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Page 1: MEAN - Notes from the field (Full-Stack Development with Javascript)

MEAN - Notes from the field

Chris ClarkeHydrahack Birmingham18th March 2014

Full-Stack Development with Javascript

Page 2: MEAN - Notes from the field (Full-Stack Development with Javascript)
Page 3: MEAN - Notes from the field (Full-Stack Development with Javascript)
Page 4: MEAN - Notes from the field (Full-Stack Development with Javascript)

• Mongo

• Express

• AngularJS

• NodeJS


What’s MEAN?

Page 5: MEAN - Notes from the field (Full-Stack Development with Javascript)

Who are Talis?

Page 6: MEAN - Notes from the field (Full-Stack Development with Javascript)

• MongoDB ~2.5yrs

• Using express/node ~2yrs

• Angular ~9 months

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Angular AppAngular App

Typical MEAN ShapeDBDB

APIAPI Server side pages

Server side pagesStaticsStatics




Client side

Server side

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Typical structure

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Typical structure

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Typical structure

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Typical structure

Page 12: MEAN - Notes from the field (Full-Stack Development with Javascript)

Video Timeline Editor

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Textbook Player

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Angular 101

• Single page web app framework, by Google

• Extends HTML vocabulary to provide dynamic views

• Broadly MVC (more accurately MVVM)

• Bi-directional data binding to HTML

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Angular 101

• Routing

• Templates

• Controllers

• Directives

Page 16: MEAN - Notes from the field (Full-Stack Development with Javascript)


$routeProvider.when('/modules/:module_id', { templateUrl: 'partials/module.html', controller: 'TeachCtrl', loginRequired: true, activeTab:"teach"});

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$routeProvider.when('/modules/:module_id', { templateUrl: 'partials/module.html', controller: 'TeachCtrl', loginRequired: true, activeTab:"teach"});

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$routeProvider.when('/modules/:module_id', { templateUrl: 'partials/module.html', controller: 'TeachCtrl', loginRequired: true, activeTab:"teach"});

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$routeProvider.when('/modules/:module_id', { templateUrl: 'partials/module.html', controller: 'TeachCtrl', loginRequired: true, activeTab:"teach"});

Page 20: MEAN - Notes from the field (Full-Stack Development with Javascript)


$routeProvider.when('/modules/:module_id', { templateUrl: 'partials/module.html', controller: 'TeachCtrl', loginRequired: true, activeTab:"teach"});

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<ul ng-show="modules!=null"> <li ng-repeat="m in modules | orderBy:'title'" ng-class="{active:module._id==m._id}"> <a ng-href="#/modules/{{ m._id }}">{{m.title}}</a> </li> <li> <a ng-click="add()">Add new</a> </li></ul>

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<ul ng-show="modules!=null"> <li ng-repeat="m in modules | orderBy:'title'" ng-class="{active:module._id==m._id}"> <a ng-href="#/modules/{{ m._id }}">{{m.title}}</a> </li> <li> <a ng-click="add()">Add new</a> </li></ul>

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<ul ng-show="modules!=null"> <li ng-repeat="m in modules | orderBy:'title'" ng-class="{active:module._id==m._id}"> <a ng-href="#/modules/{{ m._id }}">{{m.title}}</a> </li> <li> <a ng-click="add()">Add new</a> </li></ul>

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<ul ng-show="modules!=null"> <li ng-repeat="m in modules | orderBy:'title'" ng-class="{active:module._id==m._id}"> <a ng-href="#/modules/{{ m._id }}">{{m.title}}</a> </li> <li> <a ng-click="add()">Add new</a> </li></ul>

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<ul ng-show="modules!=null"> <li ng-repeat="m in modules | orderBy:'title'" ng-class="{active:module._id==m._id}"> <a ng-href="#/modules/{{ m._id }}">{{m.title}}</a> </li> <li> <a ng-click="add()">Add new</a> </li></ul>

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<ul ng-show="modules!=null"> <li ng-repeat="m in modules | orderBy:'title'" ng-class="{active:module._id==m._id}"> <a ng-href="#/modules/{{ m._id }}">{{m.title}}</a> </li> <li> <a ng-click="add()">Add new</a> </li></ul>

