Sweet in 1the fiv~t S._POt.

Former Blue and White tail­back Dick Erickson is doing very nicely in the q. b. role for the Gold­en Bears of the University of Cal­ifornia. Dick is one of the the better faking quarterkacks in the Pacific Coast Conference.

Another boy who is doing all­right for himself at Cal is end Bob Minahen. Bob h as showed plenty of promise, as he did some nice defensive work, a nd caught a pass from the good right arm of Bob Celeri.

News from ithe Cal. basketball team has Dave Nichols, fo rmer Lodi Flame great, in one of the starring roles this season. Dave played third string last year.

Junior Varsity Beats Modesto Ramblers

In a game in Modesto last week the Tarzan J. V's. defeated the Modesto Ramblers 13 to 0

The locals scored in the first h alf when Del Dilbeck fell on a Ramb­ler fumble over the goal line.

It was a pass from Cecil Work­man to Dan Boone who scored the second Tarzan touchdown in the last half. J ohn Morris kicked the conversion.

It was t,he opinion of the local players that the big Modestans were not running as hard or fast as they could.

The fall 1948 football schedule for Baxter Stadium is :

Friday, October 15-Woodland - High School. Saturday, October 16 - Port­land. land-C.O.P. Saturday, October 23 - Mo­desto D.J.C. - Stockton Col­lege Friday, October 29-Pasadena C.C.-Stockton College Friday, November 5-Mc­Clatchy;---Stockton College Friday, November 12-Sacra­mento C.-Stockton College Saturday, November 20--­Santa Barbara-C.O.P. Thursday, Novem ber 25-Lodi High School


Ne\V rooter caps or <links are now on sale in P-7 from 8:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 4:00 to all Unit 1 students.

The dinks are like the Stockton College Unit II freshman caps with blue crowns and white bills. Later on students will be required to have one to get into the rooting section at all games.

Also on sale are emblems of Tarzan beating hjs c,hest, winged S's on them, Stockton emblems, Tarzan emblems, and "T'' shirts with Stockton College Tarzans on them.

On the strength of previous games, the 'Tarzans will be the underdogs They have yet to win a game, losing to San Francisco Polytechnic, Vallejo, and McCJy­monds of Oakhtnd. The Pacers have won two and lost one. They outscored San Juan and McCly­monds but bowed before Saera­mento High, 33-13.

Grant's attack will be centered around Gene fllipski, the Pacers' choice for all-conference.

Coach George Gaviglia stated that "thi s is the time we hope to enter the win column. All the boys are in good physical r:oudition aAd we ought to be ready."

He said that all the cripplt!s, in­cluding Joe Roberts, are in shape and ready. Roberts, who was in­jured in the McClymonds game, was reported in condition to start to night.

Stockton will start with Paul Mendenhall and Bob Grazian i at the ends. At the tackle positions will be Pete Molini and Fred Stone. In the guard slots will be Roberts and Charley Sullivan. Holding down the center of the line will be Ward "Scoop" Tyler.

In the backfield will be Johnny Ellison in the left half position and Bill Thomas at right half. At quarterback in the single wing is Bob Fox. Clay Womble, leading Tarzan ground gainer, at fullback rounds out the Stockton team.

Tarzan Team Drops First Two Games, Polytechnic 19-6; Vallejo 13-0

In the Vallejo game the out­standing Tarzans were again Full­back Clay Womble and Guard Joe Roberts.

The statistics heavily favored the Apaches and the only thing that kept them from scoring more often were the high towering punts by Womble.

The Tarzan's only chance for a score came in the last quarter when they forged to the Apache four-yard line, but were held on downs.

The sco.res: Polytechnic .... 0 13 Stockton ........... 0 0

0-19 0 -6

Va1lejo ............ 0 7 0 6-13 Stockton .......... 0. 0 0 0 -0

Studies Might Bring Girl Football Team

Better watch out, boys! The next time you take your gal

to a football game, .she may sur­prise you. Instead of sitting quietly while you describe what is hap­pening, she might tell YO U wh~t is going on.

Some of the girls' gym classes are having the study of football as part of t,heir class. Among the things they learn are how to score, what a forward pass is, what a lateral pass is, about offensive and defensive, and the referee's job. The girls' are supposed to get pic­tures of football players in action and bring t,hem to class.

The studies may bring quite a change to the school, for the girls could become so interested in the game that next year's Tarzans ( ? ) will be females.

The Stockton Tarzans opened their 1948 ·football season by drop­ping their first game to the power­ful Polytechnic School Parrots by a 19-6 count. In the season's second game the Blue and White machine went down to a 13-0 defeat at the hands of the Vallejo High Apaches.

Except for several fumbles at very inopportune times and excel­lent deceptive running by Poly's Elvin Colburn, it might have been a much closer game.

The outstanding Tarzans were Clay Womble who shi ned on sev­eral long runs, and Joe Roberts who was making stops all over the f ield .

The lone Tarzan score was made in the third quarter on a seven­yard run by Johnny E lli son. The placement try by Bob Graziani was wide.

Arch~ry Exhibitionist Gives Demonstration

Don Bechtold, local professional archer1 gave an archery exhibi­tion for the 2 :1 5 gym 5 classes from Units I , II, and III on the North Campus on Wednesday of last week.

Mr. Bechtold demonstrated the correct standing, sitting, and p.rone position for the students and added some of his own trick shots.

His most outstanding feat was that of shattering a clay pigeon by shooting through a revolving hoop suspended direcctly in front of the target.

He is a member of the Stock­ton Bowmen Hunters and the Stockton Rod and Gun Club, and has toured the country g iving arch­ery exhibitions.

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