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<ul ng-show="modules!=null"> <li ng-repeat="m in modules | orderBy:'title'" ng-class="{active:module._id==m._id}"> <a ng-href="#/modules/{{ m._id }}">{{m.title}}</a> </li> <li> <a ng-click="add()">Add new</a> </li></ul>

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<input ng-model="profile.first_name" type="text" required><input ng-model="profile.surname" type="text" required><input ng-model="profile.email" type="email" required>

<button ng-disabled="!profile.email" ng-click="update()">Update</button>

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<input ng-model="profile.first_name" type="text" required><input ng-model="profile.surname" type="text" required><input ng-model="profile.email" type="email" required>

<button ng-disabled="!profile.email" ng-click="update()">Update</button>

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<input ng-model="profile.first_name" type="text" required><input ng-model="profile.surname" type="text" required><input ng-model="profile.email" type="email" required>

<button ng-disabled="!profile.email" ng-click="update()">Update</button>

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<input ng-model="profile.first_name" type="text" required><input ng-model="profile.surname" type="text" required><input ng-model="profile.email" type="email" required>

<button ng-disabled="!profile.email" ng-click="update()">Update</button>

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QuickTime™ and a'avc1' decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

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Controllers Horizontal

angular.module('talis.controllers.user', []) .controller('AccountCtrl',function($scope, userSvc) { // update the profile $scope.update = function() { userSvc.updateProfile($scope.profile,function(err,profile) { if (!err) { $scope.profile = profile; } }); }) .controller('SomeOtherCtrl',....);

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Controllers Horizontal

angular.module('talis.controllers.user', []) .controller('AccountCtrl',function($scope, userSvc) { // update the profile $scope.update = function() { userSvc.updateProfile($scope.profile,function(err,profile) { if (!err) { $scope.profile = profile; } }); }) .controller('SomeOtherCtrl',....);

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Controllers Horizontal

angular.module('talis.controllers.user', []) .controller('AccountCtrl',function($scope, userSvc) { // update the profile $scope.update = function() { userSvc.updateProfile($scope.profile,function(err,profile) { if (!err) { $scope.profile = profile; } }); }) .controller('SomeOtherCtrl',....);

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Controllers Horizontal

angular.module('talis.controllers.user', []) .controller('AccountCtrl',function($scope, userSvc) { // update the profile $scope.update = function() { userSvc.updateProfile($scope.profile,function(err,profile) { if (!err) { $scope.profile = profile; } }); }) .controller('SomeOtherCtrl',....);

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Controllers Horizontal

angular.module('talis.controllers.user', []) .controller('AccountCtrl',function($scope, userSvc) { // update the profile $scope.update = function() { userSvc.updateProfile($scope.profile,function(err,profile) { if (!err) { $scope.profile = profile; } }); }) .controller('SomeOtherCtrl',....);

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Controllers Horizontal

angular.module('talis.controllers.user', []) .controller('AccountCtrl',function($scope, userSvc) { // update the profile $scope.update = function() { userSvc.updateProfile($scope.profile,function(err,profile) { if (!err) { $scope.profile = profile; } }); }) .controller('SomeOtherCtrl',....);

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<textbook-player user="user" textbook="textbook"> ...</textbook-player>

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<textbook-player user="user" textbook="textbook"> ...</textbook-player>

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<div user="user" textbook="textbook" textbook-player> ...</div>

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<div user="user" textbook="textbook" textbook-player> ...</div>

angular.module('talis.directives.player.textbook', []) .directive("textbookPlayer", function() { return { restrict: "A", scope: { user: '=', entity: '=' }, controller: function($scope,textbookSvc) { // textbook logic in here } }});

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<div user="user" textbook="textbook" textbook-player> ...</div>

angular.module('talis.directives.player.textbook', []) .directive("textbookPlayer", function() { return { restrict: "A", scope: { user: '=', entity: '=' }, controller: function($scope,textbookSvc) { // textbook logic in here } }});

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<div user="user" textbook="textbook" textbook-player> ...</div>

angular.module('talis.directives.player.textbook', []) .directive("textbookPlayer", function() { return { restrict: "A", scope: { user: '=', entity: '=' }, controller: function($scope,textbookSvc) { // textbook logic in here } }});

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<div user="user" textbook="textbook" textbook-player> ...</div>

angular.module('talis.directives.player.textbook', []) .directive("textbookPlayer", function() { return { restrict: "A", scope: { user: '=', entity: '=' }, controller: function($scope,textbookSvc) { // textbook logic in here } }});

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–Jonny Clientside


Page 47: MEAN - Notes from the field (Full-Stack Development with Javascript)

Notes From the Field

Act I: The Basics

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Elem vs. Attr directives

<textbook-player user="user" textbook="textbook"> ...</textbook-player>

<div user="user" textbook="textbook" textbook-player> ...</div>

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angular.module('talis.controllers.user', []) .controller('AccountCtrl',function($scope, userSvc) { .. });

angular.module('talis.controllers.user', []) .controller('AccountCtrl',['$scope','userSvc’, function($scope, userSvc) { ... } ]);

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angular.module('talis.controllers.user', []) .controller('AccountCtrl',function($scope, userSvc) { .. });

angular.module('talis.controllers.user', []) .controller('AccountCtrl',['$scope','userSvc’, function($scope, userSvc) { ... } ]);

a.m('talis.controllers.user', []) .c('AccountCtrl',['$scope','userSvc’, function(s, u) { ... } ]);

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Mongo _id

{ _id: ObjectId(1234), name: “Jonny Clientside”, age: 24, interests: [‘JQuery’,‘HTML5’}

<a ng-href="#/people/{{ p._id }}">{{p.name}}</a>

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Notes From the Field

Act II: Advanced

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Angular AppAngular App

Typical MEAN ShapeDBDB

APIAPI Server side pages

Server side pagesStaticsStatics




Client side

Server side

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Angular AppAngular App






Users API

Users API

APIAPI Server side pages

Server side pagesStaticsStatics




Client side

Meta API

Meta API

Files API

Files API

Anno API

Anno API






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• A lot of activity in the client side

• Some within Express/Node server side

• More behind your API proxy

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var loggingModule = angular.module('talis.services.logging', []);loggingModule.factory( "traceService", function(){ return({ print: printStackTrace }); });loggingModule.provider( "$exceptionHandler",{ $get: function(exceptionLoggingService){ return(exceptionLoggingService); } });

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var loggingModule = angular.module('talis.services.logging', []);loggingModule.factory( "traceService", function(){ return({ print: printStackTrace }); });loggingModule.provider( "$exceptionHandler",{ $get: function(exceptionLoggingService){ return(exceptionLoggingService); } });

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loggingModule.factory( "exceptionLoggingService", ["$log","$window", "traceService", function($log, $window, traceService){ function error(exception, cause){

$log.error.apply($log, arguments);

try{ var errorMessage = exception.toString();

var stackTrace = traceService.print({e: exception});

$.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/logger", contentType: "application/json", data: angular.toJson({ url: $window.location.href, message: errorMessage, type: "exception", stackTrace: stackTrace, cause: ( cause || "") }) }); } catch (loggingError){ $log.warn("Error server-side logging failed"); $log.log(loggingError); } } return(error); }]);

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• APIs secured with OAuth 2.0 Bearer tokens

• Tokens obtained with a key/secret

• If your app is downloaded and run on the client, where do you put the secret?

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• Have node return the OAuth token as JSON behind a login barrier

• Angular requests this JSON when a route that requires login is first requsted

• If status != 200, Angular app redirects browser to login page

• User logs in, repeat

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• Dealing with tokens on every service call is a PITA

• Tokens expiring is normal

• Deal with it globally using a couple of advanced $http features

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.run(function($rootScope,$injector) { $injector.get("$http").defaults.transformRequest = function(data, headersGetter) { headersGetter()['Authorization']="Bearer "+$rootScope.token if (data) { return angular.toJson(data); } };});

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$httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push( function ($rootScope, $q, $injector, $location) { return function(promise) { return promise.then(function(response) { return response; // no action, was successful }, function (response) { // error - was it 401 or something else? if (response.status===401 && response.data.error && response.data.error === "invalid_token") { var deferred = $q.defer(); // defer until we can re-request a new token // Get a new token... (cannot inject $http directly as will cause a circular ref) $injector.get("$http").jsonp('/some/endpoint/that/reissues/tokens?cb=JSON_CALLBACK') .then(function(loginResponse) { if (loginResponse.data) { $rootScope.oauth = loginResponse.data.oauth; // we have a new oauth token - set at $rootScope

// now let's retry the original request $injector.get("$http")(response.config).then(function(response) { // we have a successful response - resolve it using deferred deferred.resolve(response); },function(response) { deferred.reject(); // something went wrong }); } else { deferred.reject(); // login.json didn't give us data } }, function(response) { deferred.reject(); // token retry failed, redirect so user can login again $location.path('/user/sign/in'); return; }); return deferred.promise; // return the deferred promise } return $q.reject(response); // not a recoverable error }); }; });

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$httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push( function ($rootScope, $q, $injector, $location) { return function(promise) { return promise.then(function(response) { return response; // no action, was successful }, function (response) { // error - was it 401 or something else? if (response.status===401 && response.data.error && response.data.error === "invalid_token") { var deferred = $q.defer(); // defer until we can re-request a new token // Get a new token... (cannot inject $http directly as will cause a circular ref) $injector.get("$http").jsonp('/some/endpoint/that/reissues/tokens?cb=JSON_CALLBACK') .then(function(loginResponse) { if (loginResponse.data) { $rootScope.oauth = loginResponse.data.oauth; // we have a new oauth token - set at $rootScope

// now let's retry the original request $injector.get("$http")(response.config).then(function(response) { // we have a successful response - resolve it using deferred deferred.resolve(response); },function(response) { deferred.reject(); // something went wrong }); } else { deferred.reject(); // login.json didn't give us data } }, function(response) { deferred.reject(); // token retry failed, redirect so user can login again $location.path('/user/sign/in'); return; }); return deferred.promise; // return the deferred promise } return $q.reject(response); // not a recoverable error }); }; });

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$httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push( function ($rootScope, $q, $injector, $location) { return function(promise) { return promise.then(function(response) { return response; // no action, was successful }, function (response) { // error - was it 401 or something else? if (response.status===401 && response.data.error && response.data.error === "invalid_token") { var deferred = $q.defer(); // defer until we can re-request a new token // Get a new token... (cannot inject $http directly as will cause a circular ref) $injector.get("$http").jsonp('/some/endpoint/that/reissues/tokens?cb=JSON_CALLBACK') .then(function(loginResponse) { if (loginResponse.data) { $rootScope.oauth = loginResponse.data.oauth; // we have a new oauth token - set at $rootScope

// now let's retry the original request $injector.get("$http")(response.config).then(function(response) { // we have a successful response - resolve it using deferred deferred.resolve(response); },function(response) { deferred.reject(); // something went wrong }); } else { deferred.reject(); // login.json didn't give us data } }, function(response) { deferred.reject(); // token retry failed, redirect so user can login again $location.path('/user/sign/in'); return; }); return deferred.promise; // return the deferred promise } return $q.reject(response); // not a recoverable error }); }; });

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$httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push( function ($rootScope, $q, $injector, $location) { return function(promise) { return promise.then(function(response) { return response; // no action, was successful }, function (response) { // error - was it 401 or something else? if (response.status===401 && response.data.error && response.data.error === "invalid_token") { var deferred = $q.defer(); // defer until we can re-request a new token // Get a new token... (cannot inject $http directly as will cause a circular ref) $injector.get("$http").jsonp('/some/endpoint/that/reissues/tokens?cb=JSON_CALLBACK') .then(function(loginResponse) { if (loginResponse.data) { $rootScope.oauth = loginResponse.data.oauth; // we have a new oauth token - set at $rootScope

// now let's retry the original request $injector.get("$http")(response.config).then(function(response) { // we have a successful response - resolve it using deferred deferred.resolve(response); },function(response) { deferred.reject(); // something went wrong }); } else { deferred.reject(); // login.json didn't give us data } }, function(response) { deferred.reject(); // token retry failed, redirect so user can login again $location.path('/user/sign/in'); return; }); return deferred.promise; // return the deferred promise } return $q.reject(response); // not a recoverable error }); }; });

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$httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push( function ($rootScope, $q, $injector, $location) { return function(promise) { return promise.then(function(response) { return response; // no action, was successful }, function (response) { // error - was it 401 or something else? if (response.status===401 && response.data.error && response.data.error === "invalid_token") { var deferred = $q.defer(); // defer until we can re-request a new token // Get a new token... (cannot inject $http directly as will cause a circular ref) $injector.get("$http").jsonp('/some/endpoint/that/reissues/tokens?cb=JSON_CALLBACK') .then(function(loginResponse) { if (loginResponse.data) { $rootScope.oauth = loginResponse.data.oauth; // we have a new oauth token - set at $rootScope

// now let's retry the original request $injector.get("$http")(response.config).then(function(response) { // we have a successful response - resolve it using deferred deferred.resolve(response); },function(response) { deferred.reject(); // something went wrong }); } else { deferred.reject(); // login.json didn't give us data } }, function(response) { deferred.reject(); // token retry failed, redirect so user can login again $location.path('/user/sign/in'); return; }); return deferred.promise; // return the deferred promise } return $q.reject(response); // not a recoverable error }); }; });

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$httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push( function ($rootScope, $q, $injector, $location) { return function(promise) { return promise.then(function(response) { return response; // no action, was successful }, function (response) { // error - was it 401 or something else? if (response.status===401 && response.data.error && response.data.error === "invalid_token") { var deferred = $q.defer(); // defer until we can re-request a new token // Get a new token... (cannot inject $http directly as will cause a circular ref) $injector.get("$http").jsonp('/some/endpoint/that/reissues/tokens?cb=JSON_CALLBACK') .then(function(loginResponse) { if (loginResponse.data) { $rootScope.oauth = loginResponse.data.oauth; // we have a new oauth token - set at $rootScope // now let's retry the original request $injector.get("$http")(response.config).then(function(response) { // we have a successful response - resolve it using deferred deferred.resolve(response); },function(response) { deferred.reject(); // something went wrong }); } else { deferred.reject(); // login.json didn't give us data } }, function(response) { deferred.reject(); // token retry failed, redirect so user can login again $location.path('/user/sign/in'); return; }); return deferred.promise; // return the deferred promise } return $q.reject(response); // not a recoverable error }); }; });

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$httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push( function ($rootScope, $q, $injector, $location) { return function(promise) { return promise.then(function(response) { return response; // no action, was successful }, function (response) { // error - was it 401 or something else? if (response.status===401 && response.data.error && response.data.error === "invalid_token") { var deferred = $q.defer(); // defer until we can re-request a new token // Get a new token... (cannot inject $http directly as will cause a circular ref) $injector.get("$http").jsonp('/some/endpoint/that/reissues/tokens?cb=JSON_CALLBACK') .then(function(loginResponse) { if (loginResponse.data) { $rootScope.oauth = loginResponse.data.oauth; // we have a new oauth token - set at $rootScope // now let's retry the original request $injector.get("$http")(response.config).then(function(response) { // we have a successful response - resolve it using deferred deferred.resolve(response); },function(response) { deferred.reject(); // something went wrong }); } else { deferred.reject(); // login.json didn't give us data } }, function(response) { deferred.reject(); // token retry failed, redirect so user can login again $location.path('/user/sign/in'); return; }); return deferred.promise; // return the deferred promise } return $q.reject(response); // not a recoverable error }); }; });

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• Pretty usual to deal with prod, dev, testing environment config on the server side

• Inject this into your client side app using a dynamic JS include

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<script type="text/javascript" src="env/config.js"></script>

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angular.module('talis.environment', [], function($provide) {}). constant('API_ENDPOINT', 'http://localhost:3000'). constant('ACTIVATE_FEATURE_FLIPS',true);

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angular.module('talis.environment', [], function($provide) {}). constant('API_ENDPOINT', 'https://talis.com'). constant('ACTIVATE_FEATURE_FLIPS',false);

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That’s it.

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We are hiring!


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+44 (0) 121 374 2740

[email protected]

48 Frederick StreetBirminghamB1 3HN

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